Temple eth Am 2250 entral lvd. Jupiter, FL 33458 (561) 747 ... · 3 PROJECT CHIDUSH Mindy Hanken,...

May 2016 Nisan/Iyar 5776 Published Monthly Vol. 1, Issue No. 192 Temple Beth Am 2250 Central Blvd. Jupiter, FL 33458 (561) 747-1109

Transcript of Temple eth Am 2250 entral lvd. Jupiter, FL 33458 (561) 747 ... · 3 PROJECT CHIDUSH Mindy Hanken,...

May 2016 Nisan/Iyar 5776 Published Monthly Vol. 1, Issue No. 192

Temple Beth Am 2250 Central Blvd. Jupiter, FL 33458 (561) 747-1109



The TBA Annual Congregational Meeting: Sunday May 1 at 9:30am. Vote for your Board of Directors and get updates on our finances, accomplishments, and project Chidush. We need you for a quorum and to vote. Did I forget, light breakfast by Men’s Club will be served = Food, so be there. Congratulations: Paula Deakter and the entire One School staff on their National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) 5-year recertification. Fantastic Efforts = Fantastic School = Fantastic Team. Congratulations: The One School PTO 14th Annual Night Out – The Great Gatsby Gala. Did you know that the PTO raises $25,000-30,000 annually in support of The One School programs and events? The Board thanks you!! Congratulations: TBA was chosen to host the NFTY STR’s LLTI (Liz Leadership Training Institute) of approximately 220 youth group kids from around Florida April 28-30, 2017. This is our first hosting of this event - thanks to our renovation. You will be hearing a lot more in the future as we seek hosts for this great event for our youth. Thank you Alissa Frankel. Chidush – Did You Know:

Thank you Cathy Drourr for arranging for the Jupiter SWAT Team, Town of Jupiter and Police Representatives to visit TBA for discussions on our planned Chidush security measures and updating our Emergency Response Plans (ERP). They were very impressed and pleased with our planned camera and building access restricted controls and offered support on updating our ERP.

At their suggestions you will see some new security signage on our property. The Security of The One School, Religious School children, staff and congregants are obviously very important

to us. The following is a summary of our plans: Single point of Entry/Exit Cohn Family Welcome Center Reception Desk during working hours

Member, visitor Early/Late access will be via a video intercom or restricted code access

The restricted code access to The One School will be enhanced

16 Cameras with extensive recording capability with staff viewing capability

exterior – all playgrounds, parking lots, walk up & drive up entrances

interior – entry/exit video recording

All classrooms will have updated intercom system

Other security measures to enhance protection of our most valuable asset – YOU! Chidush Progress: May & June Plans (check our website for progress pictures): The first Shabbat Services, a wedding and a Bar Mitzvah were held using the temporary Sanctuary Entrance. The Sanctuary will be closed for renovations beginning June 6. Construction on the Education office, new storage area, Silvers Family Social Hall, and the kitchen are the

primary focus. The Chapel will be unavailable for most of 2016. There is signage and with the help of on site security provided by United Special Patrol we will closely monitor

our children and member safety. Our Board member names are always listed in the Scribe – talk to them anytime about your thoughts, suggestions and ideas – our tag line ALL OF US TOGETHER only works if we have YOUR input! Scribe articles are great and contain interesting tidbits about TBA – enjoy them. Call me at 561-222-8350 if you have ANY questions on Chidush or just wish to chat. Email works also: [email protected]. B’Shalom, Mark Slifkin


PROJECT CHIDUSH Mindy Hanken, Capital Campaign Consultant

Temple Beth Am needs Chidush and we need you. Contribute today! Dedication opportunities are available for pledges starting at $1,800. Pledges are payable over 5 years.

We deeply appreciate the generous donors who have contributed to Chidush. For more information and to make your contribution to Chidush, please contact Mindy Hanken, Capital Campaign Consultant, at 561.747.1109 or by email at [email protected].

Chidush Donors (as of April 13, 2016):

$500,000 Ed and Leah Frankel

$100,000 to $249,999 Cubby Steinhart The Cohn Family Milton and Tamar Maltz Jerry and Robin Silvers Alec and Dotty Wisch

$75,000 to $99,999 Peter and Irma Meyer

$50,000 to $74,999 Eric and Krista Alterman Michael and Kathy Azeez Howard and Emily Bromberg Harold and Laney Becker Temple Beth Am Preschool PTO

$36,000 to $49,999 Mark and Arline Slifkin

$25,000 to $35,999 David and Barbara Levy Hal and Debbie Baseman Bob and Zelda Cohen Bruce and Maureen Cohen Herbert and Phyllis Cohen David and Mindy Cox Ross and Susan Federgreen Brian and Andrea Hass Brian and Esther LaBovick The Roosth Family Norman and Ruth Stavisky Anonymous

$18,000 to $24,999 Diane Sosman TBA’s Men’s Club Scott and Melissa Berman Nathaniel and Catherine Drourr Allen and Suzan Fox Alex and Sarrie Katz Rabbi Alon and Gali Levkovitz David and Mary Rosenberg Joel Weinstein and Gladys Gottlieb

$10,000 to $17,999 The Smith Family David and Mary Elias Jack and Bobby (z’’l) Barr Gary Colton Ira and Kim Fialkow Leila Graceman Gary & Tracie Krieger Andrew and Stacy Kushner Jeff Lichterman Jody Minde Len Rubin and Julie Littky-Rubin Charles and Joan Tager Joel Tancer and Nancy Breitbarth Leona Usher Alberto and Ellen Vargas Anonymous

$5,000 to $9,999 Sisterhood of TBA Art and Sandy Bobrow Steve and Jill Fried Jon Gilbert and Fran Sachs Suzanne Holmes Larry and Sheila Levine Charlie Madanick Lew and Jen Minsky Marsha Orandle Jeff and Martha Satinoff Allen and Esther Schultz Jon and Amy Shainman Anthony and Stephanie Shaya Ellis “Brud” and Jeanne Tarsches Craig and Amy Vogel Greg and Bettina Weiss Anonymous x2

$3,600 to $4,999 The Blatt Family Carol Carswell Win and Lenore Gerson Paul and Amy Giamboi Herb and Marge Gildenhorn Bob and Nanci Hochman Elliot and Jan Hochman The Kissil Family David and Myrna Leven

Bradley & Anna Roffer Harriet Vogel and Joe Isenstein John and Renee Weisman Jason and Jax Weisser Anonymous x2

