The Awakening

Ebook: The Awakening (The Second Coming of the Christ) Channelled & Written by Hanneke Jennings Edited By Graham Hansen Headings Prologue: The Great Invocation Introduction Establishing the Christ Consciousness on Earth What is your Reality Transformational Fire Meditation The Third Dimension The Michael Universe Earth History Meditation for peace The Second Coming of the Christ Responsible Guardianship Light Meditation Seeding a Planet Wesak Festival with Lord Buddha Maitreya Preparing for the Awakening Dealing with Karma Merging with the Light Meditation of Intent Your Redeemer Liveth The Spiritual Hierarchies The Ultimate Source is the Nucleus Messengers of Peace An Ideal World Peacemakers Meditation The Great Celebration The Invocation of the Christ Meditation Epilogue: The Light of the Cross About the Author


ascended masters channeling

Transcript of The Awakening

  • Ebook: The Awakening (The Second Coming of the Christ)

    Channelled & Written by Hanneke Jennings Edited By Graham Hansen

    Headings Prologue: The Great Invocation Introduction Establishing the Christ Consciousness on Earth What is your Reality Transformational Fire Meditation The Third Dimension The Michael Universe Earth History Meditation for peace The Second Coming of the Christ Responsible Guardianship Light Meditation Seeding a Planet Wesak Festival with Lord Buddha Maitreya Preparing for the Awakening Dealing with Karma Merging with the Light Meditation of Intent Your Redeemer Liveth The Spiritual Hierarchies The Ultimate Source is the Nucleus Messengers of Peace An Ideal World Peacemakers Meditation The Great Celebration The Invocation of the Christ Meditation Epilogue: The Light of the Cross About the Author

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    The Great Invocation Let the forces of Light bring illumination to Mankind

    Let the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad

    May men of goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation

    May forgiveness on the part of all men be the keynote at this time

    Let power attend the efforts of the Great Ones

    So let it be, and help us do our part.

    Let the Lords of Liberation issue forth

    Let Them bring succour to the sons of men

    Let the Rider from the Secret Place come forth,

    and coming, save

    Come forth, O Mighty One. Let the souls of men awaken to the Light, And may they stand with massed intent

    Let the fiat of the Lord go forth

    The end of woe has come!

    Come forth, O Mighty One

    The hour of service of the Saving Force has now arrived

    Let it be spread abroad, O Mighty One. Let Light and Love and Power and Death Fulfil the purpose of the Coming One

    The will to save is here.

    The Love to carry forth the work is widely spread abroad

    The active aid of all who know the truth is also here

    Come forth, O Mighty One and blend these three.

  • Construct a great defending wall the rule of evil now must end. From the point of Light within the Mind of God Let Light stream forth into the minds of men.

    Let Light descend on Earth. From the point of Love within the Heart of God Let Love stream forth into the hearts of men.

    May Christ return on Earth. From the centre where the Will of God is known Let purpose guide the little wills of men -

    The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

    From the centre which we call the race of men

    Let the Plan of Love and Light work out.

    And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

    Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

    MAITREYA-INTRODUCTION Lord Maitreya is the Leader of the Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy. He holds the Office of the Christ: the Vessel of Love Energy for the entire Planet.

    Wondrous beyond measure is our Holy Lord the Christ, wondrous beyond any power of description, for through Him flows the Love which comforts millions, and He is the Voice that speaks, as never man spake, the words of teaching that bring peace to Angels and to Men. C.W.Leadbeater The Masters and the Path The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar, India 1925 We, as Lightbeings, are all potential Christs and anchor the Christ Consciousness upon this Planet Earth or Lady Gaia as She is called on the higher spheres.

  • We are all part of the Collective Coming of The Christ, the Collective Messiah, as we are living conduits of Christed Energies.

    The first sacred task of each Lightbeing is to anchor the Light on behalf of unawakened Mankind.

    Lord Maitreya, our Planetary Christ evolved spiritually through this Earthplane. He is one of the great Spiritual Teachers of this era and He works very closely with Lord Buddha, the Planetary Logos.

    Lord Maitreya is now in incarnation and living in the Asian/Pakistani community in East London. His Disciples, the twelve Masters of Wisdom are also in incarnation and are in place in different countries around the world.

    Here are some of the teachings by Lord Maitreya:

    Individuality is the soul. People will come to realise this. Individuality is sacred.

    I have come to teach three things in life: honesty, sincerity and detachment.

    To say; I am the Messiah can create opposition. Messiah is a word coined by the human race. People want someone to free them from all their sufferings. It is detachment which frees you from suffering.

    The real prisoners are those who are in power. If you are free, open minded, you have the power of awareness.

    Be what you are. Do not follow one another. If you practise honesty of mind, sincerity of spirit and detachment, you will know your Self, you will know me, and you will know the Lord.

    I do not want you to believe in Me. First experience Me within you. When you experience Me then you become aware of my presence within you; it is not a matter of belief first. I do not want you to accept or reject me it is your inner experience what counts. What you experience yourself is your wealth, the richness of your own Being. The living truth is a matter of experience.

    Do not try to worship Me. If your worship Me you are trying to lower yourself. I do not want this. I want you to be equal. You are a spark of the Supreme Being. Do not think you are below Me.

    I have not come to found a new religion. I have come to teach the art of Self-realisation.

  • I come to you like a thief in the night so that you will not become too excited. Slowly as you become aware, you can digest what is eaten. In awareness you will know Me. In isms you will fight against me.

    I have not come to create Followers. Each of you should continue to develop within your own religious tradition. A real disciple is one who will respect the traditions. Respect your own religions, your own ideologies, in brief your own thought form and you will experience the Master. Even when you see me, do not run after me. I you run after me, you will lose me.

    I cannot be monopolised I belong to everyone.

    Let the pagan believe in the stone, because without the Lord there is no stone.

    Even when you are thieving, know that without the divine hand of the Lord you would not be able to thieve.

    Free will is the most important thing given to you, and your destiny is to be free.

    When you become desire less all the burdens of life are removed

    Teaching given by Lord Maitreya during a meeting of Swamis in London UK during the mid 1990s

    As reported in the magazine Share International Magazine.

    The Second Coming of the Christ is a major undertaking and many Beings of the Light are instrumental in bringing this about:

    1.The Lightbeings: These are advanced and enlightened souls from all over the Universe who have responded to the Clarion Call of the Creator. They are now in incarnation and act as a critical mass of Light necessary to bring this planet Earth to ascension and the Light. They act as vibrational stewards as by their very presence on this planet they uphold the vibratory level.

    2. The Planetary Hierarchy. Many of its Members are in incarnation today and are doing their important work behind the scenes to prepare the world stage for the appearance of the Christ.

    They are awaiting the call and are ready to come out into the open and move into key positions of spiritual power on this planet.

    They have already established contact with many of the Lightbeings. Many gifted channels have brought forth their work and teachings.

  • 3. The Lords of Wisdom, who are the Disciples of the Christ will carry out His Will. They are working closely with Lord Maitreya and hold key positions in the Planetary Hierarchy.

    4. Lord Maitreya, the Planetary Christ, the World Uniter:

    It is told how the New Era shall manifest itself. First will begin an unprecedented war of all Nations. Afterwards brother shall rise against Brother. Oceans of blood shall flow and the people shall cease to understand one another.

    They shall forget the meaning of the World Teacher. Just then shall the Teacher appear, and in all corners of the World shall be heard the true teaching. To this world shall the people be drawn, but those who are filled with darkness and ignorance shall set obstacles.

    So the diamond glows so the Light on the Tower of the Lord, the prophet of the New Age. One stone on his finger is worth more than all the worlds treasures. Even those who by accident help the teachings of the prophet will receive in return a hundredfold.

    Already many warriors of the teachings of the truth are reborn. Only a few years shall elapse before everyone shall hear the mighty steps of the Lord of the New Era and one can already perceive unusual people; already they open the gates of knowledge and ripened fruits are falling from the trees.

    Those who accept Him shall rejoice, and those who deny Him shall tremble. The denier shall be given over to justice and shall be forgotten, and the warriors shall march under the banner of Maitreya, the World Uniter.

    Professor Nicholas Roerich 1929 He has already appeared in public since 1977. He has His residence in East London. His work concerns itself very much with the poverty and starvation of the minorities and the third world. The keyword is sharing: There is enough for all! The concern: food and housing for all.

    This planet is a planet of plenty!

    Come out of this fear consciousness of war and conflict and realise that you are your Brothers Keeper!

    Stop spending obscene amounts of money on instruments of war and killing!

  • Lord Maitreya has manifested in public many times. He appeared in front of thousands at a public meeting in Nairobi. He addressed the crowd in Swahili, was photographed and disappeared again.

    The work of Benjamin Creme and Share International is especially noted. He has worked tirelessly for the Light and has channelled Lord Maitreya on many occasions.

