The Birth of the American Spring

The Birth of the American Spring Remember the Arab Spr ing? It all started in Tahri r Square, Tunisia, fr om December 2010 and lead to a new gover nment. But Tunisia was not the only country affected. From this well spri ng came a river of protests agains t certain dictatorships in t he countries of North Afr ica and the Middle-East. The rallying cry of the public became: The people want to bring down the regime. A collage for  MENA protests. Clockwise from top left: 2011 Egyptian revolution,  Tunisian revolution, 2011 Yemeni uprising, 2011 Bahraini uprising,  2011 Libyan civil war, 2011 Syrian uprising; Date of upload: Jan. 2014; This file has been extracted from another image:  File:Infobox collage for MENA protests.PNG.; Author  ي ; Permission: CC-BY-SA-3.0. Extracted from Wikipedia Commons, January 14, 2014.

Transcript of The Birth of the American Spring

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The Birth of the American Spring

Remember the Arab Spring? It all started in Tahrir Square, Tunisia, from

December 2010 and lead to a new government. But Tunisia was not the only

country affected. From this well spring came a river of protests against certaindictatorships in the countries of North Africa and the Middle-East. The rallying

cry of the public became: The people want to bring down the regime.

A collage for  MENA protests. Clockwise from top left: 2011 Egyptian revolution, Tunisian revolution, 2011

Yemeni uprising, 2011 Bahraini uprising, 2011 Libyan civil war, 2011 Syrian uprising;  Date of upload: Jan. 2014;

This file has been extracted from another image: File:Infobox collage for MENA protests.PNG.; Author  ي ; 

Permission: CC-BY-SA-3.0. Extracted from Wikipedia Commons, January 14, 2014.

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The effects of the Arab Spring can be observed in the following map:

Government overthrown  Civil war   Protests and governmental changes Sustained civil disorder and governmental changes (Bahrain) Major protests  Minor protests  Related crises outside the  Arab world 

This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Thanks to the

author: Tabrisius, Arab Spring map updated 2013. Extracted from Wikipedia Commons, January 14, 2014.

Interestingly, the Arab Spring has been compared to the 1989 revolution which

saw the fall of the Iron Curtain of the former Soviet Union and the taking down of

the Berlin wall.

Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Lear 21 at en.wikipedia.

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The fall of the Iron Curtain marked the end of the Cold War Era between the

Western allied nations and the former Soviet Union. In 1990, weeks after the

massive rallies ended Communist rule in Eastern European nations, Mikhail

Gorbachev toured the United States to solidify peace between Russia and America.

During his final lectures in Stanford and San Francisco, Gorbachev announced anend to the Cold War with cheers from the American audiences.

The Cold War is now behind us. Let us not wrangle over who won it….For

a new type of progress to become reality, everyone must change.

Content originally appeared in Stanford Business magazine in September 1990. 

Gorbachev then added that tolerance would be the alpha and omega of this

change. And the New York Times recorded this Gorbachev quote:

... alliances of the future should be designed to foster an international unity

that would ''protect the environment, combat hunger, diseases, drug

addiction and ignorance.

By R. W. APPLE Jr., Special to the New York Times

Published: June 5, 1990

 Not only was the Arab Spring compared to the end of the Cold War, but it was also

credited with the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Three Young Women pepper sprayed at Occupy Wall Street; extracted from Blog Spot - Peoples Movement


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This pepper spraying of Innocence only rallied those who were neutral bystanders

to join the essential cause.

Occupy Wall Street began September 17, 2011, in a protest on Wall Street, New

York City over the greed and corruption of the corporate sector in America. The

 protest began with the slogan America needs its own Tahrir, giving credit to and

hoping to draw vitality from the Arab Spring movement. As well, there came therallying cry We are the 99% in response to the 2010 statistics that revealed only

1% of the American population controls over 23% of its wealth. This shocking

disparity of income was reported only once before in American history, that is, just

 prior to the crash of the American Stock Market that precipitated the Great


Could Occupy Wall Street be the beginning of the American Spring? If so, why

does the American Spring appear to have died out?

For a positive revolution to succeed it takes years, decades or sometimes even

Centuries for socio-cultural attributes of the civilization to develop. The Hippy

movement was very much an early sign of this very same revolution shared by

Occupy Wall Street. It even appears that the Hippy movement was foretold by the

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Hopi First Nation tribe in America in their 8th Prophetic Sign before the rebirth of

the world.

If the American Spring is indeed occurring, what better way to define it than by

Indigenous philosophy and world-view. Clearly we cannot maintain the general philosophy sprung by the Industrial Revolution, which states that the economy can

grow exponentially fueled by the exploitation of limitless natural resources. Due

to the outcome of global warming, this 100 year old philosophy of exploitation

needs an immediate make-over. It is too late to start from scratch. We need a

 philosophy that already exists, tried and true.  What about the Indigenous People

and their World-view of the Environment? Indigenous elders have been saying for

500 hundred years that human beings develop vibrant civilizations in as much as

we learn to identify with our local ecosystems. Currently, our human experience

opposes the environment by developing artificial systems of habitation for our

species to the detriment of all others apart from cockroaches.

Al Gore, in An Inconvenient Truth, related that we have the technology to restore

the damage we have done to the earth, but lack the motivation. How can we turn

the tide of our motivation to realign human identity with the planet? To

accomplish this there is a Big Secret.

This Big Secret is merely one word –  Dream!

An African Elder once stated that there are big dreams and little dreams, little

dreams we keep to ourselves, but big dreams are meant to share with everyone.

Like Martin Luther King, we all have a dream, but do we dare to share it ?

This is a clue to the Big Dream and Secret that will complete the American Spring,

 but be careful, if you follow the clue and find the Big Secret it will require a

change of perspective and much resistance.

The Ojibwa 7th Fire Prophecy reads, “Look for an island shaped like a turtle thatwill be an instrument in the purification of the Earth…. And a child shall lead them

in Finding Turtle Island .” 


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