The Australian National Anthem

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Transcript of The Australian National Anthem

  • 7/25/2019 The Australian National Anthem


    The Australian National Anthem

    Loui Seselja,Portrait of Margret Roadknight, singer, looking at sheet music for Waltzing Matilda while visiting theNational Library of Australia, Music ection, !anberra, "" #uly $%%&, negative: b&w. Image courtesy oftheNational Library of Australia e!ternal site: an"##$%%"%

    Australians are not renowne for rushing into major ecisions change is usually a slowan consiere 'rocess. The journey towars choosing our own national anthem was noe!ce'tion.The move to re'lace 'od ave the (ueenwith an anthem uni(ue to Australia began asearly as the )*"+s. ver the ecaes, 'ublic o'inion has been constantly canvasse annumerous com'etitions hel to -n a suitable song.

    eter /os 0c1ormic23s e!ternal siteAdvance Australia )airwas o4cially eclareAustralia3s national anthem by the 5overnor5eneral on )$ A'ril )$*#, close to )6+ yearsafter the -rst alternative anthems were 'ut forwar. The song was -rst 'erforme inSyney in )*7* an, interestingly, was sung at the inauguration of the 1ommonwealth ofAustralia by a choir of )+,+++ 'eo'le.

    Some early nominations8ohn /unmore Lang e!ternal site, who 'ublishe anAustralian Antheman anAustralian*ymnin )*"6, was an early avocate of a istinctively Australian anthem. SouthAustralian 1arl Linger e!ternal sitewrote ong of Australiain )*6+, which wassuggeste to the 9then rime 0inister in )$"$ as a 'ossible national anthem. Linger3scom'osition remaine a favourite with Australians an was on the shortlist of 3'ossibles3))7 years later when Australians vote for an anthem at a national 'oll.

    The leau' to changeThe issue of the anthem was 'rovo2ing more an more ebate. The Australian;roacasting 1ommission hel two com'etitions in )$#% an )$#

  • 7/25/2019 The Australian National Anthem


    In A'ril )$*# the 5overnor5eneral issue a 'roclamation eclaring that 'od ave the(ueenwas esignate the Boyal Anthem, to be 'laye at 'ublic engagements inAustralia attene by the Cueen or members of the Boyal family. At the sametime,Advance Australia )airwas -nally eclare to be the o4cial national anthem.The original wors of the song have been change with 3Australia3s sons let us rejoice3 the original -rst line being re'lace with 3Australians all let us rejoice3 an furtherchanges have occurre in the rarely sung thir verse.

    Waltzing Matilda our 3uno4cial3 national anthem

    !olonel #1M1 Arnott, chau2eur and 3an4o Paterson at #indabyne, )$)D, 'hotogra'h: gelatin silver. Image courtesyof the National Library of Australia e!ternal site: an")"7%

  • 7/25/2019 The Australian National Anthem


    To trace !ide oceans o1er*True 5ritish coura)e #ore him on*Till he landed on our shoreThen here he raised 2ld En)land1s fla)*The standard of the #rave/0ith all her faults !e love her still*45rittannia rules the !ave34In .o$ful strains then let us sin)

    4Advance Australia fair345eneath our radiant southern Cross*0e1ll toil !ith hearts and hands/To ma'e this Common!ealth of oursReno!ned of all the lands/For those !ho1ve come across the seas0e1ve #oundless "lains to share/0ith coura)e let us all com#ineTo advance Australia fair

    In .o$ful strains then let us sin)4Advance Australia fair340hile other nations of the )lo#e5ehold us from afar*0e1ll rise to hi)h reno!n and shineLi'e our )lorious southern star/From En)land* Scotia* Erin1s Isle*0ho come our lot to share*Let all com#ine !ith heart and handTo advance Australia fair3

    In .o$ful strains then let us sin)4Advance Australia fair34Shou1d forei)n foe e1er si)ht our coast*2r dare a foot to land*0e1ll rouse to arms li'e sires of $oreTo )uard our native strand/5rittannia the shall surel$ 'no!*5e$ond !ide ocean1s roll*6er sons in fair Australia1s land

    Still 'ee" a 5ritish soulIn .o$ful strains the let us sin)4Advance Australia fair34Dr Shar!ood1s revised version

    An alternative set of verses to Advance Australia Fair has #een !ritten #$ Dr Ro#inLorimer Shar!ood* fourth 0arden ofTrinit$ Colle)e in The Universit$ of &el#ourne This is no! the official version for use!ithin St %aul1s Cathedral &el#ourneThis version ma$ #e re"roduced !ithout "ermission "rovided due ac'no!led)ement ismade and no alterations are made to the

    !ords2 ,od* !ho made this ancient land*

    And set it round !ith sea*Sustain us all !ho d!ell herein*2ne "eo"le stron) and free,rant !e ma$ )uard its )enerous )ifts*Its #eaut$ rich and rareIn $our )reat name* ma$ !e "roclaim*

  • 7/25/2019 The Australian National Anthem


    7Advance* Australia fair310ith than'ful hearts then let us sin)*7Advance Australia* fair318our star9#ri)ht Cross aslant our s'ies,ives "romise sure and trueThat !e ma$ 'no! this land of ours

    A nation #lessed #$ 8ou&a$ all !ho come !ithin its #ounds

    Its "eace and "lent$ share*And )rant that !e ma$ "ra$erfull$Advance Australia fair0ith than'ful hearts then let us sin)*7Advance* Australia fair31Sent #$ Carlos Andr %ereira da Silva 5ranco

