The Book of Logos: Dispelling the Myths (PDF version)

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A PDF of the original handmade 168 paged TEXT describing 80 original drawings that expose things we think we know.

Transcript of The Book of Logos: Dispelling the Myths (PDF version)

The Book of Logos: Dispelling the MythsBy Carolyn E. Moore

Copyright 2007 Carolyn E. Moore All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without permission from the artist and publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and articles. Book Editors: Amber McZeal and Stevan Edgecombe 13th Rendition Cyber Edition pdf format 2011 made in the USA

The End is the Beginning.

4 Love Jewels Press [email protected] Berkeley, California

Dedicated to: All Beings in the Cosmic Web

The Book of Logos:Dispelling the Myths

Images and Text By Carolyn E. Moore

4 Love Jewels Press Berkeley, CA

The TextThere is nothing so agonizing to the fine skin of vanity as the application of a rough truth. Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton

1 2

The TextThe Book of Logos: Dispelling the Myths consists of three forms: the book of imagery, the cards of imagery, and this book, The Text. Traditionally in an alchemical text, words are not provided. This book is written for the analytical mind that questions the actual depictions. This text, as it is read, begins at the back, or ending, and progresses to what is usually understood as the front, or the beginning. My intent is that simple. I am not an expert presenting new thought. I am an artist retracing the symbolic mundane. This book serves merely as a symbolic reference guide. The reader must search for ones self the deeper connotations and meanings. Using the cards for divination, there is no metaphysical guide explaining methods or forms. The reader is only able to see what the conscious mind will allow that person to see. The image titles give the real information. Any meaning is extracted literally observing whatever one internalizes viewing the imagery. 3

Logos is of Greek origin and means word. Also, logos can be found biblically referring to Gods word. The concepts that enter the average mind reading the word logos are commercial business symbols. Translating the connections of the Greek meaning, the biblical references, and corporate identities, I believe there is a logical thread that currently binds consumerism as a mandatory global deity. This may be validated considering everything is paid for, including ones own death. The works of C. G. Jung and Joseph Campbell clearly display that there are symbolic prototypes that are interlaced collectively, and subconsciously. We have become so over-stimulated attempting to simplify life that collectively real meaning has been lost. This book diagrams the meanings behind the symbols we know and exposes the advancement of thoughts we have collectively forgotten. This book is literally, and visually, dispelling the myths. 4

White Sri Yantra on Brown Paper 5

The Sri Yantra is the cover imagery of the book and it is, also, the first card. This is one of five Sri Yantra shaped images that I have created. In India the elements are understood as numbering five. This differs from the standardized four elements that are taught in the West. The five elements are earth, water, fire, air, and ether. The geometrically formed Sri Yantra is a mystical construction reflecting the cosmos. My construction differs from the traditional form because there are twenty-eight outer petals instead of sixteen. The traditional sixteen petals represent the veil of existence, which is our physical being. These sixteen petals activate the realm of hearing. Twelve petals activate the sense of touch. My intention in making this image the cover, and with twenty-eight petals, was to silently touch the viewers listening and reasoning. 6

The viewing method, using this meditative image, begins visually entering the four corners. The twenty-eight petals are observed acknowledging the constructed intent of silently touching ones own personal listening and reasoning. The next inner ring containing eight petals is witnessed. I have marked the eight petals with eight dots so that a reader can have an alternate view. The readers gaze enters the central circuited form of triangles. Five downward pointed triangles represent female. And four upward pointing triangles represent male. Layering these nine triangles, the perimeters construct the form. The structure of circuits is used counting the outer fourteen triangles. The next two circuits hold ten triangles. The last circuit contains eight triangles. Finally, the observation is at the point forming the center. 7

Widows Underbelly 8

This black widow is the first drawing encountered opening the book of imagery. Originally, this drawing was made with the drawing that is the letter N (p.103-104). I dedicate my book to all beings in the cosmic web. Despite the poetic implications that these words form, I am literally dedicating my book to all life forms and forces because everyone and everything is connected. This book is my interpretation of the invisible thread that binds us all together.


