The AgriProFocus

The AgriProFocus Team

Transcript of The AgriProFocus

Page 1: The AgriProFocus

The AgriProFocus


Page 2: The AgriProFocus

Benin Burundi

DRC Ethiopia

Indonesia Kenya

Netherlands Niger



Uganda Zambia

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E-mail: [email protected] Skype: mdjihoun70 Tel: (+229) 21 31 21 22 Mob: (+229) 95 33 83 03

Marcel Djihoun Country Coordinator Géographe de formation et Spécialiste en développement et gestion de projets. Plus de 15 années d’expérience dans la gouvernance des institutions locales, des organisations paysannes et de la société civile dans une approche multipartenaire. Appui pour l’accès aux services de base et amélioration de revenus des agriculteurs. Depuis 2013, j’assure la coordination du réseau AgriProFocus-Bénin. Auteur et co-auteur d’articles de capitalisation d’expériences, j’ai fait ma carrière professionnelle au Bénin à SNV et à France-Volontaires.

E-mail: [email protected] Skype: msaloufou Tel: (+229) 21 31 21 22 Mob: (+229) 64 31 31 55

Moussabihatou SALOUFOU Country Assistant Ingénieur Agroéconomiste, j'ai assez d’expérience dans le domaine de la recherche agricole pour le développement, dans le suivi-évaluation des projets, gestion de plateforme multi-acteurs. J’ai pris part à plusieurs activités de collaboration avec des projets de développement notamment les études de base et d’évaluation à mi-parcours, le suivi-évaluation, les études d’évaluation d’impact de projets, etc. Expertise areas : suivi et évaluation, gestion de projet, genre, animation plateforme

E-mail: [email protected] Skype: live:hattiba_1 Tel: +229 63 70 11 50

Tania Attiba Business Development & Linkage Advisor Experte en Entrepreneuriat (Master en entrepreneuriat, création et reprise d’entreprises) Consultante en entrepreneuriat, j’ai travaillé pendant plusieurs années sur la thématique de l’entrepreneuriat jeunes, de la promotion de l’entrepreneuriat agricole. A cet effet, j’ai conçu et réalisé des activités de coaching de promoteurs agricoles dans le cadre de la recherche de financement, de l’accès aux marchés d’écoulement puis des programmes de renforcement de capacités aussi bien au niveau national qu’international. -

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E-mail: [email protected] Skype: Tel: +25775748739 Mob:

Jean-Paul Nzosaba Country Coordinator

E-mail: [email protected] Skype: Tel: +257 75 900 385 Mob:

Elyse Muhorakeye Country Assistant Diplômé en communication pour le développement elle a également une expérience comme entrepreneur et elle est engagée dans la promotion de l'entreprenariat féminin.

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E-mail: [email protected] Skype: emmankab Mob: +243998676500/+243822845210

Emmanuel Bahati Country Coordinator Détenteur d’un Diplôme d’Ingénieur Agronome à l’Université Catholique de Bukavu, depuis 1997. De 2015-2016, Etudiant en Masters in Public Administration (specialisation : Community development and Management of NGOs) à Mount Kenya University/Campus de Kigali-Rwanda. Il a suivi des formations en Planification, Gestion, Suivi et Evaluation des Projets. Promoteur de l’Ecole d’Education Environnementale (ECEDEN), opérationnelle à Bukavu-RD Congo.

Domaines d’expertise : Agricole, aide humanitaire et au Développement, interventions multisectorielles (formation, soutien aux initiatives locales, des réfugiés et déplacés de guerre, urgence, post-urgence, relance et réhabilitation), Education des enfants de l’école primaire et secondaire).

