Teradisi Firmware

TERA Firmware Release Notes Version 4.x TER1204003 Issue 10


How to update teradisi firmware

Transcript of Teradisi Firmware

Page 1: Teradisi Firmware

TERA Firmware Release NotesVersion 4.x


Issue 10

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Teradici Corporation

#101-4621CanadaWay, Burnaby, BC V5G 4X8Canada

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The information contained in this documentation represents the current view of Teradici Corporation as of the date ofpublication. Because Teradicimust respond to changingmarket conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitmenton the part of Teradici, and Teradici cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date ofpublication.


Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, nopart of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or byany means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express writtenpermission of Teradici Corporation.

Teradicimay have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subjectmatter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Teradici, the furnishing of thisdocument does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property. Visithttp://www.teradici.com/about-teradici/pat.php for more information.

© 2000-2014 Teradici Corporation. All rights reserved.

Teradici, PC-over-IP, and PCoIP are trademarks of Teradici Corporation and may be registered in theUnited States and/orother countries. Any other trademarks or registered trademarksmentioned in this release are the intellectual property of theirrespective owners.

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Revision History

Version Date Description

10 Oct. 01, 2014 Updated for release 4.6.0.

9 July 18, 2014 Updated for release 4.5.1.

8 May 09, 2014 Updated for release 4.5.0.

7 Jan. 08, 2014 Updated for release 4.2.0.

6 Aug. 23, 2013 Updated for release 4.1.2.

5 April 26, 2013 Updated for release 4.1.0.

4 Nov. 09, 2012 Updated for release 4.0.3.

3 Aug. 23, 2012 Updated for release 4.0.2.

2 Aug. 13, 2012 Updated for release 4.0.1.

1 May 17, 2012 Initial release for 4.0.0.

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1 Preface 7

1.1 Audience 7

1.2 Additional Documentation 7

2 Release 4.6.0 8

2.1 Compatibility 8

2.1.1 Workstation and VDI 8

2.1.2 VDI Specific 8

2.1.3 Workstation Specific 9

2.2 Feature Additions 9

2.3 Important Bug Fixes 10

2.4 Known Issues 11

3 Release 4.5.1 12

3.1 Compatibility 12

3.1.1 Workstation and VDI 12

3.1.2 VDI Specific 12

3.1.3 Workstation Specific 13

3.2 Feature Additions 13

3.3 Important Bug Fixes 14

3.4 Known Issues 14

4 Release 4.5.0 15

4.1 Compatibility 15

4.1.1 Workstation and VDI 15

4.1.2 VDI Specific 15

4.1.3 Workstation Specific 16

4.2 Feature Additions 16

4.3 Important Bug Fixes 19

4.4 Known Issues 21

5 Release 4.2.0 22

5.1 Compatibility 22

5.1.1 Workstation and VDI 22

5.1.2 VDI Specific 22

5.1.3 Workstation Specific 23

5.2 Feature Additions 23

5.3 Important Bug Fixes 25

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5.4 Known Issues 27

6 Release 4.1.2 28

6.1 Compatibility 28

6.1.1 Workstation and VDI 28

6.1.2 VDI Specific 28

6.1.3 Workstation Specific 29

6.2 Feature Additions 29

6.2.1 Workstation and VDI 29

6.2.2 VDI Specific 29

6.2.3 Workstation Specific 30

6.3 Important Bug Fixes 30

6.3.1 Workstation and VDI 30

6.3.2 VDI Specific 30

6.3.3 Workstation Specific 30

6.4 Known Issues 30

7 Release 4.1.0 31

7.1 Compatibility 31

7.1.1 Workstation and VDI 31

7.1.2 VDI Specific 31

7.1.3 Workstation Specific 31

7.2 Feature Additions 32

7.2.1 Workstation and VDI 32

7.2.2 VDI Specific 33

7.2.3 Workstation Specific 33

7.3 Important Bug Fixes 33

7.3.1 Workstation and VDI 33

7.3.2 VDI Specific 34

7.3.3 Workstation Specific 34

7.4 Known Issues 35

8 Release 4.0.3 36

8.1 Compatibility 36

8.2 Feature Additions 36

8.3 Important Bug Fixes 36

8.4 Known Issues 37

9 Release 4.0.2 39

9.1 Compatibility 39

9.2 Feature Additions 40

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9.3 Important Bug Fixes 40

9.4 Known Issues 40

10 Release 4.0.1 41

10.1 Compatibility 41

10.2 Feature Additions 42

10.3 Important Bug Fixes 43

10.4 Known Issues 44

11 Release 4.0.0 45

11.1 Compatibility 45

11.2 Feature Additions 46

11.3 Important Bug Fixes 48

11.4 Known Issues 48

Glossary of Definitions 51

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1 PrefaceThis document provides a brief summary of the feature additions and issues resolved in eachTERA1x00/TERA2xxx firmware release starting with release 4.0.0. The sections in thisdocument are organized according to release date, with themost recent releases listed first.

1.1 Audience

This document is intended for administrators who are responsible for configuring andmanaging PCoIP deployments.

1.2 Additional Documentation

Description Zero Client(used withHorizon View)

Zero Client(used withHost Card)


See the latest “VMware View to PCoIP Zero ClientOptimization Guide” (TER1003001) for optimizationguidelines for connecting PCoIP zero clients to VMwareHorizon View virtual desktops.

See the latest “VMware View to PCoIP Zero ClientWANNetwork Guidelines” (TER1007002) for networkoptimization guidelines when connecting PCoIP zeroclients to VMware Horizon View 4 virtual desktops overremote access WAN networks.

See the Teradici support website for additionalinformation on PCoIP zero client and PCoIP host cardapplications, implementation, and management.

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2 Release 4.6.0This section provides a brief summary of the feature additions and issues resolved in release4.6.0.

2.1 Compatibility

2.1.1 Workstation and VDIDeployments using the PCoIP Management Console (MC) to manage Tera2 PCoIP endpointsmust use PCoIP MC version 1.8.1 or later with this firmware release.

Deployments using the PCoIP Management Console (MC) to manage Tera1 PCoIP endpointsmust use PCoIP MC version 1.7.0 or later with this firmware release.

Note: This Tera1 firmware release can only be installed on Tera1 PCoIP processors runningfirmware release 1.4 or later. If the processor is loaded with a firmware release prior toversion 1.4, first download one or more intermediate firmware releases. The following tablelists the installation steps for each version of firmware that may be installed on a PCoIPprocessor. To view the firmware version, go to the device Info > Versionweb page.

Installed Firmware Version Upgrade process

1.4 through 4.5.1 Install the new firmware (4.6.0).

0.18 through 1.3 1. Install a 1.x firmware release (1.4 or later).2. Install the new firmware (4.6.0).

0.1 through 0.17 1. Install firmware release 0.18.2. Install a 1.x firmware release (1.4 or later).3. Install the new firmware (4.6.0).

2.1.2 VDI SpecificThis PCoIP firmware is compatible with the release of VMware Horizon View that wasgenerally available when this firmware was released. It is also compatible with onemajorrelease of Horizon View prior to this. Other versions of Horizon Viewmay also be compatible,but will need to be verified in your specific deployment environment.

The version of Horizon View available at the time of this firmware release was Horizon View6.0.

VMware Horizon View 5.2 or later deployments using zero client devices to connect to Viewvirtual desktops should install release 4.6.0 on the zero client devices.

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Local image caching is supported in Tera2 zero clients when deployed with VMware HorizonView 5.2 or later. This enables considerable bandwidth savings when accessing imageintensive content.

2.1.3 Workstation SpecificIt is highly recommended that remote workstation deployments using zero clients withPCoIP host cards install release 4.6.0 on both the host card and zero client devices.

Note: If either the host card or zero client device is running an earlier firmware release,certain power management and host discovery functions do not work. For moreinformation, see Retirement of peer-to-peer communication on port 50001 usage on page 19and Knowledge Base topic 15134-1857 on the Teradici support site.

While mixed firmware release operation is not tested, this firmware release is compatiblewith 4.5.1, 4.2.0, 4.1.x, 4.0.x, 3.5.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x and 3.1.x releases with the abovelimitation. Firmware 4.0.0 and later is not interoperable with release 3.0 and earlier. An“Unable to connect (0x1002). Please contact your IT administrator.” error message appearson the display if you try to connect to a PCoIP host card running an incompatible release.

2.2 Feature Additions

Description SupportedProducts

Platforms Interfaces

Connectivity to Amazon WorkSpacesClients can connect to Amazon WorkSpaces by beingconfigured for either Auto Detect or PCoIP ConnectionManager modes. Enter the FQDN of the PCoIPConnection Manager for Amazon WorkSpaces as theserver address.The zero client’s branding shows the AmazonWorkSpaces banner in place of the default PCoIP bannerwhen connecting via the PCoIP Connection Managermode or the Auto Detect mode after the WorkSpacesenvironment had been detected by connecting once.Important: For zero client connectivity to work, thePCoIP Connection Manager for Amazon WorkSpaces mustbe installed and configured along with AmazonWorkSpaces. For more information, see “ConnectingPCoIP® Zero Clients to Amazon WorkSpaces”(TER1408002) in the Teradici Support Document Center.