$1,800 to $3,599 Harmon and Lorraine Garfinkel Ken and Caryn Meinbach Jeffrey and Stacy Miller Dan and Carole Myerson Roger and Marcia Beutner Steve and Marilyn Carp Ron and Phyllis Shaw Richard and Nina Golub Matthew and Ruth Rosenberg Ed and Cathy Yonkers Murry and Myrna Abramowitz Jose Alvarez and Carole Levine Gilbert and Doreen Bassin Stan and Diane Belsky Robert and Brenda Brodows David and Gladys Chleck Lee and Melissa Cohen Howard and Sheila Debs Sandy and Lois Edelstein Ted and Maxine Essinger Joe and Phyllis Frydman The Gans Family Bob and Rosalie Grass David and Jackie Halderman Sharon Holinstat Dori Kiken Don and Jo Klein Marsha Levinson Charlie and Maril Levy Ilya and Diana Lioznyansky David Miller Leonard and Beverly Pace Bill and Lois Prokocimer Don and Harriet Schaffer Harvey and Rita Silverman Marshall and Laurel Teitelbaum Jack and CK Tenenbaum Bernice Weiss The Weiss/Dwork Family Anonymous x3








Thanks to everyone who attended the April Book Club Meeting. Edie Wolf led our interesting and enjoyable discussion of Boston Girl by Anita Diamant. The TBA Book Club is continuing over the summer. Our next meeting is on Monday, June 6th at 10:00am at the Temple when we will be discussing The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro: Kazuo Ishiguro's classic ‘Is a profoundly compelling portrait of the perfect English butler and of his fading, insular world postwar England. At the end of his three decades of service at Darlington Hall, Stevens embarks on a country drive, during which he looks back over his career to reassure himself that he has served humanity by serving “a great gentleman.” But lurking in his memory are doubts about the true nature of Lord Darlington’s “greatness” and graver doubts about his own faith in the man he served. A tragic, spiritual portrait of a perfect English butler and his reaction to his fading insular world in post-war England. A wonderful, wonderful book.’ After our book discussion we will be having lunch at Berry Fresh Café, 3755 Military Trail, at Frederick Small Road. For the summer session, please RSVP ([email protected] or 561-744-3010) and let me know whether you are planning to come to the book discussion AND if you plan to join us for lunch afterwards. Information about the books we will be reading for our meetings July 11th and August 1st has been sent out. If you have not received this list, please let me know. Thanks. CK

Our volunteers serve hot, healthy dinners to the needy at St. George's Episcopal Church, in Riviera Beach, the 3rd Monday evening of every month. The meals are prepared in the kitchen at Temple Beth Am on that Monday afternoon. We would like to thank our March and April volunteers for all their kindness and hard work! John Marzina, Richard Remick, Ralph Van Baalen, Nancy Breitbarth, Bob Feller, Audrey Ades, Lisa Blatt, Keren Blatt, Asher Blatt, Lois Prokocimer, Bill Prokocimer, Marcy Morris and Michael Kenna. If you can't volunteer on Monday nights...but would like to help, please drop off boxes of penne pasta or elbow macaroni (no substitutions) one week before the 3rd Monday of the month to the Temple. Our next Soup Kitchen will be May 16, 5:00pm to 6:30pm. If you would like to volunteer, contact Lauren Weinstein at [email protected] or Eric Weiner at [email protected] Lauren Weinstein & Eric Weiner



Jack Tenenbaum, President

Yizkor Services are done 4 times a year: the last day of Passover, Shavuot, Yom Kippur and Shemini Atzeret. This special Service is our way of remembering and praying for our departed loved ones. The Yizkor prayers are only permitted to be recited in the presence of others, in a community of other Jews. If you have loved ones who have passed away and you wish to say Yizkor for them, then please join us on April 29th for this Service.

MORNING SERVICE WITH YIZKOR: Last Day of Passover Friday, April 29, 2016 at 10:00am

April was seemingly an uneventful month, in that the Men's Club sponsored no major events. However, that does not mean that there has been no activity. The Men's Club during April was more like a duck, apparently floating serenely, but working like crazy below the surface. We are, in conjunction with the Temple and the Sisterhood, planning activities for the 2016 – 2017 year, and looking at new and different activities for the next few years. We hope to offer the TBA community interesting, fun, and informative activities, including some we currently sponsor and new ones as well. May will be a fairly busy month for the Men's Club:

On Sunday, May 1, Men's Club volunteers will be preparing and serving the buffet breakfast (lox, bagels, cream cheese, etc.) during the Temple's Annual Congregational Meeting.

On Friday, May 13, members of the Men's Club will be barbecuing and serving hotdogs, chicken, etc. for those participating in the annual Yom HaAtzmaut, Israel Independence Day, Celebration and Shabbat Service. The Service will take place on the beach and the barbeque will be in the Pavilion on Marcinski Road and A-1-A. Services start at 5:30pm, and dinner will follow.

This summer, from May through August, the Men's Club and Sisterhood will once again be sponsoring dining out events, at various restaurants on a monthly basis. The usual format will be used, order what you want to, then pay for it. As we did last year, we see these dining outs to be opportunities for members of the congregation to get together and enjoy each other's company. Look for announcements in the Scribe, weekly emails from the Temple, and Friday night announcements. We are also planning a trip to a Marlins' game that will include tickets and transportation. It will be very much like the trip that we took to see a Dolphins' game last fall. A tour type bus will pick us up from the Temple Beth Am parking lot, take us to the game where we have seats in a block, and then take us back to the Temple. Because there are many more baseball games during the season, our choices are increased. We will pick the best game available, and announce the opportunity this summer. Watch for details in the Scribe and in the weekly email blasts, Friday night announcements, and flyers in the Temple lobby. In addition, our chartered fishing trips will once again begin and run through the summer. The first fishing trip will take place in the latter part of this month (May). Again, watch the announcements and the Wednesday e-mails for details. For this fall, the Men's Club plans to have a speaker from the League of Women Voters to explain the various amendments that are slated to be on the ballot, not candidates. If you have comments or suggestions, please feel free to call me at (561) 744–3010, or email me at: [email protected]. Jack Tenenbaum, President




100 WOMEN WHO CARE meets at Temple Beth Am May 10th at 5:00pm

Do you know of a local not-for-profit that could use $10,000?

With a commitment of just 4 hours/year and a quarterly donation of $100 per member, "100 Women Who

Care” donates $10,000 every 3 months to local groups that make a positive difference in our community.

