The August 2011 edition of The Laurel Magazine of Highlands and Cashiers NC

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    Your Guide To The FinesT in hiGhLands and Cashiers








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    Publishers Note

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    eems lie smmer jst gets icing here in the mon

    tains and the bac-to-school lists resrface, exchang

    ing swimsits and sntans for boos and bacpacs.Here at the Larel, we love this me of year. Season is i

    fll swing and theres mch to do. Were already preparin

    for Labor Day and the fall to follow, enjoying every minte

    Than yo for enjoying each minte with s, than yo fo

    choosing The Larel.

    Janet and Marjorie
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    Volm Tn Iss Svn 828-526-0173

    mil: [email protected] P.O. Box 565 Hihlnds, Noth Colin 28741

    THe Laur eL MagazI Ne auguST 2011

    14 Relay for Life

    20 GCAMA Smmer Events

    22 Thin Abot Thrsdays

    23 Friday Night Live

    24 Cashiers Designer ShowhoseTM

    25 Interlde Concerts

    26 Randall Atcheson

    28 Village Sqare Art and Cra Show

    30 Historical Happenings

    32 Rae for REACH

    33 150 Years of Hospitality

    36 Cashiers Watercolor Worshop

    36 Mae A Wish

    38 Scenes From

    48 Area Calendar

    90 Highlands History

    91 Cashiers History

    93 Painng Worshop





    72 Chris and Charlies

    74 Rosewood Maret

    76 Cyprs Cooing Class

    77 Pancae Breafast78 Clinary Weeend

    79 Wolfgangs Restarant and Wine Bistro

    80 Rooop Terrace Opens

    82 Evenings at Laeside

    83 Fagas

    84 Wild Thyme of Cashiers

    84 Jorges Place

    86 Dining Gide


    98 Highlands Writers Grop,

    Jdy Blitch Gartside

    99 Rantlanta

    100 Appalachian Celebraon

    102 The Hdson Library

    103 Ann Merri

    50 Cover Arst, Jane Smithers

    52 The Art of Donna Rhodes

    54 The Bascom Events

    55 Betsy Pal Art Rae56 Feasts of the Fesval

    58 Highlands-Cashiers Players

    59 Performing Arts Center Events

    60 The Highlands Playhose

    62 Bel Canto

    64 Mase Lcas at John Collee Fine Art

    66 Rosemary Sefel

    79 Arts & Cras Show

    68 Robert Ray

    69 Highlands-Cashiers Chamber Msic




    18 Highlands Map

    34 Cashiers Map

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    Copyiht 2011 by Th Montin Ll, LLC. all ihts svd. Ll Min is pblishd lvn ms p y. rpodcon withot th pmission of th

    pblish is pohibitd. Th pblishs nd ditos not sponsibl fo nsolicitd mtil nd it will b ttd s ncondionlly ssind fo pblicon sbj

    to Ll Mins iht to dit. rtn post mst ccompny ll mnscipts, photophs nd dwins. evy ot hs bn md to ss tht ll infomo

    psntd in this iss is cct, nd nith Ll Min no ny of its st is sponsibl fo dvsin os, omissions, o infomon tht hs bn mis

    sntd in o to th min. any sbstnl os tht th flt of th min ast b sbjct to dcon o imbsmnt of th monts pid by th

    dvs, bt in no cs will ny clim isin fom sch o cd th mont pid fo th dvsmnt by th dvs.

    THe Laur eL MagazI Ne auguST 2011


    132 Forever Farm

    133 Carpe Diem Farms

    134 Rotary Clb of Highlands

    138 Highlands-Cashiers Land Trst

    140 Friends of Whiteside Montain

    142 Internaonal Friendship Center144 Cllasaja Womens Otreach

    145 Scaly Montain Womens Clb

    146 Tooth Fairies are For Real


    148 Platea Partners in Real Estate

    149 Ble Elephant Consignment

    149 Sorelle Design Stdio

    150 Annawear152 French Twist

    154 High Coon

    154 Highlands NC Realty

    155 Narcisss

    155 Details


    106 A Highlands Falls Gem

    108 A Montain Cabin Beaty

    110 The Diabetes Dilemma

    111 Its Pajama Party Time

    114 Interest Rates and Investments

    115 In Many Forms118 Wildcat Clis Celebrates 50

    119 Living Green

    120 Smmit Charter School

    18 Highlands Map

    34 Cashiers Map48 Area Calendar

    86 Dining Gide

    122 Waterfall Gide

    130 Service Directory

    156 Adversers Index

    Mjoi Fildin,

    Managing Partner


    (828) 371-2764

    Jnt Cmmins,

    Managing Partner


    (828) 371-2689

    Michll Mn,

    Art [email protected]

    (828) 342-3551

    Wily Slon,


    Donn rhods,

    [email protected]

    Lk Ostn,


    Contribng Writers:

    Jane Gibson Nardy,

    Gary Wein, kathy Bub, Maryellen Lipinsi,

    Ellen Baman,

    Mary Adair Leslie, Bey Bandy,

    Elizabeth Fletcher, Se Blair, Michael Rich, SAery, Jim Johnson

    and Resa Johnson, and Robin Armstrong-Ne



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    4-1/2 treet nn ....................

    colonial Pines nn .................

    nn at Half ile Farm ...........

    Whitesie cove cottages .....

    ontain Brook ites.........


    Bryant Art Glass ...................

    John collette Fine Art ..........

    Larel agazine ....................

    ill creek Gallery & Framing .

    arge ohrer riginals .......

    Greenleaf Gallery ..................

    he Basom ..........................

    AL A

    contry clb Properties ......

    Harry orman ealtors .......

    John cleavelan ealty .........

    ellis ealty ..........................

    ignatre Properties. ...........

    nrops on caney Fork ......

    eaows tn. ealty ...........


    Fressers / Fressers xpress

    Paolettis ..................................

    Pesaos ................................

    osewoo arket .................

    he Brik ven .....................

    Wil hyme Gormet...........Wolfgangs estarant &

    Wine Bistro ............................


    Alyxanras ...........................

    Bear ontain ttters .....

    cabin casals ........................

    christmas ree ...................

    drakes diamon Gallery ...

    dry ink .................................

    dthmans designs .............

    Hen Hose .............................

    Highlans mporim ...........

    artha Annes .......................

    Peak xperiene ...................

    ers ................................

    he mmer Hose ..............

    Whole Life arket ................

    Highlans Fine Art ..............

    Highlan Hiker ......................

    irror Lake Antiqes ...........


    creative conepts alon.......

    Highlans isitors center ....

    Warth constrtion ..............

    ranqility cove assage ...

    Aery chiroprati &

    View the Highlands, North Carolina interactive map at

    for addresses, phone numbers and website links to local businesses.

    o promote yor bsiness in both the print version an on-line Highlans map for only $20 per month,email [email protected].

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    Literacys Red CarpetPremiere

    As another school year beginsand

    sooner than we originally thoght

    we are bac in fll swing with After

    School Enrichment beginning Agst 8th.

    Children from indergarten throgh third

    grade are welcome to attend this programon Monday and Wednesday or Tesday

    and Thrsday from 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

    In addition, we offer individal ttoring in

    any sbject, indergarten

    throgh twelfth grade.

    Please contact Miss Jdy

    at (828) 526-0863 for

    more details or to enroll

    yor child. All or servic-

    es are free to the pblic.

    Please come ot and

    join s at the Perform-

    ing Arts Center on Agst

    17th for or fifth annal

    Red Carpet Premiere, fea-tring Sirens, the award-

    winning play by Deborah

    Zoe Lafer. Sirens is the

    play that has been chosen

    by HCP for their first pro-

    dction of the season, a

    prodction which will be

    the North Carolina pre-

    miere of this new play, di-

    rected by veteran actor/

    director Virginia Talbot.

    The play almost defiesdescription. Its a love

    story, a comedy; it calls

    pon the ancient Gree

    myth of the sirens who,

    with their enchanting

    singing, lred sailors to

    shipwrec on rocy coast-

    lines. Yet it is thoroghly

    modern with its inclsion of crise ships

    and electronic innovations of the twenty-

    first centry.

    The evening also featres a champagne

    reception, wine, hors doevres, and a si-lent action. Please contact the Literacy

    Concil at (828) 526-0925 for more details

    or to prchase ticets.

    Contributed by Tonya Hensley, Execve Director

    The Literacy Concil of Highlands celebrates the end of smmer with the Red Carpet Premiere of

    Sirens and the lanch of a bsy ttoring season.

    For a comprehensive list of

    area events and happenings visit

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    GCAMA Summer Events


    The Greater Cashiers

    Area Merchants Asso-ciaon (GCAMA) ac-

    vies are eeping Cashiers

    Valley residents, visitors

    and torists bsy and enter-

    tained! The Smmer 2011

    Shoppers Gide Map, avail-

    able in the shops of all GCA-

    MA member merchants, is

    an excellent way to chec

    ot the places to play, shop,

    eat and stay throghot the


    Groovin on the Green,now concert-lovers favorite

    dring the season, conn-

    es on Friday evenings, 6:30

    p.m. (rain or shine) throgh

    September on stage at the

    Cashiers Commons accessed

    o of Fran Allen Road or

    throgh the Village Green.

