The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE...


Transcript of The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE...

Page 1: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth
Page 2: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth

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VOL. II (Plates.)

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Bhali'otr^e, W/nAU^^ We<^i^ff^li K^dcklx^H- Ht*^












19 17.

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The series of plates included in the present volume were originally

intended to illustrate the second and third volumes of the " Birds of South

America," of which only the first vol, comprising "A List of the Birds of

South America," was published. This work as projected by the late Lord

Brabourne, in conjunction with Mr. Chubb, was to have comprised 16 vols,

with 400 hand-coloured plates. The first volume mentioned above had only

appeared, however, when further progress was delayed by Lord Brabourne's

last visit to South America, while his return to the Army when War broke

out, and his subsequent death at Neuve-Chapelle in 1915, put an abrupt stop

to the work. So little text had then been completed, and the work as

projected was so extensive and costly, that nothing could be done in the way

of completing even a second volume, but feeling that the fine series of plates

already finished by Mr. Gronvold (and partly printed) merited publication, 1

made arrangements to issue them in the present way, and I have added

short notes on most of the species as compensation for the absence of any

other text.


London, Dec. 1916.

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DESCRIPTION OF PLATES.Plate Issued No. inNo. in Part. List.

1, 2, 3 Rhea americana, R. rothschildi, R. pennata (American Rhea,Rothschild's Rhea and Darwin's Rhea). The Rheas are flightlessbirds of very large size, measuring from four to five feet in height,with small and imperfect wings, long legs and small feet ; representedin Africa by the Ostriches and in Australia by the Emus, but mostnearly allied to the latter, having three toes on the foot instead of twoas in the former. The American Rhea is the E. Brazilian species,Rothschild's Rhea, the common Rhea, is the sub-species (the R.Americana of previous authors), inhabiting Uruguay, Argentina, etc.,

and Darwin's Rhea is the Rhea of Patagonia and Chili. All frequentopen country, never wooded districts, and are found in parties of threeor four to twenty or thirty. When hunted by horsemen, who employthe I'o/as, or thong and balls, they travel at a great speed, using thewings only to steer with. The flesh of young birds is excellent butthe old are never eaten. Where not molested they will frequent theneighbourhood of the estana'as. Several females lay in one nest, adepression in the ground, each laying a dozen or more eggs, so that agreat number are sometimes found.

5 Tinamus SOlitarius (Solitary Tinamou). The Tinamous, a remark-able group, have no very near affinity to any other family. Super-ficially they resemble the Partridges, and are so called by theSpaniards, while the flesh is most delicate eating. They are essentiallyground birds and swift runners, non-perching and non-gregarious ; insize small, ranging from that of a Quail to that of a common fowl


some 70 species in all are found in South America. The flight is

heavy, noisy and short, but very rapid ; the food is insects chiefly,also fruit, seeds and grain. The male alone incubates. Nest : ahollow in the ground lined with leaves. Eggs : always clear unspottedand highly polished, in colour turquoise, deep green, purple, yellow,reddish, or chocolate brown according to the species. The SolitaryTinamou inhabits Paraguay and S.E. Brazil.

45 RhynchOtUS rufescens (Great Tinamou). Inhabits S.E. Brazil,Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina. Known on the pampas ofArgentina as Ferdiz ;^ratide, or Great Partridge. It is about 14-in. inlength. The Perdiz comun or Common Partridge is the SpottedTinamou {No/kura maatlosa).

69, 70 Taoniscus nanus (Dwarf Tinamou); Calopezus elegans (Martinetta

Tmamou). The Dwarf Tinamou inhabits Brazil and Paraguay.The .Vtartinetta .says Hudson (the word Tinamou, by the way, is

never used except by naturalists for any of these birds) is a fine gamebird of Patagonia, south of the Rio Colorado, inhabiting the elevatedtablelands chiefly where patches of dwarf scrub occur among thethorny thickets. It also occurs in W. Argentina.

72 Tinaraotis pentlandi (Pentland's Tinamou). Inhabits the uplandvalleys of the mountain ranges from North Chili to Ecuador.

96 Penelope Obscura (Dark C;uan). The Curassows and Guans, com-prismg the Gallinaceous family Cracidce, form one of the mostcharacteristic groups of the larger birds inhabiting the South Americanforests. They number some fifty species, all essentially arboreal inhabits, frequenting dense woods and generally building a large nest intrees, the eggs being white or merely speckled. The present specieshas a wide range, viz. : Uruguay, S.E. Brazil, Bolivia and N. Argentina.The other fifteen species of Penelope are confined to the more tropicalparts of S. America.

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Plate Issued No. i

No. In Part. List


19 I- 162, 179 Zenaida auPiCUlata (Violet-eared Dove); Chamspelia talpacoti(Talpacoti Ground Dove). The Violet-eared Dove, or " Tortolita


which inhabits the greater part of S. America, has an affinity to theEuropean Turtle Dove. The Talpacoti Ground-Dove, a prettychocolate-coloured dove breeds, says White, in the orange groves inthe province of Salta, Argentina ; it ranges northward through Brazil,Bolivia and Peru to Venezuela and Guiana.

20 I. 195, 196 Leptoptila ehloroauchenia (Green-naped Dove); L. callauchen

(Salvadori's Dove). Both these species are found in Argentina andParaguay. The Green-naped Dove, a handsome species, is an inhabi-tant of wooded districts, but a ground feeder, and of solitary habits.The bird is said to utter a single melodious note.

