Teste 6 ano 3 B.doc

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  • 8/17/2019 Teste 6 ano 3 B.doc


     Teacher: _______________ Tutor: __________________ 

    Part I - Listening

    By: Teacher Ana Catarina Rocha Page 1 from 5

    1 – Listen to the text and write the letters according to where the public places are.

    Park A School F

    Garage Pet shop !

    Hotel " Police station #

    Church $ Clothes shop I

    Supermarket % Newsagent &

    'a(e: _____________________________  ')._____ 

    "lass: ______ $ate: ___________________________ 

    %*aluation Test - 6th grade












  • 8/17/2019 Teste 6 ano 3 B.doc


    Part II – +eading "o(prehension

    This is our town. It is a little town !ut a nice town. "e ha#e a super market where

    $ou can !u$ %ood and utilities. Near the school there is a pet shop to !u$ dog and cat %ood

    and where $ou can also !u$ a pet. "e ha#e a Clu! where we can ha#e %un on our %ree

    time. "e also ha#e a !ank where $ou can keep $our mone$. It is in %ront o% the church.

    &ou can !u$ %ruits and #egeta!les at the green grocer's shop opposite to the supermarket

    and ne(t to the railwa$ station. )n the le%t o% the museum $ou can see the post o%%ice. "e

    can send letters and postcards %rom the post o%%ice. "e ha#e a !us station !ehind the

    cinema and the li!rar$. )n the le%t o% the church $ou can see the hospital. It is !ig* "e

    also ha#e a +oo on the right o% the li!rar$. It is great to #isit the animals* ,ight !ehind the

    school is our small town s-uare where $ou can see the Town Hall. The Town Hall is where

    the ma$or o% the cit$ works. "e ha#e a #er$ !eauti%ul park in %ront o% the museum at the

    opposite side o% the street. Near the supermarket there is a T station. Its name is

    Channel /. )n the right o% the park there is a %ast %ood restaurant. "e like our town #er$

    much. It is a good place to li#e.

    By: Teacher Ana Catarina Rocha Page 2 from 5

  • 8/17/2019 Teste 6 ano 3 B.doc


    a, There is a clothes shop in town.e, The green grocer's shop is ne(t to the police station.b, Near

    the school there is a pet shop., The town Hall is right !etween the school.c, The post o%%ice is

    !etween the museum and the T station.g, There is a park in town. d, There is a !ig hotel in town.h, 

    The %ast %ood restaurant is opposite to the museum.

    By: Teacher Ana Catarina Rocha Page 3 from 5

    1 – rite True /T, or False /F, according to the text and the picture.

    1.1- "orrect the alse sentences.

  • 8/17/2019 Teste 6 ano 3 B.doc


    0 – atch the 2uestions with the answers.

    Part III - !ra((ar

    By: Teacher Ana Catarina Rocha Page 4 from 5

    a, "here is the !ank01, I see si( trees near the school.

    b, "here is the pet shop0 0, The !ank is in %ront o% the


    c, How man$ trees do $ou seenear the school0

    3, The pet shop is near the school.

    d, "hat can $ou !u$ at thesupermarket0

    4, The green grocer's shop isopposite to the supermarket andne(t to the railwa$ station.

    e, "here is the green grocer'sshop0

    5, The park is in %ront o% themuseum at the opposite side o%the street

    , Is there a newsagent in town06, 1t the supermarket I can !u$%ood and utilities.

    g, "here is the park0 7, &es there is a newsagent intown.

  • 8/17/2019 Teste 6 ano 3 B.doc


    1 – "o(plete with the appropriate 2uestion words.

    1, .........................are $ou doing0 7, .................. is pla$ing on the computer00, ........................does he ha#e %or !reak%ast0 8,................... is she like03, .........................colour is his shirt0 9,..................... do $ou get up04,..........................old is he0 1,.................... do $ou %eel toda$05, ........................ is he talking with0 11,....................-uestion is right mine or his06, ......................... are $ou reading0 10,.................... pen is that0 Sall$'s or 2ark's0

    hich ; hat ; #ow ; ho ; hose

    1. This car !elongs to me.

    It is my car. It’s mine

    2. This hand!ag !elongs to $ou.

    It is 3333. hand!ag. It's 3333.3. These !ooks !elong to him.

    The$ are 3333. !ooks. The$ are


    4. This #ase !elongs to her.

    It is 3333. #ase. It is 3333.

    5. These suitcases !elong to us.

    The$ are 3333. suitcases. The$

    are 3333.


    That ring !elongs to m$ mother.It is 33333333 ring. It is


    7. Those to$s !elong Peter and his sister.

    The$ are 333333333.. to$s.

    The$ are 3333333

    2$ 4 mine 5 $our 4 $ours 5 his 4 his 5 her 4 hers 5 our 4 ours 5 their 4 theirs

    Part I< - ecti*es and possessi*e pronouns in the blan? spaces as in theexa(ple.

    1 – rite the na(es o these public places .

  • 8/17/2019 Teste 6 ano 3 B.doc


    us stop – "hurch – #ospital – an? – Librar= – @chool

    Part < - riting

    I(agine =ou are *isiting a town. rite a letter to =our parents describing the town.Tal? about /at least, 6 dierent public places.

    By: Teacher Ana Catarina Rocha Page 6 from 5
















