Tf SfTW puiii I

-- ' T Tf wr r SfTW puiii 3tf I Ultlt VOL. V. NO. 721. HONOLULU, II. I., MONDAY, MAY 8, 18!):5. PRICK 5 CENTS. x THE DAILY BULLETIN riUNTED AND PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY BY THE Daily Bulletin Publishing Co., L'd., AT THE OFFICE, Morcnant St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. SUBSCRIPTION Six Dollars a Ykaiu Delivered in Honolulu at Fifty Oksts a Month, in advance. THE WEEKLY BULLETIN IS PUBLISHED At Foun Dollars a Year to Domestic, ami Five Dollars to Foreign Subscribers. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING DONE IN SUPERIOR STYLE. 250 - BOTH TELEPHONES g- - 250 tM- - P. 0. BOX 89. Address letters lor the paper "Editor Bulletin," and business letters " Manager Bulletin Publishing Company." Using a personal address may causo delay in at- tention. DANIEL LOGAN, - Editor and Manager. Business Cards. LEWEBS & COOKE, ImPORTERS AND DEALERS IN LUMBER AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIALS. Fort Street, Honolulu. H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS, Importers and Commission Merchants. Fort Street, Honolulu. H. HACKFELD & CO. General Commission Aoentb. Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu. G. W. MACFABIiANE & CO., Importers and Commission Merchants. Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu. JNO. S. SMITHIES, Auctioneer and General Business Agent. Mahukona, Kohala, Hawaii. WENNEB & CO., Manufacturing and Importing Jewelers. 92 Fort Street, Honolulu. W. H. STONE, .A.O QOTJTsrr.AJspr. P. O. Box 17. THOS. LINDSAY, Manufaoturino Jeweler and Watcii- - fvukui Jewelry Sllecialtv. Pnrtlnnlnr attention paid to all kinds of repairs. Mclncrny Block, Fort Street ATLAS ASSURANCE CO. OF LONDON. H. W. Schmidt & Sons, A.QENT FOR THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. HONOLULU IRON WORKS, Steam Enoineh, Suoar Mills, Boilers, Coolers. Iron, Brass, and Lead Oabtinos. Machinery of Every Description Made to Order. Particular attention paid to Ships' Blacksmithiiig. Job Work oxecuted at Short Notice. O. B. RIPLEY, AROHITHOT, Complete plans uml specifications for every description or building. Contracts drawn and careful superintendence of con- struction tflvun when required, Cull and examine plans. Now designs. Modern buildings. Ollloo, Uoomfl.Kpreckels' Block. Mutual Tel. wa. Daily ilulletin, 50 cent u month, delivtred free, U. 8. Moons, Supt. W. II. Taylor, 1'rcs. Risk Iron Works, San Francisco, BUILDERS OF - - Cal. Improved Sugar Machinery BOILERS & ENGINES. Pumping Machinery For Irrigating and Water Works purposes of any capacity. Wrought Iron & Steel Water Pipe & Filming DAVIDSON FXJ3WIFS, MATHF.SON LOCK-JOIN-T PIPE, HEINE SAFETY BOILER, Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. C& For further particulars and cata- logues, address K,isc3.oxx Iron. Works, San Francisco, California. THE HAWAII HOLOMUA DAILY AND WEEKLY Hawaiian Newspapers ARK THE Loading Journals in the Kingdom. The "Daily Hawaii Holomua," Has tho Largest Circulation on the Islands anu is ine isest .Memum lor Advertising. Mr. Tnos. K. Nathaniel will rccuive all advertisements and transact all busines.i matters. 3SF" Offick: "Bronig Block," corner Nuuanu and Queen street (upstairs). 51(i-- tf BEAYER SALOON, The Best Lunch in Town. gi Tea, a-n- Ooffe AT all nouns. THE FINEST BRANDS OF Cigars and Tobacco ALWAYS ON HAND. K. J. HSTOIjTEi. 3Proi3. PALO ALTO STABLES, 3SO O'lfarrell St. Two Blocks from Baldwin Hotol, S. F., Cal. BEG TO ANNOUNCE TO MY OLD I friends and patrons in the Islands that I havo purchased tho above Stables and intend to maintain its namesake "Second to None" lstolass. Livery Outlltsof every description also on hand. For sale: Matched Spans, Uoad and Draft Horses guaranteed as represented. Correspondence invited. K. it. MILES, ffl.'i-- tf Proprietor. METROPOLITAN MEAT CO., Q. J. 81 KING ST. Wholesale and Retail Butchers AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. Waller, Manager. CHAS. T. Notary Public for the Island of Oabu. Agent to take Acknowledgements to La- bor Contracts. Agent to grant Marriage Licenses, Hono- lulu, Oahti. Agent for the Hawaiian Islands of Pitt A Heott's Freight and Parcel Express, Agent for the Burlington Itoutu. HEAL ESTATE HltOKEIl a Nit UKNEKAL AGENT, JIki.1.31- 8- TELEPHONE -- Mutual km P.O.Box as Mercliaut t. -- OI'flCK- Hoiiolulu, It, 1. I Oceanic Steamship Co. Australian Mail Service, For San Francisco : The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship "ALAMEDA" Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company will bo due at Honolulu from Sydney and Auck- land on or about June 1st, And will leave for tho above port with Mails and Passengers on or about that date. For Sydney and Auckland: The New and Fino Al Steel Steamship "MONOWAI" Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company will l)o duo at Honolulu, from San Francisco, on or about June 1st, And will havo prompt despatch Mails and Passengers for the above ports, Tho undersigned are now prepared to issue THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN THE UNITED STATES. fXF For further particulars regarding freight or Passage apply to WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd., Ha S. S. Arrire Honolulu from S. F. May 17 Juno 14 July 12 Aug. 9 Sept. G Oct. 4 From San Francisco for Sydney. with General Agents. Oceanic Steamship Co. Time Talole. LOCAL LINE. AUSTRALIA. Leave Honolulu for S. F. May '21 June 21 July 1!) Aug. 10 Sept. 13 Out. 11 Nov. 1 Nov. 8 THROUGH LINE. From Sydney for San Francisco. Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu. MONOWAI, June 1 ALAMEDA, June 1 4L.LJJ1J.UC..I.MI, JUIieztl JlAKll'USA.JUIlUlSJ MARIPOSA, July 27 MONOWAI, July 27 MpNOWAl, Aug. 21 ALAMEDA Aug. 21 ALAMEDA, Sept. 21 MAIUPOSA.Sept.21 MAUIPOSA, Oct. 19 MONOWAI, Oct. 1!J MONOWAI, Nov. 11! ALAMEDA Nov. 1(1 TO PLANT LOVERS ! fesfc rpiIE UNDERSIGNED DESIRES TO X. IlOtifV tllO llllblie that llfi is to Propagate any kind of Tree, Shrub or Bush hy Grafting, Budding, Ringing, or other methods. No imvimmts will )n . mured until they aro well rooted, which will take from six weeks to six months, ac- cording to its genus. Now is tho time for ladies to make presents whother exotics or natives, to her friends. I will also under- take to eradicate all insects that prey upon or suck tho sap from trees and other vege- tables, which can bo expelled from 50 to 00 hours; no cure no pay. lOgr- - The Coll'ec and Orange family a specialty. Address W. L B53-l- Bulletin Olllce. c. j. McCarthy, Real Estate & Collection Agency AGENT FOB Cincinnati Safe & Lock Go. 35 Merchant St., : Cummins Block. EDWIN A. JONES Has openeu an oflieo for transacting all business in connection with Trusts, Purcliaso and Salo of Bonds, Stock and Real Estate, And is prepared to Audit Accounts. Olllce: No. lii Merchant street, otlice lately occupied by the Into Jonu, Austin. P. O, Box ft5. It can be proved Any day That tho Daily Bulletin lias the Largest Circulation 01' any paper Jn Honolulu. 'JitlHJnC'SK IMun Stick a Vm Dar. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY THE FAMOUS TOURIST ROUTE OF THE WOItT.T). TIckots Issuod to ALL POINTS in tho UNITED STATES and CANADA, vln Portland, Tacoma, Soaltlo, Victoria and Vancouver. .00 Second Class $ First Class $ 0.00 -- - LUSH THAN BY OTHER LINES ... " MOUNTAIN RESORTS: Banff, Glacier, Mount Stephen, Fraser Canon, Etc. "Empress" Line of Steamers from Vancouver. Tickets to All Points In Japan, China, India. AROUND TOE WORLD PER 0. P. R. FOR S610. M. M. STERN, Dist. Freight & Vasm. Agent, 018 Market street, San KruncKuo, Cal. PaciQcMailS.S.Co. Daily Bulleti AND THE Occidental and Oriental S. S. Co. For YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG. Steamers of tho altera Companies will call at Honolulu on their way to tho ultoru ports on or about tho following dates: Stmr "BKLtUC" . . Stmr "CHINA" Stmr "OCEANIC".. Stmr "CHINA" Stmr "OCEANIC".. Stmr "CHINA".. Mav 11, lfc! July!), Aug. 7, 18! Sept. IS, lKt Oct. 1(1. lb!KJ Nov. 27, IsiU Stmr "OCEANIC" Dec. 2.i, 160.1 Stmr "CHINA" Feb. 5, 1SIU Stmr "OCEANIC" March fi, IS) I Stmr "CHINA" April lfi, 1M)1 For SAN FRANCISCO. Steamers of the above Companies will call at Honolulu on their way from Hong- kong and Yokohama to the above port on or about the following dates: Stmr "OCEANIC" Mav 7, lb93 Stmr "GAELIC" May 29, lMj:s Stmr "CITY OF PEKING" June (j, lNtt Stmr "CHINA" fune 19, IN).; Stmr "BELGIO" fiine 27, Stmr "PERU" Iiilv 7, IsOli Stmr "OCEANIC" lulv 17, 1M1 Stmr "CITY OF ItlODE.' AN'El 'it)" July 25, I MM Stmr "GAELIC" Aug. (i, Ju Stmr "CITY OF PEKING" Aug. lf, ISH'5 Stmr "OCEANIC" Sept. 2.'i, 1MW Stmr "CHINA" Nov. (1, Is!M Stmr "OCEANIC" Dec. 1, ls:i Stmr "CITY OF PEKING" lun. 2, lslll Stmr "OCEANIC" Fob. 12. IMll Stmr "CHINA" March 2(i, IMll Stmr "GAELIC" Mav 11, 1W)1 RATES OF PASSAGE ARE AS FOLLOWS: TO toko- - TO KONti. Cabin l.r)0 00 $175 00 Cabin, round trip 4 months 225 00 202 Cabin, round trip 12 months 202 310 25 European Steerage... 85 (X) 1 00 00 TXy- - Passengers paying full fare will be allowed 10 purcunt oil' return faro if return- ing within twelve months. ISF" For Freight and Passage apply to H. HACKFELD & CO., ai7tf Agonts. litter's Steamship Co. v, TIME TABLE. C. Wii.dkr, Pres. S. I!. Hose, Sec. Cait. J. A. Kino, Port Supt. Stmr. KINATJ, CLARKE. Commander, Will leave Honolulu at 2 r. m touching at Liihaina, Maalaca Hay and .Makciia the same day; Mahukona, Ivawailiiiii and tho following day, arriving at Hilo ut midnight. Returning leaves Hilo, touching at same day; Kawaihae a. m.; 10 a. m.; Makeua I f. M.; Maalaca Bay ii m.j Luhiiina H v. m. the following day; arriving at Honolulu 0 a. m. Wednes- days uml Suturduys. tM No Freight will ho received after 12 noon on day of sailing. Stmr. CL AUDINE, ' DAVIES, Commandor, Will leave Honolulu every Tiinsilnv at 5 v. M,, toiichiiig at Kaliuliil, Huelo, liana, Hiiuiou mid hipalmlu. HotiirnliiK will urrlvout Honolulu uvury Hiindiiy morning. Xo Frclcht will be received after I i'.m. on ilay of sailing. Consignees must bo at the landings receive their Freight, will hold ollrfolveH iiioiis has been landed. ii o utter to as nit While the Company will ibn due dill-gcu- hiiuilling Live Slock, wu decline to assume any responsibility Incase of tin1 tb ot same. The 'oiimauv will not bn Money juwofry iinlesn plac oi rurscr. 1M lfc! 50 50 wo in or All kiniln uf Vommctelnl promptly exrtmteil ut low rules ut tho liullttin Iff- - For and (Icncrul Informa- tion apply to THEO. H. DAV1ES &CO., Aientsfor the tulmiih. Employment, House & Rooms Regisfry ! lT .Ml for thN depart- ment inut be naid in advance. Urle.' to continue should lie givm the afternoon the advertisement expire.-- . Advcrti-cmcii- for the liegistry iiium be handed in before 12 o'clock noon of the day t bey llrt appear. t"'lie rates given below tinder e.aeh bead arc for advertisements not exceeding live linos counting scroll words too line. Kivceeiits ' n lino will ho added to each I'tgittc lor all above live lines. I'Vcight Ojjice, Tickets. lltiuiiiiiin Employment Wanted. Aih. under thit haul, 3o' one ucek orient: continual, JUe. it in, 'A. Help Wanted. Ailx. tattler I hi hviul, oOe. mie time; Ilk. each Hint; Lost and Found. Ath: muter thin hetttl tinned, Sm. ench time. one - Houses To Let. Ail, mttler th'n hetttl, tiiitittt, 1th: etich tinu: StJe. time; ;uc. i ue time; cnt- - Houses Wanted. Iis. nniler this head, i'Oc. one lime; 10e. cueh lime. Rooms To Lot. Ada. mttler thin heitd, Joe. one lime, one ii eel. ; continued, JOc. euclt ncek. oOe. Rooms Wanted. ,!(. under thi heml, .7)e. one time; Jt)c. eueh lime. iM PERCENT DISCOUNT Retail Prices! LS ALLtiWEI) Td ALL CASH CUSTOMERS Hobron, Newman & Co.'s DRUG STORE. FKESH STOCK. OK - Meliin's Food, Scott's Emulsion, Maltine, Eubach, Etc. 712-l- DR. B. SCHNEIDER, Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist Club Stallion, Honolulu. Hasarrivcd friiniKwitcrlnntLwIiurclichad live year' oxperluiicn in tlin Army, and ban opijiuii mi olllce at the I lull Stabich, WBoth Telephones 477. "j 7l.t-l- M. Ii. MINER, H, V. S Vl5Ti;ilI.N.HY Sl'ltOKON, l'llVlill'IAS AMI IJi:mit, Olllwii II old Stable.., Olliii' Hum'.-.- ; in a. i to l, u. Itesiileuco with Dr. F. Mimtr, lieri'ta-iii- a atruot. All uillln will rocolvo prumpt attention. iu-- i tfc m.j ;uo ILAN1WA1" A KIUST.OLAB8 FAMILY IV Boon at WailuUi, BATHINli Trameur" hum tbu gale, Special iirrungcmunti. can Hindu for Family Piuiiius anil Evmiing Untiling Parties. rR-- tr TO IiIS'I' BISHOP OF PANOPOLIS. His Lordship's Visit Kohaln, Hn-mtilc- nnrt Hilo. Tlirougli tlio wi.'ll known kindness ami frciiurosily of Messrs. Wilder t Co., llie Kiulif Rev. Gulstnti, JJihhop of L'atio)olis, suddenly arrivod at, .Nl'almkoiia on April llis Lordsliip was expected tho Sth only, for his first pastoral visit; and the reception to take place tho 11a-lmv- n Station failed; but was really good luck that ho thus arrived: it would havo boon a solemn disap- pointment! Our hearty thanks to those t'entlomen. hi a wink notice of tho arrival of the good ship Likuliko at Mahukona was carried around Kohala, and not- withstanding hoiivy rain and muddy roads a goodly gathering of people wailed upon "his Lordship at the station, soveral carriages of promi- nent Portugue.--o being in attendance. Presently resounds tho whistlo of "liiiuka"' arrived tho fiery steed and elegant buggy of Mr. and'.Mrs. to convov tlio Bishop: bombs being tired to salute his Lordship; all drove and ran to church to welcome the "pastor by tho chant of the "To Deum." accompanied by W. I. F. r Bonavontura of I'una, Paul of ami Oliver. The organ was occupied during all tlio services by the head school teacher. The people had been very busy tuning several days uecoraung the church, the schoolhouso and tho yard. Two beautiful arches of 25 IVet high had also been erected, the Bishop's motto dominating among many ilag: "Tuns sum ego, salvuni mo fae. Save your Child. Gulstan. Ilishop of Panopolis, Vicar Apostolic of tho Hawaiian Islands.'' Tho two canvases measured 10 Miuaro feet, a crayon work of Mr. R to L. Uu to 7. on so al it in Win. 'Smith, Jirst, tuauhor. From early on tlio Saturday, crowds' or unlives, principally from Xittlii, Waiapuka and Malitikona, llironyod in tlu clituvlnard; a large lioitf-- was bi'cnrod for t liem to pass the niUt quietly. Hut. it was on tlio Sunday, Dili, that the multitudes of the f?ood Kohala people had gathered around tho church and grounds, in commanding waves, the weat lu t being fair. Without, exag geration, limy had come from all di- rections, as tar as 12 and IS miles, to witness tho imposing ceremonies oT tho episcopal ma.-.- s and confirmation. Fully eight hundred people woro present, amongst them many for- eigners specially invited. 1'oor little chapel'. Would it had been miracu- lously enlarged for t hat clay! for all nationalities assisted at the whole services; At 10 o'clock a solemn procession took our fatherly Bishop from his modest old room, which he occupied leu years ago as parisli priest, to church, belwoeu two rows ot faith- ful, accompanied by above-mentione- d fat hers and choir boys, the two bill.-- , mingling thoir joyous tidings with the general happiness. limb ma.-.- s H'a.i chanted bv llis Lordship, with tho assistance of Uev. K. ijonavenliira as deacon, Jev. I I'aul its sub-deaeo- and trained schoolboys as minor servants. The school children sang the mass in Latin, and several beautiful and se lected pieces were snug, as "O Jesu," by Webb; "0 Salutaris," by Lambil-lolle,- " etc., etc. .After the llospol llis Lordship, dressed in his episcopal insignia, spoke in a clear voice to the multi- tude in three languages, taking for subject the words of our Uedeomor in St. John 'J0:21, "LVaco bo to you," and in 'dOi'2'2, "Weceivo ye tho Holy l.ihost." His afl'octionato and fathor-I- j voice gieally impressed the silent faithful and numerous friends. Al l o'clock p. in. an immense luau was served to eight hundred people, in the mi-sio- u school house. In such a crowd, peace, delight and happiness were one anil tho same thing; md a murmur of discontent- ment; ladies and gentlemen, natives and Portuguese, in company of tlio iiishops and tho Kat hors, satisfying I lieniM'lves al pleasure, using Adam's fork', with heel, pork, sweet potatoes, fish, turkey, soda, bread, sweets, etc., etc., mid a goodly glass of wino was with cake.-- , in the parlor to foreigners and special friends of tho mission, not forgetting the weed. The whole all'air was a grand success mini beginning to mid, JJearly thanks lo those ladies, for their good will in helping to put up no many eatables in a manner ex- ceedingly attractive. Before the luau, an' address to His Lordship Wits remarkably well rend, in Eng lish, by a senior A, reniiida, nail the writer saw more than one tear in many eyes. Singing by the cehoul children was also indulged in, to the applause of those present. At i o'clock p. in., '12 peoplo wore coiilirmcd; several had been bap- tized previously. On tlio .Monday, HHli, His went on the Kohala train to j Alahuluiua, in outer to bless the new church of St. Aim. The train looked i wry pictuioMpio; people being seat-- I ed ami clinched oven where ou tho t earn. The Bishop addressed tho miilti j tilde in Knglish, Portuguese and native; n Miiivuuir of the good, late i Mr. S. U. Wilder was touchinglv i brought hi. Twenty-on- e people n..iM.i.Hif..r- I AWis M'W.14" ,'1' VF.F ftlKwon baptized ami confirmed. At week , ,jay, or ,ii.,niib,i l,,.,,, lu tlio wire UlcaiiluKundSlmii-iiingdon- c; Jniidloute lJ U4ltll,' U.ib lHwu.h(iiriilsliodttiiiurc.piliil. MBi'liinc ' norvud by tho natives, which had I'ttnlino Ila-maku- a Lord- ship willed fur uiid returned. AUu, Itcpuh'Uig been prepared tllldor I ho guidance (iiinluii lloM' -- In fuel, cuu do miythliiK , uf Mrs. U. L. Wight. It was a mag-nwMtar- y luutind ibe liou wuuln. r jn.,, ,7r ,, ItiiiK ni) Mutual Ti'luiJituu) 1W. Ul pltu in almmil ono "6&t,tf 8, V. WMm& wIiIuhI for Iwttur. Would it bo too rash, to publicly thank hero Mr. and Mrs. C. Li. Wight for thoir genero- sity towards many? Tho ovouiug saw us back at Halawa, all safe ana happy. On Wednesday, tho Bishop wout over to Kawaihao-uka- ; several bap- tisms and 5) confirmations; horo the mouutain cold and brisk rain had brought down tho boat of festivities, and we all were glad to havo a littlo rest and to bo spared off tho afflu-one- o of Kohala. On Thursday, sev- eral children woro baptized at Wai-nie- a and confirmation was given to 15 people; but horo again wo woro bound to reconnnenco tho trial. A grand luau was served a la kanaka; a success for that good people. Tho church had boon finely decorated and throe arches erected in tho yard, with tho inscription: "Aloha ka Malum." But we must go to Hamakua. Thanks to all of you, without special mention, and may God bless you all and give you a thousand in return. Afahn oukou amifloa, t o'u )ina keiki; na luthi c, krt Makua nui JCiilfkanu. A ike linn in! Tho 'main effect of tho Bishop's first pastoral visit to Kohala was principally a good many baptisms, 257 confirmations and tlio blessing of the now chapel at Mahukona. His Lordship sincerely regrets that ho could not repay visits; time was too short. Voluntary contributions amounting to if'.lil.lo covered all ex- penses, leaving a balance of ?13.30 for the church. Aloha Oi'koc. Halawa, April 27, 1893. Right Rev. Gulstan, in making his pastoral tour around Hawaii, every- where, meets with warm and enthusi- astic, receptions. Iu Waipio especi- ally, where His Lordship had spent the lirst lifteon vears of his mission- ary life, and wliero ho had always been loved and vonorated as a good and tender Father, ho was received with genuine childlike affection. Tho same Christians that received him as an ordinary occlosiastic twonty-fiv- o years ago, now welcomed him to Waipio as their Bishop, and vied with each other in paying to him thoir respects as tho head of tho Church in Hawaii. It was a touching spectacle indood to behold those good-nature- d in- habitants ot Waipio valley gathering around their beloved pastor, father and friend, with eyes moistoned with all'ection and altogether melting into tears when tho Bishop, in his usual gentle manner, responded to their loviug address of wele-otno- . They wauteil to carry mm upon their shoulders, a haudsomo chair having been provided for the occa- sion, but this honor the humble Bishop respectfully declined. A procession, in mnuy respects not un- like a funeral parade, was then form- ed, which slowly wended its way churchward, thero to hear tho voice of their beloved father onco more. Tho feelings of tho Bishop at seeing the tender lore of his own dear Wai- pio children can bo more easily imagined than described. He was visibly affected, and began to spoak to them in such terms of emotion as rendered a lengthv address im possible, owing to tho tears and sobs of the entire congregation. They fairly wept liko littlo children. High mass was celebrated tho nest day ami 42 persons received tho sacrament of confirmation. A grand luau, during which the Waipio baud was in attendance, ended tho day's festivities, and then the Bishop bade a sad farewell to his beloved ones, consoling them by saying tht it would not bo a long time before ho should see them again. His Lordship noxt visited Kukui- - haelo whoio the usual religious ser- vices were held and 25 persons wero confirmed. At Honokaa tho Bishop was warmly received and magnifi- cently entertained by his old friends, .Messrs. Hardy and Uolanux. The number of confirmations at Honokaa amounted to 218, and at Kukaiau, 121. At Ookala, m tho Hilo district, His Lordship was tho guest of Mr. Walker. On tho evening of his ar- rival" at that place, ho received a deputation of request- ing him to preach a sermon that very night, as thoy could not como to church tho next day. Tho Bishop consented, and at the late hour of 10 p. in. gave them a long and elo- quent sermon with which thoy woro lugliiy uoligntou. Ilign mass was celobrated tho next day and 49 per- sons woro confirmed. At Laupahoehoo His Lordship was received by Mr. and Mrs. .McLennan. Ffty-thre- o porsousworo confirmed. Tho Bishop's reception in Honoinu was grand. Tho church was tastefully decorated, Japauoso and Chinese lanterns giving it and the pastor's residence tho appear- - tiico or a fairy palace. Arches wero reeled in ilillerent places anu llags wore floating everywhere to the breeze. Messrs. Scholtzo, Kinney, Andrews, Flohr, Maltorro and others did all thoy could to make tho Bishop's stay in Honomu a pleasant one. Tho congregational singing of Honomu was particularly fine. The number of confirmations amounted to lo;, lu tho afternoon of the same day tho Bishop confirmed UK) per- sons at Ivalaua, seven miles from Honoinu, and arrived iu Hilo the .same evening, April 'i, at G p. in., to lake a few days of rest before pro- ceeding farther ou his pastoral tour through Puna, Kim and Koua. I'i'uf i'uztor JioniiK. 1 li. Junior P.trluei I vo you huvo a nuw oloik Ib ho a good sides-iiiuu- y .Senior 1'iiriiiii Uoml Kiden-man- ? (Join! gniewus! 1 lnul to scml lur the police to pruvuut him (mm talking mo into taking him into tho. linn. N. Y. Weekly. sett i. ,