21 II. 221, 251 Pardirallus rytirhynchus (Black Rail) : Creciscus viridis(Cayenne Crake). The Rails and Crakes of South America are verynumerous, some fifty species being known to science. The BlackRail, a species hardly larger than our English Water-Rail, is found,says Hudson, throughout La Plata, everywhere where reeds and rushesgrow. It has a wide range covering nearly all the southern half of S.America. The Cayenne Crake inhabits Colombia, Guiana and Brazil.

22 IV. 231 Aramides Chiricote (Azara's Wood-Rail). A native of Paraguayand Brazil.

23 II. 232 Aramides ypecaha (Ypecaha Wood-Rail). The Spaniards, saysHudson, call this species Galline/a, from its supposed resemblance toa fowl. It is a large species, measuring some 19-in. in length, andfrequents the reed-beds, etc., and where not persecuted will come outof the reeds by day, even entering the villages. It is pugnacious andwill attack the domestic poultry. An excellent account of this bird'shabits is given in Hudson and Sclater's Argentine Ornithology (II.,

PP- 15 •54)- It also inhabits S. Brazil and Paraguay.

24 1. 263 Fuliea g-ig-antea (Gigantic Coot). Six species of Coot inhabit S.America, of which three are common on the pampas of Argentina andPatagonia and are generally widely distributed. The present largespecies and one other are found in Bolivia, Peru and N. Chili ; whilethe Horned Coot is confined to Bolivia and N.W. Argentina.

25 I. 274 Podiceps major (Great Grebe). The Grebes of S. American number9 species. Tliey differ little from their European congenora. Thepresent species is about the size of our Great Crested Grebe, andis found from Peru and Bolivia to the Straits of Magellan.

26 IV. 344, 345 Larus Cirrhocephalus (Grey-headed Gull): L. maculipennis(Spotted-winged Gull). The S. American Gulls and Terns arenumerous, some 37 species being known, of which several arecosmopolitan species included also in the British avifauna. TheGrey-headed Gull ranges no further north than S.E. Brazil andPeru nor further south than Argentina. It retains its pearl-greyhood throughout the year, although it lightens in the winter. TheSpotted-winged Gull is found from S. Brazil to Patagonia and Chili,and is called Gaviota. It breeds on inland marshes, and its eggs aredelicate eating, resembling those of the Plover in taste and appearance.

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Plate Issued K-^.inNo, in Pari. Ll=t.

27 III. 369, 360 ThinOCOrus orbig-nyianus (D'Orbigny's Seed-Snipe); T. rumi-ci\i)rus (Common Seed-Snipe). Speaking of the Common Seed-Snipe, Hudson says •' This curious Inrd has the grey upperplumage and narrow long sharply pointed wings of a Snipe, with theplump body and short strong curved beak of a Partridge." It feedson seeds (mainly clover seeds), and tender buds and leaves. It is

about 6J inches in length, and inhabits Tierra del Fuego, Chili andPatagonia, ranging north to the pampas of Argentina and also Peruand Bolivia in winter. D'Orbigny's Seed-Snipe has a very similarrange.

28 IV. 366 HaematOpus durnfordi (Dumford's Oyster-catcher). Like its

European congener this striking bird frequents the sea-coast ofPatagonia where it is met with it pairs, or sometimes small flocks.

Four other species occur, and the Plover family is in fact wellrepresented in S. America by some 65 species, of which no less than17 are on the British list, these including the Turnstone, Grey Plover,Spotted Sandpiper, Ruff, Sanderhng, Knot, Grey Phalarope and otherfamiliar species.

29 V. 371-2-3 Belonopterus cayennensis, B. g-risescens, B. chilensis(Cayenne Lapwing, Argentine Lapwing, Chilian Lapwing). The first

of these species occurs in Guiana, Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil,

the second from Paraquay and Uruguay to Argentina, the third

in Peru, Chile and the Falkland Islands. The Cayenne Lapwingmuch resembles the Old World Lapwing both in appearance, habits

and nesting, but is considerably larger, measuring about i3-in. in

length. It is a bird of the pampas and is known as Teru-ierii fromits cry.

30 V. 384, 385 Charadrius OCCidentalis (Western Plover) : C. falklandicus

(Falkland Island Plover). The Western Plover has been recordedonly from the province of Tarapaca, N. Chile. The Falkland IslandPlover has a wider range than its name indicates, extending to Chile,

Argentina, and Uruguay. The nest, says Gibson, is always placed nearthe water and is a slight scraping in the ground, lined with dry grass


eggs 3, spotted with black on an olive ground.

31 V. 418 GullinagO g-igantea (Giant Snipe). This fine species inhabits Brazil,

Paraquay, Uruguay and Argentina. Nine other species of Snipe occurin S. America.

32 VI. 430 Burhinus bistriatus (Double-striped Thick-knee) A Native ofColombia, Venezuela and Brazil. It has much of the appearance andhabits of the English Thick-knee or Stone Curlew.

33 III. 439-40 Psophia Oehroptera (Ochre-winged Trumpeter) : P. viridis (Green-

winged Trumpeter). Six species of Trumpeter are found in S.

America ; of the two figured thefirst inhabits the Rio Negro region of

N. Brazil, and the second the Rio Madeira region of Central Brazil.

34 VI. 457 Ajaia ajaja (Roseate Spoonbill). This fine species which occursover S. America as far south as the Rio Negro in Argentina is

usually seen, says Hudson, on the pampas in small flocks of 6 to 20,

which all feed together, wading to the knees and sweeping their

long flat beaks from side to side as they advance. This family comesbetween the Ibises, of which 13 species are found in S. America, andthe Herons, cf which 29 species occur, besides 3 species of Storks,

There are also the Screamers, three in number, and 4 kinds of


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Page 20: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth

Printid by

Gko. K. Flower.