    Many of the Lightbeings have had a personal appearance by the Maitreya.

    5. The Angelic Hierarchies. The Orders of Elohim, the Lords of Time, the Archangels and Angelic Hosts; the Seraphim from the Heavenly Realms and A-E-O-N, the Throne Realm are working to ensure that conditions are ready for the Christ to appear.

    6. The Galactic Federation of Light. Its members represent the Star Nations of Light. They have carried out necessary scientific work on this planet, our sun and our solar system. Their medical teams have done crucially important work on the DNA/RNA level of the population and assisted with the implementation and integration of the physical body and the body of Light.

    Their Members have worked closely with the Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy. They are liasing and negotiating now with the Global Elites of this planet. Among the Members of the Galactic Federation are the Vega, Lyran, Sirian, Pleiadian and Acturian star systems; certain sections of Orion and many more.

    7. The Ashtar Command. The Members of this Command under the leadership of Lord Ashtar, with Lord Sananda as their Supreme Commander.

    8.The Great White Brotherhood. The Members of this Brotherhood of Light are Ascended Beings who mainly achieved their Mastery through evolving on this planet Earth. They work mostly anonymously and are involved with the planetary governments and peacekeeping. Their Medical Units are also very much involved with healing.

    8. The Devic Kingdom. These wonderful nature spirits, elementals, etc work with the Mineral, Vegetation and Animal Kingdoms of Consciousness and have agreed to assist with the healing, repairing and restoring of this planet to its former glory and vitality. I, the Maitreya, as the Planetary Christ; honour,

  • Love and pay great tribute to all these illustrious souls,

    who even now are paving the way for My Coming.

    My dearest Brothers and Sisters in the Light;

    Know that you are held in high esteem.

    As you read these words

    I hold you within my Loving Vibration.

    May the Blessing of the One Most High be upon thee all.

    And So It Is. Hanneke Jennings Mt Evelyn Vic


    30th of June In the Year of our Lord:



    It is wonderful to see you all here in joy and such happiness.

    To be together, to sit in each others energies, to be with kindred spirits that you truly are. I AM the Maitreya.

    I hold you within my loving uplifting vibration. Let us just pause for a little moment and exchange our energies. Allow me, my beloved friends, to add my Light and my Love to yours.

    Let us talk today about the Christ Consciousness and about being the Christ. You must know by now, that there is no such Being as the Christ. The Christ is an office, that is being held by a certain Master. It is like a position in a company, like a rank, a job. The Christ Consciousness is a consciousness held by many in the Universe. It is a certain degree of consciousness; a certain level of vibration. It is the highest consciousness here in this Universe.

  • When you achieve illumination, you are also a recipient or bearer of this Christ consciousness. So when I speak about the Christ, you know, that it is I who holds the position or office of the Christ. Eventually I will move on in my Cosmic Evolution and the Office of the Planetary Christ will be held by another Master.

    Remember, that consciousness is forever spiralling up towards the Godhead; it is called the evolution of consciousness. This is Cosmic Law.

    On your planet Earth, my friends, there is also a consciousness held by many; I refer to the collective consciousness or mass consciousness. This consciousness is totally negative and hangs like a net around this planet. It is negative and not of a very high vibration.

    Two thousand years ago, an attempt was made by the Planetary Hierarchy to anchor once again the Christ consciousness on this planet and an Initiate by the name of Jesus was chosen to be the Avatar of the Piscean Age. He was overshadowed by the Christ, in other words, myself. There was no such person as Jesus, the Christ. He does not exist. These are two different Beings. We are all part of The Christ!

    This was a very detailed operation, which took a long time to plan, before it could be put into operation and many Masters took part in it. At first, this operation was a success and the message of Divine Love and the Kingdom of Heaven is within was taken further by the Disciples of Jesus; who were Initiates themselves and the Christian religion was established. Then it fell into the hands of certain powerbrokers and then this religion, this wonderful truth was used to keep people poor, uneducated and in fear.

    Even before, the birth of Christianity many Avatars came to Earth to establish the Christ consciousness like the Buddha and Zoroaster.

    There were many Indian Masters who worked to anchor the Light, using this same high energy that we now call Christ consciousness.

    An other attempt was made later, many have tried to establish the Christ consciousness on this Earth. Akhnaten, the Egyptian Pharaoh for instance, with his theory of the One God Aten. Once again the powerbrokers got into the act. The High priests murdered Akhnaten and the people once again were in darkness.

    In the late eighteen hundreds another attempt was made to anchor the Light and bring information to the people by the founding of the

  • Theosophical society. Through the beautiful devotion and dedication of the Masters St Germain, Kuthumi and El Morya, aided by Djwhal Khul, the Theosophical Society was founded on this third dimensional level, through the cooperation and hard work of Madam Blavatsky and Col. H. Olcott, C.W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant joined later.

    For the first time, my friends, much information and knowledge was released to those who were ready for it. The books Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine were channelled through Madam Blavatsky to enlighten the minds of people.

    Once again, an Initiate was chosen to be the channel for the Christ to work through and overshadow. After years of training, the Initiate Krishnamurti declined to perform this task and became a world teacher in his own right.

    Many attempts have been made to enlighten people, to inform people. To lift this planet Earth to a higher vibration.

    The Master St Germain was instrumental together with Guy Ballard and his wife Lotus under the pseudonym of Godfre Ray King to disclose the higher knowledge once again to humanity. In the books called The Unveiled Mysteries and the I AM Discourses. Very high knowledge was being revealed and mankind was given the opportunity and the knowledge and access to the process of Ascension.

    You will know, that looking back over the ages, that all those who held incarnations of prime importance to the enlightenment, guidance and direction of mankind were all Masters. So, there have been only a handful of Beings, who have tried to shape the destiny of mankind.

    Beloved Master Djwhal Khul inspired and channelled through Alice Bailey in her books. So you can see, that a trickle of very high and privileged information has been allowed to come through for those who were ready and needed this information.

    Now we come to the present time, my friends. Now the time has come for this planet Earth, which is a living sentient being, ensouled by beloved Lord Buddha the Logos of this world, to take its rightful place in the Universe.

    This planet has been ruled by the Dark Forces; those who did not have the interest of mankind at heart; those who have kept mankind in the darkness and in fear and in need, thinking that they were separated and abandoned by the Father. It is now time for this planet to take its rightful place. A

  • journey from the third dimension to the fifth dimension. This is a journey in consciousness.

    Once again the Christ consciousness is being established on this planet. This time it is an operation on a grand scale, and many beings of the Light are taking part in it.

    Many Members of the Spiritual Hierarchy are now in incarnation in a physical embodiment. Many enlightened beings from other planets are also taking part and are in incarnation at this moment of time. Many Lightbeings from other planets, who have already achieved a high level of self-mastery have been incarnating for quite some time on this planet Earth, thus earning the right to intervene and take part in shaping the destiny of Mankind on this planet.

    These Lightbeings, who have achieved a very high level of self-mastery and who are specialists in their own right; have taken a great risk to take on physical embodiment on this planet. They involved themselves in the Law of Cause and Effect, in many cases they were getting enmeshed in personal and world Karma. It was a great risk and many have fallen by the wayside. Unable to free themselves, to awaken and know their true identity. They are totally mesmerised and indoctrinated by the illusion of the third dimension. Many have been unable to withstand the harsh vibration of this planet and have succumbed to drugs, to alcohol or any other addictions of any kind.

    You see, my friends, that this is not child splay! This is reality. You know that reality is very transient. As you think, as you feel, so you are. Many wonderful workers for the Light have awakened on cue. They are here, courageous souls that they are. They are transducers of the Light. They are the ground crew. Without their help and assistance and devotion and Love, this mission would not get off the ground.

    The name Lightbeing is very apt, my friends; part of the duty and undertaking of a Lightbeing is to anchor the Light on this planet. This Light, these high energies come from the Source, the Lords of Time and the Orders of Elohim. These energies are stepped down by the Cosmic Hierarchy and the Planetary Hierarchy and then passed on to the Lightbeings. Every Lightbeing is a specialist in doing this particular task.

    The Lightbeings are undergoing many body changes at the same time. Some of the Lightbeings are experiencing great discomfort and even pain, as their

  • bodies are rewired and DNA changes are taking place, so that they can harness these very high energies.

    These Lightbeings have other gifts and talents, as well as being Light bearers. Some undertake a mission to work with the electrical grids, ley lines, and the matrix of this planet. There are teachers, channellers, writers of books, artists, musicians and parents etc. They are all specialists within their chosen field.

    You can see, that there is an influx of Christ consciousness on a massive scale. To educate, to inform, to enlighten those who wish to come to the Light. To know that one can connect with ones own I AM Presence, which is ones only authority; ones only channel to the Godhead. You can see that we are all in this together, we are all on a journey in consciousness. We are already taking part in it, and if you do not know this, you are doing this unconsciously. So, you might as well be a conscious channel.