Transcript of Tf SfTW puiii I

-- ' T Tf wr

r SfTW puiii 3tf I UltltVOL. V. NO. 721. HONOLULU, II. I., MONDAY, MAY 8, 18!):5. PRICK 5 CENTS.





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giTea, a-n- Ooffe

AT all nouns.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON HAND.

K. J. HSTOIjTEi. 3Proi3.


3SO O'lfarrell St.Two Blocks from Baldwin Hotol, S. F., Cal.

BEG TO ANNOUNCE TO MY OLDI friends and patrons in the Islands thatI havo purchased tho above Stables andintend to maintain its namesake "Secondto None" lstolass. Livery Outlltsof everydescription also on hand. For sale: MatchedSpans, Uoad and Draft Horses guaranteedas represented. Correspondence invited.

K. it. MILES,ffl.'i-- tf Proprietor.


Q. J.


Wholesale and Retail Butchers



Waller, Manager.


Notary Public for the Island of Oabu.

Agent to take Acknowledgements to La-

bor Contracts.Agent to grant Marriage Licenses, Hono-

lulu, Oahti.Agent for the Hawaiian Islands of Pitt A

Heott's Freight and Parcel Express,Agent for the Burlington Itoutu.


JIki.1.31-8- TELEPHONE --Mutual kmP.O.Box

as Mercliaut t.--OI'flCK-

Hoiiolulu, It, 1.


Oceanic Steamship Co.

Australian Mail Service,

For San Francisco :

The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

"ALAMEDA"Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company willbo due at Honolulu from Sydney and Auck-land on or about

June 1st,And will leave for tho above port withMails and Passengers on or about that date.

For Sydney and Auckland:The New and Fino Al Steel Steamship

"MONOWAI"Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company willl)o duo at Honolulu, from San Francisco,on or about

June 1st,And will havo prompt despatchMails and Passengers for the above ports,

Tho undersigned are now prepared to issue



fXF For further particulars regardingfreight or Passage apply to

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd.,


S. S.

Arrire Honolulufrom S. F.

May 17Juno 14July 12Aug. 9Sept. G

Oct. 4

From San Franciscofor Sydney.


General Agents.

Oceanic Steamship Co.

Time Talole.LOCAL LINE.


Leave Honolulufor S. F.

May '21

June 21July 1!)

Aug. 10Sept. 13

Out. 11

Nov. 1 Nov. 8


From Sydney forSan Francisco.

Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu.

MONOWAI, June 1 ALAMEDA, June 14L.LJJ1J.UC..I.MI, JUIieztl JlAKll'USA.JUIlUlSJMARIPOSA, July 27 MONOWAI, July 27MpNOWAl, Aug. 21 ALAMEDA Aug. 21ALAMEDA, Sept. 21 MAIUPOSA.Sept.21MAUIPOSA, Oct. 19 MONOWAI, Oct. 1!JMONOWAI, Nov. 11! ALAMEDA Nov. 1(1



rpiIE UNDERSIGNED DESIRES TOX. IlOtifV tllO llllblie that llfi is lirmmrr.ilto Propagate any kind of Tree, Shrub orBush hy Grafting, Budding, Ringing, orother methods. No imvimmts will )n .mured until they aro well rooted, whichwill take from six weeks to six months, ac-cording to its genus. Now is tho time forladies to make presents whother exotics ornatives, to her friends. I will also under-take to eradicate all insects that prey uponor suck tho sap from trees and other vege-tables, which can bo expelled from 50 to 00hours; no cure no pay.

lOgr-- The Coll'ec and Orange family aspecialty. Address

W. LB53-l- Bulletin Olllce.

c. j. McCarthy,

Real Estate & Collection Agency


Cincinnati Safe & Lock Go.

35 Merchant St., : Cummins Block.

EDWIN A. JONESHas openeu an oflieo for transacting all

business in connection with

Trusts, Purcliaso and Salo of Bonds,Stock and Real Estate,

And is prepared to Audit Accounts.

Olllce: No. lii Merchant street, otlice latelyoccupied by the Into Jonu, Austin.

P. O, Box ft5.

It can be provedAny day

That tho

Daily Bulletin

lias the


01' any paper

Jn Honolulu.'JitlHJnC'SK


Stick a




TIckots Issuod to ALL POINTS in tho UNITED STATES and CANADA, vln Portland,Tacoma, Soaltlo, Victoria and Vancouver.

.00 Second Class $ First Class $ 0.00--- LUSH THAN BY OTHER LINES ... "

MOUNTAIN RESORTS: Banff, Glacier, Mount Stephen, Fraser Canon, Etc.

"Empress" Line of Steamers from Vancouver. Tickets to All Points In Japan, China, India.


M. M. STERN,Dist. Freight & Vasm. Agent,

018 Market street,San KruncKuo, Cal.

PaciQcMailS.S.Co. Daily Bulleti


Occidental and Oriental S. S. Co.


Steamers of tho altera Companies willcall at Honolulu on their way to tho ultoruports on or about tho following dates:

Stmr "BKLtUC" . .

Stmr "CHINA"Stmr "OCEANIC"..Stmr "CHINA"Stmr "OCEANIC"..Stmr "CHINA"..

Mav 11, lfc!

July!),Aug. 7, 18!

Sept. IS, lKtOct. 1(1. lb!KJ

Nov. 27, IsiUStmr "OCEANIC" Dec. 2.i, 160.1

Stmr "CHINA" Feb. 5, 1SIUStmr "OCEANIC" March fi, IS) I

Stmr "CHINA" April lfi, 1M)1


Steamers of the above Companies willcall at Honolulu on their way from Hong-kong and Yokohama to the above port onor about the following dates:

Stmr "OCEANIC" Mav 7, lb93Stmr "GAELIC" May 29, lMj:sStmr "CITY OF PEKING"

June (j, lNttStmr "CHINA" fune 19, IN).;Stmr "BELGIO" fiine 27,Stmr "PERU" Iiilv 7, IsOliStmr "OCEANIC" lulv 17, 1M1Stmr "CITY OF ItlODE.' AN'El 'it)"

July 25, I MM

Stmr "GAELIC" Aug. (i, JuStmr "CITY OF PEKING"Aug. lf, ISH'5

Stmr "OCEANIC" Sept. 2.'i, 1MW

Stmr "CHINA" Nov. (1, Is!MStmr "OCEANIC" Dec. 1, ls:iStmr "CITY OF PEKING"

lun. 2, lslllStmr "OCEANIC" Fob. 12. IMllStmr "CHINA" March 2(i, IMllStmr "GAELIC" Mav 11, 1W)1


TO toko- - TO


Cabin l.r)0 00 $175 00Cabin, round trip 4

months 225 00 202Cabin, round trip 12

months 202 310 25European Steerage... 85 (X) 1 00 00

TXy- - Passengers paying full fare will beallowed 10 purcunt oil' return faro if return-ing within twelve months.

ISF" For Freight and Passage apply to


ai7tf Agonts.

litter's Steamship Co.



C. Wii.dkr, Pres. S. I!. Hose, Sec.Cait. J. A. Kino, Port Supt.

Stmr. KINATJ,CLARKE. Commander,

Will leave Honolulu at 2 r. m touching atLiihaina, Maalaca Hay and .Makciia thesame day; Mahukona, Ivawailiiiii and

tho following day, arriving atHilo ut midnight.