"^c 36artbcIomcw Wnsec '

12—14, Verulam Street

London, E.G.

Page 21: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth







A Series of original and authoritative plates,

illustrating typical species, intended to accompany

" The Birds of South America," Vol. L {List),

by LORD BRABOURNE and CHARLES CHUBB,issued in 1913.



A, 0(0 ni an f»I«^

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' ik»v. '-if*^i5;

TKb furtK^f delays in the publication of Vol 2. of this work

jccasioned by the interv'tntion of the war and the death of tf:ie

Brabc the ftjourne at the tront have made it impossible to

complete the Text for vol. 2. The publishers however feel that

the fine series of plates executed by Mr. Gronvold for the work

will possess a sufficiei^t value to the subscribers to merit their

publication withouf any further text tharr is to be fourid in Vol. 1,

already issued (2l8 net). A first series of 19 plates is therefore

offered herewith. A further series, including also the missing

Nos. in the present series, are. already printed or on the stones

and it Is expected will be ready very shortly. Only 2D0 sets of

each part will be issued.

October, 1915.

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The Birds of Souih AraericcvVol. II. PL. 3.



/ "


Rh^mchotus rufescercs.

Greaii Tirumiouj


Bale & DamelssOTv.L'-'ljj

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TU/' Birds di' Soutih Amn-um Vol. II. pr 5.

Tinanwtis pentLandv.

Pen.tLancL 's Tixvamou.


c iJAiueJtiiMu). >

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Thjty Birds of South. ^TnericxL Vol. II. PI. 6.


PerueLopey ohscitrou.

Darh Giuui^. U TJSiiiriEar.i,.L^"


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^ C^


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Tke Birds of SouOv AmericcL Vol. U. FL. 9.

1. Oriahjdba ru/lccmiLcu.

Red - taJleuL Grrari


2. Ortah'/Jfi erjthropLera

U<(1 VI -III (jfil GiLun .

Bale Sr Daiiielssrm.L'*'iinp

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Tke Birds of Soicth Americcu Vol. 11. PL 11.

jiburruL aburri

Walded Gjj/tn


Baae &DBjiie]sBOTi.L^D

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&5 O-to

5 ^


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The Birds of Soulh .AriLerrca. Vol. II. ri./:i.


V l"0

Odontophorus capneit'a

Cofjoeira Pcu-trixLge^


'.t\v & Damalitiiciii .[i^.ui0

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T/ie Birds of Soiotfh A.rnrrica. Vol. II. PI .14^.

Columha cnrensis .

Bare -faced. Pigeon.

Bale & Lianiolasoa.L**'

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The' Birds of South- J^rrherica.Vol. II. Pi. 1.5.

/. Columbiruj grisexv.

Grey GroiiruL -Dove.

^. Cohumhob picaxuro.

Fbcaxuro Piqeon.


Bal. &Diu,i,l>BTO.L"'-,r

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Tke- Birds of Soulh- -America. Vol. n. PI. 16.

ba\e '«. Damelseou.L imjr

i. Columhcb sylyestris.

Paraffuayan, Rufoits Pi-ge/m


2. Cjobujnha mcLcuLoscb.

Spot Winf/erl Pigeon .

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NOTE.—John Wheldon & Co; hold the entire stock of these work*.

Special terms <|uoted to the trade.


Dreiser (H. E.). A Histpry of the Birds of Europe, including all the

species ifthabiting the Western Palaearctic Region,, with 633beautifully executed hand-coloured plates by Joseph Wolf, J. G.Keulemans and E. Nea/e, also the SUPPLEMENT, With 89 additional

coloured plates, together^ vols, roy. 4to„ orig. pts. £60 net.

1871--%The stock of this great and invaluable, as well as most beautiful, work is now nearly exhausted.

—Do., Supplerhent pnly^ uw'^ 59 additional coloured plates, in

9 pts., roy, 4to tonly a few copies for sale). £9 9s. net. 1 895-96

A Companion Work TO THE '* Birds OF Europe."

Dresser (H. E.). Eggs of the Birds of Europe, including all the

species inhabiting the Western Palaearctic Area, 2 vols, completein 24 orig. parts, 4tOv with ] 06 Cplbured platei of figs.,, £12 128. ne/.

Do., the 24 parts, bound in 2 vols, Ato, new half morocco;

gilt tops, £14 net. 1910This work forms a necessary c6»np)eihenf to the Birds of Europe, and is uniform in size with

it. Th 106 coloured plates contain accurate figures of nearly 2,000 eggs. The Plates have all

been executed by llie three-coloUr photographic process direct from the eggs without the iaterven-

tion of an artist, thereby securing the utmost exactness in reproduction of markii^g<,. etc. In

addition to the coloured figurfcs of egg* a large number of illustratiptis of the nesfs and egg* <n

st7« are given In the text. .-

Mr. Dresser had the practical assistance in the preparation of the work of the Rev. F. C. R.Jourdain, the late Prof. Newton, and Hpward Saunders, Mr. A. H. Evans, Mr. S. A. Buturlin,

and Mr. F. W. Waterhouse. '. ,, . , :^ ; _, ,



' The author's collection of eggs, as well as hit library, have lately ''been dep.oiited'io 'the Museum/of Manchester University, and these volumes are of especial intere$t -At'foriaiiig a record of so

valuable a collection. .' .''.''''..•

Dresser (H. E,). A Manual of Palaearctic Birds, in 2 parts, roy.