Watermark 10

The watermark for the book is Beheading: Decapitating Jim Crows Cricket. The image is a yellow jacket decapitating a cicada, or cricket. Traditionally, watermarks were used to identify the papers maker. Typically, a watermark is embedded manipulating paper fibers. The use of watermarks was perfected and became a way to insure the legitimacy of paper currency. Currently, the use has been modified to digitally layer photographs, pictures, and corporate checks. Using a watermark, I thought that I would merge the old and the new. I wanted to use a watermark because it was a classical way to identify the bookmaker. Digitally, the image reversed mimics the original magic or charm that is lighting the image through a blank, or seemingly blank page. Beheading: Decapitating Jim Crows Cricket 11


Triangulating Masonic Geometry is a real masons operative drawing. Behind the scribble like gestures, there are two squares that are repeatedly layered. The layers form a geometric star highlighting the number eight. This image is the reverse side of the cards.

Triangulating Masonic Geometry 13


6 Directions 5 Planets and 4 StarsMy first thought after building this compass was: Why are we not exploring, teaching and learning about magnetism? My second thought was: How the person who could build a compass might be seen as a wizard. My third thought was: That the notion of people thinking the world was flat, or square, makes perfect sense if one doesnt know the word map. Clearly, the less traveled having minimal information saw others using a map to describe and portray the world. Not knowing the word map, the easiest descriptive words are flat and square. The art of navigation has been mastered surpassing human memory and documentation. I began the series with the 6 Directions 5 Planets and 4 Stars because we cannot know where we are going if we arent clear about where we have been. 16

The first titled section is 6 Directions 5 Planets and 4 Stars. I found the images in E. A. Wallis Budges book The Gods of the Egyptians Volume ii. I layered the winds, or directions, with the planets and stars because there was a common thread of six heads making twelve faces. This is the numerical division that assists one to accurately read, or diagram, a compass. The summer of 2007, I built my first compass. The simple card compass was made using common household items. Basically, there are several sewing needles glued under a paper card that is suspended and rotates. Once the needles are charged, they attract magnetic north.


The first drawing of 6 Directions is south. There is a winged human body with the head of a lion facing left. The planet paired with the direction is Jupiter.

South Star: Jupiter 17


The second drawing of the 6 Directions is west. There is a winged human body with the head of a snake facing right. The planet paired with the direction is Saturn.

West Star: Saturn 19


The third drawing of the 6 Directions is east. There is a winged human form with the head of a ram facing left. The planet paired with the direction is Mars.

East Star: Mars 21


The fourth drawing of the 6 Directions is west. There is a winged human form with four ram heads. The heads are divided having two looking left and two looking right. The planet paired with the direction is Mercury.

North Star: Mercury 23


The fifth drawing of the 6 Directions is north and east. There is a ram with four heads and four wings, which represents the north. There is a ram with a winged scarabs body, which represents the east. The ram with four heads is attached to the ground standing below. The ram with the scarab body is flying above. The planet paired with these directions is Venus.

North and East Star: Venus 25


Thirteen Months

In the past, there have been several proposals for different thirteen months calendars. The basic logic suggests that following a thirteen moons cycle is more natural, aligning innate human rhythms. The inhabitants of Ancient Kemet or Ancient Egypt used a thirteen months calendar. They honored the seasons as a triad. I took the Coptic names of the months, again using Budges book, and translated the sounds to the most similar and most likely god or gods using my intuition. Also, I reviewed Dogon Master Naba Lamoussa Morodenibigs calendar. Using the feminine root first, if it could be applied, I layered pairs. September: Maat Tehuti 28


Instead of the month of January, September starts my 13 Months. Maat Tehuti is the month September. Maat Tehuti pictures a deep chamber scene. Maats feather is counter weighing the heart. Tehuti scribes the results. The ancients revered the baboon because baboons have highly ordered social groups. The sun contains a Greek monogram, IHR. Using my Alphabeta Metaphors, the letters translate to: touch (p.91-92), gate (p.89-90), and ore (p.107-108). Personally, I translate the monogram to mean that connecting to the supreme divine creator of omnipotent force is touching the gates gold.


October: Tefnut Shu 30

Tefnut Shu is the month October. The taming of the beast metaphorically is pictured. Tefnut is the wild and unbridled heat that is a lioness. Shu is the air to hold, contain, and please such a ferocious huntress. Shus arms are in position praising the ka, or spirit, that gives life. His apron triangulates reflecting Tefnuts feral mind.


November: Kem 32

Kem is the month November. Kem is the wet blackness that established Ancient Kemet and Ancient Egypt. Kem is the black soil eternally seating the river Nile. Here he is formed in Bikrams signature yoga pose sailing the currents.