Returning leaves Hilo, touching atsame day; Kawaihae a. m.;

10 a. m.; Makeua I f. M.; MaalacaBay ii m.j Luhiiina H v. m. the followingday; arriving at Honolulu 0 a. m. Wednes-days uml Suturduys.

tM No Freight will ho received after12 noon on day of sailing.


DAVIES, Commandor,

Will leave Honolulu every Tiinsilnv at 5v. M,, toiichiiig at Kaliuliil, Huelo, liana,Hiiuiou mid hipalmlu.

HotiirnliiK will urrlvout Honolulu uvuryHiindiiy morning.

Xo Frclcht will be received afterI i'.m. on ilay of sailing.

Consignees must bo at the landingsreceive their Freight, will holdollrfolveH iiioiishas been landed.

ii o utter

toas nit

While the Company will ibn due dill-gcu-

hiiuilling Live Slock, wu declineto assume any responsibility Incase of tin1tb ot same.

The 'oiimauv will not bnMoney juwofry iinlesn placoi rurscr.








All kiniln uf Vommctelnlpromptly exrtmteil ut low rules ut tholiullttin

Iff-- For and (Icncrul Informa-tion apply toTHEO. H. DAV1ES &CO.,

Aientsfor the tulmiih.


House & Rooms

Regisfry !

lT .Ml for thN depart-ment inut be naid in advance. Urle.' tocontinue should lie givm the afternoon theadvertisement expire.-- . Advcrti-cmcii- forthe liegistry iiium be handed in before 12o'clock noon of the day t bey llrt appear.

t"'lie rates given below tinder e.aeh bead arcfor advertisements not exceeding live linoscounting scroll words too line. Kivceeiits

' n lino will ho added to each I'tgittc lor allabove live lines.





Employment Wanted.Aih. under thit haul, 3o' one ucek orient:

continual, JUe. it in, 'A.

Help Wanted.Ailx. tattler I hi hviul, oOe. mie time;

Ilk. each Hint;

Lost and Found.Ath: muter thin hetttl

tinned, Sm. ench -

Houses To Let.Ail, mttler th'n hetttl,

tiiitittt, 1th: etich tinu:

StJe. time;

;uc. i ue time; cnt- -

Houses Wanted.Iis. nniler this head, i'Oc. one lime;

10e. cueh lime.

Rooms To Lot.Ada. mttler thin heitd, Joe. one lime,

one ii eel. ; continued, JOc. euclt ncek.oOe.

Rooms Wanted.,!(. under thi heml, .7)e. one time;

Jt)c. eueh lime.


Retail Prices!LS ALLtiWEI) Td


Hobron, Newman & Co.'s



Meliin's Food,Scott's Emulsion,

Maltine,Eubach, Etc.



Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist

Club Stallion, Honolulu.

Hasarrivcd friiniKwitcrlnntLwIiurclichadlive year' oxperluiicn in tlin Army,

and ban opijiuii mi olllce atthe I lull Stabich,

WBoth Telephones 477. "j7l.t-l-

M. Ii. MINER, H, V. S

Vl5Ti;ilI.N.HY Sl'ltOKON, l'llVlill'IAS AMI


Olllwii II old Stable.., Olliii' Hum'.-.- ;

in a. i to l, u.

Itesiileuco with Dr. F. Mimtr, lieri'ta-iii- a

atruot. All uillln will rocolvo prumptattention. iu-- i


m.j ;uo


IV Boon at WailuUi,BATHINli

Trameur" humtbu gale, Special iirrungcmunti. canHindu for Family Piuiiius anil EvmiingUntiling Parties. rR-- tr



His Lordship's Visit Kohaln, Hn-mtilc-

nnrt Hilo.

Tlirougli tlio wi.'ll known kindnessami frciiurosily of Messrs. Wilder tCo., llie Kiulif Rev. Gulstnti, JJihhopof L'atio)olis, suddenly arrivod at,.Nl'almkoiia on April llis Lordsliipwas expected tho Sth only, forhis first pastoral visit; and thereception to take place tho 11a-lmv- n

Station failed; but was reallygood luck that ho thus arrived: itwould havo boon a solemn disap-pointment! Our hearty thanks tothose t'entlomen.

hi a wink notice of tho arrival ofthe good ship Likuliko at Mahukonawas carried around Kohala, and not-withstanding hoiivy rain and muddyroads a goodly gathering of peoplewailed upon "his Lordship at thestation, soveral carriages of promi-nent Portugue.--o being in attendance.

Presently resounds tho whistlo of"liiiuka"' arrived tho fiery steed andelegant buggy of Mr. and' convov tlio Bishop: bombs beingtired to salute his Lordship; alldrove and ran to church to welcomethe "pastor by tho chant of the "ToDeum." accompanied by W. I. F. rBonavontura of I'una, Paul of

ami Oliver. The organ wasoccupied during all tlio services bythe head school teacher.

The people had been very busytuning several days uecoraungthe church, the schoolhouso and thoyard. Two beautiful arches of 25IVet high had also been erected, theBishop's motto dominating amongmany ilag:

"Tuns sum ego, salvuni mo fae.Save your Child.

Gulstan. Ilishop of Panopolis,Vicar Apostolic

of thoHawaiian Islands.''

Tho two canvases measured 10Miuaro feet, a crayon work of Mr.

R to








Win. 'Smith, Jirst, tuauhor.From early on tlio Saturday,

crowds' or unlives, principally fromXittlii, Waiapuka and Malitikona,llironyod in tlu clituvlnard; a largelioitf-- was bi'cnrod for t liem to passthe niUt quietly. Hut. it was ontlio Sunday, Dili, that the multitudesof the f?ood Kohala people hadgathered around tho church andgrounds, in commanding waves, theweat lu t being fair. Without, exaggeration, limy had come from all di-

rections, as tar as 12 and IS miles, towitness tho imposing ceremonies oTtho episcopal ma.-.- s and confirmation.Fully eight hundred people woropresent, amongst them many for-eigners specially invited. 1'oor littlechapel'. Would it had been miracu-lously enlarged for t hat clay! for allnationalities assisted at the wholeservices;

At 10 o'clock a solemn processiontook our fatherly Bishop from hismodest old room, which he occupiedleu years ago as parisli priest, tochurch, belwoeu two rows ot faith-ful, accompanied by above-mentione- d

fat hers and choir boys, the twobill.--, mingling thoir joyous tidingswith the general happiness.

limb ma.-.- s H'a.i chanted bv llisLordship, with tho assistance ofUev. K. ijonavenliira as deacon, Jev.I I'aul its sub-deaeo- and trainedschoolboys as minor servants. Theschool children sang the mass inLatin, and several beautiful and selected pieces were snug, as "O Jesu,"by Webb; "0 Salutaris," by Lambil-lolle,- "

etc., etc..After the llospol llis Lordship,

dressed in his episcopal insignia,spoke in a clear voice to the multi-tude in three languages, taking forsubject the words of our Uedeomorin St. John 'J0:21, "LVaco bo to you,"and in 'dOi'2'2, "Weceivo ye tho Holyl.ihost." His afl'octionato and fathor-I- j

voice gieally impressed the silentfaithful and numerous friends.

Al l o'clock p. in. an immense luauwas served to eight hundred people,in the mi-sio- u school house. Insuch a crowd, peace, delight andhappiness were one anil tho samething; md a murmur of discontent-ment; ladies and gentlemen, nativesand Portuguese, in company of tlioiiishops and tho Kat hors, satisfyingI lieniM'lves al pleasure, using Adam'sfork', with heel, pork, sweet potatoes,fish, turkey, soda, bread, sweets, etc.,etc., mid a goodly glass of wino was

with cake.--, in the parlor toforeigners and special friends of thomission, not forgetting the weed.The whole all'air was a grand successmini beginning to mid,

JJearly thanks lo those ladies, fortheir good will in helping to put upno many eatables in a manner ex-

ceedingly attractive. Before theluau, an' address to His LordshipWits remarkably well rend, in English, by a senior A, reniiida,nail the writer saw more than onetear in many eyes. Singing by thecehoul children was also indulged in,to the applause of those present.At i o'clock p. in., '12 peoplo worecoiilirmcd; several had been bap-tized previously.

On tlio .Monday, HHli, Hiswent on the Kohala train to

j Alahuluiua, in outer to bless the newchurch of St. Aim. The train looked

i wry pictuioMpio; people being seat-- I

ed ami clinched oven where ou thot earn.

The Bishop addressed tho miiltij tilde in Knglish, Portuguese andnative; n Miiivuuir of the good, late

i Mr. S. U. Wilder was touchinglvi brought hi. Twenty-on- e people

n..iM.i.Hif..r- I AWis M'W.14" ,'1' VF.F ftlKwon baptized ami confirmed. Atweek ,,jay, or ,ii.,niib,i l,,.,,,lu tlio wire UlcaiiluKundSlmii-iiingdon- c; Jniidloute lJ U4ltll,' U.ib

lHwu.h(iiriilsliodttiiiurc.piliil. MBi'liinc ' norvud by tho natives, which had


Ila-maku- a


willed fur uiid returned. AUu, Itcpuh'Uig been prepared tllldor I ho guidance(iiinluii lloM' -- In fuel, cuu do miythliiK , uf Mrs. U. L. Wight. It was a mag-nwMtar- y

luutind ibe liou wuuln.r jn.,, ,7r ,,ItiiiK ni) Mutual Ti'luiJituu) 1W. Ul pltu in almmil ono"6&t,tf 8, V. WMm& wIiIuhI for Iwttur. Would it bo too

rash, to publicly thank hero Mr. andMrs. C. Li. Wight for thoir genero-sity towards many? Tho ovouiugsaw us back at Halawa, all safe anahappy.

On Wednesday, tho Bishop woutover to Kawaihao-uka- ; several bap-tisms and 5) confirmations; horo themouutain cold and brisk rain hadbrought down tho boat of festivities,and we all were glad to havo a littlorest and to bo spared off tho afflu-one- o

of Kohala. On Thursday, sev-eral children woro baptized at Wai-nie- a

and confirmation was given to15 people; but horo again wo worobound to reconnnenco tho trial. Agrand luau was served a la kanaka; asuccess for that good people. Thochurch had boon finely decoratedand throe arches erected in thoyard, with tho inscription: "Alohaka Malum."

But we must go to Hamakua.Thanks to all of you, withoutspecial mention, and may God blessyou all and give you a thousand inreturn. Afahn oukou amifloa, t o'u)ina keiki; na luthi c, krt Makua nuiJCiilfkanu. A ike linn in!

Tho 'main effect of tho Bishop'sfirst pastoral visit to Kohala wasprincipally a good many baptisms,257 confirmations and tlio blessingof the now chapel at Mahukona.His Lordship sincerely regrets thatho could not repay visits; time wastoo short. Voluntary contributionsamounting to if'.lil.lo covered all ex-penses, leaving a balance of ?13.30for the church. Aloha Oi'koc.

Halawa, April 27, 1893.

Right Rev. Gulstan, in making hispastoral tour around Hawaii, every-where, meets with warm and enthusi-astic, receptions. Iu Waipio especi-ally, where His Lordship had spentthe lirst lifteon vears of his mission-ary life, and wliero ho had alwaysbeen loved and vonorated as a goodand tender Father, ho was receivedwith genuine childlike affection.Tho same Christians that receivedhim as an ordinary occlosiastictwonty-fiv- o years ago, now welcomedhim to Waipio as their Bishop, andvied with each other in paying tohim thoir respects as tho head of thoChurch in Hawaii.

It was a touching spectacle indoodto behold those good-nature- d in-

habitants ot Waipio valley gatheringaround their beloved pastor, fatherand friend, with eyes moistoned withall'ection and altogether meltinginto tears when tho Bishop, in hisusual gentle manner, responded totheir loviug address of wele-otno- .

They wauteil to carry mm upontheir shoulders, a haudsomo chairhaving been provided for the occa-sion, but this honor the humbleBishop respectfully declined. Aprocession, in mnuy respects not un-like a funeral parade, was then form-ed, which slowly wended its waychurchward, thero to hear tho voiceof their beloved father onco more.Tho feelings of tho Bishop at seeingthe tender lore of his own dear Wai-pio children can bo more easilyimagined than described. He wasvisibly affected, and began to spoakto them in such terms of emotionas rendered a lengthv address impossible, owing to tho tears andsobs of the entire congregation.They fairly wept liko littlo children.High mass was celebrated tho nestday ami 42 persons received thosacrament of confirmation. A grandluau, during which the Waipio baudwas in attendance, ended tho day'sfestivities, and then the Bishop badea sad farewell to his beloved ones,consoling them by saying tht itwould not bo a long time before hoshould see them again.

His Lordship noxt visited Kukui- -haelo whoio the usual religious ser-vices were held and 25 persons weroconfirmed. At Honokaa tho Bishopwas warmly received and magnifi-cently entertained by his old friends,.Messrs. Hardy and Uolanux. Thenumber of confirmations at Honokaaamounted to 218, and at Kukaiau,121. At Ookala, m tho Hilo district,His Lordship was tho guest of Mr.Walker. On tho evening of his ar-rival" at that place, ho received adeputation of request-ing him to preach a sermon thatvery night, as thoy could not comoto church tho next day. Tho Bishopconsented, and at the late hour of10 p. in. gave them a long and elo-quent sermon with which thoy worolugliiy uoligntou. Ilign mass wascelobrated tho next day and 49 per-sons woro confirmed.

At Laupahoehoo His Lordshipwas received by Mr. and Mrs..McLennan. Ffty-thre- o porsousworoconfirmed. Tho Bishop's receptionin Honoinu was grand. Tho churchwas tastefully decorated, Japauosoand Chinese lanterns giving it andthe pastor's residence tho appear- -tiico or a fairy palace. Arches weroreeled in ilillerent places anu llags

wore floating everywhere to thebreeze. Messrs. Scholtzo, Kinney,Andrews, Flohr, Maltorro and othersdid all thoy could to make thoBishop's stay in Honomu a pleasantone. Tho congregational singing ofHonomu was particularly fine. Thenumber of confirmations amountedto lo;, lu tho afternoon of the sameday tho Bishop confirmed UK) per-sons at Ivalaua, seven miles fromHonoinu, and arrived iu Hilo the.same evening, April 'i, at G p. in., tolake a few days of rest before pro-ceeding farther ou his pastoral tourthrough Puna, Kim and Koua.I'i'uf i'uztor JioniiK. 1 li.

Junior P.trluei I vo you huvoa nuw oloik Ib ho a good sides-iiiuu- y

.Senior 1'iiriiiii Uoml Kiden-man- ?

(Join! gniewus! 1 lnul to scmllur the police to pruvuut him (mmtalking mo into taking him into tho.linn. N. Y. Weekly.


i. ,


THE MIMJOUM.Pledged to neither Sect nor Vicy,ii Established for the llcnefit of All.

MONDAY, MAY 8, 185).').

Tho tiuluMing willi tlu lnw& ottho counliy still goos moirily on.Up to dato, tho L G. h:io passed 85Apts or inmo; llita is at tho i at i ofabout 180 Acts per annum. Suiolythoy aro yiuiiy tho pooplo a snniploof "provisional" gouniiupiit with avengeance.

Mr. Cat tor of Nn York musthiivo hit tho annoxation oliotno hardat tlilo, judging ly tho kind andclmnliotis remarks on his iioet'h bytho pnitisan ooiiespoiulonts.. A lowwords of what ho taid would bo ofmoro news valuo than all tho eoarsoimoctivo of thoio niral .soribos.

Mr. Thurston sayb not ono in ahundred of tho whito populationwould opposo anuoation. Othoretpinlly high authorities put tho pro-portion at something less than onoin ton. A poll of whito and uathovotors separately would relieve thoseclashing authorities fiom the painfulsituation of contradicting each othor.There would bo nothing loft tothem, how over, but a common under-standing as to tho size of tho snow-bank under which thoy found them-selves.

In tho vigilance begun to bo exor-

cised by our Board of Health to pre-vent tho iutroductiou of cholera,watchfulness against othor maladies,with less terror in their name butmuch daugor in thoir train, oughtnot to be relaxed. There is more orless of Gorman measles in San Fran-cisco, which would bo an unwelcomevisitant for admission hore. It wasloportod that this was tho diseasewhich tho sick boy among tho teem-

ing passongors on tho Monowai had.Although this was contradictedwhile tho steamer was hero, tho inoi-do- nt

shows how easy it might bo fora case of contagious diseiiso, in anincipient stage, to bo landed inHonolulu.