8vo, special thin paper edition adapted for travellers and field

naturalists, 30s. net. 1902—3

Do., ordinary thick paper edition, 2 pts., roy. 8vo» 25s. ,7»e(.

This work, especially adapted to meet the requirements of field naturalists atid travellers, i»

published in two parts, which may be bouiid in one volume if preferred; it contains nearly

1,000 pages of letter prcss| and two plates by the late Mr. Joseph Wolf. Jt treats of the

birds found throughout Europe and Asia north of the Himalayas, including Corea and Japan:

together more than 1,200 species and subspecies, of each of which the English and scientific

- names, are given, with a careful selection of the principal references, the vernacular names in

different languages, a concise description of the different stages of plumage, the distribution and

habits, as well as a deseription of -the nest and eggs if kjiown. :

Drpsser (H. E.). A Monograph of the Meropidae, or Family of

Bee-eaters, with 34 finely band-coloured plates, imp, 4to, in parts

(pub. :^5.5a. rte^), £4 lOs. 1884-^

Dresser (H. E.). A Monograph of the Coraciidse, of Family ol

the Rollers, With 27 fnelu hand-coloured plates, imp. 4to, cloth

(pub. £5 net). £4 10s. 1893

The above two beautiful monographs of striking and interesting groups of birds should be in everyornithological library.

London; JOHN WPTEt.rtOIsT fc Co., ,38,- GreAt Queen Street, Kingsway, W.C.

Page 63: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth

i^art. E. CoBtJuninjr4^ Hand-Coloured PlateV. lasTnet.





A Series of original and auttjoritative plates,

illustrating typical species, intended to accompany" The Birds of South America," Vol, I. (List),

by LORD BRABOURNE and CHARLES CHUBB,issued in 1913.





^yr^sonitn z;^

Page 64: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth


le^^wSys in the publication of Vol 2^oRp[i^vo?

occasioned by the intervention of the war and the death of the

late Lord Brabourne at the front have made it impossible to

complete the Text for vol. 2. The publishers however feel that

the fine series of plates executed l>y Mr: Gronvold, for the worlt

will possess a sufficient value to the subscribers to merit their

publication v/ithout any further text than is to be found in Vol. I.

already issued (2l8 hef). A first series of 19 plates is therefore

offered herewith. A further series, including also the missing

Nos. in the present series, are already printed or on the stones

and it is expected will be ready very shortly. Only 20Q sets of

each part will be issued.

October, 1915.

Page 65: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth

The Birds of Souik Aner;LCCbVol. II. PL lO.


i\\ ^

7S i \

Curruuicv jacuixngcL.

Spue's While -hexixLtd GhLaw.

ale & DatmelsstMj.L""'' irap.

Page 66: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth
Page 67: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth




^ -y.






Page 68: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth
Page 69: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth

The Binl.s of Soulii Arneru-a Vol, Jl. Ft . 1^3.

AroMu'des ypecaJicu.

ypecaha Wood.-Ruil.

B»l<t & Cameltiecm.. \^^ x

Page 70: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth
Page 71: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth

Tkr Buds o/' SoijJJh AmervcfiyVol. IT. PL 37.



Dendroc^gna. vidnjolcu.

White -faced Tree -Duck.

Balfe & I>Mae1s„m,L*.^ j

Page 72: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth
Page 73: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth
Page 74: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth


NOTE—John Wheldon & Co. bold the entire stock of theie workt.

Special terms quoted to the trade.


Dresser (H. E.). A History of the Birds of Europe; including all the

species inhabiting the Western Palaeafctic Region, with 633beautifully executed band-coloured plates by Joseph Wolf, J. (j.

Keulemans and E. Neale, also the SUPPLEMENT, with 89 additional

coloured p/a<es, together 9 vols, roy. 4to., orig. pts. £60 net.


1871—96TKe stock of, ttis great aildiovaluaMe, a» well as most beautiful, work k' now nearly exKaiisted.

^Do., Siipplement only, with 89 additional coloured, plates, in

9 pts., roy, 4to (only a few copies for sale). £9 98. net. 1895-96

A Companion Work to the "Birds of Europe."

Dresser (H.., E.). Eggs of the Birds of Europe, including all the

species inhabiting the Western Peilaearctic Area, 2 vols, complete

in 24 orig, parts, 4to. with 106 coloured plates of figs., J£l2 12$. net.

—^ Do., the 24 parts, bound in 2 vols, 4to, new half morocco,

gilt lops, £14 net.,


Tbis work forms a necessary complement to the Birds of Europe, and is uniform )n siie with

It. TTi 106 coloured plates contain accurate figures of nearly 2,000 eggs. The Plates hive all

been executed by 'he three-colour photographic process direct from the eggs without tbe interven-

tion of an artist, thereby securing the utmost exactness in reproduction of markings, etc. In

addition to the coloured figures of eggs a large Dumber of illiutratipos' of the oetts and eggs In

silu are given in the text. n^; P ' • • '


Mr/ Dresser had the practical assistance m the preparation of the work of the Rev. F. C. R.

jourdain, the late Prof. Newton, and Howard Saunders, Mr. A, H. Evans, Mr. S. A. Butuilio,

and Mr, F. W. Waterhouse. .. -:

The author's collection of eggs, as well as his library, have lately been' deposited in .t)ie Mu>eumof Manchester University, and these volumes are of especial interest as forming a record of so

valuable a collection.