December: Hethert 34

Hethert is the month December. Hethert is divine love and she is connected to the number seven. She holds her hand displaying the African way to count the seven blossoms that are above the white bull that stares below.


January: Hapi 36

Hapi is the month January. Uniting two opposites: upper and lower Ancient Kemet, or Ancient Egypt, is bound together. The rising scarab head is a common bond, or father, spawning our collective DNA.


February: Amsu Min Geb 38

Amsu Min Geb is the month February. The king is asleep and reclined. The queen is sending off their creation prying him forth. Above and below, the blue princes chakras are aligned. He is facing forward always aware of the creations cosmic egg and the folly if the egg is dropped, lost, or misplaced.


March: Heru Ra 40

Heru Ra is the month March. Heru is the earthly victor and his sky twin is Ra, the sun god. The background is a Masonic grid. The two are complementary opposites reflecting one as the other.


April: Skhemet Bastet Auset 42

Skhemet Bastet Auset is the month April. Riding her chariot using four unbridled white horses, Skhemet is the lioness. Bastet is the beloved black cat. Auset is the mother of humanity. Her symbol is highlighted in white following the line from her throat through the horses, trampling the man who is paralleled below.


May: Nefertum Renenet 44

Nefertum Renenet is the month May. Nefertum is the blue child blossoming. Renenet is both the serpent and the kneeling woman. Among the flowering harvest, Auset as Renenet teaches: From head to hand before the childs eyes, we see transformation.


June: Khemenu Tehuti 46

Khemenu Tehuti is the month June. Khemenu is the ram who Tehuti the bird carves. Khemenu sits on the square throne and spins the wheel modeling the ideal form that is woman.


July: Duat Amenta 48

Duat Amenta is the month July. Duat Amenta is the Unknown. Upon his head, a figure similar to Atlas holds a boat. This ship contains four pairs representing the original eight ancestors. Backwards into the depths of the collective forgotten mind, the scarab rolls a ball.


August: Imhotep 50

Imhotep is the month of August. Imhotep is the first engineer, architect, and physician. Encased inside the creations cosmic egg is Leonardo da Vincis Vitruviuan Man. The lower left is squarely checked and the lower right spirals reflect the birds curves.


Neter: Sphinx 52

5 Chinese Elements: 7 Shin TaoThe Chinese understand the elements as numbering five versus the standard westernized four. The Chinese examine the elements internally versus the Wests external observations. Among the Chinese elements, there is no air included. To breathe, the body uses air. However, air is not a permanent or fixed element that is inside any physical or human body. The five elements are metal, water, wood, fire, and earth. In origin, the words Shin and Tao are Chinese translating Shin as gods and Tao as the way. Shin Tao are reformed as Shinto that is a Japanese indigenous religion. As a belief system praising natural essences, Shinto is a form of polytheistic practices that honors Buddha and other spirits.

The Sphinx is the last month. The word Neter is loosely translated as God. The chest of this female lion tells the true riddle. The pharaoh slays his enemies using decapitation as the method.



The element of metal governs the lungs (yin) and large intestines (yang). The diurnal cycles are 3-5 a.m. (yin) and 5-7 a.m. (yang). The season is autumn. The color is white or grey. The climate is dry. The tissues are skin and body hair. The sense organ is the nose. The fluid is mucus. The emotional challenge is grief. The emotional strength is divine inspiration. The vocal sound is weeping. The inner sound is Hss. The smell is rotten. The taste is spicy. The direction is west. The action is contracting.

Metal: Bishamon- War and Victory 55


The element of water governs the bladder (yin) and the kidneys (yang). The diurnal cycles are 5-7 p.m. (yin) and 3-5 p.m. (yang). The season is winter. The color is blue or black. The climate is cold. The tissues are bone and head hair. The sense organs are ears and the genitalia. The fluid is urine. The emotional challenge is fear. The emotional strength is willpower. The vocal sound is groaning. The inner sound is Chru. The smell is putrid. The taste is salty. The direction is north. The action is descending.

