Technology: Social Tool or Crutch?

Technology: Social Crutch? Tool by: Lauren Ball image by: Squiggle or


FILM260 Flipbook assignment

Transcript of Technology: Social Tool or Crutch?

Page 1: Technology: Social Tool or Crutch?




by: Lauren Ball

image by: Squiggle


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We can send a message to anyone at any time from almost anywhere.

image by: El Alvi

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There are 6 billion mobile device owners today,

allowing 87% of the world’s population to be able to be reached constantly.

image by: Michael Coté

source: International Telecommunication Union Statistics

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image by: Lauren Ball

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image by: Lauren Ball

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Distance learning is now covering an ever increasing variety of courses.

image by: Lauren Ball

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Emails provide 24/7 post service while saving paper and money,

with 144.8 billion being sent per day.

image by: Lauren Ball

source: Mashable ‘Did You Know 144.8 Billion Emails Are Send Every Day?’

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Facebook is changing our relationships and how we interact

with each other

with 1.11 billion members depending upon it for social connection.

image by: Ross Pollack

Facebook 2013 Q1 financials

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Social media has allowed individuals to see and interact with people across the globe through instant video feeds.

image by: Apple Inc

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On-demand news and information means never having

to wait until the top of the hour.

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E-readers allow us to carry all our favourite books with us in a 134 gram device.

Image by: JanneM


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Movie rentals are streamed directly into our homes.

image by: Thomas Hawk

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Kijiji is a hassle free giant garage sale.

image by: Dave Lichterman

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Telecommuting allows 800,000 Canadians to work from home full time.

image by: Chiot's Run

Derek Sankey ‘Telecommuting popular work option’

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Everyone can now be their own DJ with 350 million iPods sold since their inception in 2001.

image by: Lauren Ball

source: Apple Press Info Sept. 2012

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Online shopping means: no line ups, no crowds,

no running store to store.

image by: Natalie

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Everything one needs could be delivered,

right to the doorstep.

image by: Jeremy Vandel

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Anyone can complete banking transactions and investments through a couple clicks of the mouse.

image by: 401(K) 2013

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Wallets, cash, and credit cards will soon be unnecessary as phones can now hold and transmit account information.

image by: Lauren Ball

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We can tour the globe, discovering foreign places

without leaving the living room.

mage by: Sam Kulpinski

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loss of critical thinking?

loss of physical communication and connection?

Over consumption?

the average office worker spends 2.5 hours every day on emailthat adds up to 81 days a year.


are we losing?

Daniel Bates ‘You've got (more) mail: The average office worker now spends over a quarter of their day dealing with email’

“Today’s teens spend more than 71/2 hours a day consuming media” increasingly through cell phones and send an average of 60 texts per day.

“From the time I get home until I go to bed, I’m usually on my computer” -Ben Knight (14)

Masuma Ahuja ‘Teens are spending more time consuming media, on mobile devices’

loss of privacy?

Decreasing attention spans?

Average attention span 10 years ago: 12 minutesNow: 5 minutesAssisted Living Today ‘How Social Media is Ruining Our Minds [Infographic]'

Loss of memory?

Wa!ed Time?

image by: Aayesha Siddiqui

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Do we control it?

Or does it control our lives?

Image by: Cathy

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All images are licensed under the Creative Commons

Non-CommercialShare-Alike 3.0 agreement, and sourced from flickr or