    Australian Am#assador to the%hili""ines&r 5ill T!eddell5io)ra"h$&r T!eddell is a senior career officer !ith the De"artment of Forei)n Affairs and Trade &r T!eddell hasserved as Australian Am#assador to Vietnam/ Consul9,eneral* 6on) :on)/ 6i)h Commissioner* SriLan'a/ De"ut$ 6i)h Commissioner to the United :in)dom/ and De"ut$ 6i)h Commissioner to India/ !ithearlier "ostin)s to ,reece and 5an)ladesh 6e !as also Chief of Staff to the former &inister for Forei)n

    Affairs* Ale;ander Do!ner

    &r T!eddell holds 5achelor of Arts and 5achelor of Economics de)rees from

  • 7/25/2019 The Australian National Anthem


    from > to >? and Actin) E;ecutive Director at the 2ffice of ASEAN Affairs from > to > From > G >* she served as

    &inister Counselor then De"ut$ Chief of &ission at the %hili""ine Em#ass$ in > She is also the non9resident %hili""ine Am#assador toNauru* Tuvalu and Vanuatu

    Am#assador Anota earned her 5achelor of Science in Forei)n Service from the Universit$ of Santo Tomas (>? and 5achelor of

    La!s from the Ateneo de &anila La! School (>H She has a &asters in Ur#an and Re)ional %lannin) from the Universit$ of the

    %hili""ines (>

    She is married and has a son and a dau)hter


    Philippines in Astralia!In addition to the %hili""ines1s em#ass$ in Can#erra* the %hili""ines has other

    re"resentations in Australia These re"resentations include consulates in Adelaide* 5ris#ane* Dar!in* 6o#art*

    &el#ourne* %erth* and S$dne$

    Astralia in the Philippines!Australia maintains an em#ass$ in &anila

    The %hili""ine em#ass$ is one of HKH forei)n re"resentations in Australia* and one of >? forei)n re"resentations inCan#erra See more the

    MAustralia Em#ass$%a)es

    The %hili""ine em#ass$ in Can#erra is one of BBH %hili""ine di"lomatic and consular re"resentations a#road Seemore the

    Australia S'illed Visa Re+uirements

    "isa Brea is not a##iliated $ith the Astralian %o&ernment bt is an independent U' compan(.Astralian &isas are a&ailable #rom the Astralian %o&ernment at a lo$er cost or #or #ree $hen (oappl( directl(. Or comprehensi&e&isa and immi)ration ser&icesinclde immi)ration ad&ice #romre)istered mi)ration a)ents* an e+ceptional sccess rate* docment chec,in) and e+pedited &isaprocessin).

    The re-irements #or an Astralia S,illed "isa are as #ollo$s!

    A)e9 $ou must #e under @? !hen $ou a""l$/

    En)lish lan)a)e9 $ou should have sufficient a#ilit$ in the En)lish lan)ua)e to !or' in Australia (at least at

    a com"etent level/

    ominated occpation9 !hen $ou a""l$ $ou nominate a s'illed occu"ation* !hich fits $our s'ills and +ualifications

    8our nominated occu"ation must #e found on theS'illed 2ccu"ations List/

    S,ills assessment9 #efore $ou a""l$* $ou must have $our s'ills assessed #$ the Australian assessin) authorit$

    desi)nated to assess $our nominated occu"ation (!hich !ill usuall$ have s"ecific +ualifications re+uirements/

    Health assessment9 $ou should #e of reasona#l$ )ood health and all a""licants must have their health assessed#$ a

    "anel doctor and under)o a medical e;amination/ and

    Character assessment9 $ou should #e of)ood characterand this too !ill #e assessed

    If $ou are una#le to meet the ne! visa 5asic Re+uirements and "ass the %oints Test*then $ou should not continue !ith a

    ,eneral S'illed &i)ration to Australia a""lication
  • 7/25/2019 The Australian National Anthem


    Immi)ration to Australia= S'illed %oints Test

    "isa Brea is not a##iliated $ith the Astralian %o&ernment bt is an independent U' compan(.Astralian &isas are a&ailable #rom the Astralian %o&ernment at a lo$er cost or #or #ree $hen (oappl( directl(. Or comprehensi&e&isa and immi)ration ser&icesinclde immi)ration ad&ice #romre)istered mi)ration a)ents* an e+ceptional sccess rate* docment chec,in) and e+pedited &isaprocessin).

    Most S,illed "isas #or immi)ration to Astralia re-ire applicants to score a minimm nmber o# points on the Points

    Test. The Points Test a$ards points #or!


    En)lish Lan)ua)e A#ilit$/

    S'illed Em"lo$ment/

    Educational -ualifications/

    Australian Stud$ Re+uirements/

    Credentialled Communit$ Lan)ua)e -ualifications/

    Stud$ in Re)ional Australia

    %artner S'ill -ualifications/

    %rofessional 8ear in Australia/

    Nomination #$ State or Territor$ ,overnment (visa su#class >? onl$/and

    Nomination #$ State or Territor$ ,overnment or S"onsorshi" #$ an Eli)i#le Famil$ &em#er (visa su#class H? onl$

    Find Ot /# Yo Pass The /mmi)ration Points Test For Astralia0

    Australian Visa Su#classes and %oints %ass &ar's

    "isa Sbclasses and Pass mar,s

    "isa Sbclass Points

    S'illed 9 Inde"endent (su#class > K?