We are a secular organization and welcome everyone to join us.

Please contact Audrey Ades for more information ([email protected]).



In the news this past month, were articles about Secretary of State John Kerry’s emotional response when he visited Hiroshima, Japan. That got me thinking about how we Baby Boomers, those born the year the bomb was dropped, have experienced so many “mind-boggling” changes in our lifetime. Here is a run down, not necessarily in order: Atom bomb, end of WWll, establishment of the State of Israel, Korean War, first Catholic president, Cuban Revolution, a president assassinated, Vietnam War, integration and the Civil Rights marches, Medicare and Medicaid, moon landing, a president resigns, first unelected president, terrorism on airplanes, Reagonomics, televised impeachment hearings, the Supreme Court selects the president, Gulf Wars, Hurricane Katrina, and our first African-American president. Now... that's a lot of heavy duty life experiences! Your Sisterhood Board is currently working to firm up Sisterhood's calendar of events for July 2016 - June 2017. As soon as the dates are all finalized with Carol Sleeper and the staff, we will distribute copies. This year, we will be holding regularly scheduled, open, monthly Board meetings at TBA and you are invited and encouraged to attend. We want your input, and need your help with myriad programs, activities, and events. As soon as we confirm the monthly meeting day and time, we'll share the information with you. This July, we are offering a unique, 3-session program for women aged 60 and older, developed by the founders of the Arise Foundation. Topics are: 1) Happiness and the Power of a Smile; 2) Positive Mental Attitude is Critical for Optimism, Contentment, and Longevity; and 3) Happiness Through Gratitude. These discussion groups will meet on Thursdays, July 14, 21, and 28 from 1:00pm-2:30pm. Each session is limited to only 15 participants, and will be 90 minutes long. You may sign up for any one, two, or all three sessions. There is no charge to participate, but there is a $5.00 per session fee for refreshments. To sign up, use the flyer you will find in the June issue of the Scribe. In late May or early June, you will receive in the mail your invitation to join Sisterhood for the coming year (effective July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017). Please complete the membership form, and remit with your dues check ASAP. This past year, we were 125 members strong and enjoyed lots of fabulous activities and programs. Let's keep laughing, playing, working, and learning together. If you have not yet received a copy of your “for-members-only” 2016 Sisterhood Directory, please contact Maril Levy: [email protected] or 249-6046. Maril will bring copies of the directory to the TBA Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, May 1 at 9:30am, so you can get your copy then, if you'd like. Sisterhood is sponsoring an evening at the Maltz Jupiter Theatre, for a one-night only performance of The Bronx Wanderers, on Saturday, Feb. 4, 2017 at 8:00pm. Tickets are $45 per person, with checks made payable to Maltz Jupiter Theatre. Bring your friends and family too. Your form and check must be delivered to TBA (attention Carole Levine) by Sunday, May 1 so Carole can place the group order on Monday, May 2. No requests can be accepted by Sisterhood after May 1, so don't forget! You may bring your order form and check to the TBA Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday morning, May 1. Questions? Contact Carole Levine: [email protected] or 748-9122. Order forms are in this issue of the Scribe and will also be available at the Annual Congregational Meeting. Here's contact info for your Sisterhood Board for 2016-2017. Please don't hesitate to contact any one of us if you've got questions, concerns, ideas, suggestions or would simply like to help. Debbie Schmidt: 789-0044 Sue Freedland: 627-7286 Carole Levine: 748-9122 Lois Remick: 627-7736 Judy Goldstein: 747-3888 Maril Levy: 249-6046 Sharon Rosen: 371-3321 Nanci Hochman: 775-0801 Linda Wolfe: 406-2048 Happy Mother's Day to our Sisters! Kulanu! Lois






TBA has joined efforts with other local clergy in Jupiter and Tequesta to secure a location for a much needed Food Pantry. The current pantry, Store House Food Pantry, is located at 430 Center Street in Jupiter. It has been solely operated by the Christian Family Church one day a week (Sundays from 11:45am- 1:00pm) but will soon be expanding its days and hours to serve even more of our most needy neighbors right here in our community. The Food Pantry has refrigeration, freezers and plenty of storage.



1) Ongoing food collection will be located at TBA where you can donate the following: Canned meats (preferably flip top lids) Jelly

Cereal Prepackaged "add in" meals (ie: Pastaroni)

Pasta Tomato sauces Toiletries (toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, razors) Soups

2) Volunteer a few hours a week or even once a month: Pick up or drop off food Work in the Food Pantry during hours of operation Help sort the donated food and organize them onto the shelves

3) Monetary Donations: Temple Beth Am’s Schafler Family Food & Emergency Fund collects ongoing donations that go directly

to the Food Pantry to improve the current facility and to purchase food from co-ops that will sell food at a tremendous discount.


Robin Schafler at [email protected] or Marcy Isdaner at [email protected]



Another project we are involved with is Pinnacle Kids; a non-profit to help fill the hunger gap at schools with a "poor" population. Through this program we will be supplying health bars to teachers so they can supplement the nutritional needs of children who appear hungry and lethargic due to a lack of food. We are asking for boxes of health bars to distribute to teachers in underprivileged neighborhoods for these undernourished children.  IT TAKES A VILLAGE TO HELP AND WE ARE REACHING OUT TO OUR TEMPLE COMMUNITY TO MAKE OUR SOCIAL ACTION ENDEAVORS A SUCCESS. PLEASE BE INVOLVED AND HELP WITH





Support Temple Beth Am by

shopping on Amazon Smile!

Do you like to shop Amazon online? Want to support TBA? Go to the link below to learn more about Amazon Smile, a program that allows you to support your favorite organizations by shopping - at no additional cost to you!

To support Temple, simply:

1. Go to https://smile.amazon.com

2. Search: Reform Temple of Jupiter-Tequesta

3. Select it

4. Shop

5. Support us!


Mondays, May 9 & 23 at 11:00am

For more information, contact Leona Usher: 561-694-0290 or lju561@gmail;com



Wednesdays at 12:45pm

Cracks, Bams, and Dots!

Oh, my!

Interested in joining a Mah Jongg Club here at Temple?

Call Dotty Wisch at 746-7017 or email

[email protected], or call Toby Zeichner at 745-0395.