    Q. How do I prepare myself and achieve the highest potential in this incarnation?

    Maitreya: By balancing, aligning and activating your chakra system in order to open up your channel. To throw the switch, so to speak and turn on and establish your connection with your I AM Presence. To release all fear.

  • Living in this incarnation, in this dimension, you have been subjected to and have been affected by the mass consciousness that is being held by mankind. Great fear has accumulated; many of you are emotionally stressed. The emotional body is totally out of alignment. Many of you suffer great emotional upheaval, from the great joys to the depths of despair. All this fear, all this emotional dross is cantered at cellular level. It has to be removed; layer-by-layer by layer.

    With the help of the Violet Flame of Transmutation, Freedom and Forgiveness, the Seventh Ray you can transmute all that is not of the Light. All that is heavy, all that is holding you back and keeping you down.

    As our beloved Brother in the Light Serapis Bey says so often: It is like running a marathon with lead in your pockets!

    Free yourselves from all these burdens. When you peel off all the layers that are around you, all the burdens, you become the being that you truly are!

    You are an individualised Spark of God Consciousness, an Eternal Being!

    One, who does not die and does not get born and does not get hurt or does not get hot or cold and does not know fear. Then, you are able to tap into your own power, which is the God Power!

    Realise that you are a Co-creator with The All That Is! You are a Being of Divine Love, who is meant to be free!

    This is when you come into your own freedom. When you do the work with the Violet Flame and you let go of all the fetters, you find that underneath all the dross, there is this being of the Light. And it is you!

    Bring the Light in, charge every cell of your body with the Light!

    Every cell of your embodiment is charged with the Light of the Christ consciousness! Then you can activate your glandular system to release the immortality hormone. Then you are on your journey into the Light, towards your Ascension!

    The term Lightbeing is very apt! You are a being of the Light! You can bring the Christ consciousness, which is the golden/white Twelfth Ray, into your embodiment! Do this while you are meditating. Bring this golden/white flame, which is the Christ Ray into your being, into your thoughts, into your spoken words, into your actions. Say to yourself that from now on, you think and speak and live only through your Christmind! When all the fear and negative

  • emotion is gone, my friends, you can experience the bliss and the joy, which is your due!

    Bring this incarnation to its fullest potential. Then you are able to perform the tasks that you intended to do in this dimension. Come off the fence, my friends, stop leaning on others. Open your own channel and listen to your own authority which is the I AM Presence. Develop your spiritual discernment:

    Be God cantered; when you lean on others, you cannot learn!

    Make your whole day a meditation!

    Realise and know your own identity. Realise and know, that you are this eternal being. This incarnation is only an episode in time of your eternal life!

    Bring this Eternal Self, the I AM Presence into your physical being. Feel and experience, what it is like to be a Superhuman! This is your heritage: your birthright, your privilege!

    Know that you are a child of the Father/Mother/God. Say it over and over and over again, until you know it.

    I Am a child of Abundance, prosperity and Supply of All Good Things!

    All is added on to me! Surrender, surrender, surrender! Surrender your whole being to the All That Is.

    Thy Will be done in and through me!

    When you do, you gain your freedom! You will achieve victory and freedom!

    Come out of the bondage, that you are now experiencing in this third dimension! Rise above it! Let go of it all. Detach from the illusion of this Earthplane! Look at the appearances; look at the obstacles and the problems on your path. Realise that they are mind held! You can rise above all this and solve all these tests and trials from a higher level. Know that they are only appearances, that they are not real! See the games that are being played for what they are. Illusions!

    Recognise the emotional roller coaster that you have been on!

    Step off it! You do have a choice, either to play the game or to step back and detach. It is up to you. The choice is always yours!

    Your path is meant to be walked joyfully and peacefully in tranquillity and harmony with those around you.

  • Step off the Wheel of Karma! Do not set up a Cause, because you will have to deal with the Effect!

    If you wish to continue to believe in Karma, by all means, my friends. Remember that your feelings and your thinking world and your beliefs shape your reality!

    My friends, think about this. Take time off your busy schedules and ponder on this. Meditate on this. Tap into the God consciousness. Tap into the abundance. Tap into the wisdom. Tap into the wonderful Energies of the Godhead. Discover your true identity! Come into your own power! Achieve this self-realisation and mastery of the Self!

    These are not just fairytales! These are not just words! These are not just empty promises! Try it out! You can achieve all this in the one lifetime! This is what you came here to do! To serve the Supreme Father, to serve the planet Gaia, to work with the Ascended Masters, to serve Mankind. At the same time, you will take a giant leap forward in consciousness! This is the highest potential of your incarnation.

    I invite you, so lovingly, to take part in this great undertaking of establishing the Christ consciousness on this planet Earth. Together with all the Masters and Lady Masters and the Angels and Archangels and all the Members of the Great White Brotherhood. All those Beings of the Light are here to guide you and assist you.

    You only have to ask. Ponder on this, my friends. I AM your greatest Servant.

    Call on Me. Allow Me to bless Thee and to bless Thy Life.

    MAITREYA - WHAT IS YOUR REALITY? Your inner reality is so much more powerful

    than your outer reality and you know it not!

    Within inner your reality,

    you have the power to change your life completely.

    You have on tap the creating Power of the Universe.

    This is yours to command.

    Know this well.

  • It is there for you to bring into manifestation. Opening prayer: We offer up our hearts to thee,

    Oh Mighty Ancient of Days,

    Oh Ultimate Creator of All,

    Oh Supreme Intelligence,

    with joy because there is a great feeling that we are moving into full consciousness.

    We wish to be there at the crucial time, when we are really moving into the service to The One, the Great One that we all serve with our hearts.

    We invite all the Angelic Hierarchies, the Archangels, the Angels, and the Devic Kingdom in one celebration of Light.

    We invite the Brotherhoods of Light, the Councils of Light, the Orders of Elohim, and the beloved Ascended Masters who have served this planet and its Humanity so well and for such a long time.

    We are deeply, deeply grateful for what you are doing for us, so that we may live in the Light.

    And So It Is.

    Amen. What is your gratitude for today? Make up your lists of gratitude every night before you go into the sleep state. Beloveds, through gratitude and compassion you are able to bring in the Light of understanding and evolvement, and consequently enlightenment.

    I AM the One you call the Maitreya. How does one then attain the Christ consciousness? Is it something one has to strive for? Does one have to knock oneself out to get to the Light? Or is it something that comes naturally through being effortlessly?

    When I look at your progress I still see very much that you are building the happenings of your day, or the foundations of your world; on the outer reality that is surrounding you. This is where fears rear their ugly heads, and you are confronted with conflict, perhaps in your working place or your

  • home. You are still relying very much on your five outer senses, and you still think that the cause of your inner turmoil and inner conflict lies outside of you.

    It is very easy to understand, my friends that you do operate and function this way, because for a long time you knew no better than this, and you took part in the illusion of the third dimension. But now that you are maturing and you are aligning your embodiment with the higher energies, this is now laid bare for you to have good look at. What is the cause of your turmoil? Is it someone else who does it to you, or circumstances that surround you, or perhaps the environment, government or perhaps the banking system? This may be your outer reality, but it is a false reality!

    Your reality within is your only truth.

    Everything and I mean every thing that happens to you comes from within and emanates without to become your reality! Now that you are beginning to stand and live within your mastery, it is time that you give this your full focus. You are remembering your mastery. You are remembering that you are a manifestor and that you are a creator in your own right. Well I know that you have heard this before, but are you practicing it?

    Take full responsibility for what wells up within you. Take full responsibility for your fear of lack. What is it within you that makes you focus continuously on what you have not? Rejoice in the abundance and the prosperity of your Maker. You will not be left wanting. What is it within you that makes you think and act this way? What is it that makes you have an ailment? What is it that makes you feel that you do not belong? What is it within you that makes you think that you are guilty, unloved, inadequate and a failure? All these so-called flaws need to be addressed from within. Your inner reality is so much more powerful than your outer reality and you know it not. Within your reality within, you have the power to change your life completely. You have on tap the power, the creating power of the universe. This is yours to command. Know this well. It is there for you to bring it into manifestation.

    You are the one that is in charge of your life and how you live it. When you consciously tap into the abundance of the Source you will be in the flow of prosperity. Wonderful health, success, love, guidance, assistance, and a greater awareness of the Super Consciousness that you come from.

  • What is your understanding of God? How do you see, feel and live His magnificence?

    Know then Beloveds, that you have the same attributes as your Maker. Know that you are a being capable of supreme intelligence and of manifestation. You manifest all the time and you know it not. Let us be consciously aware of who we are and that we are, and make full use of the countless blessings that are continuously bestowed upon us. Let us make full use of the higher energies that are now beamed to us on planet Earth. The stargate of Light is open; the corridors of Light are open. The Universe is your limit; not the sky is your limit. In reality not even the universe is your limit or boundary.

