EXMOUTH MOTOR CLUB LTD THE BARBARA CARTER RALLY SATURDAY 25th/SUNDAY 26 th NOVEMBER 2017 ROUNDS OF 2017 ASWMC OPEN NAVIGATIONAL RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP 2017 ASWMC NOVICE NAVIGATIONAL RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Motor Sports Association ASWMC Mr R.T.Challacombe Cara’s Diner All at Greendale Business Park Devon and Cornwall Constabulary All officials, Marshals & P R Crews All Residents & Landowners on Route








ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Motor Sports Association


Mr R.T.Challacombe

Cara’s Diner

All at Greendale Business Park

Devon and Cornwall Constabulary

All officials, Marshals & P R Crews

All Residents & Landowners on Route


2002 Darren Dixon / Peter Barnard Peugeot 205

2003 Darren Dixon / Peter Barnard Peugeot 205

2004 Roger Hunt / Graham Dance Vauxhall Nova

2004 (Historic) Worth Birkill / David Harris Mini

2005 Roger Hunt / Graham Dance Vauxhall Nova

2006 Worth Birkill / Mark Appleton Vauxhall Corsa

2007 Roger Hunt / Graham Dance Opel Kaddat

2008 Mark Butler/Peter Barnard Peugeot 205

2010 Phil Harris/ Jason Woollacott Daihatsu Sirion

2011 James How/Nic Jones Rover 200

2012 Tom Brookes/Tony Brookes Rover BRM

2013 Adrian Beer/Nathan Coles Seat Cordoba

2014 Tim Owen/Jake Ramsden Peugeot 106

2015 Brendan Wellman/Daniel Pidgeon Peugeot 206

2016 Tim Owen/Jake Ramsden Citreon Saxo

2017 ??????????????????

1 - Announcement

Exmouth Motor Club Ltd will promote a dual permit National B and Clubman status Navigational Rally on Saturday 25th/Sunday 26th November 2017 to be known as “The Barbara Carter Rally”. These Supplementary Regulations (SRs) will apply for the event. 2 – Jurisdiction

This meeting will be held under the General Regulations of the Motor Sports Association (incorporating the provisions of the International Sporting Code of the FIA), these supplementary regulations and any other written instructions that the organisers may issue. 3 – Authorisation

Authorisation from the MSA and the DOE has been applied for and will be displayed on the official notice board on the night. 4 – Eligibility & Championships

The event is open to members of the organising club and clubs affiliated to ASWMC and ACSMC The event is a round of: a) The ASWMC Open Navigational Rally Championship 2017 b) The ASWMC Novice Navigational Rally Championship 2017 We are also offering a ‘clubman section’ for crews who don’t hold an MSA National B Licence. All competitors must produce a valid MSA competition licence and club membership cards for inspection at documentation. Competitors who are not already in possession of a valid competition licence, may apply for a Non-Race National B licence at signing on in compliance with H.26.1.2, provided a fully completed application form is presented, complete with a passport size photograph and the appropriate fee. The Clubman event is open to all members of Exmouth Motor Club. All competitors in the clubman section must produce valid club membership cards for inspection at signing on. All vehicles must comply with the MSA Technical regulations (R4.1, R18-R.6.5 excluding R18.2.1) and General Regulations (Section J) Underbody protection is recommended. 5 – Outline of the event

The event will start and finish at Cara’s Diner at Raceworld, Greendale Business Park, Woodbury (Map Ref 192/018½897½) Please treat the venue as a Quiet Zone. Trailers may be parked at the start however the organisers and landowner accept no responsibility for loss or damage to trailers or tow vehicles. Noise test and scrutineering will be notified in the final instructions. Competitors will be supplied with their start pack after they have successfully passed noise, scrutineering and documentation. Cars will start at one-minute intervals. The first car starts at 23.01 Competitors will be identified by two rally plates supplied by the organisers that must be fixed to the rear and nearside of the car as per R6.1.1. They must be removed upon retirement or completion of the event R6.1. Additionally, competitors may also be identified by vehicle registration plates. It is the competitors’ responsibility to ensure that rally plates and registration plates are visible throughout the event. Before, during and after the event, official notices may be displayed on the official notice board at MTCs. Competitors may have to sign to acknowledge such notices. The official notice board will be located at signing on. The route will be approx 120 miles on map 192 Edition (Ordnance Survey Landranger 1:50,000 series) latest edition. The clubmans route will be approx 99 miles on the same map. The route will be defined using map references, tulips, any other written instructions issued by the organisers. Organisers times and mileages shall be deemed as correct. All crews are advised to carry Hi-Visibility reflective clothing to be used IF it is necessary to leave the vehicle in the event of accident or breakdown. Any competitor causing damage to property other than their own must report that damage as soon as possible to the clerk of the course or senior official with a detailed location and description. If the damage

affects a Gate or Fence the competitor must affect a repair before leaving the location to prevent stock straying onto the highway. Penalty for non compliance Exclusion and Report to MSA. 6 – Classes

