Technology, Nature and the Spirit

Dustin W. Pack Service Project September 30, 2013 TECHNOLOGY, NATURE AND THE SPIRIT


Technology, Nature and the Spirit by Dustin W. Pack - a Service Project presented at Atlantic University's Fall Convocation, September 30th, 2013

Transcript of Technology, Nature and the Spirit

Page 1: Technology, Nature and the Spirit

Dustin W. Pack

Service Project

September 30, 2013


Page 2: Technology, Nature and the Spirit

Agenda• Spiritual Reflections on Nature

• Road to Service

• Environment Defined

• Digital Creatures

• Building Spiritual Reflections

• Conclusion

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Spiritual Reflections on Nature• Perennial Philosophy

• 2 Reflective Exercises

• 13 Perennial Plants

• Meditation Timer

• Nature Journal

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Spiritual Reflections on NatureA Mental Model for Perennial Philosophy:

Perennial plants bloom across the spring and wither in the fall. Their resilient rootstock allows them to grow year after year.

Perennial Philosophy is the resilient rootstock of the major religions and spiritual practices that survive across the cycles of time.

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DandelionThe Dandelion is a perennial weed that produces small flowers that later transform into seed heads. Many dandelion species reproduce without pollination. This causes each offspring of the dandelion to be an exact genetic replica of its parent. The Dandelion, if untreated can cause nutrient problems in lawns, gardens and cropland.

Perennial ConnectionWeeds require detection and action for corrective measures. There may be weeds in our spiritual practices right now that need our attention. Apathy in taking care of weeds and ourselves is common. A Dandelion in the garden may look small and unassuming but in reality it is eating away nutrients that could be going to your tomatoes and cucumbers.

In meditation we may find ourselves with spinning thoughts (weeds) intruding on our garden of peace. Like a good gardener we can recognize the thoughts, understand their existence and then gently remove them from the mind. More thoughts may come and we can remove them just as easy so long as we have patience.

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Poison IvyPoison Ivy can be found in the Eastern United States and Canada. It presents itself in vine form or as a bush and is distinguished by its 3 leaf stems and hairy vines. The leaves may look oval with a tapered tip or have a mitten like appearance. Poison Ivy represents a well known harmful plant but is only one of many types of plants that can cause painful rashes and itching.

Perennial ConnectionNot all experiences in nature are pleasant and not all spiritual practices lead to painless growth. Sometimes our spiritual endeavors cause our illusions to be broken and much pain ensues. Sometimes we go too far and fast into a practice without caution and find ourselves in painful situations. The dark night of the soul and other spiritual crises are real. Like Poison Ivy, preventative knowledge is the best means to keep out of trouble.

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Reflection Exercise

The Willow tree has a strong shallow root system while the Hickory Tree derives its strength from a deep root system that can tap into minerals other plants can’t. Both systems accomplish the same purpose through different ways. Can you find a similar instance in your spiritual life of two seeming contradictions working towards the same purpose?

“The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth.” – Niels Bohr

The perennial spiritualist may sometimes need to be able to balance between seeming contradictions. The perennial philosopher may be able to believe in a universe that is designed by clockwork karmic laws as well as a universe ruled by a supreme power that cares about each individual’s growth towards the source.

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Meditation Timer

“Meditating on the breath is a basic technique to practice mind and body awareness. To meditate on the breath sit in a comfortable position with body slightly erect. Clear your mind and focus on….”

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Nature Journal

Take pictures and write your own observations from within the application.

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Road to ServiceAtlantic University Classes Taken Across 3 Years:Introduction to Transformative Theories and Practices

Spiritual Crisis

Qualitative Research Methods

The Inner Life: Dreams, Meditation Creativity…

Origin and Destiny of the Human Consciousness

Becoming a Teacher of Mission in Life

Becoming a Teacher of Dreamwork

An Introduction to Visual Arts Skills

Mythology and Symbolism

Religion, Spirituality and the Transpersonal

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Road to ServiceAtlantic University Mentors:

Candis Collins

Raye Mathis

Cameron Plagens

Bobbie Ann Pimm

Henry Reed

James Van Auken

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Environment Defined

*Source Google Trends:

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Environment Defined

*Source Google Trends:

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Environment Defined

*Source Google Trends:

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Environment Defined

*Source Google Trends:

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Environment Defined

*Source Google Trends:

Gardening, fishing, camping, hiking, bird watching, nature, Virginia Beach, national parks

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Environment DefinedTechnology is a growing part of our lives

Downward trend of activities in nature

Disconnect between today’s youth and the natural world

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Digital CreaturesMore connected and less connected

Exposed to spiritual concepts in disguise:

• Networking

• Creating

• Mentoring

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Digital CreaturesTarget Audience:

Modern men and women who want to begin a spiritual practice closer to nature but don’t know where to start.

Peripheral Audience:

Anyone who likes to contemplate the transpersonal in a natural setting.

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Building Spiritual ReflectionsThe Mental Model

Plant and Transpersonal Research

Spiritual Graphic Arts

Interface Design


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Root Plant Pattern

Spore Bearing Plants

Seed Bearing Plants

Algae Mosses FernsFlowering Plants(Angiosperms)


Monocotyledons Dicotyledons

All plant life represents different expressions of the root plant pattern.

Reflection Exercise

Language is our greatest tool to communicate with one another and more importantly with ourselves. We place labels on objects and concepts to describe what is.

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Universal Truth

Eastern Religion Western Religion

Hindu Buddhism Tao Judaism Islam


Catholicism Protestantism

All major religions represent different expressions of the universal truth.

Reflection Exercise

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Spiritual Graphics Art

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Spiritual Graphics Art

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Interface Design

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PublishingApple Review Process

Key Word Search Terms

Software Description

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Final Product (iPad)

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Final Product (iPad)

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Final Product (iPhone)

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Conclusion• Free to Download on Apple App Store

• Open Source Software

Future Updates:

• More Plants!

• User Submissions

• …more Apps?