    My friends the time has come for you to realise who you really are.

    We all uphold the Christ Consciousness on this planet. We are all Keepers of the Frequency on this planet. We are all part of the Second Coming of the Christ. We are all potential Christs and we are acting out of love for our brother who at this time is unconscious and ignorant.

    We are acting on behalf of our Creator as Emissaries of the Christed Light, anchoring the Christ Flame on this planet.

    This fills our heart with great reverence, Beloveds. Please realise the importance of your being, please realise you are the Beloved, that you are a part of a team, that you are a collective Messiah on this planet.

    Let us work together to reach this one goal, to bring this planet Earth or the planet Gaia to the light.

    Many Lightbeings are in place all over the world; in war torn areas, in remote areas. Many work with the grids, matrix and meridians of this planet.

    We are all in it together. It is a sacred journey, a sacred undertaking, and we are thrice blessed to be part of it.

    Open up your heart in selfless service to your Creator and be part of the Heavenly Hierarchies that you are a part of, if you aware of it or not.

    You are all Angelic Beings in incarnation.

    Know it well.

    We all have to play our part in the Cosmic Divine Blueprint for this planet,

    In the service of The One.

    Thankyou my friends.

  • I AM the Maitreya.

    MAITREYA- THE THIRD DIMENSION You live in a sea of information,

    of God Consciousness, Supreme Knowledge and Intelligence

    You are an Aspect of your Creator with the same abilities and attributes.

    Please think deeply about this.

    Give this your greatest focus.

    This is the secret Key to your success,

    happiness, bliss and enlightenment.

    Opening prayer:

    We lift up our heart to God. Our hearts overflow with gratitude.

    We offer up our Love to the God of our heart, the God of our understanding and realisation.

    We receive the Love back a thousand fold.

    Flow this Love into the person standing to your left and receive it from the person on your right.

    We fill our whole being with God Love and God Presence, God Consciousness and God Power.

    We invite the Archangels and the Angelic Hosts, the Orders of Elohim, the Councils of Light, the Lords of Time, the Cosmic and Planetary Hierarchies; especially the Ascended Masters working with us.

    Lords Maitreya, Kuthumi, St Germain, Sananda, Mother Mary, Quan Yin, Serapis Bey all the Masters and Lady Masters that you have an affinity with, please call Them in.

    We invite the Members of the Brotherhoods of Light especially the Great White Brotherhood and the Members of the Devic Kingdom. It is a festival of Light.

    We offer and anchor this Light in Thy Name.

    And So It Is.

  • Amen.

    Let us truly go within and offer up our hearts and mind and soul, yes, our very being in selfless service to The All That Is. To serve your Creator is such a great opportunity, such a privilege that many stand in line for the opportunity to do so.

    Yet, when you are here at this level in incarnation and you have entered into density, the memory has been lost temporarily. Or should we say that the memory has been suppressed. Perhaps you feel that you are groping in the dark. You feel that there is no one there to help you and you feel forsaken. You feel the separation keenly.

    Yet, I can say to you that this is not so, my friends.

    I AM the Maitreya.

    I hold the Office of the Planetary Christ.

    I AM the Spiritual Leader of this planet Earth.

    Let us point out to you that I am not the only Christ! You are taking part in the Christ Consciousness. I hold the Office of the Christ. All the Ascended Masters you work with, have attained the level of Christ Consciousness. You in your true magnificence, the being that you are on many dimensions, have achieved this level of Christ Consciousness.

    You could say that the Office of the Christ is my task, my job, rank, level or position that I hold in the Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy. This is a position of great responsibility. I serve The Creator with all my heart and my soul and I serve Humanity with all the Power at my command.

    I can see that so very often you rely on your outer reality for most of the time. Allow me to point out to you that when you rely on your five senses and the illusion of the third dimension only, you are subject to a distorted view of things.

    You know that this third dimension is an illusion. This third dimension is a mass-held and mind-held consensus of reality. This is a reality that is supported, believed in and upheld by the unawakened and unenlightened members of Humanity. This reality is subject to Time and Space.

    When you put all your eggs in the one basket and this basket is called the third dimension you find yourself living in a dream, or shall I say nightmare.

  • You are all on the way to re-mastering or remembering your mastery. You are living within this mastery. Maybe you have been recalling glimpses of your real existence, of your life in the realms if heavenly beauty and glory.

    You volunteered to do this mission here on planet Earth. You were specialists in this task. It required great courage because you knew that when the veil of forgetfulness was drawn, you could open yourselves up to the possibility of becoming enmeshed into karmic conditions. You suffered greatly because you are an illumined soul. Many of you Lightbeings who volunteered, have fallen by the wayside, unable to cope with the harsh conditions of this planet. Many have turned to drugs to dull the pain or have turned to suicide. Many have succumbed to the illusion of the third dimension. This is no child splay, but then you are not spiritual children. For a long time you have felt that you dont belong here, that you were abandoned and you felt the despair in your heart.

    On this planet there is a reality where the rich get richer, while many people starve and die of malnutrition. Where might is right and having money is privilege. Many peoples are dominated and brutalised by unawakened, insensitive souls. This is a harsh reality, indeed. Many of you have had to endure this reality in order to feel some sort of belonging.

    Incredible amounts of money have been put into weaponry and defence. This is an abomination and a total trespass of the Laws of God! Much distrust and separation among peoples has been generated by the Global Elites. Distrust of your brother, other nationalities, creeds, religions or skin colour. This racial hatred and religious division was encouraged and brought about by those whose interest it is to keep you ignorant, uneducated, unenlightened and in poverty.

    My friends, there is enough food for all on this planet! Farmers throw out enormous amounts of food, because they cant get the right price for it. Supplies of grain are rotting in the silos, while others starve in the poor third world countries. Yes, you could say that there is hell on Earth for many of your brothers and sisters!

    No matter what your opinion is, there is only one truth: you are your brothers Keeper.

    We need to change these conditions. This planet is severely polluted The percentage of oxygen in the air is falling to a critical level. It has fallen to about twenty-two percent; it really should be about thirty-three percent.

  • Your oceans, waterways, forests and mountain ranges are polluted . Many generations of people are polluted through the dumping of nuclear waste. The countries of Europe are very much affected by this and many generations are adversely affected genetically by nuclear energy.

    Working experiments using genetic engineering is not permitted when they are carried out by unenlightened scientists. Mankind has been going into space for many years, trying to establish a base on other planets and the moon.

    We know what is going on. We know that Humanity is destroying itself.

    Does anybody care?

    Yes, we do! Let us go back and find out what reality really means. The only reality is your reality within! Take a moment and let this statement sink in. The feelings and energies that well up within you radiate without. It then presents itself to you like a scenario of fear. Say you have great despair within, this wells up within you and forms your own reality. It then emanates to the outer and attracts circumstances or people of like mind. This will add to the negativity.

    You can transmute, into the sacred Violet Flame, which is indeed a Divine Dispensation of The Creator, all the negativity that wells up within you. Transmute and release all the inner fear and despair, the inner poverty. You will find that your world is made up of Light and Love.

    You make your own reality. You are in charge of your reality. You are the manifestor of your inner and outer world. You create your own surroundings. You have a say in the matter. You are not a victim of circumstances. There is no one to blame, least of all you. You are in control of what is happening to you.

    If your outer world does not suit you my friends, change it. Do not think that it works for others but not for me. I am unable to do this. This is not so, my friends. We have told you many times that in order to think, speak and act you use God Power.

    You live in a sea of information, God Consciousness, Supreme Knowledge and Intelligence. You are an Aspect of your Creator with the same abilities and attributes.

    Please think deeply about this. Give this your greatest focus. This is the secret Key to your success, happiness, bliss and enlightenment.

  • You are fully aligned and connected to The Source, to the Supply of everything you need, to your life force. Where do you think your life force comes from?

    You are in charge of your own destiny. At a higher level you know this!

    Sometimes you are irritated with your spouse or want to kick your dog. It is not that your spouse is naughty and your dog is bad, but there is something within you that need redressing.

    You are never upset for the reason you think

    Clear the inner house! When you see something in another that irritates you, look within and ask yourself the reason for this upset. In other words you are mirroring.

    Just look within, without blame. Do not blame the spouse and do not blame the dog!

    Dont blame yourself.

    Just ask yourself: What aspect in my nature, my character do I need to look at? Do this lovingly and with detachment.

    You do not need to compete or compare with another. You are unique. There is not another like you. Do not think that you are unloved. There is enough Love for every being in Creation. You are the Beloved. You have the full focus of that Love.

    Please come into your Mastery, into your Power Now!