    Agst into September

    featred bands are Agst

    12th: Les Freres Michot;

    Agt 26th: The Fishscs;September 16th; The Carol

    Stricland Band; Septem-

    ber 2nd: Angela Reign and

    Band. On September 9th,

    Hrricane Cree completes

    the reglar Groovin sea-

    son. Food is available for

    prchase from a featred lo-

    cal restarant at every con-

    cert or concertgoers may

    of corse bring their own

    picnic-fare, beverages and

    snacs along with blanetsor chairs.

    The 2011 Groovin free

    concerts are made pos-

    sible by the organizaon

    and bsiness sponsors that

    inclde RE/MAX Smmit

    Properes, oering hot air

    balloon rides again on Sep-

    tember 9th. Also on Sep-

    tember 9th, A Taste of Ca-

    shiers adds clinary interest

    to the evenings msic of-fering, featring a variety of

    food choices from local eat-

    eries Ashbys, Bellas kitch-

    en, Smoy Montain Crab

    Shac, Wild Thyme Caf and

    the Zooeeper Bistro. Bsi-

    nesses lling-ot the spon-

    sors roll throghot the

    season are Americas Home

    Place, The Bird Barn and

    Gi Emporim, Ble Ridge

    Self Storage, The Cashiers

    Decorator Showhose, Ca-shiers Prinng, Cashiers Vil-

    lage Veterinary Clinic, Crise

    Planners, Friends of Lae

    Glenville, Gracewear Collec-

    on, The Greater Cashiers

    Area Merchants Associa-

    on, Into the Woods Home

    Interiors, Landmar Realty

    Grop, Midnight Farms, The

    Larel Magazine, The Or-

    chard Restarant, Priscilla

    Decorave Toch, RscSignal Ridge Marina, Silv

    Cree Real Estate Grop, V

    for Men, Victorias Clos

    and Vivianne Metzger A

    qes. For the comple

    schedle and all gener

    concert informaon, Groo

    in on the Green brochre

    are available in GCAMA me

    chant member shops an

    complete reviews of band

    and addional informao

    can be fond by clicing oGroovinon the Green



    The GCAMA Mercha

    Maret opens at the C

    shiers Designer Showho

    on Agst 20th and con

    es nl the closing of th

    Showhose on Septemb

    4th. Approximately 15 me

    With free msic concerts, a food fesval, a merchants maret and an oplent Showhose, the Greater Cashiers Area Merchants Associaon bsy

    season is somehow geng bsier.

    connud on 130
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    Think About Thursdays


    The Highlands Biological

    Fondaon has sev-

    eral excing events this

    Agst as part of the ThinAbot Thrsdays smmer

    event series.

    The month will begin with

    a Sstainable Energy Sol-

    ons Zahner Conservaon

    Lectre on Agst 4th from

    4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Ma

    Siegel from the Western

    North Carolina Green Bild-

    ing Concil will hold a class

    on how to gain nancial sta-

    bility throgh energy e-

    ciency and renewable energy.

    The presentaon will discss

    low and no-cost energy ef-

    ciency solons as well as

    loo at a wide range of resi-

    denal renewable energy

    opons, from solar to small

    wind. WNCGBC is a non-prof-

    it organizaon that promotes

    environmentally sstainable

    and health conscios bild-

    ing pracces. Their website

    On Thrsday, Agst 11th

    there will be a Go Green

    With Moss worshop from

    4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Annie

    Marn, fonder of Mon-

    tain Moss Enterprises (www., will

    give a presentaon on the

    botanical characteriscs of

    mosses and the advantages

    of sing mosses in land-

    scapes. Aerwards, there will

    be a short hie arond the

    Botanical Garden to loo for

    bryophytes. The Presentaon

    is for ages 10 and p and reg-

    istraon is reqired.

    On Agst 18th from 10:00

    a.m. to noon, the Highlands

    Platea Adbon Society is

    oering a Treasre Highlands

    Bird Hie, where yo will be

    taen to reliable birding spotsin the area. The Highlands

    Platea hosts an incredible

    diversity of birds and is an

    important area for their con-

    servaon. The town of High-

    lands also has the niqe

    stats of being enrely within

    the bonds of an Important

    Bird Area (IBA). The IBA

    program is a global eort to

    idenfy and conserve areas

    that are especially important

    for birds. There are ve IBAs

    in North Carolina.

    Come join s on Thrs-

    day, Agst 25th at 6:00 p.m.

    as award-winning natral

    history photographer Clay

    Bolt shares his experiences

    photographing Soth Caro-

    linas wildlife and the sto

    of how he came to create a

    internaonal photograph

    project called Meet YoNeighbors. Clay Bolt oe

    partners with organizaon

    inclding the Natre Co

    servancy, to highlight env

    ronmental isses. MYN is

    global photographic iniav

    that reveals the wildlife livin

    amongst s in an extraord

    nary way. For more inform

    on visit www.meetyo

    For more informao

    abot or Thin Abot Thr

    days series, or to become

    member of the Highland

    Biological Fondaon an

    show yor spport for or a

    vies, please call (828) 52

    2221 or visit or website


    Contributed by Sonya Carpenter
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    Friday Night Live


    This smmer, Highlands Area Chamber of Commerce

    will once again present a series of otdoor msic

    events, Friday Night Live. Save the dates as this season

    fesvies will be held every Friday, Jne 3rd throgh Agst

    26th beginning at 5:30 p.m. Performances will be held at

    Town Sqare and varios locaons in beafl downtown


    The idea for Friday Night Live is to draw foot trac to the

    downtown area, encoraging evening acvity, extending

    bsiness hors at local shops and enhancing or visitors ex-


    The well-aended concerts were held on the rst Fridaylast season and have been expanded this year to inclde all

    Friday evenings dring the months of Jne, Jly and Agst.

    Performances schedled dring the smmer months featre

    area msicians and a variety of msical styles. Agst sched-

    led performances inclde, Agst 5th Brian Loy in Town

    Sqare and Rebecca White on Soth 4th Street, Agst 12th

    Montain Hoo Doo in Town Sqare, Agst 19th Shallow

    Grond in Town Sqare, Agst 26th Johnnie Webb in Town

    Sqare and Chris Miller on Soth 4th Street.

    For more informaon, contact the Highlands Chamber of

    Commerce at (828) 526-2112.

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    Cashiers Designer Showhouse


    Perched at the top

    of Cedar Cree

    Montain ap-

    proximately for miles

    from Cashiers is a log

    cabin masterpiece

    located on 42 acres

    of property with el-

    evaons of p to 4,160

    feet, views of rolling

    elds, grassy lawns,

    owering gardens,

    waling trails, and

    beafl ponds. In har-mony with natre and

    the past, this magni-

    cent strctre with its

    srronding gronds,

    named Reecons

    by its owners, is the

    2011 Cashiers Designer

    Showhose present-

    ed by the Cashiers His-

    torical Society.

    The large log cabin

    hose that exists to-

    day was constrcted in

    1967 by Enice and R-

    pert Colemore. It is a

    combinaon of two log

    cabins the Colemores

    prchased, dismantled,

    and reconstrcted. R-

    pert Colemore dates

    the larger cabin from the

    1790s. It was located in the

    proposed lae bed area of

    the Tennessee Valley A-

    thority constrcon site forthe Colmbia Dam. For

    years later, on a farm near

    Elton, Tennessee, they lo-

    cated a smaller cabin, which

    Colemore dates bac to the

    1830s, to be sed as an ad-

    dion to their hose. Each

    cabin originally had an area

    called a dogtrot, which

    connected two rooms on

    opposite sides. The Col-

    emores enlarged the dog-

    trot in the main cabin and

    made it into a living room

    area. Hand-hewn beams

    that are over 180 years old

    grace the interior of thishome. Clearly the Cole-

    mores had an appreciaon

    for preserving the beaty of

    the past.

    In 1993, kate and Mitch-

    ell Watson prchased the

    hose and property. Aware

    of their beafl srrond-

    ings, the Watsons added

    their personal toches to

    the hose and gronds.

    They completely reno-

    vated the hose and also

    improved the srronding

    property by adding an p-

    per barn, a lower barn, a

    pond pavilion, and a two-carcarport. Today, the dog-

    trot of the smaller cabin is

    a screened porch connect-

    ing their msic room and

    library. An avid gardener,

    kate created beafl and

    bonfl ower and herb

    gardens. The nave stone

    walway leading to the lae

    graceflly winds its way to

    the pavilion. Standing on

    the pavilion, visito

    may even hear one o

    kates fondest memo

    ries, the singing of th

    tree frogs. Living

    this pastoral paradis

    with their beaf

    home overlooing th

    water below wher

    the ripples of the wa

    ter sparled lie dan

    ing diamonds, it is n

    wonder the Watson

    named their homReecons.

    From Agst 20t

    throgh Septembe

    4th, this homestea

    will become the pa

    ee for acclaimed in

    terior designers, loc

    arsts, and landscap

    architects, who w

    wor their magic o

    rooms already grace

    by elements of o

    cabins and barns an

    on the spectaclar ga

    dens of Reecons

    Showhose visito

    who cross the Easter

    Connental Divide a

    they enter the gate an

    mae their way int

    this enchanted oasis will no

    be disappointed.