Dresser (H. E.). A Manual of Palaearctic Birds, in 2 parts, roy.

8vo, special thin paper edition adapted for travellers and field

naturalists, 308, /Je/. 1902—3

-—^-rDo,, ordinary thick paper edition, 2 pts., roy. 8vo^ 258. ne/.

This work, especially adapted to meet the requirements of field naturalists and travellers, is

published in two parts, which may be bound in one volume if preferred; it contains nearly

1 000 pages of letter press, and two plates by the late Mr. Joseph Wolf. It treats of the

birds fouM throughout Europe and Asia tiorth of the Himalayas, including Corea and Japan:

together more than 1,200 species and subspecies, of each of which the English and scientific

names are given, with a careful selection of the principal references, th* vernacular names in

different languages, a concise description of fhe different stages of plumage, the distribution and

habits, as well as a description of the nest and eggs if known.

Dresser (H. E.). A Monograph of the Meropid*, or Family of

Bee-eaters, with 34 finely band-coloured plates, imp. 4to, in parts

(pub. ;^5 5s. neO, £4 10«. 1884r-6

Dresser (H. E.). A Monograph of the Coraciidae, or Family of

the Rollers, with '27 finely hand-coloured plates, imp. 4to. cloth

(pub. £5 net). £4 10s. 1893

The above two beautiful tnono^riifihs of striking and interesting groups of birds should be in every

ornithological library.,

London: JOHN WHELDON & Co., 38, Great Queen Street, KingswaV.W.C.

Page 75: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth

PartlSr Coataininsr JL Hand-Co!oared JPIates. f2ls. netl





A Series of original and authoritative plates,

illustrating typical species, intetided to accompany" The Birds of South America, " Vol. I. {List),

by LORD BRABOURNE and CHARLES CHUBB,issued in 1913.



"Sj'.Z'i "ff*

Page 76: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth


'Ke' turther" Hetays in the publication of Vol' 2. of this work

I occasioned by the intex'vention of the war and the death of the

late Lord Brabourne at the front have made it impossible to

complete the Text for vol. 2. The publishers, however feel that

gi the fine series of plates executed by Mr. Grbnvold for the work

will possess a sufficient value to the subscribers to merit their

publication without any further text. than is to be found in Vol. 1.

I'already issued (21$ net). A first series of 19 plates is therefore

offered herewith. A further scries, including also the missing

Nos. in the present series, ate already printed or on the stones

land it is expected will be ready very shortly. Only 200 sets of

each part will be issued.

October, 19/5.

Page 77: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth

The Birds of Soujth America. Vnl^ II PI 17

3alp & Daiuelsson L'" imp

}. Cohxmha albiiiruea..

WTiit& TLopetL Pigeon..

2. GeotrygoTv hourccerv.

BourcLCf's Ground.' Dove

Page 78: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth
Page 79: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth









-5 i;

Page 80: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth
Page 81: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth

The Birds of South ArrLer-Lcf.^oh- n. Ph. 33.

}. PsophJn ochjupUr(L.

Odire- winged JrumpeJej-.

2. Psophia vii-idis.

Green winged Tnuiipeler.

RaJp 4. l)MiieJ««,v, ;_td Ib^.

Page 82: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth
Page 83: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth






8- i

t, s


6 ts

Page 84: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth
Page 85: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth
Page 86: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth


NOTE.—John Wheldon & Co. hold the entire stock of these works.

SpecUl terms quoted to the trade.


Dresser (H, E.). A History of the Birds of Europe, including all th^

species inhabiting the Western Palae£U"c,tic Region, with 633beautifully executed handrcoloured plates by Joseph Wolf, J. G.Keulemans and E. Neale, also the SUPPLEMENT, with 89 additional

coloured phfes, together 9 yoh, i6y: 4tb.,fing, pts. &60 net.

' "'

;';<'.:v-'-.. ,.-•.' -J'S?!—96

Tbfc (tbcV of tbie gfetx and iavaliuble, ki well ai inoit beaoiilul, Work is now Oiearly cxbantlnL

Do., Supplement only, with 89^ additional coloured plates, in

9 pts., roy, 4to (only a few copies for sale). £9 98. ne<, 18(95-96

A Companion Work to the "Birds of Europe."'

Dresser (H. E.). Eggs of the Birds of Europe, including all the

species inhabiting the Western Palaearctic Area, 2 vols, completein 24 orig. parts, 4to. with 106 coloured plates of figs., £12 129. net.

Do., the 24 parts, bound in 2 vols, 4to, new half morocco,

gill tops, £14 net. 1910

This work forms a necessajcy. complenjent to the Birds of Europe, and is uniform in size with

it. Tb 106 coloured plates contain a«urale figures of nearly 2,000 eggs. The Plates have all

been executed by the three-colour photographic process direct from the eggs without the interven-

tion of an artist, thereby securing the utmost exactness in reproduction of marlilngs, <tc. In

addition to the coloured figures of >. :. l:i.:c uumber of illuitratioQs of lh» nests and eggs in

.i((o are given in the text.

n Dresser had the practical assistance in the preparation of the work of the Rev. F. C. R.i.n, the late Prof. Ntwtoil, and Howard Saunders, Mr. A. H, Evans., Mr. S. A. BotarliD,

.,i,a Mr. F. W. Walerhouse. '

The author's collection of eggs, as well »s his library, have lately been deposited in the Museumof Manchester University, and these Volumes are of especial interest as forming a record of so

valuable a collection.

