Texas Brazos Trail Annual Reort

2011 Ann Texas Brazos Trail nual Report


Annual Report

Transcript of Texas Brazos Trail Annual Reort

2011 A

nnual R

eport Texas Brazos Trail

2011 A

nnual R


T h e T e x a s B r a z o s T r a i l h a d a c h a l l e n g i n g y e a r . A s t h e l e g i s l a t i v e s e s s i o n s t a r t e d i n A u s t i n , t h e f u t u r e o f t h e p r o g r a m s e e m e d b l e a k . H o w e v e r , o u r s u p p o r t e r s a n d p a r t n e r s r a l l i e d t o g e t h e r a n d m a d e t h e m s e l v e s h e a r d , a n d t h e H e r i t a g e T r a i l s P r o g r a m r e c e i v e d f u n d i n g f o r a n o t h e r t w o y e a r s .

T h e p o t e n t i a l l o s s o f f u n d i n g h a s i m p r e s s e d u p o n u s , t h e n e e d t o b e c o m e s e l f s u s t a i n i n g a n d n o t d e p e n d a n t o n f e d e r a l d o l l a r s . W e


Executive Summary

T h e p o t e n t i a l l o s s o f f u n d i n g h a s i m p r e s s e d u p o n u s , t h e n e e d t o b e c o m e s e l f s u s t a i n i n g a n d n o t d e p e n d a n t o n f e d e r a l d o l l a r s . W e s p e n t t h e l a t t e r h a l f o f t h e y e a r p l a n n i n g f o r a f u t u r e w h e r e w e w i l l b e a b l e t o r a i s e e n o u g h m o n e y t o b e a s t a b l e o r g a n i z a t i o n w i t h o u t f e d e r a l f u n d i n g .

W e c o n t i n u e d t o o f f e r t h e p r o g r a m m i n g a n d s e r v i c e s t h a t w e h a v e o f f e r e d i n y e a r s p a s t – o u r a n n u a l h o l i d a y b r o c h u r e , w e b s i t e c o n t e n t , p a r t i c i p a t i o n i n t r a d e s h o w s a n d t h e S t a t e F a i r . W e a l s o h e l d a w o r k s h o p o n c u l i n a r y t o u r i s m i n C l i f t o n w h i c h c o v e r e d t o p i c s s u c h a s f a r m e r ’ s m a r k e t s , f o o d f e s t i v a l s , t h e w i n e i n d u s t r y a n d m o r e .

W e a l s o b e g a n t o m a k e a c o n c e r t e d e f f o r t t o i m p r o v e o u r s o c i a l m e d i a o f f e r i n g s . G o i n g f r o m 1 3 8 F a c e b o o k f o l l o w e r s a t t h e b e g i n n i n g o f t h e y e a r t o a l m o s t 1 , 5 0 0 f o l l o w e r s b y t h e e n d o f t h e y e a r .

A s w e s t a r t a n e w f i s c a l y e a r , w e a r e l o o k i n g f o r w a r d t o w o r k i n g w i t h t h e o t h e r H e r i t a g e T r a i l s r e g i o n s t o b u i l d a f r a m e w o r k f o r a n u m b r e l l a o r g a n i z a t i o n t o h e l p u s i n o u r s u s t a i n a b i l i t y e f f o r t s . W e a l s o a r e l o o k i n g f o r w a r d t o w o r k i n g w i t h n o n - p r o f i t c o n s u l t a n t J e a n B l o c k a n d l e a r n i n g a b o u t s o c i a l e n t e r p r i s e o p p o r t u n i t i e s . W e w i l l b e r e v i e w i n g e v e r y t h i n g w e o f f e r i n a n e f f o r t t o b e t t e r s e r v e o u r p a r t n e r s . B e o n t h e l o o k o u t f o r i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t l o c a l m e e t i n g s w e w i l l b e h o l d i n g t o i n t e r v i e w o u r s t a k e h o l d e r s a n d f i n d o u t w h a t m o r e w e c a n d o f o r y o u .

