Tennessee Ernie and Cliffie Stone - WorldRadioHistory.Com · 2020. 2. 11. · Ernie, respectively...


Transcript of Tennessee Ernie and Cliffie Stone - WorldRadioHistory.Com · 2020. 2. 11. · Ernie, respectively...




    The Saga of

    Tennessee Ernie and Cliffie Stone

    Starts on Page 4

    Dislike Soap Operas? Then Don't Miss

    the Story

    on Page 36


  • • ,•

    _die. SOMEWHERE IN KOREA, Jack Benny found one of his better

    sleeping quarters on a recent USO tour during which he and his troupe enter-tained some 20C,000 GI's at the fight-ing front.



    BENNY'S MAGIC VIOLIN was music to the ears of Kore3 fighters, and lovely accprdiorist June Bruner was rn'sic to their ears and eyes. Guitaris• Frank Rem ey did nobly as comic accompanist.


    , g›. A GI BUSS WAS BESTOWED ON LOVELY screen actress Marjorie Reynolds by one of the soldiers on the Korean front before an audience of some

    200,000 of his buddies, who, like Benny, could only stare longingly at the osculation.

    Page Two

    l e> MENTALIST HARRY KAHNE was a member of the Benny troupe

    who managed to astound audiences with his keen mental powers, while a mock-chagrined Benny could only fiddle as he burned.

    TV- RA DIO 1.1FE (Formerly Radio-Television Life)

    Member Audit Bureau Of Circulations

    Sept. 28, 1951 eift "ie.> 44 Vol. 24, No. 5 rAiti. M. RIGSBY, Publisher

    Published Weekly at Los Angeles, Californla. Business and Editorial Offices: 6301 Snout Aie., Los Angeles 28 (Hollywood Station), Ilalifornia. PI Hillside 0275.

    TV-Radio I.ife was entered as Second (lass Matter September 14, 1948, at Los Angeles, ler Act of March 3, 189. Prepaid Subscrip-t $1.50 year, $2.50 six months in U.S.A., Foreign $5.00 sear. Single copies on sale at all leading Independent Grocers in Southern Cali-fornia. Single Copies by mail 15e. Address all remittances and correspondence to TV-Itatlio Life. Subscribers; please allow two weeks for change of address or to start a subscription.

    EVELYN A. RIGSBY. Editor

    Editorial Department: Jane Peluram, Assistant Editor; Mildrel Ross, Arlene Garber; Art Di-rector, Ray Wheeler; Log Editor, Bruce Cameron.

    Advertising Manager: Walter 0. Miles.

    Circulation Manager and Salem Promot : Jack Daly. Route Manager: Armando De (astro.

    Office Manager; Natalie Tuider.

    All material used by TV-Radio Life is specially prepared by its own staff writers, and re-printing in whole or in part without pub-lisher's permission strictly forbidden. Unsolic-ited manuscripts can not be accepted or re-turned.

    Atli ert sing Represent alive : Rogers l'arratt, 57 Post St., San Francisco, Calif.

    September 28, 1951 -Fu nal mit

  • it Dummy Hakes Good By This Name Paul Relegates His Partner To a Brutally Normal Place in Their Scheme of Nationally Entertaining Fun

    By Jane Pelgram Sunday, 7:30 p.m. (tentative)

    ç ie W einC-TV, KN,611, Channel 4

    HEN BRIGHT-FACED ventriloquist's doll "Jerry Mahoney" isn't actually on stage trad-ing badinage with Paul

    Winchell, he is locked in an alumi-num case with no air holes! As Paul says: "He's only a dummy —what's he need air for?" Paul is not only one of America's

    finest ventriloquists, he is probably the most individual. He refuses to play second fiddle to his dummy or to find "his real personality" in

    Make-Believe for Children When the famous duo entertain

    children, Paul is careful to point out to the moppets, lest they be frightened of the forward little "Jerry": "Look, kids, he's only a big doll. See, I made him move by my hand inside his back. He can't talk to you unless I do it for him. Come on over here and watch." Some of Winchell's fellow-ventril-

    oquists must blanch at this seeming treason. And yet Paul Winchell has more

    reason than some of his contempora-ries to regard his dummy as an in-fallible, indispensable other self. He built "Jerry." He mends "Jerry" when small ills of paint and wood arise. He made "Jerry's" other bodies, which on quick-change shows are decked in various costumes. This way "Jerry" gets his bright little noggin switched from one garbed body to another and seems to be the quick-change artist of all time.

    Indomitable What saves the grown-up half of

    the NBC-TV team from losing him-self in the proclivities of his dummy is Winchell's own positive personal-ity. Nothing stops him. A polio vic-tim at six, Paul some years later discovered the efficacy of weight-lifting and has thereby built him-self into a perfect physical specimen. His aquatic abilities of today have no bearing on his career, but the feat demonstrates the manner in which Winchell approaches and handles all his accomplishments. For instance, Paul, without ever

    having had a lesson, is today just as interested and proficient in dra-

    September 28, 1951

    matics as he is in ventriloquism. His weekly sketches, illustrated here, are one of the nation's laughs. Paul himself makes them always good enough to draw the big sock "laffs."

    Plays the Principal "Jerry" is kept in his role of an

    average twelve-year-old and quick-witted stooge-persecutor for Paul. Paul adopts the roles of William Tell, Cyrano de Bergerac, Jacques La-Fate, or Dr. Frankenstein. And he does them well enough so that a leading talent agency requested bits of kinescope aS capsule screen tests to show to a studio interested in Paul as an actor, not a ventriloquist. In this medium he will stand absolute-ly alone, unaided by his dummy. Can you think of one other ventriloquist who has dared this departure?

    A First "Jerry Mahoney," in the mean-

    time, is planning his own show, also a single. He will stick to TV, accord-ing to Paul, who actually does have a children's show for this fall in mind for "Jerry." Just how it will be done Paul doesn't say, but you'll be safe in offering ten to one on

    "ROBIN HOOD AND ONE of h's Men of Sherwood Forest,"

    with archer "Mahoney" displaying a foot or "so of gray flannel beneath his rustic jerkin. This sort of skit made the duo dear to viewers.

    le WHEN NOT TURNING HIS FACE to rubber so he may stretch it

    over a variety of roles and emotions, the human equation of the Paul Winchell -"Jerry Mahoney" partnership is by all standards a handsome young man.

    Winchell being backstage on show days, visible or not. Paul enthuses, "I guess this would

    be the first time a ventriloquist and his dummy ever split up, and each got ahead." Most voice - throwers would refuse to entertain the thought. But irrespective of the heights to

    which Paul may go in motion pic-tures or to what extent of juvenile popularity the flip "Jerry" might succeed with his single on TV, the millions nationwide who happily follow the duo's marvelous Sunday night whimsey can relax. NBC-TV has the boys tied up, together, for television with a five-year contract.

    ONLY SOMEONE ADEPT at as-suming characterizations would

    dare do "Chaplin." For Paul Winchell it wasn't hard. The pants, derby and mus-tache helped, but the young actor nailed perfectly the walk and expressions as well. "Jerry," of course, is "the kid."

  • YOUR • II oor Baru(

    Sips )

    rk etar-

    adhN BUCKY TIBBS AND TENNESSEE ERNIE, a la zoot suits, ham up a

    hillbilly batlad. Singer Ernie also com-poses. His "Shotgun Boogie" broke all sales records for music in this category. Ernie's rendition of "Mule Train" also hit the top-seller list.

    Page Four


    lo w THE "HOMETOWN JAMBOREE" CAST RUNNING THROUGH their scr pt prior to air time. In the foreground are Cliffie Stone (left) and Tennessee

    Ernie, respectively emcee and star of the Western variety show. Ballads, blues or boogie spiked with a country flavor are yours for the listening or watching on KXLA or KLAC-TV. (KLAC-TV photos.)

    Monday-Friday, 11:30 a.m. KXLA

    Saturday, 7:30 p.m. ¡(LAC-TV, Channel 13

    OMBINE CLIFFIE STONE and Tennessee Ernie and you are set for rhyth m aplenty. Cliffie discovered Tennessee less than two years ago, and under his

    able management his "find" has risen to national popularity in the entertainment world. Going from "Hometown Jamboree" aired over KXLA, Pasadena, to the Copacabana Club in New York City is quite a jump. The hillbilly singer, "Tennessee

    Ernie," was born Ernest Ford in Bristol, Tennessee. Ernie can render ballads, hillbilly, Western and pop tunes with equal appeal. The chief form of diversion on the Fords' farm was community singing and square-dancing. Raise , in such a self-en-tertaining environment, Ernie de-

    veloped resources ... stage presence, poise and country humor . . . to en-hance his singing talents. Ernie sang in his high-school glee

    club and church choir. He studied voice at the Cincinnati Conservatory, but circumstances forced him to leave school before his studies were completed. Ernie then worked on several Tennessee stations as an an-nouncer. After his release from the army, Ernie joined the staff of KFXM in San Bernardino. A last-Jninute cancellation gave him an opportunity to fill in as a hillbilly disc jockey.

    Country Music "Ernie's singing is a composite of

    a new music trend," advises Cliffie Stone. "Country music is the high-brow level of hillbilly music. And Ernie's forte is country music, which appeals to the night-club crowd as well as the barn-dance goers. "Ernie's voice," he continued, "is clear and pleasant to the ear. No Western

    September 28, 1951

  • twang or Southern accent to mark his style provincial." Almost every record Ernie has

    waxed has made the top ten in Bill-board polls. "Shotgun Boogie," "Mule Train," "Mr. and Mississippi," and "Cry of the Wild Goose" are but a few of his successes. Ernie is under contract to Capitol Records. His neigh-bors in Monterey Park have caught his singing mood and even the youngsters can be heard humming his "Shotgun Boogie." In addition to Ernie's "Hometown Jamboree" radio and TV chores, he's a frequent guest on the "Grand Ole Opry" program.

    Hometown Jamboree Ernie's significant debut on "Home-

    town Jamboree" was under the ca-pable guidance of Cliffie Stone, who's been a Western radio personality for seventeen years. "Hometown Jam-boree," a Western variety show, aired live Monday through Friday on KXLA, has its television counterpart, from the El Monte ballroom, over KLAC-TV. Here Cliffie's eight-piece band and cast entertain a family audience. The telecast features a waltzing contest. One viewer, rec-ognizing a winner as his concentra-tion-camp buddy, lost no time in ef-fecting a reunion. Showman Cliffie has some sound

    opinions on television. "Personality is the magnetic attraction," he says convincingly. "Production heads for-get that they are guests in your liv-ing room. They clutter up the back-ground with an extravagance of sets, having a tendency to muddle and distract the viewers' attenton." To-gether, Cliffie and Ernie put on a smooth Western show and together they compose and publish music of the range. "Anticipation Blues" and "The Lord's Lariat" are but two of their musical successes.

    HIDING BEHIND HERMAN THE HERMIT'S BEARD are Cliff ie Stone and Tennessee Ernie. Herman, a walking ad for any hair tonic, is a regular

    cast member of "Hometown Jamboree's" radio and video show. The trio cut capers and render songs, mostly country style. Howeve,, versatile Ernie offers straight ballads as well as earthy, folksy tunes.

    Alp, THE BOYS ARE AMUSED while Ernie says, "Let's do the gag

    this way, it's funnier than the script." Ernie is featured with Randolph Scott in Columbia's "Man in the Saddle."

    - W. OVER THE BOUNDING MAIN go Bucky Tibbs and Eddie Kirk; how-

    ever, the pair take their rowing chores lightheartedly, saving strength for their vocal dueting.

  • AFTER SURROUNDING THEMSELVES with maps and charts of the world and marking all of the most intriguing spots, Paul and his wife find it easy

    to hop-scotch around the world without leaving their comfortable living room.

    Monday-Friday, 2:05 p.m.

    .eiell Saturday. 4:15 p.m. KNX

    AUL MASTERSON is one husband who takes his wife on a world tour almost every day. Oddly

    enough, they seldom leave home. The head man of the Paul Mas-

    terson-Show is an inveterate traveler, loves faraway places and shares his enthusiasm for globe-trotting with his wife. But they do most of their traveling in their living room. Even in the beginning, Paul Mas-

    terson didn't even travel far to get into radio in Hollywood. A native son of Long Beach, he went to school and met his charming and attractive wife there and is a prime example of local boy making good with a childhood hobby.

    Wanderlust Ever since he can remember, Paul


    PAUL IIISTERSON: Ile Breaks the "Air Record"

    has suffered acute attacks of wan-derlust and, as a youth, was con-stantly poring over books and maga-zines on travel. He wanted to visit every corner of the earth and be-come an authority on the customs and peoples of every land. He has accomplished that goal in

    a much different manner than he had planned as a boy. Today he is CBS's authority on music around the world. His daily show is devoted to a musical globe-trotting adventure on which he takes his listeners, re-porting on the current hit tunes and musical favorites in far-off lands. Cablegrams from the managers of

    swank hotels and smart night clubs, in Paris, Rome, London, Cairo, Rio, Tokyo and Berlin arrive at Paul's desk daily, advising him of the tastes in popular songs and who's who among top popular singers and orchestras in those places.

