The Best Customer: Why Do You Need Your Own Database

The Best Customer Why Do You Need Your Own Database? Direct Marketing tips by Mediapost Hit Mail #1


This is the first material from the "Direct Marketing Tips" series, published by Mediapost Hit Mail. Its aim is to demonstrate the vital importance of an own database with customers for every business and the ways it could be used for boost sales.

Transcript of The Best Customer: Why Do You Need Your Own Database

Page 1: The Best Customer: Why Do You Need Your Own Database

The Best CustomerWhy Do You Need Your Own Database?

Direct Marketing tips by Mediapost Hit Mail


Page 2: The Best Customer: Why Do You Need Your Own Database

Define: ‘database’The Direct Marketing version

“A structured list of customers or prospects that contains relevant information about them.”

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Why the role of the database is so critical in Direct Marketing?

If you talk to the right people you can hardly fail.

If you don’t know who you are talking to, you cannot make the right offer.

You can personalize your message. Thus you talk to individuals, not groups.

Why guess when you can know?

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The best customer... is the customer you know...

...this is why you need your own database.

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It is four times easier to sell to existing customers than it is to sell to people who have not done business with you.

Current customers’ revenue

New customers’ revenue

It is four times easier to sell to existing customers than it is to sell to people who have not done business with you.


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If your database is properly managed, your customer will know that he (or she) is only going to be approached by you at the right time to talk about something he is already interested in, in a way which is relevant.

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Information is the Key!

Don’t waste time and money acquiring information for your customers’database, when that information is of no real value.

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Where you can find your database?

The first place to look for lists which can build you a database is your own backyard...

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When you have your own database:

You can sell when your customer is ready to buy.

You can easily segment, target and approach your customers.

You can test your sales efforts thus improving your communication.

You can personalize.

You can design it to meet your particular needs.

You can be richer.

You can send birthday cards.

You can inform your customers when you have a new product .

You can save money.

You won’t fail easily. When you have your own database:

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Our five database tips for you:

1. “Seed” your list with employees’ names in order to control performance.

2. Recent buyers will always do better than others.

3. Your database is only as good as the relevant information you hold on it.

4. Your customers will buy when they want to buy, not when you want to sell.

Thus, persistence, persuasion and repetition are a must.

5. Always do tests. Tests will improve your business and save your money.

Keep your database in good shape and this can bring you a fortune.

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A point to remember:

Your best customer is your most valuable jewel.

Keep it.

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More to come:

1. Why Do You Need Your Own Database?

2. How to Build a Database?

3. How to Manage Your Database?

4. How to Segment your Customers?

5. Tests - How to Run and Analyze Them?

6. The Deliverability Problem

7. Personalization

8. Online & SMS Promotions

9. Useful Direct Marketing Tips

10. How to Launch Your CRM Program?

11. The Advantages of Direct Marketing (Summary)

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two more slides...

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just one more...

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Now, when you’ve seen this material, we will be grateful if you share your opinion on it with us. Just drop us an e-mail at

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or call us (+359 885 360 715). When you do, we'll send you a valuable incentive: you will get the upcoming presentations as soon as they are available.


Hristo Radichev

Country Manager, Mediapost Hit Mail

P.S. Don’t forget - if you have a friend or colleague who you think would like to hear from us, please send us their e-mail as well.

They'll get a polite invitation (which they can decline) and we can help them build and exploit their database in an imaginative andprofitable way.