The Apple of His Eye - Part 1 - Seeing Face to Face

Newsletter The Witness 30 July 2008 The Witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria [email protected] & This letter was written as a witness to the Lord Jesus Christ so that by all possible means God’s people will be prepared for the works of service to which He has called them. Proclaim His coming, for His coming is soon at hand. (1 Cor 9:1-27) Please send this letter to as many others so that they may be blessed. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as revealed from the Lord Jesus Christ and those ministries mentioned. Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. - 1 - The Apple of His Eye… Part 1 Seeing Face to Face If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make Myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream. My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful in all mine house. With him will I speak face to face, even apparently, and not in dark speeches; and the similitude of the LORD shall he behold: (Num 12:6-8) KJV The Key... On the 9 th of May 2001 the Lord appeared to me through signs in the heavens, saying: “I will make My eyes your eyes that you may see what I see. And I will put words in your mouth and send you to all nations in this generation before the end come. And I will give you the key!” As I looked the Lord confirmed His word through these signs in the heavens!” The Beam of light from the Heavens... 3 years would pass before the Lord would start to open this mystery to me. One night, as I put my head on the pillow, the Lord showed me a vision in an instant. In my vision, I saw something like a soft yellow beam of light coming out of heaven toward the earth. I did not know what it meant. Documents PDF Complete Click Here & Upgrade Expanded Features Unlimited Pages


O n the 9 th of May 2001 the Lord appeared to me Complete 3 years would pass before the Lord would start to open 30 July2008 this mystery to me. One night, as I put my head on the pillow, the Lord showed me a vision in an instant. In my vision, I saw something like a soft yellow beam of light coming out of heaven toward the earth. I did not know what it meant. The Beam of light from the Heavens... The Key... Expanded Features Unlimited Pages Click Here & Upgrade

Transcript of The Apple of His Eye - Part 1 - Seeing Face to Face

Page 1: The Apple of His Eye - Part 1 - Seeing Face to Face

Newsletter The Witness30 July 2008

The Witnesses of the Lord Jesus ChristSouth Africa, Pretoria

[email protected] &

This letter was written as a witness to the Lord Jesus Christ so that by all possible means God’s people will be prepared for the works of service to which He has called them. Proclaim His coming,for His coming is soon at hand. (1 Cor 9:1-27) Please send this letter to as many others so that they may be blessed. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as revealed from the Lord

Jesus Christ and those ministries mentioned. Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong.- 1 -

The Apple of His Eye…

Part 1Seeing Face to Face

If there be a prophet among you,I the LORD will make Myself known unto him in a vision,

and will speak unto him in a dream.My servant Moses is not so,

who is faithful in all mine house.With him will I speak face to face,

even apparently,and not in dark speeches;

and the similitude of the LORD shall he behold:(Num 12:6-8) KJV

The Key...

On the 9th of May 2001 the Lord appeared to methrough signs in the heavens, saying: “I will make Myeyes your eyes that you may see what I see. And Iwill put words in your mouth and send you to allnations in this generation before the end come. And Iwill give you the key!” As I looked the Lord confirmedHis word through these signs in the heavens!”

The Beam of light from the Heavens...

3 years would pass before the Lord would start to openthis mystery to me. One night, as I put my head on thepillow, the Lord showed me a vision in an instant. In myvision, I saw something like a soft yellow beam of lightcoming out of heaven toward the earth. I did not knowwhat it meant.


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Page 2: The Apple of His Eye - Part 1 - Seeing Face to Face

Newsletter The Witness30 July 2008

The Witnesses of the Lord Jesus ChristSouth Africa, Pretoria

[email protected] &

This letter was written as a witness to the Lord Jesus Christ so that by all possible means God’s people will be prepared for the works of service to which He has called them. Proclaim His coming,for His coming is soon at hand. (1 Cor 9:1-27) Please send this letter to as many others so that they may be blessed. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as revealed from the Lord

Jesus Christ and those ministries mentioned. Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong.- 2 -

One week later, after a meeting with the brothers andsister, on my way towards home, the Spirit of God ledme to go to a nearby park to pray. I was filled by theSpirit of God and desired to spend time with Him.

As I came to worship before the Lord, the Spirit ofdiscernment came upon me. The hand of the Lord washeavy upon me. A desire arouse in me for more of JesusChrist, who is my God and desire. By faith, I took aprophetic step forward, indicating that I desired to bewith my Lord and not to only know Him in part. At thatmoment, something like a beam of light fell around me.The Lord surrounded me with a wall of fire. Then I saidto the Lord: “This is your Glory!” Then the Lordanswered me and said: “No this is My Love!” Again, inwonder and amazement, I said: “This is your power!”And again the Lord answered me saying: “No this is allthe aspects and facets of My love!”

Suddenly, the Holy Spirit opened my mind and Iunderstood the scriptures. Then the Lord spoke again,explaining His word to the apostles, saying: “These areall the aspect of the fruits of the Holy Spirit, whichmake up My Love.” Suddenly I understood many thingswhich were hidden in the scriptures, which all the holymen of the past, the prophets, and also the apostle Paulhad understood.

