Tenant Impact April 2015

www.wolverhamptonhomes.org.uk WolvesHomes WolvesHomes 01902 556789 YOU TALKED, WE LISTENED TENANT IMPACT


Our Tenant Impact leaflet lets you know how we've improved our services as a result of your involvement.

Transcript of Tenant Impact April 2015

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To stamp out Housing Cheats

You didn’t like the way tenants were stigmatised in the media

We should make sure that new tenants knowthe tenancy rules before they get a property

Energy bills are a big worry

Wolverhampton Homes needs to help tenants affected by Welfare Reform

To build more homes

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YOU TOLD US...to stamp out housing cheats

• Successfully recovered a property through the courts which was being sublet and stopped it from being bought through the Right To Buy.

• Successfully located a tenant, who had moved to the USA leaving a lodger in occupation and obtained a tenancy termination.

• Withdrawn 24 offers of housing due to applicants giving fraudulent information about their circumstances.

• Recovered 37 properties from tenants that had either sublet or were not occupying their tenancy addresses.

• Recovered a total of 220 since the start of the project in 2010.

• Joined forces with 19 other social landlords in the West Midlands to share information to help combat fraud.

In the last 12 months we have:

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YOU TOLD US...you didn’t like the way tenants were stigmatised in the media

In the last three years we have:

• Held three Flair Fairs showing the world that tenants from Wolverhampton Homes are talented and inspirational.

• Impressed the Mander Centre management with the stalls at the four day Flair Fair held in the Mander Centre last November (2014).

• Helped many Flair Fair tenants to start a Facebook or webpage so they can show case their wares.

• Encouraged tenants who took part in Flair Fair to join forces and get advice on setting up a small business (more news on this soon).

• Recognised over 70 tenants for their work to create community spirit, be good neighbours or be inspiration to other tenants at an awards do at the Grand Station in March 2015.

• Taken part in the national #HousingDay campaign to tell positive stories about tenants using social media.

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YOU TOLD US...we should make sure that new tenants know the tenancy rules, know what is expected of them andknow what to expect from us before they get a tenancy.


We have:

• Developed a workshop called “Are you ready” which all new housing applicants must attend before they can bid for a property with Wolverhampton Homes. Until they have been on the session their application is not “made live”.

• “Are you ready” explains what tenants can and can’t do in their tenancy, what their responsibilities are, and what they can expect from Wolverhampton Homes.

This means YOU can be sure that any new neighbours know what the rules are and what is expected from them, before they move in.

• Met around 1000 applicants through the “Are you ready?” scheme.

• Built good relationships with future tenants but also been able to make it clear what could happen to introductory tenants if they breach their tenancy conditions.

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YOU TOLD US...energy bills are a big worry

We have:

• Established an energy wise page on our website go to www.whomes.org.uk/energy

• Set up an energywise Facebook page and Twitter account so that tenants can follow them for tips and ask advice.

• Helped 355 tenants at energy wise surgeries.

• Been to 620 WH homes to help tenants use their energy efficiently.

• Loaned 32 energy monitors so tenants can see exactly how much energy is used by appliances.

• Made hundreds of energy efficiency improvements – see our website or request our booklet “meeting the energy challenge” for more information.

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YOU TOLD US...we need to help tenants affected by Welfare Reform


• Set up a Bank or Budget account

• Move to smaller home

• Get Discretionary Housing Payment

• Access the hardship fund

We now need to make sure thattenants are aware of UniversalCredit and the BIG changes this will have on working age peoplefrom December 2015.

We will be at the Get Togethersand many other events, betweennow and December – if you, or anyone you know, is on benefitsand of working age, PLEASE come and speak to us so that you are able to get ready for thechange to your benefits.

We have made this a priority for the last three years and through ourMoney Smart Team we have helped many tenants to:

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YOU TOLD US...build more homes


We know this is an important priority and Wolverhampton City Council is building 40 new council homes in the city, the first new council homesfor 30 years. Wolverhampton Homes have worked in partnership withWCC and the properties are being let by and will be managed by Wolverhampton Homes.




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