Technology Plan OP

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  • 8/12/2019 Technology Plan OP


    Orchard Place Elementary

    Technology Plan2014

    Community Consolidated District 62

    2727 Maple Street

    Des Plaines, IL 60018

    (847) 825 1255

    (847) 824 1752 Fax

    Julio Lopez, PrincipalJuan Bottia, 5thGrade Teacher in Charge of Technology

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    Table of Contents

    I. Orchard Place Elementary School Mission Statement


    Current Technology Statusa. Network set up

    b.Operating systemc. Internet Filters

    d.Internet Safety Agreement

    e. Funding

    f. Computers and Tablets

    g. Interactive Whiteboards, Projectors, and Document

    Camerash.Technology Expectations (K 5)

    i. District-Wide 21stCentury Skills Standards

    j. Professional Development

    III. Findings

    a. Strengths

    b.Opportunities for Enhancement


    Classroom Websitesd.Smart Boards

    e. iPads

    f. Professional Development

    IV. Future Considerations

    a. Upgrades

    b. Funding

    V. Results and Conclusion

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    II. Current Technology Statusa.

    Network Setup: High Speed InternetLocation Type Number

    Instructional Classroom 10+mb Ethernet 20

    Wireless 20

    Dedicated Computer Lab 10+mb Ethernet 1

    Wireless 1

    Media Center/Library 10+mb Ethernet 1

    Wireless 1

    Mobile Computer Lab Wireless 1

    * Orchard Place Elementary houses 2 Cisco 3506 chassis, one acting as a core router, theother as a switch. The core chassis is in the MDF room and the other switch is in the IDF

    room. It currently uses 16 access points throughout the building

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    TechnologyTechnology Acceptable Use

    GuidelinesDistrict 62s intent is for all use of the

    technology resources to be consistentwith our mission, Toequip our students

    with the skills necessary for their success

    as responsible citizens, productive

    workers, and lifelong learners byproviding the best possible

    Educational climate, curriculum,

    resources, and staff. District 62 is

    committed to technology and curriculumintegration and believes it is an

    important component in current and

    future education, real word applications,and personal learning. Parent(s)/

    Guardian(s) and their children should

    read theseTechnology Acceptable UseGuidelines and discussthem together.District 62 takes precautions to prevent

    access to materials that may be

    defamatory, inaccurate, offensive, or

    otherwise inappropriate in theschool

    setting. It is, however, impossible to

    control alltechnology sources and a

    user may discover inappropriate

    material. Ultimately, parent(s)/guardian(s) are responsible for setting

    and conveying the standards for theirchild. District 62 supports and respects

    each familys right to decide whether or

    not to authorize Internet access.The failure of any user to follow the

    terms of these Technology Acceptable

    Use Guidelines will resultin the loss ofprivileges, disciplinary action, and/ or

    appropriate legal action. The signatureson this document, (contained in the

    grade level student contract packet),

    indicate the persons who signed have

    read the terms and conditions carefully

    and understand their significance.

    The most current, signed copy of the

    Authorization for Student Internet

    Access form will be kept on file in the

    school office.

    Privileges and

    ResponsibilitiesThe use of District 62s network is aprivilege, not a right, and inappropriateuse will result in a cancellation of those

    privileges. District 62selectronic

    network is part of the curriculum and is

    not a public forum for general use.Users mayaccess technology only foreducational purposes. The actions of

    users accessing networks through the

    district reflect on the district;

    therefore, usersmust conductthemselves accordingly by exercising

    good judgment and complying withthis policy andany accompanyingadministrative regulations and

    guidelines. Users are responsible fortheir behaviorand communications

    using the districts computersand

    networks. A district administrator willmake thedecision regarding whether or

    not a user has violated these

    Technology Acceptable UseGuidelines, andmay deny, revoke, orsuspend access at any time.

    Acceptable UseAccess to District 62s Internet must

    be consistent with the mission and

    educational objectives of District 62.

    Users of technology will:

    Use or access district technologyonly for educational or administrativepurposes.