God is Love…

God is Love. His Love revealed to us in all its ways andfacets are all the fruits of the Spirit, as Paul the apostlehas written: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy,peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness,faith, meekness, temperance: against such there isno law. (Gal 5:22-23) KJV


Love waits patiently; it acts kindly. Love does notenvy [or, is not jealous]; love does not boast; itdoes not become haughty. It does not behavedisgracefully; it does not seek its own [things];it is not provoked [or, irritated]; it does not keepa record of evil. It does not rejoice overunrighteousness, but it rejoices with the truth. Itputs up with all [things], believes all, hopes [or,confidently expects] all, endures all. Love neverfails. (1Co 13:4-8) ALT


But above all these [things put on] love, which is[the] bond of perfection. (Col 3:14) ALT

Paul also says: “I bow my knees towards the Father ofour Lord Jesus Christ, from whom every family in [the]heavens and on earth is named, so that He shall grantto you, according to the riches [fig., abundance] ofHis glory, to be strengthened with power by means ofHis Spirit in the inner being, [in order for] Christ todwell in your hearts [fig., inner selves, and elsewherein book] by means of faith, having been firmlyestablished and founded in love, so that you shall befully able to comprehend with all the holy oneswhat [is] the width and length and depth andheight and to know the love of Christ [which]surpasses knowledge, so that you shall be filled toall the fullness of God. (Eph 3:15-19) ALT

Thus, this Love can not be understood with the mind,but which the heart and by the Spirit. The Love of Godis not to be comprehended by human understanding,but by and through the Holy Spirit in our inner beings.If we do this, the Lord will, through His Love be able toshow us His heart, plan and destiny for our lives. We


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Page 3: The Apple of His Eye - Part 1 - Seeing Face to Face

Newsletter The Witness30 July 2008

The Witnesses of the Lord Jesus ChristSouth Africa, Pretoria

[email protected] &

This letter was written as a witness to the Lord Jesus Christ so that by all possible means God’s people will be prepared for the works of service to which He has called them. Proclaim His coming,for His coming is soon at hand. (1 Cor 9:1-27) Please send this letter to as many others so that they may be blessed. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as revealed from the Lord

Jesus Christ and those ministries mentioned. Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong.- 3 -

will be able to understand all that the holy ones of thepast, the apostles, prophets and holy men of Godunderstood. We will be filled with all the fullness of Godin Christ Jesus our Lord and Author of our faith. Wewill understand the Love that the Father of our LordJesus Christ has for His children. We will no longer livein fear, trapped by the enemy, but will be blessed in allour ways. We will also be able to do the great exploitsthat Daniel prophesied about, which the people of Godwill do in these last days.

Love never fails…

Paul the Apostle spoke of a the gifts and themanifestations of the Spirit of God, which God gives,through the Holy Spirit to man and its function in thebody of Christ, when he interject with this awesomestatement, saying that, even if we can speak in tongues,but we do not have love then we are a clanging cymbal.

Paul the Apostle had an awesome revelation andmystery for those who truly seek God, which he openedto us, yet remains hidden to many. He said: “If I speakwith the tongues of people and of angels, but I do nothave love, I have become [as] brass sounding or acymbal tinkling. And if I am having [the gift of]prophecy and know all secrets and allknowledge, and if I am having all faith so as to beremoving mountains, and have not love, I amnothing. And if I dole out all my possessions, andif I hand over my body so that I am burned, but amnot having love, I am not at all benefited.

Love waits patiently; it acts kindly. Love does notenvy [or, is not jealous]; love does not boast; itdoes not become haughty. It does not behavedisgracefully; it does not seek its own [things];it is not provoked [or, irritated]; it does notkeep a record of evil. It does not rejoice over

unrighteousness, but it rejoices with the truth. Itputs up with all [things], believes all, hopes [or,confidently expects] all, endures all.

Love never fails.

Knowing Partially or Imperfect…

But if [there be] prophecies, they will becomeuseless; if tongues, they will cease by themselves;if knowledge, it will become useless.

Now we know by part and we prophesy by part.

When we read what Paul implies by the statementabove, we can only but wonder why? Paul is saying weknow only in part, that is partially. What is referred toas partial and in part? The context explains that it is thegifts of the Holy Spirit. All these gifts were only given tous to lead us to Christ, the Anointed One, and ourMessiah.

But when the perfect [or, complete or mature]comes, then the [thing] by part [fig., which is partial]will become useless.

Paul goes on to explain that when perfection ormaturity comes, then we will no longer understandpartially.