E-mail: [email protected]

Skype: guylaine.mwamini

Tel: (+243) 822846708 Mob: (+243) 997047215

Guylaine Mwamini Country Network Assistant Diplômé en technique de développement rural, option Organisation Social de l’Institut Supérieure en Développement Rural “ISDR” Bukavu. Ce diplôme avait étés complété par plusieurs formations, en gestion des projets, suivi –évaluation des projets, administration et ressources humaine. Domaine d’intervention : secteur agricole, développement communautaire. Expertise areas: gestion des projets, suivi-évaluation, animation communautaire

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E-mail: [email protected] Skype: annaluchienawitteveen Mob: +251 919 113 039

Annet Witteveen Country Coordinator Annet completed her MSc. Tropical Animal Husbandry in Wageningen more than 25 years ago, and since then enjoys learning and living in different countries in Asia and Africa and working for different agencies. She has been involved in various processes in rural development that focused on livelihoods of farming households and their communities. Expertise areas: Rural livelihoods and food security, natural resource governance, program development and PME, organizational and institutional strengthening and building of local capacities

E-mail: [email protected] Skype: Tel: +251 911 156248

Gizaw Legesse Communication Facilitator Communication Facilitator for AgriProFocus Ethiopia. Previously he worked as a Journalist at Awramba Times, a weekly Amharic newspaper, as Deputy Editor-in-Chief and a columnist. He is also a Graphic Designer, Photographer and Webmaster. He has vast experience in writing Articles, preparing reports as well as legal documents. He graduated from Unity University with LLB Degree in Law. Expertise areas: communication, journalism, graphic design

E-mail: [email protected] Skype: jelleke51 Tel: +251 93 8483 074

Yelleka de Nooy van Tol Facilitator linking & Learning She has a passion about Soils and therefore about soil Health management. Because soils are complex living creatures; when you feed them properly, they will - apart from providing healthy food - retain water and so restore ecosystems and return biodiversity. Just as important is the notion that, worldwide, a big transition is going on, to agro-ecology. That is an integrated way of land use, including conservation agriculture, water system management, climate smart technologies and collaboration in an area. Expertise areas: soil health, agro-ecology, landscape architecture, participatory research, process facilitation, network development, policy advice

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E-mail: [email protected]

Skype: meskerem90

Tel: Mob:

Meskerem Ritmeester Linking & Learning Officer

I am passionate about exchanging knowledge and experiences on a range of different issues. Gender-sensitive agricultural development, project activities and/or innovations that empower women, nutrition-sensitive agriculture and food security are of special interest to me. I like to bring people, organizations, institutions and development agencies together to work towards a shared goal of achieving sustainable agriculture and food security for all. By going on this path together, new ideas can be created and solutions can be found to overcome challenges.

E-mail: [email protected]

Skype: Tel: Mob:

Sarah Assefa Assistant Linking & Learning Passionate about sustainable business. Trained in environmental science and policy, economics and ecology, and experienced in green cooperative business development, environmental research, and capacity building for corporate social responsibility. With AgriProFocus I am working most around gender in value chains and agroecology network building.

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E-mail: [email protected] Skype: tina.napitupulu Tel: +62217892489 Mob: +6281212503496

Tina Napitupulu Country Coordinator Tina is an agriculture enthusiast. She joined AgriProFocus Indonesia in January 2016. She has work in the development sector since 2001 and in recent years she focuses on building women's capacity in managing micro enterprises. She envisions Indonesia agriculture network in the future, to be a dynamic network where every individual and organization can share and test ideas and resources. In the next ten years, she expects herself to be a farmer.

Expertise areas: project management/knowledge management

E-mail: [email protected] Skype :mwulandaru Tel: +6221-7892489 Mob: +6281212503496

Maula Paramitha Wulandaru Country Network Assistant Mitha is passionate about ecofeminism, especially when it comes to women's role in agriculture in preserving healthy food with eco-friendly farming approach. Since 2009, she has worked closely with the rural community and executing empowerment program. She also has experience in journalism and communication. Before she joined AgriProFocus in September 2014, she worked for TEMPO Institute, a non-profit branch of Indonesian’s prominent weekly magazine TEMPO as program manager for journalism training and support youth program Menjadi Indonesia. Now, she manages community and network for AgriProFocus Indonesia and support innovation communities. Expertise areas: women empowerment, project management, event organiser, communication and journalism

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E-mail: [email protected] Skype: Mob: 720667575

