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    Technical Document at ion

    I ntr oduct ion:

    This sect ion of my document at ion is aimed at elucidat ing all of t he t echnical it ems

    included in my home page. Ther e will be a sh ort des cr ipt ion of e ach it em and anexample of it s appearance t oo.


    I have many links incor porat ed int o my web s it e be cause t hey allow t he user t o

    br owse t hrough t he web pages and cr eat ed a much more user -f riendly atmospher e.

    Links allow t he user s t o access diff er ent web pages wit hin t he web s ite and are

    of t en linked t o re levant t opics. All of my web pages include a link t hat t akes t he

    user back t o the home page j ust in case t he user wishes t o access anot her part of

    t he web site or re st art a search f or a cert ain topic t hrough the web sit e. Links

    t hat I have included in my web sit e can be classified as eit her int er nal links or

    ext er nal links. These links ar e ver y simply cr eat ed using t he applicat ion Claris Home

    Page 3 .0. This applicat ion is ver y user -f r iendly and has a good he lp f acilit y. Cr eat ing

    a link is t her ef ore ver y simple. The main dif f er ence be t wee n int er nal links and

    ext er nal links is t hat int er nal links only link web pages wit hin t he s ame web sit e, but

    ext er nal links link my web s it e t o a web page on anot her web s ite on t he I nte rnet .

    This globalises t he web sit e and means t hat t he r esources available t o the user ar e

    incr eas ed, t hus incre asing user -f r iendlines s as well.

    Below I have included t he general procedure t hat I used t o creat e all of t he links

    wit hin my web sit e:

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    I st art ed off by creat ing an image or writ ing a piece of t ext in t he web page t hat

    re f er red t o another web page t hat t his link would be linked t o. Next I select ed t his

    image or piece of t ext and under t he View t ab I select ed t he Link Edit or but t on

    as depicte d above. This t hen showed me t he link edit or and all that I had t o do now

    was t o browse t o t he web page t hat I wante d t o link t his link t o, on t he har d dr ive,

    if t his was an int er nal link, as shown be low:

    The box ab ove s howed up whe n I clicked on Link Edit or. Next I clicked on t he

    Br owse Files but t on and t he box b elow appeare d:

    Next I simply highlight ed t he f ile t hat I wante d t o link t o and clicked on t he but t on

    Open. This pr oduced a link t hat showed up in t he link edit or and now if I wer e t o

    br owse t he web page in a web br owser such as I nt er net Explorer , I would f ind t hat

    t he link would t ake me t o t he f ile t hat I had highlight ed in t he b ox. The link was

    now done. I f I wer e using an image or t ext now, I would simply have t o click on t he

    image or t ext t o take me to t he des ir ed linked web page.

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    For ex t er nal links t he pr ocess works in a similar f ashion. The only dif f er ence would

    be t hat I would have t o know t he URL of t he web page or t he web addr ess and I

    would input t his in t he link ed it or b ox inst ead of clicking on Br owse Files . I f I was

    on-line i.e. logged ont o t he W orld Wide W eb , and I clicked on t his ex t er nal link, it

    would t ake me t o the desire d web page if it wer e on t he I nte rnet . I could use

    ext ernal links also t o links ot her web sit es t hat I had creat ed or even ot her

    documents or dat abases.

    Ther e is also a t hird t ype of link that can be cre at ed using t his applicat ion. This link

    is called an anchor link and is cr eat ed in much t he s ame manner as t he ot her links.

    An anchor link, as t he name suggest s, allows a link to be cre at ed e .g. at t he bot t om

    of a web page, so that if t he user wishes t o ret urn to t he t op, he or she doesnt

    have t o scr oll all t he way back. The user can simply click on t he link, which is linked

    t o an anchor t hat can be inser t ed at t he t op of t he web page. T he anchor can be

    inser t ed by clicking on t he I nser t t ab in Claris Home Page 3 .0 and t hen clicking onanchor, as port r ayed below:

    The n a box will pop up asking f or t he

    name of t he new anchor. Once t his is

    complet ed a n anchor image will be s ee n

    on t he web page:

    This can t hen be moved ar ound t heweb page. Next t he link has t o be

    cr eat ed us ing Link Edit or by ent er ing

    t he name of t he anchor wit h a # in

    f ront of t he name. This is f or an

    anchor in t he same f ile. I t is also

    possible t o creat e an anchor link to an

    anchor in anot her web page. This is

    simply done b y ent er ing t he web page

    URL (Univer sal Resour ce Locat or ) of

    t he anchor and t he anchor name. Thisis similar t o an int er nal link but t he

    main dif f er ence is t hat t his link can

    link t o anywher e in a page and does not by def ault show t he t op of a web page.