Dresser (H. E.). A Manual of Palaearctic Birds, in 2 parts, roy.

8vo, special thin paper edition adapted for travellers and field

naturalists, 308. ne/. 1902—


Do., ordinary thick paper edition, 2 pts., roy. 8vo, 258. net.

This work, especially adapted to meet the re<^uirement8 of field naturalists and travellers, is

published in two parts, which may be bound in one volume ii preferred ; it contains nearly

1,000 pages of • letter press, ind tvro plates by the late Mr. Joseph Wolf. It treats of the

birds found throughout Europe and Asia north of the Himalayas, including Cprea and Japan:

together more than 1,200 species and subspecies, of each of which the English and scientific

names are given, with a careful selection of the principal references, the vcrnactdar names in

different languages, a concise! description of the different stages of plumage, the distribution aad

babitt, as well as a description' of the nest and eggs if known.

Dresser (H. E.). A Monograph of the Meropidae, or Family of

Bee-caters, With 34 finely hand-coloured plates, imp. 4tO, in parts

(pub. .^5 5s. ne/.). JE4 10s. , 1884—6

Dresser (H. E,). A Monograph of the ; Coraciidae, or Family of

the Rollers, with 27 finely hand-coloured plates, imp. 4to, cloth

(pub. £5 neO- £4 lOs. ^ .'893

The above two bemiliful monographs of striking and interesting groups of Tjirds should be in every

oroitbological library. .

London: JOHN WHELDON &Cov .^8, Gteat,' Queen Street, Kingsway, W.CJ



Page 87: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth

Part. I\r Containing'^ Hand- FSs. net





A Series qI oHginal and authoritative plates,

illustrating typical species, intended to accompany"The Birds of South America/' Vol. I. {List),

by LORD BRABOURNB and CHARLES CHUBB,issued in 1913.



S^/, t (^iC,


Page 88: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth

NOTE.I )M i|



;• THe^fvirtner delays in the publication or Vol 2. pi Hlils" woftc

I occasioned by the intervention of the war and the death of the

late Lord Brabourne at the front have made it impossible to

complete the Text for vol. 2. The publishers however feel that

the fine series of plates executed by Mr. Gronvold for the/work

will ppssess a sufficient value to the subscribers to merit their

I publication, without any iurth^r text than is to be found in^VpL 1.

already issued (2l8 net). A first series of J[^ plates is therefore

p offered herewith. A further series, including also the missing

K^ Nos. in the present series, are already printed or on the stones

I andf it is expected wiir be ready very shortly. Only 200 sefs of

each part will be issued.

October, 1915.

Page 89: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth


The, Blt-cLs of SouJK ArwerLc/i,Vol. II. PL 18.

CobumbcL arajujcaruxj ^.

ChUinjXj Pig&oTv.

B«i= 4 Da„„]5B0., L'^unp

Page 90: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth
Page 91: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth






Page 92: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth
Page 93: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth





Page 94: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth
Page 95: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth







I i


Page 96: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth
Page 97: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth
Page 98: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth


NOTE.- -John Wheldan ,& Co. hold the- entire stock of the>e workt.

Special terms quoted to the trade.

Dresser (H- £•)• ' A History of the Birds of Europe, including all the

species inhabiting , the Western Pcdaearcric Region, with (>3'i

beautifully executed hand-coloured plates by Joseph IVolf, J. G.Keulemans and E. Neale, also the SUPPLEMENT, u»7/2 89 additional

cohured p/a<es, together 9 vols, roy. 4to., orig. pts. £60 net.

. :

.-',- ,:.:-:• .. : -1871—96The stoick, of this great and inyalusUe, ?i well as most beautiful, workvis now nfevly ekhaurted.

——— Do., Supplement only, with 89 additional coloured plates, in

9 pts., roy, 4to (only a few copies for sale). £9 9s, net. 1895-96

A Companion Work to . the " Birds of Europe."

Dresser (H. E.). Eggs of the Birds of Europe, including all the

species inhabiting the,Western PalaearCtic Area, 2 vols, complete

in 24 orig. parts, 4to.u>(f/» 106 coloured platei of figs., £12 12a. net

Do., the 24 parts, bound in 2 vols, 4to, new half morocco,

gilt tops, £14 net. 1910

This work forms a necessary complement to the Birds of Europe, and i& uniform in size with •

it. Th 106 coloured plates contain accurate figures of nearly 2,^000 eggs. The Plates have all

been executed by the three-colour photographic process direct from the . eggs without the interven-

tion of an artist, • thereby securing the ulmost cjtactness in reproduction of markingt, etq. In

addition to the coloured figuries of eggs a I•' i iiniber of illustrations of the n^ts Mid. eggs in

sllu arc given in the text. •'


Mr. Dresser had the practical assistance iq the preparation tsi the work of the Rev. F. C. R.

Jourdain, the late Prof. Newton, and Howard Saunders^ Mr. A. H. Evans, Mr. S. A. fiuturlin,

and Mr. K. W. Waterhouse. '',


The author's collection of eggs, as well as his library, have lately been deposited in the Museumof Manchester University, and these Volumes are of especial interert ,as fprming a record of so

valuable a collection. . ,.'

' .

Dresser (H. E.). A Manual of Palaearctic Birds, in 2 parts, roy.