Tera2 AWS

Updated Logo in OSDThe logon screen for VMware Horizon 6 (with View) andImprivata OneSign now displays the certified VMwarelogo.



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2.3 Important Bug Fixes

Description SupportedProducts


Tera1 Tera2 Work-station


10319. Resolved an issue where clicking Apply on theAWI Configuration > Network page on a Tera1 host orTera1 client caused the device to reset withoutapplying the changes.

10343. The Korean text translation is modified. In ADlogins in the multi-factor authentication flow,인증번호 is now암호 .

10353. The Kodak i1120 scanner is now supported onTera2 zero clients for VDI access. The EHCI USBconfiguration option must be disabled for the i1120 towork with a Tera1 zero client.

10348. The MD5 ciphers in the AWI have beendeprecated and are no longer supported.

10237. Resolved an issue where a zero client rebootswhen connecting to an Imprivata OneSign server thatdoes not send the expected <SSPREnabled> tag.

13008. When a zero client in the Warn security levelconnects to a PCoIP Connection Manager thatpresents a self-signed certificate, the zero clientfirmware compares the certificate’s subject againstthe address of the Connection Manager associatedwith the client. If they do not match, then the zeroclient displays this condition in a warning message.You can accept this condition and continue. Thismismatch no longer causes an error that preventedsession authentication.

10226. For the NCST Cirrus LT laptop computer,removed the WoUSB option from the AWI sinceWoUSB is not supported for this model.

10227. For the NCST Cirrus LT laptop computer,reduced the time to switch between the micro-controller-controlled keyboard/mouse and the zeroclient-controlled keyboard/mouse.

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2.4 Known Issues

For known issues, see the Knowledge Base on the Teradici support website.

Tera1 USB DeviceModes and Tera2 USB DeviceModes describe themode USB devicesconnected to a zero client operate in based on device type, session type, and deviceconfiguration.

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3 Release 4.5.1This section provides a brief summary of the feature additions and issues resolved in release4.5.1.

3.1 Compatibility

3.1.1 Workstation and VDIDeployments using the PCoIP Management Console (MC) to manage Tera2 PCoIP endpointsmust use PCoIP MC version 1.8.1 or later with this firmware release.

Deployments using the PCoIP Management Console (MC) to manage Tera1 PCoIP endpointsmust use PCoIP MC version 1.7.0 or later with this firmware release.

Note: This Tera1 firmware release can only be installed on Tera1 PCoIP processors runningfirmware release 1.4 or later. If the processor is loaded with a firmware release prior toversion 1.4, first download one or more intermediate firmware releases. The following tablelists the installation steps for each version of firmware that may be installed on a PCoIPprocessor. To view the firmware version, go to the device Info > Versionweb page.

Installed Firmware Version Upgrade process

1.4 through 4.5.0 Install the new firmware (4.5.1).

0.18 through 1.3 1. Install a 1.x firmware release (1.4 or later).2. Install the new firmware (4.5.1).

0.1 through 0.17 1. Install firmware release 0.18.2. Install a 1.x firmware release (1.4 or later).3. Install the new firmware (4.5.1).

3.1.2 VDI SpecificThis PCoIP firmware is compatible with the release of VMware Horizon View that wasgenerally available when this firmware was released. It is also compatible with onemajorrelease of Horizon View prior to this. Other versions of Horizon Viewmay also be compatible,but will need to be verified in your specific deployment environment.

The version of Horizon View available at the time of this firmware release was Horizon View6.0.

VMware Horizon View 5.2 or later deployments using zero client devices to connect to Viewvirtual desktops should install release 4.5.1 on the zero client devices.

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Local image caching is supported in Tera2 zero clients when deployed with VMware HorizonView 5.2 or later. This enables considerable bandwidth savings when accessing imageintensive content.

3.1.3 Workstation SpecificIt is highly recommended that remote workstation deployments using zero clients withPCoIP host cards install release 4.5.1 on both the host card and zero client devices.

Note: If either the host card or zero client device is running an earlier firmware release,certain power management and host discovery functions do not work. For moreinformation, see Retirement of peer-to-peer communication on port 50001 usage on page 19and Knowledge Base topic 15134-1857 on the Teradici support site.

While mixed firmware release operation is not tested, this firmware release is compatiblewith 4.2.0, 4.1.x, 4.0.x, 3.5.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x and 3.1.x releases with the above limitation.Firmware 4.0.0 and later is not interoperable with release 3.0 and earlier. An “Unable toconnect (0x1002). Please contact your IT administrator.” error message appears on thedisplay if you try to connect to a PCoIP host card running an incompatible release.

3.2 Feature Additions

Description SupportedProducts

Platforms Interfaces

Tera1 Tera2 Work-station


New Enable Gigabit Auto-NegotiationfeatureThis feature lets you select themaximum negotiated speed of thenetwork interface for a Tera2 hostcard. When enabled (the default), themaximum possible speed for thenetwork interface is 1 Gbps. Whendisabled, it is 100 Mbps.This option is in the AdministrativeWeb Interface in the Configuration >Network page.

BX10 SFP SupportFor customers using small form-factorpluggable (SFP) Ethernet interfaces,this release now supports BX10 SFPmodules for single-mode optical fiber.This feature is included by default. Nouser configuration is required.

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3.3 Important Bug Fixes

Description SupportedProducts


Tera1 Tera2 Work-station


13187. Resolved an issue where devices may crash as aresult of password changes.

13100. A PCoIP session no longer freezes and getsdisconnected under severe network impairment. Previouslywhen this occurred, the host and/or client logs are filled withmessages indicating a prolonged RDMA full condition on theUFCC and/or FCC channel.

12860. Resolved an issue where the ConnectionManagement Interface could not be disabled because usingthe AWI or OSD checkboxes to disable CMI had no effect.

13185. Host cards no longer respond with incorrect monitorserial numbers when the host monitor emulation feature isenabled.

12752. Tera2 host cards no longer prevent specific SFPmodules from obtaining an IP address or preventWake-on-LAN from working.

13212. Resolved an issue where connecting to VMwareHorizon View servers may occasionally fail.

13220. You can now authenticate with CardOS Smart Cardsafter the card’s certificates have been reissued.

3.4 Known Issues

For known issues, see the Knowledge Base on the Teradici support website.

Tera1 USB DeviceModes and Tera2 USB DeviceModes describe themode USB devicesconnected to a zero client operate in based on device type, session type, and deviceconfiguration.

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4 Release 4.5.0This section provides a brief summary of the feature additions and issues resolved in release4.5.0.

4.1 Compatibility

4.1.1 Workstation and VDIDeployments using the PCoIP Management Console (MC) to manage Tera2 PCoIP endpointsmust use PCoIP MC version 1.8.1 or later with this firmware release.

Deployments using the PCoIP Management Console (MC) to manage Tera1 PCoIP endpointsmust use PCoIP MC version 1.7.0 or later with this firmware release.

Note: This Tera1 firmware release can only be installed on Tera1 PCoIP processors runningfirmware release 1.4 or later. If the processor is loaded with a firmware release prior toversion 1.4, first download one or more intermediate firmware releases. The following tablelists the installation steps for each version of firmware that may be installed on a PCoIPprocessor. To view the firmware version, go to the device Info > Versionweb page.

Installed Firmware Version Upgrade process

1.4 through 4.2.0 Install the new firmware (4.5.0).

0.18 through 1.3 1. Install a 1.x firmware release (1.4 or later).2. Install the new firmware (4.5.0).

0.1 through 0.17 1. Install firmware release 0.18.2. Install a 1.x firmware release (1.4 or later).3. Install the new firmware (4.5.0).

4.1.2 VDI SpecificThis PCoIP firmware is compatible with the release of VMware Horizon View that wasgenerally available when this firmware was released. It is also compatible with onemajorrelease of Horizon View prior to this. Other versions of Horizon Viewmay also be compatible,but will need to be verified in your specific deployment environment.

The version of Horizon View available at the time of this firmware release was Horizon View5.3.

VMware Horizon View 5.2 or later deployments using zero client devices to connect to Viewvirtual desktops should install release 4.5.0 on the zero client devices.

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Local image caching is supported in Tera2 zero clients when deployed with VMware HorizonView 5.2 or later. This enables considerable bandwidth savings when accessing imageintensive content.

4.1.3 Workstation SpecificIt is highly recommended that remote workstation deployments using zero clients withPCoIP host cards install release 4.5.0 on both the host card and zero client devices.

