Tectonic Evolution of the Bristol Channel Borderlands Chapter 1

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  • 8/2/2019 Tectonic Evolution of the Bristol Channel Borderlands Chapter 1


  • 8/2/2019 Tectonic Evolution of the Bristol Channel Borderlands Chapter 1


  • 8/2/2019 Tectonic Evolution of the Bristol Channel Borderlands Chapter 1


  • 8/2/2019 Tectonic Evolution of the Bristol Channel Borderlands Chapter 1


  • 8/2/2019 Tectonic Evolution of the Bristol Channel Borderlands Chapter 1


  • 8/2/2019 Tectonic Evolution of the Bristol Channel Borderlands Chapter 1


  • 8/2/2019 Tectonic Evolution of the Bristol Channel Borderlands Chapter 1



    Tectonic Evolution of the Bristol Channel borderlands


    Page 1-13

    Post-Caledonian Devonian extension created new faults as well as reactivating old faults, which controlled the sedimentation

    and final thickness of the Old Red Sandstone. These extensional faults were also inverted during Variscan compression to

    form structures such as the Benton and Ritec Thrusts.

    Field Examples

    The following examples provide mesoscopic field evidence for reactivation in SW Dyfed:

    Example 1: Druidston Haven (Grid Reference 860 170)

    Fig. 1.14 shows a moderately south-dipping fault with dip slip slickenside lineations which juxtaposes black Ordovician

    shales in the footwall and siltstones, shales and ironstones of the Millstone Grit in the hangingwall.

    The structure has a complex polyphase history which begins with post-Ordovician-pre-Namurian folding and faulting which

    affected the rocks in the footwall. A major post-Namurian extensional phase then down-faulted the Millstone Grit against the

    deformed Ordovician shales. The extensional fault was then reactivated by positive inversion. This is indicted by the distinct

    hangingwall anticline within the Millstone Grit.


    Tectonic Evolution of the Bristol Channel borderlands


    Page 1-14

    The structure probably represents at least three phases of tectonism including Caledonian compression, Late Namurian

    extension and Variscan compression.

    Example 2: Porth LLeuog near Whitesands Bay (Grid Reference 732 270)

    Fig. 1.15 shows the boundary between Arenigian strata in the northerly hangingwall of a steeply dipping fault and

    Tremadocian strata in the footwall to the south.

    The fault clearly shows post-Arenigian extension, but mesoscopic folds and shear indicators in the hangingwall of the main

    fault suggest compression. It is possible therefore that positive inversion had also taken place along the Whitesands Bay


  • 8/2/2019 Tectonic Evolution of the Bristol Channel Borderlands Chapter 1


  • 8/2/2019 Tectonic Evolution of the Bristol Channel Borderlands Chapter 1


  • 8/2/2019 Tectonic Evolution of the Bristol Channel Borderlands Chapter 1
