Texas Test Administrator Online Training – Module … Test Administrator Online Training –...

Texas Test Administrator Online Training – Module 3 Text Narrative SCRIPT Ms. Martin arrived at the campus coordinator’s office to pick up her materials for the STAAR Algebra I administration. SCRIPT The coordinator locates the testing bin that she has prepared for Ms. Martin, and they casually discuss a presentation that was given at a faculty meeting the previous week.

Transcript of Texas Test Administrator Online Training – Module … Test Administrator Online Training –...

Texas Test Administrator Online Training – Module 3 Text Narrative SCRIPT Ms. Martin arrived at the campus coordinator’s office to pick up her materials for the STAAR Algebra I administration.

SCRIPT The coordinator locates the testing bin that she has prepared for Ms. Martin, and they casually discuss a presentation that was given at a faculty meeting the previous week.

SCRIPT Neither individual counts the booklets in the bin. Ms. Martin doesn’t notice that the coordinator failed to record the security number range for the test booklets, and she leaves the office to prepare for the assessment.

SCRIPT The classroom is empty when Ms. Martin arrives. She sets her bin down and begins sorting through her materials. She checks to see that she has a roster and answer documents and places the secure test materials on her desk.

SCRIPT Anticipating that this could be a long administration, Ms. Martin decides to use the restroom before the assessment begins.

SCRIPT While she is out of the area, students begin to arrive for the test and take their seats.

SCRIPT One of the students glances at the materials on the teacher’s desk and asks her classmate if those are the booklets they’ll be using for the test.

SCRIPT She decides to take a closer look and comments to another student about the booklets being unattended.

SCRIPT Ms. Martin returns to the room as the rest of the examinees arrive for the test.

SCRIPT Testing has been underway for several hours, and Ms. Martin continues to monitor the room.

SCRIPT She sees that it is time for lunch, and she instructs the students to put their answer documents inside their test booklets before leaving for the cafeteria.

SCRIPT The students begin filing out of the room. Ms. Martin does not attempt to keep the examinees together. She waits for the last student to leave, locks the door to the room, and then follows them to the cafeteria.

SCRIPT Mr. Jones is doing a routine check of the fire alarms in the building. When he gets to Ms. Martin’s classroom, he unlocks the door and goes in to check the alarm. Finding everything in order, Mr. Jones leaves the room but neglects to relock the door.

SCRIPT Ms. Martin’s examinees begin to return to the classroom, and Marissa is the first student back. The door is unlocked so she enters the room. As she passes by another student’s desk, she notices that the student’s answer document was left on top of the test booklet. She looks over at the other student’s answer document and copies several of the student’s responses. She closes her test booklet when she sees other students begin to arrive.

SCRIPT Ms. Martin and the rest of the examinees return from lunch. The students resume and complete the test.

SCRIPT At the end of the day, Ms. Martin returns to the coordinator’s office with her testing materials. The coordinator sets the bin aside and resumes her work.