Texto Nº 10 Market Report BA Herald

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Transcript of Texto Nº 10 Market Report BA Herald

  • 8/13/2019 Texto N 10 Market Report BA Herald


    Founded in 1876 Saturday, April 17, 2004 Edition N 502

    Home > Business > Business News

    Business News

    Market reportBUENOS AIRESArgentine stocks fell yesterday, ending a gloomy week tat was marked !y ea"y o#tions tradingbutfew oter news de"elo#ments to s#ur in"estors to action$ %e large&ca# 'er"al inde( dro##ed )$)#ercent to ),)*+$ #oints$ %e !roader -eneral inde( also slid )$) #ercent to ./,++0$1 #oints$ %otal"olume yesterday was )2$) million #esos, almost dou!le %ursday3s amount$ But only 21$) millionwas in local sares 4 51$ million was in o#tions trading$

    SAO 6AU7O

    7eading sares managed to close sligtly iger des#ite news tat 'errill 7ync cut Bra8ilian e9uitiesto marketweigt from o"erweigt and :itigrou# downgraded its ratingof te country3s foreign de!t$%e main Sao 6aulo stocks inde( closed /$) #ercent iger at +),1*5 #oints on "olume of +* millionreals$

    SAN%IA-O:ilean sare #rices ended iger in a tecnical re!ound followingtree consecuti"e declines$ %e2/&sare !lue&ci# I6SA inde( ended u# /$2 #ercent at ),2*. #oints$

    'E;I:O :I%