Water: Fukurokin and Ebisu- Prophesy Miracles and Fishermans Luck 57


The element of wood governs the liver (yin) and the gall bladder (yang). The diurnal cycles are 1-3 a.m. (yin) and 11 p.m.- 1 a.m. (yang). The season is spring. The color is green. The climate is windy. The tissues are tendons and ligaments. The sense organs are the eyes. The fluids are tears. The emotional challenge is anger. The emotional strength is growth. The vocal sound is shouting. The inner sound is Shh. The smell is rancid. The taste is sour. The direction is east. The action is expanding.

Wood: Jurjin and Benten- Longevity Art and Literature 59


The element of fire governs the heart pericardium (yin), the small intestine (yang), and the triple warmer (yang). The diurnal cycles are 11 a.m.- 1 p.m. (yin), 1-3 p.m. (yang), and 9-11 p.m. (yang). The season is summer. The color is red. The climate is hot. The tissues are blood vessels. The sense organ is the tongue. The fluid is perspiration. The emotional challenge is withdrawal. The emotional strength is joy. The vocal sound is laughing. The inner sounds are Haaa and Eeee. The smell is scorched. The taste is bitter. The direction is south. The action is ascending.

Fire: Hotei- Wisdom 61


The element of earth governs the spleen (yin) and stomach (yang). The diurnal cycles are the 9- 11 a. m. (yin) and 7-9 a.m. (yang). The season is late summer season changes. The color is yellow. The climate is damp/humid. The tissues are muscles. The sense organ is the mouth. The fluid is saliva. The emotional challenge is worry. The emotional strength is centeredness. The sound is singing. The inner sound is Hooo. The smell is fragrant. The taste is sweet. The direction is center. The action is centering.

Earth: Daikoku- Wealth and Happiness 63


26 Alphabeta MetaphorsI chose to redefine the metaphors of the Hebrew alphabet using the Latin alphabet because there is a layer of meanings that connect both languages examining individual letters. As users of the Latin alphabet, we have difficulty understanding the true meaning of what another is saying if there is no context. A simple example is the word bad. Bad not only has a negative meaning, it has a positive meaning as well. The Hebrew language is amazing because the numerical value of a word is shared by other words that layer and can create a unique codex of meanings expanding the words perspectives or meanings. I believe there are similar unseen occurrences using the Latin letters that are simplified as acronyms, or advertising logos. 66

The word alphabet is composed of the two words alpha and beta. Alpha is the first Greek letter. Beta is the second Greek letter. The Greek and the Hebrew alphabets both have numeric values. The numbers ascribe each letter and the Hebrew includes actual metaphors or concepts. Herein using the Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Hebrew Metaphor, My Metaphor, and a number value, the text around my images charts each letter.


Greek Alpha

Latin A

Hebrew Aleph

AThe letter A is cow. After reading Marc-Alain Ouaknins book Mysteries of the Alphabet, I was inspired to use a turquoise blue cow for this drawing specifically when I was reading Chapter III: The Lady of Turquoise; Proto-Sinaitic Script. This chapter describes Sir Flinders Petries finding of a small sculptural sphinx that contains ancient Hebrew and ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. The scripts translate an ode venerating the cow goddess who is known as Hathor. The cow is important versus the ox because western culture has appropriated many usages of the cow. The West drinks her milk, wears her hide, and eats her flesh. The vegetation located to the right is rice, corn, and wheat. 68

Hebrew Metaphor My Metaphor Ox cow

#value 1


Greek Beta

Latin B

Hebrew Beth

BThe letter B is nest. This nest contains a spiraling egg. This cosmic egg spirals in a refuge that is the ebb and flow, mirroring our DNA patterns. As above, so below the conceptualizing of an eggs nest reflects a house incasing the delicate and abstract egg. From childrens fairy tales to investment banking, the nest supports an egg that is more than animalistic, or metaphorically golden.

Hebrew Metaphor My Metaphor House nest

#value 2



Greek Gamma

Latin C

Hebrew Gimmel

CThe letter C is a whale. Rising from the water blowing steam is a hump back whale. This whale is akin to long journeys like a camel. The ocean reverberates stillness and the air for a brief moment encasing 25-40 tons.

Hebrew Metaphor My Metaphor Camel whale

#value 3



Greek Delta

Latin D

Hebrew Daleth

DThe letter D is path. Holding many routes gazing, amidst a portals star, is a single path. These are all the building steps directing ones life. It depends upon the value that one reflects as to how one may experience the perceived door.