    Home Life

    At home, life with the Mastersons is one continuous world cruise. His wife, formerly Adell Leonard of Long Beach (she married Paul in 1946), is equally interested in her husband's pet hobby and profession. They work together on these myth-

    ical jaunts, Adell contributing ideas and her own knowledge, gleaned from their large library of travel

    •PAUL MASTERSON may be a globe-trotting disc jockey, but it is apparent that his heart stays at home with daughter, Debbie and wife, Adell.

    literature. Paul usually decides the course each program will follow, then the two huddle over the details of the trip. They've been around the world many times without leaving their small but inviting Burbank home.

    The Mastersons live near the Dis-ney studios in the eastern end of the San Fernando Valley. Quite a few other CBS personalities also live in that neighborhood, which makes for frequent and gay social gatherings at the Masterson home. They love to entertain and have a legion of friends who constantly drop in on them.

    Their daughter, Debora, is a year old and is best described as "a doll," in every sense of the word.

    World View

    While Paul has become a recog-nized authority on travel and world music, his daily show keeps him so tied down in Hollywood that he actu-ally travels much less than many other people. He hasn't had an ex-tended vacation (except for two weeks this summer spent in Salt Lake City) in two years and is con-stantly turning down tempting in-vitations to be a guest at some of the world's finest resorts. Television and narration on travel

    films now promise to keep him from traveling far from Hollywood for some time to come. He is currently working on his own TV show. Out-side narrating jobs also keep him busy every day. Because he is in constant touch

    with the leading hotels around the world, Paul is the frequent recipient of exotic and fabulous gifts from such places as Stockholm, Copen-hagen, Mexico City, Cape Town, Milan and Lake Como. As a conse-quence he has friends all over the face of the earth. Masterson is responsible for many

    outstanding singers and orchestras of foreign lands being introduced to American audiences. Known as 'The International Disc Jockey," Paul fea-tures the recordings of stars who are famous in their own lands but who were unheard of here until he brought them to America's attention. Music, says Paul, is the interna-

    tional language. He believes it can lead us to a better understanding of our world neighbors and help us to achieve a "One big happy family" of nations.

    September 28, 1951


    e ft/te ed

    FEATURES Seen on the Korean Scene Page 2

    A Du m my

    Makes Good Page . 3 Music: Country Style Page 4-5 Paul Masterson:

    He Breaks the Air Record • Page 6

    The Ne w "Martin Kane" Page 35

    Are Soap Operas Necessary? Page 36-37

    Seen on Video Scene Page 38 He's Been W orking

    on the Railroad ....Page 39 (Gordon M acRae)

    Ear and Eye Inspire Page 26 Football Schedule of the W eek Page 17

    Handy Hitits Page 17 Lifelines Page 28

    Menuette Page 34

    On the Ball with Kelley Page 34

    Radio in Revie w Page 18 Radio Precasts Page 34

    Radio Progra m Finder Page 32

    Record Notes Page 30 This W eek in TV Page 9

    TV Progra m Finder Page 16 TV Progra m TV Treats Page 8

    spend a fascinating

    half hour with

    monday thru friday

    3-3:30 pm

    KTSL dia channel

    sponsored by


    2-KTSL 4-KNBH





    See Page 10 for 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Daytime Log Listings

    e Indicates New Program 5:00 2 Ghost Rider-Movie-60m.

    4 Land of Ours-15m. Connectic ut.

    5 Playcrafter's Club-25m. 11 Classified Column-15m.

    5:15 4 Gabby Hayes-Juv'n1.-15m: 9 Raving Beauty-15m. 11 Range Riders-Rnd'up.-45m.

    Charlie Aldrich, (iursts ar Film 13 Hitching Post-Movie-60m.

    5:30 4 Howdy Doody-Juv'n1.-30m. 5 Cowboy Thrills-Movie-60m. 9 KHJ-TV University-30m.

    6:00 2 Tele-Comics-15m. 4 Komedy Klub-Juv'n1.-30m. 9 KHJ-TV Newsroom-25m. 11 KTTV Newsreel-15m.

    6:15 2 Boney Bill's-Juv'n1.-15m. Dusty Walker Sings and Chats with Puppet Friends.

    7 Space Cadet-Juv'n1.-15m. 11 Open House-Int'vw.-15m.

    Dr. Leahner, UC LA. psychology professor, is guest.

    13 Willie Wonderful-15m. 6:25 8 Feature Theater-65m. 6:30 2 H'wood Road to Fame-60m.

    N.T.G. with weekly winners and school salute.

    4 Adv. on Film-Juv'n1.-15m. 5, 8 Time for Beany-Juv'n1.-15m 7 Adventure Time-15m. 11 Captain Video-Juv'n1.-30m. 13 Clete Roberts, Ed Lyon-15m.

    6:45 4 Kelley & Moran-10m. 5 Handy Hints-Tips-15m. 7 Space Patrol-Juv'n1.-15m. 13 Sam Baiter-Sports-15m.

    6:55 4 Elmer Peterson-News-5m. 7:00 4 Laurel & Hardy Film-25m.

    "Alter Ego." 5 Newsreel-15m. 7 The Bill Gwinn Show-30m.

    Couples enact how songs changed their lives.



    7:15 5

    7:25 4 7:30 2

    4 5 7

    Favorite Bible Dramas filmed for family viewing

    The Living Book presented by

    Forest Lawn Memorial-Park

    KTTV Channel 11 Friday 7 p.m.

    The Living Book-Relig.-30m. "Hagar the Eg;sptian." Hail the Champ-30m. With Coach Herb Allen.

    Mayor Bowron-lnfo-15m. Insight Into the Running of a Big City. Behind Your Screen-5m. Lee Wood-News-5m. Newspaper of the Air-10m. Charlie Chase-Film-30m. Life With Linkletter-30m.

    FREE DOGS-FREE CATS fee the most wonderful pets

    in the world!

    Calo Pet Exchange With FRANK WRIGHT Ivery Friday, 7:30 p.m. KTTV-Channel 11

    11 Pet Exchange-30m. 13 Women's Wrestling-30m.

    7:35 2 Tom Harmon-Sports-5m. 7:40 2 William Kenneally-News-5m

    4 KNBH Weather-5m.

    7:45 2 Perry Como-Musical-15m. 4 Roberta Quinlan-Music-15m. 9 Farmer's Football Forecast-15m.

    8:00 2 Mama-Family Comedy-30m. 4 Wrestling Matches-60m. 5 Harry Owens Royal Hawai-ians-60m.

    7 United or Not-30m. U. N. Delegate, News Conference.

    8 Story Theater-30m. 9 Junior College Football-2 hrs.

    Harbor vs. East L. A. 11 lwenty Questions-30m.

    Panel of Experts guess identity of "Animal, Vegetable or Mineral"

    13 Pro Football Highlights-30m. 8:30 2 Man Against Crime-30m.

    Ralph Bellamy stops gold smuggling.

    7 Strange Adventure. "Jungle Terror."

    8 Musical Playhouse-30m. 11 Front Page Detective-30m. 13 Wrestling, Ocean Park-2 1/2 hrs

    8:45 74Football This Week-15m.

    9:00 2 Film Firsts--,60m. "Caged Fury," Buster Crabbe, Mary Beth Hughes.

    4 Aldrich Family-30m. 5 Movie Classic-90m. 7 Stud's Place-30m. 11 Success Story-60m.

    9:30 4 The Big Story-30m. 7 Tales of Tomorrow-30m.

    10:00 2 Live Like a Millionaire-30m. 4 Cavalcade of Sports-30m. 7 H'wood Theater-Drama-30m. ••‘‘ hat. \\ tie! e and When"

    81Pacific Crusade-30m. 11 Eloise Salutes the Stars-15m.

    Guest: Margo Jones.

    10:15 9 KHJ-TV News Room-15m. 11 Polyzoides-15m.

    10:30 2 H'wd Opening Night-30m. "Some Small Nobility," Joan Banks

    4 Gene Norman Show-30m., 5 Lawrence Welk-Music-60m.

    trimn the Aragon Ballroom 7 Crime With Father-30m. 8 Big Story-Drama-30m. 9 The Movies-75m. 11 What's the Verdict-30m.

    11:00 2 Peter Potter-60m. 7 Chet Huntley-News-10m. 11 KTTV Newsreel-15m. 13 Ed Lyon-News-5m.

    11:05 13 Clete Roberts-15m. 11:10 7 Hank Weaver-News-10m.

    11:15 11 Club Eleven-30m. 11:20 7 Moonlight Movie-60m.

    "Skyboutur with Eddie Nugent 13 Owl Movie-60m.

    "Glory 'I rail" 11:30 5 Final Edition-10m. 11:45 11 Midnight Movies-90m.

    "Mutiny on the Elsinore"

    Page Seven

  • SATURDAY A/ LOGS Indicates New Program

    10:00 5 News; Music-30m. 10:30 5 Tricks and Treats-Home-30m.

    7 Western Film-60m. heu Ma>nald in "I laming Lead."

    8 Smilin' Ed McConneil-30m. 11:00 5 Western Movie-60m.

    8 Date With Judy-Drama-30m. 11:30 7 Date With Judy-Drama-30m.

    8 Two Girls Named Smith-30m. 12:00 5 Giant Movie Matinee-5 hrs.

    7 Two Girls Named Smith-30m. 8 I Cover Times Square-30m. •

    12:30 7 I Cover Times Square-30m. 8 Film Short-30m.

    1:00 7 Paddock Parade-15m. 8 Frontier Theater-Movie-60m. 13 Public Service Film-30m.

    1:15 7 Scouting in Action-15m. 1:30 5 Movie-60m.

    13 Mirandy's Garden-15m. 2:00 8411th Naval Dict. Football

    -2 hrs. 11 Southland Farm Fair-2 hrs. 13 Movie Matinee-60m.

    "Rattling Marshal." 2:30 5 Movle-45m. 3:00 13 Matinee-Movie-60m.

    ".(,host cit›." 3:45 5 Movie-75m. 4:00 8 Hopalong Cassidy-60m.

    11 Neighborhood Theater-60m. •ties,i monster."

    13 Sunday Matinee-60m. 4:15 2 Parade of Events-Info-15m. 4:30 2 Reserve-30m.

    4 Wrestling Matches-60m. is00 2 Ed McConnell-Juv'n1.-30m.

    Smilin' Ed with his gang. 5 Man's Best Friend-Pets-30m.

    With Heib Wegner it Talented Dogs. 7 Western Movie-60m. •

    "Trailing North," Bob Steele. 8 Super Circus-Revue-60m. 11 Range Rider Roundup-60m.

    Amateur Talent Show with Emcee Charlie Aldrich.

    13 Hitching Post-75m. 3:30 2 Ghost Rider-Movie-60m. •

    4 Kukla, Fran & 011ie-30m. 5 Cowboy Thrills-Movie-60m. 13 Late Sat. Matinee-60m.

    6:00 4 American Inventory-30m. "That Men May know '

    7 Space Patrol-Juv'n1-30m. 8 San Diego Zoo-15m. 11 Western Featurette-30m. 13 Joe Palooka-Movie-60m.

    6:30 2 Film Short-15m. • 4 eSky King Theater-30 m.

    5 Fantastick Studios, Ink-30m.

    Arden Presents the

    GENE AUTRY SHOW Channel 7

    Fun for the Whole Family

    7 Gene Autry Movie-30m.

    8:30 5 8



    8 Trouble With Father-30m. 11 Serial Theater-60m.

    "Black Coin" and "Clutching Hand" and "Custer's Last Stand."

    6:45 2 Patricia Bowman Show-15m. Singer Mary Mayo guests.

    7:00 a Sammy Kaye Show-30m. Comedy Vignettes and Amateur Bandleaders.

    4 Reserve-30m. 5 Tim McCoy Movie-90m. 7 Soapbox Theater-Juvni-30m.

    Youngsters get a ,liance before the cameras.

    8 Ken Murray Show-60m. 9 Action Theater-45m. 13 Three Generations-30m.

    Family Trios compete for grand prize.

    7:30 2 Beat the Clock-Quiz-30m. John Reed King, Roxanne, Trine-Racing Contestants.

    7 Stu Erwin Show-Com.-30m. With June CoDye!.

    11 Request Theater-90m. "Broadway Limited," Dennis O'Keefe, Victor McLaglen.

    13 Hometown Jamboree-60m. Lliffie Stone and His Gang.

    7:45 4 Football-3 1/4 hrs. College of Pacific vs. Loyola Lions,

    9 Football Preview-15m.

    8:00 2 Ken Murray-Revue-60m. 7 Paul Whiteman TV Club-60m.

    Colleen Hutchins, Miss America, '51 is guest.