Note: If either the host card or zero client device is running an earlier firmware release,certain power management and host discovery functions do not work. For moreinformation, see Retirement of peer-to-peer communication on port 50001 usage on page 19and Knowledge Base topic 15134-1857 on the Teradici support site.

While mixed firmware release operation is not tested, this firmware release is compatiblewith 4.2.0, 4.1.x, 4.0.x, 3.5.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x and 3.1.x releases with the above limitation.Firmware 4.0.0 and later is not interoperable with release 3.0 and earlier. An “Unable toconnect (0x1002). Please contact your IT administrator.” error message appears on thedisplay if you try to connect to a PCoIP host card running an incompatible release.

4.2 Feature Additions

Description SupportedProducts

Platforms Interfaces

Tera1 Tera2 Work-station


Auto detect session connection typeThis release supports a new sessionconnection type called Auto Detect.This connection type automaticallydetects which broker protocol aconnection server is using so users in amixed environment (e.g., one thatuses View Connection Servers andPCoIP Connection Managers) do nothave to manually reconfigure thesession type each time they switchbrokers.Auto Detect is now the defaultconnection type.

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Description SupportedProducts

Platforms Interfaces

Tera1 Tera2 Work-station


Support for Low Bandwidth TextCodecThis release introduces a new LowBandwidth Text Codec, a newcompression method that providesimproved bandwidth usage whenencoding lossless data, such as text andbackground. It does not apply to lossydata, such as video.*Note: Low Bandwidth Text Codecaffects TERA2321 zero clients only,and is disabled by default.


SCEP certificate key sizeThe generated SCEP CertificateRequest on the zero client now uses a2048-bit key (previously 1024-bit).

Accelerated monitor emulationTera2 hosts can now performaccelerated monitor emulation.When enabled, this propertyaccelerates the delivery of EDIDinformation to host systems that bootup very quickly (e.g., faster than fiveseconds), causing blank screens on theremote end. Typically, these aresystems with solid-state drives (SSDs).

Default maximum MTU sizeThe default maximum MTU size forzero clients has been reduced from1400 to 1200 to work better withsome VPN configurations. Anyoverrides to the original default MTUsize of 1400 are not affected as aresult of the upgrade.

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Description SupportedProducts

Platforms Interfaces

Tera1 Tera2 Work-station


ePass3000 smart card supportThis release adds support forePass3000 smart cards manufacturedby FEITIAN Technologies.This feature is enabled by default. Nouser configuration is required.

Enhanced bandwidth managementalgorithmYou now get better image qualityduring your PCoIP sessions whenconnecting with a zero client,especially if you are playing a videounder tight bandwidth conditions.

SACK implementation on reliablechannelsThis release implements the PCoIPSelective Acknowledgement Protocol(Selective ACK, or SACK), which isdesigned to improve PCoIPperformance over lossy networks(e.g., WANs).SACK is automatically negotiated onreliable channels with the hostsoftware. No user configuration isnecessary.

Self-service password reset withImprivata OneSignThis release adds support for ImprivataOneSign’s Q&A authenticationmodality, which can be used for self-service password reset (SSPR).Note: No user configuration isrequired on the zero client, butpassword reset with ImprivataOneSign must be enabled on theOneSign server.

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Description SupportedProducts

Platforms Interfaces

Tera1 Tera2 Work-station


Retirement of peer-to-peercommunication on port 50001 usageTCP port 50001 is no longer used forpeer-to-peer messages sent betweenzero clients and remote workstationcards. If a PCoIP session is active,messages are now sent within PCoIPtraffic pipes or on port 4172 (thePCoIP port).This affects messages such as:l Host power control messages sent

from the zero client to remoteworkstation card

l Wake-on-LAN messages sent fromthe remote workstation card to thezero client

l Power status change messagessent from the remote workstationcard to the zero client

See Knowledge Base topic 15134-1857 on the Teradici support siteabout backward compatibility.

UTC timestampsLog file timestamps are now in UTC(Universal Time Coordinated) tofacilitate debugging large deploymentsthat cross time zone boundaries.No user configuration is required.

4.3 Important Bug Fixes

Description SupportedProducts


Tera1 Tera2 Work-station


10890. The keyboard repeat setting is no longer changed onthe OSD if the VDI session has a different setting.

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Description SupportedProducts


Tera1 Tera2 Work-station


5653. Resolved an issue in a Tera2 host configuration wheresome Wacom tablet devices don’t work properly with olderLinux OSes, e.g. CentOS 5.3. These tablet devices are nowdetected using the Wacom vendor ID and the zero clienttriggers a firmware-based workaround.

11026. Resolved a display issue with hybrid Tera2LC devices(one DisplayPort and one DVI) when the DisplayPort monitoris set to 2560x1600 resolution and the secondary monitor isset to native resolution. In this configuration, the graphicsnow display properly.


11622. You can now connect to an Imprivata OneSign serverusing a static IP address and spanning tree protocol withoutexcessive delay.

11645. Resolved an issue where entering an incorrectly-formatted FQDN into the SCEP server URL field caused a zeroclient to crash.

11653. Resolved an issue where certificates pass theirvalidity checks if a zero client is rebooted so frequently thatthe cache does not have enough time to be updated.

11678. Resolved an issue where you sometimes get themaximum login attempts exceeded message after youchange your password.

11806. eBeam whiteboard (VID/PID 2650/1311) now workswith zero clients. You must disabled Enhanced HostController Interface (EHCI) to use this function.

11879. The timeout for DNS lookup is increased from 3 to 5seconds to accommodate slow DNS resolve time in somenetwork configurations.

12015. If password protection is disabled, the force passwordchange configuration option is also disabled.

12523. Zero clients no longer crash in specific workflowswhere token code verification is the last step before adesktop is provisioned for the user. This was a result of usingcertain third-party RADIUS two factor authentication serverproducts installed in VMware View Connection servers.

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Description SupportedProducts


Tera1 Tera2 Work-station


12131. Resolved an issue where some models of USB 3.0-capable flash drives may not be detected when inserted intoa USB 2.0 hub attached to a zero client.

12098. The Jabra 150 MS Duo headset no longer has achoppy audio quality issue.

12286. This release supports the Dell E2014T touch monitorfor zero clients that are in session; however, when not insession, this monitor is not supported in the zero client’s OSDdue to the lack of a local driver for this device.

12223. Resolved an issue of displaying the incorrect timewhen packets from a socket connected to an NTP server areread incorrectly.

12571. Korean translations for Next Token and Passcodehave been improved for clarity.인증번호 replaces비밀번호 and다음 토큰 코드 .

12367. Japanese text string translations have been updatedand improved.

12490. This release improves compatibility with CardOSsmart cards.

12053. The E70 Interactive Smartboard fails to enumerate onthe first connection to a zero client following a power cycleof the zero client. This includes the connection that occurs onpower up if the Smartboard is plugged into the zero clientduring the power cycle. This is resolved.

12678. The incompatibility with CAC/PIV ActivClientmiddleware v7.0.2.318 has been resolved.

4.4 Known Issues

For known issues, see the Knowledge Base on the Teradici support website.

Tera1 USB DeviceModes and Tera2 USB DeviceModes describe themode USB devicesconnected to a zero client operate in based on device type, session type, and deviceconfiguration.

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5 Release 4.2.0This section provides a brief summary of the feature additions and issues resolved in release4.2.0.

5.1 Compatibility

5.1.1 Workstation and VDIDeployments using the PCoIP Management Console (MC) to manage Tera2 PCoIP endpointsmust use PCoIP MC version 1.8.1 or later with this firmware release.

Deployments using the PCoIP Management Console (MC) to manage Tera1 PCoIP endpointsmust use PCoIP MC version 1.7.0 or later with this firmware release.

Note: This Tera1 firmware release can only be installed on Tera1 PCoIP processors runningfirmware release 1.4 or later. If the processor is loaded with a firmware release prior toversion 1.4, first download one or more intermediate firmware releases. The following tablelists the installation steps for each version of firmware that may be installed on a PCoIPprocessor. To view the firmware version, go to the device Info > Versionweb page.

Installed Firmware Version Upgrade process

1.4 through 4.1.2 Install the new firmware (4.2.0).

0.18 through 1.3 1. Install a 1.x firmware release (1.4 or later).2. Install the new firmware (4.2.0).

0.1 through 0.17 1. Install firmware release 0.18.2. Install a 1.x firmware release (1.4 or later).3. Install the new firmware (4.2.0).

5.1.2 VDI SpecificThis PCoIP firmware is compatible with the release of VMware Horizon View that wasgenerally available when this firmware was released. It is also compatible with onemajorrelease of Horizon View prior to this. Other versions of Horizon Viewmay also be compatible,but will need to be verified in your specific deployment environment.

The version of Horizon View available at the time of this firmware release was Horizon View5.2.