Hebrew Metaphor My Metaphor Door path

#value 4



Greek Epsilon

Latin E

Hebrew Heh

EThe letter E is belief. Pictured is the real foundation forming my breath. Two creeds: My heart is light as a feather and my plume is mightier than any sword. Light as Mite than and Lite as Might than.

Hebrew Metaphor My Metaphor Breath and prayer belief

#value 5



Greek Upsilon

Latin F, U, V, W

Hebrew Vav

FThe letter F is needle. Only threads pass the eye of a needle when one is binding. Anything else creates a metaphor nailing impossibility.

Hebrew Metaphor My Metaphor Nail needle, glue, velcro, reflect

#value 6



Greek Upsilon

Latin F, U, V, W

Hebrew Vav

UThe letter U is glue. A distilled binding adhesive recycles animal parts. The bond is strongest when using a nail by adding glue.

Hebrew Metaphor My Metaphor Nail needle, glue, velcro, reflect

#value 6



Greek Upsilon

Latin F, U, V, W

Hebrew Vav

VThe letter V is velcro. Microscopic hooks attaching loops are as sticky as glue. The Swiss knit discovery behind this invention is as sharp as a nail.

Hebrew Metaphor My Metaphor Nail needle, glue, velcro, reflect

#value 6



Greek Upsilon

Latin F, U, V, W

Hebrew Vav

WThe letter W is reflect. The many ways one reflects are how we nail down time as events. A clocks numbered timepiece encases a perforated sundial ring. Indigo is circular time. Orange is linear time. Red and Green are time questions: when, where, who, what, and why. Yellow is which, how, and will. Now is an eighth of an inch from whose nose?

Hebrew Metaphor My Metaphor Nail needle, glue, velcro, reflect

#value 6



Greek Zeta

Latin G, Z

Hebrew Zayin

GThe letter G is iron. Pictured an iron sickle. The tool is versatile as it cuts both ways. It can be used as a tool for cultivating or as a devastating weapon.

Weapon or ornament

Hebrew Metaphor My Metaphor iron, rod

#value 7



Greek Zeta

Latin G, Z

Hebrew Zayin

ZThe letter Z is rod. Whether it is rod for a tool, weapon, or an ornament, metallurgy was mastered observing the falling meteor.

Hebrew Metaphor My Metaphor Weapon or ornament iron, rod

#value 7



Greek Eta

Latin H

Hebrew Het

HThe letter H is gate. Ascending and descending a gate is easiest holding a ladder. Between the struts of this ladder, another barrier is enclosed.

Hebrew Metaphor My Metaphor Barrier enclosure gate

#value 8



Greek Iota

Latin I, J, Y

Hebrew Yod

IThe letter I is touch. To touch inside ones self requires different senses. First, a being must be open and receptive to allow ones heart to be handled.

Hebrew Metaphor My Metaphor Hand touch

#value 10



Greek Iota

Latin I, J, Y

Hebrew Yod

JThe letter J is touch. Touching a liquid pool of alchemical dew is an indescribable occurrence. Describing a hand encountering substance requires a descriptive formulating texture and temperature.

Hebrew Metaphor My Metaphor Hand touch

#value 10



Greek Iota

Latin I, J, Y

Hebrew Yod

YThe letter Y is touch. The collective has forgotten who invented the wheel barrel. I believe collective hands could clearly touch this idea by simply observing an ant.

Hebrew Metaphor My Metaphor Hand touch

#value 10



Greek Kappa

Latin K

Hebrew Kaf

KThe letter K is luck. Luck is more than the roll of any dice. Luck depends on what one truly holds, whether it is physical, metaphorical, or allegorical, and how one values ones own palms hand.

Hebrew Metaphor My Metaphor Palm of the hand luck

#value 20



Greek Lambda

Latin L

Hebrew Lamed

LThe letter L is love. There are none and there are many ways to describe the yoke that binds this word tongue twisting another.

Hebrew Metaphor My Metaphor Ox goad love

#value 30



Greek Mu

Latin M

Hebrew Mem

MThe letter M is flow. The ocean water is pictured above and below. Above, the waves are hot, rolling, daily currents effortlessly rotating countless tons. Below, infinite artistic still lives regenerate the old and re-circulate a new.

Hebrew Metaphor My Metaphor Water flow

#value 40



Greek Nu

Latin N

Hebrew Nun

NThe letter N is ensnare. Caught, in the web we call life, is a human embryo. The sunshine reflects the moistened dewy web. This seed is smaller than any fish roe.

