TECHNOLOGY CONSULTING SOLUTIONS OUTSOURCING · 2010. 11. 29. · Zaztech develops applications...

from Process Excellence to Operational Excellence towards Business Excellence TECHNOLOGY CONSULTING SOLUTIONS OUTSOURCING TM

Transcript of TECHNOLOGY CONSULTING SOLUTIONS OUTSOURCING · 2010. 11. 29. · Zaztech develops applications...

Page 1: TECHNOLOGY CONSULTING SOLUTIONS OUTSOURCING · 2010. 11. 29. · Zaztech develops applications keeping in mind the current and future business strategies, intra-enterprise environment


Process Excellence


Operational Excellence


Business Excellence



Page 2: TECHNOLOGY CONSULTING SOLUTIONS OUTSOURCING · 2010. 11. 29. · Zaztech develops applications keeping in mind the current and future business strategies, intra-enterprise environment

International Award Winner

The only Indian Software Company to win the prestigious

International SMAU Industrial Design Award, Milan, Italy.

Jury's Verdict:“A complete and integrated package which can

rapidly solve any problem related to presence and

sales on the web. A high level of intrinsic complexity,

well hidden through a finely designed interface.”

Our Mission"To Make Products for the Advancement of Knowledge and for the

Welfare of Human-kind Through the Dignity of the Individual,

Excellence and Service."

Our Commitment"We commit nothing less than our best to our customers - a consistent

and reliable philosophy where Quality Control is merged with usability,

reliability, simplicity and support. Achieving 100% customer delight is

not just a rigorous discipline for us at Zaztech, it is a way of life."

Page 3: TECHNOLOGY CONSULTING SOLUTIONS OUTSOURCING · 2010. 11. 29. · Zaztech develops applications keeping in mind the current and future business strategies, intra-enterprise environment

Zaztech develops applications keeping in

mind the current and future business

strategies, intra-enterprise environment

and external community.

Zaztech's deep Applications Development

knowledge is ideally positioned to address

these needs. Our methodologies and

frameworks to address different scenarios

reduce the cost, time-to-market and risk

of execution while boosting the quality of

the products.

We provide businesses with a hosted, sales

oriented infrastructure to extend their

current offerings to everyone. Our

Applications link internal teams with

selling partners and customers to

effectively perform the activities that are

key to mutual success.

Use technology to bring products to

market faster and more effectively across

multiple distribution channels. Improve

customer retention by more effectively

collaborating with clients and custodians.

Our solutions

use Internet technologies to interact,

collaborate and transact with customers,

suppliers, trading partners, employees, the

enterprise and shareholders.

The success of any Custom Application

initiative is heavily dependent on the

accuracy of the roadmap, the design,

development and execution of action plan

and on the time taken for delivery.

Today's highly competitive business

environment makes service and quality a

critical differentiator. Businesses must set

themselves apart by using the Internet to

provide sales and service capabilities that

competitors cannot match. Quickly build a

large and loyal customer base before

competitors gain a foothold. Link products

and customers in pre-sales and post-sales

activities that drive transactions.

One cannot afford to ignore the direct

sales potential of the Web. But using it to

bypass distribution partners or direct sales

force can be devastating. Therefore, one

needs to harness the power of the Web

without alienating partners. Engage

partners and sales force to succeed in this

new selling environment and secure a

growing revenue stream.

Zaztech offers its expertise to design,

develop and implement a collective suite

to maximize delivery performance.

Collectively we have delivered industry's

most innovative and effective solutions

using a host of different technologies.

Improve response time and quality to win

more major deals. Better manage key

customer relationships with a focus on

both long-term revenue and long-term

value. Provide a service that touches more

people, adds more value and is far more

difficult for competitors to displace.

Custom Applications










Increased revenues and profits

Reduced expenses and costs

Business Transformation

Fraud Protection and Management

Better Planning and Forecasting

Homogeneous Business Workflow









Superior Customer Interaction

Quick Analytics and Decisions

Simplified Management

Improved Efficiency

Optimized Inventory

Easy Transition

Increased Accuracy








Intelligent Decision-making

Improved Reliability

Enhanced Data Entry

Proactive Marketing

Best Business Practices

Intelligible Communication

Improved Customer Service

Þ Banking































Page 4: TECHNOLOGY CONSULTING SOLUTIONS OUTSOURCING · 2010. 11. 29. · Zaztech develops applications keeping in mind the current and future business strategies, intra-enterprise environment

The Internet based Solution from Zaztech manages and controls all of the Business Life Cycle processes from

anywhere and at anytime.