Need a Ride? If you need a ride to or from Friday night Services please contact the Temple office by Tuesday morning prior and we’ll see if there are any volunteers that can pick you up. Please remember that arrangements must be made at least four days in advance. Provide a Ride Volunteer drivers are needed to drive our senior members who would not otherwise be able to get to Shabbat Services. If you’d like to volunteer to be one of the mensches who provides rides for Friday Shabbat Services, please give the Temple office a call to sign up to be a volunteer.




Feb. 4, 11, 18 & 25

May 20 at 6:15pm

May 27 at 6:30pm

May 5, 12, 19 & 26

6:30pm Pre-Shabbat Song Session with Rabbinic Intern Brett Tancer

7:00pm Shabbat Service with Torah Reading

and Birthday Blessings





You survived another Passover Seder with the aunts, uncles, cousins, and in-laws and now it’s time to celebrate….well almost time. On the second night of Passover we begin counting the Omer, the 49 day period between Passover and Shavuot. Omer refers to the offering of barley that was brought to the Temple on the 2nd day, and the biblical commandment to count off seven weeks from the time of the offering. Traditionally the Omer period was a time of mourning in memory of the plague which killed thousands of Rabbi Akiva’s students, and festivals were forbidden– all except one day! On the 33rd day of the Omer, legend tells us that the plague ceased and it was a time of great joy. This year the 33rd day, known as Lag B’Omer is May 25. In honor of this minor but festive holiday, HaMakom is having a Family Fun Day on Sunday May 22, from 10:00am-1:00pm. This day will include outdoor activities for the entir e family, with water games, bbq lunch, DIY camp care packages, teacher appreciation, and fun surprises! What surprises? Ok, I’ll give you a hint about one: in Israel it has become tradition to celebrate with bonfires, and field days; here in Florida we can’t make fire–and frankly it’s already hot enough, perfect condition for frozen s’mores! Find out what else we have in store when you join us as we say goodbye school year, hello summer, and happy Lag B’Omer!


THE ONE SCHOOL Paula Deakter, Early Childhood Director






We are proud and honored to announce that our daughter, Hannah Rose, will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on May 21, 2016. Hannah is a 7th grade honor student and Vocal major at Bak Middle School of the Arts. Hannah has always loved to sing and began at age 5, as a member of Temple Beth Am’s own Cantor’s Chantors, where her passion for singing blossomed. In addition to singing, Hannah is an avid animal lover. She volunteers every summer at C7 Ranch in Hahira, GA where she helps to teach young children how to care for and ride Florida Cracker Horses. For her mitzvah project, Hannah is volunteering at My Sensory Space’s Zen Den. The Zen Den is a Multi-Sensory Environment for children with Autism and Special Needs. Hannah is responsible for assisting each child during their one hour session

by helping them to play, interact and socialize. Hannah is a very compassionate person and this is an amazing opportunity for her to not only bring joy but to gain it as well. She is honored to be part of this amazing company. We are very grateful to Rabbi Alon, Brett Tancer, Cantor Jessica, David Sherman, and Hannah's Religious School teachers at Temple Beth Am for all of their help in preparing Hannah for this incredible day. We are looking forward to celebrating with all our family, friends and congregants on May 21st. As parents, we are extremely proud of Hannah, especially in her attitude towards her friends and family, where she practices a level of kindness not often found in adults, much less children. She is well on her way to leading a life of achievement, service, love and joy. We love her very much. Marcey, Michael and Joshua Murray


Julia is an honor student at Bak Middle School of the Arts. At Bak she is a strings major and plays the viola. She is also a member of the North Palm Beach swim team and recently competed in the Florida Gold Coast Junior Olympics. In her free time she loves baking and volunteering at The Big and Little Dog Ranch. For her mitzvah project she has created her own healthy dog treats and has been selling them. All the proceeds will go to The Big Dog Ranch which soon will become the biggest no kill shelter in the United States. We are so proud of what a wonderful person you are becoming. Mazel Tov! Love, Mom, Dad and Ben


Mazel Tov to Debbie & Hal Baseman on the marriage of their son Mark to Samantha Cox.

Congratulations to Mort Wexler, 91 year old blind golfer, who made a hole-in-one on the 1st tee golf course on March 17th.

Congratulations to David Colton on being named to the 2nd team All-Conference Wrestling team,

taking 3rd place in the District tournament and having 21 wins in his freshman varsity wrestling season.

. Congratulations to Enid Kaufman who has been nominated for the Harold Grinspoon Foundation

(HGF) Award for Excellence in Jewish Education.

Congratulations to our One School teacher Jen Shaver who was interviewed and videotaped for a video to be shown at the Friedman CJE’s Annual Meeting.

Mazel Tov to Lindsay & Matthew Hirsch & family on the birth of their twins,

Hudson James and Lillian Sarah.

Mazel Tov to Toby & Chet Zeichner on their granddaughter Hailee Zeichner’s graduation from the University of Miami and her acceptance into Texas’ Baylor University Law School with a full

scholarship and their grandson Steffen Zeichner’s graduation from University of Miami with a PhD in Performance Violin.


Bob & Ilyse Karwoski

from Wellingon


Please give the office a call and let us know when you are planning on leaving

and planning on coming back.

We would also like your up north address and phone number so we can keep in




MAY YAHRZEITS * Memorial Plaque

May 1 - May 7 (read on May 6) Ethel Robbin: Mother of Emily Bromberg Max Sandler: Father of Emile Sandler Frances Volner: Mother of Mary-Ann Siegel Irene Palumbo: Mother of Carol Mahramus Richard Brautigam*: Brother-in-law of Judy Bloom Mark Cohen: Father of Bruce Cohen Milton Flamm*: Friend of the Congregation Nathan Kaminsky: Father of Lillian Wasserman & Grandfather of Sara Ward Dr. Joseph A. Lane: Father of Matthew Lane Sally Miller*: Mother of Bob Miller Milton Oshins: Husband of Carole Levine Victor Ruben: Father of Rene Friedman & Grandfather of Ron Friedman Hyman Sandler: Father-in-law of Linda Sandler Sophie Schwartz: Mother of Leon Schwartz & Grandmother of Madeline Morris Harold Weinberg: Father of Barry Weinberg Betty Weinstein: Mother of Gladys Gottlieb Richard Levinson: Husband of Marsha Levinson & Father of Barry Levinson Alice Madanick: Mother of Charlie Madanick Oscar Rosenberg*: Father of David Rosenberg Deborah Jacob: Mother of Albert Jacob Theresa Lange: Mother of Evelyn Maltman William Levin: Father of Maxine Essinger Harriet Moran: Sister of Roz Gitlitz & Aunt of Dena Gitlitz Laura Nason: Mother of Mickey Berman Irving Warmstein: Stepfather of Jonathan Rubin David Hollander: Father of Phyllis Shaw Morris Isenstein: Father of Joseph Isenstein R. Mitchell Lewis: Father of Sally Heims Salomon Sabbah: Father of Joyce Drew Katherine Schwartz: Grandmother of Harriet Schaffer Joseph Wexler: Father of Mort Wexler Kathryn C. Yorty: Mother of Louise K Baumholtz Charles Lewis: Father of Carla Lewis Zelda Meshil: Mother of Joseph Meshil Sarah Sandler: Mother of Emile Sandler