I f y o u a r e i n t e r e s t e d i n w o r k i n g w i t h t h e T e x a s B r a z o s T r a i l o r m a k i n g a d o n a t i o n o f t i m e , i n - k i n d , o r c a s h , p l e a s e c o n t a c t u s – o u r i n f o r m a t i o n i s o n t h e l a s t p a g e o f t h i s b o o k .

Table of Contents

� Introduction – 4

� Scope of Work - 11

� Finances – 12

� Marketing - 16

� Education – 23

� Legislative – 25

� Calendar Review - 27

� Next year scope of work - 28

� Contact us - 30


� Contact us - 30

Grimes County Courthouse - Anderson




Allen House, Marlin

About Us


The Texas Brazos Trail region covers eighteen counties in Central Texas. It is one of ten regions in Texas which comprise the award-winning Heritage Trails program of the Texas Historical Commission.

The Texas Brazos Trails works with local communities and attractions to encourage economic development through economic development through heritage tourism, education and historic preservation. The Texas Brazos Trail also promotes the region to travelers through trade shows and advertising.

The Texas Brazos Trail consists of the following counties: Bastrop, Bell, Bosque, Brazos, Burleson, Coryell, Falls, Freestone, Grimes, Hamilton, Lee, Leon, Limestone, McLennan, Madison, Milam, Robertson and Williamson.


To promote awareness and encourage preservation of the rich heritage and agricultural traditions in the 18-county Texas Brazos Trail Region.


Mission & Vision

The Texas Brazos Trail Region will increase the economic base of its 18 counties through regional partnerships, heritage tourism, and preservation.

Old Fort Parker - Mexia

A Message From Our Incoming President


This past year has been both challenging and rewarding for us, but with the guidance, leadership, and support of our Executive Director, Emily Lutz, we as a Board, have been able to make some sound decisions in regards to the past year and also our future.

In December 2010, the THC was going to be completely eliminated from the State budget and the Trails program was going to be gone. The Executive Directors and the Board of Directors for all of the Trails organized several letter writing and phone call campaigns over the course of the session – with the message that WE mattered, and we were the solution to the problem.

The Brazos Trail went with the specific message of “Get on Board” and handed out brochures that outlined why were worth investing in. We also had a day at the Capitol where Emily and other Board members visited our representatives and also several volunteers from the region went down and spoke at a budget hearing in front of the Senate. By the end of the session our grass roots effort succeeded and we were put back in the THC budget and the Brazos Trail didn’t lose any funding.

Through this process we came to the realization that becoming self sustaining was going to have to be our top priority. We have decided that we can’t depend on the government for funding and are working on becoming a self sustaining trail. All ten regions have come together to develop a sustainability plan and to work with the THC on planning a path for our future.

As the Texas Brazos Trail moves into the next year, we are planning a program wide review. Everything we do will be evaluated. We plan to survey our members and partners, - we want to know what they think. As we move into the future we plan to continue to offer beneficial products and services that will also aid us in our goal of becoming self sustaining.

With all of this being said, I can honestly say, that I am proud to be a Board Member of the Texas Brazos Trail and look forward to a continued bright and rewarding future.

Respectfully Submitted,

Debbie Charbonneau

A Message From the Executive Director


This past year certainly brought a big unexpected challenge for us. We anticipated the “typical” legislative session, but I don’t think any of us realized how much of a fight we would have to put up. With the THC and the Heritage Trails Program initially being totally cut out of the budget, it looked like we were going to cease to exist. However, a grass roots legislative push was started and our supporters really rallied to get the message out to Austin that the Heritage Trails Program was part of the solution. It was only because of the phone calls, letters, and personal efforts of our partners and supporters that this program was saved – and for that we thank you!

As a result, we have decided to make sustainability our main focus. Our goal is to not have to be completely reliant on federal funding to continue to carry on the work that we do. We would like to be self sustaining at our current funding level by August of 2013.

This summer we began to take the first steps on our long journey. I attended a state wide program meeting in Van Horn, in which we all developed the beginning of a plan –agreeing to the following two things: We want to continue to be affiliated with the THC, and we all 10 regions agreed to work together to come up with a plan for the THC, and we all 10 regions agreed to work together to come up with a plan for the future.