(1) Expert

Any crew in which the Navigator has finished in the top 3 of a National-B (or higher) Road or Navigational Rally on at least three occasions.

(2) Semi-Expert

Any crew in which the Navigator has finished between 4 -10 of a National-B (or higher) Road or Navigational Rally on at least three occasions.

(3) Novice (4)Clubman

Any crew in which the Navigator is neither an Expert or a Semi-expert. Any Crew Registered in the ASWMC Novice Championship All Crews competing in the Clubman event.

7 – Entries

Entries open on publication of these regulations and closes on Wednesday 15th November 2017 Please make all cheques payable to Exmouth Motor Club Ltd. BACS payments will also be accepted. All entries must be made on the official entry form and sent to the Entry Secretary with the appropriate entry fee. The maximum entry for the event is 35. The minimum is 15. The minimum for each class is 3. Should the minimum figures not be reached, the organisers reserve the right to cancel the event or amalgamate classes as appropriate. Entries will be accepted at the organisers discretion, seeding will be by reference to seeding information provided and any other means deemed appropriate. All entries will be acknowledged by email where possible. Cancelled entries must be made in writing/email. Entries cancelled before the closing date will be refunded in full, after that date a £15 surcharge will be retained. 8 – Final Instructions

Final instructions will be emailed or posted to the person indicated on the entry form the week beginning Monday 20th November 2017 please enclose a SAE if you require finals by post. . 9 – Officials PLEASE DO NOT PHONE ANY OFFICIAL AFTER 9PM Clerk of the Course

Assistant Clerk of the



Chief Marshal

Assistant Chief


Peter Barnard 3 Shortlands Yettington Budleigh Salterton Devon EX9 7BN

Mark Butler

Roger Holder

01395 567572 [email protected]

01404 890284

[email protected]

Secretary of the meeting

Sue Barnard 3 Shortlands Yettington Budleigh Salterton Devon EX9 7BN

01395 567572 [email protected]

Entries Secretary Noise Test Official

Jean Parker 01404 890284 5 The Laurels [email protected] Flightway Dunkeswell EX14 4RS Lynn Palmer

Stewards Rupert Barker, TBA

Scrutineers TBA

DSO Child Protection Officer

TBA Dave Lyon



10 – Awards

Awards will be presented as follows: 1st Overall Driver & Navigator 1st in Class Driver & Navigator 2nd in Class Driver & Navigator (min. 6 class starters) 3rd in Class Driver & Navigator (min. 10 class starters) 1st Exmouth Motor Club Driver & Navigator (Must be a fully paid up member of the club at least 24

hours before the event, enter the National B event and enter under Exmouth Motor Club) (Clubman entries not eligible for this award)

1st Clubman Driver & Navigator No competitor may win more than one award other than the Exmouth Motor Club award. 11 – Results

Results will be decided by the lowest number of marks gained. Ties will be resolved by the lowest number of marks gained at the first control, followed by the second control etc. until the tie is resolved. If a tie still exists then the result will go to the crew whose entry is received soonest. The organisers reserve the right to cancel sections from the results if they deem it fairer to do so, force majeure not withstanding. Time controls.. if in the organisers’ opinion an inaccurate time is recorded then they may give the competitor a notional or corrected time and in exceptional circumstances may downgrade the time control to a route check. Provisional results will be published as soon as possible after the last car finishes in accordance with D26

They will be declared final 30 minutes after going provisional, providing no protests are received. Protests may be made in accordance with C5. Final results will be emailed to the person indicated on the entry form within 14 days of the event. Please enclose a SAE if you require results by post. 12 – Modifications of the General Regulations