Many of tho jingo papers in theUnited States aro tiding to s4ii uppublic feeling against E'to-ido- nt

Clo olaiid's policy in Hawaii, so faras it has developed, by passionatereferences to the lowering of theflag. Some forgot if thoy ever knowcertain facts of history bearing onthis point, when they say that it isunusual foi a gieat nation to loweiti i;ig w hen onco raided an w hore.Better informed or more conscien-tious journals ate pointing out thatthe restoration of the Hag -. but .ininstance of histoiy repeating itselfin Honolulu, as Gioat Britain pei-fonn-

a similar cciomnm lioii lift.)years ago, tho annneiv-ai- y of whichhas made a great holiday ia tho Ha-

waiian calendai (mm since. Yetsome rabid papei- - say Great Britainnever lots go when she take- - a hold.It is not so long since sho voluntarilygao up Heligoland. And whatabout the action of the UnitedStates herself a few yea is ago in Sa-

moa, when sho withdiew her protectorate placed over tho group byan over zoalous consul withoutauthoritj'? Tho bitterness of fac-

tional spirit has often operated in

Hawaii to tho injury of good govern-

ment. That same bitterness, in pie-venti-

fairplay, was the eauso ofthe reaction that first checked thoannexation fover in tho States. Nowit would not bo surprising if thosavage partisan assaults on Presi-dent Cleveland, on account of an ac-

tion whoso reasonable explanationis contemned, aro going to prove thoundoing of tho whole annexationscheme in the United States. Tothis end the sneers andsarcasm directed at CommissionerBlount by the local annoxation presswill have thoir duo share of helpful-ness.

No Hawaiian Annexation.

Wo print elpevvhoro u timely andinstructive despatch from Mi. CharlesNonlhou who 1ms gone to Honoluluto ascertain specially for tho Hkkai.dtlio exact situation and outlook theie.

It firings the advices fiom theIslands down to April 8 eiht daysafter tho protectorate was deel.uid oil'by Commissioner Blount. Thu actionwas a great disappointment lo theloaders of the provisional governmentand the annexationists, fin the obvi-ous reason that it thwarted theirbchenio, but it was welcomed by thenative population. The conieo andconduct of the natives, who, hy theway, are not savages, as inbut are an intelligent reading andwriting people, are pronounced "ad-mirable." Pioin them no tioublo isfeared and nono vvlmtevoi lb expectedunless it should he bioughl about hythe ill advised domes of tlio rabidannexationu'th in Honolulu.

f'ommishionor Blount is iirocedliiiuwith tact and cooil uidcmcnl. TIiih.howover, cannot ho euid of .MinistejStovens. who "etill coos about tuuinuand encouraging uiiuuMitiuii " Wentriee entirely with uui coiie'noudoiitlluU 'fins speedy ucall would lulpthnHituatkiii heiu." Indeed, tlio Hijiauipoiuied out to 1'icfcideiit ui--

soon us ho was iinrtalled in oiliec theneeefisitv of lecidlini'.'MliiistcrtjU vens,as woll us witliiliiiu'liiu iho treaty fuunthu Somite and nujidlngu Upiiniiihsiyji'or to Honolulu,

Vr"V rj- - - i"nrv - tw "Wff" v C - "vw ' T '4,. V r "35rW3"' !

Our coiicnpoiuk'Ul limit) Hint thefolly tlioiiHitntt natives mo stionglyopini-u'i- l to unnoxiitimi, mill Unit it isfavdieil only by n tmcign faction lobihiin two thousand stiung, lepiesent-in- g

the Mimir interests. Tliutc plan'-o- iiiiinealioiiHls appear to huve

biounht iihoiit the oveithiow of theIJui'cn, the ( tiilih-hinen- t o! the

ciivi liimenl, the mniiil iimlectotate pim United by Miui-l-

Stevens anil the ch of t'mnto Wuhinglon, all f i III

putposo of fun ing their nnnovitinn-- cheine thrt n :h No nime de-- pi in i

tt IimiuIiiI jimcecilni? wu- - eviuuttinipinl in the inline i)f the United."1 ite-- n ii i let ! veil olllciid connlenurife :t W

And jet jiulgiin tiiuii the emotion-al oinluii-- a in mine nvei"hiiuluig down the Anioiieiin" inHonolulu, the news of CoiuuiuMoiurMount' ? in lion seems to luivi elhclcltin1 pnio iiiinil with iimetliiiig lil.i hj-ui- iii l)ut th wcimki

thtit the II iWiiiinn 11, ig is turnleatoied to the llawiuiiinUiipitol bj uider of l'ltsukiit Clevehuil, lull thillits lestoiation w is nut onleied bl'ieident lliiiii-u- n its boon us hi'le.uued that it h id bc n hauled downand the Anieiioan Hag urn up byMinister Mcveiib. Indeed, the t

wonder of till is that MinisterStevens b id the uudacitv to take tin.unwui.uiteil couiec be did.

Not evtn the l'resiiilent of theUnited .States hits the constitutionaliiutlioiitj to establish a piotoctoiutoin u foieign country without the con-sent of Congie-.-- , in ui least the Sen-

ate. Yet we have just seen the spec-tacle of a iMnnstei in a distant gioupof Pacific islands pioelanning on Iihown motion a piotectoiate in thename of the United States, -- upport-mg

it with the naval forces ot thegovi inuieni mil tloatingoveritthe ll.tgof the nation. Still mole extiaoidiu- -

my, we liavo seen tins tiliousteiingbusiness appioved at Washington bythe udmiuistration then in power.

Tiue, the otlending Minister wasmildly notified by the Stale Dep-ut- -

nient that his action was disavowed"so lui us it appear to oveistop"a certain limit. Hut the fact leniainsthat no attempt was made to undowhat he had done without warrantand in violation of out national policy.The unauthoiied pioleetorate, back-ed bj the navy and sj nibolizul by theHag, was recogtnid by allowing it to-- land, and a treaty was rushed intothe Senate to complete the annex-ation which the piotectorate was de-

signed to bring about.As all this was done agiinstthe

will ot the Hawaiian people and mlace of the pioti-- l ol then delhioiudsoveieign, as well as conti uy to

fcculnncnt and u.iditionulpolu v of this country to saj iiuthingnt the of smriijubliiMV the allaii passes into bistorj-a- -

une of the most cuiioii- - and .una-in- n

i hapti is in oiu diplomatic annal.i.N paltiolic colli so, as the IIkkai.i)

uiged at the time, was open to thein vv adiiiinisti.itiim but to call ainoinpl and doListvo bait on thewhokbu-i- ni -- . Ucoidingly, the

tttiiv wis quickly withdrawnlioin tin. i n ite and a Ooiiimi--iiiii- ei

at once b -- p itcliid to Honolulu tn-- traigbtLii things mil ilier. I nab ihtiuii of the unvv.ui.iiili it (iiu.iltoiate, with tin utiiin "f tin n i

foii'i - Id tin li Vi 1 1 and tin K nio- -11

ul lli Vim in in II i liiiin the IL.iW

t ipiil - Inn a seiiuenieill' mini luin i Jiliitint's nusston. It

sliuukl lew b sjk tdilj lolluwcd bjHie mi all ol Miniciu Slevcns and theci nij li tc lotil- - ul the l ibul .innova-tion lic-mei-. Y. lleiakl.

Those "White" Annexationists.

Eniioit Bt 1 imA lew das ago, it was neee-..u- y

to give the Ulwiti-e- i a lesson mstatistic- - Ni vv it is the McGrewPill that need- - one for g,

ui-- t night, that the adheients of an-

nexation nniuueied ven-eighths ofthe 20 000 "whito pooplo" on Hawaii,which are icpresoiitecl bj "tho fiOOO

voting members (?) of the Annexa-tion Uub!!''

The question hero to sottlo iswheio iloea the Star get his 20,000white people from?

Tho ceu-ii- s of tho iufalliblo secre-tary of tho P. G. will answer. Amei-ica- n

15)28 (onlj), British 1311, Goi-nia-

I0.J1, Fionch 15)2, Noiwegitui227, total 1725, of all ages and soxos,out of which half cannot vote anilhalf of tho remainder aro strongljopposed to annexation.

To obtain tho total of 20,000 womust then coiisidoi as "all whito"the following elements: Hawaiianborn of foreign parents 71i)."i, andPortuguese 8002, total 1(5,0117. Butin this mongrel total, tho Hawaiianbom of foreign parents aio wellknown to include all foreign raceswhite, black and yollow, and cer-

tainly tho sous of Chinamen arepretty numerous in this branch olalleged "whito" Havvaiians, Not,among tho Portuguese, all thosecome from tho Capo Yeido Islandsaro negroes or uegutos, and a laigepercentage of th"so fiom tho A.oicsand Madeira aro also cro-se- d withnegro blood, and this must make apoor quality of "while people," un-

less tho Star is willing to call whileall thoso in favor of annexation andliliuk all against it.

Hut tho above figures -- how (hat,if annexation - lo lie ba-e- il onl onthe coloi line, it will be fair to mithat, mi theno Islands, I ho tine'while people" aro consulu.ibly lothan hall ol what tho Star want- - touiu-t- or for propping up its cause,and that probably more than 7-- ofthis numljor aro against it.

-liin t bi.rinorn.....,..v......un defv I. bo iinnnxa- -...Hon club to hhow r()(K) gimuino;

.nijiiuniiu-- i m itimu j.i....uoven in so larns truth goes fiOOU

genuine stgiialuios of any kind, oouincluitiue' the "junior ilopartmentand the Kainuhniuoha and Puliationschool bovs

But lotus have a plobih ito aidthen tho total will sutllo till fold -

ing of figuies, and wo nie willing toswallow one ol tlio jjm im . .m, i

without any Htigtir-uuaUu- ;; a aspi i - In uo of oitNalio (lugs uoly ' mu nulj suowoil iiiidor.


..viiHood's PdU lire outuly vogolablt),

ami (lu not litirge, pain ur glipu. I

I gold by "11 (IrtigylHts, l


Muotlug of ExnoiiUvo and AdvlooiyCouncils tliio Aflouioon.

At tlio enii-week- meeting of theEeciitivo and Adi-or- y Councilsthis afteiiiooii tho follow iug inein-bet- s

woie pio-on- l: .Ministois Dole(Piiwiileul ), King, I'oilei .mdsmilh:Councilloi S M. Damon ( m- - ).

Kininoluth, Allen, Waleihiiie-'e- . Ilolte, Ti'uih'V, Yiuiiig, Suh',Nitt, Morgan and W i'lir.

Viu President D in. mi led thepioceeiluigs with tin pi "cubedtorin of in iM'i, in the teiupor.nvab-on- co of Piesident Dole.

Mini-l- et Porloi prefonled tholitianeial stalemeiit for the weekending Mav (i. lS'.l.), fiom which thefollowing ligine- - aie taken:

Ca-- h mi hand Apiil 29, ISM, .H-I'l"- ).

II. Ii'i'.'eipts hn weik, geiu'ialvo'iiic .'0,2' ' id. Total, -- led,

(ill). IIlimioial I'siieusi'-- . fur week, .fili,- -


Available ea-- h. Maj S. SI I.Hl'.l.SI.Oiitstaiulitig ttulebtedue--s tieas-ui- v

notes. rl.tH.K; P. M. G. note-- ,.?lh5,(K)0; total. VOIi.OOO.

Ovoidue tie nolo-i- , $5)000:P. M. G. note-,--l:!t))- 0.

Duotieastitv fiom Po-t- al SavingsBank, &l7,.-2l.:-


Total notices willidiawals P. S. !).to date, .'.DOS; deiioMt. ftVil).- -55KU1.

Notices maiming this dale, SI

Exec willidiawals over depositsfor week, .j:3r)t)i).07.

Expense- - Piov isional Governmentto date, SO.!, I lU.oti; dm ing week,SK).")'.) o:$.

Paid todatoundei S 'ction 2, ?1outstanding bills, SI 7,000.

Mi. Damon said that, beloio mov-ing tho acceptance of the lepoit,he had an amendment to piopo-- o lorwhich he would give his iea-on- s.

In the lepoit ol tho Finance '

Mmi-te- r piesentcd last meeting the finance committee hadreceived what might almost becalled a i chuff. At the beginning oflast mouth, in haunony with theMinisloi of Finance and with thecoucuircnio of the Council, an

was made wheri'b', a cer-tain limit oT expenditiuo was lo begiven to each dopaitinonl. Theie-upo- n

the committee had addle eda lettei lo tho head of each bianchof government, announcing tho

together with tho allot-ment 'to the p.utictilai In. inch. Thiswas nidei d in aeionlni.' with theprovisions ol tho Audit Act, extiaetsiioin w hii h ho quoli'd. The linauceconiinittee wa- - I lie -- eivant of lieCouncil, to aid it in -- coming a pio-pe- i

lontiol of the public finance--.If, with its othei Rtnces-c- s, the

Goveiumeut giappled llj

with the linancial ques-tions, and pii'vonted it-- ell fiom be-

ing -- haken blows,it would earn the le-pe- et anil

of the community. Now theJudiciary DepaitmiMit had been al-

lowed and it -- pent S"00. TheAttornev -- Genet al's Depaitinent

(i,000- - all that ed

and spent .2(itK)0. Theie w.ia.nKX) allowed to tho Foioigu .ll.m-J- )i

paitment, and it spoul -- "(i('I'lte l'luance Depait menr was alio

d 17.000 and -- tie n joo ) ). cn v

tho b iii'.iu ol pi. i i i i iion hadkept wi II within i i an havingestimati il v 'i'.l-i.- S is its piobableexpense- - aim had --Uo.s 07 leJt to

Tin in was.iveiy good d

made )iv the Intenoi Dep'tit-nien- l,

wiuih he legaided as thespending depai tnient of tho Govern-ment. It was allowed )12,l50i) andexpended but in excess ol that-- uni. The militai v buieaiiiiad beenallotted -- li)lii)') btit had -- pent

If he did not li el that thofinancial di Li uttnent was the key-

stone of tin si, ,ul ion ho should notfeel -- o deeply al out this niattei. liofoil on rud.t) mil ever since as il hehad run up against a slump, andthat -- lump wiL betoi" h.- - e,es oversince. To get lound it he ha I pio-paie- d

tho followingKe-olv- That on or befoio the

lii- -t dav of each month Hie .Mini-te- roi Finance, ehaii mail ol the Fiuaniocommittee, shall piesoni to theCouncil a slaleinent ol the cash inhand and a caieful statement of theestimated iccoipt- - foi lite ensuingmouth, and lmthei a statementshowing tho amounts which maypiudontlj bo allotted to each of the-- ovoial depaitmeiits lot the en-m- ug

month. Upon tho appioval In theCouncil ol the iotegotng lecom-niende- d

expendituie- - the seieudmav vvnluliaw lunds

liom the tie'ism v, bill not in e.ce-- s

of such leeoinineiiilt'd oxpeiidilincswithout the consent of tho linauceconiinittee oi vote of the Council.And also that fiom and altei thisdato payments liom the tieasiuyother than iutoie-- l on Iho imbhedebt and lepavments lo the PostalSavings Bank oi on public debl killing clue, oi incidental- - liom tlioCustom House, shall only be in tdobj lesolution ol tho Executive and

dvisoiy Council-- , oithei on thorecoiiiinondation of the linauce eom- -ni.ii.,., ,,,r I,:,. I, il,,. t ..,,... ,.r t.,,11,.,, 11111,11 .lW ..L.III-...J- . W, I",- -nance is ex ollieio ehaii man, oi bvmotion ol a moinboi of the Council,

Ah. Damon ed (he iimMioii.if win il.ei tin loan Jim Inuld be'atueiKleil so a- - to allow bond- - to bo i

-- old in Jl .m.liilii al i ,bs ami. flolllollghl bi hue t Iiln wa- - M'soited hithe.V hhoulil be able to show this1c nniijiiiiil Uiat Ulil v neie MlliL' ll- ... ...,,,,...,-.- .. .......ii. I,,., .....line. 'ii.i,..,..i..i.iin.? ..(i.i.ii .nun uiuiius. i lit? .uiii'.ULlovunuo lor April iv..,j !?l:.M,!4iaiW,and that for Alatcli would uol fallfar shoit ol that amount. With.,,,,, m 11,1,11,111., ,, il,,,,., , ,,n,l.i i r. milj, 1, ,j i, ,,iv uilHtt, U I'.tlilu,i, lu.!tds ti.gothor and soil lho-- o '

ijoiiu.s muiui 111. pin or 111 a 'hjiiiiiiiii,At letist an attempt should bo madeIjofoio .soiling their bomls ut a dis- -

count. The hi- -t wo Le'i utmesallowed bonds to be hold abroad ul'is, vvhioli mount nuotiuniilt ol aboutU J. llo did not Miy ho would oppi soMlHng them al hiu-I- i n inlu, but hov.oiihl nay thiit thev uuglit to iini'iol.i.Utompt . lUUI Hi' , (' uuhImicu- -

Hlio I y livinir v a ineuus5Jiu ir l'i"-- i ii. ia, uiiiH'i'i d

with the 11 a uiun Ho painted o itmiiiii of Die dHllollltles ll) lol(li of ,

koeuJiigbtrtoUy to the Jluuueo t'oitt--initlow's urrniiuumunl

Mr. Wturhutue. lltujiihur oltho iiiuiucij (JomiiiJUuDj Uglflflll 15

jho resolution, and wanted to knowif ouo motion could not cover thoacceptance of the litianeial state-ment and the adoption of the leso-ltilio- u.