    S'illed 9 S"onsored (su#class >? K?

    S'illed 9 Re)ional S"onsored (su#class H K?

    Can Yo Pass The /mmi)ration Points Test For Astralia1

    Points #or A)e

    Points #or A)e

    A)e at time o# application Points

    >9BH (inclusive B@

    B@9B (inclusive ?

    9 (inclusive B@

    H?9HH (inclusive >@

    H@9H (inclusive ?
  • 7/25/2019 The Australian National Anthem


    Ta,e The Points Test For Astralia

    Points #or En)lish 2an)a)e Abilit(

    Points #or En)lish 2an)a)e Abilit(

    En)lish 2an)a)e Abilit( Points

    Su"erior En)lish 9 "erson has a score of or more in the En)lish Lan)ua)e Testin)

    S$stem (IELTS in each of the four test com"onentsB?

    %roficient En)lish 9 "erson has a score of or more in the En)lish Lan)ua)e

    Testin) S$stem (IELTS in each of the four test com"onents>?

    Com"etent En)lish 9 "erson has a score of K or more in the En)lish Lan)ua)e

    Testin) S$stem (IELTS in each of the four test com"onents?

    Do Yo Ha&e Eno)h Points1

    Points #or S,illed Emplo(ment

    Onl( 34 points can be a$arded #or an( combination o# o&erseas and Astralian s,illed emplo(ment.

    Points #or Astralian Emplo(ment in nominated s,illed occpation or a closel( related occpation

    5or, e+perience Points

    At least ei)ht and u" to >? $ears (of "ast >? $ears B?

    At least five #ut less than ei)ht $ears (of "ast >? $ears >@

    At least three #ut less than five $ears (of "ast >? $ears >?

    At least one #ut less than three $ears (of "ast >? $ears @

    Points #or O&erseas Emplo(ment in nominated s,illed occpation or a closel( related occpation

    5or, e+perience Points

    At least ei)ht and u" to >? $ears (of "ast >? $ears >@

    At least five #ut less than ei)ht $ears (of "ast >? $ears >?

    At least three #ut less than five $ears (of "ast >? $ears @

    Do Yo Meet The Minimm Points 6e-irement Astralia1

    Points #or Edcational 7ali#ications

    Points #or Edcational 7ali#ications

    7ali#ication Points

    Doctorate from an Australian educational institution or other Doctorate of a

    reco)nised standardB?

    At least a 5achelor de)ree* includin) a 5achelor de)ree !ith 6onours or

    &asters* from an Australian educational institution or other de)ree of a

  • 7/25/2019 The Australian National Anthem


    reco)nised standard

    Di"loma or trade +ualification or other +ualification com"leted in Australia*

    or +ualification or a!ard of reco)nised standard>?

    Can Yo Pass The /mmi)ration Points Test For Astralia1

    Astralian Std( 6e-irements

    Points #or Astralian Std( 6e-irements

    Criteria! Points

    2ne or more de)rees* di"lomas or trade +ualifications a!arded #$ an

    Australian educational institution and meet the Australian Stud$



    Do Yo Ha&e Eno)h Points1

    Points #or Credentialled Commnit( 2an)a)e 7ali#ications

    Points #or Credentialled Commnit( 2an)a)e 7ali#ications

    Criteria! Points

    8ou can receive five "oints for credentialled communit$ lan)ua)e at the

    time $ou are invited to a""l$ Credentialled communit$ lan)ue is

    accredited #$ the National Accreditation Authorit$ for Translators andInter"reters (NAATI


    Can Yo Pass The /mmi)ration Points Test For Astralia1

    Points #or Std( in 6e)ional Astralia or a lo$ poplation )ro$thmetropolitan area 8e+cldin) distance edcation9

    Points #or Std( in a 6e)ional Area o# Astralia

    Criteria! Points

    8ou can receive five "oints if $ou meet the Australian Stud$ Re+uirement to have

    lived and studied in re)ional Australia or a lo! "o"ulation )ro!th metro"olitan

    area at the time $ou are invited to a""l$


    Can Yo Pass The /mmi)ration Points Test For Astralia1

    Points #or Partner S,ill 7ali#ications

    Points #or Partner S,ill 7ali#ications

    Criteria! Points

    Yo can recei&e #i&e points i# (or partner meets re-irements at the time (o

    are in&ited to appl( relatin) to!


    En)lish Lan)ua)e A#ilit$/

    A suita#le s'ills assessment in a nominated occu"ation on the same S'illed

  • 7/25/2019 The Australian National Anthem


    2ccu"ation List used for $our a""lication

    8ou cannot receive these "oints if $our "artner is not included on $our visa a""lication*

    or if the$ are an Australian citien or an Australian "ermanent resident

    Ta,e The /mmi)ration Points Test For Astralia

    Points #or Pro#essional Year in Astralia #or at least :3 months in the #or(ears be#ore the da( (o $ere in&ited

    Points #or Pro#essional Year in Astralia

    Criteria! Points

    8ou can receive five "oints for havin) com"leted a %rofessional 8ear in Australia in

    the four $ears #efore $ou are invited to a""l$

    8our %rofessional 8ear course must have #een in $our nominated s'illed

    occu"ation or a closel$ related s'illed occu"ation The course must have lasted for

    a "eriod totallin) at least >B months


    Do Yo Ha&e Eno)h Eli)ible Points For Astralia1

    Points #or omination b( State or Territor( %o&ernment 8&isa sbclass:;4 onl(9

    Points #or Sponsorship b( State or Territor( %o&ernment

    Criteria! Points

    Nomination #$ a state or territor$ )overnment under aState &i)ration %lan* for the

