TERMISA ENERGÍA - Company Profiletermisa.es/media/2017/05/presentacion-de-empresa... ·...

COMPANY PROFILE © TERMISA ENERGÍA, S.A All rights reserved. March 2017

Transcript of TERMISA ENERGÍA - Company Profiletermisa.es/media/2017/05/presentacion-de-empresa... ·...


© TERMISA ENERGÍA, S.A All rights reserved.

March 2017

About us

TERMISA ENERGIA was founded in 1980 and has over 35 years of experience in the energy sector. Nowadays it is a worldwide referent in the sector of biomass and recovery of herbaceous waste. TERMISA ENERGIA is one of the leading companies of our country in the design, manufacturing, repairing, erection and commissioning of industrial boilers and auxiliary components, keeping an extraordinary team of professionals. The variety and quality of our services and projects are the best example of our firm commitment to offer the best to our customers. We collaborate with multinational companies of the sector who see TERMISA ENERGIA as their technological and industrial partner in which to entrust the satisfaction of their customers. Not only the design and engineering are our strong points, but the rigor and seriousness in projects implementation. We participate actively in all stages of the life cycle of our products.

Our activity

© TERMISA ENERGÍA, S.A. All rights reserved

Montajes Industriales TERMI S.A. is founded. Its founder embarks on a new project after a long experience designing, constructing and erecting systems within the industrial sector.

Our current Technical Director joins the company. This is a great qualitative step forward on both a technical and technological level, thanks to his input in terms of knowledge and experience in managing teams of R&D&I, as well as in the processes of construction, installation and commissioning of steam generation systems.

First biomass installation for the company Puertas NORMA, through IDAE, firing wood as fuel.

1980 1984 1985 1999 2001 2009 2012 2015

In full expansion phase, the company expands its facilities and is renamed TERMISA ENERGÍA, S.A.

Opening of new markets in Latin America, where the Chilean firm COMASA entrusts to us the supply of the boiler and its auxiliary equipment for its new Plant.

ACCIONA Energía awarded TERMISA the turnkey contract for the first biomass boiler and its auxiliary equipment in Europe with mixed fuel.

In strong competition with other multinationals, TERMISA provides de best solution “Cost/efficiency” in the three boilers retrofitting of Barcelona’s Municipal Solid Waste Plant.

The proven efficiency of our Straw-fired boilers became a decisive factor in the awarding of a new turnkey contract in Italy, which includes the prefabrication and export of several boiler modules.

Our History

© TERMISA ENERGÍA, S.A All rights reserved.

Our mission is to be the main reference in the international industrial sector for the provision of efficient solutions in the field of steam generators, combustion and associated fluids installations, achieving the full satisfaction of our customers with the quality that credits us since the beginning.

Our Mission

Our vision is to continue with our policy of sustainable growth, increasing further the levels of competitiveness, skill and efficiency of our human capital, which could consolidate us in the market as a company that actually provides comprehensive solutions in industrial steam generation and combustion.

Our Vision

• Experience • Creativity • Agility • Commitment • Rigurosity • Teamwork • Service • Productivity • Quality

Core Values

Mission, Vision and Values

© TERMISA ENERGÍA, S.A All rights reserved.



Mechanical calculations of pressure equipments Thermodynamic boiler calculations Combustion Heat transfer Fluid flow calculations Efficiency calculation


• Our Engineering department holds the knowledge and up-to-date software to define and size any Industrial or Energy Design, Manufacturing and Erection Project.

• The existing Know-How allows to develop the Detail Engineering and deliver a Whole Plant to the customer, including the option of “Turn-key Projects”.

• The design and development of projects is executed with our own technology or, if applicable, the technology provided by important national and international technological partners.


• Engineering calculations (performance).

• Mechanical calculations (drums, headers, tubes, stress).

• Combustion (solid, liquid and gaseous fuels; combustion products, stechiometric air, air excess, unburned fuel, adiabatic temperatures)

• Thermodynamic calculation of boilers (furnaces, superheaters, evaporators, economizers, air heaters, pressure parts).

• Heat transfer (radiation, convection, conduction).

• Fluid flow calculations (pressure losses, geometries, erosion, control and measurement, velocities, ducts)

• Efficiency calculations (heat loss method, ASME)

Engineering, Technologies and Technical Capabilities

© TERMISA ENERGÍA, S.A All rights reserved.

25,2MWe Biomass Boiler – Sant’Agata di Puglia (ITALY)


Client TOZZI Sud S.p.A.