I’m very excited to see what the next year brings. We continue to offer all our current programs. However, we will be revaluating everything we do. We want to listen to our partners and change or add services to meet their needs. We want to develop a membership program that will expand our current reach to hotels, restaurants, business owners and individuals. All of which will help in our path to becoming self sustaining

I feel we have a bright future ahead of us, and can’t wait to see what happens next!

Emily Lutz


Brian BlakePresidentTEEX, College Station

Damaris NeelleyVice PresidentClifton Main Street Program

Denice DossSecretaryRockdale Chamber of Commerce

Susan MortonTreasurerWaco Conventions and Visitor Bureau

Debbie Charbonneau

The Texas Brazos Trail Board of Directors has nine members from across the region.

Board members comprise a variety of backgrounds and experiences including CVBs, Chambers of Commerce, City Government, & more.

The Texas Brazos Trail Board of Directors meets six times a year and they are responsible for setting the goals and direction of the program

Debbie CharbonneauVillage of Salado

Nancy GloverTemple Conventions and Visitor Bureau

Susie GunnelsGatesville Chamber of Commerce

Pattie SearsCollege Station Conventions and Visitor Bureau

Nancy WoodBastrop Main Street Program

Thank You To Our Partners!


� Bastrop Convention Center� Bastrop Main Street� Bell County Museum� Bryan/College Station CVB� Calvert Chamber of

Commerce� City of Fairfield� City of Mexia� City of Navasota� Clifton Chamber of

Commerce� Clifton Main Street

� Killeen CVB� Lower Colorado River

Authority� Madisonville CVB� Meridian Chamber of

Commerce� Old Fort Parker� Red Caboose Winery� Rockdale Chamber of

Commerce� Salado Tourism Office� Smithville Chamber of

Commerce� Clifton Main Street � Confederate Reunion

Grounds State Historic Site� Elgin Chamber of

Commerce� Elgin Main Street� Franklin Chamber of

Commerce� Gatesville Chamber of

Commerce� George Bush Presidential

Library and Museum� Historic Waco Foundation

� Smithville Chamber of Commerce

� Texas Engineering Extension Service

� Temple CVB� Texas Department of

Agriculture� Valley Mills Vineyards

Winery� Waco CVB� Washington on the

Brazos/Fanthorp Inn




Scope of Work






Salado Creek, Salado

In-Kind Contributions


Item Mileage Hours Other Value

Board Meetings 5,067 246.5 $7,926

Board Conference Calls 108 $2,252

Board – Other Meetings 985 53 $2,435

Legislative Day 416 25 $750

Culinary Workshop 1,186 101 $600 $4,043Culinary Workshop 1,186 101 $600 $4,043

Board of Directors - Other 336 $7,006

State Fair Volunteers 3,200 72 $1,600 $4,861

Other donations $175

Tech Trends Workshop 20 $417

TOTAL $29,865

Proposed BudgetProposed Budget Actual BudgetActual Budget

Budget Item Amount

Income $75,000


Salary/Benefits/Taxes $50,880

Budget Item Amount

Income $75,000


Salary/Benefits/Taxes $53,581



Salary/Benefits/Taxes $50,880

Communications $ 1,500

Dues & Subscriptions $500

Equipment $ 500.

Insurance $ 1,100

Bookkeeping $1,400

Printing $300

Postage/Shipping $900

Supplies $ 750

Travel/Meetings $6,000

Travel – Training $3,000

Misc $ 500

Board Expenses $750

Marketing/Promo $ 6,920

Total Expenses $75,000

Salary/Benefits/Taxes $53,581

Communications $ 1,405

Dues & Subscriptions $504

Equipment $ 228

Insurance $ 744

Bookkeeping $2,000

Printing $294

Postage/Shipping $558

Supplies $ 477

Travel/Meetings $3,302

Travel /Training $5,567

Misc $ 56

Board Expenses $1,219

Marketing/Promo $ 2,356

Total Expenses $72,291

Future Sustainability


� This year was a real wake up call for us when we were faced with the very real possibility of losing our funding. Once we cleared the hurdle of securing funding for the program in the state budget, the Texas Brazos Trail and the other trail regions began developing a plan for what we would do to survive in the future.