VMware Horizon View 5.0 or later deployments using zero client devices to connect to Viewvirtual desktops should install release 4.2.0 on the zero client devices.

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Local image caching is supported in Tera2 zero clients when deployed with VMware HorizonView 5.2 or later. This enables considerable bandwidth savings when accessing imageintensive content.

5.1.3 Workstation SpecificIt is highly recommended that remote workstation deployments using zero clients withPCoIP host cards install release 4.2.0 on both the host card and zero client devices. Whilemixed firmware release operation is not tested, firmware release 4.2.0 is compatible with4.1.2, 4.1.1, 4.1.0, 4.0.x, 3.5.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x and 3.1.x releases. Firmware 4.0.0 and later isnot interoperable with release 3.0 and earlier. An “Unable to connect (0x1002). Please contactyour IT administrator.” error message appears on the display if you try to connect to a PCoIPhost card running an incompatible release.

5.2 Feature Additions

Description SupportedProducts


Tera1 Tera2 Workstation VDI

Boot-up splash screenIf enabled in the factory, a splash screen is displayedbriefly while the zero client is powering on and beforethe user connection screen appears.

PCoIP Utility Bar supportA GUI drop-down bar can now be used to disconnect asession or to shut down a remote workstation. Whenenabled, administrators can optionally pin this bar, andusers can drag it to the left or right. This utility bar isdisabled by default and drops down only when usersmove the cursor directly under it.For any session type involving a host card, Local Cursorand Keyboard must be enabled in order for the zeroclient to process mouse events for the utility bar. For allconnection types, the mouse must be locally connected(i.e., not bridged).PCoIP Utility Bar Mode can be configured for Tera2 zeroclients under the Configuration > Session > AdvancedOptions page using the MC or AWI—for example, theMC View Connection Server Session Settings or the AWIDirect to Host Session Settings.

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Description SupportedProducts


Tera1 Tera2 Workstation VDI

Local USB audio supportUSB audio devices attached to Tera2 zero clients maynow be terminated locally, improving performance andinteroperability. This feature is enabled by default. Newoptions are also available for configuring the preferredUSB audio input and output device to use when morethan one device is connected to a zero client.Note: For optimal performance, install the TeradiciAudio Driver on your VM and select it as the defaultplayback device.

Audio pageZero client and host card AWI Audio pages have beenmoved from the Permissionsmenu to theConfigurationmenu.

New Imprivata featuresThe View Connection Server + Imprivata OneSignsession type now has two new Imprivata options—Invert Wiegand Data and Restrict Proximity Cards.For details about these options, see MC: ViewConnection Server + Imprivata OneSign and AWI Client:View Connection Server + Imprivata OneSign.

Unique naming of SCEP certificatesSCEP certificates are now configured with therequested certificate “Subject” as the PCoIP DeviceName and the “Subject Alternative” as the device MACaddress (all in lower case and with no dashes).Previously, the requested certificate “Subject” washard-coded to “PCoIP Endpoint” and the “SubjectAlternative” was left blank. This change makes therequested certificates traceable back to the originalzero client.This naming convention for SCEP certificates is notconfigurable.

PCoIP Device Name label enhancementThe PCoIP Device Name label has been extended toallow the underscore character inside a device name. Itcannot be the first or last letter.

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Description SupportedProducts


Tera1 Tera2 Workstation VDI

Event Log Filter Mode enhancementAdministrators can now disable event logging on adevice.

RSA 2-factor authentication supportThis release adds support for combined smart card andRSA SecurID authentication against a View ConnectionServer.Note: This feature is not configurable in firmware.

RADIUS 2-factor authentication supportIn addition to the traditional smart card andusername/password authentication, this featureenables the user to add a second authenticator for userauthentication (i.e., RADIUS username/password).Note: This feature is not configurable in firmware.

5.3 Important Bug Fixes

Description SupportedProducts


Tera1 Tera2 Workstation VDI

10672. Resolved an issue where PCoIP zero clients mayreset when using PCoIP Management Console 1.9.0.

10652. Smart cards that are provisioned using SafeNet2.10 software can now be used for pre-sessionauthentication on zero clients

10504. For users who authenticate using Proximity Cardplus Password, if the user types the wrong password,typing the correct password on retry triggers Passwordauthentication only rather than Proximity Card plusPassword authentication. This prevents tap-out fromworking correctly, and does not start the grace periodtimer (if enabled). This is resolved.

10464. When a View Connection Server is configuredfor RADIUS mode, user passwords are no longer limitedto 16 characters.

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Description SupportedProducts


Tera1 Tera2 Workstation VDI

10419. If a display was unplugged from a Tera2 clientwhile in session with a hard host, when the sessiondisconnects, the OSD sometimes does not displaycorrectly until the zero client is rebooted. This isresolved.

10381. A zero client in CMI mode is unable to remotelypower on a workstation containing a PCoIP remoteworkstation card using Wake-on-LAN under thefollowing conditions:Requirements: Two workstations (A & B), one zeroclient and a CMI connection broker.1. Connect to host A from the zero client using the

connection broker.2. Disconnect from host A.3. Power off host B.4. Try to connect to host B through the zero client by

logging in through the connection broker.The PCoIP connection attempt times out and host Bdoes not power on.This is now resolved.

10390. Resolved an issue where the zero client resetswhen trying to connect to a host while a USB hub isconnected to a zero client root port and two or morehubs are connected to this hub.

10276. Server certificates that use Subject AlternativeNames (SANs) to identify the server without having aCommon Name in their Subject field are now acceptedby zero clients.

10244. Workstation hosts no longer remain in a statewhere they cannot be discovered via SLP after beingpowered off from a zero client and subsequentlypowered on directly from the workstation's powerswitch. Previously, only the zero client from where thehost was powered off is able to reconnect to the host;other zero clients fail to find that host through SLPdiscovery.

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Description SupportedProducts


Tera1 Tera2 Workstation VDI

10212. Resolved an issue where banner logo imagescould be corrupted by moving OSD dialog boxescontaining the banner logo images around the OSDscreen.

10042. In the OSD, if you press Tab and Caps Lock at thesame time, the keyboard Caps Lock indicator light nowcorrectly shows the Caps Lock state.

10010. When the zero client is configured to use theGerman language the VMware Horizon View desktopselection dialog's Reset VM button now fits the Germantext. This button has always functioned properly. Now,the first and last letter of the button text are not cut off.

10004. Resolved an issue where microphone recordingin sessions between zero clients, Linux, and Windowsworkstations can have a low signal-to-noise ratio. Thisoccurs when the workstation is using the Realtek audiodriver to control a Realtek audio codec chip. Therecorded audio quality is normal during the first PCoIPsession after the workstation boots up and noisy in thefollowing PCoIP sessions.

9761. Resolved an issue where the Permissions->USBweb page fails to load properly when using the IE 10web browser to access the Administrative WebInterface (AWI) of a zero client or host card, where theuser typically sees a partially populated web page.

9648. Resolved an issue with Tera2 dual display clientswhere the second display may not work if the firstdisplay is dual-link and preferred resolution override isenabled.


5.4 Known Issues

For known issues, see the Knowledge Base on the Teradici support website.

Tera1 USB DeviceModes and Tera2 USB DeviceModes describe themode USB devicesconnected to a zero client operate in based on device type, session type, and deviceconfiguration.

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6 Release 4.1.2This section provides a brief summary of the feature additions and issues resolved in release4.1.2 versus 4.1.0.

6.1 Compatibility

6.1.1 Workstation and VDIDeployments using the PCoIP Management Console (MC) to manage Tera2 PCoIP endpointsmust use PCoIP MC version 1.8.1 or later with this firmware release.

Deployments using the PCoIP Management Console (MC) to manage Tera1 PCoIP endpointsmust use PCoIP MC version 1.7.0 or later with this firmware release.

Note: This Tera1 firmware release can only be installed on Tera1 PCoIP processors runningfirmware release 1.4 or later. If the processor is loaded with a firmware release prior toversion 1.4, first download one or more intermediate firmware releases. The following tablelists the installation steps for each version of firmware that may be installed on a PCoIPprocessor. To view the firmware version, go to the device Info > Versionweb page.

Installed Firmware Version Upgrade process

1.4 through 4.1.1 Install the new firmware (4.1.2).

0.18 through 1.3 1. Install a 1.x firmware release (1.4 or later).2. Install the new firmware (4.1.2).

0.1 through 0.17 1. Install firmware release 0.18.2. Install a 1.x firmware release (1.4 or later).3. Install the new firmware (4.1.2).

6.1.2 VDI SpecificThis PCoIP firmware is compatible with the release of VMware Horizon View that wasgenerally available when this firmware was released. It is also compatible with onemajorrelease of Horizon View prior to this. Other versions of Horizon Viewmay also be compatible,but will need to be verified in your specific deployment environment.

The version of Horizon View available at the time of this firmware release was Horizon View5.2.