Maureen Munjua Country Coordinator A private sector development professional with almost ten years of experience in diverse work environments including; private sector, NGOs and development sector. Passionate about business brokering, partnership linkages and engagement, multi stakeholder platform facilitation and engagement, organisation of high level networking and business events, development of business concepts for and with different stakeholders and spearheading documentation and dissemination of best practices, lessons learnt and case studies through various learning platforms. Have interest into how private sector and development sector can work together and their central role in facilitating market led approaches to development. I have keen interest in youth empowerment through business and facilitating links to industry – I have been a mentor of various youth led enterprises on enterprise and sustainable business models development

Expertise areas: networking, concept development, resource mobilisation critical thinker, mentoring, business management

E-mail: [email protected] Skype: alpha3542 Tel: +254721743288

Alphaxrd Gitau Youth in Agriculture/Young Expert in the Young Expert Programme (YEP) I am passionate about youth empowerment and their role in addressing food security in a climate change affected world. With the high levels of population globally, the need for more food production is rising rapidly and this provides a very noble opportunity for young people not only to contribute to food security but also to generate income and provide employment for themselves and others. As a participant in the Young Expert Program, I am working on youth and agribusiness thematic focus at AgriProFocus Kenya with an interest on how to have more young people interested in engaging with agribusiness.

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E-mail: [email protected] Skype: dorina.prech Tel: +254 735 145307

Dorina Prech Marketing & Communications Facilitator I have 4 years of experience in communication and knowledge management, having previously worked as the Communication Assistant for a Regional Learning and Advocacy Program [REGLAP] a Consortium of international NGOs focusing on documenting the evidence base for good practices for water development, disaster risk reduction and advocacy in the drylands of the Horn of Africa. I was recently the Communication Officer for Drylands and Capacity building Initiative [DLCI], a capacity building and knowledge management organization registered in Kenya. I also have a keen interest in gender development and community voice for underrepresented minority groups including youth and women. I got my Bachelor's Degree in International Relations from United States International University - Africa in Nairobi, graduating with honors.

E-mail: [email protected] Skype: Tel:

Karen Ayebei Linking and Learning Facilitator

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E-mail: [email protected] Skype: oudoubeny Tel: (+223) 21 62 24 50 Mob: (+223) 66 79 45 76 / 76 07 79 68

Oudou Bengaly Country Coordinator Master en Economie du Développement, plus de 10 années de cumul d’expériences, d’expertises de partage et d'accompagnement acquis à travers les projets et programmes de développement & institutions financières mis au profit des acteurs et du Développement Rural intégrant les TIC à l’Agriculture pour le Développement de façon endogène et durable.

Expertise areas: Economie du Developpement, Banque, Finances rurales & Cmptabilité, TIC & Agriculture, Entrepreunariat géral & Agricole

E-mail: [email protected] Skype: ikibode3 Tel: 79 16 88 08 Mob: 44 39 67 89

Georges Djodji Akibodé Assistant Coordinator Titulaire d'un MBA spécialisé en gestion de projet et développement local en 2010 à l'Institut Africain de Management, après une maitrise en sociologie, je fus pendant trois ans chargé de Communication-Marketing de la fondation Maibiocarburant. Entrepreneur-Social,je m’occupe du management d’un espace culturel et d’une troupe artistique dénommée Afrik’Art Réveil. Expertise areas: Communication, Management de projet, et Suivi évaluation

E-mail: [email protected] Skype: Tel: alinta.geling Mob:

Alinta Geling Expert Jeunes dans l’agribusiness

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E-mail: [email protected] Skype: data.maiga Tel: 44 39 67 89 Mob: 76 06 80 74

Daoulata Maiga Assistante Plateforme-Events Titulaire d’une Maîtrise en Sciences de l'éducation avec une expérience dans l'animation et dans le domaine du suivi-évaluation des projets, J’ai pris part à plusieurs formations notamment en management de projet et en évaluation En formation continue en journalisme –Communication à l’Université Catholique d’Afrique de l’Ouest de Bamako.(UCAOB). Expertise areas: Animation, organisation FOIRE, Events , Gestion Plateforme .