    8 It Pays to be Ignorant-30m. 9 Junior College Football-21/4 hrs. long Beach vs. San Mateo.

    Spade Cooley-Variety-60m. Martin Kane-30m,

    13 Feature Film-75m. "Hat Box Mystery."

    9:00 2 Faye Emerson's Wonderful Town-30m,

    7 Life Begins at 80-30m. 8 Film Firsts-60m.

    - lake It Big " 11 Shadow of The Cloak-30m.

    Melodrama with Helmut Dautiue.

    9:30 2 Show Goes On-Revue-30m. riobt. Q .I.ew is. • Saturday Night Movie-75m.

    7 Feature Film-75m. "Rip Roaring Riley," Lloyd Hughes,

    11 Joe Adams Presents-30m. Featuring Mauri Lynn and guests.

    13 Al Jarvis Show-60m. Amateur show with name artist, winner receives week's engagement on Al's daytime show.

    10:00 2 Feature Film-90m. 11 Cavalcade of Bands-60m.

    With Don Russell,

    10:30 8 Man Against Crime-30m. 9 Mayfair Movies-75m.

    "Man Called Back," Conrad Nagel. 13 Owl Movie-60m.

    "Laughing at Danger."

    10:45 5 Movie-60m, 7 Feature Film-75m.

    Nor man Foster in Suicide Squad"

    11:00 4 First Run Feature-75m. "Police Court," Paul Kelly.

    11 Murder Before Midnight-75m. 13 Owl Movie-75m.

    'Murder in Soho," Jack LaRue,

    11:45 5 Final Edition-15m. Ken Graue with the latest news.

    12:00 7 Western Movie-60m. "Desert Justice," Jack Perrin,

    TV Treats All Star Revue (Sat. 5:00 p.m.,

    KNBH). Jack Carson's turn to star. Show of Shows (Sat. 6:00 p.m.,

    KNBH). Eva Gabor guests with Caesar and Coca. Comedy Hour (Sun. 5:00 p.m.

    KNBH). Eddie Cantor premieres the West-to-East NBC-TV circuit from Hollywood. Phil co Playhouse (Sun. 6:00

    p.m., KNBH). "Wayward Season," Kent Smith.

    Red Skelton (Sun. 7:00 p.m., KNBH). Premiere. Show goes East from Hollywood on relay and coax cable. This Is Show Business (Sun.

    7:30 p.m., KTSL). Arlene Whelan, Fred Waring (Sun. 9:00 p.m.,

    KTSLi. Jessica Tandy. Hume Cro• nyn.

    Celebrity Time (Sun. 10:00 p.m., KTSL). George Kau f man and wife; Jane Wilson. , Bigelow Theater (Mon. 8:00

    p.m., KTSL). Lloyd Bridge s, "Man's First Debt." Studio One (Mon. 10:00 p.m.,

    KTSL). Maria Riva; Mary Sin-clair "The Angelic Avenger." Starlight Theater (Thurs., 8:00

    p.m., KTSL). Dane Clark "Gravy Train."

    Tonight on

    TV The Chevrolet Dealers

    of Southern California

    Bring You



    Micro-waved from Stockton

    Over Channel





    Page Eight


    Week Jo ni

    In & Out of Foc "" , f General \ Comment )

    Looks Like Basketball, of the SC-Trojan and

    UCLA-Bruin type, will shortly show up on your Channel 9, now KHJ-TV. Station KHJ-TV will exclusively televise the home basketball games of each school, with both Pacific Coast Conference and non-confer-ence schedules telecast. . . . Allan Jones and Irene Hervey have com-pleted plans to star on their own husband-wife TV show in Chicago, as of next month.... Kate Smith is back with a full-hour daytime KNBH show seen at 4:00 p.m. and loaded with stars and songs each day. . . . Hollywood is getting NBC-TV's "Robert Montgomery Pre-sents Your Lucky Strike Theatre," also via KNBH, and at an hour that conflicts (for thirty, minutes) with the also just-returned CBS-TV "Stu-dio One," seen on KTSL. . . . Both are on Monday nights. . . . Freddie Martin and great crew are back on TV at a new weekly time, Monday at 8:00, again Channel 4. . . . NBC-TV pacted Ezio Pinza for a long, lung time, and the singer will be used to hypo the net's big-name video shows. . . . Remember our last week's hint of the gun-jumping on the coast-to-coast TV setup? Well, it looks now as though CBS-TV will have opened up with a "Crusade for Freedom" rally as early as September 23, with origina-tions in both Hollywood and New York. . . . Harry Owens is going to bring "Melinda," on both film and song, bacli to his KTLA show of Friday the 28th. So you who saw the pretty Miss O. can enjoy a re-turn peek that night.... One of the best of the silent-movie stars should be happy for his third gen-eration. Rin Tin Tin III is to star, just like grandpappy, only in a TV series all his own. This we'll buy! ... Bing Crosby with his four boy,

    will do "Crusade With the Crosby" for NBC September 28 and 29 in co-operation with the Youth Crusade for Freedom. . . Marvin Miller, busy announcer and actor, has been signed• as AFRS narrator of the Hollywood Bowl concerts. . . . Ave Gardner and Bing Crosby have been set as guests on the first Bob Hope show of the season, originating from the U.S. Naval St at ion at Long Beach for broadcast on October 2. All Hope's radio shows will be done as before for servicemen-audiences. ... William Gargan has been signed by NBC to a five-year radio-TV con-tract, with his show to be entitled


    4 Indicates New Program

    8:15 13 Inspirational Hour-Rel.-60m. ' 9:15 13 Hitching Post-Movie-75m.

    "I ikining Mustang." 10:30 9 Gordon's Garden-30m.

    13 A Home to Live In-30m. 10:55 S Sunday Reverie-5m. 11:00 9 Film Featurette-15m.

    13 Wrestling Workout-2 hrs. 11:30 7 Western Movie-60m.

    9 Homes for Sale-30m. 12:00 9 Sunday Matinee-75m.

    "Isle of Destiny," William Gargan, Wallace Ford, June Lang

    11 Pomona Fair-2 hrs. 12:30 4 'Juvenile Jury-30m.

    7 Faith for Today-Rel.-30m. 1:00 4 Meet the Press-30m.

    7 Western Films-2 hrs. 13 Sunday Movie-60m.

    "Old Spanish Custom"

    1:30 4 Zoo Parade-30m. 9 Holiday Album-30m.

    1:45 4 Football Game-3 hrs. 2:00 4 Gabby Hayes-30m.

    7 Feature Film-75m. 9 All American League Football 11 Garden Chats-30m. 13 Sunday Matinee-60m.

    2:30 44Sky King Theater-30m. 11 The Flying Tigers-30m.

    3:00 4 Hopalong Cassidy-60m. "Sunset Trail "

    5 Movie-90m. 7 Help Wanted-30m.

    Aids prospective employees and employers in Job opportunities in defense and essential civilian work.

    11 770 on the Air-30m. 13 Sunday Matinee-75m.


    "Marriage bond."

    3:30 7 Film-30m. 11 Children's Church-Rel.-30m.

    4:00 4 American Inventory-30m. 7 World Opinion-30m. 11 The Movies-75m.

    "Air Police." 4:15 2 Stranger Than Fiction-15m.

    13 Sunday Matinee-60m. "Shout to Kill "

    4:30 2 Movie Milestones-60m. 4iYoung Mr. Bobbin-30m. 5 Eastside Kids-Movie-60m. 7 Film-30m.

    5:00 4 Comedy Hour-60m. 7 Super Circus-Juvenile-60m.

    5:15 11 Sunday Movie-45m. 13 Sunday Matinee-75m.

    "Becky Sharp ' 5:30 2 Feature Film-60m.

    "011 /Gliders." 5 Flash Gordon-Juv'n1-30m.



    Wayward Season Tonight 6:00 P.M.

    Yew und More Convenient Time

    KNBH Channel 4

    6:00 4 Philco Playhouse-60m. "The Way aid Season." Kent Smith, Carol Goodner.

    5 The Comics-60m. 7 Ted Mack Family Hr.-60m. 11 Cavalcade of Stars-60m.

    6:30 2 Star of the Family-30m. Hosts Peter Lind Hayes. Mary Healy. Guests: Andy it Della Buss-ell, Linn Homey, Jack Gilford.

    13 Jimmy Dolan Show-30m.

    Union Pacific Railroad presents

    "SINGING RAILS" with

    ICrby Grant • Judy Clark

    KTSL Ch. 2-7:00 P.M. Don Shaw 8. the Ranch Hands

    7:00 2 S'nging Rails-Roundup-30m. 4 'Red Skelton-30m. 5 Wild Bill Hickok-Juv'n1-30m. 7 Dell O'Dell Show-30m. 11 Sunday Movie-60m. 13 Golden State Theater-90m.

    "F., loo 1 Die" 7:30 2 This Is Show Business-30m.

    Jan Murray hosts. Host-Moderator Clifton Fadimen, Panelists George Kaufman, Sam Levenson. Guest panelist Arleen Whelan. Guests: Georgie Kay, Nand Crompton, Frank Guerrara

    4 Leave It To The Girls-30m.




    SUN. 7:30 pm

    PRESENTED BY Barbara Ann BREAD and Star-K's' Tuna

    5 7 13 Freedom Forum-Info-60m.

    9:30 7 Marshall Plan in Action-30m. 11 Batter Up-30m.

    10:00 2 Celebrity Time-Guests-30m. Conrad Nagel, host and emcee. Guests are George S. Kaufman and wife.

    5 Movietown-Charades-30m. Guest line-up of filnidom's per-sonalities.

    7 Film-30m. 11 Plainclothesman-Drama-30m 13 Dude Ranch-Roundup-60m.

    With Leo Carrillo. 10:30 2 What's My Lin e-Panel-30m.

    Bennett Cerf, Dorothy Kilgalleu, Jinx Falkenburg,•Hal Block are the panelists.

    S Magazine of the Week-45m. Viewers taken page by page thru visual, informative magazine.

    7 Youth on the March-30m. 11 In Our Times-30m.

    Roy Maypole Presents Unusual People of Today's News.

    1 1 :00 2 Eleven O'clock Theater-75m. "The Monster Walks."

    11 KTTV Weekly Newsreel-30m. 13 Astrology For You-30m.

    With David Sturgis.

    11:15 S Final Edition-News-15m.

    5 Sunday Night Movies-90m. "Tonight or Never," M. Douglas, G. Swanson, A. Skipworth.

    7 Feature Film-75m. 8:00 g Feature Film-60m.

    "ChinatuNN n Alter Dark." 4 World Digest-30m. 11 Wrestlers & the Ladles-30m.

    Chrades with wrestling arena atmosphere.

    8:30 4 Industry on Parade-15m. 11 Calling Scotland Yard-60m.

    "Th, 13 Clete Roberts Week Review

    8:45 4 Sunday Night Movie-75m. "Man Behind the Mask."

    9:00 2 Fred Waring Show-60m. Featured tiue,t is Beatrice Kay. Bandstand Revue-Music-60m. On Trial-30m.

    Page Nine

  • 5:15

    5:30 4 5

    9 5:45 8 6:00 2

    4 9 11

    6:15 2

    7 11 13

    6:25 9 6:30 2

    4 5, 8 7 11 13

    6:45 4 5 7


    6:55 4 7:00 2

    4 5 7

    8 11 13



    See This Page for 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Daytime Log Listings

    / Indicates New Program 5:00 2 Ghost Rider-Movie-60m.

    "Wild Hot se Roundup " 4 Kukla, Fran and 011ie-30m. 5 Playcrofter's Club-30m, 8 Film Short-15m. 11 Classified Column-15m. 4 Gabby Hayes-15m. 9 Comedy Time-15m. 11 Range Riders Roundup-45m. 13 Hitching Post-Movie-60m.

    "Desei t Guns." Howdy Doody-Juv'n1-30m. Cowboy Thrills-Movie-60m. Space Cadet-15m. KHJ-TV University-30m. Channel 8 Corral- Wt'rn-45m,

    Telecomics-Juv'n1-15m. Komedy Klub-30m. KHJ-TV Newsroom-25m. KTTV Newsreel-15m. Boney Bill's-Juv'n1-15m. Wcstei n Puppet Adventures. Space Cadet-Juv'n1-15m. Open House-Inter'vw.-15m. Willie Wonderful-15m. Action Theater-65m. Man of the Week-30m. Adv. on Film-Juv'n1.-15m. Time for Beany-Juv'n1-15m. Adventure Time-15m. Captain Video-Juv'n1.-30m. Clete Roberts, Ed Lyon-15m. Kelley & Moran-10m. Handy Hints-Tips-15m. Space Patrol-Juv'n1.-15m. Newsreel-15m. Sports Book-10m. With Sam Baiter and Sports Roundup Elmer Peterson-News-5m. Bachelor's Haven-30m. Johnny Jacobs Moderates Panel of Men vs. Wqmen. Film-30m. Newsreel-15m. Chevrolet Triple-Feature Theater-4 hrs. Stranger Than Fiction-15m. Three Mesquiteers-60m. Million Dollar Movie-60m. 'Big Fight.'