    "ur"oses of asu#class >? a""lication@

    Do Yo Ha&e Eno)h Points1

    Points #or omination b( State or Territor( %o&ernment or Sponsorshipb( an Eli)ible Famil( Member* to reside and $or, in a

    speci#ied; onl(9Points #or omination b( State or Territor( %o&ernment or Sponsorship b( an Eli)ible Famil( Member

    Criteria! Points

    Nomination #$ a state or territor$ )overnment under a State &i)ration %lan*or

    s"onsorshi" #$ an eli)i#le relative* to a re)ional area for the "ur"oses of

    asu#class Ha""lication



    Completing this form will help you determine your eligibility to enter Australia under one of the skilled

    visa classes.

    The 2nline Eli)i#ilit$ Assessment #elo! is #ased on the immi)ration "oints s$stem determined #$ the Australian De"artment of

    Immi)ration and 5order %rotection (DI5% The assessment calculates !hether $ou have enou)h "oints* and are therefore

    eli)i#le to immi)rate to Australia under one of the S'illed Visa classes A "ositive result does not )uarantee visa success/ it
  • 7/25/2019 The Australian National Anthem


    sim"l$ means $ou have the re+uisite or minimum num#er of "oints deemed necessar$ #$ the Australian De"artment of

    Immi)ration and 5order %rotection (DI5%

    A re)istered mi)ration consultant !ill revie! $our online assessment and advise $ou of the #est availa#le o"tion #$ email

    The Australian Visa 5ureau is a division of Visa 5ureau Ltd* an inde"endent U: com"an$ s"ecialisin) in visa and immi)ration

    services to Australia

    &ouse over for more information 6el"ful ti"s O &andator$ field


    > 2ccu"ation descri"tion O

    ote!8ou !ill currentl$ onl$ #e a#le to select an occu"ation !hich features on thene!

    Australian S'illed 2ccu"ation List (S2L

    0e e;"ect more occu"ations to #ecome eli)i#le for a s'illed visa as further

    chan)es are made to Australian immi)ration over the comin) !ee's and months*

    so if $ou are una#le to find a relevant occu"ation on the current list* "lease return

    to this assessment at a later date

    B Are $ou still in this em"lo$ment*

    and if so* are $ou e;"ectin) to

    remain in this em"lo$ment until

    $our visa a""lication is

    "rocessedP O

    No 8es

    6o! man$ $ears have $ou #eenem"lo$ed outside of Australia in

    $our selected 8or closel( related9

    occpationP O

    H 6o! man$ months have $ou

    #een em"lo$ed in $ourselected

    occpationin the last t!o $earsP O

    @ 6o! man$ $ears have $ou #een

    em"lo$ed in $ourselected

    occpationin totalP O

    K Do $ou have a .o# offer from anNo 8es
  • 7/25/2019 The Australian National Anthem


    Australian or)anisationP O


    > En)lish


    a#ilit$ O

    B Are $ou

    fluent in a




    En)lishP O

    No 8es

    ote!To #e defined as ?#lent?* $ou must=

    5e accredited !ith NAATI (National Accreditation Authorit$ for Translators and



    > 0hat is $our

    current* or

    "ro.ected* hi)hest

    level ofeducationP O

    B 0hat $ear did

    $ou (or !ill $ou

    o#tain $our

    +ualificationP O

    6ave $ou

    com"leted an$

    stud$ in

    AustraliaP O

    No 8es

    Marital Stats

    > &arital Status O


    > Do $ou (or $our "artner if a""lica#le have

    childrenP O

    No 8es

  • 7/25/2019 The Australian National Anthem



    > Do $ou (or $our "artner if a""lica#le have

    relatives livin) in Australia !ho !ould #e !illin)

    to s"onsor $ouP O

    No 8es

    Astralian 5or, Histor(

    > 6o! man$ $ears have $ou #een em"lo$ed in

    Australia in $our selected (or closel$ related

    occu"ationP O

    B 6ave $ou "reviousl$ held an Australian 0or'in)

    6olida$ VisaP O

    No 8es

    ote!The 0or'in) 6olida$ Visa differs from a Tourist Visa* in that it allo!s travellers a)ed

    #et!een > and ? to live and !or' in Australia for u" to BH months


    > Assistance !ith visa a""lication O

    %lease select the statement !hich #est descri#es $our situation

    0e are at the ver$ #e)innin) and donJt 'no! !hat to do ne;t

    0e are loo'in) for further information #ut donJt need an$ hel" !ith the

    a""lication "rocess

    0e need hel" !ith our visa a""lication and are 'een to en)a)e the services

    of a mi)ration a)ent

    The Visa 5ureau has #een recommended to us and !e are 'een to s"ea' to

    a mi)ration consultant

    B Relocation "reference 9

    first choice O

    Relocation "reference 9second choice O

    H Relocation %lans O

    %lease select the

  • 7/25/2019 The Australian National Anthem


    statement !hich #est

    descri#es $our


    0e have

    decided that !e !ant

    to !or' in Australia

    tem"oraril$ (ie

    #et!een > and H


    0e have

    decided that !e !ant

    to ma'e a "ermanent

    move to Australia

    0e have not

    made an$ "lans $et

    and .ust !ant to 'no!

