Testing the Two-Party Tyranny and Open Source Everything: The Battle for the Soul of the Republic

http://tinyurl.com/ OSE-ROOT http://tinyurl.com/ EOR-Hack Testing the Two-Party Tyranny and Open Source Everything: The Battle for the Soul of the Republic Robert David STEELE Vivas


Testing the Two-Party Tyranny and Open Source Everything: The Battle for the Soul of the Republic. Robert David STEELE Vivas. Part 1: Testing the Two-Party Tyranny. Accepted by Reform Party as a validated candidate Registered with the Federal Elections Commission - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Testing the Two-Party Tyranny and Open Source Everything: The Battle for the Soul of the Republic

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Testing the Two-Party

Tyranny and Open Source Everything:

The Battle for the Soul of the

RepublicRobert David STEELE Vivas

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Part 1: Testing the Two-Party Tyranny

• Accepted by Reform Party as a validated candidate• Registered with the Federal Elections Commission• Created web site, still standing, BigBatUSA.org• Launched several IndieGoGo campaigns• Posted multiple YouTubes• Got listed at Politics1 and On the Issues• Communicated with every other presidential candidate

less Obama and Romney• Communicated with Occupy, Tea Party, Independents,

other small parties, all major electoral reform forums

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• Balanced Budget, APT Tax Replaces All Taxes• Coalition Cabinet• Electoral Reform• On the Issues – Pre-Conditions of Revolution• JOBS – Veterans, Manufacturing, Localized

Resilience, Open Everything• True Cost Economics

Campaign Substance

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• Obama & Romney• Ron Paul & Dennis Kucinich• Rocky Anderson• Gary Johnson & Buddy Roemer• Jill Stein & Cynthia McKinney• Virgil Goode (Constitution Party)

Candidate Impressions

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• There are EIGHT validated national parties: Constitution, Democratic, Green, Libertarian, Natural Law, Reform, Republican, Socialist

• Congress can mandate that all federal elections include all eight parties on the ballot

• Congress can mandate that all debates for federal elections include candidates from all eight parties

Electoral Crime Today

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• Nine times Congress has been asked to pass electoral reform opening ballots to all parties

• At the State level, the two parties conspire to exclude the other six parties while cheating the non-incumbent party with electoral fraud

• Getting money out will not fix the problem—we need across the board electoral reform

Two-Party Tyranny

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Bloomberg’s Circus

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• Occupy listened & then lost it• Consensus Electoral Reform Act of 2012 exists• These are the elements:

01 Process (Integrity) 06 Cabinet Named02 Ballot Access (Same) 07 Open Registration03 People Vote, Not States 08 Tightly-Drawn Districts04 Put All Initiatives to Vote 09 Public Funding ONLY05 Open Debates All Levels 10 Open Legislation

Electoral Reform Possible

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• We can still hold a national electoral reform summit in September and DEMAND the passage of the Electoral Reform Act of 2012

• We can still form a people’s candidacy with a coalition cabinet and go for $1 billion.

• We can still occupy the home offices of every Senator and Representative and force the issue of electoral reform in time for 2012.

Bottom Line

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How I Tested the Boundaries of the Two-Party Tyranny

Robert David Steele Vivas

Reality Sandwich, 24 May 2012


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• Top Secret America is a benchmark book• “Top Secret America” is an Administrative Law state, an inverted

democracy, a totalitarian attempt to micro-manage everything from agriculture to water (the latter now under military control according to the latest national security decision memorandum).

• The “complexes” range across every functional area from Agriculture through Defense, Education, Energy, Health, to Water

• The reason Congress strives to micro-manage is clear: this is how they extort money, using micro-management to frame earmarks and exemptions.

Part 2: Battle for the Soul of the Republic

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• Integrity has been lost – government is hollow• Cabinet does not represent the public – Secretaries

represent the recipients of taxpayer dollars, not those paying the taxes.

• Congress is totally corrupt – discounts Treasury by 95% to secure a standard 5% kick-back

• Fraud waste and abuse are documented – 47% in Agriculture, 50% in Health, perhaps $75% in Defense

Integrity Lost

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• All three branches of the federal government are completely corrupt – do not represent We

• Time to abolish the existing “government” controlled by the two-party tyranny of treason

• States should threaten secession and demand a Constitutional Convention…but first we have to cleanse each STATE of its local two-party tyranny

• We need to rebuild the USA from the bottom-up, at Human Scale, with integral resilience, which is to say, true deep independence from any external authority.

Secession, Nullification, and/or a Second Republic

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• We’re not as stuck as we might think.• America the Beautiful is rich beyond measure.• We’ve simply let common crooks take over

Congress, destroy democracy, and shake-down the financial and corporate communities

• There is NOTHING we cannot fix, and fix quick, if we restore integrity to the electoral process and thence to the government.

Bottom Line

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The Battle for the Soul of the Republic

Robert David Steele Vivas

Reality Sandwich, 10 April 2012


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• 1992 I understood “open” alternative• 1995 I crafted the Smart Nation Act• 2004 Connected with Tom Atlee• 2006 Lost my clearances and my conference• 2007 Gnomedex & Amazon, EIN• 2008 Collective Intelligence (Mark Tovey et al)• 2010 Burning Man OpenBTS a tipping point• 2012 THE OPEN SOURCE EVERYTHING MANIFESTO

Part 3: The Open Source Everything Convergence

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The Book

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The Open Everything Pyramid

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The Core Vision


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Humans are RootIntegrity of Feedback Loops Matters!

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Multinational Open Bottom-Up Long View

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Eight Communities Frame the World Brain

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Good Not-Twitter (GNT) Soon…

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Corruption & Fragmentation Killing Us

Integral Consciousness

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All Organizations Lack Intelligence & Integrity

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PanarchyAll Minds, All Information, Always

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• Not enough money on the planet to warrant confiscation and redistribution

• Must create infinite wealth by empowering the five billion poor and our own 99%

• Truth & Reconciliation with Compassion, NOT “Justice” in Industrial-Era terms…non-zero win-win

• Open Everything must include Open Minds, Open Hearts, Open Hands…this is on Us, on We, on All

Bottom Line:Organized People Triumph

Over Organized Money

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• 2012 The Open Source Everything Manifesto: Transparency, Truth & Trust

• 2012 PREPRINT FOR COMMENT: The Craft of Intelligence

• 2008 Doug Rushkoff in Boing Boing on Open Source Everything

• 2007 Open Everything – We Won, Now Let’s Self-Govern (Video 1:04:12 Gnomedex Keytone)


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I Nailed This in 2008


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My Proposed Answer

1. Electoral Reform Summit in early September2. Demand Electoral Reform Act of 20123. Ignore Obama & Romney – field We the

People Reform Coalition as outlined in detail at http://bigbatusa.org

4. Create the Autonomous Internet5. Shift all money to local community banks6. Go Open Source Everything as fast as we can

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