    -Comply with copyright laws andsoftware licensing agreements.

    Understand that email and network

    files are not private. Network

    administrators and other designated

    school officials have access to all email

    messages and may review files andcommunications to maintain system

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    integrity andmonitor responsible use.

    Respect the privacy rights of others

    and maintain confidentiality of allpersonnel and student records storedor accessible by means of district

    technology. Be responsible at all times for theproper use of technology, includingproper use of accessprivileges,complying with all required system

    security identification codes, and not

    sharing any codes, passwords or other

    confidential orprotected information.

    Maintain the integrity oftechnological resources frompotentially damaging messages, physical

    abuse, or viruses. Abide by the policies and proceduresof the district and any outside networksand systems linkedby technology.

    Respect the rights of others to use

    equipment.Unacceptable Use

    Users are responsible for their actionsand activities involving the network.Some examples ofunacceptable usesare:

    Using the network for any illegalactivity.

    Unauthorized downloading and

    installing of software.

    Violating copyright.

    Using the network for unauthorized

    private financial or commercial gain.

    Gaining unauthorized access totechnology resources, services, orsystems.

    Invading the privacy of individuals

    (for example,posting information, trueor inaccurate, having norelation tocurriculum).

    Using another users account or


    Posting material authored or createdby another without his/her consent.

    Using the network for unauthorized

    commercial or private advertising.

    Submitting, posting, publishing, ordisplaying any defamatory, inaccurate,abusive, obscene,sexually-oriented,threatening, racially-offensive,

    harassing, or illegal material. Knowingly accessing obscene,pornographic, or material instructing onthe use of violence orweaponry.Knowingly access includes continueduse of material apparently restricted

    even thoughinadvertently accessed.

    Using the network while accessprivileges are suspended or revoked.

    Representing personal views asthose of District 62 or those that could

    be interpreted as such engagingin acts ofcyberbullying. For purposes of this

    policy,cyberbullying is defined as

    the use of e-mail, instant messaging,chat rooms, pagers, cell phones,or otherforms of information technology todeliberately harass, threaten, or

    intimidate someone. Cyberbullying can

    include, but is not limited to, such acts asmaking threats, sending provocative

    insults or racial/ethnic slurs or

    attempting to infect the victimscomputer with a virus.

    Network EtiquetteYou are expected to abide by the

    generally accepted rules of network

    etiquette. These include, but are notlimited to, the following:

    Be polite. Do not be abusive in your

    messages to others.

    Use appropriate language. Do notswear, use vulgarities, or use

    inappropriate language. Do not reveal the personal addressesor telephone numbers of you/yourfamily, other students, or staff.

    Recognize that email is not private.People who operate email systems have

    access to all email.Messages relating to

    or in support of illegal activities may be

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    reported to the authorities.

    Do not use the network in any waythat would disrupt its use by otherusers.

    Consider all communications and

    information accessible via the networkto be private property.

    No WarrantiesThe District makes no warranties of any

    kind, whether expressed or implied, for

    the technology service it is providing.This includes loss of data resulting from

    delays, non-deliveries, missed deliveries,

    or service interruptions caused by its

    negligence or your errors or

    omissions. Use of anyinformation

    obtained via the Internet is at yourownrisk. The District specifically

    denies any responsibilityfor theaccuracy or quality of information

    obtained through its services.

    ResponsibilityThe user agrees that they will not hold

    the District responsible for any losses,

    costs, or damages (including attorney

    fees), incurred by the Districtrelating to, or arising out of, any breach

    of these Technology Acceptable Use


    SecurityNetwork security is a high priority. Ifyou can identify a security problem onthe network,you must notify a district

    administrator. Do notdemonstrate the

    problem to other users. In addition:

    Keep your account and password


    Do not use another individualsaccount.

    Unauthorized attempts to log in tothe network as a system administratorwill result in disciplinaryaction and/orloss of privileges.

    Any user identified as a security risk

    maybe denied access to network. Thedirector ofinformation and instructionaltechnology willwork with othernecessary members of theadministrationto identify such users.

