Tefl 2 group investigation

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  • 1. TEFL 2 GROUP INVESTIGATION Complied by: 1.Rindang Luberia Y. / 1001050046 2. Fara Citra G. / 1001050048 3. Desi Wijayanti M / 1001050067 4. Sri Lestari / 0901050074 5. M.I.Anita Ambarwati / /0901050139

2. Concept Students work cooperatively in small group Consist of 3-6 members Freely to choose the subtopic 3. Characteristic of Group Investigation Investigation Interaction Interpretation Intrinsic Motivation 4. Important Things To Do GI Need Group Capability Cooperative Plan Teachers Role 5. Steps 6. Advantages To motivate the class to participate and ensure student learning. The exercises push students to interact more that they would have done in more traditional class formats. To encourage the students to remain engaged with the group on various level. To increase comfort levels in the group. To provide opportunities for cooperative peer group interaction, while also creating the condition necessitating conflict resolution. 7. Disadvantages It cannot cover the whole material. It is difficult to assess personally. It is only suitable for certain material. Group discussion is not usually effective. It needs much time to prepare the material. It is only suitable for high-level students. 8. Implementation Teacher presents the topic. The topic is report text. Teacher asks students to make some questions about the report text. Students generate questions for inquiry based on this topic Teacher categorize the question into subtopics Students sign up to be members of the small groups that will investigate the subtopic in which they are interested. Material : Report Text Level : Senior High School 9. Groups plan their investigation Groups carry out their investigation Groups plan their presentation Groups make their presentations Teacher and students evaluate the projects 10. References Maesaroh, Siti.2005.Efektivitas Penerapan Pembelajaran Kooperatif dengan Metode Grup Investigasi terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa. Jakarta:Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah. Mitchell Mitzi G. 2008. Group Investigation as a Cooperative Learning Strategy: An Integrated Analysis of the Literature. Available online at http://ajer.synergiesprairies.ca/ajer/index.php/ajer/article/view/ 652/633. Accessed on Friday, March 22nd, 2013 at 08.45 pm. Sharan, Slomo, et al. 2006. Group Investigation and Student Learning. Available online http://books.google.co.id/books?id=FXoCy20QaaQC&pg=PA7&lpg=PA7&dq=group+investigati on+cooperative+learning&source=bl&ots=OWWiqB_91s&sig=LfKYOhBLAJkKE7baSZZxKUOf u- Y&hl=id&sa=X&ei=WOQ5UeaJGdGqrAfuq4DwCA&ved=0CC4Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=grou p%20investigation%20cooperative%20learning&f=true Accessed on Friday, March 22nd, 2013 at 08.35 pm. Slavin, Robert E. Chapter Seven Co-Operative Learning: What Makes Groupwork Work? (University of York and Johns Hopkins University). Available online at http://www.successforall.org/SuccessForAll/media/PDFs/CL--What-Makes- Groupwork-work.pdf Accessed on Friday, March 22nd, 2013 at 08.15 pm.