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E-mail: [email protected] Skype: sandermager Tel: +31 (0)26 7600393 Mob: +31 (0)6 54700973

Sander Mager Managing Director Starting February 1, 2016 Sander Mager is the new Managing Director of AgriProFocus. Sander has a Masters Degree in Ecology from VU University Amsterdam and post-academic training in Transition Management from Erasmus University Rotterdam. He worked for all four sides of the so-called Dutch Diamond (corporate sector, government, academia and civil society). He was Vice-President and Director of the Learning Program of TransForum (a public-private innovation program on sustainable agriculture), he worked as senior strategic adviser for the Ministries of Economic and of Foreign affairs, as lecturer at VU University Amsterdam and Nyenrode Business University, and more recently as an independent consultant at Licence to Grow. Sander has senior experience with result oriented strategic management of complex multiple actor programs. Broad expertise on how innovations and agri-entrepreneurship can fundamentally and

sustainably change food systems worldwide.

E-mail: [email protected] Skype: roelsz Tel: +31 (0)26 7600 393 M: +31 (0)6 38498030

Roel Snelder Director of Programmes Has a Masters in political science particularly in international relations (north - south cooperation). Over the years he focused on various regions working with local and international organizations active in East Africa (notably Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania) and Central America. He is well versed in the use of web 2.0 tools to stimulate interactive learning among professionals.

Expertise areas: multi-stakeholder network building, design and facilitation of learning processes (communities of practice), knowledge management, programme development, M&E, strategic policy development, capacity building, agricultural entrepreneurship / private sector development, civil society strengthening, hiv-aids, gender

E-mail: [email protected] Skype: wimgorisapf Tel: + 31 (0)26 7600397 Mob: +31 (0)6 1897 2352

Wim Goris Network Facilitator Zambia, Ethiopia, Tanzania Based in Arnhem, Netherlands at the AgriProFocus support office. Has been trained in animal husbandry and worked in Brazil before dedicating myself to farmer entrepreneurship in Africa. His job now is to support networks and network coordination in Zambia, Tanzania, and Ethiopia. He has a special interest is to support network activities in livestock sectors such as dairy, poultry, pigs and extensive livestock. Expertise: Dairy, livestock, ICT 4 agri,

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E-mail: [email protected] Skype: annettevanandelAPF Tel: +31 (0)26 7600 396 Mob: +31 (0)6 15265738

Annette van Andel Network Facilitator Mali, Niger, Kenya In May 2014 Annette joined the AgriProFocus team in the Netherlands as network facilitator, working in close collaboration with the country teams in Kenya, Mali and Niger. Since 2015 she is working on Youth in Agribusiness - a burning topic in many of the focus countries and beyond. She is always looking for creative ways to make young people better aware of the great opportunities in the Agricultural sector and to support them in creating modern agribusinesses. She studied Human Geography of developing countries at the University of Amsterdam and both her masters and Ph.D. theses were on livelihood strategies in semi-arid areas in Zimbabwe and Cameroon respectively. She lived and worked for many years in several African countries: Zimbabwe, Cameroon, Benin, Ghana, Zambia Expertise areas: Youth, livelihood strategies,

E-mail: [email protected] Skype: lisette.van.benthum Tel: +31 (0)26 76 00 396 Mob: +31 (0)6 18 32 08 40

Lisette van Benthum Network Facilitator Rwanda, Indonesia, Benin Currently working as Network Facilitator for AgriProFocus Country networks in Indonesia, Rwanda and Benin. Next to that she coordinates the knowledge theme Access to Finance within the worldwide network. Previously she worked for SNV in Guinea Bissau as a Business Economic Advisor and a number of years for ICCO focusing a/o on the loans, guarantees and equity portfolio of ICCO. Just before moving to AgriProFocus she worked as a business development consultant for Fair & Sustainable Advisory Services.

Expertise areas: Access to finance,

E-mail: [email protected] Skype: Rschinkel Tel: +31 (0) 26 7600397 Mob:+31 (0)6 53964670

Rolf Schinkel Network Facilitator Uganda, DRC, Burundi To make a good change on access to local, regional and international markets farmers and their organisations have to be and operate professional. This is what I support as Network Facilitator with AgriProFocus. Working from the Netherlands I facilitate agro-business networks in Uganda, Burundi and DR Congo, so their members from national and international for-profit and non-profit organisations and companies, knowledge institutes and governmental organisations can be as effective as possible. The final objective remains food security and poverty reduction. I'm also responsible for the Organized Farmer theme within AgriProFocus. With AgriProFocus' partners CDI and KIT I work on the roll out of the 2-2-Trade method.