Sales OrderInvoice andPacking List

Packaging Shipping Out Customer

AccountsReceivable Update

Customer Account

Sales Return

Goods Inventory(Output)


AssuranceTo warehouse

Parts Inventory(Input)


Supplier Shipping In Receive GoodsQuality


Purchase Return

UpdateSupplier Balance


Manufacturingwork inprogress

Inventories ofraw materialsand supplies


Inventories offinishedgoods



Dividends Taxes



High SpeedBank Network

Debits Customer's AccountsCredits Merchant's Account


Authorization Approvedand Accounts Updated

Credit CardAuthorization Approved

Credit CardAuthorization RequestedPayment



Certification Authority(VeriSign)

Order Confirmed

Order Placed

SSL AuthenticatesApplication Server



The success of the enterprise is defined by the profit it generates (or sales income less the cost

of achieving it). The quality of success is measured by comparing the ability of the enterprise to

generate profit with performance of other enterprises in similar industries.

Business Life Cycle

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MissionCommerce™ builds and deploys a secure, robust electronic

commerce marketplace with an excellent sales, store and product

manager. It empowers current businesses to extend their expertise

to a new distribution channel. It is an effective and a powerful business

solution to model, manage and maintain relationships with existing

clients and to easily establish new ones. Its stunning graphics, logical

links, powerful database, secure transactions and user-friendly web

interface allows businesses to sell products and services around the

world, around the clock.

The ability to construct stores easily allows businesses to focus on their

core competencies and sales rather than on writing millions of lines of

code and defining order processing pipelines. Set-up any kind of store

you like, define products in any way you like, sell products with any

price model and manage products within the store in any way.

Packaged ApplicationsZaztech with its vast software development experience has developed some award winning software applications.

These applications are out of the box solutions, ready to install and run. The customers benefit from built-in experience,

best business practices and technical expertise. Moreover, customers avoid overburdening their own technical resources

with the complex and costly task of creating something from scratch.


MissionTelecard™ is the most dynamic, flexible and advanced platform

for the Telecom Industry. It enables businesses to sell Wireless cards,

Phone cards, ANI (Pinless Programs), Gift Certificates or other products

either Online or through Retail channels. System combines all the

features to operate an Internet business or Retail business with

Distributors and Retailers. Online business includes automated

payments (AuthorizeNet, PayPal, and more) comprehensive fraud

protection, detailed administration pages for order processing, content

and site management, marketing tools, and advanced reports to

analyze customers buying behavior and business.

Developed using the .Net technology that can scale up to support

thousands of concurrent users with millions of transactions. Product can

be delivered by email, fax, phone or SMS allowing users to start using

their prepaid product immediately. It also protects business owners by

advanced fraud protection features such as IP blocking; threshold

purchase limits and AVS reporting.


Page 6: TECHNOLOGY CONSULTING SOLUTIONS OUTSOURCING · 2010. 11. 29. · Zaztech develops applications keeping in mind the current and future business strategies, intra-enterprise environment

Zaztech delivers high quality business

consulting and sound technology. Our

core strength lies in our vast exposure and

extensive knowledge of standard

international business processes. We help

small and medium enterprises to carve

their way to the Fortune® list.

Until now, clients have had to choose

between business consultants who do not

deliver consistent technology, and

technology consultants who do not deliver

consistent business results. But now,

committed to delivering innovation,

Zaztech collaborates with its clients to help

them achieve high performance.

"Nothing is permanent, but change!"

Heraclites - 4th century BC.

The ability to manage change is a critical

competency for high performance

organizations. Zaztech helps organizations

prepare for coming changes, manage the

complex organizational and workforce

transition to the desired end state, operate

successfully once a business solution or

transformation is in place and realize the

greatest long-term value from their

business improvement efforts.

Our professionals leverage leading-edge

technologies and business experience to

identify opportunities and drive business

process improvements. With deep industry

and business processes expertise, broad

global resources and a proven track

record, Zaztech can mobilize the right

people, right skills and right technologies

to help clients improve their performance.