    Prove it to yourself. Do not look without for blame. Look within with Love. Break the old mould. Be open to the gifts of The Creator. Be open to new opportunities to grow and learn. Be open to change. Be willing to change.

    I AM willing to change!

    I AM open to the gifts and opportunities that The Creator provides for me.

    I AM always in supply. I doubt this not!

    If I focus on lack that is what you will receive. If you focus on beauty, that is what you will receive.

    If you focus on internal harmony and Peace, that is what you will receive.

    Yes, indeed you are a creator! You know it not.

    You know it now. Start practising. Be a creator in the making.

  • You are creating already. If you are feeling negative, depressed and unhappy, that is what you are creating. You will create the circumstances that will enhance this feeling. You have been creating all along.

    Throw the switch. It only takes an instant for you to change. To be re-enlightened. Come out of the fog. Take your rightful place. We are waiting for you.

    You have all the help you will need. We stand by you. You do not need to work it out all by yourself.

    Take the first step and say: I am open. I will not have any preconceived ideas and adhere to rules and regulations. Allow all the objections and preconceived ideas to fall away.

    I AM totally open and I AM taking the challenge.

    I AM capable to fulfil my task.

    I AM worthy to perform my chosen task.

    I AM the Beloved.

    I feel it.

    I know it.

    You will notice that your whole life will change.

    Be the Beloved, live it, be it.


    Allow yourself to be joyful.

    You were not meant to suffer.

    You were not meant to be lonely, ill and in despair.

    You are never forsaken.

    Rise above all the negative ego patterning.

    You are a glorious being.

    You are so admired and loved for your selfless courage,

    your service to your Creator.

    I, the Maitreya, bless you and keep you and escort you on your way Home.

    We are here.

  • Know it.

    Live it.

    Be it.

    Thank you, my friends.



    When you breathe in, you breathe in the life force, the prana; increasing your consciousness level, aligning and attuning yourselves to the God presence, the I AM.

    Oh Beloveds, how wonderful the gift of life is, to be able to soar in consciousness up to the highest reaches.

    To really know who you are, and that you are.

    You are not this powerless, cringing, fearful, despised, non-belonging creature of a fearful and revenging God.

    You are this ultimately beloved being, a creation of the Light, who exists on many dimensions.

    You are now working together with bands of Angels, the Angelic Hosts.

    You are part of the whole.

    You are part of the One.

    You dont stand alone, forsaken and abandoned.

    You are part of the One.

    This is a cause of unceasing gratitude.

    So when you breathe in, breathe in this gratitude, joy, blessing, and the abundance of living, of being.

    And when you breathe out, send out the radiance of your being, of your consciousness, into the ethers.

    and know that you are surrounded by Angelic beings, who are willing to help you, assist and guide you.

    Go within and confer with your Divine Inner Guidance Council, your Guardian Angels

    Ask that you be guided, directed and uplifted, that you may reach the ultimate potential of consciousness in this incarnation and beyond

    Ask to be guided and directed at all times.

    Ask to have total and clear access to your God Presence

    Ask to receive the message clearly.

  • Ask for assistance in holding the focus on God at all times

    Dwell with the beloved Archangels and ask their assistance.

    Archangel Chamuel on the third eye and throat and heart chakra.

    Archangel Gabriel on the solar plexus.

    Raphael and Ariel on our left and right polarities (hip).

    Archangel Sandalphon to help ground you as you bring in the energies of the Earth through the EarthStar which is just below your feet.

    Bring the energies up through your chakra system as you breathe in,

    and breathe at your own pace.

    Flow it out of the crown chakra, through the Soul Star,

    right up to the Source.

    Take another deep breath of Source Energy and flow it down through all the chakras, all the dimensions, through the Soulstar (eight chakra) right through your body, through the Earth Star into the Earth.

    and so breathe up and down at your own pace, clearing all the blocks in your chakra system as you do this breathing.

    Breathe up to the Source and down through your chakra system through all the subtle bodies, directing the flow of energies into the Earth.

    Take a deep breath of Earth energy and bring it up to Source level. Clear all the chakras and blockages of energy in your physical body and subtle bodies.

    Ask the Archangels to stabilise you while you are doing this.

    Now take a deep breath and flow into the energy of the Source, which is the Liquid Fire of Transformation.

    Stand in the golden Liquid Fire of the Source which is all consuming.

    It consumes everything which is not of the purest Flame of Light.

    It is like standing in a golden shower of Light.

    Let the rain of blessings fall.

    You are totally purified.

    Stand in the pure essence of your soul

  • You are totally pure and innocent.

    You are Light.

    You are power.

    The all-cleansing, purifying, all consuming Fire of the Source, purifying Fire.

    It will burn away all the dross, all the perceived flaws and impurities

    Stay a while

    When you come back, very slowly into your body, you feel the power and purity.

    Feel the connection with the Source, your Creator.

    You can do some intending.

    Intend to be a being of total abundance, prosperity, and supply of all good things.

    A being of sovereignty, of self-realisation, self-empowerment, totally abundant.

    You intend that you work for the highest good of All.

    Intend to work for the highest good, the enlightenment and education of humanity.

    Intend that you help bring this planet Gaia to the Light.

    Intend that you open your heart to your fellow beings, knowing that you are your Brothers Keeper.

    Intend that you work selflessly in the service of the One,

    Intend that you are indeed One with All.

    Intend that there is no division, there is no need to be right so that others may be wrong.

    Intend to worship only Spirit and not form.

    Intend to receive all the resources necessary to carry out your mission on this planet. Add some intentions of your own

    You may intend to have a healthy vibrant body.

    Thank the beloved Archangels, the Heavenly Hosts for their assistance.

    Ask that they may continue to work with you.

  • You can all come back now.

    Thankyou. I AM the Maitreya.


    You live in a sea of information, of God Consciousness, Supreme Knowledge and Intelligence

    You are an Aspect of your Creator with the same abilities and attributes. Please think deeply about this. Give this your greatest focus. This is the secret Key to your success, happiness, bliss and enlightenment. Opening Prayer: We lift up our heart to God. Our hearts overflow with gratitude. We offer up our Love to the God of our heart, the God of our understanding and realisation. We receive the Love back a thousand fold. Flow this Love into the person s anding to your left and receive it from the person on your right.


    We fill our whole being with God Love and God Presence, God Consciousness and God Power. We invite the Archangels and the Angelic Hosts, the Orders of Elohim, the Councils of Light, the Lords of Time, the Cosmic and Planetary Hierarchies; especially the Ascended Masters working with us. Lords Maitreya, Kuthumi, St Germain, Sananda, Mother Mary, Quan Yin, Serapis Bey all the Masters and Lady Masters that you have an affinity with, please call Them in. We invite the Members of the Brotherhoods of Light especially the Great White Brotherhood and the Members of the Devic Kingdom. It is a festival of Light. We offer and anchor this Light in Thy Name. And So It Is. Amen.

  • Let us truly go within and offer up our hearts and mind and soul, yes, our very being in selfless service to The All That Is. To serve your Creator is such a great opportunity, such a privilege that many stand in line for the opportunity to do so.

    Yet, when you are here at this level in incarnation and you have entered into density, the memory has been lost temporarily. Or should we say that the memory has been suppressed. Perhaps you feel that you are groping in the dark. You feel that there is no one there to help you and you feel forsaken. You feel the separation keenly.

    Yet, I can say to you that this is not so, my friends. I AM the Maitreya. I hold the Office of the Planetary Christ. I AM the Spiritual Leader of this planet Earth. Let us point out to you that I am not the only Christ! You are taking part in the Christ Consciousness. I hold the Office of the Christ. All the Ascended Masters you work with, have attained the level of Christ Consciousness. You in your true magnificence, the being that you are on many dimensions, have achieved this level of Christ Consciousness.

    You could say that the Office of the Christ is my task, my job, rank, level or position that I hold in the Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy. This is a position of great responsibility. I serve The Creator with all my heart and my soul and I serve Humanity with all the Power at my command.

    I can see that so very often you rely on your outer reality for most of the time. Allow me to point out to you that when you rely on your five senses and the illusion of the third dimension only, you are subject to a distorted view of things.

    You know that this third dimension is an illusion. This third dimension is a mass-held and mind-held consensus of reality. This is a reality that is supported, believed in and upheld by the unawakened and unenlightened members of Humanity. This reality is subject to Time and Space.

    When you put all your eggs in the one basket and this basket is called the third dimension you find yourself living in a dream, or shall I say nightmare.

    You are all on the way to re-mastering or remembering your mastery. You are living within this mastery. Maybe you have been recalling glimpses of your real existence, of your life in the realms if heavenly beauty and glory.

