TH ANNUAL DEVOLUTION CONFERENCE · Kamar, EGH,MP 1. Governor Hon. Prof. Anyang’ Nyong’o, EGH...

Page 1 of 13 6 TH ANNUAL DEVOLUTION CONFERENCE THEME: Deliver. Transform. Measure. Remaining Accountable MARCH 4 TH TO 8 TH , 2019 VENUE: KIRINYAGA UNIVERSITY, KIRINYAGA COUNTY PROGRAMME Conference Facilitators: Prof Karuti Kanyinga Prof Patricia Mbote

Transcript of TH ANNUAL DEVOLUTION CONFERENCE · Kamar, EGH,MP 1. Governor Hon. Prof. Anyang’ Nyong’o, EGH...

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THEME: Deliver. Transform. Measure. Remaining Accountable

MARCH 4TH TO 8TH, 2019



Conference Facilitators: Prof Karuti Kanyinga

Prof Patricia Mbote

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Monday, 4th March 2019

Time Session

7.30am – 6.00pm Arrival and Registration at Gitwe Primary School Conference Secretariat

2.00 pm-4.00pm Pre-conference – to be done concurrently as per the team list Football Tug of war Field Visit to the Counties in the Mt. Kenya and Aberdares Region

in line with the Big Four (Kirinyaga County)

DAY 1 – Tuesday, 5th March 2019

Time Session Facilitator

8.00 am- 12.00 pm Opening Ceremony Remarks by the representative from Oru Fogar

Mr. Mostafa Slisli Remarks by the Chair of Devolution Donor Working Group

H.E. Nic Hailey, UK High Commissioner to Kenya

Remarks by the Platinum Sponsor TBC

Remarks by the Chair, County Assemblies Forum

Hon. Johnson Osoi

Sen. Irungu Kang’ata

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Remarks by Host Senator

Sen. Charles Kibiru

Remarks by Minority Leader, Senate Sen. Hon. Sc. James Orengo ,EGH,MP

Remarks by Majority Leader, Senate

Sen. Hon. Kipchumba Murkomen ,EGH,MP Remarks by the Speaker of the National Assembly

Hon. Justin Muturi, EGH Arrival of H.E. Hon President Uhuru Kenyatta, CGH and the Invited President Tree Planting and Tour of Exhibitions

Playing of the National Anthem

Opening Prayers

Welcoming Remarks by Host Governor and recognition of local leaders Governor Anne Waiguru, OGW, EGH

Status on action points from the 5th Annual Devolution

Conference and Introduction of the Devolution Conference Steering Committee.

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Governor Mwangi Wa Iria, Vice Chair ,Council of Governors and Chair, Steering Committee for the 6th Annual Devolution Conference

Devolution conference documentary

Presentation of children’s conference communique- two

identified children, male & female.

Remarks by the Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Devolution

and ASAL Hon. Eugene Wamalwa, EGH

Remarks by the Speaker of the Senate

Rt. Hon. Sen. Kenneth Lusaka, EGH,MP Remarks by Chairperson, Council of Governors and

recognition of the invited guest Governor Hon. FCPA Wycliffe Ambetsa Oparanya,

EGH, CGJ Official Opening H.E. Uhuru Kenyatta, CGH, President of the Republic of Kenya and Commander in Chief of the Kenya Defense Forces. Launch of the:-

Legal Audit

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Presidential Group Photo

1.00 pm – 2.00 pm: Lunch Break

Sub-theme 1: Big Four Agenda- County practical experiences and progress in the implementation of the Big Four Agenda Objective: To assess the progress of implementation, showcase best practice and strategic intervention areas required for the effective implementation of the “Big Four Agenda.”

