The 6 p’s of real estate marketing by Alpine Housing

Proven Real Estate Marketing Success Strategies

Transcript of The 6 p’s of real estate marketing by Alpine Housing

Page 1: The 6 p’s of real estate marketing by Alpine Housing

Proven Real Estate Marketing

Success Strategies

Page 2: The 6 p’s of real estate marketing by Alpine Housing

We strongly suggest applying the 6P’s to all real estate agents in any market. Marketing in a way that is different from your competitors is the main factor in obtaining sales. We can’t tell you how many real estate agents lose a sale to another salesperson that does exactly the same marketing as they do. If you keep doing the same real estate marketing techniques over and over again you’re going to get the same results. So what are the 6P’s of Real Estate Marketing?

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Make sure the sellers know how enthused you are about selling their home. Enthusiasm is contagious and they will be more inclined to accept your recommendations if you have positive attitude. It is important to remember that almost every person is attracted to people who emanate confidence, optimism, and sincerity. This will play a major part in attracting new business relationships

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There are various ways to promote listings and increase real estate sales. Most likely marketing is done between those people who come under sphere of influence (SOI). Sphere of influence includes, but is not limited to, current and past clients, organizations, other agents, brokers, and network groups, the MLS, etc. Another effective promotional tool is using a Pre-Listing Package.

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As a real estate professional, you should

do hard for perfection in all aspects of the

home buying and selling process. We

know that nothing is perfect but we should

do our best to make sure that the client

receives quality and unparalleled service.

Holding yourself to high standards and

possessing integrity can make a difference

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Provide all your sellers with information on

how to prepare their home, common seller

mistakes, and the home selling process.

By doing so you are being pro-active while

saving time on the many questions your

client will ask in regard the processes.

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Explain to the client where your listing price sits in comparison to other similar properties. You want to give all sellers a comparative market analysis so that they will have the facts as to why you came up with the figure you have. If you are not providing clients with one you need to do so. The Comparative Market Analysis(CMA) compares a property to other similar homes in the neighborhood that are currently on the market or sold in the last six months. This will allow you to determine the best listing price for the best listing price for their home.

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Pre- Listing Package does all the selling for you and literally compels the client to choose you over other agents. The Pre- Listing Package is a great real estate marketing tool used to get clients excited about you and your company before the first appointment. You will not only differentiate yourself, but you will obtain more listings, sales and referrals. Approach all of your real estate endeavors with 6P’s of Real Estate Marketing and watch your business grow exponentially.

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Boost your sales and listings

List 90% of all appointments

Cut listing presentation time in half.

Establish credibility and rapport with a

client before you ever meet.

Show potential clients that you are

competent and professional.

Eliminate listing presentation anxiety and


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