The brain 2

MUSIC AND THE BRAIN (all links to information at the end of power point & standards)


this is the updated version of my first power point...the brain

Transcript of The brain 2

  • 1. (all links to information at the end of power point & standards)
  • 2. The brain is a very complex organ. It is said to be the most powerful computer in the world. The brain controls every thing you do. Even when you think you arent doing anything, your brain is constantly working.
  • 3. Your brain sits on top of something called the brainstem. It runs down the middle your spine. It then turns in to the biggest nerve in your body. Nerves are the vessels in your body that make you move and feel. They are all over your body. Pain is a very strong feeling. It is a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing about it is it keeps you conscious. Some pains can be so big traveling from your nerves to your brain, you can fell it. It is the throbbing pain.
  • 4. There are many types of diseases that can occur in the brain. Here are two. Cancer and brain tumors These are mutations caused by radiation which can be caused by anything that gives of radiationlike cell phones
  • 5. Even though optical illusions are for your eyes, they are for your brain also. Though your think your eyes tricked, theyre not, it is your brain trying to figure out what the truth is.
  • 6. Your eyes are controlled at the back of your head. They are connected by something called the optic nerve. As it runs to the back of your head, it switches. So your left eye is controlled by the right side of your brain and your right eye is controlled by the left side of your brain
  • 7. Can music really help the brain? Yes it can! Studies show that classical music can actually improve an infants memory and improve someones i.q for a short time. That is why pregnant mothers sing to their babies.
  • 8. It is the most common music in the world even though it might not seem like it. The greatest classic composer is non other than Beethoven. Now here is some classic music
  • 9. This is not just for memory, it can do a lot more. When you are listening to music, all of the sound waves are entering your ear and being turned in to energy that runs to your brain. It goes in to a part of the brain called the temporal lobe. It controls sound in your brain. It is then transformed into what we all know.
  • 10. Classical music can also control emotions. How it can actually make you smarter is that your brain hears all kinds of different instruments and is trying to figure out what they are, making you think about it and if you are doing work, it will make you think harder.
  • 11. Next time you are downloading music, check on some classical music, it can help you out.
  • 12. BRAINHEATHANDPUZZLES.COM WIKIPEDIA/music and the brain WIKIPEDIA/the optic nerve LIVESCIENCE.COM/music improves brain function WIKIPEADIA/ the brain //NEWS.HARVARD.EDU/MUSIC
  • 13. BI 9.e students know the roles of sensory neurons, interneurons, and motor neurons in sensation, thought and response. BI 4.e Students know how mutations in the DNA sequence of a gene may not affect the expression of the gene or the sequence of amino acids in the encoded protein