tecnologia educativa



it is a slideshare preentation which contains points of view and reflections about my class.

Transcript of tecnologia educativa

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I created this blog with the purpose of share toughts, ideas, coomments and all

kind of information and resources that could be useful for us as a future

English teachers.

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I am very comfortable working with techology even if there are some

points that are still difficult for me.

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I am a 22 year-old student that it is intersted in learn

new languages.

I am form Tapachula, chiapas and at the moment I

am studying the Bachelor Degree in English Language


I love teaching and working with children and also

listening music.

One of my goals is to travel around the world and learn

about other cultures.

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I have learn so many useful things in this class; for

example to create and use some pages that are going to

be useful for me to share links, videos or exercices for

my future students.

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Also I have learn how to be more independent and how

to be a self-taught person by making my oun researches.

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At first I tought that this career was about only stand in front of the group and teach using the white board but I realized that

students need more than a traditional teacher; they need a dynamic teacher that could be able to use the technology in

order to reinforce the presential class.

Thanks to this class I can say that I am able to desing my own

tools to teach diferent topics.

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