We provide ideas that are timeless and

their influence that is profound.
















The Internet is changing the core 'Ps' of marketing.

Every project must pass through the SWOT scanner - delivering value for money,

adding efficiency to ongoing processes and enhancing the business's bottom-line.

Proposition advantages?Competitive advantages?

USP's (unique selling points)?Resources, assets, people?

Experience, knowledge, data?Marketing - reach, distribution, awareness?

Location and geographical?Price, value, quality?

Processes, systems, IT, communications?

Strengths Weaknesses

System disadvantages?Lack of competitive strength?

Reputation, presence and reach?Financials?

Timescales, deadlines and pressures?Continuity, supply chain robustness?Effects on core activities, distraction?

Morale, commitment, leadership?Accreditations, certifications?

Market developments?Competitors vulnerabilities?

Technology development and innovation?New markets, vertical, horizontal?Global influences - export, import?

New USP's?Business and product development?Partnerships, agencies, distribution?Volumes, production, economies?

Opportunities Threats

Political and Legislative effects?Environmental effects?

Competitor intentions - various?Market demand?

New technologies, services, ideas?Sustaining internal capabilities?

Obstacles faced?Loss of key staff?

Sustainable financial backing?

Five Force Analysis




power of



power of


Threat of

new entrants

Threat of



Adapted from M.E. Porter, Competitive Strategy, Free Press, 1980.

Page 7: TECHNOLOGY CONSULTING SOLUTIONS OUTSOURCING · 2010. 11. 29. · Zaztech develops applications keeping in mind the current and future business strategies, intra-enterprise environment

The most successful companies in the

world have two common characteristics:

they focus on core competencies, and

flawlessly execute on a consistent basis, in

every area of business. For all other

companies, these qualities are a highly

prized target. To achieve these goals in an

environment with increasing costs and

competition, many global organizations

are turning to Business Process

Outsourcing (BPO) for streamlining their

operations and increasing profitability.

Outsourcing services make businesses

more competitive, reduce costs, focus on

what businesses do best and help

businesses make the changes to get there.

BPO services include:

Telephone based services

Thoughtful written response

Real-time written response

Back-office transaction processing







Business Process OutsourcingAdvantages

Control capital costs.

Competitive advantage.

Focus on core business.

Reduce staffing costs.

Reduce risk.

Level the playing field.

Outsourcing converts

fixed costs into variable costs, releases capital

for investment elsewhere in business, and

allows avoiding large expenditures in the early

stages of business. Outsourcing makes the firm

more attractive to investors, since business is

able to pump more capital directly into

revenue-producing activities.

Companies that do

everything themselves have much higher

research, development, marketing and

distribution expenses; all of which must be

passed on to customers. Outsourcing to

Zaztech's cost structure and economy of scale

can give firms an important competitive


Every business has

limited resources, and every manager has

limited time and attention. Outsourcing can

help a business to shift its focus from peripheral

activities toward work that serves the customer,

and it can help managers set their priorities

more clearly.

Hiring and training staff

for short-term or peripheral projects can be

very expensive and temporary employees do

not always live up to expectations. Outsourcing

lets a business focus its human resources where

it needs them most. With Zaztech's trained

staff, businesses have immediate access to

effective and efficient talent.

Every business investment carries

some risk. Markets, competition, government

regulations, financial conditions and

technologies all change very quickly. Zaztech

assumes and manages this risk for customers

and we are much better at deciding how to

avoid risk in our areas of expertise.

Most small firms

simply cannot afford to match the in-house

support services that larger companies

maintain. Outsourcing can help small firms act

"big" by giving them access to the same

economies of scale, efficiency and expertise

that large companies enjoy.





















Customer service

Loyalty programs

Order fulfillment

Data conversion

Medical transcription


Remote systems management

Booking and reservations

Information validation

Payroll processing

Service activations

Scanning and storage

Technical support



Data entry



Software development

Software maintenance

Phase 1 - Cost Saving

Generate savings of at

least 30% on 'As is' Processes

Leverage Zaztech's strengths in

Business Processes Optimization

Leverage Zaztech's

Operation Expertise

Phase 2 - Process Optimization

Phase 3 - Operation Management


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Zaztech product development team has

been on the cutting edge of envisioning

and delivering revenue-enhancing

business solutions. The team's balance

of deep business knowledge, technical

expertise and solution implementation

experience makes them a team to trust.