Time Speaker/Moderator Panelists

2.00 pm – 3.00 pm

Moderator Senator Prof. Margaret Kamar, EGH,MP

1. Governor Hon. Prof. Anyang’ Nyong’o, EGH Governor, Kisumu County

2. Governor Mutahi Kahiga Governor, Nyeri County

3. Governor Mohammed Kuti

Chair, CoG Health Committee

4. Governor Dr. Alfred Mutua, EGH Governor, Machakos County

5. Ms. Sicily K. Kariuki (Mrs.), EGH, MBS, CBS Cabinet Secretary

6. Dr. Amit Thaker

Chair, Kenya Health Federation

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3.15pm-5.15pm Session 1 of Sector Breakouts: Agriculture; Health; Affordable Housing; Trade & Manufacturing; and Water Guiding sub-theme: Progress and status of the implementation of the Big Four Agenda

DAY 2– Wednesday, 6th March 2019

8.00 am – 8.30 am

Sector breakouts recap - 3 key issues per sector breakout done by overall facilitator) (Agriculture; Health; Affordable Housing; Trade & Manufacturing; and Water)

Sub-theme 2: Creating an enabling environment for the successful implementation of the Big Four Agenda- Cross sectoral approach Objective: To deliberate on the key practical factors that if adopted will create a cross sectoral enabling environment for the successful implementation of the Big Four Agenda by both levels of governments.

Time Speaker/Moderator Panelists

8:30 am-10:30 am

Moderator: Prof. Peter Wanyande Department of Political Science, University of Nairobi

1. Governor James E.O. Ongwae, CBS, EBS, OGW Chair, CoG Human Resource, Labour and Social Welfare Committee

2. Dr. Fred Matiang’i, EGH, PhD

Chair, National Government Development Coordination Committee and Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Interior and National Government Coordination

3. Hon. Eugene Wamalwa, EGH

Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Devolution & ASAL

4. Mr. Hosea Kili, OGW Chief Executive Officer, County Pension Fund (CPF)

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5. Prof. Karega Mutahi, CBS

Chair, Intergovernmental Relations Technical Committee (IGRTC)

6. Mr. Eric Odipo Managing Director, Multi-Choice Kenya

Sub-theme 3: Good Governance and Accountability Objective: To deliberate on how to strengthen institutions and systems in the promotion of transparency accountability in service delivery at both levels of government

Time Speaker/Moderator Panelists

10.30 am- 11.30am

Moderator: Deputy Governor John Mwaniki Chair, Deputy Governors Forum

1. Governor Hon. Amason Kingi, EGH

Chair, CoG Legal Affairs and Human Rights Committee

2. Sen. Mutula Kilonzo Jnr. Senator, Makueni County

3. Hon. Ndegwa Wahome

Speaker, Nyandarua County

4. Mr. Noordin Harji Director of Public Prosecution

5. FCPA. Edward R. O. Ouko, CBS


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6. FCPA Agnes Odhiambo, CBS Controller of Budget and Chair, Constitutional Commissions Forum

7. Ms. Florence Kajuju

Chair, Commission on Administrative Justice (CAJ )

8. Ms. Wanjiru Gikonyo National Coordinator, The Institute for Social Accountability (TISA)

11.30am – 11.50 am


Sub-theme 4: National discourse on Constitutional change within the devolution context Objective: To deliberate on possible areas of constitutional amendment that will strengthen devolution.

Time Speaker/Moderator Panelists

12.10am-1.40pm Moderator: Mr. George Kegoro Executive Director, Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC)

1. Governor Hon. Kiraitu Murungi, EGH

Governor, Meru County

2. Senator Prof. Kindiki Kithure Deputy Speaker, Senate

3. Hon. Jeremiah Kioni Chair, Constitution Implementation Oversight Committee of the National Assembly (CIOC)

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4. Hon. Johnson Osoi Chair, County Assemblies Forum

5. Ms. Carol Kariuki, HSC, MBS

Chief Executive Officer, Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA)

6. Ms. Diana Sifuna Chairperson, Youth Agenda

1.40 pm – 2.30 pm: Lunch Break

2.30pm- 5.00pm Session 2 of Sector Breakouts: Agriculture; Health; Affordable Housing; Trade & Manufacturing; and Water Guiding sub-theme: Enablers for the implementation of the Big Four Agenda


DAY 3- Thursday, 7th March 2019

8.30am-8.45am Sector breakouts recap - 3 key issues per sector breakout( Recap done by sector facilitators) ( Agriculture; Health; Affordable Housing; Trade & Manufacturing; and Water)

Sub-theme 5: Financing of the Big Four Objective: a. To discuss the resource mobilization strategies that the National Government has put in place to finance the “Big four”. b. To discuss how County Governments can adequately be financed to support the implementation of the “Big four” considering

the functions are fully devolved.