Location Sant’Agata di Puglia (Italy)

Year of start-up 2016

Power output 25 MWe / 76 MWt

Steam production 100 t/h

Steam pressure 112 barg

Steam temperature 522 °C

Boiler performance >91%

Fuel Cereal straw and wood

Turnkey contract, including design engineering, supply, erection and start-up of the boiler and its transport and feeding system; combustion system of vibrating grate type with high velocity secondary air injection and flue gas treatment system.


• Basic and detail engineering. • Technical specifications • Procurement of materials and equipment. • Manufacturing and modular prefabrication for export. • Boiler erection and installation of auxiliary equipment. • Commissioning and tests.


Featured Projects

© TERMISA ENERGÍA, S.A All rights reserved.

22MWe Biomass Boiler – Lautaro II (CHILE)



Location Lautaro (Chile)

Year of start-up 2014

Power output 22 MWe / 60 MWt

Steam production 80 t/h

Steam pressure 92 barg

Steam temperature 522 °C

Boiler performance >91%

Fuel Cereal straw Oat hull

Turnkey contract, including design engineering, supply, erection supervision and start-up supervision of the boiler and its transport and feeding system; combustion system of vibrating grate type with high velocity secondary air injection and the combustion gas filter system with fly ash collection.

• Basic and detail engineering. • Procurement of materials and equipment. • Modular prefabrication for export. • Supervision and assistance of the boiler erection and installation of auxiliary equipment.. • Supervision and assistance in the start-up and tests



Featured Projects

© TERMISA ENERGÍA, S.A All rights reserved.

22MWe Biomass Boiler - Mérida (SPAIN)


Client SENER Ingenieria y Construcción

Location Mérida (España)

Year of start-up 2014

Power output 22 MWe / 60 MWt

Steam production 74 t/h (SH) / 70 t/h (RH)

Steam pressure 102 barg (SH) / 18 barg (RH)

Steam temperature 485 °C

Boiler performance >91%

Fuel Eucalyptus wood Poplar wood

Turnkey contract including design engineering, supply, erection and start-up of the boiler and its biomass feeding system and the combustion system of vibrating grate type with high velocity secondary air injection

• Basic and detail engineering. • Procurement of materials and equipment. • Manufacturing and installation of the boiler and auxiliary systems, as well as the building structure for the equipment support, access and cover. • Commissioning and tests. • Personnel training for the Operation and Maintenance of the installation.

Featured Projects



© TERMISA ENERGÍA, S.A All rights reserved.

16MWe Biomass Boiler – Miajadas (SPAIN)


Client ACCIONA Energia

Location Cáceres (Spain)

Year of start-up 2009

Power output 55 MWt

Steam production 71 t/h

Steam pressure 92 barg

Steam temperature 522 °C

Boiler performance >91%

Fuel Mixed: Cereal straw & wood waste

First 16 MWe biomass boiler in Europe with mixed fuel in Cáceres (Spain) for ACCIONA Energía. Turnkey contract including design engineering, supply, erection and start-up of the biomass transport and feeding system; combustion system of vibrating grate type with high velocity secondary air injection, and the combustion gas filter system with fly ash collection.

• Basic and detail engineering. • Procurement of materials and equipment. • Manufacturing and installation of the boiler and auxiliary systems, as well as the structure for the equipment support and access. • Commissioning and tests. • Personnel training for the Operation and Maintenance of the installation.

Featured Projects



© TERMISA ENERGÍA, S.A All rights reserved.

16MWe Biomass Boiler – Briviesca (SPAIN)


Client ACCIONA Energia

Location Briviesca (Spain)

Year of start-up 2008

Power output 55 MWt

Steam production 71 t/h

Steam pressure 92 barg

Steam temperature 522 °C

Boiler performance >91%

Fuel Cereal straw

Turnkey contract including the design engineering, supply, erection and start-up of the biomass transport and feeding system; combustion system of vibrating grate type with high velocity secondary air injection, and the combustion gas filter system with fly ash collection.

• Basic and detail engineering. • Procurement of materials and equipment. • Manufacturing and installation of the boiler and auxiliary systems, as well as the structure for the equipment support and access. • Commissioning and tests. • Personnel training for the Operation and Maintenance of the installation.

Featured Projects



© TERMISA ENERGÍA, S.A All rights reserved.