� In the spring of 2011 the Executive Directors of all the trail regions began discussions to create a basic foundation of a plan to become sustainable. We agreed that we wanted to all meet and discuss the possibility of forming an umbrella organization or possibly join up with an already existing organization. We felt we needed to have one umbrella over the ten regions to make it easier to do projects cooperatively , to pursue grants or corporate sponsorship, and for general cohesiveness.general cohesiveness.

� In July 2011 Emily Lutz (Executive Director) and Nancy Glover (Board Member) attended a state wide Heritage Trails meeting in Van Horn, TX. Over the next two days, we discussed with the THC what we could do to become self sustaining. We left that meeting with everyone agreeing to two things: 1. We all want to maintain a strong relationship with the THC in the future. 2. We all agree that we are in this together and will work together to meet common goals.

� In August, Emily Lutz attended TACVB’s annual conference where she heard a presentation from a consultant named Jean Block. Jean teaches non-profits how to think like a business. Being a non-profit doesn’t mean we don’t make any money. Emily Lutz approached the other Executive Directors and proposed that everyone pitch in together to hire Jean Block to teach us how to become self sustaining.

� In the fall of 2012 we will begin the process of developing a “social enterprise”, and continue on the journey towards developing a plan to make the Brazos Trail strong and sustainable.




Bell County Museum - Belton

Christmas Event Brochure


� This was our 7th annual version of this brochure

� We had nine partners participating

� Printed 20,000 copies

� Distributed to all 10 TICs, regional partners, regional visitor centers, Texas State Fair, and email/web brochure requestsbrochure requests

� Brochure shown on next two pages

College StationMayborn Museum, Waco



Prehistoric Texas


� The Texas Brazos Trail continued to be involved with the Prehistoric Texas Trail

� The organization is comprised of seven sites which feature prehistoric exhibits.

� The Trail starts in Fort Worth and ends at the GaultSite in Williamson County.

� The Texas Brazos Trail is a proud partner with this organization and helped to organization and helped to promote them by handing out their brochure at tradeshows and in brochure mail outs.

� The Prehistoric Texas Trail is pursuing non-profit status, developing board rules and bylaws, creating a website and reprinting their brochure.

� The Texas Brazos Trail assisted with the initial set up and design of the Prehistoric Facebook site


Texas State FairThe fair is one of our favorites! We had six partners who put their information in front of 750,000 people that passed through the building.

TTIA Travel FairThis show is focused on keeping information about our destination fresh in the minds of people who work at travel information centers across the state.

Lackland Travel ExpoHeld on the Air Force base in San Antonio, this show puts our information in the

Tradeshows and more…

puts our information in the hands of military personnel.

McAllen Travel ShowThis show is for winter Texans, and allows us to provide them with travel ideas.


New TIC DisplayThe state TICs offer the opportunity for destinations to put up a display at one of the TICs for six months at a time. Our display materials were badly out of date. We had 14 partners participated on

the re-vamp of the project.

Volunteers at the State Fair



� About halfway through the year we realized we were not using our Facebook page to its full potential

� We did two rounds of Facebook advertising (a total of $400 spent)

� We increased our fans from 106 to 1202 over the next six months –that’s a 1,034% increase !

� Almost every day we post about something going on in the region, our favorite places to eat or shop, or just talk about random facts related to a place in the region.

Want us to talk about you on Facebook? Email us your tidbits and happenings

Like Us! WWW.FaceBook.com/TexasBrazosTrail



Culinary TourismCulinary Tourism Tech TrendsTech Trends

� Held - March 24-25

� Held an evening event at Red Caboose Winery in Meridian –attendees enjoyed a night of food, networking and a wine

� We had planned to hold a Tech Trends workshop in Bryan on September 2nd with an evening event at Messina Hof Winery

� We were planning on covering topics such as: Facebook advertising, Google advertising,



food, networking and a wine tasting

� The workshop was held in Clifton and covered topics related to the locavor movement and culinary tourism

� Presentations were given on the following topics: farmers markets, promotion with social media, the wine industry, and food festivals

� Over 35 people attended the workshop

topics such as: Facebook advertising, Google advertising, QR Codes, Geocaching, Social Media, and website critiques.