Hebrew Metaphor My Metaphor Fish ensnare

#value 50



Greek Xi

Latin X

Hebrew Samekh

XThe letter X is root. The tree rooted in our collective chakras is a derivative square rooting our buildings columns. Not many can process the actual numbers and deals that are made so that the roots we eat and grind are readily available.

Hebrew Metaphor My Metaphor Tree root

#value 60



Greek Latin Omicron, Omega O

Hebrew Ayin

OThe letter O is cite. This is a self portrait emphasizing that I am offering my sight diagramming these drawings while understanding my eyes site.

Hebrew Metaphor My Metaphor Eye cite

#value 70



Greek Pi

Latin P

Hebrew Peh

PThe letter P is taste. Depending on depth and level, taste involves more than ones mouth. Taste requires using all ones senses.

Hebrew Metaphor My Metaphor Mouth taste

#value 80



Greek Qoppa

Latin Q

Hebrew Qof

QThe letter Q is labyrs. Man is cut off from the root of his ideologies. The axis is Ethiopia. Above, all five major religions are symbolically pictured and layered. While below, the indigenous areas are diagrammed. From this blades slice, man grew an apes tale.

Hebrew Metaphor My Metaphor Ape or ax labyrs

#value 100



Greek Rho

Latin R

Hebrew Resh

RThe letter R is ore. This is the heads real core. If one can sense ones own labyrinth, one can find the true gold which is the blackest point defining any mine.

Hebrew Metaphor My Metaphor Head ore

#value 200



Greek Sigma

Latin S

Hebrew Shin

SThe letter S is byte. The tooths bite from many bytes of distorted tales: To the right: fears: spiders, snakes, sharks, and a stinging bee. To the left: silence, picturing a babys tongue-tied birth defect. Pictured below: mysteriously gauged hot-coiled steel.

Hebrew Metaphor My Metaphor Tooth byte

#value 300



Greek Tau

Latin T

Hebrew Tav

TThe letter T is tree. In the United States, George Washingtons lie cut Americans off from the fruit of the cherry tree. Hidden inside, this voluminous tree marks a cross that is a pine Christmas tree and the mummified Ausar. One can see Ausars head is the trunk composing the tree.

Hebrew Metaphor My Metaphor Mark or cross tree

#value 400



13 ThoughtsNote: I did not make translations for the Hebrew letters: Tet or Tsadeh. Thus, the numerical values for nine and ninety are not included in my rendition. Greek Theta Latin T Hebrew Tet #value9

The 13 Thoughts are the first thirteen drawings. The drawings are not in their original order. The order is established to conduct a flow of thought understanding the depth of their collective meanings. The first drawing I made is titled Conception (p.127). Conception is my thought materialized as an idea.

Hebrew Metaphor My MetaphorShield or sun symbols

Greek San


Hebrew #value 90 The portrait of myself at age eleven marks when my real thought process began, developing my own worldview. 120

Ts and Ch in Russian Tsadeh

Hebrew Metaphor My Metaphor Fishhook 119

The True Battle: Knowledge versus Faith 121

Site 122

Life 123

Death 124

Fly and Ride 125

The Love Below 126

Conception 127

Entrance to the Meeting 128

Space and Energy x 2 129

He, Him or Man 130

She, Her or Woman 131

Self Portrait 132

Thirteen 133

Portrait of myself at age 11 134

7 Alchemical Operations

The substance of my alchemical operations is love. Using Edward F. Edingers book Anatomy of the Psyche: Alchemical Symbolism in Psychotherapy, these seven operations were developed. The operations parallel the elements as an abridged lexicon of symbolic life occurrences that one will inevitably experience.


Calcinatio: Dry Heat 136

This is myself at the core of the seed that circulates my labyrinths path. Loving myself squarely, I am aligned. At the astrological sign of Leo, my left foot is exiting the sphere.


Solutio: Water 138

Diana and Actaeon by Titian: my adaptation of a classical alchemical water painting. All seven women are versions showing myself. The clue to viewing the original painting is that the black maid and Actaeon are the only ones clothed.


Coagulatio: Earth 140

The earth below is a reflection of the air above. It is so, so it is. Here unfolds the earthly scroll that airs my self.