    The wor of the Cashie

    Historical Society reache

    into the enre Cashiers Valey. This eort incldes pre

    serving the stories of th

    people, architectre, art

    and cras, occpaons an

    sills, and places of histor

    importance. Fnds raise

    throgh the Cashiers De

    signer Showhose are in

    tegral to spporng thes

    eorts to preserve Cashier

    niqe sense of place.

    Contributed by Gloria Weir

    Reecons, the 2011 Cashiers Designer Showhose, is the prodct of two careflly reconstrcted montain cabins, a srfeit of imaginaon

    and a reverence for the beaty of the past.

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    Interlude Concert

    Series Continues


    The smmer season of weely Interlde concerts

    will contine throgh Agst. The series is in its

    13th season. The free concerts are presented by

    First Presbyterian Chrch and the Episcopal Chrch of

    the Incarnation, and are held on Wednesdays at 2:00

    p.m. Dress is casal.

    Interlde concerts began when Rev. Hnter Coleman

    of First Presbyterian Chrch and Father Mie Jones of the

    Episcopal Chrch of the Incarnation, both former minis-

    ters, decided to create a new ministry for Highlands. Theconcerts provide a brea from the hstle and bstle of

    everyday life a time to meditate, relax, and enjoy a va-

    riety of msic. Visitors to Highlands are especially invited

    to join or members and friends at these mini concerts.

    This years remaining linep incldes the following:

    Agst 3rd Ssan Brady, harpist Episcopal Chrch

    Agst 10th Edward Bach, trmpet; Patric Mrphy,

    organ Presbyterian Chrch

    Agst 17th - Christina Smith, flte Episcopal Chrch

    Agst 24th Maret Street Brass Qintet Presbyte-

    rian Chrch

    Edward Bach will play at the Presbyerian Chrch on Agst 10th.

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    Randall Atcheson Performs


    Mar yor calendars

    now for Satrday,

    September 3rd

    at 5:00 p.m. to hear widelyacclaimed pianist/organ-

    ist, Randall Atcheson as he

    performs at the Highlands

    First Presbyterian Chrch in

    a fnd-raiser for Highlands

    Commnity Child Develop-

    ment Center (HCCDC).

    Atcheson excelled on the

    piano at age six, the organ

    at age nine, and entered

    the School of Msic at Sam-

    ford university in Birming-

    ham at age twelve. When hereached the Jlliard School

    he was honored by being the

    only stdent in the history of

    the school to be allowed to

    prse and receive simlta-

    neos degrees in piano and

    organ performance.

    Throghot his career Ran-

    dall Atcheson has performed

    mlple mes at Carnegie

    Hall holding the disncon ofgiving the premiere perfor-

    mance of the new pipe organ

    at Alice Tlly Hall at Lincoln


    His exceponal msical

    talents have been enjoyed

    by msic lovers on ve con-

    nents inclding the Notre

    Dame Cathedral in Paris and

    Blenheim Palace, England

    pls performances in Sydney,

    Astralia, Jersalem, Israel,

    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil andmch more.

    HCCDC oers children

    of woring families the op-

    portnity to learn in an age-

    appropriate-crriclm with

    programs coordinated with

    the Highlands School. Chil-

    dren from age two months

    pblic school age are eligib

    to aend. The Center is

    lifesaver, a yong mothtells me. My hsband and

    wor here in the commni

    and we cold not do that

    it were not for HCCDC, sh

    connes. Parents of the a

    proximately 66 children wh

    aend the center wor for 5

    or 60 bsinesses in or com

    mnity. The families depen

    on HCCDC and the bsines

    es depend on these worer

    This is a win-win sitaon f

    all.This special performan

    is a benet for HCCDC. Pe

    sons interested in being

    sponsor or patron shold c

    (828) 526-0355. Patrons an

    Sponsors will receive spec

    reserve seang.

    by Wiley Sloan

    Pianist/organist Randall Atcheson

    brings a lifeme of training and

    performing to Highlands

    September 3rd.

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    Village Square Art and Craft Show

    Art, cras and m-

    sic are tradions as

    old as the cltres

    that have inhabited these

    montains for hndredsof years. In recent years

    many hand-made cras

    have given way to cheap

    imports from China. Some

    arsans, however, conne

    to eep their cras alive so

    that we can enjoy the prod-

    cts of their labors and the

    sills that have been passed

    down over generaons.

    Crasmanship is what

    people nd at the Village

    Sqare Art & Cra shows indowntown Highlands. From

    ne art to fol art, poery

    to basetry, a wide variety

    of creaons by local and re-

    gional arsans will be at the

    next show on Satrday and

    Snday September 3rd and

    4th. The event taes place

    from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00

    p.m. at the Highlands Vil-

    lage Sqare and neighbor-

    ing kelsey-Htchinson Parat Pine and 5th Streets.

    The show featres nearly

    80 arsans, inclding: Tim

    and karen Chambers of

    Highlands with their fny

    fol art, Jdith kaisers

    whimsical cat painngs,

    jewelry by Donna Tew and

    Madeleine Wa; trned

    wood by Donald krebs; pot-

    tery by Patric Taylor; chil-

    drens clothing by Caroline

    Brown, pls home and gar-den accessories, decorated

    gords, rsc frnitre and

    birdhoses, and other art

    and cras.

    Msic on Satrday will

    be provided by singer/

    songwriter Sylvia Sam-

    mons. A long-me residen

    of Highlands, Sylvias ba

    cony concerts on the Hill

    were poplar with loca

    and visitors alie. Since rering from the woodwor

    ing bsiness, she rarel

    performs, so this is a grea

    opportnity to see this re

    nowned fol msician per


    As sal, Pa Caes th

    clown will be doing fac

    painng. Fressers in th

    Village Sqare will serv

    breafast and lnch bot

    days. Shoppers will n

    pblic bathrooms in thpar as well as parin


    For more informaon

    call show coordinator Cyn

    thia Strain at Mill Cree

    Gallery & Framing (828


    Highlander Patric Taylors pot-

    tery, on sale at the Village Sqare

    Art & Cra Show, aracts collec-

    tors from across the Sotheast.

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    Highlands Historical Society Board members are please

    to annonce two new events at the Historic Village d

    ing the month of September.

    A new exhibit tled Golf on the Highlands Platea will ope

    on Agst 13th. This exhibit will featre early golf corses i

    clding the rst golf corse in Highlands, a 3-hole one ca. 1900

    the northwest corner of First and Main, where the Citgo Stao

    is now. The second was a 9-hole corse ca. 1905 at Pierson In

    which inclded a lae and boat for retrieving balls that fell sho

    of the green. Both were bilt by George Inglesby. Also inclde

    will be the ten-hole corse bilt at the Hall Hose, a ContInn, now nown as the Highlands Manor on Fih Street. Ha

    Hose had their 10-hole golf corse ca. 1906, which Margar

    Hall remembered for the last hole, which crossed a lae; so man

    wold-be golfers jst sipped it.

    From there visitors will be led throgh pictres and arcle

    depicng the pblics exploding interest in golf. The develo

    ment of corses sprang p throghot the area beginning wit

    the Highlands Estates. We now it now as the Highlands Cont

    Clb, started by Sco Hdson in 1929 with the help of Bobb

    Jones. Other corses that followed are the Tom Thmb Go

    corse on Main Street in 1930; the rst miniatre golf cors

    near Highlands School Theatre bilding in 1956; the P-Pgolf corse near Helens Barn; Sy Lae Golf Corse in 1963, no

    nown as Highlands Falls Contry Clb, created by Gordon an

    Lloyd Gibson of Ft. Walton Beach, FL; an 18-hole golf corse

    Wildcat Clis in the early 60s, and The Cllasaja Clb in 1987. A

    yo can see, golf is a very poplar sport on the Highlands Platea

    and connes to bring seasonal residents and visitors to the

    beafl montains. The Historical Society will welcome a

    memorabilia regarding golf in Highlands that anyone wold li

    to share for this exhibit. Items may be received for tempora

    se by png items On Loan or may be oered for perpetit

    Please call the Msem at (828) 787-1050 or email highlandshi

    [email protected] if yo have anything to contribte.

    Dazzling Dahlias! Highlands 1st Annal Dahlia Fesval will bheld on September 17th, 2011, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

    the Historic Village 524 N. Forth Street. This fesval is for ho

    byist and serios Dahlia growers as well. The exhibitor fee is $1

    Registraon forms will be available in and arond Highlands an

    Cashiers at varios locaons. Jdging will tae place with eig

    categories. Prizes will be oered. Joyce Franlin is the chairpe

    son of this event and can be reached at (828) 526-9418 for mo

    informaon and registraon. The fesval is open free to th

    pblic to browse and enjoy these spectaclar owers. The M

    sem, The Prince Hose, and The Bg Hill Coage will be ope

    for toring. Msic and refreshments will be served.

    Contributed by Linda New

    Highlands Historical Society focses on two essenal ingredients of thelocal landscape -- Golf and Dahlias.
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    Raffle to BenefitR.E.A.C.H


    Over the corse of its 25-pls years, Draes Diamond Ga

    lery has established a reptaon for stnning jewel

    thats both elegant and playfl.

