Tentative Budget: 2009 Sullivan County Bicentennial Celebration.

Tentative Budget: 2009 Sullivan County Bicentennial Celebration

Transcript of Tentative Budget: 2009 Sullivan County Bicentennial Celebration.

Tentative Budget: 2009 Sullivan County Bicentennial Celebration

Bicentennial Celebration

2009 marks the 200th Anniversary of the incorporation of Sullivan County.

2009 also marks the 200th Anniversary of the incorporation of the Towns of Bethel and Rockland and the 40th Anniversary of the Woodstock Festival.

There are several other groups and civic organizations celebrating important anniversaries in 2009. The Callicoon Center Band turns 75, the Fremont Memorial Day Parade turns 125, and 2009 also marks the 100th Anniversary of movie making here in Sullivan County.

How to Celebrate?

Sullivan County has fifteen towns and six villages, each with their own historical significance and perspective. To best serve the residents and celebrate ALL our history, the committee decided to design a Bicentennial Celebration that had a few large-scale events that will be open to the public, but to also “Bicentennial Sealed” events in every community that wants to participate.

Big Events

Opening Ceremony: The committee envisions a reenactment of the original signing of the County Charter, complete with period actors or re-enactors, to take place on the official incorporation date, Friday, March 27th, 2009 at the Government Center. This event would “kick off” the Bicentennial Year, and would also be where the County debuts its Bicentennial Seal.

A Bicentennial Ball is also being considered for this evening.

Big Events

Countywide Picnic Day: This event will take place during the late summer at a location TBD. There would be reenactments and music and performances relating to the history of Sullivan County, and would be free to the public. Families would be encouraged to come and bring a picnic basket, and there would be activities for children and families, and vendors selling products and food.

Big Events

The committee would like to have several theatrical performances throughout the year, but would like to kick off the summer months with a locally-significant performance at the Forestburgh Playhouse. The FP is in the process of securing the rights for “Wish You Were Here.”

Smaller productions could include “The Third Violet” or other regionally- or locally-significant productions.

Smaller productions at SCCC or DVAA or NACL could also incorporate local music and theatrical productions.

Big Events

The committee is also considering a “Taste of Sullivan” event, where local vendors can come display their “House Specialty.” This event would most likely take place in the Fall, and could showcase Sullivan County flavor to residents and visitors.

These events are tremendously successful in other areas and could prove to be an annual exhibition, much like “Taste of New Paltz,” etc.

Bicentennial Parade

Rather than create a new parade event and because Monticello’s Broadway is slated for construction during the summer months of 2009, the Bicentennial Committee felt that partnering with an existing parade, such as the County Fireman’s Parade, would be more beneficial, and would increase the participation in that parade.

Preliminary discussions have taken place, and the Bicentennial Committee would like to offer funding and assistance to enhance the 2009 County Fireman’s Parade.

The Committee could sponsor school groups and civic organizations looking to participate with a float or marching band, etc. and could also contribute funding to enhance the activities, such as the picnic and fireworks, that take place after the parade.

Furthermore, this joint parade would be prominently listed in all Bicentennial publications and advertising, which could help the parade draw significantly more visitors than usual.

Smaller Events

Smaller events being considered include:- Historical and Architectural Bus Tours

- Smaller concert events - Locally-significant book and movie discussions at

the Sullivan County Museum, local town halls, libraries, etc.

- A Day of Local Music at Bethel Woods, as performed by local middle and high schools

- A race/relay event - A monthly historical lecture series at the Government Center or County Museum

Community Celebration Grants

Because each of our communities is diverse in its own history, the Committee believes it is important to offer each community the opportunity to celebrate the Bicentennial in their own way.

The committee would like to offer “matching grants” to the communities who choose to make their events “Bicentennial Sealed” events, meaning they have demonstrated how their communities’ event fosters the Bicentennial Spirit, incorporates past, current or future elements and falls within the designated “Bicentennial Celebration” timeframe.

These grants will provide matching funds, up to $1000, to enhance a new or existing event, and will also include free advertising of the event in Bicentennial publications and ads.

These events are important because they truly bring the Bicentennial to the residents in their communities, and offer dozens of opportunities for residents and visitors to learn more about the history of Sullivan County.


The Committee has agreed on a $150,000 budget, which would cover all of the events discussed today, as well as funding for insurance, equipment rentals and marketing and publicity of the Bicentennial, as well as legal and other incidental costs.

The Committee is proposing to raise funding through sponsorships, private donations, revenue from bus tours and merchandising, and also plans to ask each of the towns and villages to also contribute.

Country Contribution

The Bicentennial Committee has respectfully requested assistance with this project, in the amount of $75,000, from the County Legislature.

$75,000 works out to roughly $1 per citizen. All of the monies will be allocated to events occurring

within Sullivan County, and will be used to directly stimulate the local economies in each of the communities that chooses to participate.

As of today, the Legislature has come up out to unanimously support the Bicentennial efforts, and has requested monthly updates at their Executive Committee meetings. While no set dollar amount has been committed yet, the Committee has been assured such a commitment will be included in the 2009 Sullivan County budget.

Town and Village Contributions

The Committee has also made a presentation before the Board of Supervisors to inform them of the Committee’s progress. The presentation was well-received and the Supervisors also shared the Legislature’s sentiment that the County Bicentennial deserved to be recognized and celebrated in each of our communities.

Presentations will be scheduled with each of the towns and villages in the late summer and early fall, and the Committee will be requesting a $1000 contribution from each municipality at that time.

History is a kind of introduction to more interesting people than we can possibly meet in our restricted lives; let us not

neglect the opportunity.  Dexter Perkins