    !hat our o"tions are


    > Title O

    B First name O

    Last name O

    H Date of #irth O



    @ Current citienshi" O

  • 7/25/2019 The Australian National Anthem


    K Countr$ of residence O

    Current address O

    To!n Q Cit$ O

    Count$ Q State

    >? %ost code O

    >> Contact num#ers

    Da$time O?HH




    e) ?HH >BH@K

  • 7/25/2019 The Australian National Anthem


    >B Email O

    > %lease nominate a

    "ass!ord (K characters

    minimum O

    Health and Character

    > 6ave $ou or an$ secondar$ a""licant (ie $our "artner andQor

    children* if a""lica#le ever had a serious disease* condition or

    disa#ilit$PO No 8es

    B 6ave $ou or an$ secondar$ a""licant (ie $our "artner andQor

    children* if a""lica#le ever #een char)ed or convicted of a crime or

    offence in an$ countr$P O No 8es

    Terms @ Conditions

    I acce"t the Visa 5ureauTerms and Conditionsand ac'no!led)e I have access

    to the Information on the Re)ulation of the &i)ration Advice %rofession

    Tic' here to su#scri#e to vital visa and immi)ration u"dates and our monthl$


    S,illed Occpation 2ist 8SO29 Astralia

    "isa Brea is not a##iliated $ith the Astralian %o&ernment bt is an independent U' compan(.Astralian &isas are a&ailable #rom the Astralian %o&ernment at a lo$er cost or #or #ree $hen (oappl( directl(. Or comprehensi&e&isa and immi)ration ser&icesinclde immi)ration ad&ice #romre)istered mi)ration a)ents* an e+ceptional sccess rate* docment chec,in) and e+pedited &isa


    The Australia s'ills list or S,illed Occpation 2ist 8SO29is used as "art of the Australian "oints s$stem for immi)ration In order

    to +ualif$ for s'illed mi)ration to Australia* $ou must nominate an occu"ation from the S2L 6o!ever* if $ou are a""l$in) for

    s'illed mi)ration via nomination #$ a State or Territor$ ,overnment* $ou also have the o"tion of nominatin) an occu"ation from

    theConsolidated Sponsored Occpation 2ist8CSO29.

    %lease note that all occu"ations on the ne! S'illed 2ccu"ation List are from theANSC2(Australia and Ne! ealand S'illed

    Classification of 2ccu"ations as o""osed to the "reviousl$ used ASC2 (Australian S'illed Classification of 2ccu"ations

    Understandin) $hich Occpation 2ist to se
  • 7/25/2019 The Australian National Anthem


    If $ou a""l$ for a ,eneral S'illed &i)ration visa and $ou are OT nominated b( a State or Territor( %o&ernment* $ou must

    nominate an occu"ation from the S,illed Occpation 2ist8SO29.

    If $ou a""l$ for a ,eneral S'illed &i)ration visa and $ou A6E nominated b( a State or Territor( %o&ernment* $ou must

    nominate an occu"ation fromeither theS,illed Occpation 2ist8SO29 O6 theConsolidated Sponsored Occpation


    Astralian S,illed Occpation 2ist 8SO29

    See belo$ #or the crrent Astralian S,illed Occpation 2ist!

    Astralian S,illed Occpation 2ist 8SO29 Updated 4:B>B A&SA

    Shi"1s master B>B> A&SA

    Shi"1s officer B>B>H A&SA

    Architect BB>>> AACA

    Landsca"e architect BB>>B VETASSESS

    Carto)ra"her BBB> VETASSESS

    2ther S"atial Scientist BBB>H VETASSESS

    Surve$or BBB>B SSSI

    Chemical en)ineer B>>> En)ineers Australia

    &aterials en)ineer B>>B En)ineers Australia

    Civil en)ineer BB>> En)ineers Australia

    ,eotechnical en)ineer BB>B En)ineers Australia

    -uantit$ surve$or BB> AI-S

    Structural en)ineer BB>H En)ineers Australia

    Trans"ort en)ineer BB>@ En)ineers Australia

    Electrical en)ineer B>> En)ineers Australia

    Electronics en)ineer BH>> En)ineers Australia

    Industrial en)ineer B@>> En)ineers Australia

    &echanical en)ineer B@>B En)ineers Australia
  • 7/25/2019 The Australian National Anthem


    %roduction or "lant en)ineer B@> En)ineers Australia

    &inin) en)ineer (e;cludin)