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E-mail : [email protected] S: nicole.metz88 T: +31 (0)26 7600 397 M: +31 (0)6 1092 3200

Nicole Metz Knowledge Facilitator Knowledge facilitator at Agri-ProFocus: responsible for the cross-country exchange on the theme Sustainable Agriculture; for the support to AgriProFocus country teams in their work with Innovation Communities; for the links between AgriProFocus country teams and key players and funding opportunities for research and innovation. Next to that, also working as Knowledge Broker at the "Food and Business Knowledge Platform" (seconded from Agri-ProFocus). Responsible for the facilitation of knowledge agendas with stakeholders from business, civil society, government, academia, on, a/o: - Fruits & Vegetables sector and its potential for Food Security - Nutrition Security

- Public-Private Partnerships for Food Security. Expertise areas: food & nutrition security, fruits & vegetable sector, PPP

E-mail: [email protected] Skype: Annemarie512 Tel: +31 (0)26 7600393 Mob: +31 (0)6 30083295

Anne Marie Kortleve Marketing & Communication Facilitator Communication Facilitator at the AgriProFocus Support Office in Arnhem. Community Manager of the AgriProFocus platform and responsible for all internal and external communication for AgriProFocus. Expertise areas: communication, social media

E-mail: [email protected] Skype: marjajapf Tel: +31 (0)26 7600 392

Marja Hennemann Management Assistant She has been a member of the dedicated and dynamic AgriProFocus support office in The Netherlands since 2006. Besides assisting the Managing Director, her other main responsibility is a smooth running Arnhem office, in close cooperation with the Office Assistant. Holds a Masters in Human Geography of Developing Countries from Utrecht University.

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E-mail: [email protected] Skype: herma.mulder88 Mob: +31 (0)6 22590105

Herma Mulder Business Relationship Manager/YEP Programme Manager

Graduated from Wageningen University with a MSc. in Tropical Landuse. She started her career in Madagascar with FAO as volunteer, quickly followed by Niger and later Rwanda with SNV, working as an advisor on agricultural value chains: livestock/pastoralism, non-timber forest products and coffee. In 2010 after four years at SNV she made the switch to private sector and was responsible for Sustainable Cocoa and Coffee for a Dutch Trade organization. Since June 2015 she works for AgriProFocus as business relationship manager and is responsible as programme manager for the Young Expert Programmes Agrofood (YEP) Expertise areas: project coordination, HR, coffee, cocoa, sustainable agriculture, CSR

E-mail: [email protected] Skype: pvbussel Tel: +31 (0)26 7600 393 Mob: +31 (0)6 4832 0824

Peter van Bussel Business Relationship Manager Supports the AgriProFocus country teams with monitoring and evaluation activities. This includes, for example; development and improvement of data collection and processing tools; building the capacity of AgriProFocus monitoring and evaluation staff at country level by providing training and technical support to collect and analyse data as well as regarding reporting of results and lessons learned. Furthermore he support the development of a financial online database For many years he lived in various countries in Africa and Asia and gained extensive experience, e.g. as project manager and consultant, in agribusiness support and supply chain development. He studied entrepreneurship at the University of Stirling Expertise areas: supply chain development, agribusiness support, M&E

E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +31 (0)26 7600 392

Hiddo Damminga Financial Officer

The first 20 years of his career he worked for the profit-sector (audit and a/o factories). After which he switched in 2015 to the non-profit sector. First in Health and now in Development Cooperation. The latter has is special interest, while he likes to dedicate his experience and abilities in supporting people in developing countries. And AgriProFocus empowers professional farmer entrepreneurship in these countries. So the two come together!! His goal is to collaborate with everyone as efficient and effective as possible!!