  • You volunteered to do this mission here on planet Earth. You were specialists in this task. It required great courage because you knew that when the veil of forgetfulness was drawn, you could open yourselves up to the possibility of becoming enmeshed into karmic conditions. You suffered greatly because you are an illumined soul. Many of you Lightbeings who volunteered, have fallen by the wayside, unable to cope with the harsh conditions of this planet. Many have turned to drugs to dull the pain or have turned to suicide. Many have succumbed to the illusion of the third dimension. This is no child splay, but then you are not spiritual children. For a long time you have felt that you dont belong here, that you were abandoned and you felt the despair in your heart.

    On this planet there is a reality where the rich get richer, while many people starve and die of malnutrition. Where might is right and having money is privilege. Many peoples are dominated and brutalised by unawakened, insensitive souls. This is a harsh reality, indeed. Many of you have had to endure this reality in order to feel some sort of belonging.

    Incredible amounts of money have been put into weaponry and defence. This is an abomination and a total trespass of the Laws of God! Much distrust and separation among peoples has been generated by the Global Elites. Distrust of your brother, other nationalities, creeds, religions or skin colour. This racial hatred and religious division was encouraged and brought about by those whose interest it is to keep you ignorant, uneducated, unenlightened and in poverty.

    My friends, there is enough food for all on this planet! Farmers throw out enormous amounts of food, because they cant get the right price for it. Supplies of grain are rotting in the silos, while others starve in the poor third world countries. Yes, you could say that there is hell on Earth for many of your brothers and sisters!

    No matter what your opinion is, there is only one truth: you are yourbrothers Keeper.

    We need to change these conditions. This planet is severely polluted The percentage of oxygen in the air is falling to a critical level. It has fallen to about twenty-two percent; it really should be about thirty-three percent.

    Your oceans, waterways, forests and mountain ranges are polluted . Many generations of people are polluted through the dumping of nuclear waste.

  • The countries of Europe are very much affected by this and many generations are adversely affected genetically by nuclear energy.

    Working experiments using genetic engineering is not permitted when they are carried out by unenlightened scientists. Mankind has been going into space for many years, trying to establish a base on other planets and the moon.

    We know what is going on. We know that Humanity is destroying itself.

    Does anybody care?

    Yes, we do! Let us go back and find out what reality really means. The only reality is your reality within! Take a moment and let this statement sink in. The feelings and energies that well up within you radiate without. It then presents itself to you like a scenario of fear. Say you have great despair within, this wells up within you and forms your own reality. It then emanates to the outer and attracts circumstances or people of like mind. This will add to the negativity.

    You can transmute, into the sacred Violet Flame, which is indeed a Divine Dispensation of The Creator, all the negativity that wells up within you. Transmute and release all the inner fear and despair, the inner poverty. You will find that your world is made up of Light and Love.

    You make your own reality. You are in charge of your reality. You are the manifestor of your inner and outer world. You create your own surroundings. You have a say in the matter. You are not a victim of circumstances. There is no one to blame, least of all you. You are in control of what is happening to you.

    If your outer world does not suit you my friends, change it. Do not think that it works for others but not for me. I am unable to do this. This is not so, my friends. We have told you many times that in order to think, speak and act you use God Power.

    You live in a sea of information, God Consciousness, Supreme Knowledge and Intelligence. You are an Aspect of your Creator with the same abilities and attributes.

    Please think deeply about this. Give this your greatest focus. This is the secret Key to your success, happiness, bliss and enlightenment.

  • You are fully aligned and connected to The Source, to the Supply of everything you need, to your life force. Where do you think your life force comes from?

    You are in charge of your own destiny. At a higher level you know this!

    Sometimes you are irritated with your spouse or want to kick your dog. It is not that your spouse is naughty and your dog is bad, but there is something within you that need redressing.

    You are never upset for the reason you think

    Clear the inner house! When you see something in another that irritates you, look within and ask yourself the reason for this upset. In other words you are mirroring.

    Just look within, without blame. Do not blame the spouse and do not blame the dog!

    Dont blame yourself.

    Just ask yourself: What aspect in my nature, my character do I need to look at? Do this lovingly and with detachment.

    You do not need to compete or compare with another. You are unique. There is not another like you. Do not think that you are unloved. There is enough Love for every being in Creation. You are the Beloved. You have the full focus of that Love.

    Please come into your Mastery, into your Power Now!

    Prove it to yourself. Do not look without for blame. Look within with Love. Break the old mould. Be open to the gifts of The Creator. Be open to new opportunities to grow and learn. Be open to change. Be willing to change.

    I AM willing to change!

    I AM open to the gifts and opportunities that The Creator provides for me.

    I AM always in supply. I doubt this not!

    If I focus on lack that is what you will receive. If you focus on beauty, that is what you will receive.

    If you focus on internal harmony and Peace, that is what you will receive.

    Yes, indeed you are a creator! You know it not.

    You know it now. Start practising. Be a creator in the making.

  • You are creating already. If you are feeling negative, depressed and unhappy, that is what you are creating. You will create the circumstances that will enhance this feeling. You have been creating all along.

    Throw the switch. It only takes an instant for you to change. To be re-enlightened. Come out of the fog. Take your rightful place. We are waiting for you.

    You have all the help you will need. We stand by you. You do not need to work it out all by yourself.

    Take the first step and say: I am open. I will not have any preconceived ideas and adhere to rules and regulations. Allow all the objections and preconceived ideas to fall away.

    I AM totally open and I AM taking the challenge.

    I AM capable to fulfil my task.

    I AM worthy to perform my chosen task.

    I AM the Beloved.

    I feel it.

    I know it.

    You will notice that your whole life will change.

    Be the Beloved, live it, be it.


    Allow yourself to be joyful.

    You were not meant to suffer.

    You were not meant to be lonely, ill and in despair.

    You are never forsaken.

    Rise above all the negative ego patterning.

    You are a glorious being.

    You are so admired and loved for your selfless courage,

    your service to your Creator.

    I, the Maitreya, bless you and keep you and escort you on your way Home.

    We are here.

  • Know it.

    Live it.

    Be it.

    Thank you, my friends.


    MAITREYA-THE MICHAEL UNIVERSE Let us ever be aware of the sacred trust that we carry.

    Opening Prayer:

    We invite the Angelic, Cosmic and Planetary Hierarchies, the Orders of Elohim, the Councils of Time, the Lords of Light, the Lords of Time, the Members of the Galactic Federation of Light and the Ashtar Command, the Representatives of the seventy Brotherhoods of Light in the Universe, The Angels, messengers of God and members of the Devic Kingdom.

    Let us all celebrate this evening together and use the energies that we are generating for World Peace.

    And So It Is.


    Amen. I AM come to bless thy heart, to dispel all fear.

    I Am the Way and the Light.

    Fear not, my friends,

    no one can hurt thee

    or lead thee astray.

    Offer up thy very being

    in my Energy.

    Conduct your life

    within my Aura of Consciousness.

  • Be assured of my Goodwill,

    my unceasing Love and Protection.

    I AM The Christ Michael. Let us continue on this vibration. Beloved Children of God, beloved Children of the Light, beloved Beings of the Light,

    we hail and salute thee!

    How wondrous you are!

    I AM the Maitreya.

    Know that you are blessed always!

    I wish you to be in the full understanding of the magnificence of your being.

    The magnificence and Power of your being!

    Throw away the feelings of victimhood, the feelings of not belonging. Throw away the feelings of separateness. They do not exist!

    Yes indeed, you are living in a mass-held reality, a common consensus of reality. This does not mean that you are enslaved by this reality. This does not mean that you must be a believer in this limiting reality.

    I know that my beloved colleagues of the Light have been working very hard with you to help you understand concepts of consciousness. Perhaps to the point where you were saying: Is there any other subject that we can talk about? Then I must answer and say: No there is not! It is all consciousness. Nothing exists outside consciousness.

    There is nothing outside God Consciousness

    There is only One Being in Creation. This is The Ancient of Days or The Supreme Intelligence that created All.

    Your soul is a Divine Aspect of this Being. You all have your own soul history; your Cosmic History and you have come together as one to work with this planet Earth. Yes, we are all equal, but not the same. Please allow me to explain this.

    We have all been created at different times in different circumstances in different times and places. Some have existed for aeons of time. At this point in time you are living in a Universe called a Son Universe. This is an

  • offspring or creation of the Master Universe, the Father Universe. An Aspect of the Ultimate Creator, a Paradise Son, has created this Son Universe. You could call this Creator of this Son Universe The Source.

    There are many Sources and many Universes. There are Shekinah Universes, which are Universes of Spirit. Then there are the Son Universes, which are Universes of form.

    The Ultimate Creator, the Father, the Throne Energy is surrounded by the Paradise Sons. A Paradise Son is a Creator in his own right. The Source of your Universe is a Paradise Son. This Universe is called the Michael Universe.

    There are many Hierarchies upon Hierarchies. The Ultimate Creator, The Ancient of Days you could liken to a Queen Bee, who is in the hive, generating power while the working bees are doing all the work. This is a very simplified analogy. So it is in the Universe of Universes.