    5 Dixie Showboat-Revue-45m. 8 Greatest Fights-15m.

    7:30 2 Lee Wood-News-5m. 4 Newspaper of the Air-10m. 8 People in the News-15m. 9 Truth About Dixie-30m.

    7:35 2 Tom Harmon-Sports-5m. 7:40 2 William Kenneally-News-5m

    4 KNBH Weather-5m, 7:45 2 Perry Como-Music-15m.

    With the Fontaine Sisters, chorus und guest musical stars.

    4 Roberta Quinlan-Music-15m, 8 Arden Varieties-10m.

    7:55 8 News-5m. 8:00 2 Bigelow Theater-30m.

    "Man's First Debt." Lloyd Bridges. 4/Paul Winchell, Jerry Mahoney Show-30m.

    5 Double Thriller-90m. 7 Chevrolet Theater-2nd Picture -2 hrs.

    8 Faye Emerson-30m.



    9 Eight O'Clock Movie-90m. 11 Let's Face It-Panel-30m.

    Panelists try to guess mystery face. With Paul Coates as moderator, and Hans Conned, Ann Rutherford, and surprise guest.

    8:20 13 Million Dollar Movie-90m. "And Then There Were None."

    8:30 2 Talent Scouts-30m. 4 Voice of Firestone-30m. 8 Freddie Martin-30m. 11 Wrestling-21/4 hrs.

    Bill Welsh, Ed Reimers from the Hollywood Legion.

    9:00 2 Horace Heidt-Musical-30m. 4 Lee Hogan Presents-30m. 8 Feature Theater-90m.

    9:30 2 It's News to Me-30m. Current Events Quiz with John Daley.

    4 Somerset Maugham Theater-60m. "The Mother," Mildred Natwick, Joey Walsh.

    5 So You Want To Be An Actor -30m.

    9 Jean Louise-30m. 9:40 13 Million Dollar Movie-60m.

    "Inner Sanctum."

    10:00 2/Studio One-Drama-60m. "The Angelic Avengers," Mary Sin-clair, Maria Riva.

    5 Teleforum-Panel-60m. Problems in World Affairs dis-cussed & debated. Dr. Rufus B. von KleinSmid is moderator.

    7 Chev. Theater-3rd Picture-60m.

    9 KHJ-TV Newsroom-15m. 10:15 9/Caliente Racing-15m. 10:30 4 Gene Norman Show-30m.

    8 Summer Theater-60m. 10:45 11 Locker Room-15m.

    Wrestling Interview with BID Welsh.

    11:00 21"Chronoscope"-15m. Discussion of Current Phase or World History.

    5 Final Edition-5m. 7 Chet Huntley-News-10m. 11 KTTV Newsreel-15m. 13 Clete Roberts-15m.

    11:10 7 Hank Weaver-News-10m. 11:15 2 Peter Potter-30m.

    11 Club Eleven-30m. 13 Ed Lyn-News-5m.

    11:20 7 Moonlight Movie-60m. 13 Owl Movie-75m.

    "South Riding." 11:30 8/Charlie Wild-Drama-30m. 11:45 11 Midnight Movie-75m.

    "Devil Monster."

    W ARNING! Your TV set is No Good!


    TV-Radio Life

    10c weekly At your market checkstand

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY KITV's unique travelogue, "The

    Open Road," celebrated its first birthday this month. Armchair trav-elers have visited Honolulu, San Francisco and points of interest in Arizona.

    ie [en

    Monday thru Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

    9:00 13 Joe Graydon-Variety-2 hrs.

    11:00 7 Foreman Phillips- West-ern-60m.

    13 Mike Roy-Home-90m. 11:30 8 Search for Tomorrow. 11:45 8 The Egg and I-15m.

    12:00 2 Strike It Rich-30m, 4 Miss Susan-Drama-15m 7 Adventures in Food-90m.

    12:30 2 Armchair Traveler-15m M, W, Th, F.

    4 Bert Parks-30m. Steve Allen-15m. Th.

    13 Al Jarvis-Variety -2 1/2 hrs.

    12:45 2 Search For Tomorrow -15m.

    1:0u 2 Steve Allen-Variety -30m.

    4 Kate Smith-60m, 15m.

    1:30 2 Garry Moore Show-60m.

    7 Time for the Ladies-60m.

    11 Come Into Kitchen-30m.

    2:00 4 Foods for Thought-30m. 9 KHJ-TV Newsroom-10m. 13 Snow Crop Mat.-30m.

    Tu, Th. 2:10 9 Suspects Wanted-5m. 2:15 9 Movie Matinee-75m. 2:30 2 First 100 Years-Film-

    15m. 4 Monty Margetts-30m. 7 Mary McAdoo-Home-30m. M, W, F. TV Notebook-Tu. Meet Your Children-Th.

    2:45 2 New Yorkers-15m,

    3:00 2 Jeanne Gray-Tips-30m. 4 Parlor Party-60m. 7 Don Ameche, Francis Langford-60m.

    11 Come into the Kitchen 13 Jarvis Movie-90m.

    3:30 2 Fashion Magic-Tips-30m. M, F. Know Your Child-Panel -30m. Tu, Th. Feminine Touch-Tips-30m. W.

    5 News and Music-25m. 9 Mama Weiss-30m,

    3:45 11 Nancy Dixon-15m, M, W, F. Ronnie & Rennie-15m. Tu., Th, Police Calls-5m. 3:55 5

    4:00 2 California Living-30m 4 Chef Milani-30m, 5 Feature Film-60m. 7 Foreman Phillips-22 hrs 9 Four O'Clock Movies-75m.

    11 Billie Burke-at Home -30m.

    4:30 2 Backstage with N.T.G. -30m.

    4 Paul Pierce-30m. 11 Ladies Matinee-30m.


    "Barrie Crane, Confidential Investi-gator," to be aired October 3. He will guest on Tallu's "Big Show" from Paris . . . which means a French vacation for him. . . . Mercedes McCambridge will

    continue this fall over ABC in her "Defense Attorney" role, but it will be aired on Thursday nights....NBC is readying a new adventure air-show to star Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., to add to their exciting series which includes "Texas Rangers," "Danger-ous Assignment" and "Night Beat." . .. Patti Page will undergo a ton-sillectomy in Chicago next month. ... Spade' Cooley is cooling on radio, with his present contract at CBS being dropped after complication of present nine weeks broadcasting of hour musicals. He will produce his own open - end transcriptions a n d concentrate on television.

    Watch For! ... "Ronnie and Rennie," an in•

    formal music and comedy routine which started last Tuesday after-noon and which stars musician-ad-libber Ronnie Kemper and his pal, comic-strip creator and actor Rennie McEvoy. Should be funny, and is seen Tuesdays and Thurs-days, 3:45 p.m. on KTTV. . .. A re-turning series called "The Big Story" on KNBH each Friday night at 9:30 p.m. Show presents drama-tizations of authentic experiences newsmen undergo on their out-standing assignments. Ca mera picks up the actual site of the ex-citing adventures for each stanza. . . . Watch for one of America's favorite redheads, Arthur Godfrey, when he returns to TV for his twice-weekly CBS programs seen on KTSL. "Talent Scouts" is seen Monday nights at 8:30; "Arthur Godfrey and His Friends" on Wednesday evenings at 8:00. . . . "Charlie Wild. Private Detective," back on KECA-TV Tuesday nights at 8:30 with John McQuade as "Wild," in a mystery-drama series covering the adventures of -guess who? -a private detective! . . . Milton Berle on Tuesday nights at 8:00 at the same old KNBH stand; and for Sid Caesar and Imogene Coca on Saturday nights at 8:30 in "Your Show of Shows," also on KNBH I

    Stop, Listen, Look Y" May Like

    Fred Waring Show Sunday, 9:00 pan. CBS-TV, KTSL. Channel 2

    Though somewhat spotty on its seasonal premiere, the Fred War-ing Show compensated in warmth and cast effort, singly and col-lectively. Many minor shortcomings can be brushed over when the viewer stops to realize that a one-hour musical production is more than ambitious. Waring himself gave the opener

    a nice feeling by informally escort-ing guest June Havoc around the set, a gimmick which served as clever continuity and introduction


    See Page 10 for 9:00 A.M. to1 5:00 P.M. Daytime Log Listings

    5:00 2 4

    a 11

    5:15 9 11 13

    5:30 4 5 9

    5:45 8 6:00 2

    4 9 11

    6:15 2

    11 13

    6:25 4 9

    6:30 2 4

    5, 8 7 11 13

    6:45 4

    7 13

    6:55 4 7:00 2


    7 8 11 13

    7:15 5 7:30 2

    4 5 7 9 11 13

    Indicates New Program Ghost Rider-Movie-60m. Kukla, Fran and 011ie-30m. Playcrafter's Club-30m. Industry on Parade-15m. Classified Column-15m. Comedy Time-15m. Range RidersRoundup-45m. Hitching Post-Movie-60m. "Tull of the Desert." Howdy Doody-Juv'n1.-30m. Cowboy Thrills-Movie-60m. KHJ-TV University-30m. Channel 8 Corral-45m. Telecomics-Juv'n1.-15m. Komedy Klub-Juv'n1.-25m. KHJ-TV Newsroom-25m. KTTV Newsreel-15m. Boney Bill's-Juv'n1.-15m. Dusty Walker and his Puppets. Open House-Inter'vw.-15m. Willie Wonderful-15m. Hello Again-5m. Action Theater-65m. Tom Harmon-Sports-30m. Adv. on Film-Juv'n1.-15m. Time for Beany-Juv'n1.-15m. Adventure Time-15m. Captain Video-Juv'n1.-30m. Clete Roberts, Ed Lyon-15m. Kelley & Moran-10m. Handy Hints-Tips-15m. Space Patrol-Juv'n1.-15m. Sports Book-10m. Sports Roundup with Sam Baiter. Elmer Peterson-News-5m. Alan Young Show-30m. 8 Cisco Kid-Juv'n1.-30m. Newsreel-15m. Jackson and Jill-30m. Cisco Kid-Drama-30m. Film Featurette-30m. Public Prosecutor-30m Roving Camera-Info-15m. Lee Wood-News-5m. News; Weather-15m. Movie Theater-90m. Beulah-Comedy-30m. Armed Forces Report-30m. Front and Center-60m. Inst. of Family Relations-30m

    2 7:35 Tom Heu-mon-Sports-5m. 7:40 2 Wm. Kenneally-News-5m. 7:45 2 Stork Club-15m.

    4 Feature Story-15m. Starring Jeff Donnell.

    8:00 2 Campus Orch. & Chorus-30m. 4, 8 Texaco Star Theater-60m.

    Sun i lug Milton Berle. 7 Film Serials-80m.

    1st Pict. -John Wayne. 9 Eight O'Clock Theater-90m. 11 Melody Time-30m. 13 Cafe Continental-15m.

    8:15 13 District Attorney-15m. Crime discussion with Dist. Atty. S. Ernest Roll, Freeman Lusk, and Ed Lyon.

    8:20 7 Film Serial-2nd Pict. Clyde Beatty Episode.

    8:30 2 Editor's Round Table-30m. 11 P.C.C. Football-Film-60m. 13 Young Musical America-30m.

    8:40 7 Film Serial-3rd Pic.-20m. Frankie Darro Episode.

    9:00 2 Crime Syndicate-30m. Drama based on official case material



    KNBH Channel 4

    4 Fireside Theatre-Drama-30m.




    9:30 2


    7 9 11

    10:00 2 4


    9 11

    ALTES GOLDEN LAGER BEER presents the


    9-10 P.M., Tues., KTLA

    Ina Ray Hutton-Revue-60m. News and Sports-30m. With Hank Weaver. Opinion, Please-30m. Panelists are Bill Welsh, Freda Nel-son, Judd Lethertuan. Jack Rourke emcees. Adventure Theater-90m. "The Brass Monkey" Suspense-Drama-30m. "Doctor Anonymous," Walter Slezak Armstrong Circle Theater-30m. H'wood Screen Test-30m. J.C. Football Rally-30m. Reserve-30m. Telesports Digest-30m. Original Amateur Hour-60m. Reserve-60m. Lorraine Cugat-Revue-60m. Lorraine's All-Male Orch. (la min. Musical. Beulah-Comedy-30m. KHJ-TV Newsroom-15m. Greatest Fights-15m. Joe Louis vs. Arturo Godoy--155 bout.

    10:15 9 Spanish Theater-Movie-75m. 11 Championship Bowling-45m.

    From Wilshire La Brea bowling lanes.

    10:30 2 It's a Neat Trick-Magic-15m. 8 Horace Heidt Show-30m. 13 Clete Roberts-News-15m.

    10:45 2 Film-15m. 13 Ed Lyon-News-5m.