� By the end of August we had very low registration and decided to postpone the workshop.

� We believe the low attendance was due to the workshop being held at the start of a school yet, the end of most people’s budget year, and the Friday before Labor Day weekend.



Legislative Update

George Bush Presidential Library – College Station

We Made a Difference!


� At the start of this legislative session our future was looking bleak

� We appealed to our partners and supporters to write letters and make calls to their representatives in Austin with the message of “Get on Board” –that the Texas Brazos Trail matters, and tourism is the engine that drives economic development in rural Texas

� We held several email/phone call days

� Denice Doss a board member from Rockdale testified at a from Rockdale testified at a Senate hearing about the Heritage Trails Program

� We participated in the Heritage Trail’s Legislative Day at the Capitol as well as TTIA’s Converge on the Capitol.

� Everyone’s efforts (statewide) paid off. The THC received full funding needed to make the match for the Heritage Trails federal grant

� The Texas Historical Commission still took a huge hit – they lost 50% of their funding and nearly 50 full time employees.

� The THC will be applying for more enhancement funding for the program early in 2012.

Dates of Note From the Last Year:Dates of Note From the Last Year:

� September

� 9 – THC Conference Call

� 11 – Showcase Waco

� October

� 5-8 Texas Brazos Trail - State Fair

� 21 – El Camino Royal Annual Meeting, Franklin

� 29 – Lackland Air Force Base Travel

� March� 14 – THC Conference Call� 24-25 – Culinary Tourism

Workshop, Clifton� 30 – Legislative Follow up Day� 31 – THC Annual Conference, Austin

� April� 9 –Hearne Depot Grand Opening� 27-29 – TTIA’s Travel Fair –


Calendar Highlights

� 29 – Lackland Air Force Base Travel Expo

� November

� 18 – Board Meeting

� December

� 4-5 - Heritage Trails Program Meeting, Beaumont

� January

� 5-6 – McAllen Travel Show

� 18-21 – TACVB Midwinter Conference, Lewisville

� 26 - Board Meeting

� February

� 18 - Executive Board Meeting

� 22 – Heritage Trails Legislative Day

� 22 – TTIA’s Unity Dinner, Austin

� 23 – TTIA’s Converge on the Capital

� 27-29 – TTIA’s Travel Fair –Arlington

� May� 10 – Travel Matters Rally – Waco� 26 – Board Conference Call

� June� 28 – Board Strategic Planning,

Bastrop� 30 – THC Conference Call

� July� 18-22 – Heritage Trails Program

Meeting, Van Horn� August

� 5 – Executive Board Meeting –Hearne

� 9-11 – TACVB Annual Conference, San Marcos

� 18 – Gatesville Exchange Club Presentation

� 23- Webinar with Jean Block� 25 – Board Meeting� 30 – Sun City Kiwanis Club



Overview for 2012

Waco Mammoth Site, Waco

Overview 2012


� Organizational Sustainability

� Develop a two year financial plan and budget� Explore alternative funding sources including

memberships & sponsorships� Reevaluate financial protocols and documents� Develop a plan with the other trail regions to become a

sustainable program

� Programming & Product Development

� Find out from partners what programs and product development they would like to get from us

� Hold an annual Brazos Trail Conference� Develop a Membership Program

� Marketing & Promotions

� Develop a marketing and social media plan� Continue to develop themed itineraries and brochures� Continued participation in tradeshows –consumer and group

travel� Investigate “video” advertising� Continue with social media� Continue to use website as a promotional tool� Offer a variety of Print Advertising


Contact Us:

Address:115 North Avenue DClifton, TX 76634





The Texas Brazos would like to offer a special “Thank You” to the City of Clifton and the Clifton Chamber of Commerce for hosting our office!



Email:[email protected]

Historic Norwegian Church, Clifton