Piesident Dole lemarked that thomover had lefoired to theas nit aiiieiidiueul.

Mr. Motgan etidoi-e- d tho resolu-tion. Tlmv should get down to tibusiness basis,

Mr. Teunej followed inistvain. The' iiielion was sitnjilythat of cutting then coat aceoidtngtn their elolh.

Mr. Einmelulli advocated gettingmoio work out of certain ollicialsand firing othors out.

The resolution paved.Mr. Allen, from the foieign aflaits

commit I i'0e, moved a lesoltttioii oflegiet lor the lalu Captain G. C.

iltsn, V. H. a coin lo be on- -gto-,si- t ami i ul to his tlovv.( ai'lieij

At .)..)() tlu t otineils went intoeeeulivo s-;o

I'ho most pain'u) cases of lheuin-ali-i- n

may be lelioved bj a few ap-plications of ( kanibei Iain's Painllalm; its continued u-- o vvill cuioanv ease, no matter of how longstanding, Itisei'iullj beneficial forlame back, iaiu in the -- tde, jiain inthe ehc-- t, lainenc . and in all pain-ful a lu ct um- - u pming an externallemedj. Ajii.'-i- f llannel saturat-ed with Pai i Halm and bound onover the seat ol pain is siipeuor toany plaster. L'oi t lie by all dealer-- ,lion-o- n. Smith iSi Co., Agent foi thoHawaiian Islands.

lanir.luo'a l'omb.

Ennoti Ijim .tin: -The neglected condition of ll-i- -

vv.iii's most popular monau h'- - tombhas-tuel- v- otilv to be btonglit to thenotice ol t he 1 nstees mulct his will loeau-- e them to have the same biiuht- -

ened up icgiH, the gatdeii (endedand lestoieil lo the beauty of -- oinefoul teen jcTi- - tnee.

One would have thought that-- tanding a- - it doe-- at the thro-ho- ld

of an histouc chinch the dilapidation would have been commented onluo I hi- -.

The heail of the nation still beatskindlv foi "I'licce Bill," and thoughthe -- ceptio ha- - depai led fiom hisJamil;, -- I he ihiono with all its ptivi-leg- e

for vvia' oi woe abolishedjieihaps Joic'U- suiely lioalistand iiiii xa' mi- -l alike .vill -- ee to itthat hi- - i,n, guen."

11. S. S.Honolulu, May S ISO.')


': "TI a'

1 ... 99i r 77ATtV ' n

iv. M V VnJ J3

Iliad 'jl- -i tioublcd five monthswith Dyspep-ia- . The doctors toldme it vva5cromc. I had a fullnesslfter eating nuda heavy load ;n thepit of v.iy .'.toil acli. i &afiXied ly

fiom a Water Bi ash of clearnatter. S ncUtus a I'eathly vSick-le- ss

al f'c cs.loi.i.1 hv.ould overtakeme. Then again 1 v ould have thei '.rib1 paius of Vnid Cahc. At-- ucli times I wou.d I'" to belch andcould not. T was w o' l.inj, then forThomas McIIcury, Diugist, Cor.Irwin and Western Ave., AlleghenyCity, Pa., i' nVse employ Iliadbeen foi i Finally I usedAugust 1 v i darter u sing justenc bott i weeks, was eii- -

lirdy toll il C 1 the trouble. Ican row c it ' i dared not touchbefore I w rul rke to refer you loMr. Mv-F.,'--

, for whom I worked,who ktiov "? f H rb ut mj' condition,and fiom wjvu T bought the medi-cine. I Ih ; ill '.v. wife andfamilyat 39 Ja'nes. ,5t., kq;heny City.Pa.Su'-d- , T'.i: Co-- - J

G. G. (. Xi'S f ! Mfiiuifirturcr,lUUiiilfJ l.ti tjov', U. S. A

By Jao. S". Slorgau.


.ui'.w .!

sj 1 A I) li Wi AAniHfiMiiri mmfwa

llilll-e- l M ' iiwtrs .v. i o.,I Will (I) III l'i l I tlu I III

Jliv hill III),

Oil VEDNSSDAY, May lOili,AT 10 O'Cl.oi'K A. M

An A oi tnient of si i jiU liooili, loin-jiibiii- g

DRY GOODS:I nttiiii", Di'iiliiix,MitIiiih, l)i.w lanuns,Jj , hli mln, Kti.

. ,r "t '"""XC'lAlljUKb'V '" ";l,V,","i'u"i!''' 'e"'! ""K Uni"", hL..

VJXJe?OOOX X& cr'-- i.-II, M - nip, ( an llort, l uiilvi'.loiiur.v .

ii.i'l linn hnuiiiuti, Kle.

.x . j j irT" w - . si rH 2 a . '4 r fc.inuth ' p r a um a r j u rQ , tl E E 11 . 81 n B V IV1''-- ' W A 4U Jev

Iliml-- , l'iti, JHhIich,I njiun 1 -- iu lr, Tot lot hot", I'M.

, .-- r y wt IT

J j l f) VY j. ii iI. llv, lllll'le - llshOltc" KlOiJNi-- ts li ,1,. Jnli , T1.1 Kullo,htuu'iMii , I'.nnl-i- , Oils, kte.


2ZZ!? -- hl: u--f

Fut- - LooaJ Nt'w

Fitly MMU)iit(d

TuUe Iho


HawallBi UirAware Co.. L'll

Saturday, May G, ISOU.

Some time ago, a year per-haps, we made mention in thiscolumn of the enormousamount of tourist travel thatwould pass between the Colo-

nies and the United Statesthis summer and the probablebenefits that would be derivedfrom it by Honolulu's businessmen. Our prophecy has, inthe main, proven correct. Thepassenger lists on the throughsteamers have been abnormal-ly large and the number ofdollars that have dropped intothe coffers of the storekeeperswould be hard to calculate.The tourist travel may bringbenefits in other ways. Theclimate, the tropical plants andthe blight are all objects ofcuriosity and people who arelooking for a quiet peaceablehome are sure to favorablyconsider the land where revolu-tions occur and a governmentcan be overturned withoutbloodshed. They cannot findit anywhere else and we mayexpect an increase of settlersfrom the Colonies. In anotheryear our streets may be throng-ed by individuals who habitual-ly turn up the bottoms of theirtrouser legs in rain in imitationof something the Prince ofWales did one rainy morningin London.

The advance in sugar hasadded zest to energy of thesugar men and improvementsand repairs that should havebeen made last year will nowgo on. Land which had beenalmost abandoned on accountof the low price of the productwill be cultivated and yield fivetons to the acre. We knowthis has begun from, the orderswe are receiving for our Hen-dry Breakers. Managers whobought two or three last yearto try, have duplicated theirorders this year; two planta-tions each have ten. Theselittle things prove the superi-ority of the Hendry Breaker.No plow on the islands has itsreputation for strength oreffectiveness and we questionif another could be made toequal it. If you are a planta-tion manager and want areally good breaker, try it.

Through the courtesy ofMessrs. Hackfeld & Co. wehave just set up a steel Aer-mot- or

in their yard at thecorner of Fort and Queenstreets. We had one therebefore and sold it to two differ-ent people before we had timeto take it down. Aermotortowers of steel are an innova-tion here but in the short timethey have become popular.1 he Aermotor, of course, isthe only windmill recognizedon these islands where wind isvariable and often light. Theirconstruction is so perfect thatthe least wind operates them.For the lawn, plantation orranch the Aermotor is thecheapest and best knownmeans of obtaining a supplyof water. We have them withfixed or tilting towers, woodor steel. The one in Messrs.I Iackfeld & Co's., yard is atil ten

The Mariposa brought usadvices of the shipment of acar load of Fischer SteelRanges right from the factory.The peculiar effect of the clim-

ate of the islands upon metalsprompted us to have this lotof ranges made of steel justtwice the thickness of thoseformerly sold by us or by anyother dealer in ranges in thecity. Any one with a frag-ment of brain can understandthat this adds to the life of thestove.

We have greater confidencein these ranges than we haveever had before, because a per-sonal visit to the factory inladiana last summer enabledus to get improvements with-

out adding to the expense.People who have used a Fis-

cher Range have no hesitationin saying that it heats upquicker and with less fuel thantiny stove of its size known.In this respect it is economi-cal of coal or wood just asour brand of Refrigerators iseconomical of ice.

Hawaiian Hardware Co., L'd0i)iKltu Hprt'cl.clti llloul;,

F'ort Street.

TEMPLE 0Comer Fort Se


S IF E O I .A. L I





S. EHRLIOH,Corner Fort and Hotel Sts.f - Honolulu, H. I.





Hotel Streets.





Most asticiiouLs Smoker!HOLLISTER & CO.,

DRUGQISTS,103 Fort Street, Honolialta, H. I.


128 DAYS

-- o

- - -


Regular Additions to Stocks Received per Sail and Steamfrom Europe, Australia, New Zealand

and the States.

White Bros. Portland Cement !

Koohc Hwbor Lime, Powell Dullryn Lnrgo Stenm Coal.


Guano " Ooncentrado "Ohlendorff's Special Cane Manure, Ohlendorff's Dissolved Peruvian Guano.

Steel Rails, 14, IS, 18&20 Dos.;IJOLTri, NUTS mid FISH l'LATEB TO SUIT.

HAGS Woo, Ciml anil J'mlih ;

IUU Uiilvanldil, VuruNlioil, Hlnek and flulvanbed Itarbud;


.A.rLotLors gind-- OliainsYolluw Mi'tal felnatliiiii,'. Coal Tai, Iron Tanks, loo irallon;

I'lnl,. .,,,.1 I ',..,..,,.,.,,.. I ('.. I,. ...I,, ,1 l,,.Square and Ari'li Kno HriulcH, Down Pino,

Guttering, w.uaie and 0. G, itf to din. ;Kidding, (lalvaniul W'atei J'ijw, from toL'ln,;

bhi'ot l.uul, Slii'ct Zim.',,, Wilden's Charcoal Tin Platuw,

Hooling blates, KiroOlii).

Higgin's Fine Eureka Dairy Bait!ES :Povmd Bags;

LIVnitPOOL COAIthi: SALT, UJlb b.igs;HAWAIIAN' L'OAltMfHALT, 10011. bags;


Useful and Ornamental FurniturellimilUOM birj'S IN MAPLH, WALNUT and Abll,hOOlOll CUILblb OK DIIAWnitH.WllJ'llMJ DLbKb I.N HObi:VOOI and MAHOGANY,COKNIJIt and HALL OJIAUtb, I'AKJ) TAIJLKH, llu-.- . Ktc.

French Iron Bedsteacls I


Grain, Hay and Feed Stuffs Always ou Hand

"r .




Time TaMe



Leavo Honolulu. ..0:16 8: 15

Arrive Honouliull.7s20 0:57Leitvolloiioiiltuli..7:30 10:43Arrive Honolulu. .8:35 11:55

Piuni, Oity Local.Leavo HonoluluArrlvo l'earl OityLeavo Pearl 0!ty..0:GTArrlvo Honolulu. 7:30 ....



Sundays excepted. t SaturdaysSaturdays excepted.

Tides, Sun and Moon.HY C. J. LYONS.



J gl d A g

BAY. Iglfe'&l ;f J! fa S,i I? pr p p P ? P 9 ? I

p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m.Mon. B10 8 11 20, IS 40, 60 B 2T 0 23 1 10

P."'.Tuns. H 10 3lS 0 50 0 2ft 4 0 5 24 0 i 1 48

Wed. io li :io l on :to o so b 24 0 aft 2 22

Tlmrs. 11 12 0 1 so' tl r0 7 0 5 2.) 2!) .1 0Frl. 12, 2 5 ....17 15 7 40 It 2.! 6 30 3 as

a.m.Sat. 13 2 30 1 20 7 40 8 0 5 22 0 .10' 4 111

Ban. 14 2 B2 2 0 8 0 10 0 5 22 (i 31 .'i 0

l.ust imartor of tho moon on the Stli at;!li.53m. p. m.

Time Wlilstlo blows at Hi. 28m. 31a. p.m. ofHonolulu time, which is tho Hume as 12h. Om.09. of Urecnwieh time.


MONDAY, MAY 8, 1893.

3K.I3STE3 NEWS.Arrivals.

Suniiay, May 7.

Stmr Mikaliala from KiuiniStmr Claudinc from Maul

Monday, May 8.

Am bk C I) Bryant from San Francisco

Departures.Monday, May 7.

Am sclir Puritan, Peterson, for San Fran-cisco

Stmr Jas Makeo for Kapaa at 5 p inStmr C It Bishop for KauaiStmr 'Waialeale for HanainauluStmr J A Cummins for KoolauStnn Mokolii for Molokai

Vessels LeavingStmr Claudine for Maui at 5 p mStmr Mikaliala for Kauai at 5 p mStmr Kinau for Maui and Hawaii at 2 p inStmr Iwalani for Makawcli at 5 p ru

Cargoes from Island Ports.Stmr Mikaliala 5190 bags sugar, 50 bags

pin, 1 hoise, 8 lugs peanuts, 00 pkgssundries, 10 bdls hides.

Stmr Claudine 37 bead cattle, 51 hogs, 140bags torn, 100 bags bones, 5a) bagspotatoes, 02 bides, 33 bbls poi, 100 pkgssundiies.


From Kauai, per stmr Mikaliala, Mav 7Mrs Junius Kane, A Coekburn, Mrs OeorgeFountain, S K Kaco, Tan Wo, Chung Hingand 01 deck.

From Maui, per stmr Claudine, May 7Ilr Foote, S Parker, T J McLaughlin andwife. M J Mebane, P MeLane, Mrs L ItWalbridge and 01 deck.

Foreign Vessels Expected.IH B M S Koyal Arthur from Kngland.HUMS Temerairo from KnglandBr S S Belgic, from San Francisco, due

May 11

'8 S China from Yokohama and Hongkongnow due

.S S Australia, Houdlette, from gan Fran-cisco, due May 17

C P S S Miowera troni Sydncv, due May 25,S S Monowai, Carey, from San Francisco,

due June 1

B S Alameda, Morse, from the Colonies,due June 1

Am bk Martha Davis from Boston, dueDec

Brbt Ladstock from Liverpool, due July25-.3-1

Uic Itoutcnbeck from Newcastle, due May30

Bk Sharpshooter from Newcastle, due June8

Am bdir W li Talbot, from Newcastle, duoJune

Shipping Notes.

The Norwegian brig Dato which was herosome time ago has been abandoned at(Juindalup (W.A.)

The American four-nusto- d sebnnner VH Talbot Is on her way to Honolulu fromNmvt'aHtln. enal-huli- !

The British bark Gainsborough is fifty-ilv- o

days out from Newcustle, N. S. W. forthis port. Tho Lyman J). Foster is forty-on- e

days out from the same place. Bothare coal-lade- n.

Tho Ameilcan four-maste- d schoonerPuritan, Captain Peterson, loft for theGolden Gate this morning with 10,737 bagssugar, shipped as follows: OOSO bags, (!. O,Bergcr; imflilo., V. (3. Irwin it Co.; 3S05do., .1. T. ' and H0 bbls molasses, ship-ped by J. II, Brims. Domestic value, $70,- -

Tho following is a brief description oftho K. H. Campania, which lias broken therecord across tho Atlantic. Kxtcrnolly theCuurpania has an imposing appearance.Sbo is Ol'O feet long, 05J4 feet broad, andfrom the upper deck 43 feet deep. It iscomputed that whim she has her lull com-plement of passengers of all cliissc.", to-gether with the ship's stall', theru will ho atotal of 2000 souls ou board.


SMYTH At Huelo, Maui, on May 2, lfeO.l,

to the wife tf J. K. Smyth, a daughter.DAVIS-M- ay (1, lsi, to tho wife of Henry

Davis, a sop.