    The Ultimate Creator, the Father of all Creators, generates tremendous Power, which is used for all Creation by the Paradise Sons, the Creator Gods, the Lords of Time and The Elohim. It may be hard for you to comprehend.

    It all comes from this Ultimate Supreme Intelligence which is constant in His Power in His Love, in His Light Energy. This Power is totally impersonal.

    Here we are then in this Michael Universe. You know then that this Consciousness has many facets and many layers. Consciousness is energy and energy is in motion. Consciousness is always expanding, always in motion.

    Your consciousness is always expanding, spiralling upward back to the Godhead, from whence it came.

    We are all equal no matter which Hierarchy or Heavenly Lineage or Universe we belong to. We are all Divine Aspects of this Ultimate Creator. In that we are equal.

    But, we are not the same, because we all have a different background.

    You can see the wondrousness of what is taking place in this Universe and beyond.

    This planet Earth, which is really a very backward planet in consciousness and in Light quotient, is now going to the Light. It is moved into a greater dimension of Light. Consciousness is Light.

  • This Solar System is also in motion and expanding in consciousness and this Galaxy is also in motion and expanding in consciousness,

    This Universe is also expanding and ascending its consciousness. This Universe is receiving a great promotion, an expansion of Consciousness, my friends.

    Here we are playing this wonderful game of consciousness and holding this all together is Love. Love and Light.

    Love is the Key that holds this Creation together. Here you are, Children of this Universe, who have come together to rescue this planet. We have all put our hearts on the line. We cannot go on unless we do this glorious, holy task, carrying out the Will of our Divine Creator, working according to the Cosmic Divine Blueprint for this planet Earth.

    My Beloveds, fear not, when you look around you, you see great conflict. Yes, indeed, you have seen first hand through your network of media information, the suffering and destruction in certain parts of this planet.

    Whether or not it is caused by, religious, political or economic conflict, it is all conflict and many karmic conditions are being worked out, especially in Europe. This is felt as a great catastrophe for many, but is indeed a great opportunity to come to the Light. You will need to see this with a detached overview of Love and compassion.

    Nevertheless great suffering is taking place. Great confusion, great sacrifice. This European conflict brings out the worst behaviour and the greatest Love and sacrifice in Humanity. Many have sacrificed themselves in order to protect, assist and save others.

    Nothing happens outside the Divine Plan!

    Let this sink in. It will get worse before it comes to a conclusion. You must detach. You are able to be of great help by sending the Great White Light into these areas of the planet. If you are getting involved emotionally with the suffering of these many people, you will add further to the flame of negativity. This is not helpful. You can only help when you stay in your own power.

    My beloved Children of the Universe, Now is the time, when the greater energies are being released. You will be greatly affected by these energies. These energies will help you to come into your Mastery.

  • We wish you to truly and courageously transmute those blockages in your lives that have limited, restricted and obstructed you. Do not take this personally. Do not look at the person or condition that triggers you. Look at it as an opportunity to transmute and peel of a layer of fear so that the Light can come in.

    I urge you as your Mentor and Heavenly Friend to apply yourselves so diligently to this task.

    The advent of moving into full consciousness is upon us. Now is the time to redress all these burdens, hang-up, restrictions, prejudices, belief systems, mental crutches, attachments and emotional addictions in your life.

    I urge most fervently that you heed my words.

    It will make it so much more possible for you to move into full consciousness.

    Full consciousness means freedom.

    You then have full clarity and full access to the Spiritual Hierarchies.

    Yes, I AM here. We are All here with you.

    There is no division. We will never be divided.

    Look at you beliefs, opinions, and your set ideas, are they still of use to you or have you outgrown them?

    Look at the people around you, perhaps your partner in life, your friends or workmates and have compassion for the way they still be conducting their lives.

    Just know that within them there is a Divine Spark of God Consciousness just waiting to be fanned into a Flame.

    This will happen, my friends.

    Dont despair.

    Give it over to God.

    Miracles are happening every day.

    The functioning or mechanisms of a miracle is not quite understood, thats why it is called a miracle.

    You are very well advanced on the path to enlightenment.

    Claim it!

  • Be it, so effortlessly!

    We are here.

    Always ask for help.

    Thank you. I AM your Brother, Maitreya.

    May the Blessing of the Dove,

    representing the Holy Spirit

    Be upon thee.

    And So It Is.


    MAITREYA: - EARTH HISTORY God of our hearts, God of our Realisation,

    allow us to be Emissaries of the Light,

    so that wherever we go, Peace prevails

    Allow us to be the Peacekeepers

    on behalf of the Spiritual Planetary Hierarchy.

    Let us carry this spark in our heart and fan it into a Flame

    a Flame of Light that cannot be ignored. Beloved Children of the Christ Light. We are gathered here in the Light, surrounded by Beings of the Light who are here like you to serve this planet and its Humanity to come to the Light, to the fifth dimension. I AM the One you know as the Maitreya.

    Let us talk a little bit about the background of what is really happening to this planet today; the inter-action and inter-relation of the planet and the sun.

    You know that you live in a reality of form, a reality of density, a reality of physicality. And a reality that is called a third dimension is a mass held reality; a common consensus of realisation that is held by the collective

  • consciousness of Mankind. And of course you know that this reality on this planet earth is subject to time and space. This will change my friends. Already you are losing your grip on your understanding of time as it once was, are you not? You know that time is accelerating and you understand now the concept of the Now moment which needs to be fully experienced to be able to experience real life.

    Planet Earth is coming to the end of a twenty-six thousand year cycle. You may have read the prophesies of old, that say this world is coming to an end. Much has been made of this, much fear has been generated because of this. They say that there is going to be an enormous catastrophe and this planet will be totally obliterated. My friends, this has actually happened to the planet Earth many times. Every time a cycle comes to an end there is a total destruction of the evolution that was taking place on the planet .. by a great flood or an ice age and then the evolution of Humanity would start again. Humanity that was seeded originally by the Sirians and the Pleiadians.. Through the Pleiadian domination, the outworking of the karmic system was put in place.

    This karmic system has now come to an end and we are now returning to the Sirian way of evolving. So, many evolutions or civilisations have come and gone. Thy have reached a heyday, their peak, and then slowly have gone down into oblivion.

    The Atlanteans were a great civilisation and through their warlike nature and the destruction of Lemuria. The human population was genetically interfered with and their DNA levels were reduced from a twelve to a two strand DNA. Mankind was totally dis-empowered and only partly conscious and was placed in a position of bondage by the Global Elites and their Cosmic Masters. The Atlanteans had great scientific knowledge without spiritual evolvement.

    One cannot feel but great compassion for Humanity.

    So the Fall of Atlantis happened about 13000 year ago.

    And once again this planet is on the way to total destruction. As a matter of fact this planet can no longer sustain itself. It is totally polluted. The soil is totally destroyed. Many species of the Vegetation Kingdom and Animal kingdoms are now leaving this planet. And so once again planet Earth is heading for an ending of the 26000 year cycle.

  • The members of the Star Nations of the Galactic Federation of Light have petitioned to the Regional Galactic Council that this planet and its humanity be saved, because of the intervention against Cosmic Law that was perpetrated against them.

    The Members of the Planetary Spiritual Hierarchies have pleaded the case of planet Earth and by divine dispensation of the Creator, this planet is on the brink of a new beginning. A new beginning of what you would perhaps call a Golden Age.

    Much repair, alignment and scientific work is being done on this planet.

    Weather patterns have been affected. There are earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and violent storms These cannot be entirely avoided.

    This planet, as well as the sun, has been placed in a holographic envelope and great repair and alignment is taking place.

    Although there have been prophesies of old about the destruction of this planet, you can always be open to change, open to new glorious possibilities.

    This planet is heading for a new beginning and that is why so many lightbeings have come into incarnation from all over the Universe to be part of this rescue team. You could call it the Second Coming. Some of these Lightbeings are those Pleiadians; who were involved in the Fall of Atlantis, the Fall of Mankind, when the consciousness of Mankind was genetically induced. Mankind at this moment is not a fully conscious being.

    Many Pleiadians are being born in our children on Earth today and will lead this planet into a higher dimension. In order for this planet to enter a higher dimension, a critical mass of Light needed to be present on this planet. This has now been achieved, my Beloveds. There are enough lightbeings in position, in place doing their task, for us to have already entered the fourth dimension.

    Events are progressing according to plan. We count on you as a lightbeing to be a physical conduit of Light energy, to anchor the Light consciously into this planet. Wherever you go, you are blessing and you are affecting the consciousness of this planet by your very presence. Please be aware of the sacred trust that has been placed upon your shoulders. Only through selfless service can you go forward in consciousness.