We have all the components required to

deliver, operate and maintain fully

functional e-commerce and complex

web solutions.

Product Development at Zaztech

Resources (People)

Cost (Budget)



Factors Affecting a Project

SCOPEWhen Scope Expands

Increase Others

Our approach is tried and tested and has been the backbone to the delivery of some

of the most innovative and complex web solutions deployed on the Internet today

We understand the challenges and

opportunities the web presents to

businesses and how businesses can

respond quickly and pragmatically. Then

we work with businesses to deliver on-

time, on-budget solutions that produce

measurable results. We also make sure

that the knowledge we have gained has

been transferred to the client's team so

the client organization can continue to


Our employees are the cream of the

talent crop, brought in synch at the

state-of-the-art development center in

India and a consulting team in the

United States. A team, when put

together can achieve something that

none, as bright as they are, could on

their own. At Zaztech, it is the

networked diversity of the experts

brought together to make a difference.

Their expertise is combined to a

remarkable end.

Our Approach

Truly effective development of

information systems start with an overall

view of what the business's priorities are

for exploiting information. Development

projects vary and cannot follow a rigid

step-by-step approach. Therefore,

Zaztech adopts a flexible framework for

development that recognizes this. The

full system development life cycle

encompasses a number of


We start by developing in association

with our clients a detailed functional

requirements specifications (FRS)

document. The FRS defines the exact

specific functionality of the required

solution. FRS functions as a key

reference document throughout the

development phase as well as the life

cycle management phase following

successful deployment.

Once the FRS has been agreed between

Zaztech and the client; then the software

development phase commences. A

Zaztech project manager manages the

development and deployment phases to

an agreed project plan, ensuring that the

solution delivered meets the client's

requirements. The manager takes full

responsibility in coordinating with the

client for various solution releases

through to final quality assurance and

client acceptance of the system.

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Zaztech believes that Quality is the

responsibility of 'ALL'. Quality is ensured at

each stage of product development rather

than at the final inspection. Doing the job

correctly the first time, and doing it

consistently ensures deployment of fewer

assets, lower development costs, higher

efficiency and quality productivity. Providing

quality and innovative solutions at good

value for money ensures us customer

satisfaction and long-term business

relationships. Careful attention to quality not

only enables us to meet or exceed customer

expectations, but it also has a substantial

positive effect on our net growth.


Critical Components in Successful Product Development (Six Sigma)

Product DevelopmentProcess

Tools andBest Practices

Project Management

Product D


Product L


Cycle Managem


Product D


Product D


Product Analysis

Product P


Understand business

strategy, identify the needs,

develop strategy, evaluate

existing systems and

formulate a plan of action.

Develop a roadmap to

address the identified and

desired business value in a

fast-paced environment.

Design the 'externals' of the

system, use prototyping

techniques, design the

'internals', the technical

design, plan for detailed

testing and design the

environment (hardware and

software) in which the

system is to run. Plan the

transition from old systems.

Train and deploy the

solution that meets design

goals and business

objectives within the

projects time and cost


Confirm the scope of the

project, analyze requirements

jointly with users and IS

analysts, document the

results, cross-check data and

process definitions. Plan the

design of the system and

ensure everyone's

commitment. Identify and

document business, user, and

technical specifications that

will achieve the desired

business value.

Develop the system using a

combination of techniques

and development languages.

Test each new system or


comprehensively, plan the

implementation, train the

users and plan the future

evolution and maintenance

of the system.

All systems evolve and need redevelopment

in use to meet ever changing and ever

growing business requirements to provide

enhanced facilities or to fix inadequacies. The

choice of development methods and tools

contributes greatly to the ease or difficulty of

supporting an evolving system. Zaztech's

software design makes modernization and

integration with other business systems much

easier. This assures the value of the solution

through maintenance, enhancements,

training, and transitioning knowledge.

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Business Challenge:


Why Zaztech?

Technical Solution:


The company is a provider of telecom services in the United States. Hermesys wanted state-of-the-art telecommunications sales,

support, service and management system for its retail customers, wholesale customers, vendors, retailers and distributors. The

company also wanted to provide real-time access to reports, sales activities, billing, switch updates, account creation and auto-

recharging to its customers anytime, anywhere and anyhow (Web, Phone or Retail).