    Elegant? When the internaonal grop Women of Vision re

    ognized Rosalynn Carter for her wor on behalf of the need

    they trned to Wanda Drae to design a piece of jewelry th

    wold reect the deep beaty of Mrs. Carter. Loo closely, an

    yoll see her wearing it in interviews and on special occasions

    Playfl? When Wanda designed a 30-pls carat diamon

    bracelet for Big Boi of the grop Otast, the larger-than-li

    performer rged her to watch that years Emmy telecast. S

    enogh, when Big Boi won an Emmy for his wor on a Rosa Pa

    television special, there he was at the podim ashing that

    mistaable bracelet and giving a qic wave and shot-ot t

    Wanda at home.

    Its jst that way for Wanda people from arond the wor

    come to her gallery for something thats as niqe and dazzlin

    as they are.

    If yod lie to be one of those people, Wanda has designe

    a stnning neclace that shes raing o for REACH of Maco


    This cstom-designed 18 white gold necpiece is adorne

    with 3.75ct total weight in diamonds. If Wanda were going t

    sell it in her gallery, shed oer it for $5,400.REACH is oering it for $5 per rae cet (ve cets f

    $20). Ticets are available at Draes Diamond Gallery or at Tre

    sres Within REACHs and REACH for Bargains, both in Franli

    The drawing will be December 10th, and yo dont have to b

    present to win.

    Proceeds will enable REACH of Macon Conty to provide s

    port to vicms of domesc violence.

    For cets or to view Wandas gorgeos creaon, be s

    to visit Draes Diamond Gallery at 152 Soth Second Street

    Highlands. For more informaon, call (828) 526-5858. For info

    maon abot REACH, call (828) 369-5544.

    by Luke Osteen

    This elegant creaon of

    Wanda Drae will benet the

    vicms of domesc violence

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    Celebrating 150 Years of


    The 4 Street Inn and Colonial

    Pines Inn are celebrang 150

    years of hospitality!

    Circa 1910, the 4 Street Inn was

    bilt by Irvin Rice, descendants of the

    Rice family who fonded Rice univer-

    sity and Baylor university.

    In 1937 John and Ellie Pos boght

    the Rice Home to ll Ellies dream of

    owning and operang a torist home.

    They opened in 1938 as the Fairview

    Inn and rented rooms seasonally fortwenty years, serving three meals a


    Dring the 70s the Pos heirs rent-

    ed the Inn to the Highlands Playhose

    to lodge their performers dring the

    smmer seasons. Tom and Linda Clar

    boght the property in 1990, and

    opened it as the 4 Street Inn, a Bed

    and Breafast Inn.

    The 4 Street Inn is crrently owned

    by Ric and Helene Siegel, who pr-

    chased the historic Inn in 1997.

    The lile sister across the street,Colonial Pines Inn, has been welcoming

    overnight gests for y years. Begin-

    ning as a small cabin with a sweeping

    view, the bilding was once home to

    the Mckinneys, the Piersons, and the

    Cleavelands, many of whose descen-

    dents sll live in Highlands.

    In 1961, Irene Coal Parr trned the

    property into a torist home and gave

    the hose a new facade, mlple bath-

    rooms, a new itchen. Eleven years

    later, she sold to Florence and John L-

    poli who, along with their children and

    grandchildren, were nown for warm

    hospitality.In 1984, Chris and Donna Alley

    boght the Inn aer looing at it for

    only half an hor, realizing that, with

    bacgronds in interior design, con-

    tracng, and woodworing, it was jst

    what they were looing for in creang

    Highlands rst bed and breafast.

    On September 13th from 5:30 p.m.

    7:30 p.m., bring picnic blanets or

    lawn chairs and come to 4 Street

    (between Chestnt and Hicory) and

    dance to live msic, enjoy casal food

    and drin, and celebrate the joy andlaghter these two old ladies have

    broght to more than a centry of


    The 4 Street Inn Circa 1921 The Colonial Pines Inn

    Even aer 150 years, The 4 Street Inn and Colonial Pines Inn maintain the warm hospitality

    thats been a hallmar of Highlands since its incepon.

    For a comprehensive list of

    area events and happenings visit
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    h mountain Laul nn ...................................


    Blu Vally Gally................................................

    cashis Hillsid A tists............................................

    mountain mist Gally ..............................................

    reAL eAe

    Btsy Paul Poptis ...............................................

    mls mountain ral estat ......................................

    ilv ck ral estat Goup ..........................

    Landak ralty Goup ............................................


    Blla's Kithn........................................................

    caf 107 .....................................................................caolina okhous .......................................

    cashis exxon .......................................................

    wtats/Wild hy ...........................................

    apphi Bwy & Pub .................................

    oys coff hopp.......................................

    Zk & eals ...........................................................

    h Zookp Bisto ............................................


    Bid Ban and Gift epoiu ............................

    Bounds cav ...........................................................

    Booking ....................................................................

    Bupkins .................................................................

    cashis condint hop ...............................

    cashis custos ............................................

    cashis exxon .................................................

    cashis Fas makt...................................

    cashis ading Post...........................................

    catbid at .......................................................

    chattooga Gadns ................................................

    cJ Bownhous .......................................................

    consignnt makt...........................................con to ...........................................................

    cabt cottag.....................................................

    . ests Antiqus ..................................................

    tails of cashis ............................................

    ovtail Antiqus ..............................................

    Fiddlhad signs ...................................................

    Highland Hik .................................................

    nto th Woods Ho ntios .....................

    Lnz Gifts ....................................................................

    main tt Folk At & Funishings ................

    midnight Fas ................................................

    mountain Hous ................................................

    aissus ...........................................................

    aly w/ellns .........................................

    oa & co. .........................................................

    GGs consignnts *ec ...............................

    rustiks. .............................................................

    ryan & copany ..............................................

    ashay Aound. .................................................

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    Pisillas, h oativ ouh ....................

    Vitoia's clost .....................................................Vc fo mn ...............................................................

    Viviann mtzg Antiqus .................................

    Wlo Ho Kithn & Bath ........................

    Whit rabbit Botanials........................................

    Zoll Hadwa ......................................................

    ss at chstnut qua .......................................

    o awy Fa ........................................

    Blu ridg Bdding ...................................................

    mallys cottag ...........................................................

    Woof Gang Baky .....................................................

    o Kids Kloths ..................................................

    miks club Hous ....................................................

    Lotsa consignnt hop ..........................................


    Blu ridg lf toag ....................................

    cashis chab.................................................

    cashis exxon .................................................

    cossoads pholsty ....................................

    english Gn ntios....................................

    Kyston Kithn & Bath.....................................

    mondays Hous of sign ..............................ailz/Bauty ts.............................................

    Pt J. Pioli ntios .......................................

    ntio enhannts .....................................

    ignal ridg maina .........................................

    mountain Ai Wllnss .....................................

    cashis Pinting ..............................................

    cashis Vally Pshool ................................

    To promote your business on the Cashiers Map for only $20 a month,

    email [email protected].

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    Cashiers Watercolor Workshop


    Esteemed Sotheast-

    ern watercolorist Pat

    Weaver invites gests

    to aend her annal wa-

    tercolor worshop at High

    Hampton Inn in Cashiers,NC, Agst 27th throgh

    September 2nd, 2011. The

    worshop incldes indoor

    and plein air instrcon and

    demonstraon, lodging,

    three meals daily, all appli-

    cable taxes, and complimen-

    tary golf and tennis. Rates for

    the worshop are $1,148 per

    person, doble occpancy

    and $1,209 single occpan-

    cy. The rate for companions

    who share a room, bt do

    not aend the worshop is

    $846 per person. Parcipants

    shold bring their own sp-

    plies and may contact High

    Hampton Inn directly for a

    recommended list. For res-

    ervaons and informaon,

    please call (828) 743-2411.

    Pat Weaver is a talented

    landscape and sll life water-

    color arst who is recognized

    for her animal portraits. She

    will teach parcipants howto approach drawing, de-

    sign, composion, vales

    and palees sing only three

    to ve colors. The worshop

    will featre several days of

    morning demonstraons fol-

    lowed by aernoon criqes,

    and at least one fll day will

    be devoted to painng ot-

    doors. The Inns stnning

    natral srrondings of col-

    orfl leaves, waterfalls, shim-

    mering laes and streams

    are the perfect bacdrop for

    Pats Simplied Expression


    Weaver is a member of

    several art sociees in Flor-

    ida, Georgia and New Yor,

    and is nown for her direct

    yet spontaneos approach t

    painng with watercolors. Pa

    has more than thirty years o

    experience and teaching trip

    to Italy, France, Mexico, th

    Bahamas, St. Thomas anthe Virgin Islands in her rep

    ertoire. For more informao

    abot the instrctor, pleas

    view Weavers website a

    In addion to the wor

    shop, aendees can enjo

    the fll slate of amenie

    High Hampton Inn has t

    oer. Indlge in the fres

    montain air dring a ron

    of golf or a tennis match, o

    grab a paddle and spend

    peacefl aernoon boan

    on Hampton Lae. For thos

    seeing a day of pamperin

    the Hampton Health Clb

    Spa featres a variety of to

    tal body relaxaon and de

    stressing treatments.

    The evocave watercolors of

    arst Pat Weaver nd a natral

    bacdrop at High Hampton Inn in

    Cashiers. Shell stage a worshop

    Agst 27th throgh

    September 2nd.

