The alchemy of policy pst

17/10/2013 1 Dr. Riant Nugroho RND What is Alchemy of Policy “A policy that successfully formulated and implemented (therefore it seems like no theory of policy need to be noted here)” YOU’VE JUST GET IT RIGHT ! RND Good and Clear Mind Knowing Where to Go Smart Ideas Key Policy Resources Excellent Policy Formulation Excellent Policy Control Excellent Policy Implement- ation Excellent Policy Performance Supporting Environment 1. Policy knowledge 2. Skill to move policy actors 3. Courage to manage policy process RND


How to formulate and implement (public) policy successfully

Transcript of The alchemy of policy pst

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Dr. Riant Nugroho


What is Alchemy of Policy

• “A policy that successfully formulated and

implemented (therefore it seems like no

theory of policy need to be noted here)”



Good and

Clear Mind


Where to Go

Smart Ideas

Key Policy

















1. Policy knowledge

2. Skill to move policy actors

3. Courage to manage policy process


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public policy, definition

• Thomas R. Dye (2011)

“Whatever governments choose to do or not do…

It is what government do, why they do it, and what difference it makes”


Public policy ?

• “…is an institutionalized political decision”

• “…is any of State or Government (as the holder

of the authority) decision to manage public

life (as the sphere) in order to reach the

mission of the nation (remember, nation is

consist of two institutions: state and society)”


Policy, defined…

• “Public policy is about DECISION”

• “And, decision is belong to LEADER”


Good and Clear Mind

• All things originate in the mind. In fact, when

it calls the "heart" or "small heart", it is all

about the mind. Mind regards with two

things: processes and products. Every healthy

mind end at on the products thought.


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Good and Clear Mind

• Communities, wherever they may be, requires a leader who has prefrontal cortex of healthy and reasonably sized to conduct processes of rational thought, to make decisions that we refer to as decision thought that "good and pure", for which we refer to as "clear mind and healthy" is "thought product" itself. For that, we need leaders who understand the need to keep his prefrontal cortex well. This is the view from the side of neurology.


Good and Clear Mind

• As individual and social person, a good and clear thoughts or mind of a leader can be measured by three indicators. First, it reflects the existence of mind as a leader who has three characteristics: power, contribution, and honor. Leader has power, good power is obtained, which is the formal power or are characterized based on their follower’s compulsion; and the informal power characterized from a follower-based volunteerism.


Good and Clear Mind

• Power was held to contribute to the success of

the joint to make a set that is followers,

results in good rather than destruction.

Mankind in every place and age requires a

leader who is able to identify their strengths,

put it together, and make it a great

community because of the presence of a

leader capable of uniting the collective



Good and Clear Mind

• As individual and social person, a good and

clear thoughts or mind of a leader can be

measured by three indicators.


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Good and Clear Mind

• First, it reflects the existence of mind as a

leader who has three characteristics: power,

contribution, and honor. Leader has power,

good power is obtained, which is the formal

power or are characterized based on their

follower’s compulsion; and the informal

power characterized from a follower-based



• Leaders who have the power to contribute in the social hyperbole, is a leader who has the honor. Without necessary contribution (and desirable communities), the power to be in vain, and the honor is missing thing first. The fall of every political leader in Indonesia starts from its failure to contribute the necessary to society of his time. It is followed by the loss of honor, and then lost of (legitimate) power. Therefore, the key word here is the contributing leader.


• Second, it symbolizes the power of the mind where present. Sukarno was a symbol of the strength of Indonesia in the 1950s, Suharto Indonesia is a symbol of strength in the 1980-1990s. In the smaller sector, Mohammad Noer is the epitome of a vibrant community of East Java in the 1980s, General LB Murdani is the authoritative military symbol, and a symbol of Telkom CacukSudariyanto is changing to the next level.

• In the United States, William Clinton is the epitome of American prosperity in the 1990s, Margaret Thatcher is the epitome of British society kink in the 1980s. More real society requires leaders as a symbol. Symbol that give confidence, a sense of community spirit. Governments everywhere also cannot effectively change the people to their greatness, but only effective to convince people that they can be great, greater than they can imagine.


• To three, the mind begins with a sincerity to give themselves to their environment. Interesting philosophy is the philosophy of bananas and candlelight. Banana plants bear fruit only once and then die. Candles lit up her exhausted and die. Minded leaders both in focus and clear thinking: he worked for then "die". In recent years, the leaders or those who have become leaders, especially political and business leaders, more like reading poetry Anwar as saying: "I want to live a thousand years", with the continuation of "I want to live a thousand years as leader here" .