VMware Horizon View 5.0 or later deployments using zero client devices to connect to Viewvirtual desktops should install release 4.1.2 on the zero client devices

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Local image caching is supported in Tera2 zero clients when deployed with VMware HorizonView 5.2 or later. This enables considerable bandwidth savings when accessing imageintensive content.

6.1.3 Workstation SpecificIt is highly recommended that remote workstation deployments using zero clients withPCoIP host cards install release 4.1.2 on both the host card and zero client devices. Whilemixed firmware release operation is not tested, firmware release 4.1.2 is compatible with4.1.1, 4.1.0, 4.0.x, 3.5.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x and 3.1.x releases. Firmware 4.0.0 and later is notinteroperable with release 3.0 and earlier. An “Unable to connect (0x1002). Please contactyour IT administrator.” error message appears on the display if you try to connect to a PCoIPhost card running an incompatible release.

6.2 Feature Additions

6.2.1 Workstation and VDI


Display Suspend (for Tera2 zero clients)l When users are in-session, the firmware now supports a display suspend feature after a

specified keyboard and mouse inactivity timeout.

6.2.2 VDI Specific


Changed the Auto Connect feature from a checkbox to a dropdown menu with the followingoptions.l Disabled: The client does not automatically connect to the configured View Connection Server

or PCoIP Connection Manager. Disabled is equivalent to the previous “unchecked” setting.l Enabled: The client attempts to connect to the configured View Connection Server or PCoIP

Connection Manager. Enabled is equivalent to the previous “checked” setting.l Enabled with Retry on Error: The client attempts to connect to the configured View

Connection Server or PCoIP Connection Manager. If a connection error occurs, the client willwait and retry the connection periodically until a connection is successful, or the Cancel buttonis pressed.

The Auto Connect feature is an advanced option supported by the following Session ConnectionTypes.l PCoIP Connection Manager (Tera2 zero clients)l PCoIP Connection Manager + Auto-Logon (Tera2 zero clients)l View Connection Server (Tera1 and Tera2 zero clients)l View Connection Server + Auto-Logon (Tera1 and Tera2 zero clients)

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Continuous Desktop Retry (for Tera1 and Tera2 zero clients)l After user authentication and desktop selection, if the View Connection Server or PCoIP

Connection Manager reports that the selected desktop is not available, the client will retryconnecting to that desktop every 5 seconds until the desktop becomes available, or the Cancelbutton is pressed.

For screen images of user interface changes, see the online help.

6.2.3 Workstation SpecificNone.

6.3 Important Bug Fixes

6.3.1 Workstation and VDINone.

6.3.2 VDI Specific


Out of range certificate expiry dates will be capped at the year 2225 (for Tera1 and Tera2 zeroclients).

PIN verification failure with CardOS smart cards has been resolved (for Tera2 zero clients).

6.3.3 Workstation SpecificNone.

6.4 Known Issues

For known issues, see the Knowledge Base on the Teradici support website.

Tera1 USB DeviceModes and Tera2 USB DeviceModes describe themode USB devicesconnected to a zero client operate in based on device type, session type, and deviceconfiguration.

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7 Release 4.1.0This section provides a brief summary of the issues resolved in release 4.1.0.

7.1 Compatibility

7.1.1 Workstation and VDIDeployments using the PCoIP Management Console (MC) to manage Tera2 PCoIP endpointsmust use PCoIP MC version 1.8.1 or later with this firmware release.

Deployments using the PCoIP Management Console (MC) to manage Tera1 PCoIP endpointsmust use PCoIP MC version 1.7.0 or later with this firmware release.

Note: This Tera1 firmware release can only be installed on Tera1 PCoIP processors runningfirmware release 1.4 or later. If the processor is loaded with a firmware release prior toversion 1.4, first download one or more intermediate firmware releases. The following tablelists the installation steps for each version of firmware that may be installed on a PCoIPprocessor. To view the firmware version, go to the device Info > Versionweb page.

Installed Firmware Version Upgrade process

1.4 through 4.0.x Install the new firmware (4.1.0).

0.18 through 1.3 1. Install a 1.x firmware release (1.4 or later).2. Install the new firmware (4.1.0).

0.1 through 0.17 1. Install firmware release 0.18.2. Install a 1.x firmware release (1.4 or later).3. Install the new firmware (4.1.0).

7.1.2 VDI SpecificVMware Horizon View 5.0 or later deployments using zero client devices to connect to Viewvirtual desktops should install release 4.1.0 on the zero client devices.

Local image caching is supported in Tera2 zero clients when deployed with VMware HorizonView 5.2 or later. This enables considerable bandwidth savings when accessing imageintensive content.

7.1.3 Workstation SpecificIt is highly recommended that remote workstation deployments using zero clients withPCoIP host cards install release 4.1.0 on both the host card and zero client devices. Whilemixed firmware release operation is not tested, firmware release 4.1.0 is compatible with4.0.3, 4.0.2, 4.0.1, 4.0.0, 3.5.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x and 3.1.x releases. Firmware 4.0.0 and later is

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not interoperable with release 3.0 and earlier. An “Unable to connect (0x1002). Please contactyour IT administrator.” error message appears on the display if you try to connect to a PCoIPhost card running an incompatible release.

7.2 Feature Additions

7.2.1 Workstation and VDI


Security features (for Tera1 and Tera2 endpoints)l Following three failed attempts to access the Administrative Web Interface or the On Screen

Display, each subsequent failed attempt will require additional time to complete.l Added option to force the changing of the administrative password upon the next access of the

Administrative Web Interface or On-Screen-Display (selected password may be blank).l Logging of failed access attempts to the Administrative Web Interface, On Screen Display, or

management interface (e.g. PCoIP Management Console).l Added options to disable the Administrative Web Interface and/or the management tool

interface (e.g. Tera1 and Tera2 endpoints can lock out access by the PCoIP ManagementConsole).

Added support for SCEP (Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol): zero clients may be configuredto submit a request for a certificate to a SCEP server (for Tera2 zero clients).

Added Auto-Power-Off option, which powers off PCoIP zero clients after a configurable period ofidle time when users are out of session (for Tera2 zero clients). The zero client Permissions->Power and Configuration->OSDweb pages have been replaced by the Configuration->Powerweb page.

Added option to configure PCoIP zero clients such that an image on a primary display can bereproduced on the secondary video port (for dual-display Tera2 zero clients).Note: The resolution setting of the primary display will also be applied on the secondary displaywhen this feature is enabled.

Added support for Brazilian ABNT2 keyboards (for Tera1 and Tera2 zero clients).

Added two new Session Connection Types (PCoIP Connection Manager and PCoIP ConnectionManager + Auto-Logon) for Tera2 zero clients. The PCoIP Connection Manager can be used in thefuture with third-party brokers.

For screen images of user interface changes, see the online help.

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7.2.2 VDI Specific


Added support for SafeNet SC650 smart cards with SafeNet PKI applet and SHAC middleware (forTera2 zero clients).

Added support for Atos CardOS smart cards.

Added support for eToken 72k Pro USB user authentication devices.

Added support for isochronous USB devices without a Video class interface connected behind aUSB 2.0 hub.Note: A webcam is an example of an isochronous USB device with a Video class interface.

7.2.3 Workstation Specific


Added support for local termination of keyboards and mice behind USB hubs provided all devicesattached to the USB hub are HID keyboards and mice.

Added ability to configure the Wake Host from Low Power State, Host Wake MAC Address andHost Wake IP Address settings for Direct to Host sessions on the advanced session configurationdialog of the On-Screen Display. Previous releases support configuring these settings through theweb interface or the PCoIP MC.

7.3 Important Bug Fixes

7.3.1 Workstation and VDI


Resolved an issue where the Display Override feature in the OSD does not function (for Tera1 andTera2 zero clients).

Resolved an issue where Greek keyboards do not function correctly in the OSD (for Tera1 andTera2 zero clients).

Resolved two issues where keys were not mapped correctly on a Japanese keyboard (for Tera1and Tera2 zero clients).

Resolved an issue where syslog would disable itself when it was unable to send a syslog messageto the configured server because of a network error (for Tera1 and Tera2 zero clients).

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USB port numbers are referred to as “logical” references in device logs to avoid confusion withphysical labeling of USB ports (for Tera1 and Tera2 zero clients).

Resolved an issue where the Japanese 106 keyboard entered an incorrect character when theuser presses the right-most character key in the upper row.

Edited supported language translations in the OSD.

7.3.2 VDI Specific


Resolved an issue where supported smart cards may not be able to successfully complete theirlogin process (for Tera1 and Tera2 zero clients).

Resolved an issue where IronKey USB devices do not function with PCoIP zero clients (for Tera1and Tera2 zero clients).

Resolved an issue where the BASYS2 breadboard device does not function correctly with PCoIPzero clients (Tera1 and Tera2).