    Ther e ar e t wo more links t hat can be cr eat ed. The FTP (File Tr ansfe r Prot ocol) link

    simply allows an ext er nal link t o be cr eat ed t o an FTP sit e on t he I nt er net . The Mail

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    link, as t he name suggest s, cre at es a link t hat allows t he user s of a web page, when

    clicking on t his link, to e -mail inf ormat ion t o an addr ess input t ed in t he Link Edit or


    This is bas ically t he proces s f or cr eat ing links using Claris Home Page 3 .0 and is

    r elat ively eas y. Below is a list of all t he links t hat exist in my web s it e:

    S ome of My I nt er nal Links:

    Vot ing Web Page - t his link takes you fr om t he web page t hat you are pres ent ly

    viewing t o t he vot ing web page, which allows you t o submit a f orm, t elling me what

    your f avour it e Magic car d is and any addit ional comment s.

    Se arch Engine - t his link t akes you fr om t he web page t hat you are pr ese nt ly

    viewing t o t he s ear ch engine web page t hat allows you t o sear ch f or keywords

    wit hin my web sit e.

    S poiler List s t his link t akes you f r om t he web page t hat you are pr es ent ly viewing

    t o t he s poiler list s web page t hat houses all of t he s poiler list s in my web page.

    Deck spoiler list s The links in t he s poiler list s web page t ake t he user t o t he

    specif ied spoiler list e.g. Exodus spoiler list will t ake t he user f r om t he web page

    pre se nt ly be ing viewed t o t he Exodus Spoiler list web page.

    Magic f or Beginner s The links in t his web page a r e b asically anchor links and will

    t ake you ar ound t he web page, allowing t he user t o read al of t he r ules concer ning

    t he game of Magic; The Gat her ing.

    Per sonal Touch This links you t o a web page t hat cont ains gener al infor mat ion

    about t he maker of t his web sit e, namely me. I t allows t he user t o browse t hr ough

    t he web page cont aining inf ormat ion about me.

    S ome of My Ext er nal Links:

    Guest Book - t his link t akes you f r om t he web page t hat you are pr es ent ly viewing

    t o t he Guest Book web page on t he WWW t hat I pers onally cust omised at

    www.guest wor and allows you t o ent er your name and add any comment s in

    general about t he web sit e.

    Se arch Engine - This link t akes t he user t o an on-line sear ch engine t hat sear ches

    f or keywords in my web s it e. The on-line s er vice produces a list of all t he web pages

    t hat cont ain the keywords t hr ough the use of a site map that maps your e nt ir e web

    sit e. This se r vice was pr ovided by www.f r ee f

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    Ot her Magic Web Sit es This web page cont ains ext er nal links t o othe r Magic: The

    Gat hering web site s t hat I locat ed on t he WWW and t hat I t hought were

    part icularly good. The links t ake t he user t o th e specific web sit e t hat it is

    r ef er ring t o fr om t he web page cur re nt ly being viewed.

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    S et t ing a Backgr ound

    I n Claris Homepage 3 .0 you have t he opt ion of adding a background image t o your

    web pages. I decided t o cre at e an image t hat I could use f or all of t he web ages so

    t hat it would be consist ent and would link all of t he web pages in t he use r s mind. Icr eat e t he image by downloading an image t hat I had f ound on t he W WW whilst

    br owsing. This image was ver y dar k and I want ed a light image s o in Claris

    Homepage 3.0 I opened t he image. Nex t I double-clicked on t he image

    (alt er nat ively t he obje ct edit or could be select ed under t he window t ab) and t he

    object edit or popped up. Her e I could se t t ransparency and int er lacing. I clicked on

    t his but t on and all t hat I had t o do was click on a port ion of t he image t hat I

    want ed t o be light er , and voila, t he image was now over all much light er . This was a

    ver y handy f unct ion. Next I inser t ed t he image in a web page t o see if it f unct ioned

    by clicking image under t he inse r t t ab. Her e I had t o select which image t o inser t

    and I simply browsed t o t he f ile t hat cont ained t he image in my folder . Aft er Imade s ure t hat it looked proper I delet ed t he image and clicked on t he view t ab on

    t he menu bar at t he t op of t he scr een. Under t his t ab I clicked on document

    opt ions wher e I could set t he b ackground by simply br owsing t o t he f ile under

    I mage: Se t :

    The final image that I

    came up for my

    background is as


    I t hought t hat t h is

    image was pr et t y good

    because it is t he

    symbol for Magic: t he

    Gat her ing and is ver y


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    Gues t Book

    I incorporat ed a guest book int o my web sit e as well. This was init ially done by

    simply using ht t p:/ / www.alt avist and sear ching for f r ee guest book ser ver s.