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• The purpose of leadership is no longer giving away; it is to satisfy their selfishness. The goal of becoming a leader is being a leader itself. That is why, do not be weird if witnessed many leaders are all-out build self-image to be elected leader. And, though no longer selectable, fixed-imaged image, and then "outsmart the rules", for example, had become governor twice, then running for vice governor; had become regent twice, then ran for Vice Regent; already finished mayor twice, then run for Vice Mayor; may even already be president twice, then run for Vice President. After all, did not violate the law. Not wrong, just deceive their selves. If you've cheated yourself, what about other people, how to lead people.


• So, a good mind and is advised not clear with

respect to the charge of a product of mind,

such a vision, a strategy, a statement of

commitment, promises, slogans, and so on,

but with regard to the value of the mind itself.

It emphasized, because in addition can be

used to make an assessment in general, also

encompassing, which summarizes the

measurement requirements.


Good and Clear Mind

1. Good mind : he/she know that his/her presence to bring

goodness for the people

2. Clear mind : think simple but strong


Knowing Where to Go

• Successful leaders are not charismatic leaders. They are revered for their own. Successful leader is a leader who wanted to know where he was going to bring his followers. Classic film The Ten Commandments describes Moses as a type of leader who has a very heavy burden. He led the nation dissidents, stubborn, spoiled, and love against God. He led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, penetrated the Red Sea, around in the Sinai desert for 40 years. Israeli society even had time to make the fight for the golden calf worshiped as God. Moses wanted to know where he has to bring its people as the Lord commands, but the people should not know completely. They do not know, only the descendants of those who "clean" to be entered to the "Promised Land". For 40 years, the majorities of elderly people died and were buried in the desert, and what were left is their offspring children who have physical and mental endurance is remarkable, because they were “well-trained” in the desert for 40 years.


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Knowing Where to Go

• Sukarno knew that he had to bring the Indonesian nation to independence. She knows how her and when her. Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore brought the nation's slums, slovenly and undisciplined and honored to be the richest nation in Southeast Asia. The difference, Soekarno like Moses, he cannot tell everyone where this nation will go. Until then the historical record, why he does not want to budge on demands Rengasdengklok with Indonesian youths for the militant freedom fighters declare independence "now". In contrast to Lee, from the beginning he said that he would never let the kids Chinese, Malay children, and the children of India and eventually kill each other utter waved goodbye. He wants Singapore to be one nation, no matter what his tribe. Lee said in tears, when Malaysia rejected the merger of Singapore.


Knowing Where to Go

• Today, every prospective leader is obliged to deliver the "vision and mission" of his. An open and democratic process (he says) adults, ask the future leaders to compete with the most distant look in her eyes the other candidates, with competing "with each other-great" in their vision to bring the nation to where it will go. Presidential, Governors, to Majors debate, become exciting attractions in Indonesia, although it later became a grueling attraction. Because, nothing new, nothing different from each other. Just like in the U.S. presidential debate. Both candidates argue only on the percentage of tax increases, salary increases, economic growth, interest rates, and so on. In fact, the prospective minister, TNI chief candidate, and so on, even in tests "vision and mission" her by the President. He should tell where about to be brought to the organization.


Knowing Where to Go

• Thus, the second requirement of the alchemy of policy about the "know where to go” is neither new, nor strange. To be sure, she really knows where to go, and continued with how it went. As an illustration, all the works related to the Ministry of State Owned Enterprise (SOEs), I just saw a state minister who knows where to go and how it goes, the other only half the ministers, because there are going to know where you're going, but do not know how; nothing who do not know how, but want to know where to go, and that bad again, some that did not know the two of them.


Knowing Where to Go

• The important question is how to measure that one leader really knows where to go to bring the organization, or bring his community. There are three indicators that can be used. First, he spoke in their own language about where he was going to bring the organization or the community, and where it should be exciting. Second, he spoke in his own way about where he was going to bring the organization or society, and how it should be exciting. Third, at the job, he works in his own way that is distinctive or unique, but effectively bring all those who believe that they will lead up to the goal that had been made by their leaders, because of the way they work is exciting.

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Rich of Smart Ideas

• A leader who can drive the alchemy of policy usually has a clever idea with regard to policy. Sekarno had the clever idea to "outsmart" the Japanese and then the Netherlands. In fact, at times a difficult though. At the time of Sukarno's surrender to the Dutch during the Dutch military raid to Yogyakarta, and forced to sign a letter of submission Indonesia, with intelligent he said: "I was regarded as the president or the catch. If the President, treat as president, and if the catch is, I cannot do represent the Republic of Indonesia ". Dutch got "powerless". At the same time, Sukarno has given the mandate to Syarifudin Prawiranegara, one minister, who was in Sumatra, for holding the mandate, if he was arrested by the Dutch. Finesse "surrender" and then make the Netherlands the world labeled as fascist. At that time the world was hated by fascism. And, the UN was at Indonesian side.