    Make a Wish Celebrates

    Satrday, Agst 6th,is the date for this

    years Annal Mae-A-

    Wish Fesval and Car Show.

    Now in its seventh season,

    this event raises money to

    provide wishes for West-

    ern North Carolina children

    facing life-threatening dis-

    eases. The Fesval is held

    at the Sapphire Valley wal-

    ing trac and incldes a Car

    Show with trophies awarded

    in for classes (pls a Peo-

    ples Choice Award), an ex-

    tensive silent acon, live

    msic, food and beverage,

    childrens acvies, and a

    rae for a Madza Miata

    converble. In addion, the

    organizers have added some

    excing new events, incld-

    ing a golf ball drop, a special

    Wishmaers Live Acon

    area with amenies, featr-ing sensaonal recreaonal

    pacages, and a tractor show

    featring samples from the

    collecon of Grin Bell, Jr.

    Most excing of all, how-

    ever, is the Cashiers debt of

    a Carl Edwards No. 99 Aac

    Ford Fsion NASCAR simla-

    tor, provided by Rosh Fen-

    way Racing, LLC.

    k.B. Pearce, Fesval Chair

    and ato enthsiast, sms

    p the event nicely: Weve

    never had so many excing

    acvies at or Fesval be-

    fore. The msic line-p is

    incredible, and the live ac-

    on items are niqe. We

    will have Wish ids there to

    draw winning cets. This

    is a day that people will not

    want to miss.

    The event has a special

    poignancy for locals, as it dedicated to Cashiers r

    Fesval Wish Child, Shand

    Conley, who lost her ba

    with blood disease last yea

    Shandy has been ther

    since the beginning, say

    original Chairperson Jenn

    fer Mckee. Aer her wis

    was granted by fnds raise

    at the 2005 Fesval, sh

    stayed on, woring reles

    ly for Mae-A-Wish to se

    that other local ids dream

    came tre as well.

    For more informao

    abot the Car Show, contac

    k.B. Pearce at (828) 743

    9191. To learn more abo

    the acon or to inqir

    abot becoming a Wishma

    er, contact Allyson Mle

    at (828) 226-2940 or at ally

    [email protected].

    Cars, msic and an acon

    the Mae-A-Wish Fesval is a

    show with a heart.

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    Scenes from

    Cashiers Mountain Music Festival

    The Third Annal Cashiers Montain Msic Fesval was held at the Village Commons on Jly 2nd and 3rd, with over 350

    aendees enjoying msic, food and fn.To see more photos from this event, visit
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    Scenes from

    The Bascoms Frank Stella Opening

    On Jly 7th, The Bascom hosted their Montains in Bloom preview party and the opening recepon for Fran Stella

    American Master.To see more photos from this event, visit
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    Highlands Motoring Festival

    Scenes from

    Highlands Farmers Market

    The rst Highlands Farmers Maret was held at the Pine

    Street Par on Jly 9th. The next maret is set for Satrday,

    Agst 13th.

    To see more photos from these events, visit

    The Highlands Motoring Fondaon hosted the 4th An

    nal Highlands Motoring Fesval at Pine Street Par on J

    15th - 17th.

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    Fine Art Show

    Scenes from

    History Live

    To see more photos from these events, visit

    The Art Leage of Highlands held its annal Smme

    Color Art show Friday and Satrday Jly 15th - 16th a

    the Highlands Recreation Center.

    On Jne 24th - 26th, The Highlands Historical Society

    presented History Live! at the Highlands Historical Vil-

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    alwys...Ptsy Clin connes throgh Agst 21,Highlands Playhose, (828) 526-2695. HCCMF Conct, 5 p.m., Monday, Agst 1, Albert CarltonLibrary, Cashiers, (828) 526-9060. Hihlnds Plyhous Mt th Cst Win gt-Toth,6-7:30 p.m. Monday, Agst 1, Wolfgangs Restarant andWine Bistro, (828) 526-2695. 2011 rly fo Lif Suvivos Dinn, 5:30 p.m., Tesday,

    Agst 2, Coleman Hall at First Presbyterian Chrch. Intlud Conct Sis, 2 p.m., Wednesday, Agst 3,Episcopal Chrch of the Incarnaon, (828) 526-2968. F Childns Movis, 3:30 pm. Wednesday, Agst 3,Hdson Library, (828) 526-3031. evnins t Lksid to benet Highlands Cashiers ChamberMsic Fesval, Wednesday, Agst 3, (828) 526-9419. roty Bino, to benet Carpe Diem Farms, 6:30-8:30 p.m.,Thrsday, Agst 4, Highland Commnity Bilding. Mschoni Tunk Show, Agst 5-6. Vivace, (828) 526-1880. HCCMF Bthovn Conct, 6 p.m., Friday, Agst 5,Performing Arts Center, (828) 526-9060. Book Sinin with autho ann Mi, Satrday, Agst 6,Shaespeare and Company Boostore, (828) 526-3777.

    Just Fo You rly tm Yd Sl, 9 a.m., Satrday, Agst6, First Cizens Ban. 7th annul Mk-a-Wish Fsvl nd C Show, 10 a.m.,Satrday, Agst 6, Sapphire Valley Trac, (828) 743-9191. Bk Fo Lif rly Fundis, Satrday, Agst 6.Registraon reqired, begins at 8:30 a.m., (828) 526-9180. Hihlnds Fi nd rscu Opn Hous, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.,Satrday, Agst 6, Highlands Fire Department. HCCMF Bthovn Conct, 5 p.m., Satrday, Agst 6,Albert Carlton Library, Cashiers, (828) 526-9060. rbun County Music Fsvl, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,4 p.m., Snday, Agst 7, Rearden Theater, Rabn GapNacoochee School. HCCMF Bthovn Conct, 5 p.m., Snday, Agst 7,Performing Arts Center, (828) 526-9060.

    Dtils Fundis, Agst 8, 10 percent of all sales tobenet Friends for Life Forever Farm, (828) 743-0300. HCCMF Bthovn Conct, 5 p.m., Monday, Agst 8,Albert Carlton Library, Cashiers, (828) 526-9060. Kthi Blozn Wokshops, 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Agst 9, 11and 13, Zachary-Tolbert Hose, (828)743-7710. Conct on th Slops featring Txedo Jncon, 7 p.m.,Tesday, Agst 9, Sapphire Valley Resort, (828) 743-7663. Stoy Swp, 7:30 p.m., Tesday, Agst 9, ugly Dog Pb,Highlands Writers Grop, (828) 526-1935. Intlud Conct Sis, 2 p.m., Wednesday, Agst 10,First Presbyterian Chrch, (828) 526-3175. Susi roh Blts Tunk Show, Agst 12-13. Vivace, (828)526-1880. Bl of th Bnds, 6 p.m., Friday, Agst 12, Marn

    Lipscomb Performing Arts Center, HCCMF, (828) 526-9060. goovin on th gn, 6:30 p.m., Friday, Agst 12,Cashiers Village Green, GCAMA, (828) 743-1630. Hihlnds Fms Mkt, Pine Street Par, 8-11 a.m.,Satrday, Agst 13, HuMC Yoth Grop, (828) 526-4858. Spphi Vlly C Show, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Agst 13-14,Sapphire Valley. Bl of th Bnds, 5 p.m., Satrday, Agst 13, AlbertCarlton Library, Cashiers, HCCMF, (828) 526-9060. Cypus rstunt Fnch Cuisin Cookin Clss, noon-2:30

    p.m., Satrday, Agst 13, Class is limited. (828) 526-4429. Win Tsn, 1:30-3:30 p.m., Satrday, Agst 13, msic byJennifer Becles, Dstys, (828) 526-2762.

    Hihlnds Idol, Relay for Life event, 7 p.m., Satrday Agst13, Highlands School Old Gym, (828) 526-2266. Finl gl Conct nd Dinn, 5 p.m., Snday, Agst 14,Performing Arts Center, HCCMF, (828) 526-9060. F Clssic Movis, 3:30 p.m., Tesday, Agst 16, HdsonLibrary, (828) 526-3031. Litcys rd Cpt Pmi, 6:30 p.m., Wednesday,Agst 17, Performing Arts Center, 828-526-0925.

    Intlud Conct Sis, 2 p.m., Wednesday, Agst 17,Episcopal Chrch of the Incarnaon, (828) 526-2968. evnin t Lksid to benet H-C Hospital Fondaon,Wednesday, Agst 17, Laeside Restarant, (828) 526-9419. Tsu Hihlnds Bid Hik, 10 a.m.-noon, Thrsday,Agst 18, Highlands Natre Center, (828)526-2221. Hihlnds Cshis Plys, Sins, Agst 18-21, 25-28,Marn-Lipscomb Performing Arts Center, (828) 526-8084. Dm Fm Tunk Show, 10 a.m., Agst 19-20,Prisciallas Decorave Toch, (828) 743-7787. Hihlnds rly Fo Lif, 6 p.m., Friday, Agst 19, HighlandsRecreaon Par, (828) 526-1841. Cshis Dsin Showhous: rcons, Agst20-September 4, Cashiers Historical Society, (828) 743-7710. Cshis Dsin Showhous Lunchon, 11 a.m., Satrday,

    Agst 20, Mary McDonald, Nathan Trner, (828) 743-7710. applchin Clbon Wknd, Ag. 20-21, TheMontain Retreat & Learning Center, (828) 788-2216. annul Mmbs Chlln opening recepon 5-7 p.m.,Satrday Agst 20, The Bascom, (828) 526-4949. Summ Bn Dnc, 7 p.m., Satrday Agst 20, TheBascom, (828) 526-4949. Dsin Book Sinin Dy, 1-4 p.m., Snday, Agst 21, atCashiers Designer Showhose, (828) 743-7710. Vill Ntu Sis: Chok Tils, 7 p.m., Tesday,Agst 23, Cashiers Library, HCLT, (828) 526-1111. Intlud Conct Sis, 2 p.m., Wednesday, Agst 24,First Presbyterian Chrch (828) 526-3175.