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E-mail: [email protected] Skype: cmvandermolen Tel: +31 (0)26 7600 392 Mob: +31 (0)6 1046 9092

Caroline van der Molen Junior Network Facilitator Graduated from the University of Utrecht with a MA in International Relations. After living and working is Brazil, she started working for AgriProFocus in 2014 as Office Assistant. She now works as Junior Network Facilitator with the knowledge themes Access to Finance, Gender and Organized Farmers.

E-mail: [email protected] Skype: janineschoeman Tel: +31 (0)26 7600 392 Mob: +31 (0)6

Janine Schoeman Executive & Communications Assistant I have started May 2016 as Executive & Communications assistant at the AgriProFocus Support Office in The Netherlands. My job is to provide you with the information needed for this platform and assist Anne Marie Kortleve with all marketing and communication tasks. Besides this I assist Roel Snelder and Sander Mager in the role of executive assistant.

E-mail: [email protected] Skype: knowledge4food Tel: +31 (0)70 3043 754 Mob: +31 (0)6 215 550 22

Frans Verberne Director - F&BKP Frans Verberne is leading the Office team which facilitates the Food & Business Knowledge Platform. Frans graduated from Wageningen UR and has been working for nearly 30 years on sustainable development in different sectors such as rural development and agriculture. His focus was on development and evaluation of strategies, policy and programmes and on organizational and institutional change. He likes to deal with complex change processes in cooperation with multiple stakeholders. From 2002-2012, Frans was managing director of ETC Foundation, a Dutch based NGO / knowledge organization working on agriculture, access to energy and health in developing countries and the Netherlands. ETC is a facilitator of several unique international thematic partnerships. Frans worked for 10 years with Environmental Resources Management, an international consultancy. He started his career with IESA (Institute for Environment and System Analysis), worked on research and policy analysis and advised industry on environmental management.

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E-mail: [email protected] Skype: knowledge4food Tel: +31 (0)70 3043 754 Mob: +31 (0)6 275 460 19

Ine Martens Office Manager - F&BKP Ine Martens generally supports the team in the day-to-day running of the F&BKP Office and is the content manager of the website. Ine has a Master in Translation from the Sub-Faculty Language & Communication of Lessius Antwerp. She worked for several years as a legal secretary in an international law-firm in Brussels, before moving back to Holland in 1998. In Amsterdam she worked as Office Manager and Personal Assistant for an Internet start-up. In 2004 she passed the exams for her Bachelor’s degree in General Marketing & Communications and started working at the Marketing department of a leading provider of market data technology. End of 2005, Ine decided to do full-time volunteer work in developing countries with children in need. The first two years she was the Project and Volunteer Coordinator for a Dutch NGO in Peru. Since November 2007 she is closely involved with the Dutch foundation DCF and has set up two projects for underprivileged children and families in Ecuador and Nepal. After eight years, Ine moved back to the Netherlands where she was hired by Agri-ProFocus to work for the F&BKP Office in The Hague.

E-mail: [email protected] Skype: knowledge4food Tel: +31 (0)70 3043 754 Mob: +31 (0)6 464 587 94

Nynke Humalda Junior Knowledge Broker - F&BKP Nynke Humalda is the content manager of the F&BKP Knowledge Portal. She also works as Junior Knowledge Broker for the Platform. Nynke is currently enrolled in the Advanced Master in International Development (AMID) programme at the Radboud University Nijmegen. She works 4 days a week for the Platform and attends lectures one day a week. She completed a Research Master in International Development Studies at the University of Amsterdam and a Bachelor International Relations at the University of Groningen. During her master thesis she worked on the subject of conservation-development trade-offs related to road construction in the Peruvian Amazon region.

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E-mail: [email protected] Skype: ragazibo Tel: +227 20753633 Mob: +227 96261205

Rakiatou Gazibo Country Coordinator Graduated a MSc Degree Agricultural Development and Food Technology at the University of Amiens, Rakiatou has 13 years of experience in Agriculture and Entrepreneurship in the Sahel . Between 2010 and 2013 she was the Country Coordinator of the AgriProFocus network promoting rural entrepreneurship and linking climate smart agriculture with entrepreneurs, governments, NGOs and financers. In 2015 she became Managing Director of Partners for Innovation Nigerl (PfI), leading the PfI’s work on agricultural innovations and entrepreneurial agroforestry in Niger, and supports the PfI teams doing similar work in Mali, Nigeria and Senegal. In 2015 she took up again the AgriProFocus country coordinator position. Expertise areas: coordination, project management, sustainable agriculture, climate smart agriculture, economic development / value chain development, gender and youth mobilization, stakeholder interaction.