Sublimatio: Air 142

The higher self, of any person born since 1937, has been affected by Walt Disneys movie titled Snow White. Towering over the Bay Bridge is the triad conflicted persona. While in her skirt, she carries the Eiffel.


Mortificatio: Death 144

The death is my fiery grand trine. While my Mars shoots the final point, my Moon is attacking my Sun. In the clouds, a divine axe splits the scene.


Seperatio: Separation 146

To begin to dissect ones heart first, one must trust ones composition.


Conjunctio: Conjugate 148

5 Pyramidal PointsA pyramid resting on a plane has 4 corners and 1 point joining triangles. Thus, there are five pyramidal points. On the planet Earth, we are a collective family. My first being is a mermaid, also known as a hermaphrodite. The right eye is the left or the left eye is the right? It depends whose eye is being discussed and defined aligning multiple perspectives. The Third Eye must be centered, reflecting a rebirth. The male side of my lineage honors native being. Using birds feathers, comedy, and tragedy, fly my totems pole. In the book of imagery, the 4 Color Sri Yantra is an actual linocut print. The cards have a digitized version of my first personal print. The images end as they began. 150

The ultimate union at the temple of Hathor: Shu holds Nut, and below is a two-headed Geb. This is the original story developing what we understand concerning Ancient Kemet and, or Ancient Egypt.


Amma, Mami Wata, Yemanya, Siren or Mermaid 151

The Right Eye is the Left Eye 152

The Left Eye is the Right Eye 153

The Centered Third Eye 154

Totem 155

4 Color Sri Yantra linocut print 156

My Thoughts and IdeasMy real thoughts are: I hope The Book of Logos is enjoyed. And, I hope the thoughts that are provoked manifest healing. The biggest myth is that we are given misinformation dialoguing fact and fiction. The misinformation develops labyrinths erecting lies. The lies follow the rules by formulating sentences that construct connecting thought processes because the words make sense. The Story of the Labyrinth is the archetype, or first model, making correct sentences form absurd meanings or notions. The words misrepresentation is that, at any time, all labyrinths lines can be traversed. There are no visible walls. Thus, outside the labyrinths containment, the center and the entrance are both completely visible. The association of the word labyrinth is developed understanding the story. Any story is a narrative that is told, or written down, and can be sometimes read silently, or read out loud. 157 The sounds of the words form, and shape the stories meaning. All words form thoughts. However, we are not given the meaning behind the letters, or any symbol. My idea for reviewing the drawings is that they are tools for thought not just Art. Without understanding the past, we cannot build a better future. We dont understand our present technology. However, we have developed co-dependent relationships requiring daily usage. This usage is marketed as functional and chic. There are other ways to think, do, and exist. We just have to think of those ways! Thinking of new ways is as simple as rolling an eight sided die. Depending on view, whomever sees six, one may see nine.


BibliographyBayley, Harold, The Lost Language of Symbolism, New York: Dover 2006 originally published as two volumes London: Williams and Norgate 1912 Budge, E. A. Wallis, The Gods of the Egyptians Volume One, New York: Dover 1969 Budge, E. A. Wallis, The Gods of the Egyptians Volume Two, New York: Dover 1969 Campbell, Joseph, The Mysteries: Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks Volume 2, New York: Princeton University Press 1990 Ching, Elise and Kaleo, Chi and Creativity: Vital Energy and Your Inner Artist, Berkeley: Blue Snake Books 2007 159

Churchward, Albert, The Arcana of Freemasonry: A History of Masonic Signs and Symbols, San Francisco: Weiser 2005 Edinger, Edward F., Anatomy of the Psyche: Alchemical Symbolism in Psychotherapy, Illinois: Open Court 1985 Grey, Alex, The Mission of Art, Boston: Shambhala 1998 Griaule, Marcel, Conversations with Ogotemmeli: An Introduction to Dogon Religious Ideas, Oxford: Oxford University Press 1970 Hall, Manly P., Masonic Hermetic Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy, San Francisco: H. R. Croker 1965 160

Jung, Carl G., Man and His Symbols, USA: Dell 1968 Khanna, Madhu, Yantra: The Tantric Symbol of Cosmic Unity, New York: Thames and Hudson 1981 Melchizedek, Drunvalo, The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life Volume 2, Arizona: Light Technology 2000 Ouaknin, Marc-Alain, Mysteries of the Alphabet, New York: Abbeville 1999 Ouaknin, Marc-Alain, Mysteries of Numbers, Paris: Assouline 2004 Pierce, Jill, The Mystic Spiral: Journey of the Soul, New York: Avon 1974 161