Time Speaker/ Moderator Panelists

8.45am-10.30am Moderator: 1. Governor Wycliffe Wangamati

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Mr. Kwame Owino Executive Director, Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA)

Chair, Finance, Commerce, Economic Affairs & ICT Committee

2. Mr. Henry Rotich, EGH

Cabinet Secretary, National Treasury & Planning 3. Senator Muhamud Mohamed

Chair, Senate Finance & Budget Committee

4. Hon. Kimani Ichungwa Chair, National Assembly Budget & Appropriation Committee

5. FCPA Agnes Odhiambo, CBS

Controller of Budget

6. Dr. Jane Kiringai Chairperson, Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA)

7. Mr. David Omwoyo

Chief Executive Officer, Media Council of Kenya

10.30am- 12.00pm Session 3 of Sector Breakouts: Agriculture; Health; Affordable Housing; Trade & Manufacturing; and Water Guiding sub-theme: Target-setting

Sub-theme 6: Entrenching the role of citizens in the devolution space

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Objective: To assess the role of citizens including children as ambassadors of devolution

12.15pm- 1.00pm Moderator: Sen. Isaac Mwaura, 5 citizen representatives from across the country

Sub-theme 7: Entrenching County Regional Economic Blocs Objective: To discuss how to effectively operationalize County Regional Economic Blocs

Time Speaker/Moderator Panelists

1.00pm-2.40pm Presentation: Status report on County Regional Blocs Moderator: Mr. Joash Dache, MBS Chief Executive Officer, Kenya Law Reform Commission (KLRC)

1. Hon. Eugene Wamalwa, EGH

Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Devolution & ASAL

2. Senator Moses Kajwang’ Senator, Homa Bay County

3. Hon. Joshua Kiptoo Speaker, Nandi County

4. Mr. Mark Meassick Mission Director, USAID-Kenya and East Africa

Session Discussants after Main Plenary 1. Governor Jackson Mandago, EGH

Chair, North Rift Economic Bloc (NOREB)

2. Governor Dr. Joyce Laboso, EGH Vice- Chair, Lake Region Economic Bloc (LREB)

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3. His Grace Arch. Bishop Timothy Ndambuki Chair, South Eastern Kenya Economic Bloc (SEKEB)

4. Governor Francis Kimemia

Chair, Central Kenya Economic Bloc (CEKEB)

5. Governor Cpt. Ali Roba Chair, Frontier Counties Development Council (FCDC)

6. Governor Hassan Joho, EGH

Vice- Chair, Jumuia Ya Kaunti Za Pwani

7. Governor Joseph Ole Lenku Chair, Narok and Kajiado Economic Bloc (NAKAEB)

Closing Ceremony

2.45 pm Presentation of the Joint Communique by Governor Mwangi Wa Iria, Chair, Steering Committee of the 6th Annual Devolution Conference

Closing Ceremony Vote of thanks by the Whip, Council of Governors

Governor Prof. Kivutha Kibwana, EGH

Remarks by Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Devolution and ASAL Hon. Eugene Wamalwa, EGH

Remarks by the Speaker of the Senate

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Rt. Hon. Sen. Kenneth Lusaka, EGH,MP

Remarks and Invitation of the Deputy President by the Chair, Council of Governors Governor Hon. FCPA Wycliffe Ambetsa Oparanya, EGH, CGJ

Official Closing and unveiling of the Venue for the 7th Annual Devolution Conference by H.E. Dr. William Samoei Ruto, EGH, Deputy President of the Republic of Kenya Presentation of gift to H.E. the Deputy President of the Republic of Kenya

3.30 pm- Late Lunch

DAY 5- Friday, 8th March 2019 Departure