E-mail: [email protected] Skype: zeinabou.hamani4 Tel: +227 20753633 Mob: +227 96514378

Zeinabou Hamani Country Network Assistant Titulaire d’un certificat de Maitrise en sociologie de l’université Abdou Moumouni de Niamey, ce diplôme m’a permis de mener plusieurs activités dans le domaine de la recherche et du développement local pour une sécurité alimentaire durable dans le cadre de la résilience des communautés rurales (Baseline, suivi-évaluation, post distribution monitoring and endline), capitalisation de projet et programme. Domaines d’expertise : suivi et évaluation, communication, gestion, administrative et financière, gestion de projet, animation plateforme en ligne.

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E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +250788858704

Sajji Ryankunze Country Coordinator Sajji has been working with World Vision Rwanda in economic development projects, helping small holder farmers and entrepreneurs to produce for markets and by linking them with different markets in order to improve their income.

E-mail: [email protected] Skype: anamka1 Mob: +250788561450

Anatole Majyambere Business Development & Network Assistant Anatole Holds a Master’s degree in Management of Development, specializing in Rural Development and Food Security; has a degree in food science and technology and he is Certified entrepreneur Trainer and Consultant with the Regent University international network of Business Development Centers. Has over five years of working experience in academics, business development and entrepreneurship, as well as international NGOs. He has strong experience in business development and entrepreneurship obtained throughout six years working as a trainer of entrepreneurship for the Rwanda Business Development Center, a center of Regent University. He has trained 100 young entrepreneurs in the five provinces of Rwanda and has contributed to the training of over 300 entrepreneurs by BDC Rwanda. As an owner of an IT company, he pocess a good understanding of both the business and IT environment.

E-mail: [email protected] Skype: muyiramye.didier Tel: Mob: +2507222742

Didier Muyiramye Country Network Assistant Didier holds a Bachelor's of Science in Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness. He joined AgriProFocus in July 2013. Responsible of operating the online platform, assisting the network partners in their initiatives to develop their businesses, facilitating Innovation Communities active under the AgriProFocus Network umbrella and ensuring a successful organisation of the network activities (events & workshops). Expertise areas: Agribusiness, Value Chain Development, Organic Certification, Entrepreneurship, Youth in Agriculture, ICT4Ag,

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Communication, Event Management, Online Marketing, Social Media


E-mail: [email protected] Skype: Tel: 255754481802 Mob:

Tom Ole Sikar Country Coordinator Country coordinator APF Tanzania. Hold MA in regional and rural development from Madras University India. Previous working experience include working with various private companies, government planning department and economic development in several local and international NGOs in Tanzania. Passion and enjoy engagement in pastoralism and dairy development as well as youth and women enterprises development in Tanzania. Expertise areas: Strategic planning, Agriculture value chains development, Business development services, MSP learning facilitations, partnerships development, proposal development and project management.

E-mail: [email protected] Skype: katarina.mungure Tel: +255 27 2543179 Mob: +255 688 020 510

Katarina Mungure Business and Partnership Advisor Katarina holds a Master’s degree in Economics majoring in project planning and management, she joined AgriProFocus in March 2013. Katarina’s career includes work in areas of Farmer entrepreneurship for food security through facilitating multistakeholder processes such as setting up and facilitating innovation communities and other multi-stakeholder platforms to co-create solutions for shared problems across organisations, she is also actively involved in brokering agri-business deals and partnerships as well as facilitating knowledge exchange and learning among agricultural professionals, knowledge institutes, research bodies, NGOs and agribusiness companies. Expertise areas: Agribusiness support, Research, Project planning and management, logistics

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E-mail: [email protected] Skype: okoth-hilda Tel: +255 27 2543179 Mob: +255 786 748 156