Rich of Smart Ideas

• Poso conflict occurs because of the war the

two groups of different religions. Not finished.

While serving as Coordinating Minister for

People's Welfare, Jusuf Kalla had a clever idea:

policy deliberate model. Let the people who

make the rules conflict peace agreement, and

the government authorizes a stay. Malino

meeting went well. The parties agreed to

make peace. Poso conflict had solved.

Rich of Smart Ideas

• Leader may recruit a smart helper to then get a smart idea. However, it was in vain. However, it will not be able to achieve the alchemy of policy, as he can never buy in the idea completely. Because it is not a pure idea, he tried his best to understand and master, he will never get the spirit of the idea. Leaders must be smart. Without it, he is not interesting anymore. He became a stunningly beautiful woman, but without inner beauty.

Rich of Smart Ideas

• Jusuf Kalla is the type of leader that if you talk blekak-blekuk, or unclear. But people listen, because his genius. Robby Djohan that speaks not only outspoken, but do not hesitate to rude. Not unlike Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. But, when they speak, people are listening. He had a genius idea. Why do millions of people gathered to listen to speeches of Sukarno. He had a genius idea. In fact, so genius, uneducated person can understand what he is saying.


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Rich of Smart Ideas

• Of dozens of effective and successful leaders that I've met, those who managed to build the alchemy of policy at each level, in Indonesia and in several countries in continental Asia, Europe, Africa, America, and the Pacific, has many differences. There are polite when speaking, some are not concerned. There are Speaking loud and convincing, some are shy and sometimes if you talk like a mumble. There are indeed zinc speaking, there are happy to look at and listen intently without much talk. They may differ, but the same: they convey the idea of genius. Genius means the handle which has the effect of "Wow!” a charming idea. Is not synonymous with genius ideas are very new, but he's certainly as required by his followers. Not only requirement is known, or the needs of the present, but the need is known but not realized, the need for conscious but not unknown, even needs that are not known but is not recognized, the need for the distant future.


Mastering Public Policy Resources

• To achieve sufficient condition to achieve the alchemy of policy, then the leader needs to master the three most important public policy resources. First, he mastered enough knowledge about public policy. Knowledge of public policy is knowledge of the practice, so it is fitting to be able to quickly and easily master by every leader. Basically, any effective and successful leaders I have ever met, already implement this knowledge, it does just not know that the knowledge it has a name, and can be developed as a working technology that makes it work effectively and remain comfortable.


Policy posture




Public Officer Statement

Leader’s behavior

Legal Formal Policy

1. Act = to move, to make a dynamic

2. Law = to make order; “right and wrong”

3. Regulation = national asset which delegate to

non-state actors


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Regulation’s today is about

1. Energy & Electricity

2. Food

3. Water

4. Public transport

5. Public infrastructure


Policy posture

Formal policy


Public Statement

Leader’s behavior

(1.)Act (2) Law (3) Regulation

Administration’s habit




policy formulation


Policy Process : Public Policy as Management

formulation implementation evaluation



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On Policy Formula

Consolidated Policy

Policy Implementation

Administrative politics

Experiment Symbolic



Source : Prof. Richard Matland





ID Card





Implementation Model : Actor


(pilot project)


(political approach)

Self implemented





Implementation Model : Actor

Government majority and

people minority

Government alone

People aloneGovernment minority and

people majority


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Queuing Shipbuilding





On Policy Implementation Controlling = monitoring + evaluating + rewarding


• Policy judgement• Post Action


• “ongoing evaluation”

• “formative evaluation”


• Incentives• Disincentives


Policy posture, structure, & performance

Formal policy


Public Statement

Leader’s behavior

National InterestHistory in the


Policy posture

“Policy alignment”

Mastering Public Policy Resources

• Second, master enough skills to move public policy actors. Public policy actors are those who establish policy issues, which formulate policies, conducting, including finance, policy, and those who control policy to ensure successful policy. The key word is plus network access. Leaders who have access and the network will be the central gravity of policy. No matter, whatever their educational background, whatever the background of his profession.


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Policy Actors

Supra National Actors/

Global Actors

National Actors

State Actors Society Actors

Mastering Public Policy Resources

• Third, courage to manage public policy process. Successful leaders build alchemy of policy, I have ever met, is a leader who knows that his job is not only ordered his people to formulate and then and implement policies. He do managing thoroughly. He did not give a blank check to his subordinates to do the will of the leader. But, he chose to be a hands-on leader. He would sweat and his hands covered in mud fields, to ensure grain rice with a pithy fruit


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