    Mt You Wildlif Nihbos Photophy, 6 p.m.,Thrsday, Agst 25, Highlands Natre Center, (828) 526-

    2221. Fsts of th Fsvl: Hot Licks of Hvn, Monday, Agst25, HCCMF, (828) 526-9060. Cost to th Mountins, Summ Conct Sis, 7 p.m.,Thrsday, Agst 25, High Hampton, (828) 743-2411. az Jwly Tunk Show, Agst 26-27, Vivace, (828)526-1880. Shwik el Tonobi Jwly Tunk Show, Agst 26-27,Narcisss, (828) 743-7887. goovin on th gn, 6:30 p.m., Agst 26, CashiersVillage Green, GCAMA, (828) 743-1630. Scly Mountin Pnck Bkfst, 7:30-10:30 a.m.Satrday, Agst 27, Scaly School Hose, (828) 526-9952. eco Tou: Cheroee Trails of Jacson and Macon ConesWal, Satrday Agst 27, HCLT, (828) 526-1111.

    anoon T, 2:30-4:30 p.m., Snday, Agst 28, Dstys,(828) 526-2762. rbun County Music Fsvl, Emile Pandol, 4 p.m.,Snday, Agst 28, Rearden Theater, Rabn Gap NacoocheeSchool. at Lu of Hihlnds mn, 5 p.m., Monday, Agst29, Performing Arts Center, (864) 238-2724. evnin t Lksid for Cashiers Highlands HmaneSociety, Wednesday, Agst 31, Laeside Restarant, (828)526-9419. Btsy Pul at r to benet Cashiers Glenville VolnteerFire Department, drawing Agst 31, (828) 743-0880. Stoytllin Sis, 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Agst 31, withBill Harley. Performing Arts Center, (828) 526-9047.

    Weekly EventsEVERY MONDAY Msic at Fressers Eatery, Rebecca White, 7 p.m., (828)526-4188. Triva Night, 9 p.m., ugly Dog Pb, (828) 526-8364.

    EVERY TuESDAY Highlands Rotary Clb, noon, Highlands Commnity

    Center. Weight Watchers, 5:30 p.m., Highlands Rec Par. Msic at on the Verandah, Rebecca White, 7 p.m., (828526-2338.

    EVERY WEDNESDAY Highlands Montaintop Rotary, 7:30 a.m., dining room athe Highlands-Cashiers Hospital. Rotary Clb of Cashiers Valley, 8 a.m., Cashiers unitedMethodist Chrch, (828) 743-2243. Cashiers Qilters Gild, 12:30 p.m., Cashiers unitedMethodist Chrch. Dplicate Bridge Games, 12:50 p.m., Highlands CivicCenter. Msic at on the Verandah, Chad Reed, 7 p.m., (828) 5262338. Blegrass, 7:30 p.m., ugly Dog Pb, Nitorgrass andRebecca White, (828) 526-8364.

    EVERY THuRSDAY Msic at on the Verandah, Rebecca White, 7 p.m., (828526-2338. karaoe, 9 p.m., Highlands Smoehose, (828) 526-5000

    EVERY FRIDAY Novice Bridge Games, 9 a.m., Highlands Civic Center. Highlands Historical Society Msem, open 10 a.m.-4p.m. Highlands Historic Village, (828) 787-1050. Zachary Tolbert Hose Tors, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., 828743-7710. See also the Faces & Places of Cashiers Valleyphotography exhibit. Dplicate Bridge Games, 12:30-1:30 p.m., Highlands CivicCenter. Friday Night Live, 5:30 p.m., Highlands Chamber of

    Commerce, (828) 526-2112. Live Msic, 6 p.m.-close, Hmmingbird Longe, OldEdwards Inn, (828) 787-2625. Msic at on the Verandah, Chad Reed, 7 p.m., (828) 526-2338. Live Msic, Ras Table, (828) 526-3636. Live Msic, The ugly Dog Pb, (828) 526-8364.

    EVERY SATuRDAY Highlands Historical Society Msem, 10 a.m.-4 p.mHighlands Historic Village, 520 N. 4th St., Highlands, (828)787-1050. Bascom Commnity kniers, 10 a.m.-noon, The Bascom(828) 526-4949. Zachary Tolbert Hose Tors, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., 828743-7710. See also the Faces & Places of Cashiers Valleyphotography exhibit. Live Msic at The Wine Garden, 4:30 p.m. Old EdwardsInn, (828) 787-2625. Live Msic, 8 p.m., ugly Dog Pb, (828) 526-8364. karaoe, 9 p.m., Highlands Smoehose, (828) 526-5000 Live Msic, 6 p.m.-close, Hmmingbird Longe, OldEdwards Inn, (828) 787-2625. Msic at on the Verandah, Chad Reed, 7 p.m., (828) 526-2338. Live Msic, The ugly Dog Pb, 9 p.m., (828) 526-8364.

    EVERY SuNDAY Msic at on the Verandah, Chad Reed, 7 p.m., (828) 526-2338.

    Fo comphnsiv list of vnts, join

    Mark Your Calendar

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    THe arTS

    Jane Smithers life is a

    stnning topography of

    accomplishment. Eachpea rises higher than the

    last. Each valley is a wel-

    comed space to rev her ar-

    sc engines, readying her-

    self for the next smmit.

    Her Jst Say Yes philos-

    ophy has broght her far. It

    is as thogh she can stretch

    a canvas, paint an intenon

    pon it, then literally leap

    into her new adventre: an

    arsts lo in Dordogne, asafari in kenya, a teaching

    trip in Newfondland. Her

    materialized wishes are a

    veritable montain range

    on her arsc map.

    Along her jorney, she

    sll taes me to spport

    her friends and cases at

    home. Her latest oering

    featres the Cashiers De-

    signer Showcase, an origi-

    nal Rpert Colmore log

    home, this years fndrais-

    er for the Cashiers Histori-cal Society. Lie everything

    else she creates, Smithers

    painng of the showhose

    is fresh and invenve. She

    says, I gave the show-

    hose a dierent focs this

    year, highlighng a single

    dramac featre of this

    magnicent home. In ad-

    dion, Smithers, nown for

    her striing and expressive

    wor in abstracon, taesthis opportnity to show

    o her esmable sills as a


    When ased what qests

    the smmer might present,

    she says, I want to get ot

    of the box again. I will be

    nishing p my worshop

    series in France. In the fall

    I am o on a kenyan Safari

    hosted by ker and Downey.

    ker and Downey is a well-

    established safari planning

    company recognized for itsbreathtaing tres and its

    enthsiasc spport of land

    and animal conservaon.

    Its crrent campaign is to

    stop a sperhighway from

    cng throgh the middle

    of a main migraon rote.

    Smithers is thrilled to be

    on the fringes of this move-

    ment. Who nows how

    this will alter her Lifes to-

    pography as she setches,jornals and blogs her way

    across the African plains?

    She taes stoc in the say-

    ing: Once yo have been

    to Africa, it changes yo

    forever. And Smithers is all

    abot change. Her moo:

    no fear jst eep saying


    Beyond the safari, 2012

    promises to be her year of

    residencies. I am looin

    for smaller venes. C

    rently a boqe/art centeon St. Johns Island in New

    fondland has captred m

    interest. A residency open

    doors to new people, pla

    es, and thoghts. The cha

    lenges it presents rejve

    nate my spirit. I am cagh

    p in the creave re tha

    new possibilies ignite.

    Smithers has spent th

    last month and a half tain

    stoc of her creave joney. She is in the process o

    geng her gear ready fo

    the next climb. To be pa

    of that adventre, eithe

    by viewing her wor her

    at home or by registerin

    for one of her poplar, in

    spiraonal worshops, con

    tact her at: Jane.smithers@ or web site

    Cover Artist Jane Smithersby Donna Rhodes
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    The Art of Donna Rhodes

    If yo cold weave togeth-

    er a map of interests and

    inences from all over

    space and me, the end re-

    slt wold be that arl fabric

    called Donna Rhodes. In fact,

    her one-arst show, All Over

    the Map, is a prod tribte to

    her versality, sill, and com-plete inability to mae p her


    Rhodes wor ranges from

    the Paleolithic art of weaving

    to the se of digital compt-

    ers to enhance and share her

    images. Shes an expert in

    msic, having stdied voice

    and woodwinds at presgios

    Stetson university; shes a

    maven in art and art history.