Hilda Okoth Country Network Assistant Hilda Okoth is a holder of Agribusiness Management from Makerere University, Uganda. She has more than 5 years’ experience working in agriculture related projects in Tanzania working in access to inputs projects. As a Country Network Assistant for AgriProFocus Tanzania, Hilda is responsible for network development and coordination, facilitating and moderating the AgriProFocus Tanzania online platform, support to the coordination team among others. Expertise areas: Communication, Access to inputs

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E-mail: [email protected] Skype: smwlucy Tel: +256 752 210 738 Mob: +256 701 180 515

Lucy Asiimwe Twinamasiko Country Coordinator Holds a bachelor's degree in Development studies. Expertise areas: business development, multi stakeholder management, capacity building, communications and social media management

E-mail: [email protected]

Skype: sbyensi Tel: +256782551473

Sylvia Natukunda- Mwesigwa Agribusiness linkage facilitator I hold a Masters degree in Agribusiness Management and I have over 10 years of experience working as an agribusiness consultant for several projects and organisations. Key among these is my previous work as the National Agribusiness Consultant for the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), and SNV. My expertise stems from my training at EARTH University where I attained a Bachelor of Science Degree in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management. I love networking, finding practical solutions to challenges facing farmers and I am passionate about agribusiness. Expertise areas: Agribusiness, B2B matchmaking, BDS, Multi-stakeholder platforms, Networking, capacity building, events coordination and strategy development.

E-mail: [email protected] Skype: richard.mugisha36 Tel: +256 752 960 057

Richard Mugisha Linking & Learning Holds a degree (Hons) in Business Administration majoring in Management and has experience in facilitating networks, policy advocacy and gender in value chain development

Expertise areas: Sustainable Agriculture, Farmer Entrepreneurship, Food Security related work, Policy and advocacy, Gender Value Chain Development

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E-mail: [email protected] Skype: alyek1 Tel: +256 759 583 943 Mob: +256 706 580 997

Marion Alyek Administrative Network Assistant Holds a bachelor’s degree in community psychology. Joined AgriProFocus in 2013 as an on call administrative assistant. In 2014 she joined the Uganda team as the office facilitator and ensures the smooth running of the office. Expertise areas: Administration, communication, social media and basic finance

E-mail: [email protected] Skype: olanya.jacob Tel: Mob:

Jacob Olanya Communications and Marketing Facilitator Holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer science from Makerere University. He has been coordinating a projects on sustainability of the District Business Information Centres (DBICs) with UNIDO where he coordinated project of sustainability using ICT.

E-mail: [email protected] Skype: Tel: +256 772 622040 Mob:

Sam Wananda Events Manager

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Disclaimer: Associate members of the Uganda Coordination team

E-mail: [email protected] Skype: miriam.kyomtalimye Tel: 0414 323 505 Mob: +256772 304 427

Miriam Kyotalimye National Gender Coach Expertise areas: Capacity strengthening on gender and inclusion in value chain development

E-mail: [email protected] Skype: Tel: Mob: +256772 864 004

Pamela Reynolds National Gender Coach Expertise areas: Capacity strengthening on gender and inclusion in value chain development

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E-mail: [email protected] Skype: clairevdk Tel: Mob:

Claire van der Kleij Country Coordinator Claire van der Kleij is the Country Coordinator based in Lusaka, Zambia. She is responsible for the overall coordination of the network including generation of market intelligence, business linkages and partnership development. She has an expertise in value chain development, inclusive business, capacity building, good governance, partnership building. She graduated with a Master’s degree in International Relations in the Netherlands.

Expertise areas: value chain development, capacity building, partnership development, good governance,

E-mail: [email protected] Skype: Tel: Mob:

Chali Nyirenda Business and Partnership Coordinator Chali is the Business and Partnership Coordinator for AgriProFocus Zambia. Expertise areas: Relationship Management, Marketing, Partnership Development, Agriculture.

E-mail: [email protected] Skype: Tel: 211255174

Nosiku Siyumbwa Communications Officer

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E-mail: [email protected] Skype: Tel:

Maumo Mubila Learning Coordinator