R7.2.3 Competitors may carry mobile telephones, providing they are switched off during the event. Any competitor found using a mobile telephone during the event will be penalised as per SR13(p). R2.3.3 Controls and checks may be established at any point given on the route card to ensure compliance with the route, event regulations and any other written instructions issued to competitors. They may be manned by DSO’s who will be observing speed, noise and driving standards. R2.8.1 Official bulletins published at MTCs bearing the signature of either the Clerk of the Course, his assistant, Secretary of the Meeting ,Chief Marshal or his assistant will have the same authority as these regulations. R9.1.3 Competitors must STOP before entering any road protected by a “Stop” or “Give Way” sign, and any other junctions marked “Give Way” on the route card. Failure to comply will be penalised as per SR13(p). R12.2.7 Maximum lateness at most Time Controls will be 30 minutes and 59 seconds. However competitors may be instructed to reduce/extend lateness at certain points en route.

13 – Penalties The ¾ rule will not apply on this event. Any control where time may be made up will be specified by the


Penalties are based on R12 (time), with the following modifications.

All Sections

(a) Not reporting at or reporting OTL at a MTC Retired

(b) Not reporting at or reporting OTL at any other time control 30 mins

(c) Not complying with the route card including: visiting a time control more than once (unless instructed to do so), Wrong Approach.

15 mins

(d) Not reporting at a PC or providing proof of visiting an RC or failing to have information recorded correctly at an RC and not getting an RC countersigned at the next manned control

5 mins

(e) Arrival before scheduled/due time at the end of a standard section 2 mins per minute early

(f) Arrival after due time at the end of a standard section 1min per minute late

(g) Arrival before due time at the end of a neutral section 2nd offence

30 mins Exclusion

(h) Arrival before due time at an intermediate control or finish control of a Regularity Section

Actual time early

(i) Arrival after due time at an intermediate control or finish control of a Regularity Section

Actual time late

(j) Failue to stop at a Control board marking the area of a manned control 1st Offence 2nd and further offences

Warning 1 minute per offence

(k) Breach of any statutory requirement concerning the use of a motor vehicle Exclusion

(m) Excessive speed or driving in a manner likely to bring Motorsport into disrepute Exclusion

(n) Excessive sound Exclusion

(o) Receiving assistance contrary to R7.2.4 Exclusion

(p) Breach of R7.2.3, R18.6.4, R11.6, R11.6.1,R15.1.2, R15.1.4, R9.1.3, R9.1.4, R9.1.5, R9.1.6,


(r) Not complying with a reasonable instruction issued by an official, providing a warning that a penalty will be applied is given


(s) Unauthorised alteration of a timecard Exclusion

14 – Noise Test & Scrutineering

At noise test cars will be checked for compliance with R4. At scrutineering cars will be checked for compliance with Sections J as appropriate and the Road Traffic Act. (Competitors are reminded to bring the vehicles V5, a valid MOT and if the vehicle is hired a covering letter from the owner giving authorisation for the vehicle to be used on this event.)

Wheel and tyre dimensions are free but must fit within the standard, unmodified wheel arch. They must be legal for use on the public highway at ALL times during the event. Scrutineers may mark tyres at the start of the event for checking later en route. If a car fails either noise test or scrutineering they will not be allowed to start, no refund will be given, and their place will be allocated to a reserve. There may be additional noise tests en-route as per R4.1.6; should any competitor fail they will be penalised as per SR13(n). Competitors are reminded of the requirement of R.18.6.5 where each competitor must carry a small spill kit. 15 – Controls

There will be the following types of controls and checks, penalties as per SR13 Main Time Control (MTC) As per R11.6. Time Control (TC) As per R11.5 Regularity Start TC (RSTC) As per R10.4 Regularity Finish TC (RFTC) As per R 10.4 Intermediate TC (ITC) As per R10.4.1 Neutral TC (NTC) As per R10.3 Passage Control (PC) As per R11.4 Route Check (RC) As per R11.3 Transport Time Control (TTC) As per R10.5