    Teaching high school reqires

    that yo now yor st, and

    Donna not only teaches, bt


    Rhodes paints in acrylics

    and color pencil, is a master

    photographer whose wor

    has graced newspapers and

    magazines, is a seasoned writ-

    er with monthly colmns in

    the Larel Highlands edion

    and freqent contribons

    to varios news otlets. She

    is a sheep-to-shawl weaver,

    sclptor, discoverer of fond

    objects shaped anew to tell

    stories. Her wor is psycho-

    logically deep, polically win-

    ing, and always whimsical and


    Throghot her career,shes reinvented herself a zil-

    lion mes or so, to explore

    some new inspiraon or fas-

    cinaon. Maybe becase she

    came from a long and gied

    matriarchal line of weavers,

    embroiderers, tailors and

    seamstresses, she focsed on

    ber art. That focs led her to

    featred arcles in Fiberarts,

    Threads, and So Dolls and

    Animals magazines. Shes co-

    athored two boos on weav-

    ing and texle embellishment,

    and taen the show on the

    road coast to coast as a na-

    onally renowned teacher of

    enthsiasc ber arsts with

    her company, Warp and Woof


    Today, she is happily ex-

    ploring her wring gis, with

    three childrens boos in the

    wors and on-

    going contrib-

    ons to regional

    n e w s p a p e r s

    and periodicals.

    Her artwor has

    been featred

    in the jornal of

    the Society ofChildrens Boo

    Writers and Il-

    lstrators. She is

    a former gallery owner who

    now views the world as her

    gallery, and her artwor is tr-

    ly All Over the Map. Actress

    Melanie Grith is the prod

    owner of cstom designed

    Rhodes Special Christmas


    And throgh all this, shes

    helped her father bild a

    Pis Special aircra, learned

    how to wield a mean Dremel

    rotary tool, and is a member

    emerits of highly regarded

    Renaissance msic ensemble

    Ars Anqa, with whom she

    appeared in a naonally aired

    Nie commercial, seen dring

    Sperbowl. She also fond

    me to be a nominee for

    American Cra Expo Teache

    of the Year, and to write an

    co-prodce copy and song

    for Harcort School Pblishe

    (now Hoghton Miin Ha


    Nope, Donna cant ma

    p her mind. And her admi

    ers in all her worlds are de

    lighted. Yo will be too if yoaend her one-woman show

    All Over the Map, at The Hay

    wood Arts Concil Gallery 8

    86 N. Main Street, Wayne

    ville, North Carolina, openin

    September 2nd, 6:00 p.m

    to 9:00 p.m. Show rns A

    gst 24th throgh Septembe

    17th. And visit her website a



    Contributed by Robert Goldberg
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    Sizzlin Summer at The Bascom


    ow throgh Sep-

    tember 25th Fran

    Stella: American

    Master will featre wor

    from this internaonally ac-

    claimed painter, printmaer,

    and sclptor. Several wors

    on exhibion represent as-

    pects of Stellas evolon-

    ary path from his minimalist

    geometric style to dynamic


    Stellas brilliance is cer-

    tain to inspire Bascom art-

    ists for this years Members

    Challenge which rns A-gst 20th throgh Septem-

    ber 17th. The opening re-

    cepon will be Agst 20th

    from 5:00 to 7:00 P.M. and

    is sponsored by WNC Maga-

    zine. This years theme is

    Jorneys, real or imaginary.

    Aer yo roc at the

    Members opening, roll on

    ot to the Barn for the Sm-

    mer Barn Dance starng at

    7:00 P.M. Ever seen a barn

    dance? It lmbers a lile!

    And yo can lmber or line

    dance or jst ic p yor

    heels and party to live m-

    sic, fn, food and loads of


    And the laghs conne

    with Wilby Coleman, self-

    proclaimed sclptor who

    says, I am an absolte

    ignorams with no prior

    training or nowledge of

    the sbject. Yet his poplar

    creaons, tled Irony Metal

    Sclptre, also debng at

    The Bascom on the 20th,are one-of-a-ind wonders

    fashioned from fond ob-

    jects that cle everybodys


    Before and aer the fes-

    vies of the 20th, indlge

    yorself in some sol-sas-

    facon by enrolling in an art

    worshop. There are many

    from which to choose in-

    clding: Painng the Figre

    with Randall Sexton, Agst

    16th throgh 20th; One

    Day Mixed Media Prime

    a printmaing worsho

    with Aaron Heqemborg

    Agst 23rd. Agst 24t

    throgh 26th, Heqem

    borg will present Mixe

    Media Trics and Tech

    niqes. Poplar waterco

    orist Pat Fiorello will oe

    Painng Flowers In Wate

    color, Loose, Fresh, an

    Easy Agst 25th throg

    26th. And the docet is f

    of fn classes for Septem

    ber, so be certain to checthose ot.

    Most classes and wor

    shops are oered 10:0

    A.M. to 4:00 P.M., bt ca

    The Bascom at (828) 526

    4949 for more details o

    classes, exhibions, tor

    volnteering, gi shop op

    portnies and so mc

    more. The smmer is ho

    and The Bascom is oh, s


    by Donna Rhodes

    The evolving genis of Fran Stellais traced in a new exhibit and

    spars a season of excitement at

    The Bascom.

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    Art Raffle

    Betsy Pal and Michael Cox, her son, have collaborated

    again to create and donate an oil painng called Bohe-

    mian Bloom for the monthly art rae which benets the

    re department. Both Betsy and Michael have been painng

    most of their lives. Jim Grady of Midnight Farms is bilding a cs-

    tom frame for the painng.

    Betsy Pal is Owner and Broer-In-Charge of Betsy Pal Prop-

    eres, Inc. She gradated from Connecct College with a BA

    in Stdio Art. Betsy is originally from Wilmington, Delaware bt

    has been a fll-me real estate broer in Cashiers for 20 years.

    She has combined her arsc bacgrond and her adversing

    experience with crrent technical tools and sills to develop an

    otstanding mareng campaign for her real estate lisngs.

    Michael Cox crrently wors in the Cashiers area in varios

    roles: Real Estate assistant, landscaper, and somemes dog

    trainer. He has lived in Cashiers for most of his life, when he

    wasnt traipsing arond the globe. Michael has always enjoyed

    painng and hiing in the area.

    Viewers are invited to see each months rae item on displayfrom 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday throgh Satrday at Betsy

    Pal Properes, 870 Highway 64 West, Cashiers, North Carolina.

    Checs can also be mailed directly to the Cashiers-Glenville Fire

    Department, P.O. Box 713, Cashiers, North Carolina, 28717. For

    more informaon contact Betsy Pal Properes, (828)743-0880.

    Arsts receive promoon, winners receive a piece of art for a

    minimal investment, and the re department gets crcial fnd-

    ing. And dont forget, cets can be prchased in blocs of 12

    for $60. They mae a great gi, says Pal. All of the proceeds

    from the art rae go exclsively to the Cashiers-Glenville Fire


    The Betsy Pal art rae for the Cashiers Glenville Volnteer Fire Depart-

    ment, will be held on Agst 31st. For more informaon,

    call (828) 743-0880.
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    Highlands-Cashiers Chamber Music

    The Highlands-Cashiers

    Chamber Msic Fesval

    brings its dazzling 30th

    Anniversary Season to a close.On Monday, Agst 1st,

    The Fesval Chamber Orches-

    tra will present a trio of clas-

    sics Bachs Concerto for Two

    Violins, Barbers Adagio for

    Strings, and Vivaldis The For


    Wee Five, Friday, A-

    gst 5th and 6th, brings a

    celebraon of The Best of

    Beethoven. The Linden String

    Qartet and pianist William

    Ransom will perform Raz-

    movsy String Qartet, Op.

    59, #2; Apassionata Piano

    Sonata; and Archde Piano


    The Linden String Qartet

    remains in the spotlight Sn-

    day, Agst 7th, and Monday

    Agst 8th, with Mozarts k.

    590; Bartos #3; and Ravels

    String Qartets.

    The Highlands-CashiersChamber Msic Fesval will

    present a Bale of the Bands

    Friday, Agst 12th and 13th.

    The Linden String Qartet re-

    trns from the previos wee

    and theyll be joined by The

    Aacca String Qartet. They

    Dvoras American Qartet,

    Janaces Inmate Leers

    Qartet, and Mendelssohns

    Octet for Strings.

    That exemplary msician-

    ship on display at the Bale of

    the Bands is a preview for the

    Final Gala Concert and Din-

    ner, set for 5:00 p.m. Snday,

    Agst 14th. The concert will

    featre the Linden and Aac-

    ca Qartets; clarinest Lara

    Arden; st Lea kibler; harp-

    ist Valerie Von Pechy Whitcp;

    bassist Dog Sommer; bas-

    soonist Carl Nitchie; and pia-

    nist William Ransom. Condc-tor Richar Prior will lead these

    arsts throgh Mozarts Eine

    kleine Nachtmsi, Ravels

    Introdcon and Allegro for

    Harp, String Qartets and

    Winds; Gershwins Rhap-

    sody in Ble; and Coplands

    Appalachian Spring for 13 In-


    Thenale is capped by a

    dinner at Wildcat Clis Con-

    try Clb.