Resolved an issue where the USB certify scanner device fails to connect to a virtual machine whenused with PCoIP zero clients (for Tera1 and Tera2 zero clients).

Resolved an issue where the SeaI/O USB device may not function when the PCoIP zero clientpower is cycled off and back on while the device is connected (for Tera1 and Tera2 zero clients).

Resolved an issue where the microphone gain was being incorrectly set (for Tera1 and Tera2 zeroclients).

Resolved an issue where a Caps Lock warning message was not being displayed if a user hadpreviously failed a login attempt due to a bad username/password (for Tera1 and Tera2 zeroclients).

When Imprivata OneSign is in lockdown mode, a message indicating the reason for the failedconnection is presented to the user (for Tera1 and Tera2 zero clients).

The secure session state is now included in device logs (for Tera1 and Tera2 zero clients).

7.3.3 Workstation Specific


Resolved an issue where the workstation host card may reset when processing a malformed audiopacket (for Tera1 and Tera2 host cards).

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Resolved an issue where the incorrect bandwidth limit may be selected when connecting a Tera1client to a Tera2 workstation host card. This issue only occurs when mixing both Tera1 and Tera2clients to the same Tera2 workstation host card.

7.4 Known Issues

For known issues, see the Knowledge Base on the Teradici support website.

Tera1 USB DeviceModes and Tera2 USB DeviceModes describe themode USB devicesconnected to a zero client operate in based on device type, session type, and deviceconfiguration.

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8 Release 4.0.3This section provides a brief summary of the issues resolved in release 4.0.3 versus 4.0.2.

Note: Release 4.0.3 is only applicable to Tera2 zero clients and host cards.

8.1 Compatibility

VMware Horizon View 5.0 or later deployments using TERA2xxx zero client devices to connectto View virtual desktops should install release 4.0.3 on the zero client devices.

It is highly recommended that remote workstation deployments using TERA2xxx zero clientswith TERA2xxx host cards install release 4.0.3 on both the host card and zero client devices.Deployments using a mix of TERA1x00 and TERA2xxx endpoints should install release 4.0.3 onthe TERA2xxx endpoints and release 4.0.2 on the TERA1x00 endpoints. While mixed firmwarerelease operation, other than the previously mentioned configuration, is not tested,firmware release 4.0.3 is compatible with 4.0.2, 4.0.1, 4.0.0, 3.5.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x and 3.1.xreleases. Firmware 4.0.3 is not interoperable with releases 3.0, 2.x, 1.x or 0.x. An “Unable toconnect (0x1002). Please contact your IT administrator.” error message appears on thedisplay if trying to connect to a PCoIP host card running an incompatible release.

Deployments using the PCoIP Management Console (MC) to manage Tera2 PCoIP endpointsmust use PCoIP MC version 1.8.1 or later with this firmware release.

Note: This firmware release can only be installed on TERA2xxx PCoIP processors.

8.2 Feature Additions


8.3 Important Bug Fixes

Description Zero Client(used withHorizon View)

Zero Client(used withHost Card)


Resolved a flash memory issue that could cause aTERA2xxx device to become inoperative andunrecoverable while updating configuration settingsusing PCoIP MC version 1.8.0.

Tera2 Tera2 Tera2

Resolved a potential memory corruption problem onTERA2xxx host cards, which could cause sessions todisconnect or workstations to crash.


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Description Zero Client(used withHorizon View)

Zero Client(used withHost Card)


Set the minimum firmware version equal to 4.0.3 forTERA2xxx devices, preventing downgrades.

Tera2 Tera2 Tera2

Resolved a communication error with the ViewConnection Server that prevented users from starting asession when Online Certificate Status Protocol (OSCP)server is unresponsive.


Resolved a “Source signal on other port” error on videoport 2 that affected deployments using View 4.6 andWindows XP.


8.4 Known Issues

For known issues, see the Knowledge Base on the Teradici support website.

The following tables describe themode USB devices connected to a zero client operate inbased on device type, session type, and device configuration.

Table 8-1: Tera1 USB Device Modes

Tera1 Client

EHCI Disabled (Devices operate in USB 1.1 mode only)

Root Port Behind USB 1.1 and 2.0 Hub

View Desktop All devices operate in USB 1.1 mode

Tera1 and Tera2PCoIP host card

All devices operate in USB 1.1 mode

EHCI Enabled (USB 2.0 support is enabled) - Default

Root Port Behind USB1.1 Hub

Behind USB 2.0 Hub

View Desktop All devices operate in theirnative mode (USB 1.1 orUSB 2.0) except USB 2.0isochronous devices, i.e.,audio devices, web cams.USB 2.0 isochronous devicesoperate in USB 1.1 mode.

All devicesoperate inUSB 1.1mode.

All non-isochronous devicesoperate in their native mode(USB 1.1 or USB 2.0).Isochronous devices with avideo class interface are notsupported (a warning mayappear).

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Tera1 Client

Tera1 and Tera2PCoIP host card

All devices operate in USB 1.1 mode

Table 8-2: Tera2 USB Device Modes

Tera2 Client

EHCI Disabled (Devices operate in USB 1.1 mode only)

Root Port Behind USB 1.1 and 2.0 Hub

View Desktop All devices operate in USB 1.1 mode

Tera1 and Tera2PCoIP host card

The EHCI disable flag does not apply to the PCoIP host card. See followingsection for PCoIP host card behaviour.

EHCI Enabled (USB 2.0 support is enabled) - Default

Root Port Behind USB1.1 Hub

Behind USB 2.0 Hub

View Desktop All devices operate in theirnative mode (USB 1.1 orUSB 2.0) except USB 2.0isochronous devices, i.e.,audio devices, web cams.USB 2.0 isochronous devicesoperate in USB 1.1 mode.

All devicesoperate inUSB 1.1mode.

All non-isochronous devicesoperate in their native mode(USB 1.1 or USB 2.0).Isochronous devices with avideo class interface are notsupported (a warning mayappear).

Tera1 PCoIPhost card

All devices operate in USB 1.1 mode

Tera2 PCoIPhost card

All devices operate in theirnative mode (USB 1.1 orUSB 2.0) except USB 2.0isochronous devices, i.e.,audio devices, web cams.USB 2.0 isochronous devicesoperate in USB 1.1 mode.

All devicesoperate inUSB 1.1mode.

All non-isochronous devicesoperate in their native mode(USB 1.1 or USB 2.0).Isochronous devices with avideo class interface are notsupported (a warning willnot appear).

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9 Release 4.0.2This section provides a brief summary of the feature additions and issues resolved in release4.0.2 versus 4.0.1.

Note: Tera2 endpoints with Release 4.0.2must be upgraded to Release 4.0.3 or later in orderto resolve a known issue where devices can potentially become non-functional andunrecoverable when managed by the PCoIP Management Console. Tera1 endpoints are notimpacted. See Important Bug Fixes for additional details.

9.1 Compatibility

VMware Horizon View 5.0 or later deployments using zero client devices to connect to Viewvirtual desktops should install release 4.0.2 on the zero client devices.

It is highly recommended that remote workstation deployments using zero clients withPCoIP host cards install release 4.0.2 on both the host card and client devices. While mixedfirmware release operation is not tested, firmware release 4.0.2 is compatible with 4.0.1,4.0.0, 3.5.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x and 3.1.x releases. Firmware 4.0.0 and later is not interoperablewith release 3.0 and earlier. An “Unable to connect (0x1002). Please contact your ITadministrator.” error message appears on the display if you try to connect to a PCoIP hostcard running an incompatible release.

Deployments using the PCoIP Management Console (MC) to manage Tera1 PCoIP endpointsmust use PCoIP MC version 1.7.0 or later with this firmware release.

Note: This Tera1 firmware release can only be installed on Tera1 PCoIP processors runningfirmware release 1.4 or later. If the processor is loaded with a firmware release prior toversion 1.4, first download one or more intermediate firmware releases. The following tablelists the installation steps for each version of firmware that may be installed on a PCoIPprocessor. To view the firmware version, go to the device Info > Versionweb page.

Installed Firmware Version Upgrade process

1.4 through 4.0.1 Install the new firmware (4.0.2).

0.18 through 1.3 1. Install a 1.x firmware release (1.4 or later).2. Install the new firmware (4.0.2).

0.1 through 0.17 1. Install firmware release 0.18.2. Install a 1.x firmware release (1.4 or later).3. Install the new firmware (4.0.2).

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9.2 Feature Additions

Description Zero Client(used withHorizon View)

Zero Client(used withHost Card)


Added support for using the zero client in ImprivataOneSign Single Sign-On mode with the OMNIKEY 5427proximity reader.

9.3 Important Bug Fixes

Description Zero Client(used withHorizon View)

Zero Client(used withHost Card)


Resolved an issue when using ATI FirePro RG220 andRG220A Remote Workstation Graphics (integrated GPU+ PCoIP host card).