May 8 - May 14 (read on May 13) Esther Borenstein: Mother of Phyllis Fierman Ruth Greenbaum: Mother of Rhea Exizian Marion Hollander: Mother of Phyllis Shaw Faigle Kaminsky: Mother of Lillian Wasserman & Grandmother of Sara Ward Marc Silverberg*: Son of Alan & Pat Silverberg Bobby Barr: Wife of Jack Barr Richard Levy: Father of David Levy Ray London*: Mother of Gwen Tanner, Grandmother of Robin Silvers & Great-Grandmother of Jason Silvers Maria Nixonsohn: Grandmother of Naomi Goldberg Maxwell J. Goldberg*: Husband of Shirley Goldberg Louis Rand*: Father of Enid Lewis Bernice Schafler: Mother of Alan Schafler Aaron Tarsches: Father of Brud Tarsches Bernard Cohen: Father of Mitchell Cohen Dr. Joseph S. Friedman: Father of David Friedman

May 8 - May 14 (read on May 13) (cont.) Maurice Friedman: Father-in-law of Rene Friedman & Grandfather of Ronald Friedman Carl Frumin*: Relative of Esther Hartman Reuben Gilbert: Father of Marjorie Wolfson Sidney Hilcoff: Father of Stephan Hilcoff Jack Kiken: Father of Dori Kiken Vincent Palumbo: Father of Carol Mahramus Freda Price: Mother of Nanci Hochman Pearle Moscowitz Feinman: Mother of Audri Schiller Molly Lebit: Mother of Joyce Ageloff Miriam "Nelly" Matziliah: Mother of Lilian Jordan & Grandmother of Melisa Soule Carl Newman: Father of Joseph Newman Lena Rosuck*: Aunt of Alberta Volk Tillie Sandler: Grandmother of Emile Sandler Abraham Bert Hibel: Grandfather of Andrew Plotkin Beverly Manoff: Mother of Stuart Manoff James Moore: Father of Korleen Cooley Charles Silvers*: Father of Jerry Silvers & Grandfather of Jason Silvers May 15 - May 21 (read on May 20) Robert Brody: Uncle of Rachel Brody Arthur Levin: Father of Howie Levin Betty Foley: Former Mother-in-Law of Linda Posner Abraham Greitzer: Grandfather of Emile Sandler Barry Minde*: Husband of Jody Minde Estelle Siegel: Mother of Morton Siegel Sarah Wolfe*: Mother-in-law of Mark Lemelman Harry Harr: Grandfather of Rosalie Grass Gertrude Horowitz: Grandmother of Joel Engelhardt Irwin McDaniel: Father of Jean Aronson David Orandle*: Husband of Marsha Orandle Dr. Hyman Roosth*: Husband of Elinor Roosth & Father of Kenneth Roosth Lou Weinstein: Father of Marge Gildenhorn & Grandfather of Cheryl Baldwin Samuel Levine: Father of Carole Levine Irma Sherman: Mother of David Sherman Anna Druck: Mother of Norma Schattner Samuel Becker: Father of Harold Becker Jenny Rabinowitz: Relative of Gali Levkovitz Allen Weisman: Father of John Weisman May 22 - May 28 (read on May 27) Howard Carswell: Husband of Carol Carswell Sadie Gordon: Mother of Ruth Stavisky Teresa Moncarz: Mother-in-law of Seth Honowitz Eve Prokocimer: Mother of William Prokocimer Abe Weinstein: Father of Gladys Gottlieb Harry Buan: Father of Annette Zigelsky Jean Eisenberg: Mother of Natalie Siegel Max Hochman: Father of Ed & Elliot Hochman Melvin Marks: Son-in-law of Ruth Dubrowin Florence Newell Solomont: Mother of Edie Wolf Helen Becker: Mother of Nina Nemerofsky & Grandmother of Tracy Nemerofsky


May 22 - May 28 (read on May 27) (cont.) Eva Orandle: Mother-in-law of Marsha Orandle Leonard Sollo: Father of Harriet Schaffer Ada Finkelstein: Grandfather of Emily Cooper Ruth Gulko*: Mother of Jackie Halderman Saul Meissler: Son of Bobbie Meissler Abraham Weiner: Brother of Jerry Weiner Michael D. Yonkers*: Son of Ed & Cathy Yonkers Alvin Gitlitz: Husband of Roz Gitlitz & Father of Dena Gitlitz Donald Lines: Brother of Jo Smith Lee Shade*: Brother of Nada Imbriale Norman (Dick) Franklin: Stepfather of Bruce Cohen Mark Silver*: Father of Stanley Silver Isabel Bogner Ainbender: Aunt of Amy Pepper Samuel Yale Brass: Grandfather of Andrea Rosenberg Tracy Kreisberg: Daughter of Esther Stillman Gertrude Raine: Mother of Carol Sherman Irene Schenkler: Cousin of Edie Kaplan Dorothy Weinstein: Mother of Joel Weinstein

MAY YAHRZEITS * Memorial Plaque MAY YAHRZEITS * Memorial Plaque

May 29 - June 4 (read on June 3) Ronald Frydman: Brother of Joseph Frydman Nettie Hardt: Sister of Mort Wexler Emmy LeVasseur: Sister of Paul Tischler Ruth T. Snell*: Wife of Hy Snell Milton Mohl: Father of Mim Davis Rachel Sollo: Mother of Harriet Schaffer Samuel Sommers: Father of Elaine Kaufman Selma G. Yonkers: Mother of Ed Yonkers Seymour Plawsky: Brother of Lorraine Garfinkel Beatrice Yerkes: Mother of Suzan Fox Dorothy Bernstein: Wife of Max Bernstein Minnie Block: Mother of Linda Kay Elizabeth Goldstein: Grandmother of Jana Taylor Meyer Siegel: Father of Hal Siegel Mae Gerstein*: Mother of Edward Gerstein J. Gerald Lewis*: Father of Bob Lewis Fannie Newman: Mother of Alan Newman Benjamin Schafer: Father of Ruth Schiffer Harry Bogner: Grandfather of Amy Pepper


Gali Levkovitz & family on the loss of her father, Israel Ettner.