When I was a child, I was speaking as a child, I wasthinking as a child, I was reasoning as a child; but whenI have become a man, I have put away the [things] ofthe child. For we now see by means of a mirror byreflection [fig., indirectly], but then face to face;now I know in part, but then I will know fully, justas I also was known. But now these three remain: faith,hope [or, confident expectation], love-but [the]greatest of these [is] love. (1Co 13:1-13) ALT


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Page 4: The Apple of His Eye - Part 1 - Seeing Face to Face

Newsletter The Witness30 July 2008

The Witnesses of the Lord Jesus ChristSouth Africa, Pretoria

[email protected] &

This letter was written as a witness to the Lord Jesus Christ so that by all possible means God’s people will be prepared for the works of service to which He has called them. Proclaim His coming,for His coming is soon at hand. (1 Cor 9:1-27) Please send this letter to as many others so that they may be blessed. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as revealed from the Lord

Jesus Christ and those ministries mentioned. Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong.- 4 -

Paul said that when we are still a child in the faith wewill see like one who sees through a milky glass, butwhen we become mature and complete, rooted in theLove of the Father, as God calls all of us to be, then weshall see face to face.

We have always thought that we will only fully knowonce when Jesus Christ is revealed. And that we willonly see face to face once we are with the Lord inHeaven.

It would be hard for one to look through a milky glass,unless he first cleanses that glass. So in the same way,we are a temple of the Holy Spirit, consisting of body,soul and spirit. We need to cleanse the veil of our soulin order to know God, “just as I also was known.” Thisis actually possible on earth, before we meet with ourLord Jesus Christ, at the great day of the resurrection.

Moses saw God face to face…

But consider where Paul the Apostle got his revelation.He understood what happened to Moses on the Mountof Sinai, when He met the God of Abraham, Isaac andJacob on the figurative Mountain of God in thewilderness. Look at what the LORD said, "Now hearwhat I have to say! When there are prophets amongyou, I reveal myself to them in visions and speakto them in dreams.

It is different when I speak with my servantMoses; I have put him in charge of all my people

Israel. So I speak to him face-to-face, clearlyand not in riddles; he has even seen my form!How dare you speak against my servant Moses?"(Num12:6-8) GNB

Or another translation says:

“With him will I speak mouth to mouth,even apparently, and not in dark speeches; and thesimilitude of the LORD shall he behold:wherefore then were ye not afraid to speak against myservant Moses? (Num 12:8) KJV

Moses saw the shape and the form of God. Mosesunderstood God, because He was the most humble manon the face of the earth. Moses spoke to God mouth-to-mouth and or face-to-face. Thus, Moses not only sawGod when he got to heaven, but while he was still onthis earth and in his body.

Thus, a time has now come when we will once again,like Moses, worship God face-to-face. We will no longerbe children in the Spirit, but will become mature andbe perfected by the Love of God.

Since I started to understand this the Lord has givenme the ability to hear His voice more cleared than everbefore. I understood what Jesus said when He told usthis parable saying: "I am the good shepherd, and Iknow My [own], and I am known by My [own]. (Joh10:14) ALT

Therefore Jesus said to His disciples: "You are Myfriends, if you are doing whatever I command you. Nolonger do I call you slaves, because the slave doesnot know what his lord does. But I have called youfriends because all which I heard from MyFather, I made known to you. (Joh 15:14-15)ALT

It has always been my desire for the bride of Christ toknow and see the LORD God and our Lord Jesus Christ


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Page 5: The Apple of His Eye - Part 1 - Seeing Face to Face

Newsletter The Witness30 July 2008

The Witnesses of the Lord Jesus ChristSouth Africa, Pretoria

[email protected] &

This letter was written as a witness to the Lord Jesus Christ so that by all possible means God’s people will be prepared for the works of service to which He has called them. Proclaim His coming,for His coming is soon at hand. (1 Cor 9:1-27) Please send this letter to as many others so that they may be blessed. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as revealed from the Lord

Jesus Christ and those ministries mentioned. Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong.- 5 -

face to face, truly know and being a friend of God ourFather and the Lord Jesus Christ.

“Now whom He predestined, these He also called;and whom He called, these He also justified[or, declared righteous]; but whom Hejustified, these He also glorified.

What then will we say about these [things]? Since God[is] for us [or, on our side], who [is] against us?

The [One] who indeed did not spare His own Son,_but_ [who] handed Him over on behalf of us all,how will He not also with Him graciously give tous all [things]?

Who will bring a charge against [the] chosen ones ofGod? God [is] the One justifying [or, declaringrighteous].

Who [is] the one condemning? Christ [is] the Onehaving died, but rather also, having been raised up,who is also at [the] right hand of God, who alsointercedes on our behalf.

Who will separate us from the love of Christ?[Will] affliction or distress or persecution or famineor nakedness or peril or sword?

Just as it has been written, "For Your sake we are beingput to death the whole day; we were accounted assheep for slaughter." [Psalm 44:22]

But in all these [things] we are completelyvictorious through the One having loved us.

For I have been persuaded that neither death nor lifenor angels nor rulers nor powers nor [things]present nor things about to be

nor height nor depth nor any other created [thing] willbe able to separate us from the love of God,the [one] in Christ Jesus our Lord! (Rom 8:30-39) ALT

Therefore, I am a witness to you of this great Love thatGod the Father has shown and desired to show to HisBeloved bride; and of all that God had opened to meHis servant and messenger; and of the great hope wehave because of the Love of the Father in our LordJesus Christ. May the God of Love in our Lord JesusChrist, reveal His love, mercy and grace to those whotruly seek Him to be their first love!

From the directors: “The Witness”


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