All manned controls where competitors are required to stop will have a control board approx. 50 metres (or less – see below) ahead on the correct direction of approach, which shall denote the beginning of the control area. They must be visited in the order shown on the route card – failure to do so will be penalised as per SR13(c). For marshal safety, all competitors are required to come to a complete STOP at the board, before proceeding to the control. Timing will be as competitors PASS the board. Some controls may be at not-as-map junctions, such controls will have a control area of 3 metres. They will be identified on the route card and may be preceded by a control board on the correct direction of approach. The organisers may provide diagrams of such controls. Any control that is unmanned will be replaced by a code board and may be preceded by a control board and its status will be demoted to a route check. These must be recorded in INK and countersigned by the marshal at the NEXT manned time or passage control. It is not the duty of the marshal to interpret regulations or any other written instructions to a competitor, or to explain the meaning and/or effect thereof. It is the responsibility of the competitor to read and understand these regulations and all written instructions. A competitor who causes any kind of harassment to a marshal or any other official, or who remains in a control area after an instruction to depart has been given, will be penalised as per SR13(r) and reported to the stewards of the meeting. An altered or amended time card will be accepted if it is countersigned by the marshal at the time of alteration. It is the competitor’s responsibility to ensure that his/her timecard is correctly marked. Any unauthorised alteration of a competitor’s timecard will be penalised as per SR13(s). Controls will be open 15 minutes before the Due Time of the first car, and close at the Scheduled Time of the last car plus the maximum permitted lateness allowed for the control. 16 – Timing

The event will use BST. Timing will be by digital clocks carried by the marshals There may be three types of section: Standard As per R10.2. Penalties as per SR13 Neutral As per R10.3. Penalties as per SR13 Regularity As per R10.4 Penalties as per SR13 Transport As per R10.5 Competitors are reminded of R10.3.1. - neutral sections must be completed without the use of auxiliary lighting, except as permitted by law in conditions of poor visibility. Competitors will be required to make up time at the official rest halts or where instructed to do so. On sections timed to the minute Competitors may enter the control any time within their due minute without penalty. You are deemed to have entered the control when you pass the Control Board. The Marshals/Judge of Fact decision on entry time to the control is final and the Marshals will only enter the time when you pass the Control Board. A Competitor may miss a control or controls. They will be penalised in accordance with SR13 (as appropriate) for every control missed.

17 – Insurance

The Organisers have applied to Jelf Insurance Partnership for a Blanket Cover Note under the above

scheme. This will provide competitors who need to use the scheme with the Third Party Cover necessary to

meet RTA requirements on the Road Sections of the event.

The basic rate for the event before any loadings will £14. All applicants wishing to use the scheme must be

able to comply with all points of the Jelf Insurance Partnership’s Declaration: -

- I do not have the Third Party Road Section extension on my current Motor Insurance. - I am aged 20 or over. - I have had no more than 1 fault claim in the last three years - I have no more than maximum of 6 conviction points on my UK driving licence - I have the appropriate competition/club membership licence as well as a UK/EU driving

license and if my license is provisional I will be supervised by an adult over 25. - I have no physical or mental disabilities - I have no other material facts to disclose - Anyone aged less than 20 years old will also be accepted at the same price should their co-

driver be a more senior member of their family or over 25.

If you comply with all points above no Letter of Acceptance will be required. If unable to comply with any of

the above points you will be required to complete the Declaration form (the form can be obtained by

contacting the event secretary or Jelf Insurance Partnership) which should be forwarded either to the

organisers or direct to Jelf Insurance Partnership prior to the event to allow sufficient time for a letter of

acceptance to be issued.

Jelf Insurance Partnership

Partnership House

Priory Park East

Kingston Upon Hull


Tel + 44 (0) 1482 213215

Fax + 44 (0) 1482 213216

Email [email protected]

18 - Servicing

Servicing will not be permitted at any time during the event, however, competitors may work, unaided, on their own car and may borrow tools from other competitors. The penalty for infringement will be exclusion. 19 – Damage Declaration

Competitors will be required to complete and sign a report declaring that they have not been involved in any incident resulting in damage to third party or private property, or injury to persons or animals, or alternatively give details of any such incident. Any information given will incur no penalty, but failure to provide a completed damage declaration form within 72 hours of the completion of the event or falsifying a declaration will result in exclusion of the competitors from the event and their details will be reported to the MSA. In the event of an accident, the organisers must be notified as soon as possible. Non-finishers should forward their completed forms to the secretary of the meeting. Any competitor who, as a result of their driving on the event is reported to the police will be excluded retrospectively from the results, forfeit any award gained and reported to the MSA. Breakfast tickets will be issued at the finish when damage declaration is handed in. 20 - Pace Notes Only one copy of OS Landranger map 192 will be permitted to be carried in a competing car during the event, providing it complies with R9.1.5 and does not carry Pace Note(s). Any information about the route that a Competitor carries with them that has not been provided by the Organisers will be classed as a Pace Note. Any Competitor found to be in possession of any Pace Note(s) at any time will be penalised as per SR13(p) and reported to the MSA.