    10:50 13 Owl Movie-75m. "Scattergood Meets Broadway."

    11:00 2 'Musical Nightcap-15m. with Candy McDowell.

    4 Continental Music-30m. 5 Final Edition-5m. 7 Chet Huntley-News-10m. 8 The Show Goes On-30m. 11 KTTV Newsreel-15m.

    11:10 7 Hank Weaver-News-10m. 11:15 2 Feature Film-75m.

    "Crime Patrol." 11 Club Eleven-30m.

    11:20 7 Moonlight Movie-60m. 11:45 11 Midnight Movie-75m.

    "Flaming Signal."


    See Page 10 for 9:00 A.M. to .5:00 P.M. Daytime Lpg Listings

    Indicates New Program 5:00 2 Ghost Rider-Movie-60m.

    4 Kukla, Fran and 011ie-30m. 5 Playcrafter's Club-30m. 11 Classified Column-15m.

    5:15 9 Comedy Time-15m. 11 Range Riders Roundup-45 13 Hitching Post-Movie-60m

    "Clearing the Range." 5:30 4 Howdy Doody-Juv'n1.-3

    5 Cowboy Thrills-Movie-KHJ-TV University-30

    5:45 8 Channel 8 Corral-45m 6:00 2 Telecomics-Juv'n1.-15

    4 Komedy Klub-Juv'n1 9 KHJ-TV Newsroom-11 KTTV Newsreel-15

    6:15 2 Boney Bill's-Juv'n1 7 Space Cadet-Juv'n 1i Open House-Inte 13 Willie Wonderful

    6:25 9 Action Theater-6:30 2 Adventure Thee

    4 5, 8

    7 11 13

    6:45 4

    7 13

    6:53 4

    700 4 5



    "Federal Agent" Adv. on Film-Time for Bea Adventure Ti Captain Vid Clete Rober Kelley & M Discussions Gussie. Handy er Space Pa Sports Elmer


    Om. 60m.

    m. -30m. 25m.

    .-15m. I.-15m. evw.-15m. -15m. 65m. ter-60m.

    7 7



    35 2 Tom Harmon-Sports-5m. :40 2 William Kennealiy-News-5m

    4 KNBH Weather-Sm. 7:45 2 Perry Como-Music-15m.

    With the Fontaine Sisters a Guests. 4 Roberta Quinlan-15m.

    8:00 2, 8 Arthur Godfrey-Revue-60m. 4 Kate Smith Evening Hour-60m.

    5 Frosty Frolics-60m. Artist! y on ice from the Polar Palace

    7 Stop the Music-Quiz-30m. 9 Eight O'clock Theater-90m.

    8:30 7 Charlie Wild-Drama-30m. 8:45 11 Dude Martin Show-60m.

    9:00 2 Songs for Sale-30m. Steve Allen, emcee, Vocalists Toni Arden, Donald Richards

    4 Kraft TV Theater-60m. 5 Feature Film-60m. 7 Don McNeill TV Club-30m. 8 Wrestling-90m. 13 The Thing is the Play-60m.

    9:30 2 The Web-Drama-30m. “Custom of the Country," Ann Mam o

    7 Riders of Purple Sage-30m. 9 Teen Age Trials-30m.

    9:45 11 Amateur Boxing-75m. Juv'n1.-15m. 10:00 ny-Juv'n1.-lSm. me-15m. eo-Juv'n1.-30m. ts, Ed Lyon-15m. oran-10m. in Sports, by Bob &

    nts-Tips-15m. trol-Ju'vn1.-15m. ook-10m. Peterson-News-Sm.


    Westinghouse Presents

    'Your Big Moment' with Keith Hetherington

    KNBH Ch. 4, Wed. at 7

    Your Big Moment-30m. Newsreel-15m. Gene Autry Film-30m.

    8 Range Rider-30m. 11 Major Feature Theater-90m.

    ••( hristmay Eve," George Raft, Joan Blundell

    13 Hi-Talent Battle-30m. 5 H'wood Reel-15m.

    Candid Glimpses uf Hollywood 0 2 Lee Wood-News-5m.

    4 Newspaper of the Air-10m. 5 Film-30m. 7 Chance of a Lifetime-30m.

    Members are given answer to query and try to guess the ques-tion

    9 Fishing Pals-30m. 13 Family Theater-90m.

    "Bashful Bachelor," Lum & Abner.

    2 Boxing-45m. Virgil Akins vs. Freddie Dawson

    4 Break the Bank-Quiz-30m. 5 City at Night-Info-90m.

    Camera Tour of interesting Spots in Los Angeles.

    7 Jerry Colonna-Comedy-30m. 9 KHJ-TV Newsroom-15m. 13 If I Were You-30m.

    Non-Expert Panel Show. 10:30 4 Freddie Martin Show-30m.

    7 Blind Date-30m. 8 Boxing-60m. 13 Clete Roberts-News-15m.

    10:45 2 Bill Symes-Sports-15m. 13 Ed Lyon-News-Sm.

    10:50 13 Owl Movie-75m.

    11:00 2 /"Chronoscope"-15m. World History Discussion

    7 Chet Huntley-News-10m. 11 KTTV Newsreel-15m,

    11:10 7 Hank Weaver-News-10m. 11:15 2 Peter Potter-Records-30m,

    11 Club Eleven-30m. 11:20 7 Moonlight Movie-60m. 11:30 5 Final Edition-5m. 11:45 11 Midnight Movies-75m.

    "Manhattan Shakedown"

    EVERY WEEK Put life in your

    lookin' and listenin' ask for

    TV-RADIO LIFE at your market today

    1 Oc

    to several specialties, "Powder Your Face With Sunshine" sparked a neat opening segue from vacation into the fall and Joan Wheatley's "The Things We Did Last Summer" continued the transition. Nadine and Mark danced "Cheek to Cheek" in the Costume Room, Waring hoofed lightly for "Up in North Caro-lina," Joe Marina was in appealing form for "Because of You," and "Kon-Tiki" of. °age Twelve,

    fered an opportunity for group choreog-raphy. Commercials were easy to take, especially the ditty of Lois and Susie. If they were all like this, singing commer-cials, that is, nobody would mind.

    Big production number was from the local show which made good on Broad-way-"Lend an Ear." June Havoc made a cute Gladiola Girl, but to someone who had seen glamazon Carol Channing hulking around the part, June was only

    adequate. In our opinion, Dagmar would have been better casting. Though Miss Havoc looked ador-able, she also fell short at the close of the program, when she at-tempted to read Elizabeth Barrett Browning's "How Do I Love Thee?" against a choral background of "Ich Liebe Dich." It takes a sea-soned performer like a Charles Laughton or an Ethel Barrymore to flex lines like these. Waring himself, making no great pretensr of being an actor, would probablY have proved more effective.

    "You're Never Too Old" Thursday, 7:00 p.m. KLAC-TV, Channel 13

    As the title implies, the show proves in most cases that a person is •never too old to entertain the public . . . in one fashion or an-other. Emcee Harry Koplan has gathered ar ound him a group drawn from every corner of the Los Angeles area. Some have retired from show business, and some are effecting an inverse retirement by leaving home and the business of hiding their light beneath a bushel to kick up their usually talented heels before the TV lens.

    Typical were the turns of Joe Horowitz, a Yellow Cab driver, whose fender-scraping e x p 1 oit s haven't at all damaged the nerves it took for a balancing act; Scotty Monroe, a Scotch singer; and Uncle Billy, Behan, an eighty-seven-year-old who ripped through "He Walked Right in and Turned Around and Walked Right Out Again." Billy Behan used to do the same turn in vaudeville, forty years ago.

    Audience votes bring back favo-rite acts each week, and a choice couldn't be easy. People of this age who finally turn out to perform have learned not to falter.

    Marilyn Hare, lovely daughter of yesterday's f a m ous (Billy Jones and . . .) Ernie Hare, of "The Hap-piness Boys or Interwoven Pair," is exceptionally appealing as she shares hosting honors with Koplan. She lives up completely to the fact that she was born to the purple of show business. -J.P.

    Second Glances ( Critical \ Comment )

    We Point With Pride ... To Jackie Gleason's two tel-

    evised appearances a week ago Sunday night. KTTV's Du mont• filmed "Cavalcade of Stars" and KNBH's NBC-TV-kinescoped "Cora-edy Hour" each carried the incred-ibly funny ex-"Riley" in a starring role. Little if anything was re-peated; Gleason bounced and sang; and by virtue of being seen for two full hours tat were good, became "incredibly" funny. . . . To Joe Littlefield's "Garden Chats" on KTTV each Sunday afternoon. He discusses important seasonal gar-dening chores which won't take half your life to effect, but which can show immediate results. It is


    the most practical bit of gardening lore we have ever seen oil this medium. Last Sunday in door house plants and their care as to watering, spraying, pest control and feeding came under the camera eye. Next Sunday the subject is "Lawn Sowing Time Around the Corner," which demonstrates perti-nent hints on lawn sowing and demonstration of the use of lawn tools. See what we mean by practical?

    To KTTV's clever use of the Polar-oid Land camera, which develops pictures within sixty seconds. We knew the quickie-box was fun, but when the House Un-American Ac-tivities Committee banned viçleo coeerage, M TV brought this "toy" into play. It showed the audience pictures (taken on a Polaroid) of first witness Harold J. Ashe, self-described "former Communist," within a minute or two after snap-ping him outside the chambers.

    We rieut With Alarm .... The precocious and occasion-

    ally really bitter chatter that pours out of the mouths of the children on KTLA's "Fantastick Studios, Ink." To us there seems nothing constructive, and certainly nothing desirable as a pattern, in the sight of a pretty little girl scowling and referring to a playmate as a "jerk.' "dummy" or any one of a half dozen other disparagements. We weren't even amused. . . . The trend toward the "folksy" philoso-pher-type character - story that seems to be showing up on the big dramatic hours. Homespun humor is great, but not as a steady diet.

    Local Boy Makes Good That "local boy makes good"

    theme is one always guaranteed to gladden hearts and steel resolu-tions. •

    A half dozen years ago Frederick Lee Street graduated from San Ma-rino High School. He took a one• year pre-induction course in radio, entered the Navy in September of 1944; attended radio technical schools and studied hard. After the completion of his courses. Frederick stayed at Treasure Island, Califor-nia, instructing classes in fire-control radar. After his discharge and the years of Navy work which could well have discouraged further study, Street went ahead and com-pleted his schooling, receiving his B.S. in Electronics from the Heald Engineering College in San Fran-cisco,

    Thus armed, he joined KRON-TV, NBC's television affiliate in San Francisco, and worked for a year or more as camera man, audio man and video control and switcher.

    Today? Well, Frederick Lee Street is at present working at KRON-TV's transmittef as video and audio control. And if there is one place you can really learn what cooks with television, it is in the trans-mitter!


    See Page 10 for 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Daytime Log Listings

    5:00 2

    4 5 11

    5:15 9 11 13

    1 Indicates New Program

    Ghost Rider-Movie-60rn. "\\ ildern,>, Mail" Kukla, Fran and 011ie-30m. Playcrafter's Club-30m. Classified Column-15m. Comedy Time-15m. Range Riders Roundup-45m. Hitching Post-Movie-60m. 'C uti Ii 11e '

    5:30 4 Howdy Doody-Juv'n1.-30m. 5 Cowboy Thrills-Movie-60m. 8 KHJ-TV University-30m.

    5:45 8 Channel 8 Corral-45m. 6:00 2 Telecomics-Juv'n1.-15m.

    4 Komedy Klub-Juv'n1.-30m. 9 KHJ-TV Newsroom-25m. 11 KTTV Newsreel-15m.

    6:15 2 Boney Bill's-Juv'n1.-15m. Dusty Walker at His Cowboy Puppets.

    11 Open House-Inter'vw.-15m. 13 Willie Wonderful-30m.

    6:25 9 Action Theater-65m. 6;30 2 Tom Harmon-Sports-30m.

    4 Adv. on Film-Juv'n1.-15m. 5, 8 Time for Beany-Juv'n1.-15m.

    7 Adventure lime-15m. 11 Captain Video-Juv'n1.-30m. 13 Clete Roberts, Ed Lyon-15m.

    6:45 4 Kelley & Moran-10m. Bob and Gussie Discuss the Sport;ng World.

    5 Handy Hints-Tips-15m. 7 Space Patrol-Ju'v'n1.-15m. 13 Sports Book-10m.

    sports News with Sum Baiter. 6:55 4 Elmer Peterson-News-5m.

    7:00 2 Watch and Win-Quiz-30m. 4 Range Rider-Movie-30m. 5 Newsreel-15m. *7 The Ruggies-Comedy-30m. 8 Lone Ranger-30m. 11 P.C.C. Football-Film-30m. 13 You're Never Too Old-60m.

    Feature, talented Grandma and Grandpa. With Marilyn Hare and Hari y huplan.

    7:15 S Flicker Snickers-15m. Old Time, Silent Nlevies with Com-ments by Bud Stefan.