8vo, special, thin paper edition adapted for travellers and field

naturalists, 30s. net. 1902—


-Do., ordinary thick paper edition, 2 pts., roy, 8vo, 258. net.

i his work, especially adapted to meet the requirements of field naturalists and travellers, is

published in two parts, which may be bound in one volume if preferred: it contains nearly

1,000 pages of letter press, and two plates by tbe late Mr. Joseph Wolf. It treats of the,

birds found throughout Europe and Asia north of the Himalayas, including Gorea and Japati:

together more than 1,200 species and subspecies, \ of each of which the English and scientific

names are given, with a careful selection of the principal references, the vernscular names in

different languages, a concise description of the diflferenl stages of plumage, the distribution and

habits, as well as a description of the nest and eggs if known.

Dresser (H. E.). A Monograph of the Meropidae, or Family of

Bee-eaters, with 34 finely hand-coloured plates, imp, 4to, in parts

(pub. i:5 5^.. ne(,). £4 lOs. 1884—6^

Dresser (H. E.). A Monograph of the Coraciidse, or Family of* the Rollers, with 27 finely hand-coloured plates, imp. 4to, cloth

(pub. £5 net): £4 1 OS. 1893

the above two beautiful monographs of striking and uiieit& groups of birds should be in evervt. '

;' ornithological library.

ondon: JOHN WHELDON & Co;, 3 fi, Great Queen Street, Kingsway, W.C.

Page 99: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth

Part.V CooUining 4> Hand-Coloured Plates. 1 28. net.





A Series of original and authoritative plates,

illustrating typical species, intended to accompany" The Birds of Sovth America," Vol. /. {List),

by LORD BRABOURNB and CHARLES CHVBB,issued in 1913.

3 8,






Page 100: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth


' -d fte"- ttlflf!1l5Sr 'dfefaya in tKp publication of Vol 2. oPtoF

occasioned by the' intervention of the war and the death of the

late Lord Brabourne at the front have made it impossible to

complete the Text for vol. 2. The publishers however feel that

the fine series of plates executed by Mr. Gronvold for the work

will possess a sufficient value to the subscribers to merit their

publication without any further text than is to be* found in Vol. I.

already issued (21s ne<). A first series of 19 plates is therefore

offered herewith. A further series, including also the missing

Nos. in the present series, are already printed or on the stones

and it is expected will be ready very shortly. Only 200 sets of

each part will be issued.

October, 1915.

Page 101: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth





2 2>








Page 102: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth
Page 103: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth






Page 104: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth
Page 105: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth

The Birds of SnuiJh Amaru-M. Vol. n. PL. 31.

GaMuvayo giganlbea.

GiMirJb Snipe.

BaJr > Dtinijisn'.ii ,1.'

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Page 110: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth


TE.—John Wlieldon & Co. hold the entire stock of thete works.

Special terms quoted to the trade.

I .. :rr:3Dc=r:,r..' ;„ i

Dre«ser (H. £.)• A History of the Birds of Europe, including all the

species inhalsiting the Western Palaearctic Region, uJi</i 633beautifully executed hand-coloured! plates bif Joseph Wolf, J. G.

Keulemans and E.Neale, also the SwPPLEMEHT, with 89 additional

coloured plates, together 9 vols, roy, 4to., orig. pts. £G0 net.

' ^V- ;^-.,:" '


' 1871—96The stock of this great kttd jtayaluaUe, a« well at moit ;beahti{nl, work it now nevly exhaurtpd.

—Do., Supplement only, with 89 additional coloured plates, in

9 pts., roy, 4to (only a few copies for sale). £9 9$. net, 1 895-96'

A Companion Work to THE "Birds of Europe."

Dresser (H. E.). Eggs of the Birds of Europe/including all the f

species inhabiting the Western Palaearctic Area, 2 vols, complete

in 24 orig. parts, 4to. with 106 coloured plates of figs., £12 128. net.

Do., the 24 parts, bound in 2 vols, 4to, neu) half morocco,

gilt tops, £14 net. ^9\0 :

This work forms a aecettary complcmeat to, the Birds of Europe, and is uniform in siie with

it. Th 106 coloured plates contain accurate figures of nearly 2,000 eggSi The Plates have all

been executed by the three-colour photographic jjroceSs direct from the eggs without the interven-

tioil of an artist, thereby securing the utmost exactness In reproduction of markings, etc In

addition to the coloured figures, of eggs a. large namber of illuttralions of the nests and eggt in

, slla are given in the text. ,

",' >''.':,' ' •:

Mr. Dresser had the practical attittan(;e in the preparaticiD of the ' work of tW Rev. F. C. R.

Jourdain, the late-Prof. Newton, and Hiiward Saunde'rt, Mr. 'A. H, Evans, Mr. S! A. Bntudin,

and Mr. F. W. Waterhousc.'

The author's collection of eggs, as Well as his library, have lately been deposited in the Museumof Manchester University, and these voluines are of especial interest as forming a record of so

valuablea collection. - "

Dresser (H. E.)- A Manual of Palaearctic Bii^ds, in 2 parts, roy.

8v,o, special thin paper edition adapted for. trave:llers and field

naturalists, 308. net. 1902-^3

^Do., ordinary diick paper edition, 2 pts., roy. 8vo, 258. net.