    Content FilteringIn accordance with the Childrens

    Internet Protection Act (CIPA) of

    2000, the District installs and operates

    filtering software to limit usersInternet access to materials that areobscene, pornographic,harmful tochildren, or otherwise inappropriate.

    Not withstanding that such software may

    in certain cases block access to other

    materials as well. At thesame time,

    the district cannot guarantee thatfilteringsoftware will in all instancessuccessfully block access to materials

    deemed harmful, indecent, offensive,pornographic, or otherwise

    inappropriate. The use of filtering

    software does not negate or otherwise

    affectthe obligations of users to abideby the terms of this policy and to refrainfrom accessing such materials.


    Vandalism to any technology systemwill result in disciplinary action and/or

    loss of privileges.Vandalism is defined

    as any malicious attempt to harm or

    destroy data of another user, theInternet, or any other network, or themisuse of district-ownedhardware orsoftware.

    ChargesThe District assumes no responsibility

    for any unauthorized charges, fees orsubscriptions incurred by an individual


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    e. Funding:

    Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.

    Title III English Language Acquisition, Language

    Enhancement and Academic Achievement Act. National Erate Program

    Other Federal Grants

    Techs District Budget for 2014 is 1.8 Million Dollars

    f. Computers and Tablets:

    Device Quantity

    Mac Books 201iPads 111

    iPads Mini 37

    g. Interactive White Boards, Projectors, and Document Cameras:

    Smart Boards

    Type Quantity

    SB680M2 10

    SBX880-R2 9

    Total 19


    Epson PL S5 10

    Epson PL S7 9

    Epson ELPSC80 2

    Hitachi CP-X2010 1

    Sharp PGC30XU 1

    Total 23

    Document Cameras

    Aver Media 61POB7N00AA 5

    Aver Media 300AF 4

    Aver Media 300AP0B7-C9P 5

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    Hover Cam T3 (Office) 5

    IPEVO CDVU-031P 6

    Total 25

    h. Technology Expectations (K-5):


    Basic Vocabulary (icon, mouse, keyboard, keys, dock,


    Power on and off, log on and off.

    Click/double click to open a program.

    Navigate website given by the teacher.

    Adjust sound using keyboard.

    Use a mouse to navigate the desktop, website, or a program,

    drag and drop.


    Open Word processing program (Pages, Word).

    Completely quit programs (Pull Down > Close vs Red x)

    Navigate keyboard (numbers, letters, space bar, delete and


    Format sentences properly (spacing, hard returns,

    punctuation, et cetera.

    Use the SHIFT key for capitalization and punctuation.

    Select options from drop down menus.

    Save a document and find later to open.

    Highlight and change font.

    Insert photo or Clipart.

    Print a document to an appropriate printer.

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    Type a given URL in the address bar or a web browser and

    open a web page.

    Perform a simple keyword search.


    Save As: Save a document to a specific place and open later.

    Use spell check and know the difference between spelling

    and grammar errors (Know the difference between red and

    green underlines).

    Identify the home row on a keyboard.

    Type with two hands.

    Use a calculator on the computer.



    Navigate website using forward and back keys, using

    multiple tabs, and open new windows.

    Use online catalog/OPAC navigation/Destiny Quest/Find

    books in lexile range on OPAC.

    Use online dictionary and thesaurus.Operations:

    Troubleshoot basic problems (software updates, keychain,

    force quit).

    Choose printer.

    Highlight, copy, and paste.

    Format a picture using text wrap, bring to front, sizing, etc.

    Spreadsheet Software: type data into a template.

    Create a presentation (Power Point, Keynote, Prezi,

    Notebook, etc.) using one or more slides and choose

    background, font color and size, and add a picture).

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    Perform Internet search effectively and evaluate websites.

    Read the URL and identify parts.

    Examine the content.

    Ask about the owner and author of the website.

    Look at the links.

    Cite pictures and sources.

    Use bookmarking within browser.

    Operations and Presentations:

    Create a presentation with multiple slides and explore all


    Create and insert tables and charts.