    7:30 2 Lee Wood-News-5m. 4 News; .Weather-15m. • 5 H'wood Opportunity-60m.

    Hopeful young performers trying tar the "Rig Break."

    7 Lone Ranger-Juv'n1,..-30m. The Masked Man ct Tonto ride again.

    9 Sports Whirligig-30m. 11 Open Road-Travel-30m.

    Films depicting colorful tours. Today les Fishing on the Colorado River.

    7:35 2 Tom Harmon-Sports-5m. 7:40 2 William Kenneally-News-5m 7:45 2 Stork Club-15m.

    4 eThe Little Show-15m. Starring John Cante.

    8 Arden Varieties-10m. 8:00 2 Starlight Theater-Drama-

    30m. "The Gravey Train," Dane Clark.

    4 eYou Bet Your Life-30m. Starring Grouch() Marx

    7 Queen For a Day-30m. 8 Amos and Andy-30m. 9 Feature Film-90m.

    11 13

    8:30 2


    7 8 13

    9:00 2 4

    7 8 11

    9:30 2

    7 8 11

    Ada Leonard-Revue-60m. Fishin's, Fun-30m. Amos 'n' Andy-Comedy-30m Andy buys a house. 1Willock-Arquette Show-30m. Wrestling-2'a hrs. Paul Whiteman Revue-30m. Telesports Digest-30m. Film Playhouse-90m. "Kidnapped."

    What's Name of Song?-30m. Ford Festival-60m. Stalling Jantes Melton. Musical Playhouse-30m. Starlight Theater-30m. Bob Shannon's Varieties-30m Racket Squad-Drama-30m. True stories from police tiles. "Coon Hunt," Glenn Langan Feature Film-75m. Talent Show-30m. You Asked for RI-30m. Viewers request entertainment. Art Baker gets it!

    10:00 2 Hawthorne Here Tonight-30m 4 "Martin Kane-30m.

    With Lloyd NOlan,

    9 11 13

    10:15 9 13

    10:30 2 4 8 11

    13 10:45 5

    7 13

    10:50 13

    11:00 2 4 7 8 11

    11:10 7 11:15 2

    11 11:20 7 11:30 5 11:45 11

    I WITH DICK LANE The Main Event Thurs. 10 P.M.

    CHANNEL 5, KTLA •01101111 mMillI mullI

    Wrestling-45m. Stop the Music-Quiz-30m. KH.1-TV Newsroom-15m. Rocky King, Detective-30m: Thyaval Varieties-15m. Gaylord Carter-Organ-15m. V.I.P.-15. With Freeman Lusk. Crime Photog-Drama-30m. Gene Norman Show-30m. Begt the Clock-30m. Alért For News-30m. With limo. Manning Clete Roberts-15m. Beat the Champ-45m. Giant Jackpot offered to anyone i‘lio can beet the Champ. At Home-15m. Ed Lyon-News-5m. Owl Movie-75m. "L icier Strang,e Flags." Disc Jockey Show-15m. The Continental-30m. Chet Huntley-News-10m. Hit Parade-Music-30m. KTTV Newreels-15m. 'Hank Weaver-News-10m. Feature Film-75m, “It.,it, In,. 'Li It - Club Eleven-30m. Moonlight Movie-60m. Final Edition-5m. Midnight Movies-75m. "Return of the Frog."

    Regal Pale -Tops in Beer presents

    Tops in Wrestling

    If Your Market Doesn't Carry TV-RADIO LIFE


    HIllside 9275

    Page thirteen


    An Old Violin and Shame On You! A friend of ours, and obviously a friend of that fiddlin' band leader, Spade

    Cooley, penned the following jolly ditty, which we forward to his fans under the title "Spade's Song," the story of the Spade Cooley Show, in rhythm. 1. Theres a band I know, on a T.V.'

    show, no use tellin', you all know. The name's Spade Cooley, and I'm here to say. No use talkin he's here to stay.

    2. Some people thot he was just a ham, but up pops Spade with a won-derful band. Bin here nigh onto three year now. Tell you this Okie sure knows how. 3. When Spade grabs his old violin —

    yell's— une on gang lets all begin, Brother, such music youve never here'd. It's enough to make an old man tear out his beard. 4. When you want pretty harmony,

    Spade just calls for his fiddlers three, there's Billy, Lon, and Spade too, they'll put you to sleep I'm tellin' you.

    5. Great vod-vil acts have played for Spade. All the big time they have made, when somethin' go's wrong it doesnt matter, just bring out old fat lotta chatter. 6. When you hear a whine, and you

    think its hogg's, shucks—taint nuthin but old Noel Boggs. Thats him with his steel guitar—Brother does he think he's a star. 7. The brass-section in this here

    band, is one of the finest in the land. Their rootin tootin boys as you can see, playin' their purtiest for you and me. 8. Take a look at the big bull-fiddle,

    he slaps that thing right in the mid-dle. When he carries it home, holy-gee I'm glad its him instead of me. 9. Now we come to the 'saxaphones,

    givin' out with • their moans and growns, now and then a purty tone you'll hear, but dont get scared there» nuthin' to fear. 10. Dont for-get the boy on the

    drums—with his bang bang bang and his bum bum bum —he's beatin' his way thru life you see, dom a durn good job twix you and me. 11. Hey you all, look over there—

    the boy with the glasses, and the slicked down hair—a picken and a plunken on his old Guitare. Spade's mighty glad that he sits right than

    12. Will the piano-player please take a bow —as an ivcrry clawer he sure knows how—he's full of boogie, as you can see, and plays a mighty mean melody. 13. Careless Love, the sailor boy so

    shy—tall and handsom with a twinkle in his eye—seems to me he's scared of the wimmen —one must of give him a durn good trimmen. 14. We cant over look this boy—Phil

    Grey, sure is hansom I've heard the gal's say—sure is a top notch singer too—he can sing sweet songs, both hot and blue. 15. Heres the sweet-heart of the

    show—lovely little Jenny, with her yippee hi-ho —sings all her songs with pep and action, I've nick-named her Attraction Jackson. 16. Old Leather-Britches really aint

    his name—its Volume-Deal and Sales-Appeal—Dick Lane. He smaks the

    Paae Fourteon

    hoods in his unique way, of course he's a doin it for Centre! Chevrolet. 17. Well thats all for this here time

    —hope youve enjoyed this story in rhyme—if you dont do as Spade ask you to, as he always says, Shame Shame on you.

    Property al Clyde Davis all rights reserved Copyrighted '51. 5535 Bonner Ave. North Hollywood, Calif. SU. 35378.

    * *

    SPORTS FIGHT CONTINUES Upon completion of coast-to-coast

    TV linking, ninety-five out of each 100 TV homes will be within reach of live television. It is an equally safe bet that this ninety-five per cent of TV homes are looking forward eager-ly to all the sports fare they can latch onto. What, exactly, will they be able to

    watch? Football, at least for this 1951-52 season, is being partially withheld from TV in a test to see whether or not TV damaged the gate. Boxing currently seems to belong to theater TV. Several factors, however, can change this picture in a hurry. Given its way, the International

    Boxing Commission would install a "stadia" form of television linking the United States from one end to

    another. Into these "stadia" the IBC would pipe the big fights, with a paid admission and with the IBC raking in the gee receipts.

    However, the IBC is bound by con-tract to furnish a fight each Week for "Pabst Blue Ribbon Bouts," and for the "Gillette Cavalcade of Sports" for the 1951-52 season. While Jim Norris, head of IBC, decides what matches are to be given to the cam-eras of both Pabst and Gillette, he can't live up to the letter of their lucrative contracts and throw only second-rate stuff to these big spon-sors.

    We also hear that the Anti-Trust Division of the Justice Department is quietly investigating the angles of exclusive theater-TV. Apparently a raft of. protests, including several from members of Congress, poured in following the Turpin-Robinson bout, which was carried only on the-ater-TV, with even radio blacked out of public coverage.

    But, if theater-TV constitutes a monopoly, will subscription TV in the home also constitute monopoly? This season's sports may well be over by the time any of these questions are decided. We will still see baseball, however,

    at its best, when the World Series telecasts start next week to break up office and home schedules. KNBH was first slated to carry the Series, via NBC-TV countrywide. It has devel-oped that an old Mutual-Gillette clause penned some years ago gives the Don Lee TV net the same right, so KHJ-TV will also beam the national pas-time. Check our logs for the hours.

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    Competent Service Men—specifically familiar with each partic-ular make of set. Conscientious Workmanship. No unnecessary puttering or costly waste of time. Correct Parts. New, precision-made and precision fitted factory parts for each make.

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    TV PROGRAM FINDER A Home to Live la. KLAC-TV, 12:30 p.m. Su Adams, Joe. .KTTV, 9:30 p.m. Sa Adventure on FUm. —._.KNBIFI, 8:30 p.m. M-F Adventures in Fooci — __ .. KECA-TV, 12 n. M-F A Home to Live In. -__ILLAC-TV, 9:15 a.m. Su Aldrich Family- - .K1VB11, 9 P. m F Alert for News KTTV, 10:30 p.m. Ih Allen, Steve. .KTSL, 9:45 p.m. M-F Ameche, Don.... M.CA-TV, 3 p.m. M-F; 9 p.m. Th Ameche, Don KECA-TV, 3 p.m. M-F; 9 18.m• Th American Imentor7- - KNBII, 6 P. m Sa Amos 'n' Andy - .. -- ...KT8L. 2:30 p.m. Th Armed Forces Report =.- ...AHJ-TV, 7:30 imll• Tu Armstrong Theater...---_-__KNBH, 930 p.m. Th

    Arquette, Cliff - - ...111VBH, 8:30 pin. Th Hit Parade _ MBE', 9;30 p.m. Th Range Riders Roundup KTTV, 5:15 p.m. M-F; Astrology For You.- __ILLAC-TV 11 p.m. Su Hi Talent Battle. ILLAC-TV, 7 p.m. W

    »dry, Gene KECA-TV. 7 p.m. W; 6:30 p.m. 8a At the Mat._ KTLA, 4:3n p.m. Th Hitching Poet. _ .KI.AC-TV, 5:15 p.m. M-F ' Sa.i:ini-iÏe..e-ati.....-_...----.--.":T;i; ................. 10:45 am, Su

    Backstage With N.ril... —..ICTSL, 4:30 p.m. 511.-F Hpran, Lee KNBH, 9 p.m. M; 6:25 P.m. Tu *Robert*, Clete...-___KLAC-TV, 6:30 P. m M-F; Bachelor's Haven. 8:30 p.m. Su

    __-_KTSL, 7 p.m. Holiday Album . - .. _.-. ... __11111.1-TV, 1:30 p.m. SuBandstand Revue Rocky King__ .... _. - -_-__IITTV, 10 pan. Th .KTLA. 9 p.m. Su Hollywood Opening Night. -- KTSL, 10:30Batter V, p.m. F 9:30 P.m• Su Ronnie & Rennie _ IITT1, 3:45 p.m. Tu.Th

    Beat the Champ -1ETLA. Le m P.m. In .- .- .... Hollywood Opportunity. _ -.ETLA. 7:30 p.m. Th Roving Camera. - --KTLA. 7:15 p.m. Tu Beat the Clock..-..... —.-.-...KTSL. 7:30 p.m. Sa; Hollywood Reel .1ITLA, 715 p.m. W Roy, Mike-- . -111..AC-TV, 11 a.m. 51-1,

    Ho ywood Road to Fame. KT8L. 6.30 p.m .Berle, Milton ll KNBH, 8 p.m. Tu Ruggles. Charlie -. .ILEillA-TV. 7 y.M. Th:

    Beulah KECA-TV 7:30 p.m. Tu Hollywood Screen Teet....KECA-TV. 9:30 p.m. •Tu Say It With Aetlng..-- 7.1LECA-TV, 7:30 p.m. F BI; Story Blind Date. ENB ii, 9,30 p.m. E. Hollywood Theater Ttme___KECA-TV, 10 p.m. F Scouting in Action... — KECA-TV, 1:15 p.m. Sa

    .KECA-TV, 10:30 p.m. W Homes for Sale ............... ..... KHJ-TV, 11:30 a.m. Su Search for Tomorrow.. .KTSL, 12:45 p.m. M-F Bowman, Patricia. KTSL, 6:45 p.m. Sa Hometown Jamboree.,,,, KLAC-TV. 7:30 p.m. St Seven Seventy on the Air -._-.KTTV. 3 p.m. Su Boxing.....-.KTSL, 10 p.m. W; KTTV, 10 p.m. Tu; llopalong Cassidy... —.. .. KNEEL 3 p.m. Su Shadow of the Cloak.- - __HTTV, 9 p.m. Sa Break the Bank_____ .. KNBH, 10 p.m. 11 ; Hour of Adventure..-- ---KECA-T1. 8 p.m. Tu Shannon. Bob.__ ....... _ -_-......- FCTIN. 9 p.m. Th Burke, Billie K'TTV. 4 p.m. M-F How To Burns & Allen. KTSL. 6:30 p.m. M Show Goes On. -____.,.,....KT$L. 9:30 P.m. Ss