    "etroleumBK>> En)ineers Australia

    %etroleum en)ineer BK>B En)ineers Australia

    Aeronautical en)ineer B>> En)ineers Australia

    A)ricultural en)ineer B>B En)ineers Australia

    5iomedical en)ineer B> En)ineers Australia

    En)ineerin) technolo)ist B>H En)ineers Australia

    Environmental en)ineer B>@ En)ineers Australia

    Naval architect B>K En)ineers Australia

    A)ricultural consultant BH>>> VETASSESS

    A)ricultural scientist BH>>B VETASSESS

    Forester BH>> VETASSESS

    &edical la#orator$ scientist BHK>> AI&S

    Veterinarian BH>> AV5C

    &etallur)ist BH>B VETASSESS

    %h$sicist (medical "h$sicist


    BH>H AC%SE&

    Earl$ childhood ("re9"rimar$

    school teacherBH>>>> N22SRQAITSL

    Secondar$ school teacher BH>H>> N22SRQAITSL

    S"ecial needs teacher BH>@>> AITSL

    Teacher of the hearin) im"aired BH>@>B AITSL

    Teacher of the si)ht im"aired BH>@> AITSL

    S"ecial education teachers nec BH>@ AITSL

    &edical dia)nostic

    radio)ra"herB@>B>> AIR

    &edical radiation thera"ist B@>B>B AIR

    Nuclear medicine technolo)ist B@>B> ANS&

    Sono)ra"her B@>B>H AIR

    Environmental 6ealth 2fficer B@>>> VETASSESS

    2ccu"ational 6ealth and Safet$

    AdvisorB@>>B VETASSESS

    2"tometrist B@>H>> 2CAN

    Chiro"ractor B@B>>> CCEA

    2steo"ath B@B>>B AN2C

    2ccu"ational thera"ist B@BH>> 2TC

    %h$siothera"ist B@B@>> A%C

    %odiatrist B@BK>> A%odCQAN%AC

    S"eech "atholo)ist B@B>B S%A

    ,eneral medical "ractitioner B@>>> &edical 5oard of Australia

    Anaesthetist B@B>> &edical 5oard of Australia

    S"ecialist "h$sician B@>> &edical 5oard of Australia

    Cardiolo)ist B@>B &edical 5oard of Australia

    Clinical haematolo)ist B@> &edical 5oard of Australia

    &edical oncolo)ist B@>H &edical 5oard of Australia

    Endocrinolo)ist B@>@ &edical 5oard of Australia
  • 7/25/2019 The Australian National Anthem


    ,astroenterolo)ist B@>K &edical 5oard of Australia

    Intensive care s"ecialist B@> &edical 5oard of Australia

    Neurolo)ist B@> &edical 5oard of Australia

    %aediatrician B@B> &edical 5oard of Australia

    Renal medicine s"ecialist B@BB &edical 5oard of Australia

    Rheumatolo)ist B@B &edical 5oard of Australia

    Thoracic medicine s"ecialist B@BH &edical 5oard of Australia

    S"ecialist %h$sicians nec B@ &edical 5oard of Australia

    %s$chiatrist B@H>> &edical 5oard of Australia

    Sur)eon ()eneral B@@>> &edical 5oard of Australia

    Cardiothoracic sur)eon B@@>B &edical 5oard of Australia

    Neurosur)eon B@@> &edical 5oard of Australia

    2rtho"aedic sur)eon B@@>H &edical 5oard of Australia

    2torhinolar$n)olo)ist B@@>@ &edical 5oard of Australia

    %aediatric sur)eon B@@>K &edical 5oard of Australia

    %lastic and reconstructive

    sur)eonB@@> &edical 5oard of Australia

    Urolo)ist B@@> &edical 5oard of Australia

    Vascular sur)eon B@@B> &edical 5oard of Australia

    Dermatolo)ist B@>> &edical 5oard of Australia

    Emer)enc$ medicine s"ecialist B@>B &edical 5oard of Australia

    2#stetrician and ,$naecolo)ist B@> &edical 5oard of Australia

    2"hthalmolo)ist B@>H &edical 5oard of Australia

    %atholo)ist B@>@ &edical 5oard of Australia

    Dia)nostic and Interventional

    Radiolo)istB@> &edical 5oard of Australia

    Radiation 2ncolo)ist B@> &edical 5oard of Australia

    &edical "ractitioners nec B@ &edical 5oard of Australia

    &id!ife B@H>>> AN&AC

    Nurse %ractitioner B@HH>> AN&AC

    Re)istered nurse (a)ed care B@HH>B AN&AC

    Re)istered nurse (Child andFamil$ 6ealth

    B@HH> AN&AC

    Re)istered nurse (communit$

    healthB@HH>H AN&AC

    Re)istered nurse (critical care

    and emer)enc$B@HH>@ AN&AC

    Re)istered nurse (develo"ment

    disa#ilit$B@HH>K AN&AC

    Re)istered nurse (disa#ilit$ and

    reha#ilitationB@HH> AN&AC

    Re)istered nurse (medical B@HH> AN&AC

    Re)istered nurse (medical

    "racticeB@HHB> AN&AC

    Re)istered nurse (mental

    healthB@HHBB AN&AC

    Re)istered nurse

    ("erio"erativeB@HHB AN&AC
  • 7/25/2019 The Australian National Anthem


    Re)istered nurse (sur)ical B@HHBH AN&AC

    Re)istered nurse ("aediatrics B@HHB@ AN&AC

    Re)istered nurse nec B@HH AN&AC

    ICT #usiness anal$st BK>>>> ACS

    S$stems anal$st BK>>>B ACS

    Anal$st "ro)rammer BK>>> ACS

    Develo"er "ro)rammer BK>>B ACS

    Soft!are en)ineer BK>> ACS

    Com"uter Net!or' S$stems

    En)ineerBK>>> ACS

    Telecommunications en)ineer BK>> En)ineers Australia

    Telecommunications net!or'

    en)ineerBK>B En)ineers Australia

    5arrister B>>>> SLAA

    Solicitor B>>> SLAA

    Clinical "s$cholo)ist BB>> A%S

    Educational "s$cholo)ist BB>B A%S

    2r)anisational "s$cholo)ist BB> A%S

    %s$chothera"ist BB>H VETASSESS

    %s$cholo)ists nec BB A%S

    Social !or'er BB@>> AAS0

    Civil en)ineerin) drafts"erson >BB>>En)ineers


    Civil en)ineerin) technician >BB>B VETASSESS

    Electrical en)ineer draft"erson >B>> En)ineers Australia

    Electrical en)ineer technician >B>B TRA


    technician>B>> TRA

    Telecommunications field

    en)ineer>B>B En)ineers Australia

    Telecommunications net!or'