Resolved an analog calibration issue with zero clientsusing the TERA2321 or TERA2140 with a DVI port (zeroclients using only DisplayPort were not affected).

9.4 Known Issues

For known issues, see the Knowledge Base on the Teradici support website.

Tera1 USB DeviceModes and Tera2 USB DeviceModes describe themode USB devicesconnected to a zero client operate in based on device type, session type, and deviceconfiguration.

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10 Release 4.0.1This section provides a brief summary of the feature additions and issues resolved in release4.0.1 versus 4.0.0.

Note: Tera2 endpoints with Release 4.0.1must be upgraded to Release 4.0.3 or later in orderto resolve a known issue where devices can potentially become non-functional andunrecoverable when managed by the PCoIP Management Console. Tera1 endpoints are notimpacted. See Important Bug Fixes for additional details.

10.1 Compatibility

VMware Horizon View 5.0 or later deployments using zero client devices to connect to Viewvirtual desktops should install release 4.0.1 on the zero client devices.

It is highly recommended that remote workstation deployments using zero clients withPCoIP host cards install release 4.0.1 on both the host card and client devices. While mixedfirmware release operation is not tested, firmware release 4.0.1 is compatible with 4.0.0,3.5.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x and 3.1.x releases. Firmware 4.0.0 and later is not interoperable withrelease 3.0 and earlier. An “Unable to connect (0x1002). Please contact your ITadministrator.” error message appears on the display if you try to connect to a PCoIP hostcard running an incompatible release.

Deployments using the PCoIP Management Console (MC) to manage Tera1 PCoIP endpointsmust use PCoIP MC version 1.7.0 or later with this firmware release.

Note: This Tera1 firmware release can only be installed on Tera1 PCoIP processors runningfirmware release 1.4 or later. If the processor is loaded with a firmware release prior toversion 1.4, first download one or more intermediate firmware releases. The following tablelists the installation steps for each version of firmware that may be installed on a PCoIPprocessor. To view the firmware version, go to the device Info > Versionweb page.

Installed Firmware Version Upgrade process

1.4 through 4.0.0 Install the new firmware (4.0.1).

0.18 through 1.3 1. Install a 1.x firmware release (1.4 or later).2. Install the new firmware (4.0.1).

0.1 through 0.17 1. Install firmware release 0.18.2. Install a 1.x firmware release (1.4 or later).3. Install the new firmware (4.0.1).

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10.2 Feature Additions

Description Zero Client(used withHorizon View)

Zero Client(used withHost Card)


Added support for the new TERA2240/2220/2140/2321Processor based zero clients and host cards.

Added support for using the zero client in ImprivataOneSign Single Sign-On mode with the OMNIKEY 5127proximity reader.

Added hotkey to disconnect support (Ctrl + Alt + F12).This feature is enabled by default and is available inWorkstation and View deployments.Note: Workstation deployments require that the PCoIPhost software be installed with the local cursor featureenabled.The advanced options section of the session web pageadded a field to enable/disable the feature.

Added pre-session support for the eToken 5205 ProAnywhere and eToken NG OTP.

Improved error indications in the View login flow. Thischange includes in-line error messages for badusername or password and a Caps Lock indicator.

Added support for configuring the SNMP communityname.

Removed network icon in the OSD and improved statusindication in connect dialog.

Modified the View connection security text to matchcurrent View clients.

Event log is cleared when a reset to factory defaults isapplied.

Added support for “Desktop Name to Select”configuration in “View Connection Server + ImprivataOneSign”. This field is available in the advanced optionsunder session configuration.

For screen images of user interface changes, see the online help.

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10.3 Important Bug Fixes

Description Zero Client(used withHorizon View)

Zero Client(used withHost Card)


Zero client now trusts intermediate and leaf certificates.

Zero client does not require the View Connection Servercertificate to have the Server Authentication EnhancedKey Usage if the certificate does not have any EnhancedKey Usage entries.

Certificates with RFC3280 GeneralizedTime four-digityears are now supported.

Zero client can now handle any OID appearing in acertificate’s subject or issuer fields. For example, GoDaddy certificates.

Improved robustness when accessing smart cardreaders from applications on a virtual machine includingRDP sessions.

Improved handling of certificates with SubjectAlternative Name data.

Zero client now accepts certificates with a criticalCertificate Policies extension.

Improved Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) errorhandling.

Zero client no longer generates duplicate keystrokeswhen typing quickly.Note: For workstation deployments, this fix only appliesto systems running the PCoIP host software with theLocal Cursor feature enabled.

Zero client no longer loses the first character typed onbridged keyboards.

Zero client no longer asserts when connecting to adisabled View Connection Server.

Certificate store is now cleared when resetting tofactory defaults through the OSD, Web, and CMIinterfaces (instead of only the Web interface).

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10.4 Known Issues

For known issues, see the Knowledge Base on the Teradici support website.

Tera1 USB DeviceModes and Tera2 USB DeviceModes describe themode USB devicesconnected to a zero client operate in based on device type, session type, and deviceconfiguration.

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11 Release 4.0.0This section provides a brief summary of the feature additions and issues resolved in release4.0.0 versus 3.5.1.

Note: Release 4.0.0 is only applicable to Tera1 zero clients and host cards.

11.1 Compatibility

VMware Horizon View 5.0 or later deployments using zero client devices to connect to Viewvirtual desktops should install release 4.0.0 on the zero client devices.

It is highly recommended that remote workstation deployments using zero clients withPCoIP host cards install release 4.0.0 on both the host card and client devices. While mixedfirmware release operation is not tested, firmware release 4.0.0 is compatible with 3.5.x,3.4.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x and 3.1.x releases. Firmware 4.0.0 and later is not interoperable with release3.0 and earlier. An “Unable to connect (0x1002). Please contact your IT administrator.” errormessage appears on the display if you try to connect to a PCoIP host card running anincompatible release.

Deployments using the PCoIP Management Console (MC) to manage Tera1 PCoIP endpointsmust use PCoIP MC version 1.7.0 or later with this firmware release.

Note: This Tera1 firmware release can only be installed on Tera1 PCoIP processors runningfirmware release 1.4 or later. If the processor is loaded with a firmware release prior toversion 1.4, first download one or more intermediate firmware releases. The following tablelists the installation steps for each version of firmware that may be installed on a PCoIPprocessor. To view the firmware version, go to the device Info > Versionweb page.

Installed Firmware Version Upgrade process

1.4 through 3.5.1 Install the new firmware (4.0.0).

0.18 through 1.3 1. Install a 1.x firmware release (1.4 or later).2. Install the new firmware (4.0.0).

0.1 through 0.17 1. Install firmware release 0.18.2. Install a 1.x firmware release (1.4 or later).3. Install the new firmware (4.0.0).

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11.2 Feature Additions

Description Zero Client(used withHorizon View)

Zero Client(used withHost Card)


Security enhancement: Add support for configuring theVCS Certificate CheckMode and VCS Certificate CheckMode Lockout settings on the Configuration->Sessionweb page. Three modes are supported.l Reject the unverifiable connection (Secure) –

requires a trusted, valid certificate.l Warn if the connection may be insecure (Default) –

warns when unsigned (View default), expiredcertificates or when the certificate is not self-signedand the zero client trust-store is empty.

l Allow the unverifiable connection (Not Secure) –connects even if the connection may becompromised.

The VMware View tab on the OSD Options->UserSettings screen lets users view and potentially modifythe VCS Certificate CheckMode. Users cannot modifythe mode when the VCS Certificate CheckModeLockout setting is checked.

Security enhancement: Add support for configuring theSession Negotiation Cipher setting on the Configuration->Session web page. This setting applies to all sessionconnection types (Direct to Host, View ConnectionServer and Connection Management System). Twocipher settings are supported.l Maximum Compatibility: TLS 1.0 with RSA keys and

AES-256 or AES-128 encryption.l Suite B: TLS 1.2 with Suite B-compliant 192-bit elliptic

curve encryption (Note: At the time of writing thiscipher setting is not supported by View 5.1 andearlier virtual desktops).

Updated the OSD look and feel:l Revised color schemel Revised logo placement

OSD enhancement: Remove Peer MAC Address and addEnable Preparing Desktop Overlay settings on theAdvanced Session settings for Direct to Host connections.

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Description Zero Client(used withHorizon View)

Zero Client(used withHost Card)


OSD enhancement: Add support for configuring theDesktop Name to Select and Enable Preparing DesktopOverlay settings on the Advanced Session settings forVCS connections.

OSD enhancement: Add support for setting SessionConnection Type equal to View Connection Server +Auto-Logon using the OSD. Previous releases supportconfiguring this connection type through the webinterface or the PCoIP MC.

OSD enhancement: Add support for configuring thenative resolution of each display when the displayoverride feature is enabled.