    .KTSL, 8 p.m. Th Rowdy Doody - -- KNFIFIL 5:30 p.m. M-F Simms, Ginny..._ __. —.11LTTV, 7:30, 9;30 p.m. Tu Cafe ContinentaL .......KLAC-T3', 8 p.m. Tu *flannel, Chet... --..KECA-TV, 11 p.m. M-F singing Rails .1ITSL. 7 p.m. Su Caliente Raring__ ...... ___ .... KHJ-TV, 10:15 p.m. M Hutton. Ina Har. —_ _- __ KTLA. 9 p.m. Tu Skelton, Red KNBIL 7 p.m. Ila California Living KTSL, 4 p.m. M-F i Cover Times Square KECA-TV. U:30 p.m. alt. Sa Smith, Kate KNISH, 1 p.m. M-F; 8 p.m. W Calling Scotland Vard.----...KTTV, 8:30 p.m. 80 If I Were You. 4. Campus Chorus and (»lc JELAc-Ty. 10 p. m w So You Want to Be An Actor.. KTLA. 9:30 p.m. M

    ILTSL, 8 p.m. Tu In Our Time. -- ---.-KTTV, 10:30 p.m. $u Soap Box Theater.._.....— _.KECA-TV, 7 p.m. Sa Captain Video. KTTV, 6:30 pan. M-F Industry on Parade. gy m, gag pm . Su Songs for Sale....... ,..__ ,...KT8L. 9 p.m. W Carrillo. Leo. KLAC-TV. 10 p.m. Su Inspirationa l Hour KLAC-TV, 6:15 a.m. Su Snowcrop Matinee- - .KLA-C-TV, 2 PAIL Ta.Th Casey, Crime Photographer.___.KT8L. 10:30 o.m. Institute of Family Relations. KLAC-TV Spanish Theater Hoar KIIJ-TV, 9:30 p.m. Tu

    -alt. Th,F -. 7:30 p.m. Tu Space Cadet. .KECA-TV, 6:15 pan. 111-F Cavalcade of Bands ..11TT1', 10 p.m. lia it's a Neat Trick. .KTSL, 10:30 p.m. Tu Space ,Patrol ILECA-TV, 6:45 p.m. M-Sa Cavalcade of Stars - Celebrity Time 1LTTV, 8 p.m. Su It's News to Me 1111111... 9:30 p.m. M Sports Boot — KLAC-TV, 6:45 p.m. M-F

    wysi_. L0 p.m. Su Jackson and Jill .. _ ______ KECA-T1, 7 p.m. Tu Star of the FamiLy --- ...KTSL, 0:30 p.m. Su Championship Bowling_.--..KTTV, 10:15 p.m. Tu Jarvis, Al KLAC-TV, «12:30 p.m. M-F; 9:36 p.m. Sa Starlight Theater 'EMIL. 8 p.m. alt. Th Chance of a Lifetime.--KECA-TV. 7:30 p.m. Jean Louise Charlie Wild_ IHJ-TV, 9:30 p.m. M Stork Club, ---.... —ILTSL, 7:45 p.m. Tu, Th Chef Milani_ ILECA-TV, 8:30 p.m. W Juvenile Jury.. ._, ,KNBH, 12:30 p.m. ffu atop at Roney Bill's_. ___ KTSL, 6:15 lim• Illi-F .IDTBH, 4 p.m. M-F Kaye, Sammy

    Children's Church. mityiK, "6;140. pl .inp ,n1 N18-Fa 881t;a2n1ghee Adventure -HE- CA-TV, 8:30 p.m. 'F' Chevrolet Triple Theatra _.JILECA-TV, 7 p.m. M Kelly a: Moran KECA-TV, g p.m. W:

    KTTV, 3:30 p.m. SSiu, Kemper, Ronnie.

    Cisco Kid. City at Night_ _HI M, 11 p.m. M, W,F *Keanneally,u B Know Your Child.M. .KNBIR, 7 p.m. Fu 3:30 p.m. Tu, Th Studio One

    ..HTTV, 3:45 p.m. Tu,Th Stranger Than Fiction — __./imTSTL8L.,4:1105 ppinim .. Smu Chronoscope. KTSL ,7:40 p.m. M-F Strike It Rich KT8L, 12 n. M-F

    KTLA, 10 p.m. W Keeled, Elul) .KTTV, 5 p.m. M-F Kraft TV Theater .KNBH. 6 p.m. M-F Stud's Place. Claaalfied Column KECA-TV. 9 p.m. F

    Colonna. Jerry KNBH, 9 p.m. W Surreal' Story.. .KTTV. 9 p.m. .it, F M CA-TV, 10 p.m. Kukla, Fran & 011ie....ILNBH,_5 p.m. pt-F; 8:30 Sa Somerset Mangham Theater-1[ M M. 9:30 p.m. M

    Cane Into the Kitohen....IPTTV, 1:30. 3 p.m. M-F Ladies ' Matinee KTTV 4:30 p.m. M-F SuPer Circus KECA-TV. 5 p.m. SuComedy Hour. KNBIII, d p.m. Su Langford, Francis .KECA-TV, 3 p.m. M-7 Suspect* Wanted. ILHJ-TV. 2:10 p.m. M-F

    Como, Perry. -- -.KT8L, 7:45 p.m. M, W,F Lawson. Grace. Continental. KTSL. 9:36 p.m. Tu Cooley, Spade. Cowboy Theater KECA-TV 3 p.m. M-F Leonard. Ada

    KTLA, 8:30 p.m. Sa Leave It to the Girls IIEC KAN-13TV113, 172 p.m. -FF TSnaMen e2;-Tomorrow — 11:ECKA-TT Z 9:30 p.m. g mig, 7;30 p.m. Su Teen Age Trials-....... —......KHJ-TV. 9:30 p.m. W _KTTV. 8 p.m. Th Teleromics_

    .KNBH, 11 p.m. Tu.Th Laurel and Hardy

    Cowboy Thrills Crime Syndicate KTLA. 5:30 p.m. M-Sa Let's Face K.. . KTLA. 10 p.m. M KTSL, 9 p.m. Tu Life Beene at 80. -K M', S p.m. M Telefornen.

    „ILECA-TV, 9 p.m. Ba Telesporta Digest _KUM. 10 pm. Tu Crime With Father..--...KECA-TV, 10:30 p.m. F Little Show KI'VBH, 7:45 p.m. Th Termite Hints --- -KHJ-TV, 11:15 a.m. Su Cugat, Lorraine..- - _.KECA-TV, 10 p.m. To Live Like a Milliona ire . ..... -E VIL. 10 p.m. alt. F The Thing Is the Play.- --KLAC-TV. 9 p.m. W Date With Judy IgircA-TV. 11:30 a.m. Sa; Living Book.. .KTTV, 7 p.m. F The Web — KTSL. 9:30 p.m. W Dell _- O'Dell_-r.a...e..l... - -.KECA-TV, 7 p.m. Su Locker Room. District Atto .KL AC-TV, 8:15 p.m. Tu Lone Ranger .KTTV. 10:45 p.m. M This Is Show Bustriess. —.-.11T8L. 7:30 p.m. Mu

    .KECA-TV. 7:30 p.m. Th Three Generations..............,,,.. LAC-TV. 7 p.m. 8a Dixie Showboat. KTLA. 7:15 p.m M Lucky Strike Theater ITN », 9:30 p.m. M Three Mesquiteers KTTV. 7 p.m. M Jimml-

    Dixon, Nancy ._-__..- ...... .....KTTV, 3:45 p.m. M, W,Y Lusk, Freeman KLAC-TV. 10:15 p.m. Th; 9 p.m. Su Time for Benny K11.4. KFMR-TV, 8:30 p.m. M-F Dolan. KLAC-TV, 8:30 p.m. Su *Lyon , Ed. KLAC-T1 ', 6:30 p.m. M-F Time for the Ladlea__.KECA-TV, 1:30 p.m. m-r Double Thriller Pia/hones Dude Martin. KTLA. 8 p.m. M Mack, Ted, Family Hour--.. M CA-TV, 41 p.m. Sn Tricks and Treats_ _ .. _ .... KTLA, 10:34 a.m. 8a

    KTTV, 8:45 p.m. W Magasine of the Week.........KTLA, 10:30 p.m. Su Triple-Feature Theater...- -KECA-TV, 7 p.m. u Editor's Round Table — . ILTSL, 8:30 p.m. Tu Mama. KTSL, 8 p.m. F Truth About Dixie. KILI-TV, 7:30 p.m. M Egg

    Gordon's Garden.-- -.......KEIJ-TV, 10:30 a.m. Su Gray. Jeanne KTSL. 3 p.m. M-F Graydon Joe_ KLAC TV Greatest Fights M TV. 10 pm. Tu •

    Gwinn, Bill KFCA-TV. 7 p.m. F Hail the Champ .... .KLAC-TV. 7 p.m. F Hands of Destiny.- ...ILTTV, 9:30 p.m. Tu Handy Hints____- -----KTLA, 6:45 p.m. M-F Haney, Fred. KLAC-TV. 8:15 p.m. M Harmon, Tom...ILTSL, 7:35 p.m. M-F, 6:30 p.m .

    Tu,Th Hawthorne ETSI., 10 p.m. Th Heidi, Horace KTSL, 9 p.m. M Help Wanted .IIECA-TV, 3 p.m. Su

    Pet Exchange- ---_ _ _ILTTV. 7:30 p.m. F Peters. ausan...-- -110111. KFMB. 1 p.m. M-F

    , mer___-__KNIIII. 0:55 p.m. MF Phileo Playhouse Pierce. Paul K NEE, 6 p.m. Su

    ILVB11, 4:30 p.m. M-F Plainclothesman ...KTTV, 10 p.m. Su Playerafter's Club..---1...........KTLA, 5 p.m. M-F Polyzoldes KTTV. 10:15 p.m. F Potter, Peter..- - ..-..KT8L, 11:15 Public Prosecutor _.- _.-...KLAC-TV.11.7m.p.Mm..Wilur

    Queen for a Day... KECA-TV. 8 p.m. Th Quinlan, Roberta. .KNBH, 7:45 p.m. M, W,F Racket Squad. KTSL, 9:30 p.m. Th; Range Rider..1LIVRII, 7 p.m. Th: KF/111. B. 8 p.m. M

    and L -. M111B, 11:45 a.m. M-F Mama Weiss. - - -/LHJ-TV. 3:30 p.m. M-F TV tiniversity ..K/U-TV, 5:30 p.m. M-F Eloise Salutes the Eitars._ _.-_KTIV, 10 p.m. F Man Against Crime.-----. --KT8L, 8:30 p.m. F Tweet, Questions ..KTTV, 8 p.m. F Emerson, Faye. Erwin, Stu . KTSL. 0 p.m. Man of the Week.... • KT8L, 6:3P

    p.m. M Two Girls Named Smith ___. KECA-TV. 12.KECA-TV. n. Ra 7:30 p.m. Sa Manning, Krum_ . _ KTTV, 10:30 p.m. Th, F 17nitsd or Not KECA-TV, 8 p.m. F Faith Baldwin Theater._.--KECA-TV, 12:30 p.m. Man's Best Friend-a. _ KTLA. 5 p.m. Eta V.I.P _ MAC-TV. 10:15 p.m. Th Faith for Today ..alt. 8a Margetts. Monty. ..KNR11, 2:30 p.m. M-7 Voice of Fireetena KNISH, 8:30 p.m. M

    KECATTIF, 12:30 p.m. Su Martin Kane . .KNI311, 10 p.m. Tb Waring, Fred._ KTSL, 9 p.m. 9. Fashion Magie Fautastick Studios, Ink__ _KTLA. 6:30 p.m. Sa Marx, Grouch.> KNISH, 6 p.m. Th Watch and Wi _a.--... KT8L, 7 p.m. Th

    Feature Story.. -11T8L. 3:30 p.m M.F MeAdoo, Mary _RECA-TV, 2:30 p.m. M, W.F * Wearer. liang - -..1 M-CS-FF. 9 p.m. Tu, Feminine Touch .KNBH, 7:45 p.m. Tu McConnell, Ed.. ._...._.KTSL, 5 p.m. Sa 11:14 p.m. M-F Fireolde Theater ...KTSL. 3:30 p.m. W McDowell, Candy KNBH, 9 p.m. Tu KTSL, 11 p.m. Tu, Th Welk, Lawrence. KTLA, 10:30 p.m. F

    Marshall Plan in Action....KECA-TV, 9:30 a.m. 8u What's the Verdict. .11TTV, 10:30 pm. F Fi rst Hundred Vears —..ETSL. 2:30 p.m. M-F Martin, Freddie KNB11. 10:30 p.m. W What's My Line - - .ILTSL. 10:30 p.m. SnFisherman's Fiesta..