Tho promptness and certainty ofits uuros havo made Chamberlain'sCough Remedy famous. It is in-tended especially for coughs, colds,croup and whooping coughs, and istho most effectual remedy known forthose dihoasos. Mr. C. B. Main, ofUnion City, Pa., says: "1 havo a groattmlu on Chamberlain's Cough Reme-dy. 1 warrant every but lie and havonever heard of one failing (0 givoentire satihfaetion." fit) cent bottlesfor sale by all dealers. Boiimhi,Smith A: Co., agent h for the Hawai-ian Isluuds,


'??f,mpr r"t.r"?Tt BP"jrav--f.tywr-- TVWr?"srr rw sTrypri, "W ' w"

, .v


Tho Kninuhntnolini nnd Croscontswill incut nost Sntunmy.

A' brilhur Scots moot at thoirhowir tho nicht at hauf nucut.

Foreign jurors aro roquiroil to at-to-

Circuit Court at H:30

Tho P. G. band will give its usualconcert at Emma Square-- this ovon-iiig- -

A boat crow from tho U. S. S. Bos-ton was practicing in tho harbor yos-torda- y.

A. 13. Looboustoin of Hilo and i,W. Wilcox had thoir pictures takontogether tho other day.

Goo. W. Burgess, at Benson.Smith & Co.'s, has some valuable bo- -longings for salo. Seo tho list olso- -

whore.About fifty Chinoso havo takon

out passports at tho Custom House.Thoy intend taking passago on thoS. S. Belgic.

It is reported that Captain A. R.Walkor, wanted by tho police fortho thoft of the Station opium, is onboard H. B. M. S. Hyacinth.

Two natives, for playing fightingin a saloon on Saturday night, woresentenced to dig up S5 each thismorning in tho District Court.

There aro only three mounted pa-trolmen now, all tho others havingbeen discharged for want of funds.Captain Klomtno does not liko it.

It is reckoned that 10 tons of coal orso have boon picked up by nativesout of tho silt discharged from thodredge pipe at tho foot of Kichardsstreet.

N. S. Sachs is forward again asusual, being first in tho field with agrand assortment of summer dressmaterial. Ktin your oyo over thocatalogue elsewhere in this paper.

The case of Mrs. Mary Sutherlandwas remanded in tho District Courtthis morning, at tho request of thoprosecution, until May 10, at 0:80a.m., Mrs. Sutherland to givo herown recognizances to appear at thattime.

A Portuguese lad was bringing insomeone's lunch on a Borotaniastreetcar Saturday aftornoon, whent ho cork flow out of a bottlo ho hadin his hand and somewhat damageda man's pantaloons. It was a bottloof root beer.

Mr. Oliver Stillmnn, one of thomost experienced clerks in the Custom House, is to be dismissed thoend of this week, to make room fora Mr. Schmidt. No reason is as-

signed for tho change, so tho usualP. G. reason is to bo surmised.

It is not too late j-- to see thoWorld's Fair at Chicago, only don'tput off until tho last moment. Makeup your mind early and secure aticket, as both the local and throughsteamers aro sure to havo full pas-senger lists for sonio months to come.JFirst come, best served.

"Pill money in thy purse."Rliuletpetirr.

How to Do It.Buy your boots of Chris. Gortz

on Nuuanu street.

Get 10 porcont discount ou cashpurchases from Hobron, Neumann& Co. It is not to bo sneezed at.

Invest in curtains that will "woarwell. B. F. Elders & Co. on Fortstreet havo got them, all kinds andsizes.

Go and got your hair cut at thoQueen Street Saving Parlors. Folkswon't mistake you thou for an es-

caped convict.m mm

Bobbed While Asleep.

Three members of tho guards hada timo Saturday at Looning's house,below Smith's bridge. Two of thonurnbor, Audi-Wilso- n and Gus Kew,wero frequently sent out for liquor.On one of these errands one manforgot to come back, but tho otherreturned while the third man wasdead asleep, and took a bundle ofclothes. When tho man got up hofound that his pockets had beenvisited and $25 of good P. G. moneytaken. Wilson was arrested thismorning with tho bundlo of clothes.

Concert at Kaumakapili.Thoro will bo a

tho organ concertChurching, at 7:15 o'clock.

musical treat atat KaumakapiliTuesday even-M- r.

II. S. Mau- -

ning, a gifted tenor singer, willrondor two songs, one with violinobligato, and with Mrs. E. D. Ton-no- y

sing a duel. Tho program willbo made up of organ solos, stringquartets and other numbers. Thoadmission is only twenty-liv- e cents.Tickets on salo at Thrum's book-store.

Crickoters Attention.

All jKution iiitoro.sti'd in cricketaro iotiiit-'stui- l to bo at tho old base-ball grounds, .MnUiki, on Wi'dncs-dny- ,

May 1(1, from 1 to II p.m., forprnctii'o. Aflur which a inditingwill bo called for I ho purpose offorming a crickotclub, taking namesfor membership and deciding on aplace for holding a'gouoral meeting.


Trusts and Combinations

Aro unpopular. IJul there is oneform of trust against which 110 onehas anything to hay. That is the(rust which the public reposes inHood's Sarsaparilln, and the best ofit is the trust is lully justified bythe innrit of tlie nii'diiMne. 1'or, re-

member, UoodV Sarnaparilla (Jutes,

W. J. Kocho Dead.

W.J. lioche died al the InsaneAsylum, where lie was taken a fewweeks ago, (Ids afinrnoou. Ho wabora in ICnglnud 2 years ago. Mr.Woehe was decreiary of the Hoard ofHealth in IKS7.

Yen can tiniiitiiiicH tell when n

until licgiiih to Imukiliilu hy liislucath.Huin'n Horn,


Soap Works Onao Judicial Decisions- Bankruptcy.

Saturday and to-da- y have- beenoccupied at Circuit Court with thoequity suit, Hawaiian Soap WorksCo. vs. Thomas W. Rawlins. A. S.Hartwoll for plaintiff; Cecil Brownfor defendant.

Judgo Whiting has rendered a de-cision in tho case of C. 11. Bishop vs.J. Kanui. Defendant appealed onpoints of law from the District totho Circuit Court. Tho groundswere that plaintiff did not appearlorsonallv orbvan authorized aiiout itifet to doughnuts thatlit 1.1 ll - 1111"in court, and that tlioro was not a

proper service of summons on de-

fendant. Both grounds aro over-ruled in tho decision. J. A. Magoonfor plaint ill; J. M. Poepoo for de-

fendant.Tho Supremo Court by Justice

Froar has rendored a unanimous de-

cision of interest to landlords andtenants. It is on an action of trover

M. J. Silva and M. Gomoz, doingbusiness under tho namo of tho Ha-waiian Electroplating Works, vs.Anton Homen damages laid .itJJ300, for wrongful conversion ofgoods consisting of electroplatingmachinery, tools and supplies andchattels of plaint UTs which wore in ashop occupied by plaintiffs rentedof defendant. Tho case was heardin tho Police Court of Honolulu,which gave judgment for dofondaut,

' and on appeal again by a Justice ofthe Supremo Court at Chambers,who, in affirming tho judgment bo-- Ilow, hold that the goods in questionwero legally distrained.

j Tho decision appealed from isnow reversed and the caso is romit-tc- d

to a Judgo of the Circuit Courtof tho First Circuit to assess thedamages, the Justice who formerlyheard the caso having no jurisdic-tion to hear it now, by tho provi-sions of tho Act to Reorganize the

j Judiciary Department. Tho lawpoints established 1)3' tho decisionare as follows:


"A landlord cannot lawfullybreak open an outer door of a builcl- -

ing to levy a distress for rent."Trover lies for tho value of goods

' wrongfully distressed.j "The measure of damages is the' value of tho goods at tho timo ofconversion with interest to tho timeof trial, without deducting thoamount of rout due."

J. A. Magoon for plaintiff; C. W.Ashford for defendant.

F. AV. McChesney, assignee of A.i L. Cron, petitions for allowanco ofaccounts, discharge, etc. Receiptshavo been $15)12.50, and expendi- -

hires 313.10, on tho unencumberedproperty. Tlioro is $282.20 for dis- -

tributiou to creditors. Tho plantof tho candy factory was mortgagedto W. F. Allen, who has received$1)00 out of tho proceeds, leaving$71.00 not still duo to him as mort-gagee.


Gone TJp Throe. Months in Conse-


A nativo named Kaili was handedover to tho polico ou Saturday aftor-noon charged with tho theft of asilver watch valued at $25, the prop-- Iorty of Kamaka. Tho stealing oc- -

currcd at the residence of W. L.Wilcox at Kalihi. Tho owner of thewatch and several others wero work-- I

ing in tho field, when Kaili was seento crawl on Ins hands and knees intotho houso and perforin the sameacrobatic performance coming out afew minutes lalor. As tho men woreat a good distance from thothey did not sing out, but followedthe man up and searched him ontho road. Thoy found on his persontho silver watch, which was identi-fied by Kamaka, who had hung it upin tho room for safety. Tho watchwas tho solo article stolen.

This morning District Judge Fos-ter sentenced Kaili to three months'imprisonment at hard labor, and topay a fine of $1.


Seizure of Twelve Dozen Tho StuffProves Lively.

Captain Schlemmor and rounds-man David Kaapa made a raid on aswipes distillery on Saturday nightand captured two natives, A. Kaiia-mo- i

and Naki, with twelve dozen ofbottles full of root beer. Tho nativeshad been in tho habit of makingand soiling the stuff for some timepast, and all offoits to apprehendthem at tho trick had hitherto beenunavailing. Thoy wore at lastcaught in tho act.

The liquor was stored in an ante-room in the Deputy Marshal's office,and between Saturday night andthis morning no less than lour hot-tie- s

exploded and broke tho case inwhich the' wero stored. The fourwatchful police guarding tho Stationopium occupy rooms near whore thostuff was stored.

There is nothing I havo over usedfor muscular rheumatism that givesme as much relief as Chamberlain'sPain Ualin does. I have been usingit for about two years four bottlesin all as occasion required, and al-

ways keep a boltle of it in my home,I believe 1 know a good thing whenI get hold of it, and Pain Jialin istho best liniment 1 have over motwith. W. U. Denny, dairyman, NewLexington, Ohio. 50 cent bottlesfor sale by all dealers, llenson,Smith it (Jo,, agents for tho Hawai-ian Islands,

.Sutter's Fort, California, was dedicated with imposing ceremonies bytho Native .Sous. It is the pointwhore the pioneers of 1K1!) congre- -

gated. The building where the ex-

ercises were held was tho one inwhich tho lifst specimens of goldwero examined by .Marshall and j

others. i

Negro tenants are being kept insubjection by Stale tioopi at .lamesL'it, North Carolina, while troublesabout the prupeily are being ad-

justed. It is said the negioes iuomaking threats of iiiceiidiarisiu aftertho troops havo been ordered away.

Dr. liuchanau has been found


Knniehamelms Boat Hawniia by aOloso Shavo.

Tho baseball game on Saturdayaftornoon between tho Kainoha- -

mohas and ITawaiis was anythingbut tamo. It was pretty hard topick tho winner oven toward thofinal innings. Both nines playedwell, and both scorned to have theirwinning clothes on. Some peoplehad an idea that the llawaiis didnot amount to much anyway, andthey were just badly fooled. Theyloomed ui in ureal shane and it's

dollars they'll


givo win avaius a hhiu luiiuiniigwhen nost thoy meet. CaptainThompson trotted out his men ingoodt condition for the fray, and intho initial inning dribbled threeruns. Tho Kauis managed to coun-ter with a single run. From thenou to tho fourth inning neither sidoscored, but in the huh the lvams blewin four runs, amid great cheering bytho kindergarten in the stand. Theload gained 113- - the Knms was main-tained up to tho ninth innings, whentho llawaiis tied the score. Kaaogained his base on balls. C. Willisgrasped tho ash and hit tho leatherntremendous whack over the fielder'shead. Kaao, champion 200-yar- d

runner, made a cle&r ciicuit of thobases. Willis enmo home on a pass-ed ball. Tho Kainohainohas enter-ed, sending Baker into tho box. Homade a base hit, hut was retired atthird. Wahineniaikai took first basoon tho fourth curve. Kaao straight- -ened out his ball, when Rewskvswiped it for a single. Againcurves came a little too oftenMohoula with tho eaglo eye appro-priated first baso. Maluika, tho

sent thoball into the hand of conterfiolderCupid, who, in his anxiety to makedouble play, dropped it and Wahine-niaikai covered the homo plate, ending the game, acme, 0 to ;.

The P. G. baud was in attendanceand played enlivening music. Thogame throughout was characterized1)3 downright good playing, and thepeople should show thoir apprecia-tion of lirst-clas- s sport by giving thoboys tho encouragement of fullgalleries.

. mi mm

Two kidnapers, who attempted tobribe a .lust ice of tho Peace and aconstable and to carry off an heiress,wore captured at Baltimore. Theheiress is !M anno Toomor, and herfortune $50,000. Her stepbrotherwanted to marry her, and she andher stepmother were agreed, buther father shut her up in an or-phans' homo. It was to bring herinto court on fictitious .summons, sothat sho could bo carried olf, thattho bribes were olfered.

War is threatened between whitesettlors and tho Navajo Indians, whoaro facing each other from oppositebanks of tho San .luan river, Colo-rado. The whites aro preparing touse armed force if the Indians d(jnot surrender tho slayers of Welch,a ranchman. In superior numbersthe Indians have tho advantage, butthe settlers aro madi- - dcoporato bytho constant poril of their womenand children.


guilty at New York of inuidor in the ""'!Ill's t for poisoning his wife, i drUveml

'a mres

And Catarrh in tEio Head

5isy K mmmmSlIFf,S




sm Sa8 233Mr. W. L. Tuclecr

notching, Oregon.

"I feel that it Is Impossible for mo to say tooranch la favor of lloml's S.ii!ip.u!IPi. 1 waia great suHercr from lmpiuo Mood and GitalinIn my head, .lob's comforters f.illcd lo comfortmo, and I suffered fiom uuincioiis lioiU

Agony Doyoncl Description.When I began to IhIio Hood's "at s.iparllla I hadsix of them, only four of v.lil. li ( aino to a head,and slnco then, thanks to t hi t good inrdleluc, I"

have been frco from lids atllletlon. I;alned 1 1 pounds la three we .. 'U10 Catarrhfu mv bead which lrn tronhl 1" f irjears lias

also uuen cured by Hood's h.u ..iiuiIIU and 1

Rarsa-parlll- .i oresam eiijoylnv good I'Piifiul lieiltli. I earnestlyleeoiniiiend llooil' . 1 i 'i ' n.a lo all who areafillcled." W. J.. Ti'11,111, boicliuit', Oregon.

HCOD'B PlLLQ cmenc.s, Jaundice, ludii;csti

l.'ver Ills, Illllom-1-



Horse, Frazior Cart & HarnessMAONEALE A- - L'lili.VN FIltEI'ltOOF

lllii ' inoido ima- -Miieuii'iit;

Antique Oak Bsdvoom Set,ivitb Mattrcsi'i". mid Pillows;

Oak Cornice I'iiIuh, I'Iuiio rjtand Lamiis,A urdrohe,




Cty For furtliur particulars apply to

OEO. W. DUltdES.S,Ollice of JIoiisoii, Hmitli A Co.

All kinds of Com mr trial I'tinliniijirnliijitlil ijrrrultil ill loir nihn nl the

llullilin l.0ir.

Home-mad- e Butter


Maluki,ftj-- bell Telephuii.' ;1I7. 7'.'o .'w

Jhdlilin, Jt) train n month,ftee.


Pacific Steam Line

--JC.:ir-i.'i- !2l&4S7

For Vancouver, B. C:

Tin.1 New and Mnguillcent Al Stenni- -sh

"MIOWERA"Uegistercd Tonnagu .'WHO Toni

Will lie due nt Honolulu fitnii Sydney, viaUrisbane, ou or ubuut

1&.A.T 25th,And will leave for above Port with Malls

and Passengers on or aboutthat dato.

Through Tickets to All Points la Caiiada

and the United States per C. P. R.

NOTK The .above .Steamer will be fol-

lowed in about Four Weeks, by her Sistor-slii- p


"WARRIMOO"JT3"" liVir Fiirtlinr ivirMenlMr. rniriii'ilinir

10 freight or Passage, apply to:uul

THEO. H. DAVIES & CO.,710-t- d General Agents.


i n "&T n fk vsatmrn dmm imM i ijhexr-- apply


C. ROWE,street near Fort.


5000 Alligator Pear Stones!

For which 1 a Hundred will be paidDelivered at

II. K. MclXTYUE .t llUO.'S,7l7-- -' Cor. Fort it King ts.


rpiIE P.KGFLAl! OUAHTEKLY MEET- -JL ing o! the Union Feed Co.. (L'd), will

bo held at thetreet. on 1 the lltn mat

10:JO o'clock a. m

71!)-- rt

Conmanv's OueenUUKSDAY,


Co., L'd.