Gali Levkovitz & family on the loss of her

grandmother, Emilia Ettner.

Mel Grossman and family on the loss of his uncle and to Melanie Goldsobel and

family on the loss of her great-uncle, Jerry Sachnoff.

Sheila Debs & family on the loss of her

brother, Norman Goldberg.

Ilan Hurvitz & family on the loss of his mother, Joyce Hurvitz.

May God send comfort to those in mourning.



Camp Coleman Janet & Barry Roffer-in honor of Brad Roffer & Anna Healy’s marriage Melanie Goldsobel & family-in memory of Gali Levkovitz’ father, Israel Ettner Jeanne & Brud Tarsches-in memory of Gali Levkovitz’ father, Israel Ettner Jan Hochman-in memory of Seymour Provus

Caring Community Lois Edelstein-in memory of John Sack Minsky Family-in memory of Gali Levkovitz’ father, Israel Ettner Lois & Sandy Edelstein-in memory of Gali Levkovitz’ father, Israel Ettner Flower Fund Carrie & Jonathan Pincus-in honor of their son Noah becoming a Bar Mitzvah Roseann & Marc Cherenson-in honor of their son Adam becoming a Bar Mitzvah Bari & Randy Levitt-in honor of their son Ethan becoming a Bar Mitzvah

General Fund Molly & Al Stewart-in memory of Alan Stewart Shirley Goldberg-in memory of B. Louis Blumberg Jan Pollitt-in memory of Augusta Svensson Johnsson Clifford Judy Pincus-in memory of Helen Sacks Biebel, Ceil Pincus & William Biebel Bobbie Meissler-in memory of Saul Lindenbaum Margot & Paul Hauser-wishing Debbie & Hal Baseman mazel tov on their son Mark’s marriage to Samantha Cox Tammy, Jeff, Lagahn & Hayden Webber-in memory of Jerry Holinstat Robert Greene-in memory of Lola Greene Leona Holland-in memory of Esther Mograbi Carol & Forrest Sleeper-wishing mazel tov to Debbie & Hal Baseman on the marriage of their son Mark to Samantha Cox. Carol & Forrest Sleeper-congratulations to Jody Minde on her new home Carol & Forrest Sleeper-congratulations to Sharon Holinstat on her new home Carol & Forrest Sleeper-mazel tov to Anna Healy & Brad Roffer on their marriage Carol & Forrest Sleeper-in memory of Gali Levkovitz’ father, Israel Ettner Margot & Paul Hauser-in memory of Gali Levkovitz’ father, Israel Ettner Lenore & Win Gerson-in memory of Gali Levkovitz’ father, Israel Ettner Tammy & Jeff Webber-in memory of Sam Feingold Rosalie & Bob Grass-in memory of Gali Levkovitz’ father, Israel Ettner Diane Sosman-in memory of Gali Levkovitz’ father, Israel Ettner Joan & Charles Tager-in memory of Gali Levkovitz’ father, Israel Ettner

General Donation (cont.) Emily & Frank Bukow-in memory of Gali Levkovitz’ father, Israel Ettner Karen & Bob Feller-sending wedding congratulations to Brad & Anna Roffer High Holy Days Prayer Books Stacey Runfola-in memory of her husband Richard Runfola Shirley Goldberg-in memory of B. Louis Blumberg Ross Federgreen (2 books)-in memory of Irving Federgreen Brian Dennis-in memory of his mother, Phyllis Dennis Jackie Baseman (3 books) - in memory of Harvey Baseman Irwin Gerson-in memory of Leon Gerson Joetta Schneider-in memory of Zach Schneider Joetta Schneider-in memory of Irving Fishbein Joel Klausner-in memory of Rebecca Klausner Linda & Mel Wolfe-in memory of Gali Levkovitz’ father, Israel Ettner Lenore & Win Gerson-in memory of Lenny Sack Linda & Harold Kay-in memory of Lenny Sack Mortgage Elimination Fund Sally Siegel-in memory of Sadie Siegel Carol Carswell-wishing Debbie & Hal Baseman mazel tov on their son Mark’s marriage to Samantha Cox Carol Carswell-wishing Evelyn Slotkin best wishes for a speedy recovery Mah Jongg Group-in appreciation Robin Silvers-in memory of Alvin London Marilyn & Nate Finkel-in honor of the birthdays of William Levier, Dave Jacobs & Flora Ketzky Marilyn & Nate Finkel-in memory of Mary Finkel Richard Remick-in memory of Benjamin Remick Carole & Daniel Myerson-in memory of Tania Myerson Music Fund Howard Kaplan-in memory of Blanche Kaplan Carol Carswell-wishing Sharon Holinstat much happiness in her new home Janet Dwork-in memory of Sylvia Rothenberg Nina Golub-in memory of her father, Zev Margouliss Marge & Herb Gildenhorn-in memory of Gali Levkovitz’ father, Israel Ettner Evelyn Slotkin-in memory of Harry Kroll Sharon Bennett-in memory of Ruth Cass