    Spreadsheet Software: use simple functions and charts.

    Use digital camera and upload to a computer.

    Record audio.



    Locate, download, and save item form the web (docs,

    pictures, audio).

    Use social networking for classroom use (ex. Edmodo,

    Destiny Quest)

    Appropriate use of cut/paste and know plagiarism, copyright



    Embed audio and video links and graphs.

    Independent use of Spreadsheet Software using basic

    formulas, charts, and graphs.

    Presentations: create slide show with appropriate design

    elements for class presentation.

    Record or create multi-track audio, publish a podcast or


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    i. District-Wide 21stCentury Skills Standards:

    ISAIL Standards

    Standard 1: Access information efficiently and effectively to

    inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge.

    Standard 2: Evaluate information critically and competently.

    Standard 3: Use information accurately, creatively, and

    ethically to share knowledge and to participate collaboratively

    and productively as a member of a democratic society.

    Standard 4: Appreciate literature and other creative

    expressions of thoughts and ideas and pursue knowledge

    related to personal interests and aesthetic growth.

    Standard 5: Understand and practice Internet safety when

    using any electronic media for educational, social, or

    recreational proposes.

    j. Professional Development:

    Professional development should strive to enhance teaching

    skills by developing teacher abilities to match technology to

    curriculum rather than merely training teachers to operate

    hardware and software.

    Today, the best professional development programs focus on

    curriculum goals and teaching skills rather than hardware and

    software. Professional development needs to move from teacher-

    centered to student-centered.

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    III. Findings

    a. Strengths:

    Orchard Place Elementary was completely remodeled in 2013.Half of the building was demolished and rebuilt to improve the

    following areas: Main office, music room, gym, conference

    room, cafeteria, teachers lounge, music room, computer labs,

    five ESL and ELL classrooms, and 18 grade level classrooms.

    The building is equipped with high speed Internet, which is

    able to support all web-based programs used in the school.

    After seven months of using the new building, teachers atOrchard Place elementary were asked to rate the schools

    readiness to use instructional technology. They rated the

    schoolstechnology status in 4 levels: Low, Mid, High, and


    Low technologyschools offer students computers, which lacksufficient memory and processor speed to use common web

    browsers or access multimedia content. Computers are usuallyin a lab environment, rather than in classrooms. Low Tech

    teachers have little or no technology training. Low Tech

    schools may look on the cost of technology for education as a

    one-time capital expenditure and lack long-term technology


    Mid technologyschools often use computers to encourage

    students to complete traditional class work. Most students donot use computers regularly, and software is not regularly

    upgraded. In these schools, computers are "extras," used by

    students for isolated, fragmented activities. Students report

    that computer use is routine, sometimes boring, and only

    remotely related to the curriculum. Computers are rarely used

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    for research or creative functions. The main barrier to

    technology integration in Mid-Tech schools is the lack of

    professional development and technical support. A majority of

    teachers in these schools have had no technology-related

    professional development.

    High technologyschools offer students networkedmultimedia computers that are connected to the Internet and

    World Wide Web in the classroom. Many teachers have

    integrated technology into the curriculum and students use

    technology to research, create and communicate. High Tech

    school may lack on-site technical support, which causes

    teachers to loose time with students over technical problems.

    Target technologyschools integrate technology throughoutthe curriculum. Students and teachers use current digital

    resources both in the classroom and online. Students and

    teachers use digital means to communicate with each other

    internally, as well as with parents, students, teachers and

    experts around the country. These schools provide on-site

    technical support and exhibit an ongoing commitment toeducator professional development.

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    c. Classroom Websites:

    A classroom website is a hub meant to guide students during

    their online learning experiences.

    A classroom website will help differentiate and personalizelearning.

    A classroom website provides support and guidance during

    research and web quest projects.

    A classroom website give parents an opportunity to play a

    role in their childrens education.