    FULA, 11 am. Sn Maugham, Somerset........ _KNBH, 9:30 p.m. M What's Name of That Song? KTSL. 9 p.m. Th Fishing Pals __ .... KFIJ-TV, 7:30 p.m. ll McCoy. Tim ..RTLA, 7 p.m . Sa Whiteman, Paul KECA-TV, 8:31) p.m. Tb; 8 Pm. Sa Ft:1111aq' Fun...--- ----KLAC-TV, 8 p.m. Th Meet the Press.. Flash Gordon KNBII. 1 p.m. Su Wild Bill Hickok. KTLA. 7 p.m. Su

    KTLA, 5:30 p.m. Meet Your Children.-.---KECA-TV. 2:30 p.m. Th Willie Wonderfal... —KLAC-TV, 6:15 p.m. M-F Flicker finickers.- _ _ ___KTLA, 7:15 p.m. Th Mies Susan .ENBII, 12 n. m-r Wilton. Dave alma, 8:30 p.m. Th Flying Tigers. irrry, 2:30 p.m. Su Moore. Garry.- .KTI81.. 1:30 p.m. M-Ir Winehell-Mahoney Show KNBH, 8 p.m. M Fonds for Thought _ ..KNBH, 2 p.m. M-F Moran, Onside Ford Festival KNEE. 6:45 p.m. M-7 Women's Wrestling .ILLAC-TV. 7:30 p.m. F

    KNBII. 9 p.m. Th Movie Milestones. ILT8L, 4:30 p.m. Su * Wood. Lee E VIL, 7:30 p.m. M-Il Foreman Phillips' Show._ KECA-TV. 11 a.m. MmIetown ... ._ KTLA. 10 p.m. Su * World Digest ....... _..., KNEE, p.m. Su ......... ........_ ....... ..4 p.m. M-F; 6:30 p.m. ld, W,F NI:laical Nighteap..-.-_ -...KT8L, 11 p.m. Ta,Th World Opinion KECA-TV, 4 p.m. 8u

    Freedom Forum_______ _ KLAC-T1, 9 p.m. ,..1i musical Plavhouse.. _-_ -_ KECA-TV. 9 p.m. Th Wrestlers and the Lady KTTV. 8 p.m. SuFront & Center KTTV, 7:30 p.m. Tu New Horizons KU-TV, 3:30 p.m. M-F Wrestling ...... ____IPNBIL 8 p.m. F: 4:30 p.m. Sa;

    Front Page DetectIve- -.... MTV, 8:30 p.m. F *Newspaper of the Air KNISH. 7:30 p.m. M. W, F .KLAC 8:30 p.m. F Frosty Frolics

    .KTLA, 8 Pm. W I'M the Town. KTTV. 9 p.m. alt. F - KTLA, 8:30 p.m. Th Gabby Hayes ___KNBEI, 5 p.m. Su.: 5:15 p.m. F On Trial Garden Chats._ KECA-TV. 9 p.m. Su KTTV. 8:30 p.m.

    K'TTV. 2 p.m. Sn Open House. . .KTTV. 6:15 p.m. M-F W'restling Workont. -__.1[LAC-TV, 4:30 p.m. Su Ghost Rider . --K UM. 5 p.m. M-F; 5:30 p.m. Sa Open Road Godfrey. Arthur .KTTV. 7:34 p.m. Th You Asked for It .. —....._ KTTV. 9:30 p.m. Godfrey's Talent Scouts KTSL. 8 p.m. W Opinion Pieavre . .KTTV. 9 p.m. Tu You Bet Your Life *NAIR, 8 p.m.KTSL. 8:30 p.m. M Owens. Ha m — KTLA, 8 p.m. F Young, rh Alan KTSL, 7 p.m. Tu Goodyear Revue- -----__KECA-TV, 8:30 p.m. Th Original Amateur Hour KNISH, 10 p.m. To Young Mr. Bobbin_________ILSBH. 4:30 p.m. Su Page Sixteen Parks. Bert ILYBII. 12:30 p.m. M-F Your Big Moment KNB1FI. 7 p.m. W

    P'atIdock Parade. .......... -......--KECA-TVe 1 p.m. Sa Zoo Parade INBH, 1:30 p.m. Su l


    Seen Along Television Row Quick-change artist Ina Ray Hutton,

    at seven minutes before 9:00 one re-cent Tuesday evening, strolling around backstage at KTLA's Studio Theater. (At six minutes before the hour, la Hutton stopped strolling and fled to the dressing room, where she effected a lightning transformation from street clothes to evening gown and a had , glamour!) ...Cliff Arquette, of KNBH's Dave Willock and Cliff Arquette Show, poking along the studio halls in full "Charlie Weaver" regalia, muttering about the differtnce between "Mt. Ide" and Hollywood!. . . Bob Kelly, former artist and animator for "Cyclone Ma-lone," catching a quick lunch between paint-sloshing stints at NBC. Bob is currently working on set designs for some of the big NBC-TV shows to come from this Coast, with the Red Skelton sets (and they sound great!) occupy-ing his mind and hands at this time. ... "Uncle Archie" Presby flying across the Cahuenga Pass in an MG, en route to his hillside home from KNBH. . . . Singer Dusty Walker at Wil Wright's Vine Street ice • cream parlor, seated next to Peter Potter. Both gulping sodas!. ... . Ben Alexander standing on a street corner drinking a bottle Coke and talking about the new boat he has docked "up in the City," a term he uses to indicate San Francisco. . . . "The Continental," KNBH's late•at-night wooer, seated late one night in a Hollywood restaurant eating cheese-cake and drinking milkl . . Joe Adams, Benny Carter, Les Brown and a host of other top musicians at the Pal-ladium to hear Sonny Burke in a pre-opening concert for the press.... Herb Wegner's brood of canines arriving at

    KTLA in a station wagon with every window open, and a dog's head poke(' out of every opening! ...Set designer Seymour Klate, of KTTV, buttonholing all whom he considers worthy of such ownership, to offer them a kitten, pro-geny of his famous Winken, or Blin-ken (we still don't kno w the two apart!). . . . Tom Harmon staggering into KTSL (with Lyle Bond in tow also under a load) with a big paper bag of gimmicks and prizes for "Sports Quiz." Part of the show has to do with identifying objects, and this week the duo had lost their heads, apparently. regarding the size of the objects to be guessed.

    * *

    IF You CAN'T FIGHT 'Em The Harness Racing season starts at

    Hollywood Park October 4. The World Series, seen nation-wide this year on TV, begins either the 3rd or 5th of Oc-tober. Hollywood Park, wisely "join-ing • in - place - of - fighting" the horde torn between a day with the nags and sulkies, or watching the Series, in-stalled a big screen at Hollywood Park. Between races the crowd members who are baseball-happy can watch their heroes of the American and National Leagues slug it out on the diamond. For you harness-race fans — Roy

    Shudt, the nation's foremost race call-er, is to guest with Sam Baiter on Thursday night, October 4, over KLAC, on Mr. Balter's 5:45 radio and 6:45 TV shows. Guy Cripper, this year's Ham-bletonian Winner, appears with Tom Harmon on his 5:15 radio show the same day, KNX.


    RADIO Friday, Sept. 28—L.A. Rams vs. N.Y. Giants KMPC, 8:15 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 29—"Game of the Week" KECA, 11:45 a.m.

    USC vs. Camp Pendleton 1:13 p.m. San Diego Navy

    Stanford vs. San Jose KHJ, 1:45 p.m. Idaho vs. U.S.F. KMPC, 1:43 p.m.

    Friday, Sept. 28—Harbor J. C. vs. last Los Angeles KHJ-TV, 8:00 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 29-11th Naval Diet. Football KFMB-TV, 2:00 p.m.

    College of Pacific vs. Loyola Lions.. KNBH, 7:45- p.m. Long Beach J. C. vs. San Mateo KHJ-TV, 8:00 p.m.



    Saturday, Oct. 6—U.C.L.A. vs. Santa Clara at Los Angeles Saturday, Oct. 13—U.S.C. vs. Oregon State at Los Angeles Saturday, Oct. 20—California vs. U.S.C. at Berkeley Saturday, Oct. 27—Washington vs. Stanford at Seattle Saturday, Nov. 3—U.C.L.A. vs. California at Los Angeles Saturday, Nov. 10—U.S.C. vs. Stanford at Los Angeles Saturday, Nov. 17—California vs. Oregon at Berkeley Saturday, Nov. 24—Stanford vs. California at Palo Alto Saturday, Dec. 1—U.S.C. vs. Notre Dame at Los Angeles

    q‘agete, .6**. exe2"*Ce

    By Dorothy Gardiner and Dick Gar-ton, stars of KTLA's "Handy Hints," Monday through Friday, 6:45 p.m.

    Each weex we pick the best Handy Hint sent directly to TV-Radio Life, 6361 Selma Avenue, Hollywood 28, and use it, with your name and address, in this column as well as on the air over KTLA. Friday evening at 6:45. A lovely gift will be sent to everyone whose hint is used here as KTLA-TV-Radio Life Hint of the week.

    Here is this week's winner: Mrs. Lillian Winning, 2322 N. Parish Place, Burbank, Calif.


    FAMILY AND THEY HAVE TO SHARE THE SAME CLOSET, YOU'LL FIND THIS HINT A VERY GOOD IDEA. Just paint half the closet, half the rod and half the hangers in blue and the other half in pink (or naturally you can use any color you wish). But this way there can never be any argu-ment about one person taking up more than half the closet space.

    DID YOU KNOW THAT A SPONGE WILL REMOVE LINT? A rubber sponge, dampened slightly, is espe-cially effective for taking,off lint. Just try it and see. THIS HINT IS FOR THOSE OF YOU

    IN OFFICES THAT HAVE THE CONE-SHAPE PAPER CUPS AT THE WATER COOLER. This hint will enable you to take back the cup and set it on your desk. Take one cup, tear in half and place it upside down, then place the full cup inside the other and you have a little stand for your cup. HERE'S A PRACTICAL WAY TO

    ROAST HOT DOGS, and that's to use your popcorn popper. It's especially convenient when roasting a number of hot dogs at one time, as all sides may be cooked uniformly by tossing them around in the basket while cooking. Also, there's no worry.of them telling into the fire either.

    WHEN YOU GO ON YOUR VACA-TION, HERE'S A WAY TO KEEP YOUR PLANTS WATERED. Cut a strip of soft white cloth about an inch or so wide and two feet long. Put one end of the strip In a pail of water, set slightly above the plant, and bury the other end into soil around the roots of plant. Your watering problem is solved for at least a week.

    Page Seventeen


    For Love o' Mike ( Ge Comment /

    mera I

    Rumors Are Flying . . . "Stop the Music- may become a daytime airshow

    to draw lady listeners to their sets, with Jimmy Blaine, vocalist on the nighttime shows, handling the emcee chores instead of Bert Parks, who seems to have his hands full with the evening "Stop the Music" and "Break the Bank." It'll be adapted for the femme listener with different features from the evening formats.

    Looks Like . . . Gale Gordon, character comedian on the Phil

    Harris-Alice Faye show, is set to carry on his antics for another season, starting with the opener over NBC Sep-tember 30. . . . Joe Stafford is set again to do her Radio Luxembourg disk-jockey show, which is transmitted into Western Europe, North Africa and the Iron Curtain countries under Marshall Plan sponsorship.

    . . . After fourteen years. George V. Denny, Jr., leaves his spot as president of Town Hall, but will continue as moderator of ABC's "America's Town Meeting" on a pro-fessional basis. This comes after a reorganization of Town Hall's board of trustees. . . Edwin C. Hill has been signed by CBS as a steady newscaster for a new fifteen-minute "World News Roundup" to be aired Sun-day afternoon at 4:15. .. . On Frank DeVol's recent trip to Mexico he had to display his talents to convince dis-believing U. S. Customs officials that he had a right to bring seven different instruments into the U. S. from our southern neighbor's territory. Customs men made him play "Dream Awhile" on each of the instruments before letting him go.

    . . . Jeanne Crain joins the long list of movie people who do a stint on "Suspense" with her airer October 1. . . . Eddie "Rochester" Anderson has okayed the first script of a proposed airshow, "Five O'Clock Shadow," written for him by Dick Aurandt. . . . Gale Gordon will go into a new season as "Mayor La Trivia" with Fibber and Molly. . . . KMPC's widowed owner. Mrs. Frances S. Richards, stated in a letter to the FCC that there will be no slanting of the news or bias in handling news or other programs, when and if the FCC renews her ap-plication for a license to operate KMPC. Her late hus-band's news slanting was investigated by the FCC. . . . Bob Hope, Chef Milani and TV wrestler Baron Leone are spearheading a drive September 30 to aid the child war victims of Italy in a War-Mutilated Children of Italy Benefit Festival to be held at Montebello Stadium. Radiomites will also offer their talents to the benefit d