This work, especially adapted "to meet the /equirements of field naturalists and travellers, is

published in two parts, which may. be bound in one volume if preferred; it contains nearly

1,000 pages of letter press, and two plates by the late Mr.' Joseph Wolf. It treats of the

. birds found throughout Europe and Asia north of the Himalayas, including Corea and Japan:

together more than 1,200 species and subspecies, of each of which the English and scientific

names are given, witb a careful selection of the principal references, the vernacular names in

different languages, a concise description of the different stages of plumage, the distribution, and

habits, as well as a description of the nest and eggs if kpown. ;

Dresser (H. E.). A Monograph of the Metopidae, or Family of

Bee-eaters, u)i/A 34 finely hand-coloured plates, imp. 4to, in parts

(pub. jC^ 5s. net.), £4 lOs. 1884—6

Dresser (Hi E.). A Monograph of the CoraciidcE, or Family of

the Rollers, ioith 27 finely, hand-coloured pldteSi imp. 4to. cloth

(pub. £S net). £4 lOs.;

1893"['.:'. above two beautiful monographs of strikiug and interesting groups of birds should be in every

ornitliological library.

London: JOHN WHELDON &. Co., 38, Great Queeil Street, Kingsway,, W.C

Page 111: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth

^art i'?'. ConUiningr 3 Hand-CdiWred 'mtej.





A Series of original and auttioritative plates,

illustrating typical species, intended to accompany

"The Birds of South America," Vol. J. {List),

by LORD BRABOURNE and CHARLES CHUBB,issued in 1913,





Page 112: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth


/$ in the publication of Vol 2. b^rn^^orl

occasioned by the intervention of the war and the death of the

late Lord Brabourne at the front have made it impossible to

complete the Text fpr vol. 2. The publishers however feel that

the fine series of plates executed by Mr. Gronvold for the w^ork

will possess a sufficient value to the subscribers to merit their

publication without any further text than is to be found in Vol. I.

already issued (2l8 net). A first series of. 19 plates is therefore

offered herewith. A further series, irlcluding also the missing

Nos. in the present series, are already printed or on the stones

I and it is, expected, will be ready yety. shortly. Only 200 sets of

each part will be issued.

October, J9I5.

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"^ X


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Page 120: The birds of South America · 2009. 5. 11. · PUBLISHER'SNOTE Theseriesofplatesincludedinthepresentvolumewereoriginally intendedtoillustratethesecondandthirdvolumesofthe"BirdsofSouth


NOTE—John Wheldon & Co. hold the entire stock of these worits.

Special terms quoted to the trade.


Dresser (H. E^). A History of the Birds of Europe, including all the

species inhabiting the Western Palseeirctic Region, ijoith 633beautifully executed hand-coloured plates by Joseph Wolf, J. G.Keulemans and E. Neale, also the SUPPLEMENT, With 89 additional

coloured plates, together 9 vols, roy, '4tO., orig. pts. £60 net.


1871—96The stock of this great and invaluablcj' a9 well a> most beautiful, work it now nearly exhausted.

- ——Do., Supplement only, with 89 additional coloured plates, in

9 pts., roy, 4to (only a few copies for sale). £9 9s. net. 1895-96

A Companion Work TQ THE " Birds of Europe."

Dresser (H. E.). Eggs of the Birds of Europe, including: ejl the

species inhabiting the Western Palaearctic Area, 2 vols, complete

in 24 orig. parts, 4to. with 106 coloured plqtes of figs., £,12 12a. net.

— Do.S the 24 parts, bound in 2 vols, 4to, new half morocco,

gill tops, £14 net. 1910

Tliis work forms a necessary complement to the Birds of Europe, and is uniform in the with

it. Th 106 coloured plates contain accurate figures of nearly 2,000 eggs. The Plates have all

been executed by the three-colour photographic process direct from the eggs without the interven-

tion of an artist, thereby securing the utmost exactness in reproduction of markings, etc. In

addition tp the coloured 6gures of eggs a large number of illustrations of the oests and eggs in

sllu are given in. the text. ,.


", '.:•:...

Mr. Dresser had the practical assistance in the preparation of the' work of the R<:v. P. C. R.

Joufdain, the late Prof. Newton, and Howard Saunders, Mr. A. H. Evans, Mr. S. A; Buturlin

and Mr. F. W, Watethoruse. -'

The authors collection of eggs, as well as his library', have lately been deposited in the Museumof Manchesttr University, and these volumes arc of especial interest as forming a record of so

valuable a collection,

prjesser (H. E.)- A Manual of Palaearctic Birds, in 2 parts, roy.

8vo, special thin paper edition adapted for travellers and field

naturalists, 308. nei. 1902—3

.-——^Do., ordinary thick paper edition, 2 pts., roy. 8vo, 258. net.

This work, especially adapted to meet the requirements of field naturalists and travellers, is

published in two parts, which may be bound in one volume if preferred: it contains nearly

1,000 pages of letter press, and two plates by the late Mr. Joseph Wolf. It treats of thi;

birds found throughout Europe and Asia north . of the Himalayas, including Corea and Japan:

together more than 1,200 species and subspecies, of each of which the Enghsb and scientific

names are given, with a careful selection of the principal references, the vernacular names in

different languages,' a concise description of the different stages of plumage, the distribution and

habiu, as well at a description of the nest and eggs if known.

Dresser (H. E.). A Monograph of the Meropidas, or Family of

Bee-eaters, with 34 finely hand-coloured plates, imp. 4to, in parts

(pub. 45 5s. net.). £4 lOs. 1884—6

Dresser (H. E.). A Monograph of the Coraciidae, or Family of

the Rollers, with 27 finely hand-coloured plates, imp. 4t6,cloth

(pub. £5 net). £4 lOs. 1893

The above two boausifnl monopraphs of striking and interesline croups of birds should be in every

J nithological library.

London: JOHN WHELDON & Gp., 38, Great Queen Street, KingswayrW.C.

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