    A classroom website will facilitate vertical collaboration

    between grade levels.

    d.Smart Boards:

    There is a need to buy more Smart Boards to fully equip all gradelevel classrooms. A Smart Board should also be bought for eachTILE room and the library. This will allow the ELL and SPEDresource staff to use them at their convenience. More professionaldevelopment should be used to train teachers that havent gotten a

    chance to teach using a Smart Board.Classrooms that have Smart Boards do not need LCD projectors.Therefore, the leftover LCD projectors should be placed inresource classrooms. These classrooms already have a pull downscreen, which will make the usage of the projector possible. Inaddition, each resource classroom should be equipped with adocument camera that can be used in unison with the LCDprojector.



    Classrooms at Orchard Place Elementary already have 10 iPadseach. As a result, in the present moment iPads should only bebought for the SPED and ELL resource classrooms. If resource

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    teachers want their students to use word, excel, or a presentationprogram they can use the TILE room, which is already equippedwith more than 70 laptops.


    Professional Development:

    1.Create and conduct a classroom website workshop:

    A website will de created for this workshop in

    order to differentiate, instruct, and guide teachers.

    The workshop will show testimonials of students

    that already use a classroom website.

    Working classroom websites will be used to

    model coaching. K, 1st, and 2

    ndgrade will work together to design

    the blue print of their websites.


    rd, 4

    th, and 5

    thgrade will work together to design

    the blue print of their websites.

    The workshop will provide brainstorming sessions

    between all grade levels.

    Teachers would have the opportunity to continue

    seeking assistance after the workshop (Internetcaf or face to face).

    Total Time for workshop: 3 hours.

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    2. iPads and Smart Boards:

    There are certified staff members at Orchard Place Elementary thatare proficient users of iPads and Smart Boards. Therefore, it will

    be proposed to those teachers to create a workshop to teach othershow to use the Smart Board and iPads. Smart Technology alsooffers free professional development with the purchase of theirproducts

    Total Cost: $4,040.


    Future Considerations



    The highlighted devices will have to be updated in ten years

    from now.

    Device Quantity

    Mac Books 201iPads 111

    iPads Mini 37

    Orchard Place Elementary just got Google accounts for teachersand students in grades 1st through 5th. As a result, making

    Item Hours Cost per Hour Total

    iPad Training* 20 $34 $680

    Classroom Website 10 $34 $340

    Smart Board


    20 $34 $680

    Google DriveTraining*

    10 $34 $340

    Out-of-BuildingProfessionalDevelopment TBD

    10 $100 per hour $1,000

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    modifications to the future budget will be necessary in order to usethis new tool at its full capacity. Having Google accounts willallow us to buy Chrome books rather than updating all laptops.However, it will be important to at least update 70 laptopsin order

    to use them in the computer lab and also for standardized testing


    Budget Breakdown

    Total budget to keep in mind 10 years from now: $149, 495


    Results and Conclusions

    82% of students that attend Orchard Place Elementary come fromlow-income households. 58% are English Language Learners and18% are part of the Special Education program. My purchaserecommendation targets resource classrooms because SPED andELL personnel rarely get the opportunity to teach using iPads andSmart Boards. In my opinion this population, which is at risk atOrchard Place, should be exposed to state of the art technology.

    Resource staff will have the opportunity to use the Smart Boards inthe TILE room and the library. They will also have LCD projectorsand at least 5 ipads to use in their classrooms.

    Adding Chrome books instead of Mac Books will decrease ourtechs budget expenses and will also help us maximize the use of

    Item Cost of One Item # of Items Total Amount

    Apple iPad $399.00 100 $39, 900

    Samsung Chromebooks

    $248 130 $32, 240

    Smart Board SBM680

    $2,199 5 $10,995

    Mac Books $948 70 $66, 360

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    new Google accounts. Students will also be able to take Chromebooks to the ELL and SPED classrooms in order to utilize themthere as well.

    It is suggested that all the iPads are placed in K3rdclassroomsand all the Chrome Books go to 4th5thclassrooms. Since themiddle school uses 1:1 Chrome Books, it will be important toallow students to use this device 2 years before they go to 6 thgrade.