    Concerts will be held at

    6:00 p.m. Fridays at the

    Marn-Lipscomb Performing

    Arts Center in Highlands and

    repeated at 5:00 p.m. Satr-

    days at the Albert Carlton-

    Cashiers Commnity Library

    in Cashiers. Snday concerts

    will be staged at 5:00 p.m. a

    the Performing Arts Cente

    in Highlands and repeated a

    5:00 p.m. Mondays at the Cshiers Commnity Library.

    In addion to its naonally

    recognized program of con

    certs, the Fesval is laced wit

    a series of Feasts of the Fes

    val. Theyre a chance to mee

    fascinang people and enjo

    marvelos food and drin

    some of the most breathta

    ing homes in Western Nort

    Carolina. Feasts conn

    throgh September 19th.

    The Linden String Qarte

    will oer a free concert a

    Bcs in Cashiers at 8:00 p.m

    Wednesday, Agst 3rd.

    For more informao

    abot the fesval, vis o

    call (828) 526-9060.

    by Luke Osteen
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    Highlands-Cashiers Players Sirens

    This charming, brandnew play was pre-

    sented in the spring

    of 2010 at the Hmana New

    Play Fesval in Loisville kY.

    Its prodcon by the High-

    lands Cashiers Players will

    be the rst performance of

    the play in North Carolina.

    Sirens by Deborah Zoe

    Lafer is a sophiscated

    comedy and love story. It

    harens bac to the ancient

    Gree myth of the sirenswho, with their enchant-

    ing singing, lred sailors to

    wrec their ships on rocy

    shores. It is also thoroghly

    modern with crise ships,

    faceboo friendships, cell

    phones, Game Boys, and

    other electronic gadgets ofthe 21st centry featred in

    the plot.

    The story concerns a

    middle-aged wife, who feels

    that the magic has faded

    from her marriage and con-

    vinces her hsband to tae a

    romanc voyage on a crise

    ship. Then enses an nex-

    pected adventre.

    HCP is pleased to an-

    nonce that professional ac-

    tor David Milford of Atlantaand Highlands will play the

    part of the hsband Sam

    Abrams. He will be joined

    by several talented HCP ac-

    tors who can be conted

    on, along with David, to give

    otstanding performances.

    Jenny king will play wifeRose Abrams, Lara Zepeda

    is the Siren, Michelle Ho

    plays the travel agent, and

    Marsha Shmalo plays the

    waitress. New to the HCP

    stage is handsome Chris

    Hess who sedcvely plays

    Roses old high school boy-


    Sirens will be directed

    by veteran lm and stage

    director Virginia Talbot as-

    sisted by Tanji Armor, direc-tor of mlple HCP plays.

    The play will rn Agst

    18th -21st and 25th - 28th

    at the Performing Arts Cen-

    ter in Highlands, 507 Chest-

    nt Street. The opening

    night adience is invited to

    a catered recepon with thcast and prodcon tea

    aer the play.

    The box oce opens f

    season sbscribers Thr

    day and Friday, Agst 11t

    and 12th, and beginning o

    Satrday, Agst 13th, f

    the general pblic. Ho

    are 10:00 a.m. ll 4:00 p.m

    and 1:00 p.m. before th

    2:30 p.m. Snday manee

    Ticets are $20 for adlt

    $10 for stdents, and $1person for grops of 15 o

    more, except on openin

    night. Seang is reserve

    bt cets can also be p

    chased at the door befo

    performances. Call (82

    526-8084 for reservaons.

    Contributed by Virginia Talbot

    In Highlands Cashiers Players North Carolina premiere of Sirens, love is anything bt a pleasre crise. The comedy will be staged at the

    Marn-Lipscomb Performing Arts Center in Highlands Agst 18th - 21st and 25th - 28th.

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    THe arTS

    The Series Continues at PAC

    The Storytelling Series

    pics p on Wednes-

    day, Agst 31st 7:30

    p.m. with Grammy award-winning arst, Bill Harley.

    Harley, has a naonal rep-

    taon as a storyteller, a-

    thor, songwriter and com-

    mentator on Naonal Pblic

    Radios (NPR) All Things Con-

    sidered. With tles ranging

    from Parents Night Ot

    to Growing p is a Fll-

    Time Job, Get Lost: Rles

    for Travelers or Losing

    My Mind: Parenng as an

    Imperfect Science, Com-

    bining story and song as no

    other, Bills wor highlights

    the miraclos in the every-

    day. With songs abot old

    friends, sailing, simplicity

    and hope and stories rang-

    ing in scope from ridding

    his hose of bats to teach-

    ing his boys abot the facts

    of life, parenng teenag-ers or dealing with lost lg-

    gage Harleys concerts are

    a sbtle mixtre of hmor

    and poignancy. A recent re-

    viewer notes, Bill Harley

    taes his life and trns it into

    art. Sonds simple nl yo

    actally try to do it. That

    Harleys art seems so ef-

    fortless only nderscore his

    mastery. (Nvo Newswee-

    ly) Bill Harley is presented

    by Nell and Bill Marn and

    Cindy and Ric Trevathan

    Blegrass is p next on

    Friday, September 2nd,

    8:00 p.m. Grammy Award-

    winning and Planm-sell-

    ing vocalist Szy Boggss

    is the nest voice to grace

    the airwaves in a very long

    me! Her 20 Greatest Hits

    and nine albms on CapitolRecords Nashville are a tes-

    tament to that claim!

    Earlier in her career she

    released one planm and

    three gold albms and

    charted six top ten singles,

    winning the Academy of

    Contry Msics award for

    Top New Female Vocalist

    and the Contry Msic As-

    sociaons Horizon Award. A

    det she recorded with Lee

    Greenwood, Hopelessly

    Yors received a Grammy

    Award nominaon for Best

    Contry Vocal Collaboraon.

    Szys career has or-

    ished in other direcons

    with Swing, Jazz and Ameri-

    cana Roots releases and sh

    has jst released Amer

    can Fol Songboo throg

    Cracer Barrel exclsivelFor over two decades, S

    zys live performances hav

    spanned a diverse mix o

    theater, casino and fesv

    performances arond th

    globe inclding a recen

    highly coveted spot as a fea

    tred performer on Garriso

    keillors Prairie Home Com

    panion Tor! Szy Boggs

    is presented by Wilson Ga

    Service and Ray McPhail.

    Satrday and Snday, Sep

    tember 3rd and 4th bring

    the regional favorite Robe

    Ray to the stage at PAC. Fo

    more informaon and c

    ets call (828) 526-9047. Vis

    Contributed by Mary Adair Leslie
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    THe arTS

    AlwaysPatsy Cline

    Highlands Playhose

    closes ot its 2011

    smmer season with

    the irresisble AlwaysPatsy


    Cindy Smmers retrns

    to Highlands Playhose for

    an encore performance of

    the hanng and deeply poi-

    gnant AlwaysPatsy Cline.

    The story chronicles the sing-

    ers relaonship with Loise

    Segar, a fan from Hoston

    who corresponds with Cline

    nl her death in 1963. Sm-mers has won a devoted fol-

    lowing with her magnicent

    voice on sch Cline classics

    as Crazy, I Fall to Pieces,

    Waling Aer Midnight, and

    Sweet Dreams. It all adds p

    to an nforgeable theatre


    AlwaysPatsy Cline will

    be staged throgh Agst

    21st. Its sponsored by Wanda

    and Gary Drae and Ed and

    Penny Mawyer.

    The Playhose will stage

    a Meet the Cast Wine Get-

    Together at Wolfgangs Res-

    tarant and Wine Bistro from

    6:00 to 7:30 p.m. Monday

    Agst 1st. Its the opport-

    nity to meet Ms. Smmers

    and learn more abot the

    shadowed life and astonish-

    ing talent of Cline. Its also anopportnity to revel in the

    ambience of Wolfgangs Res-

    tarant, its exqisite wine se-

    lecon and marvelos men.

    Cost is $50 per person.

    A 2011 Ford Fiesta SE will

    be raed o at the concl-

    sion of the Satrday, Agst

    20th performance.

    New arsc director DV

    Caitlyn has energized the Play-

    hose with a professionals

    passion, feled by his past per-

    formances on Broadway and

    in Hollywood. He began his

    acng career by performing

    king John in Central Pars

    Shaespeare in the Par. That

    led to a recrring role on One

    Life to Live, followed by roles

    on JAG, Colmbo, and Fa-

    ther Dowling. Caitlyn is also

    a prodced playwright andaward-winning screenwriter.

    I love woring here in

    Highlands with a talented,

    hardworing crew and a

    commnity thats really sp-

    porve of the arts, says Cait-

    lyn. With or prodcons

    of Sds, Harvey, and now,

    AlwaysPatsy Cline, I thin

    weve demonstrated that w

    can bring excing theatre t

    Highlands and Cashiers.

    As a grace note to a bs

    season, the Playhose w

    stage Hear Whats in th

    Heart A Shoemaers Tale

    on October 1st-2nd and 7th

    8th. Wrien and performe

    by Steve Scion and directe

    by Anthony Crivello, this dra

    ma has been playing to sold

    ot hoses from Los Angele

    to New Yor City.For informaon, ce

    or to reserve the Playhos

    stop by the Box Oce at 32

    Oa Street or call (828) 526


    The Highlands Playhose

    corporate sponsor is Lpo


    by Luke Osteen

    The biersweet life and meless talent of Patsy Cline are celebrated in the Highlands Playhose Smmer Season Finale
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