OSD enhancement: Modified the display topology settingpage.

OSD enhancement: Removed requirement to rebootzero client after changing display topology Rotationsetting.

Add support for a newly defined Teradici SNMP MIBwhich adds an extensive set of read-only variables. Fordetails on the new MIB, see Knowledge Base topic15134-203 on the Teradici support site.

Add support for configuring the PCoIP endpoint sessiontimeout (from 5 to 60 seconds) using the CMI.

Changed default OSD screen saver timeout to 300seconds. Previous releases disabled the OSD screensaver by default.

Updated the zero clientWake-on-LAN sessionconfiguration settings.Note: This change affects deployments using PCoIP hostcards configured to wake workstations from a low powerstate using Wake-on-LAN messages.

For screen images of user interface changes, see the online help.

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11.3 Important Bug Fixes

Description Zero Client(used withHorizon View)

Zero Client(used withHost Card)


Resolved an issue where disabling Login UsernameCaching has no effect when using Imprivata OneSign.

Resolved an issue where the PCoIP endpoint would resetif DHCP Options 60 and 43 are not configured to identifythe PCoIP Management Console. See the latest “PCoIP®Management Console User Manual” (TER0812002) forconfiguration information.

Resolved an issue where the Omnikey 5325CL proximitycard reader would not work with a zero client.

Resolved an issue where the zero client resets whenlogging out of a session authenticated with a smart cardreader that uses an ALCOR AU9540A51-GBS-GR device.

Resolved an issue where the incorrect keyboard layout isused after downgrading firmware to a release that doesnot support the currently configured keyboard layout.

Resolved issues when using smart cards in-session withapplications and middleware that make use of theSCardListReaders and SCardControl API functions.

11.4 Known Issues

Description Zero Client(used withHorizon View)

Zero Client(used withHost Card)


For known issues, see the Knowledge Base on theTeradici support website when PCoIP zero clients areconnected to VMware Horizon View virtual desktops.

Deployments using PCoIP MC releases earlier than 1.7.0may experience a problem where the PCoIP MC daemonresets while communicating with a zero client runningfirmware release 3.5.0 or later. This occurs if the zeroclient has more than five VCS entries.Workaround: Upgrade to PCoIP MC version 1.7.0 or lateror limit the maximum number of VCS entries to five.

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Description Zero Client(used withHorizon View)

Zero Client(used withHost Card)


The desktop display resolution may change when a userresizes the software client window while a session isactive with a PCoIP host card. This occurs if the clientwindow becomes smaller than the current desktop or alarger resolution will fit within the client window.Sometimes when this change occurs, the graphics driverscales the image resulting in the desktop not fitting withinthe client window.Workaround: Resize the client window or configure thegraphics driver to use the monitor’s built in scalingfeature.

The PCoIP MC cannot be used to configure the IPv6Gateway Address field.Workaround: Enable and configure DHCPv6 or SLAAC toset this field or configure the field statically using thedevice web interface.

Zero clients always connect to port 443 of the ImprivataOneSign server. Users cannot override the port byconfiguring a port number in the Bootstrap URL field.

Zero clients may fail to establish Imprivata OneSignsessions when the OneSign Appliance Verification settingequals no verification. This happens when the zero clienttrust store contains a certificate issued by the OneSignserver that does not match the certificate used by theOneSign server.Workaround: Ensure the zero client trust store does notcontain certificates issued by the OneSign server orensure certificates in the zero client trust store match thecertificates used by the OneSign server.

Zero clients in session with View 5.1 desktops runningXP-32 may experience brief audio outages while usingUSB speakers or headsets.

Customers connecting a zero client to both PCoIP hostcards and View desktops may experience USB deviceconnectivity problems when connected to the Viewdesktop.Workaround: After ending a session with a PCoIP hostcard, reset the zero client before establishing a sessionwith a View desktop.

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Description Zero Client(used withHorizon View)

Zero Client(used withHost Card)


Customers connecting a zero client to a View 5.0.1 (orearlier) desktop may experience USB device connectivityproblems.Workaround: Unplug and re-plug the USB device.

Tera1 USB DeviceModes describe themode USB devices connected to a zero client operatein based on device type, session type, and device configuration.

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Glossary of Definitions

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AWIAdministrator Web Interface. A PCoIPdevice used for monitoring andconfiguring PCoIP zero clients and hostcards. To connect to the AWI, simplyenter the PCoIP device IP address into asupported browser.

AWSAmazon Web Services

CACCommon Access Card – a smart cardtechnology used in the U.S. Departmentof Defense

CMIConnection Management Interface –interface provided by the portal or hostused to communicate with an externalconnection management server

DVIDigital Visual Interface

EDIDExtended Display Identification Data –information provided by a monitor thatdescribes the capabilities of the monitor.This information is typically used by thegraphics card in the host computer.

EHCIEnhanced Host Controller Interface – aUSB specification

FQDNFully Qualified Domain Name

GPUGraphics Processing Unit

GSC-ISGovernment Smart Card InteroperabilitySpecification or Government Smart CardInterface Standard

GUIGraphical User Interface. When notoperating in a PCoIP session, thisinterface is presented by the zero clientOSD (On Screen Display).

HIDHuman Interface Devices such askeyboards and mice

IETFInternet Engineering Task Force

MACMedia Access Control – a uniquehardware identifier

MCPCoIP Management Console

MIBManagement Information Base

NTPNetwork Time Protocol

OCSPOnline Certificate Status Protocol –protocol used to determine the status ofan X.509 digital certificate (defined inRFC 2560)

OFDOpportunity for Defect or OptionalFactory Defaults

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OIDObject identifier – a numerical valueused to identify objects in a certificate

OpenSLPOpen Service Location Protocol. This isan open-source implementation of theIETF suitable for commercial and non-commercial application. This is used bythe zero client to discover the hard hostsin the subnet (Direct to Host + SLP).

OSDOn Screen Display. The interfacepresented by a zero client. The OSDdisplays connection dialogs and localconfiguration options that are accessibleto both users and administrators. Ifdesired, administrators can lock down orhide the configuration options fromusers.

OTPOne-Time Password – security systemthat requires a new password every timea user is authenticated

PCoIPPersonal Computer over InternetProtocol (PC-over-IP)

PCoIP HostHost side of PC-over-IP system

PCoIP MCPCoIP Management Console – toolprovided by Teradici that gives ITpersonnel the ability to access and tomanage all PCoIP hosts and zero clientsfrom a single location in a deployment

PCoIP Zero ClientDesktop or client side of PC-over-IPsystem

PIVPersonal Identification Verification

PKIPublic-Key Infrastructure

RDPRemote Desktop Protocol

RSARSA is public key cryptosystem

SACKSelective Acknowledgement Protocol orSelective ACK is designed to improvePCoIP performance over lossy networkssuch as WANs

SANSubject Alternative Name

SCEPSimple Certificate Enrollment Protocol –protocol which supports issuing andrevoking digital certificates

SFPSmall Form Factor Pluggable -transceiver for Fast Ethernet or GbitEthernet applications

SHACSafeNet High Assurance Client (SHAC)middleware

SLPService Location Protocol

SNMPSimple Network Management Protocol

Software ClientVMware Horizon View softwareapplication that can establish a PCoIPsession with a PCoIP host

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SSDSolid State Drive

SSPRSelf-Service Password Reset

Tera1First-generation family of Teradiciprocessors for PCoIP zero clients andhost cards

TERA1100First-generation Teradici processorsupporting PCoIP zero clientfunctionality. TERA1100 zero clientssupport up to two displays at a resolutionof 1920x1200. The maximum resolutiondepends on the zero client memory size.

TERA1202First-generation Teradici processorsupporting PCoIP host card functionality.TERA1202 host cards support twodisplays at a resolution of 1920x1200.

Tera2Second-generation family of Teradiciprocessors for PCoIP zero clients andhost cards

TERA2140Second-generation Teradici processorsupporting PCoIP zero clientfunctionality. TERA2140 zero clientssupport two displays at a resolution of2560x1600 or four displays at aresolution of 1920x1200.

TERA2220Second-generation Teradici processorsupporting PCoIP host card functionality.TERA2220 host cards support twodisplays at a resolution of 1920x1200 orone display at a resolution of 2560x1600.

TERA2240Second-generation Teradici processorsupporting PCoIP host card functionality.TERA2240 host cards support fourdisplays at a resolution of 1920x1200 ortwo displays at a resolution of2560x1600.

TERA2321Second-generation Teradici processorsupporting PCoIP zero clientfunctionality. TERA2321 zero clientssupport two displays at a resolution of1920x1200 or one display at a resolutionof 2560x1600.

TLSTransport Layer Security

UTCUniversal Time Coordinated orCoordinated Universal Time—theprimary time standard by which theworld regulates clocks and time.

VCSVMware View Connection Server

VMVirtual Machine

WoUSBWake on USB