3x10 MWe MSW BOILER - Barcelona (SPAIN)


Client TERSA Sant Adrià

Location Barcelona (Spain)

Year of start-up 2003

Power output 3x10 MWe / 3x40 MWt

Steam production 3x50 t/h

Steam pressure 40 barg

Steam temperature 400 °C

Boiler performance > 80%

Fuel Municipal Solid Waste

Retrofitting of the Municipal Solid Waste Plant in Barcelona. Three recovery boilers and auxiliary equipment. Turnkey project including the design of a new kind of waste feeding device, the combustion control with a new furnace geometry and new distribution of primary, secondary and tertiary airs. Everything inside an scheduled outage of 24 hours/day through four months during which the plant didn’t receive waste.

• Basic and detail engineering.. • Manufacturing. • Erection. • Commissioning, start-up and tests.

Featured Projects



© TERMISA ENERGÍA, S.A All rights reserved.

3 MWe MSW BOILER - Melilla (SPAIN)



Location Melilla (Spain)

Year of start-up 1994

Power output 3 MWe / 12 MWt

Steam production 14 t/h

Steam pressure 40 barg

Steam temperature 400 °C

Boiler performance > 75%

Fuel Municipal Solid Waste

Municipal Solid Waste Recovery boiler of Melilla. Turn key contract including all the design and development engineering. The project included the Plant’s water treatment for the boiler, fuels and used oils storage, as well as the complete industrial and control compressed air, industrial and fire-fighting water and all the interconnection piping system.

• Basic and detail engineering. • Manufacturing. • Erection. • Commissioning, start-up and tests. • .

Featured Projects



© TERMISA ENERGÍA, S.A All rights reserved.



Client DBEMA Energía y medio ambiente

Location Gajano (Spain)

Year of start-up 2000

Power output 60 MWt

Steam production 70 t/h

Steam pressure 73 barg

Steam temperature 510°C

Boiler performance > 90%

Fuel OFF-Gas & Fuel-oil & Natural Gas

Water tube boiler for the REPSOL QUÍMICA Plant, through DBEMA ENERGÍA Y MEDIOAMBIENTE. It has 4 burners of 3 fuels (FO, NG and OFF-GAS); preferred combustion in OFF-GAS. The equipment includes a full smoke analysis system and BMS combustion control, through “FAIL-SAFE” system and boiler control by SCD.

• Basic and detail engineering. • Manufacturing. • Erection. • Commissioning, start-up and tests.

Featured Projects



© TERMISA ENERGÍA, S.A All rights reserved.

Main boilers and pressure parts works

The Trust of our Clients

Turnkey supply of biomass boiler and auxiliary

equipment (100 Tn/h, 112 bar, 522ºC)


Turnkey supply of biomass boiler and auxiliary

equipment (74 Tn/h, 103 bar, 485ºC)


Retrofitting of 3 MSW boilers (3X40=120 Tn/h,

40 Kg/cm2, 400ºC)


Turnkey supply of a NG and biogas watertube

boiler (60 Tn/h, 45 Kg/cm2, 435ºC)


Turnkey supply of biomass boiler and auxiliary

equipment (71 Tn/h, 92 bar, 522ºC)


Turnkey supply of biomass boiler and auxiliary

equipment (71 Tn/h, 92 bar, 522ºC)


Turnkey supply of biomass boiler and auxiliary

equipment (80 Tn/h, 92 bar, 522ºC)


Turnkey supply of biomass boiler and auxiliary

equipment (25 Tn/h, 41 bar, 400ºC)



Turnkey supply of biomass boiler and auxiliary

equipment (14 Tn/h, 8 bar, 175ºC)


Erection of MSW boiler and auxiliary equipment

(42,5 Tn/h, 45 Kg/cm2, 420ºC)


Turnkey supply of MSW boiler and auxiliary

equipment (14 Tn/h, 40 Kg/cm2, 400ºC)


Turnkey supply of a NG and fuel-oil watertube

boiler (40 Tn/h, 20 Kg/cm2, 215ºC)


Turnkey supply of a GN and fuel-oil pyro-tubular

boiler (10 Tn/h, 10 Kg/cm2, 183ºC)


Turnkey supply of a CO, NG and fuel-oil water tube boiler (70 Tn/h, 73 Kg/cm2,



Retrofitting of boiler Group 3 Thermal

Power Plant, Sant Adrià de Besós (Barcelona)


© TERMISA ENERGÍA, S.A All rights reserved.




Phone +34 93 331 55 12

Fax +34 93 422 11 73

[email protected]


© TERMISA ENERGÍA, S.A All rights reserved.