    "lanner>B> En)ineers Australia

    Telecommunications technical

    officer or technolo)ist >B>H En)ineers Australia

    Automotive electrician B>>>> TRA

    &otor mechanic ()eneral B>B>> TRA

    Diesel motor mechanic B>B>B TRA

    &otorc$cle mechanic B>B> TRA

    Small en)ine mechanic B>B>H TRA

    Sheetmetal trades !or'er BBB>> TRA

    &etal Fa#ricator BB>> TRA

    %ressure 0elder BB>B TRA

    0elder (first class BB> TRA

    Fitter (,eneral BB>> TRA

    Fitter and Turner BB>B TRA

    Fitter90elder BB> TRA

    &etal &achinist (First Class BB>H TRA
  • 7/25/2019 The Australian National Anthem


    Loc'smith B> TRA

    %anel#eater BH>>> VETASSESS

    Stonemason >>>B TRA

    Car"enter and B>> TRA

    Car"enter >B>B TRA

    B> TRA

    %aintin) trades !or'ers BB>> TRA

    ,laier >>> TRA

    Fi#rous "lasterer B>> TRA

    Solid "lasterer B>B TRA

    %lum#er ()eneral H>>> TRA

    Airconditionin) and mechanical

    services "lum#erH>>B TRA

    Drainer H>> TRA

    ,asfitter H>>H TRA

    Roof "lum#er H>>@ TRA

    Electrician ()eneral H>>>> TRA

    Electrician (s"ecial class H>>>B TRA

    Lift mechanic H>>> TRA

    Airconditionin) and refri)eration

    mechanicHB>>> TRA

    Electrical lines!or'er HBB>> TRA

    Technical ca#le .ointer HBB>B TRA

    Electronic e+ui"ment trades!or'er

    HB> TRA

    Electronic instrument trades

    !or'er ()eneralHB>H TRA

    Electronic instrument trades

    !or'er (s"ecial classHB>@ TRA

    Ca#inetma'er H>>> VETASSESS

    5oat 5uilder and Re"airer >>> TRA

    Shi"!ri)ht >>B TRA

    Dental 6$)ienist H>>B>> VETASSESS

    Dental %rosthetist H>>B>B TRA

    Dental technician H>>B> TRA

    Dental thera"ist H>>B>H VETASSESS

    /# (o cannot #ind (or occpation listed on the S,illed Occpations 2ist* chec, the Consolidated Sponsored

    Occpations 2ist8CSO29.

    The diversit$ that ma'es u" the "o"ulation of Australia !as sho!n in the B?>@ Australian Citienshi" Da$

    ceremonies !ith more than *@?? from >? countries ta'in) the "led)e

    Accordin) to fi)ures from the De"artment of Immi)ration and 5order %rotection (DI5%* more than ? ceremonies

    !ere held across the nation
  • 7/25/2019 The Australian National Anthem


    Cele#rated annuall$ on Se"tem#er >* Australian Citienshi" Da$ hel"s raise

    communit$ a!areness of the meanin) and value of Australian citienshi" and Immi)ration &inister %eter Dutton

    con)ratulated all the ne! citiEens as the$ "led)ed their lo$alt$ and commitment to Australia

    The &inister attended and s"o'e to Can#erraJs ne!est citiens at a s"ecial ceremon$ at ,overnment 6ouse* !here

    @ "eo"le !ere conferred #$ the ,overnor ,eneral* Sir %eter Cos)rove

    Dutton said that Australian Citienshi" Da$ !as not onl$ a da$ for ne! citiens to cele#rate* #ut also a da$ for

    Australians to affirm their commitment to Australia

    The da$ )ives the Australian communit$ an o""ortunit$ to reflect on the im"ortance and meanin) of #ein) an

    Australian citien* Dutton said No!* "erha"s more than ever* it is im"ortant to "ause and reflect on the values

    res"onsi#ilities and "rivile)es !e share throu)h the unif$in) #ond of Australian citienshi"

    2ne of those ta'in) "art !as Sam"ath A'ula* ori)inall$ from India* !ho !or's as a s$stems aministrator in

    Can#erra and arrived in Australia in B?? as a student and studies for a &asters de)ree in IT

    This reall$ is a ver$ #i) o""ortunit$ for me and I can sa$ !ith honest$ that this feels li'e such an

    incredi#le achievement Ever$ ste" of the !a$ has #een full of fantastic e;"eriences I love the friendl$ "eo"le

    and also the e;cellent trans"ort and infrastructure* said A'ula I am so "roud to #e #ecomin) an Australian The

    onl$ thin) I have left to !or' out is m$ cric'et alle)iance

    &ore than H@ million "eo"le have #ecome citiens since Australian citienshi" !as introduced in >H

    To qualify for state nomination you must meet all

    nomination requirements relevant to your situation and


    You must ultimately meet all the Commonwealth Department of Immigration and Border Protection

    (DIBP) criteria and requirements.

    Before applying for State Nomination, you should work out if you have sufficient points on the DIBP

    points test to apply for the 190 permanent or the 489 provisional visa.

    Please read through the nomination requirements below and thedocument checklistbefore applying.