Project Chidush Donations Charlotte & Irving Markowitz Al Cohen-in memory of Annie Cohen Eileen & Stan Elias-in honor of Mary & David Elias in appreciation for the Elias Reunion Wendy & Barry Cohn, Liz & Brian Cohn-in memory of Ilan Hurvitz’s mother, Joyce Hurvitz Karen & Bob Feller-wishing mazel tov to Jody Minde & Sharon Holinstat on moving into their new homes Karen & Bob Feller-wishing congratulations to Debbie & Hal Baseman on the marriage of their son Mark to Samantha Cox Karen & Bob Feller-wishing congratulations to Evelyn Slotkin on the occasion of her 80th birthday Karen & Bob Feller-wishing congratulations to Maureen & Bruce Cohen and family on the engagement of their daughter, Laura Karen & Bob Feller-in memory of Gali Levkovitz’ father, Israel Ettner Molly & Al Cohen-in memory of Gali Levkovitz’ father, Israel Ettner Gladys Gottlieb & Joel Weinstein-wishing mazel tov to Carol Carswell, Ted Essinger, Karen Feller, Carol Sleeper & Arline Slifkin on their B’nei Mitzvah Sharon Holinstat-in memory of Gali Levkovitz’ father, Israel Ettner Gladys Gottlieb-in memory of her parents, Betty & Abe Weinstein Joel Weinstein-in memory of his parents, Dorothy & Morris Weinstein Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Maxine Essinger-in memory of Harry Kinkulkin Sharon Holinstat-in memory of Jerry Holinstat and Sam Feingold Carol Sherman-in memory of Lloyd Raine Norman Stavisky-in memory of Max Stavisky Sally Siegel-in memory of William Siegel Carol Carswell-wishing Jody Minde much happiness in her new home Peter Meyer-in memory of Carolyn B. Meyer Janet Dwork-in memory of Ruth Weiss Frank Seidman-in memory of Joshua Isaac Seidman Craig Vogel-in memory of Joanne Weiss Maxine Essinger-in memory of Marshall D. Levin & Sonya Levine Barry Weinberg-in memory of Edith Weinberg Jan Pollitt-in memory of her mother Mary Johnson Woods Arline & Mark Slifkin-in memory of Gali Levkovitz’ father, Israel Ettner Arline & Mark Slifkin-in honor of Mark Baseman’s marriage to Samantha Cox Arline & Mark Slifkin-in honor of the marriage of Anna Brigid Healy to Brad Roffer

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund (cont.) Marilyn & Steve Carp-in memory of Lynne Rene Hamstra Elinor Roosth-in memory of Freda Marks Carol Carswell-in memory of Gali Levkovitz’ father, Israel Ettner Lois & Bill Prokocimer-in memory of Gali Levkovitz’ father, Israel Ettner Sue & Dan Freedland-in memory of Gali Levkovitz’ father, Israel Ettner Ruth & Norman Stavisky-in memory of Gali Levkovitz’ father, Israel Ettner Jackie & David Halderman-in memory of Jackie’s mother, Ruth Gulko Jackie & David Halderman-in memory of Gali Levkovitz’ father, Israel Ettner Rabbi’s Education & Programming Fund Wendy & Barry Cohn Liz & Brian Cohn Anna & Brad Roffer-in memory of Gali Levkovitz’ father, Israel Ettner Marsha Levinson-in memory of Gali Levkovitz’ father, Israel Ettner Tammy & Jeff Webber-in memory of Gali Levkovitz’ father, Israel Ettner Debbie & Hal Baseman-in memory of Gali Levkovitz’ father, Israel Ettner Maxine & Ted Essinger-in memory of Gali Levkovitz’ father, Israel Ettner Charlie Madanick-in memory of Gali Levkovitz’ father, Israel Ettner Sharon Bennett-in memory of Ruth Cass Linda & Harold Kay-in memory of Gali Levkovitz’ father, Israel Ettner

Religious School Fund Morton Zigelsky-in memory of Jackie Zigelsky Carol Carswell-in honor of the wedding of Anna Healy & Brad Roffer

Social Action Fund Sally Siegel-in memory of Yitzchak Fishbein Jennifer Burjan-in memory of Lynda Kay Nina Gelman-in memory of Herbert Glabman The One School Fund Jessi Rubenstein-in memory of Lillian Harr Lois & Richard Remick-in memory of Gali Levkovitz’ father, Israel Ettner


May 2016 Calendar subject to change. Check our website at www.templebetham.com for updates.

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 9:30 Annual

Congregational Mtg.

9:30 Last day of School

11:00 B’nei

Mitzvah class

NO Trope class

1:00 Cochavim &

JAMTY Jr. Ice Skate into


2 PTO Book Fair

3 PTO Book Fair

4 PTO Book Fair

12:45 Mah Jongg

7:00 Choir

5 PTO Book Fair

Yom HaShoah

9:30 Jewish Family


12:00 Lunch & Learn

6 PTO Book Fair

9:00 TOS Mother’s

Day Celeb.

9:15 Toddler

Enrich. Program

5:00 Shalom Chai


7:00 Shabbat



Shalom Chai


8 Mother’s Day


11:00 Knitting Club


5:00 100 Women

Who Care

11 Yom HaZikaron

12:45 Mah Jongg

6:30 Men’s Club


7:00 Choir

12 Yom HaAtzmaut

9:30 Jewish Family


12:00 Lunch & Learn

13 9:00 TOS Father’s

Day Program

9:15 Toddler

Enrich Prog.