The existing system consisted of the carrier web interface. The customers registered in the carrier system; bypassed Hermesys

with short-term gain and long term loss of value and revenue. The setup also tied Hermesys with only one vendor in a

monopolistic situation. Hermesys needed a larger, self controlled system, with additional features involving several vendors for a

good product mix in more than one category. They needed no loss of functionality 24 X 7 with all the features and activities

available to any type of customer or business partner.

Create a self serving system for secure web-based sales, service, management and control

Retain and grow customer base by providing new value added services

Provide 'anytime, anywhere' access to comprehensive reports, sales activities and accounts

The company chose Zaztech because of its significant prior experience in developing leading-edge systems for

telecommunications service providers, its ability to rapidly deliver a production system, and its experience in developing and

implementing Internet based large scale relational database integrated systems. Moreover immediate saving of at least 30% was

also a motivating factor.

In less than six months, Zaztech designed, developed and implemented a new multi-tier information system using the .Net

technology. The system allowed access to transactions securely via the Internet to remote users, as well as retailers, distributors,

customers and internal company administrators. The new system added significant new functionality with an ability to handle

additional features as desired. Carrier grade systems and Hermesys vast experience were leveraged in this project, preserving a

great deal of company's prior business efforts. Technologies used included Microsoft .Net , Microsoft SQL Server, JavaScript ,

C#, XML and Windows Server platform.

A single coordinated interface to retail and wholesale customers (Web, Stores and POS Kiosks), retailers, distributors, service

providers and the internal company employees. Zaztech offered a one-stop shopping solution and rapidly turned this business

concept into reality. Everyone has remote, secure access to up-to-date information and can self-serve 24 X 7 with new purchase

transactions, recharges, record history, real-time payments, real-time call detail reports, switch queries and updates.






Multi-vendor product capabilities with purchase, sales, real-time inventory access and account update

Quick implementation of system using web technologies


® ® ® ®


Case StudyHermesys - Major Telecom Services Provider, USA

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Business Partner you can rely on

Success in a rapidly evolving market demands strong partners.

Strategic co-operation between powerful partners is a crucial

factor in successfully meeting the ever-growing demands of

customers in the globally competitive environment and to

consolidate and strengthen market position for the long term.

Zaztech assists partners in generating new levels of efficiency

- this is the key to survival in the realm of global competition.

Sell the globally recognized products and win a competitive

edge by taking advantage of our branding. Enjoy increased

competitive advantage in today's electronically woven global

markets. Come join us today!

We believe that we have a responsibility to the society in which we operate or conduct our businesses. We will and we do honor

our obligations to society by being an intellectual, economic and social asset to each community, state, nation in which we

operate. We fulfill our obligation to society by providing healthy work atmosphere, by building world-class development centers

and by providing economic and voluntary assistance.

Zaztech believes that a healthy environment is necessary for the well-being of society, our people and our business, and is the

foundation for a sustainable and strong economy. Zaztech recognizes that diverse, healthy natural resources - fresh water, oceans,

air, forests, grasslands, and agro-systems - are a critical component of social and sustainable economic development. We take

seriously our responsibility for environmental stewardship and believe that as a leading technology company, we should play a

constructive role in helping to address the challenges facing the environment.

Zaztech is a Strategic Partner:







who supports with comprehensive knowledge and ground-

breaking developments

whose e-Business technology is easily implemented and

grows as customers' needs grow

who actively provides solutions to expand core business

into extremely lucrative markets

Who actively recommends your products and services

Who actively recommends your products and services

who supports 24 X 7 in any location around the world

A Universal Citizen

Page 12: TECHNOLOGY CONSULTING SOLUTIONS OUTSOURCING · 2010. 11. 29. · Zaztech develops applications keeping in mind the current and future business strategies, intra-enterprise environment


Boston, USA+1.617.418.4326

London, UK+44.208.816.7651


4B Sheetla Bazar, Jajmau

Kanpur, UP 208010 INDIA

Phone: +91.512.246.2356

Fax: +91.512.246.0176

E-mail: [email protected]

"We excel around the expertise of our people,

we invest in our chosen partners,

we diligently support our customers

and the quality of the solutions we deliver."