    1. Commitment to South Australia

    1.1State nomination is provided to meet skills needs of this state and is granted on the basis of the

    applicants genuine interest and commitment to living and working in South Australia for two years

    from the date of arrival, with a view to long-term settlement.

    You must confirm this commitment by:
  • 7/25/2019 The Australian National Anthem


    1.1.1Undertaking first-hand, thorough and meaningful research on South Australia and

    providing your reasons for wanting to migrate to South Australia in the online application form.

    1.1.2Undertaking research on job opportunities in South Australia and any occupation licensing

    or registration requirements.

    1.1.3If you are onshore, you may be required to provide evidence of South Australian residence

    and that your employment has primarily been in South Australia.

    1.2When you arrive in South Australia on a state nominated General Skilled Migration (GSM) visa,

    you are required to:

    1.2.1Register your arrival online with Immigration SA

    1.2.2Provide up to date contact details online to Immigration SA for your first two years in South


    1.2.3Complete employment surveys during your first two years in South Australia

    1.3The following commitment to state restrictions apply.

    1.3.1If you are in Australia but not residing in South Australia, you are ineligible to apply for

    South Australian state nomination. This restriction includes South Australian international

    graduates residing interstate and overrides chain migration and high points - 80 points or

    higher categories.

    1.3.2If you are residing offshore or in South Australia and you completed your Australianqualification outside South Australia in the last 3 years, you canonlyapply for the provisional

    489 visa unless:

    At least 6 months of your skilled work experience was undertaken in South Australia (489 or 190 is



    You meet the requirements for Chain Migration (489 or 190 is available).

    2. Age

    3. Occupation

    4. Skills assessment

    5. Work experience

    6. English language

    7. Financial capacity

    8. SkillSelect Expression of Interest (EOI)

    Access to additional occupations
  • 7/25/2019 The Australian National Anthem


    The Australian heroine from start* !hen she carried the 2l$m"ic torch into the stadium* to finish* as

    she crossed the line to ta'e H??m )old* !as the indi)enous athlete Cath$ Freeman A)ainst the !ill of

    man$ of her still o""ressed "eo"le* she came to re"resent the s$m#ol* al#eit shallo!* of reconciliation

    #et!een 0hite and A#ori)inal Australia 5ut the fren$ of flames and fire!or's surroundin) the

    ,ames #linded the rest of the !orld to the dar'er side of a land do!n under

    In >*

  • 7/25/2019 The Australian National Anthem


    )". 1anberra became ca'ital of Australia as a neutral o'tion to en intense ebate 9an bic2ering

    between 0elbourne an Syney.

    )%. There are )* B?>@


    Terahert !aves lea' out of a small slit in the antenna at different an)les* de"endin) on fre+uenc$ The receiver can#e tuned to select one an)le* "luc'in) a sin)le data channel from a stream containin) man$ channelsEngineers from Brown University have made progress on a key component for terahertz wireless: multipleing andde!multipleing a terahertz stream.Terahert radiation could one da$ "rovide the #ac'#one for !ireless s$stems that can deliver data u" to onehundred times faster than toda$Js cellular or 0i9Fi net!or's 5ut there remain man$ technical challen)es to #esolved #efore terahert !ireless is read$ for "rime timeResearchers from 5ro!n Universit$ have ta'en a ma.or ste" to!ard addressin) one of those challen)es The$Jvedevelo"ed !hat the$ #elieve to #e the first s$stem for multi"le;in) terahert !aves &ulti"le;ers are devices thatena#le se"arate streams of data to travel throu)h a sin)le medium ItJs the technolo)$ that ma'es it "ossi#le for a

    sin)le ca#le to carr$ multi"le TV channels or for a fi#er o"tic line to carr$ thousands of "hone calls at the same timeAn$ terahert communications a""lication is )oin) to need some form of multi"le;in) and demulti"le;in)* saidDaniel &ittleman* "rofessor of en)ineerin) at 5ro!n and senior author of a "a"er descri#in) the ne! device Thisis* to our 'no!led)e* the first time an$one has demonstrated a via#le strate)$ for multi"le;in) in the terahertran)eThe research !as "u#lished Se"tem#er >H in Nature %hotonicsToda$Js cellular and 0i9Fi net!or's rel$ on micro!aves to carr$ voice conversations and data 5ut the increasin)demands for data transfer are +uic'l$ #ecomin) more than micro!aves can handle Terahert !aves have a muchhi)her fre+uenc$ and therefore more "otential #and!idth Scientists and en)ineers have onl$ recentl$ #e)une;"lorin) the "otential of terahert !aves* ho!ever As a result* man$ of the com"onents for a terahert !irelessnet!or' includin) multi"le;ers have not $et #een develo"ed
  • 7/25/2019 The Australian National Anthem


    The multi"le;er that &ittleman and his collea)ues have #een !or'in) on ma'es use of !hatJs 'no!n as a lea'$!ave antenna In this case* the antenna is made from t!o metal "lates "laced in "arallel to form a !ave)uide 2neof the "lates has a small slit in it As terahert !aves travel do!n the !ave)uide* some of the radiation lea's out ofthe slit It turns out that terahert !aves lea' out a different an)les de"endin) on their fre+uenc$That means if $ou "ut in >? different fre+uencies #et!een the "lates each of them "otentiall$ carr$in) a uni+uedata stream the$Jll come out at >? different an)les* &ittleman said No! $ouJve se"arated them and thatJsdemulti