The Argent Roleplay Plan

The Argent Roleplay Plan Stuff needed HISTORY General history: That is the global background of the facts Concrete history-lines: The different histories that take place in the different places of Westeros and Essos. PLACES - Essos and Westeros Winterfell Dragonstone Casterly Rock Kingslanding Meereen Yunkai Astapor Qart Pentos Braavos Highgarden Riverun Dorne The Wall Behind the Wall Iron islands The Trident Etc

Transcript of The Argent Roleplay Plan

Page 1: The Argent Roleplay Plan

The Argent Roleplay Plan

Stuff needed


General history: That is the global background of the facts

Concrete history-lines: The different histories that take place in the different places of

Westeros and Essos.

PLACES - Essos and Westeros



Casterly Rock











The Wall

Behind the Wall

Iron islands

The Trident


Page 2: The Argent Roleplay Plan


House Baratheon

Stannis Baratheon

Renly Baratheon (†)

Robert Baratheon (†)

Lady Selyse

Shireen Baratheon

Gendry Baratheon

House Lannister

Tywin Lannister

Joanna Lannister (†)

Cersei Lannister

Jaime Lannister

Tyrion Lannister

Joffrey Lannister

Tommen Lannister

Myrcella Lannister

Lancel Lannister

House Stark

Eddard Stark (†)

Robb Stark (†)

Jon Snow

Sansa Stark

Arya Stark

Brandon Stark

Rickon Stark

Lyanna Stark (†)

House Targaryen

Danerys Targaryen

Viserys Targaryen (†)

Rhaegar Targaryen (†)

Aerys Targaryen (†)

Aemon Targaryen

House Tyrell

Mace Tyrell

Margaery Tyrell

Loras Tyrell

Lady Olena

House Tully Catelyn Tully (†)

Lysa Tully (†)

House Arryn Jon Arryn (†)

Robin Arryn

House Greyjoy

Asha Greyjoy

Theon Greyjoy

Balon Greyjoy

House Martell

Oberyn Martell (†)

Ellaira Sand

Elia Martell (†)

The Wall Ygritte

Page 3: The Argent Roleplay Plan

Sam Tarly

Jeor Mormont (†)

Other characters

Petyr Baelish


Brienne of Tarth

Jorah Mormont

Ser Barristan

Brienne of Tarth

Podric Payne

Davos Seaworth

Lady Melissandre

Ramsay Bolton

Walder Frey

Hot Pie

How to develop the roles

1. Main blog:

- Description of the global story

- Role rules (How to join, how to play)

- List and description of the principal places

- Links to the characters’s pages, classified in the “official houses”

2. Character blogs:

- Every character owns a personal blog where the role player reblogs content

related to his/her character, and uses it to role-play, by reblogging the texts.