PEUSOXS 1KWING ANY CLAIMagainst the of Tat Lung,

JSankrupt, Honolulu, hcicby notifiedto ireunl the Mine at once to the under-signed al the olllcc of llvmanllios. I. HU1HNSTKIN,

Assignee Tai Lung, Dankrupt.71'Mw


A T AN ADJOl'KSED ANNUALiV Meeting of the KONA COFFEE AND1'IiUIT CO., L'd., held at the ollice theHon. in Honolulu, mi the llthday of March, 1KM, the followingpur-o- weic duly elected as Olhceis forthe balance llieensiiing teuu:

llonrv Smith.1. Kahoolcano.

Fernandez. ..P. .I.Te-t- aV. II. Wright



mitri'Toiis:Hon. l!o-- a, Dwightand

.lolm-01- 1.

Honolulu Ma



ON DR.A.Tjra-HC'I- '



hot ltjtstojh:From U::;ua.

7i!u-l- ni


F. I!.U. F.



A. I).



A. S. C.

F. J.I, lh!l".



midAl-- o, hand

-:- -

i. to lrliO daily.


No Nuuanu St.


Crockery, Glassware,PIPES AND REPAIRED


mtlf NeatlyWoikmcii.



.Prc-iden- t













Executed bv

ouseFirst-cla- ss Accommodation for Bathers.

Jir-'fowel-s k DatlilniJ Freest

by giving notice through lli'll TelephoneI."i7, jinrlii's am convejeil b boat, tree ofI'lmrge, to ami ruin the Tug boat(!', .M. K rf Co.'- - diu'Ui, thereby avoidingtlie long wall, or drive.

G-F- Fumisliul (upstairs) to lethv day, week or mouth.

717-li- n

A. HEIST,Proprietress,


-- in I him: nv

ED W-A.R,:r- IwIOIsLEINOai mi. -

Queen Street(,SuM door







Bet. Hotel King






Shaving ParlorsMoigan'i. aui'tiou room)


CJHR. GERTZ,I M l'"l:l I II AM' Dl'.U I. II I.S

Ladles' and Children's Boots,

and Slippers

Has removed to Nniiaim street, "I'lU'r'nlllock," beiuiHin Meicliiint and

King Ktrtielt.

n. s. SACHSX04 Fort Street, Honolulu.

mmx Dress MaterialsNewest Materials ! Latest Designs!

Cotton Pongee I Cotton Chaille!bight and Dark Ground KlVeets Pretty Patterns;

SOLID COLORS COTTON CRAPEIn Pink, Cream, bight Itluo, Cardinal and lllack;


SHADED & FIGURED SATEENSScotch OinghaniS: Hrocadcd it Plain Clmnibrics,

Kltlcr-dow- n in Pink, Cream and ItabyPolka Dot


"VVHCXTIn Plaids, Olaeolcs and Stripes.

TC- &- Conic and seo the White Goods wo are selling at 7, 0 and 5 yards for f 1.

Dimities, Nainsooks, Victoria Lawns,Linen Lawns, India Linens, Etc., Etc.


Laces and Embroideries !

IB. :f EHLERS Ss go.S8 STKE3B3T.


Curtains in White, Cream and Colored I

At half the former cost.

"Velvet c Smyrna IR.-u.g- s

In all sizes greatly reduced.

Woolen Goods in Plain, Striped & Plaids, Below Cost !


tUXT" In fact we Immense Uargains 111 all Departments.

GST Dressmaking Under the Management of MISS K. CLARK. JSi

Let or Loaso.


WO FUItNJSHED ROOMSon Jlcretania street,

Alakea street. Apply at thisollice.


"NE SUITE OF FUKNISH- -ed Itoouis with bathroom

attached. Emiuireat



MKS. A. M. MELLIS,715-I- 101 Fort street (upstairs).


T7U FINISHED ItOOMSV at Waikiki with bath-ing facilities; cars pass theplace. Apply at this ollice.

711!-- 7t





HOUSE OF FIVErooms, on Magazine

street, with bathroom, pat-ent W. C, etc. Commandsone of the finest views in (177-t- f) J. M. YIV



street cars, aOool and Convenient Cot-tage of Six ltooms, LarueLot, Stable and Chicken House. Apply to

K. 11. HENDKY,at Hawaiian Hardware Co.'s store.

!7-- tf


A COMFOUTADLY FlUUx. nished Cottage of Twoitooms witn llatbroom at-tached, Riiitaiiic for a singlegentleman. Also Furnishedvate familv








uuiet ApplvatNO. 10 bTUEET.


rpHE COTTAGE AT NO.JL Ujs King street, latelyoccupied by .Mr. M. S. Ixivy,containim;;! bedrooms. l';ir- -





lor, Dining-room- , Kitchen and bathroom;Stable in yard; Artesian Water laid on.For pal ticulars and terms, apply to

AUK. FEUNA.VDE.,at E. 0. Hull (t Sons'.


rpHE TWO PIECES OFJL Property with thebuildings thereon, situatedon King street, and at me- -


-- cm occupied ny .Messrs, . jsowiein anilJ. Downey, both being opposite, the resi-lience of .1. H. Atlierton; eacli of tlieco nre- -iiiImih are bringing in an annual rental of$:ii'0, and a lino opportunity is herebyottered anyone who in desirous of owningu nice comfortable home in a good loca-lity within a few minutes' walk of ourtown, tor terms applv to



F. COLllUHN..IUll.



013-t- f

AH A N DSO M E N E W 1 1 0 U S E ,fdLieotaliiing Parlor, Hiuokiug .Ttpir?Itooni, l! Lirue bediooms. Dinluoioom and kitchen. Verandas amnal, Woodrooiu, Itathroom and Pi

La- -

I'. Ilcaiilifitl LargedioiindneontainiiigOr--iianicntal, hhade and Fruit Trees, FlowcrMand Large drupe Arbor, Outbuilding con-tains Washroom, Servant's Itoom, Tool-- iroom, Chicken House nnd Yard, anil Largel arriage House with all Improvements.In fact tlie place must be seen to be appro-- IHated, To a permanent ijuii-- t familv abaigalu will be made seldom olliired. Willrent with or without Carriage lloin-e- .

House Furnished or Fhfuruislicd. linemile bom Post Ollice; one block fromItiTctaula street cars. Also, a Newi ottage all modern improvements iatlow rent. Apply at this oiHco. 717-l-



SllOCS - '' Meltu, master, tailsfrom Honolulu for above porton every Monday mid Thursday in hi u clock A. M.

ori- -

item W.


-- &&'

A. U. PES TAN A, Agent,Willi (loiuulvivs .V I'll., QllOOII St.


rt't vl.12 i iejs!"



at th

Blue,Figured Irish LawnH.












T -- l'VrvjlBMMBlj " ''ia"ai!jra6

The undersigned are prepared lo give in-

tending Tourists tho advantage of a

Special Round Trip Rate


Chicago sP Return




or San FranolBao



Of Now Zealand,

K&- - Further parlleuhirj may lie budupon application.


LIMITED.i7-- tf

Job Printingrxecultil

neotlu ami promptlyHulletin Office,







J W 'lf

02.- -

'!,7,'',,!f TT SJKJT"'' "W SR W?7 5c rjlif --. " ; T'Tjm "w W'W'- - "? jf .rwzA T? "? mj



New-Yor- k LifeTHE

JOHN A. McCALL, President.


Premium 1 neomu 2o,0-10,113.f-

Interest, Hunts, etc : 0,890,470.00

Total Income, - - - $30,936,090.83

Death Claims $7,S00,oS0.20Endowments and Annuities 2, IS-I- , Io2.20


Dividends, Purchased Insurances, etc tf,01o,(.)!H.7.'

Total to - -

Number of New Policies Issued 00,250Amount of New Insurance Written $173,005,070.00

CONDITION JAN. 1, 1893.Assets, ....

Liabilities, 4 Percent Standard $120,004,250.89Surplus 10,804,948.10Number of Policies in Force 224,008Amount of Insurance in Force $080,248,029.00

PROGRESS IN 18!)2.Increase in Benefits to Policy-holder- s $ 1,323,521.45Increase in Assets 1 1,551,908.18Increase in Surplus 1,0G3,924.79Increase in Insurance Written 20,940,OS8.00Increase in Insurance in Force 00,105,451.00

O. O.General Agent for the Hawaiian Inlands.


Cnt Glass FitoliersSalads


Insurance Co,


Policy-holder- s, $13,995,012,33



Tu.m.telrsDecantersBucketsElto. Bto.


General Crockery and Glassware !

French. Center KAags,Frenola Sofa 12ugs,

Frenoli Door,

French Stair Carpets In Latest Designs, French Iron Beds, Double and Single; Baby Cots


Sets of Telescopic Card and Fancy Tea Tables !

Basket Trunks, Steamer Trunks, Wooden Trunks.TO CLEAR OCT CUNfcU.N'MLNT

American & English Bicycles tZ$LCIIAS. EUSTACE,



Fresh California Roll


New Goods Received by Every

All Orders faithfully attended to.solicited and packed with care.






VasesChocolate Jugs

Rose JarsEtc. Etc. Etc.


Butter and Island Butter


Steamer from San Francisco.

Satisfaction guaranteed. Island Orders

Bet. Fort and Alakea Streets.

P. O. BOX 372.

--P. O. DOX 207

Satisfaction Guaranteed.

-- P. O. IJOX 145.


Importers, Wholesale & Retail Grocers

Provision Dealers & Naval SuppliesFresh Goods by Every Cala. Steamer


Island Solicited.



Q-rooerie- s, IFro-visioii- s Etnci Feed..Now Cuods Received liy Every Packet from the h.isii'ru httitua and Eunx!.


All Ordure faithfully aitwulud to nl Hood dullvficd to tno l"t ol the City iiw.

hluiul Order Holtultod, tmlUfmiUuil giinruutei-- ,

mural Oornor Vovt A Xlns Btveota,

Golden Rule I5azaaiW. F. REYNOLDS, Prop.

Our Optical Department stillgoes along in the even tenor of itsway despite all opposition. Everyday we fit somebody cither with apair of Eyeglasses for 26c., andonce in a while wc get as high as$2.00. We can't go higher be-

cause that is tltc best pair of crys-tals you can bvy and why paymore The reason is that wc donot need any special two weeks'study of the question because ourinstrument, the EVEMETEli, isso simple that its test is absolute.Doesn't matter if your eyes arcmyopic, astigmatic or any otherattic, that instrument gets thereevery time.

Typewriters' Supplies,Toilet Soap', Hair A. Clulli Brushes,

uroimot act", i.uwn lonnis supplies,Guitars from if! up, Banjos, Violins,


Sewing MachinesOn the Instalment Plan, also For Rent

Domestics UTaslaioxisA largo supply of Popular Novels

A well assorted stock of Dound Books,

to suit all ages at publishers1 rates..

Children's Books from 5c. np,Sots Hawaiian Stamps $1.75 & $4.00.

Sheet Music Ordered by Every Steamer.

Are you looking for a Safe

and Profitable Investment at a

Small Annual Cost?Then examine the New and

Novel Forms of Life Insurancenow offered by


Managers for Hawaiian Islands




Bruce & A. J. Cartwrigkt.

To Let or Lease

At Prices to Suit the Times.

isro. i.rpHAT COMMODIOUSJL and mkHi Irk Buildingwith rir.i-a- nt mounds,formerly the losidenco of the late il. J.Halt, situate on Nuunnii Avenue below

tu'i't. Terms r.isj. iiJJ-t- f

NOIL Before -- erkmg or closing bar-gains it will p.iy yim to scanour column, and to at once consult tliuundersigned at their ollke.

IV We keep Propeity inCondition. Our terms aiu moderate andas Landloids we will ulwajs be found rea-sonable in pur dealings.

ttt Apply in each cae to


"Cartwright Building," Merchant stieet.510-t- f

"The Gorman"jsTew European

100 Elegantly Furnished Rooms


Main Entrance to the Fair!310-31- 8 05th Terrace, Chicago.

Rates: 51 per Day k Upward. 1st Class Cafe,

J. F. GORMAN,7u.r-:s- l'ro)irietor.


"CORAL QUEEN"With Dinghy, has Oak Frame and Spruce

Plunking, Copper riveted throughout.Mills fast and is a strong comfortable sra-lioa- t.

Can hu inspected ut the Healanifloat flou-- e. Apply to


P. O Box 00, or II. E. Walker, atKing llio-- .' U'xMf


Physician and SurgeonCan bo roiiHiiltcd nt his residence at Kco-nculi- i,

on the iimuka Hide of King anil Bwuside of Lililia Htrcet, hiuiHu formerly iicru-plc- d

by Mr, (leo. L. Uusha.

Will Vaccinato from Pure Vac-cin- o

Matter 1

ftp-- OmrK llouiixt Kiolil 8 tn 10 . m.(dill llOlll 2 to fi l U, (Wl.'Jlll

The Daily Uullotin in diltvcrul bycurrier for f0 cent per month,


Bonoflt for Projectod Public HallShipping.

It is somo tinio since Hilo rosi-don- ts

have had any oiitortaiinnouts.Tho indofatigablo Mrs. Loobonstoiuthought alio would roliovo tho niono-totn- y

of gotting up souio sido-snlit-tin- g

soluet ions from tho "Grasshop-per1' and "Flowor" cantatas, l'ostorswore distributed all over town andprices put so low that all might at-

tend and not fool tho outlay. Thoobjoct of tho ontortainmont was toget moro funds toward tho erectionof a public plnco of mooting, sothat tlio uourt llouso neuil not uoiistl for tho purpose. Tho ladiesand gontlomon who participatedworo all dressed in costume gottenup for tho occasion, and showed greattaste in tho getting up. At tho nextontortainmont wo shall hope to gottho costumes direct from Paris. Thoscenery was inuiionso, and tho dropcurtain was magnificent (of itskiud).llilo ladies hae groat taste, andknow nothing about tho moaning oftho word fail. All tho singers hadboon well drilled, so that ovory piecewas a perfect success. Almost allthe youth and beauty of Hilo parti-cipated, and as a mat tor of coursothoro would bo a full attondanco.Tho ontortainmont uotted a nicosum. Mrs. Loobonstoiu has ourmany thanks. Madamo Pianiso pre-sided at piano.

Glad to soo Mr. Waltor Hardyagain in Hilo, aud in a now position,which wo boliovo ho will fill withability and honor. Wo thank thonow Marshal for this appointmentof Doputy Sheriff Hardy.

May 1, sailed from Hiloschooner Carrier Dove, Capt. Brandt,for San Francisco. Freight: 22.530bags sugar, 2,831,106 weight, $101,-4(5- 7

.OS value. J. A. M.Hilo, May 1, 1893.


Odds and Ends.Golden oppm Utilities lly low, but

they fly swift. ltum's Horn.Go with tho wolves mid you will

learn to howl. Spunibh proverb,Don't drown sorrow in drink. Hung

sorrow I Philadelphia Times.Tho devil has no fault to find with

the man who is in love with himxclf.ltum's Horn.Jack Hardup Is there any nine

for love? Lovina Cottage Oh, yes.The gold cure. Puck.

The smallest tiling at the World'sFair will be the amount of cash youbring away. Utica Observer.

The Panama Cunal ib the lust ditchin which France has been forced tolight. N. O. Picayune.

"Kiches may have wings," said thetight-liste- d man, "but there are noflics on my money." WashingtonStar.

She (fondly) Do you care for meas much as He (wildly) Who -who? She (whispeiing) Ab much'as ever? Judge.

Whenever a man who knows howto beat the bass drum goes to u newtown ho complains that tho place isnot "musical." Atchison Globe.

Blobbs I diink a cheap Californiaclaict which I know to be reliable.WigwagYes; I know the kind-p- oor

but honcfct. Philadelphia Ko-cor-

A Kentucky gentleman has beenconfirmed as Minister to Peru. Herei.i the good old combination of whiskya ml quinine over again. ChicagoPost.

Wlien all those armor-plate- d vesselsgather in the coming naval review itwill be an impressive lesson of thegreat haidships of tho bea. Philadel-phia Times.

Mies Bungle? T toe that P.Uti is tomake another farewell tour. I won-der hi will ting. Miss Anglos

Offenbach, I picsiiniof Kate Field'sWashington.

