The Best Vacation Ever

The Best Vacation Ever! By: Cyera Thompson and Amanda David 2/27/12


short story

Transcript of The Best Vacation Ever

Page 1: The Best Vacation Ever

The Best Vacation



Cyera Thompson and

Amanda David

2/27/12English 9 CP 4th

Page 2: The Best Vacation Ever

June 26

Dear Diary,

ARGH!!! My brother kills me! He is always

bugging me. Dad always wonders why I hate

family vacations……

Yours Truly <3,

Meg *

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June 27

Dear Diary,

Dad woke us up at 4:00 a.m to go to the

airport, he said we to California to see

grandma. We go there every year it’s time for

a new vacation spot.

Why me? Why do things always happen to

me? Why couldn’t mom and dad give John up

for adoption when he was little, then I could

have been the only child?! Well we are almost

at the airport; John might not make it there if

he does not stop bugging me!

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Yours Truly <3,

Meg *

June 28

Dear Diary,

The plane Meg and her family were on.

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Well we didn’t go to California like dad

said, instead we went to HAWII! Dad said it was

time for some new fresh air. We are staying at

The Five Island Resort in Honolulu. Well I have

to unpack and get some sleep…

Yours Truly <3,

Meg *

June 29

Dear Diary,

Today me and mom are planning on going

shopping and then to the beach to tan and

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hopefully I will see some cute boys, and of

course John said, “Dad, Meg’s talking about

boys again!” I felt like throwing him over the

balcony! Mom always tells me “He’s the baby

leave him alone.”

Yours Truly <3,

Meg *

June 30

Dear Diary,

Today was the best day ever! I met the

cutest boy ever on the beach, and he

walked up to me and said, “Hey, my name

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is Matt” I was shocked he talked to me. I

think I’ll go to the beach tomorrow.

Yours Truly


Meg *

June 31

Dear Diary,

I saw Matt again today on the beach. He

didn’t see me at first, but we accidently ran

into each other coming out of the restrooms.

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He said, “Hey you, sorry I didn’t get your

name last time.”

I said, “Meg, my name is Meg.” I was so

scared to talk to him because he was so cute!

Yours Truly <3,

Meg *

July 1

Dear Diary,

Today is the day I will try to tell mom

and dad I like Matt, he asked me for my

number and he called me last night! He asked

me if I wanted to go for a walk on the beach

this afternoon, but I have to ask dad. Mom

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said, “its okay with me sweetie as long as it’s

okay with your father.”

Dad still thinks I am a baby but I will be 16 in 2

more months. Later I asked dad and he said,” I

will have to see. “Later on that day dad said I

could go YAY!! Well I have to go get ready for

my date.

Yours Truly <3,

Meg *

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July 2

Dear Diary,

My date was awesome!!!!!

We walked on the beach and then went out for

ice-cream. Today is our last day here and I

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really don’t want to leave but I have to go pack

and get my things together.

Yours Truly <3,

Meg *

July 3

Dear Diary,

Well today is the day we have to leave, I

seen Matt before I went to the airport. I’m

going to miss him. John is getting on my nerves

like always, I’m trying not to kill him but it’s

hard! We are at the airport I’ll see you when

we land.

Yours Truly <3,

Meg *

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