  • You are part of a mighty Lightforce which has been placed in every country, every continent of this world. Gradually you are moving into full consciousness.

    We are here for you, to guide you in this way.

    This planet is indeed a showcase in your Galaxy. It is also an experiment once again, the Spark of Christ Consciousness anchored through the Lords Buddha, and Jesus (2000 year ago), is now being generated into an enormous vortex of Christed Energies. You are indeed Beings of such courage and daring, that you have undertaken this incarnation on this spaceship called Earth. The battle for the Light has been won.

    Do not be sidetracked by the dark forces that are raging on this planet. This planet will not be allowed to be destroyed.

    The Angelic, Cosmic and Planetary Spiritual Hierarchies are here to see that this story comes to a glorious end and a new beginning. You are all part of it, you are all one with it.

    There is a party on planet Earth, please come and celebrate! Throw your hat in the ring and come off the fence!

    Being spiritual is not a part time occupation. You are a Spiritual Being first and foremost, having a physical incarnation; not the other way around. More and more you will see glimpses of your glorious past in dreams and vision. This is part of returning to full consciousness.

    My friends, the end of your wondrous journey is at hand. Do you feel the excitement, the anticipation? Remember the Covenant you made with God, this holy agreement that you made, that you would serve your Creator with all your heart, your soul and your mind, and that you would help bring this planet and its Humanity to the Light. This is the only Covenant or agreement that you ever need to make.

    You do not have to follow a guru or teacher. Your only teacher is your I AM.

    My friends you are not alone.

    Take an overview of events that are happening on this planet. See it with the detachment of your I AM and give it love ,not fear, worry or panic.

    Live in the consciousness of safety and eternal Peace.

    Thank you my friends.

    I AM Maitreya.

  • MAITREYA MEDITATION FOR PEACE Take a deep breath and fill your lungs with air and when you breathe in. you are increasing the vibration of your consciousness

    When you breathe out you are radiating this consciousness up to the Universe.

    Just breathe at your own pace, just let go of all the hassles of the traffic you had to contend with.

    Let go of the hassles of the day.

    Just be at Peace, perfect Peace at all times.

    You can even make your a day a day of meditation

    Stay your mind on God

    Stay all day in the Christ Mind and just flow

    Ask the Violet Flame, the sacred Violet Light of God; the Seventh Cosmic Ray to flow in and through and around you in an ongoing way

    Transmute all your thoughts and actions that are not of the purest Flame of Light. Do this when you get up in the morning to get rid of negativity within you.

    Ask the Violet Flame of Transmutation, Freedom and Forgiveness to flow through you and around you and transmute anything that is not of the purest Flame of Light. Ask the Archangels to work with you, the Angels, the Angelic Hosts.

    Work with the local orders of Elohim, the interdimensional Elohim and the Councils of Light

    Let us go as one massive Being of Christ Light and anchor this Light into the planet.

    Go as one group consciousness.

    You can go in your lightbody, and if you havent done this before and need help, ask one of your favourite Masters to assist you.

    They are all here: Lords Sananda and Mother Mary, Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Chamuel and their Feminine Counterparts, Lady Nada, Quan Yin, Serapis Bey, Saint Germain, and Kuthumi.

    Call them all in because this is a tremendous effort for the Light,

  • so give it your utmost heart, utmost love, and unselfish devotion.

    It is a major undertaking for the Light.

    Clear everything with the Violet Flame, around you, in you and spin the flame around the room until it becomes a vortex of transmuting Light.

    Rise up within this Flame of Violet Light, the sacred Violet Light of God.

    You can go to a place on the planet that you know is full of negativity, suffering, misery and killing.

    You could go to Yugoslavia, Indonesia, Asia, Africa, The Philippines and Russia where there is great suffering and starvation.

    All the countries, where there is not enough to go around.

    Starvation is truly an abomination!

    This planet has a surplus of food and the food is rotting in the storehouses.

    Transmute all this greed, profit, nastiness, politics and terrorism.

    Transmute it into the Violet Flame according to the Law of Grace without emotion..

    Forgive all the power games- all the warmongers - and ignorant ones, who go to war for country and flag in misplaced loyalty.

    Forgive the distrust against your neighbour, the racism, the religious conflict

    Transmute all this - the anguish, anger, hatred, distrust and power games

    in the Violet Flame

    It feels like a giant violet vacuum cleaner.

    When you are finished you can go to the oceans, forests, mountain ranges rivers and lakes and clear all the pollution there

    You can clear the pollution in the atmosphere

    When you are done with the Violet Flame, bring in the Christ Light,

    an enormous vortex of Christed Energies, - a golden/white Flame,

    the Twelfth Cosmic Ray...

    Bring it in and anchor it in all of these countries.

  • Link your Light, which is the Christ Light, which is the Heart flame with all those Lightbeings in place all over the world

    Lightbeings who are in the war torn countries and in every country, in every city in the world.

    Link your Heartflame with other Lightbeings, until you become a mighty Force of Light

    Stand together right around this planet as you anchor the Light.

    Join with the Archangels, the Angelic Hosts and all of the Ascended Masters and Lady Masters present.

    Just see the Radiance of the Christ Light, light up this whole globe,

    so that it looks like a Christmas tree.

    See the lights go on everywhere - even in the darkest places, there is Light.

    May peace prevail on Earth,

    May peace prevail on Earth.

    God of our hearts, God of our realisation,

    allow us to be Emissaries of the Light,

    so that wherever we go, Peace prevails.

    Please allow us to be the Peacekeepers

    on behalf of the Spiritual Planetary Hierarchy.

    Let us carry this Spark in our hearts and fan it into a Flame

    a Flame of Light that cannot be ignored.

    May the number of awakening Lightbeings and awakening Humanity grow,

    so that we can all be One for Peace,

    We are all be in incarnation representing the Hierarchies on this planet.

    This is our mission, we do this as a privilege and an honour, to serve the Divine Plan.

    You may come back now.

    Come back gently in your lightbody.

    Ask for assistance, come back to your body,

  • come back to this humble dwelling of the Light.

    Thank you.


    Children of the Light.

    The time is at hand when you are counted.

    We are calling upon thy loyalty and thy trust.

    Be within my Light

    Be within me.

    I AM thy Light.

    I AM thy Life.

    Carry forth My Light

    to All who do not see,

    to All who do not hear.

    Envelop this planet in the Light,

    The Light of My Creation.

    Fear not, I AM here.

    I AM the Christ Michael. We tune into the Energies of the One most high, as we stand connected and more and more we are beginning to realise,

    that we stand connected to the Source of Sources at all times.

    This propels us towards Light.

    We invite the Angelic, Cosmic, and Planetary Hierarchies, Lords of Time, the Orders of Elohim, the Councils of Light, the Councils of Time, the Representatives of the seventy Brotherhoods of Light, the beloved Angels, the Ascended Masters and Lady Masters, who are here to guide and work with us, and especially with awakening Humanity.

  • We are saying to thee: How can we be of service? not What can we receive? or get out of this?

    How can we be of service?

    We ask that we be continuously guided and directed in our journey Home to the Godhead, from whence we came.

    And So It Is.

    I AM that I AM.


    Beloved Children of the Light, I AM he whom you call the Maitreya

    I have received so much Love from your hearts tonight.

    We are going to go deeper into the mystery of what you may call the Second Coming of the Christ.

    Let me explain a little bit what has occurred beforehand to prepare this planet for the Coming of the Christ. When I say: the Coming of the Christ, I mean the anchoring of the Christed energies and the upliftment of the consciousness and vibration of this planet to the fifth dimension.

    I should say the upliftment of this planet and its Humanity to the fifth dimension. The Christ Consciousness is not related to any religion or philosophy. The Christ Consciousness is a level of consciousness in place in this Universe, in this sixth creation in the Michael universe. So you then know that all the Members of the Heavenly Hierarchies are partakers of the Christ Consciousness and are indeed Christs, as you are.

    This planet which has been in isolation for such a long time, has not yet achieved the Christ Consciousness, although preparations have been made a long time ago for this to happen. The Christ flame was been anchored into this planet a long time ago.

    The first attempt to anchor the Christ flame was made by the great Avatars of ancient times. Two thousand years ago of your linear time: the Master Jesus and I worked together as a team, together with the Hierarchies, Archangels and Angels to once again anchor the Christ flame upon this planet. This event took place in a small country among illiterate people, who were suffering under the Roman yoke. There were no telephones, computers, Internet, television and yet this philosophy and way of life travelled all over the globe.

  • When the decision that this planet should come to the Light was not an easy one to make. This planet can no longer sustain itself and the lower collective consciousness of Mankind is negative, dense and very fearful.

    Yet so much understanding, compassion and brotherly love has been extended to this planet because of the track record of Humanity on this planet. Its history of suffering, brutality and killing was taken into account and the decision made that this planet should come to the