Killing the Goobc Thirsty TouiistIsn't 50 cents watlier steep for a

lemonade? Montana BartenderSteep? Nuwt W'y, you went an' ettholemon! Puck.

Irato Patron I thought this rail-road was for the benefit of the public.Baihoad Official You're away oil.Tho public is for tho benefit of thelailroad. N. Y. Weekly.

A recent advertisement in a coun-ti- y

paper reads thus: "For sale, ateirier dog, 2 yeaib old. Will eat any-thing; very fond of children. Applyat this ollico." Tit-Bit-

Isaacstein Ifoscs, vot you t'inkabout dis t'eory dot do Lilians vosvon ofifder lost tripes of our bcobles?Wittehaufeer Nein, nein ; doy sell doland too cheap. Puck.

Tramp Please, mum, I haven't afriend or a rehtivc in the world.Housekeeper Well, I'm glad there'sno one to worry over you in case youget hurt. IIoru.Tige ! N. Y. Weekly.

Bimetallism At San Fiancisco"I had a good idea of bimetulliimi to-

day," said Ikey Wile to Mosey Jacobs."What was it?" "I saw SolomonSilverstein out at the Golden Gate."Judge.

The Friends Miss Holdover Youuro in trouble, dour. Lot mo syinpnthie with you, Mins Jiibtout Youcan't, possibly, dear. 1 have had threeproposals, and must choose betweenllieiu. Puck.


Kooins to lot with board at Ilani-wa- i,


I?oot Boor on draught at Bonson,Smith Si Co.'h.

After shaving uso Cucumber SkinTonic. Bonson, Smith & Co., Agents.

Sunburn relieved at onco bj- - Cu-cumber Tonic. Bonson, Smith k Co.,Agents.

Dr. McLennan, 1511 Fort street,above Hotel. Chroniu and Sugicaleases. Mut nal Telephone 082.

Per S. S. Moinnvni, fJOO smokedotiln fiom Now Zealand, lino llnvor.Tiy'eiu. Cal. Fruit Market. MutualTol. 7H.

J'rof. F. Lombard, A. R, will con-tinue giving iiihl ruction in privatemid In elasMwj French, Spanish,mid Latin. Kitshluiico, Alakea street,near V, M. O. A.

Wanted! WnntodlSome smart aleck to try and stop

my passport, as I am about to loavotho Island for soino other seaporttown. Also ono good collector tocollect somo bills. Ho must bo hon-est, upright and soborj only thosowho can furnish first-clas- s roforoncoto tho aboyo facts uood apply. Alcash security must bo fumishod.Please call on or addross Hon. A. L.Johnson, tho American Shirt Maker,comor King and Alnkoa Btroots, Ho-nolulu, between the hours of 8 n. m.and 12 p. m., whoro you will alwaysfind him making nil kinds of shirtsto order with all tho latest improve-ments and only for honest peoplowho pay their honest cash, and notany bluffs. All porsons having badbills to colloct givo them to mo andl will soo to colloct them. Al'board bill is now paid at Pahala.

Aud now look out for sumo funall thoso who aro iutorestod in mywolfaro.

"JOHNSON,"Tho Amorican,Tho Annexation,Tho Provisional,

And the only good Shirt Maker inthe World.

Whilo Mr. T. J. Iticho-- , of Altona,Mo., was traveling in Kansas ho wastaken violently ill with cholera mor-bus. Ho called at a drug sloro togot somo medicine and the druggistrecommended Chamberlain's Colic,Cholera and Diarrhoea Bomody sohighly ho concluded to try it. Thoresult was immediate roliof, and afow doses cured him completely.It is made for bowel complaint andnothing elso. It never fails. Forsale by all dealers. Benson, Smith St

Co., Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands.



JUNE 11, 1893.

1st kaoe bicycle race.1 Mile Dash. Free for all.

2 11AC- E-

Ituiming ltace. i Mile Dash. Freefor all.

3n ItACE

Trotting and Pacing for HawaiianHied Hones. Mile Heats. Best '2

in 3.

4tii ItACE

Running Haco. X Mile Dash. TorHawaiian ilreu llores.


Formerlv His Majestv's Cup. 1 MileDash. Hawaiian Bred Horses ownedby Members of the Club.


3 Minute Class. Trotting and Pacingto Harness for all Horses not having arecord for 3 minutes or better.


Running Race. 1 Mile Dash. Winnerto beat the lecord of "Angiu A."1 : ay.. Free for all.


Trotting and Pacing to Harness. MileHeats. Iiet 3 in 5.

Urn RACE KAMKHAMEHA PLATE.Running Iiacc. 1 J Mile Dash. Ha-waiian Bred Hoises.


Running Race. X Mile Dash. Ha-waiian Bred Horses.


Running Race. 1 Mile Dash. Ha-waiian Bred. For Ponies andunder.


1 Milo Dash. Hawaiian Bred.


Running Itacc. y. Milo Dash. Freofor all.


JAPANESE BAZAAR,Hotel Street, Oppo, Bethel St.


SILK and SILK CRAPEFor Ladles Diesses,

Beautiful Embroidered and Drawn Work

SILK HANDKERCHIEFS,Lacquer Work Glovo Boxes, Cabinets,

Lanterns for Fetes, Balls, Etc,Fancy Silk Japanese Unibiellus,

Showy Flowor Pots, Satsuma Wars,Window and Veranda Blinds,

Paper Napkins, China Ware, Etc.tXT Inspection cordially invited. No

trouble to show Goods.

J. M. de SA e SILVA.


Hogs to iiunouuru that ho has located atNo. 101 Fort street, anil Is puipaied

to transact any business en-trusted to him, lie will

Collect Rents, Let Houses,Negotiutu the Purchase uud Halo of


Custom House Broker.lie has Dim Cottage on Hrretaula street

and nun on Wilder iiviiuue, uppmdtu Mr.1 1 in1 1; fr Id's icddviicu, to lei at reasonableterms.

lloliiiH'I'liri'i) Klrupiunt Hlounoii Nuuniiiil rent, bulow lliirrliuilii, to let,

ttr-- lluhuiuUoa fuw Slum of Htoukfor sale 718-l-

By Jas. r. Morgan.

Mortgagoo's Notice of Foroclosuroand of Sale.

NOTICE IS HBRKBY GIVEN THAT,of n Power of Salo con-

tained in a certain Mortgage oxecuted Fob-runr- v

8th, 1800, by George W. Marfnrlanoto Charles It. DWiyp, recorded in Libor 12,1

at pages 135 to 137 of tho Hawaiian Regis-try of Deeds, it N tho intontion of saidMortgagco to foiccloso said mortgago, forconditions broken, to wit: for tho

of principal and interest tlinrcon whenduo. And notico Is fuither given that,ntHin such foreclosure, it is the intentionof paid Mortgagee to sell the property Inand by said mortgage, conveyed (unloss thoamount secured by such mortgage shallhave been fully paid) at Public Auction, attho Salesrooin'of Jas. F. Morgan, In Hono-lulu, at 112 o'clock noon on SATURDAY,the 3d day of .tunc, 1M!U.

tW l'or further particulars apply to0. W. Aslifoid, Attorney for tho Jlurtga-ge- n,

Merchant street, Honolulu.Dated tills 1st day of May, ltfrl.


this lMiorr.iiTY to hk somi at thr saleAIIOVU ADVEUTISKII AS FOLLOWS:

All of thoso tracts of land situated onNuuann, Hotel and Bethel streets, inHonolulu, known as tho Booth property,described as follows:

1 Survey of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and (1, com-mencing at an iron spike at tho north cor-ner of Lot No. 1, on Nuuanu street, 78.0loot lrom tnu soutu corner oi Aiiunnu aimHotel streets, and running:

1 S. 33 38' E. truo, 1IH.8 foot alongload through this property.

2- -S. 59 00' W. true, 15.0 feet alonglletlicl street. .

3 N. 4 30' W. truo, 4.1 foot along Gov-ernment Laud.

t N. 20 30' W. truo, 18 feet along Gov-ernment Laud.

5 N. 72 10' W. truo, 20 fcot along Gov-ernment Lund.

(1 N. (W 00 E. truo, 1.5 feet along Beck.7 N. 30 10' W. true, ! " " "b- -S. G0 00' W. true, 1.5 " " "0-- N. 45' W. true, 43.(1 feet along Har-bottl- e.

10 N. 21 30' W. truo, 31.7 feet alongAustin, thence

11 N. 58 10' E. true, 27.7 feet alongNnuanii street to initial point. Area,8121 Mjunre icet.

2 Survey of Lots 7, 8, !), 10, 11 and 12.commencing at tho west corner of Hoteland Bethel stieets, and running:

-S. 60 00' W. true, 1)0.0 feet alongBethel sticet.

N. 3.1 38' W. truo, 01 feet along roadthrough thispioporty.

3 N. 57 35' E. true, (Ki.O feet along the'Empire Lot," Juines Olds, to Hotel street,thence

4 S. 33 38' E. truo, 03.1 feet alongHotel street to initial point. Aiea, 0155scpiaro feet. 710-1-5t

Mortgagee's Notice of Intention toForeclose and of Salo.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT,of a Power of Salo con-

tained in a certain Indenture of Mortgageexecuted September 5th, 1802, by WilliamC. Aehi and Isabella A. Acbi, his wife, ofHonolulu, to Charles R. Bishop and Sam-uel M. Damon, partners under the firmname of Bishop it Company, of said Hono-lulu, and recorded in Liber 130 at pages 20Uto 270, the said mortgagees intend to fore-close tho said mortgage, for conditionbiokcn, to wit: tho nt of theprincipal and interest secured theicbyw lien due. And notico is hereby furthergiven that, upon such foreclosure (and un-less said moitgngo shall have been soonerpaid), it is the intention of said Mortgageesto sell the property therein and therebydescribed and mortgaged, at Public Auction, at tno auction rooms or .lames jj.Morgan, In said Honolulu, on SATUR-DAY, tho 20th day of May, 1803, at 12o'clock noon.

a?-F-or further particulars apply to C.W. Ashford, Attorney for Moitgagecs,Meiehant street. Honolulu.

BISHOP k CO., Mortgagees.

this pnor-nuT- to nn sold is as follows:1 All that eeitain tract of land contain-

ing 0 acres at Kalawahinc, Honolulu,aforesaid, convoyed to me by Bishop iiCompany, by deed recorded in the Hawai-ian Registry'of Conveyances in Book 112,page 307.

2 All that tract of land containing 120acres at Kcalakonio, Puna, Hawaii, con-veyed to mo by Wuilchua and wife, bydeed recorded in Book 113, page 231, audbeing part of Royal Patent Grant 2s!JJ toKeiiaaulani et al.

3 All thattractof land containing 110.71acres at Manawai, Molokai, conveyed tonie by lloopii Olopau, by deed recorded inBook 118, page 150. und being part of L. C.A. lliOO to Hoonaulii.

4 All that tract of land containing 1.20acres at South Kona, Hawaii, conveyed tomo by D. W. iCealahuna, by. deed recordedin Hook 125, page. 201, and being tho lauddescribed m Royal Patent 5513, L. C. A.5711 to ICaoleinakulr.

5 All thattractof land containing27.500Miuare-fo- ot at Kupalama, Honolulu, afore-said, conveyed to me by L.m Chong, bydeed recorded in Book , page , andbeing part of Royal Patent 401, L. C. A.h.505 to Kanoa.

li All that tract of land 150 by 150 feet,being Lot 321, Block C, at Peail City, Ewa,Oahu, conveyed to mu by Oaliu Railway itLand Comp.tnv, by deed recorded in Book127, page 258.

7 Ono share In Holualo.i, 1 .and 2 NorthKomi, Hawaii, transfeired to me and J. K.Nahalo by Kaoiwi by deed recorded inBook 127, page 121.

8 All thoe lands conveyed to mo by Kc-alo-

Kuluu, by deed lecorded in Book130, page 100, und being a one-ha- lf inteiestin tho land containing 130 acres describedin Roval Patent 5170, L. C. A. 7400 to HiKauulolia at lUiwunul 2, .ortli Kona,Hawaii, und all that land containing 40acres dusciibed in Royal Patent Giant 1507to Kalua ut Kawiinui 1, North Kona afore-said.

0 All that tract of land containing 0

aero ut Kalihi, Honolulu, uforosuiil, con-veyed to mo by K. Kaaiai, by deed recordedin 'Book 87, page 100. '

11 All that tract of land containg 0

arro at Kalihi, uforosaid, conveyed tomeby Komo, by deed lecorded in Book IX),

page 3h0.11 Lots 0 aud 11 atKapa!ama,ufo!Csaid,

being part of tho land conveyed to mo byP. Kanoa by deed recorded in Book 01,page Jr3, and being pint of Royal Patent101, L. C. A. 8.SU5 to Kanoa.

12 All of that tract of laud containing702 fathoms at Kuawanui, Molokai, con-veyed to mo by Kaui Kaiiene, by deed

In Book 1)2. pago 202, andhcing thelund described in Boval Patent 7081, L. O.A. 182.1 to Kaailopo.

13 That certain lot on tho Ewa side ofmy now homestead at Kapiilaiuu afoiesaid,(onvoyed to mo by Luu Cluing, by deed

111 Hook 133, pago 12.14 All that land convened to mo by .1.

Muliu bj deed refolded m Book 115, ptigo88, being pint of Hoyal Patent Grant 2WU.

15 All that laud containing 18-1- acreat Kulawaliiiie, Honolulu, itforcsald, con-veyed to mo by Hlla Kawuu, by deed

in Hook 107, liago 125.10 All thoso lands convoyed to me by

Chung Wan by deed rccoidcd In Hook 111,pago 212, being Ap'tuti 13 and 13A, euchcontaining iis-u- ucie, muni particularlyile.sciihcd in Partition Deed recorded InBook 110, page 305,

17 All those lauds convoyed to mo by 0.M. ilydu and wife, by deed recorded inBook 110, p.igu UU, being Apana 11 andII A, each containing u acie, more par-ticularly desutihrd in said Partition Deed.

Is -- That eeitain Irai-- e of laud containing15,100 Milium Irot ut Kapalaiiia aforesaid,pan of llo.wil Patent 101 to Kanoa, for 10

car.s from January I, (bill, iiiudu to mo bybin Chung cud recorded in Hook 128, pago

10 ()ui buggy, ono oipiess, ono bayhorse, four cans, four hamuM-im- , and (ourhuiseit UM'd In inv rartuau business: oue- -half iutcicst in K. K. Kiuil.V Company, nilolllce fuiiilturu In my ollico No. :W, Mer-chant street. Honolulu, n foresaid. iiImi 110sharos of stock in the lleeljirocity SugarCompany, :.0haro in the Konu toller ,V

I'ruit Cmup.uiy, 5 share" hi tho ICwa Plan-tation Company. "03-15- 1

Yne Job I'linttnij ut tht liulletin QJJke.

1M. G. IRWIN & CO.



FERTILIZERSai.kx. cnoss A sons'

Celebrated High Grade Cano Manures,

Wo arc also prepared to tako oidors for

Messrs. 1ST. Ohlandt&Oo.'sFertilizers,

Insuring prompt delivery.

BOILED LUCOL!This Is a superior Paint OH. con

suming less pigment than Linseed Oil, andgiving n lasting brilliancy to colors.Used with drier It gives a splendid Iloorsurface.



Faivbank Canning Co.'s Corned Boof


Compounds, Roofing & Papers,

Reed's Patent Steam Pipe Covering.

Jarboes' Diamond, Enamel & Ever-

lasting Faint

Especially designed for Vacuum Pans.


LIFE and



Hartford Fire Insurance Co.,Assets, $7,109,825.49.

London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co.,Assets, $4,317,052.

Thames and Mersey Marine Ins. Co.,(Limited)

Assets, $6,124,057.

New Tork Life Ins. Co.,Assets, $137,499,198.09.


General Ag ent for Hawaiian Islands.


Im.G. Irwin & Co.


Win. G. Irwin. - President and ManagerClans Snreckels, - - - - nt

W. M. GilTurd, - Secretary and TreasurerTheo. O. Porter Auditor

Sugar FactorsAND

Commission Agents.


Oceanic Steamship Company,




General Mercantile


Commission Agents

J. O. Carter President and ManagerQ. II, Robertson TreasurerE. F. Bishop SecroturyW.F.Allen AuditorHon. O. R. Bishop 1

S. O.Allon DirectorsH. WttterhoiiKo.. I


'yVgS.X1 Family Carriage Horse, k"U

1 Pliaeton in Good Order,1 Covered Brake,1 Imported Jersey Cow.

it. 1. LILLIE,700-t- l nt T, il. Uuvloti Si Co.'ii,