Roob, Alexander, Alchemy and Mysticism, Los Angeles: Taschen 2001 Schwaller de Lubicz, R. A., The Temple in Man, Vermont: Inner Traditions 1977 Scranton, Laird, The Science of the Dogon: Decoding the African Mystery Tradition, Vermont: Inner Traditions 2006 Skinner, Stephen, Sacred Geometry: Deciphering the Code, New York: Sterling 2006 Smith, Keith A., Non-Adhesive Binding: Books Without Paste or Glue, New York: Smith 2005 Zaslavsky, Claudia, Africa Counts: Number and Pattern in African Cultures, Illinois: Lawrence Hill 1999 162

Picture SourcesSri Yantra design: An Indian meditation devise that can be found in books concerning Tantra, or symbols. Widows Underbelly: black widow photo found online via Google search Beheading: Decapitating Jim Crows Cricket: First hand eyewitness of actual decapitation Triangulating Masonic Geometry: Image found in A. Churchwards The Arcana of Freemasonry South Star: Jupiter: E. A.Wallis Budges The Gods of the Egyptians vol. ii West Star: Saturn: E. A.Wallis Budges The Gods of the Egyptians vol. ii East Star: Mars: E. A.Wallis Budges The Gods of the Egyptians vol. ii North Star: Mercury: E. A.Wallis Budges The Gods of the Egyptians vol. ii 163 Northeast Star: Venus: E. A. Wallis Budges The Gods of the Egyptians vol. ii September: Maat Tehuti: No visual source October: Tefnut Shu: lion photo found online via Google search November: Kem: Bikrams signature hot yoga pose December: Hethert: Ancient Egyptian ox paintings January: Hapi: E. A. Wallis Budges The Gods of the Egyptians February: Amsu Min Geb: Panel from King Tuts Tomb and Dogon cosmic egg drawing March: Heru Ra: A. Churchwards The Arcana of Freemasonry April: Skhemet Bastet Auset: E. A. Wallis Budges The Gods of the Egyptians May: Nefertum Renenet: E. A. Wallis Budges The Gods of the Egyptians 164

June: Khemenu Tehuti: E. A.Wallis Budges The Gods of the Egyptians July: Duat Amenta: Dogon creation myth August: Imhotep Leonardo da Vincis Vitruviuan Man Neter: Sphinx: actual photo Metal: Bishamon Japanese Shinto and D. Melchizedek Water: Fukurokin and Ebisu Japanese Shinto and D. Melchizedek Wood: Jurjin and Benten Japanese Shinto and D. Melchizedek Fire: Hotei Japanese Shinto and D. Melchizedek Earth: Daikoku Japanese Shinto and D. Melchizedek A, cow: Egyptian sculpture B, nest: C. W. Leadbeater C, whale: photo found online via Google search D, path: no visual sourcing 165

E, belief: C. W. Leadbeater F, needle: no visual sourcing U, glue: no visual sourcing V, velcro: photo found online via Google search W, reflect: no visual sourcing G, iron: no visual sourcing Z, rod: photo found online via Google search H, gate: no visual sourcing I, touch: photo found online via Google search J, touch: no visual sourcing Y, touch: no visual sourcing K, luck: no visual sourcing L, love: no visual sourcing M, flow: photos found online via Google searches N, ensnare: photos found online via Google searches X, root: no visual sourcing O, cite: no visual sourcing P, taste: photos found online via Google searches Q, labyrs: no visual sourcing 166

R, ore: photo found online via Google search S, byte: photos found online via Google searches T, tree: MathArtist John C. Sims and A. Kircher Calcinatio: no visual sourcing Solutio: Titian Diana and Actaeon Coagulatio: no visual sourcing Sublimatio: Walt Disneys Snow White and photos found online via Google searches Mortificatio: photos found online via Google searches Seperatio: Alchemy drawings Conjunctio photos found online via Google searches Amma: no visual sourcing The Right Eye: National Geographic collage The Left Eye: National Geographic collage The Centered: Third Eye National Geographic collage Totem: found rubber stamps 4 Color Sri Yantra: An Indian meditation devise that can be found in books concerning Tantra or symbols. 167

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