No other map will be permitted to be carried other than a road atlas. There may be a map check at signing on and at any point on the route. Any Competitor observed on the route practising prior to the event will not be permitted to start, have their entry allocated to a reserve without refund and will be reported to the MSA. 21 - Driving Standards Observers and Judges of Fact Judges of Fact may be appointed in accordance with G10.1. DSO’s may be appointed in accordance with G11.1 to ensure compliance with R8.3. Failure to stop when requested by a DSO will incur the penalty of exclusion. The names of all Judges of Fact & DSO’s appointed by the organiser will be displayed as per G11.2.2 in accordance with R2.8.1 22 – Marshals

Whilst the event does not use a “no marshal – no start” policy, we encourage competitors to bring along friends and

family to help marshal controls. The more marshals there are, the more enjoyable your event will be. Please contact

the Chief Marshal Mark Butler 01404 890284 [email protected] to pre-book a control.

23 – Photographer TBA







Drivers Details Navigators details







Please send acceptance /finals/results to DRIVER / NAVIGATOR by post/email (circle as appropriate)

If finals/results are required by post please enclose self addressed envelopes. Vehicles Details


Class Details (circle as appropriate)

CLASS ENTERED Expert Semi Novice Clubman

Next of kin to be contacted in event of emergency

DRIVER Tel No Relationship

NAVIGATOR Tel No Relationship


Do you wish to use the cover provided by JELF YES / NO

Name & Address of own insurers (if Applicable)

DRIVERS SIGNATURE_____________________ NAVIGATORS SIGNATURE____________________

Age if under 18_____________________________ Age if under 18_________________________________

DECLARATION 'I declare that I have been given the opportunity to read the General Regulations of the Motor Sports Association and, if any, the

Supplementary Regulations for this event and agree to be bound by them. I declare that I am physically and mentally fit and competent to take

part in the event. I understand that motorsport is dangerous and accidents causing death, injury, disability and property damage can and do

happen. I understand that these risks may give rise to my suffering personal injury or other loss and I acknowledge and accept these risks. ‘In

consideration of the acceptance of this entry I agree that neither any one of or any combination of the MSA and its associated clubs, the

organisers, the track owners or other occupiers, the promoters and

their respective officers, servants, representatives and agents (the “Parties”) shall have any liability for loss or damage which may be sustained

or incurred by me as a result of participation in the Event. Nothing in this clause is intended to or shall be

deemed to exclude or limit liability for death or personal injury. To the fullest extent permitted by law I agree to indemnify and hold harmless

each of the Parties in respect of any loss or damage whatsoever and howsoever arising from my participation in the Event. 'I declare that to

the best of my belief the driver(s) possess(es) the standard of competence necessary for an event of the type to which this entry relates and

that the vehicle entered is suitable and roadworthy for the event having regard to the course and the speeds which will be reached'.

As the Parent/Guardian/Guarantor ‘I confirm that I have acquainted myself with the MSA General Regulations, agree to pay

any appropriate charges and fees pursuant to those Regulations (to include any appendices thereto) and hereby agree to be

bound by those Regulations and submit myself without reserve to the consequences resulting from those Regulations (and any

subsequent alteration thereof). Further, I agree to pay as liquidated damages any fines imposed upon me up to the maxima set

out in Part 3, Appendix 1.’

Note: Where the Parent/Guardian/Guarantor is not present there must be a representative who must produce a written and

signed authorisation to so act from the Parent/Guardian/Guarantor as appropriate.

I hereby agree to abide by the MSA Child Protection Policy and Guidelines.

This entry is made with my consent. Parent/Guardian if under 18 years



Address Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Seeding Information

Event Status Year Overall Class


2 3

4 5


Enclose Cheque made payable to Exmouth Motor Club Limited and send to:

Jean Parker, 5 The Laurels, Flightway, Dunkeswell, EX14 $RS

National B Entry Fee £80 £

Clubman Entry Fee £70 £

Exmouth MC Membership (each for entrants taking part in clubman only) £2.50 £

Full Exmouth MC membership (each) £12 £



BACS BARCLAYS… Exmouth Motor Club Ltd.... Sort Code 20-30-47… Acc No 80466514...Ref..Competitors name