5:30 Yom

HaAtzmaut /

Shabbat Service &

BBQ at the Beach

NO Shabbat

Service at Temple



9:00 JAMTY

Sunrise Snorkeling


9:15 The One School

PTO meeting

4:45 St. George’s

Soup Kitchen


7:00 Board



12:45 Mah Jongg

5:00 - 8:00 PTO



7:00 Choir


9:30 Jewish Family


12:00 Lunch &



9:15 Toddler

Enrich. Program

6:15 Pre-Shabbat


7:00 Shabbat



10:00 Morning

Service & Adult

B’nei Mitzvah

5:00 Afternoon

Service & Bat

Mitzvah of

Hannah Murray



HaMakom Family

Fun Day


11:00 Knitting Club



12:45 Mah Jong

7:00 Choir


9:30 Jewish Family


12:00 Lunch &


6:30 Men’s Club

sponsored dinner



9:15 Toddler

Enrich. Program

12:00 Bake Sale

6:30 Pre-Shabbat

Song Session

7:00 Shabbat

with Torah

reading & b’day



5:00 Afternoon

Service & Bat

Mitzvah of

Julia Lubarsky


30 Memorial Day

Office & The One

School Closed



11:00 Shining Stars


12:00 Luncheon

NO Mah Jongg

7:00 Choir


Last day of The

One School—

1:00pm dismissal


7:00 Shabbat



5:00 Afternoon

Service & Bat

Mitzvah of

Maya Voorhees



Debby Baker 1

Liam Diamond 1

Carole Greene 1

Joseph Kissil 1

Danielle Michaels 1

May Zelner 1

Ray Aronson 2

Ruti Lifshitz 2

Daniel Liss 2

David Moss 2

Liam Rodgers 2

Trevor Senzon 2

Orin Shakerdge 2

Ralph Van Baalen 2

Eric Becker 3

Nathan Bock 3

Rylan Dooley 3

Andrea Roth 3

Jana Taylor 3

Lori Udelsman 3

Jacob Cornelius 4

James Frank 4

Farah Goldsobel 4

Brandon Hass 4

Bret Rosenthal 4

Kathleen Azeez 5

Zoe Goldenfarb 5

Matthew Hartman 5

Elle Klatzko 5

Ashley Popiel 5

LeRoy Rodgers 5

Brenda Stults-Brodows 5

Lori Axler 6

Nancy Berman 6

David Diamond 6

Brooke Fishman 6

Brett Greenwald 6

Allison Kahn 6

Dara Levine 7

Michele Locke 8

Asher Shaya 8

Lanelle Meidan 9

Lew Minsky 9

Joshua Sandquist 9

Anne Stanfield 9

Hannah Baldwin 10

Keren Blatt 10

Gary Pepper 10

Elinor Roosth 10

Ari Lapides 11

Alon Levkovitz 11

Sydney Rosenberg 11

Lawrence Diamond 12

Jay Gelman 12

Mary Gordon 12

Wendy Gross 12

Ethan Mulvaney 12

Rachel Salinger 12

Fredda Steidle 12

Lauren Nast 13

Jordan Schnitzer 13

Jordan Teitelbaum 13

Elinor Wapner 13

Alissa Frankel 14

Joel Gazes 14

Nancy Soifer 14

Andrew Taylor 14

Justin Stohlman 15

Zachary Caplan 16

Stuart Fierman 16

George Kissil 16

Irena Kroyter 16

Tahel Laviv 16

Marsha Scanlan 16

Jason Cooper 17

Asher Dooley 17

Krisztina Ergas 17

Mark Golzbein 17

Samuel Gordon 17

AJ Krieger 17

Stuart Manoff 17

Eleanor Titelbaum 17

Victoria Bill 18

Lacie Greenwald 18

Samuel Kasmai 18

Jenna Meinbach 18

Susan Enslein 19

Ella Ergas 19

Graham Gilbert 19

Gladys Gottlieb 19

Randy Levitt 19

Julia Lubarsky 19

Samantha Short 19

Seth Freeman 20

Harmon Garfinkel 20

Fredrick Locke 20

Madison Pincus 20

Julian DiFilippo 21

Esther Hartman 21

Ian Merin 21

Forrest Sleeper 21

Scott Friedman 22

Meryn Rubenstein 22

Jordan Fischer 23

Eric Levine 23

Cheryll Plotkin 23

Toby Zeichner 23

Sabrina Cohen 24

Jared Kaler 24

Solomon Koved 24

Maril Levy 24

Richard Remick 24

Jonah Schwab 24

Patricia Wecht 24

Jordan Kroyter 25

Brett Rosenberg 25

Larry Alintoff 26

Zina Bereck 26

Jared Bucker 26

Madison Elman 26

Jacob Heston 26

Celeste London 26

Stephan Cole 27

Emma Hurvitz 27

Jules Popiel 27

Daniel Rosenberg 27

Doris Ackerman 28

Skylar Alterman 28

Joshua Kopit 28

Joshua Murray 28

Lauren Weinstein 28

Herbert Wender 28

Marcia Beutner 29

Shirley Goldberg 29

Rena Mittenberg 29

Jaclyn Nast 29

Amy Shainman 29

Madison Krieger 30

Pamela Maline 30

Winston Ng 30

Consuelo Weinstein 30



Lewis & Audri Schiller 1

Ron & Leona Holland 2

Jeff & Martha Satinoff 3

David & Mary Elias 4

Gregory & Alyson Nathan 9

Anthony & Stephanie Shaya 10

Jason & Jennifer Coleman 11

Ron & Edie Wolf 11

Alex & Sarrie Katz 12

Jon & Jayme Charney 15

Brian Klee & Diane Davidson 15

Steve & Maura Miller 15

Larry & Donna Diamond 16

Adam & Lori Axler 19

Jimmy & Amy Frank 19

Robin & Lily Jordan 19

Philip & Lisa Blatt 20

Ira & Kim Fialkow 20

Jeff & Karin Elman 21

Matty & Ruth Rosenberg 21

Paul & Lauren Weinstein 21

George & Brenda Lane 23

Nathaniel & Cathy Drourr 24

Ed & Dorothy Ann Fischman 24

Bob & Pamela Friedman 24

Michael & April Gluckstern 25

Bill & Caren Talero 25

John & Cheryl Baldwin 26

Jeff & Stacy Miller 26

Marion & Milton Prigoff 27

Russ & Robin Amsden 28

Stephen & Nancy Kaler 28

Lee & Shari Fox 29

Barry & Christy Levinson 29



Temple Beth Am 2250 Central Blvd. Jupiter, FL 33458

Current resident or

TEMPLE BETH AM 2250 CENTRAL BLVD JUPITER, FL 33458 561-747-1109 - FAX 561-222-2781

TEMPLE OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm

WEB SITE: templebetham.com E-MAIL: [email protected] THE ONE SCHOOL BLOG: TempleBethAmJupiter.blogspot.com

Rabbi: Alon Levkovitz Cantor: Jessica Turnoff Ferrari Rabbinic Intern: Brett Tancer Director of Engagement, Programming & Membership: Carol Sleeper Director of Administration & Accounting: Melanie Goldsobel Early Childhood Director: Paula Deakter Education Director: Alissa Frankel Jewish Life Activities Director: Danna Cohen Youth Director: Communications Manager: Elizabeth Howell Facilities Supervisor Shawn Berry Executive Administrative Assistant & Scribe Editor: Margot Hauser Assistant Scribe Editor: Debbie Baseman Early Childhood Administrator: Sherrie Kesselman Bookkeeper: Robbin Briley

Capital Campaign Consultant: Mindy Hanken [email protected]


President: Mark Slifkin [email protected] Vice President: Brian Cohn [email protected] Vice President: Bruce Cohen [email protected] VP, Education: Catherine Drourr [email protected] Treasurer: Carol Carswell [email protected] Secretary: Mary Elias [email protected] BOARD OF DIRECTORS:

Gwen Berry Leah Frankel Jackie Halderman Bob Hochman Steven Misshula Harvey Silverman Cubby Steinhart Leona Usher Ellen Vargas


PAST PRESIDENTS: Jeanne Tarsches John Alexander Alvin Schlossberg Brud Tarsches Stephen Lewis Michael Deakter (2 terms) Beth Eisenman Len Green Jerry Silvers Arnie Weinstein Bob Miller Tom Ross Myrna Abramowitz Jody Minde Bruce Cohen Hal Baseman (2 terms)