    This se arch came up with s everal links t o ser ver s t hat provided f r ee guest booksbut the most appropriate web site was ht t p:/ / www.guest t hat allowed f ull

    cust omisat ion of t he guest book. This was ver y usef ul. The f irst t hing t hat I had t o

    do was f ill in a f orm, including all of my pers onal det ails and t he web page t hat t he

    gues t book had t o appear on. An example of t he f orm is be low:

    The web page wher e t his f orm can be f ound is as f ollows:

    ht t p:/ / nept une.guest manage/ updat euser inf m?geart oken=1507 347 95 &owner =kart ik00 7

    Once t his f orm was f illed in I was pres ent ed with s everal funct ions t hat I could use

    t o cust omise my guest book. Thes e f unct ions wer e eas y t o use and allowed me t o

    set t he crit er ia. Once I had cust omised t he guest book and had complet ed t he

    proced ure , I was s hown t he f ollowing inf ormat ion shown on t he nex t page:

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    Congrat ulat ions!

    Your Guest book fr om Guest Wor ld is now Regist er ed

    Her e is t he code f or your homepage t o make t he guest book work. Simply copy and

    past e it in. How easy can it get !

    I f you cannot copy and past e t hen you will need t o add t he code t o t he HTML code

    on your homepage. Save t he conte nt s t o a f ile, print out t his page or wr it e it down

    car ef ully. You can also ex pect an email not ificat ion wit h t his inf ormat ion as well. I f

    you do not r eceive t he e mail, t hat does not mean you are not re gist er ed, nor do you

    have t o wait f or an email to use t he se rvice.

    The Code...


    gn My Gues t book


    ew My Guest book

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    I f you f ind somet hing is incorr ect , you can go t o t he Te chCent er and move on t o t he

    utilit ies area t o corr ect it .

    Get a Fre e Membe r ship From Tr ipod

    TechCent er | Be our Guest | Sign Our Guest book | View Our Guest book | Part ners |

    About Us |

    Guest World is a t rade mark of Lycos, I nc.

    Copyr ight 199 8, All Right s Rese r ved

    All t hat I had t o do was se lect t he component s under code and past e it in HTML

    source of my gues t book web page. The HTML source could be edit ed by clicking oned it HTML sour ce under t he view t ab. Voila, I now had my gues t book and it was

    f ully f unct ional in a web br owse r , such as Ne t scape. Below is an example of t he

    message I r eceived when I signed t he guest book myself t o see if it was working:

    This gues t book is an example of one of t he ex t er nal links in my web s it e be cause

    signing my gues t book would link t he us er t o my on-line gues t book at

    ht t p:/ / www.guest Above you can see t hat one of t he cust om opt ions is t o

    allow t he user t o ente r a privat e message. People wit h t he ent ry password can t hen

    only r ead t his mess age. This maint ains a sense of privacy and is r eas sur ing for t heuser.

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    Cr ea t ing a Count er and S ear ch Engine

    Count er :

    I also include d a count er in my home page of my web page. This count er was s imply

    included t o make t he user f eel more at home. The count er was obt ained f rom the

    same web sit e where t he guest book was obt ained, namely

    ht t p:/ / www.guest All that I had t o do was visit t his web s it e and select

    an image t hat I want ed t o use f or my counter . I st umbled upon t he counter t hat I

    have included in my home page when ex ploring t he web sit e f or t he guest book. I

    se lect ed an image and import ed it int o Claris Homepage 3.0.Then I past ed it in my

    home page ad voila, t he count er was done. I accessed my web s ite in t he I nte r net

    br owsing applicat ion, Net scape Navigator 4.0. I did t his t o make sure t hat t he

    count er was f ully f unct ional. Below shows t he image of t he count er :

    Search Engine:

    I also include d a s ear ch e ngine in my web sit e. This was d one once again by br owsing

    t he World Wide Web using Net scape Navigator 4 .0. I accessed t he sear ch engine

    altavist a at t he f ollowing addr ess : ht t p:/ / Next under t he query

    sear ch I sear ched f or f r ee s ear ch engines and it came up wit h a list of web sit es

    t hat off er ed f re e sear ch engines. Af t er painst akingly br owsing th rough each of

    t hese web sit es individually I decided t hat t he one of f er ed by f r eef ind at

    ht t p:/ / www.f re ef was t he best . This was because it off er ed t he great est

    select ion and was also t he least cumber some. All t hat I had t o do was t o ent er t he

    det ails of my web sit e and let t he s er ver cre at e a sit e map of my web s it e (a lot

    like a r oad map so t hat if a user want ed t o search f or a keyword, t his word could be

    immediat ely acces sed . This was because t he web sit e fr ee f ind ser ver wouldnt

    need t o search t hr ough all of t he web pages but simply search t hr ough t he map

    cre at ed bef ore). Now I had act ually cre at ed anot her e xt er nal link because t his

    se ar ch engine was linked t o t he main sear ch engine pr ovided b y f r ee f ind. I also had

    t o copy and past e s ome HTML t ext in t he web page s o t hat t he s ear ch engine would

    appear, as I want ed it t o. Below is an example of how my se ar ch e ngine looks:

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    All t hat t he user needed t o do was ent er t he quer y keyword or keywords in the box

    shown on t he pre vious page. Clicking on f ind would cr eat e a list of cr it er ia mat ching

    t he query on t he f re ef ind web s ite .

    Below is an example of t he r esult t hat I obt ained when I used t he se arch e ngine

    and sear ched f or exodus. As you can see t his se ar ch engine simply list s t he web

    pages t hat are f ound that include t his keyword:

    Now t he use r simply has t o click on t he link and he or s he will be t aken t o t he web

    page t hat cont ains t he keyword.

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    Using Adobe I mageS t yler 1.0

    One of t he main programs t hat I used in creat ing prof ess ional looking gr aphics f or

    my web sit e is Adobe I mageS t yler 1.0. This applicat ion allows you t o cre at e

    prof es sional graphics and is very vers at ile. I t can cope wit h var ious sit uat ions and isver y usef ul because it can also deal wit h J ava S cripting f or web s it es because it

    provides J ava applet s. This is t he main re ason why I used t his applicat ion. One of

    t he images t hat I creat ed using Adobe I mageSt yler 1.0 is t he image of t he sear ch

    engine but t on on my home page. This image was cr eat ed using Adobe I mageS t yler

    1.0 and use s J ava Scr ipt ing t oo. Below is a scre enshot of t he image:

    Using Adobe I mageS t yler 1.0 I cr eat ed a 3 -D image, which when t he use r moves

    t he mouse over , changes s hape. Also when t he use r clicks on t he image t o link t o t he

    sear ch engine, the image changes. Below are t he images t hat t he f irst image

    changes t o when t he user per f orms a cer t ain act ion:

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    I managed t o do t his t hr ough t he use of t he J ava applet available in Adobe

    I mageSt yler 1.0. I st art ed of f by creat ing a shape using t he general t ools t oolbar

    t hat shows up at t he be ginning when t he applicat ion is r un. I f t he t oolbar is not

    visible all t hat has t o be d one is t he Window t ab has t o be clicked and t he Tools

    but t on has t o be act ivat ed by t icking it . Below is a scr eenshot of t he t oolbar :

    The but t on t hat I used t o draw t he image init ially was t he one in t he

    se cond column, f our t h but t on (t he one wit h an image of a hex agon):

    Next I used another t oolbar

    available in Adobe I mageS t yler t o

    creat e t he t ext ure . This t oolbar is

    also available under t he Window

    t ab (shown below) as ar e all of t heother toolbars:

    The t oolbar t hat I used t o creat e t he t ext ure is Text ure s t hat also allowed me t o

    cust omise t he st yle and t he shape. Since I alre ady had t he shape, I only neede d t ochange t he t ext ure and st yle by selecting t he image and t hen select ing one of t he

    st yles and one of t he t ext ures available under each t ab on t he t oolbar. The st yle

    and t ext ure t hat I chose produced t he image on the f ollowing page:

    This was t he bas is of my search e ngine but t on

    and t he f inal product was achieved by adjust ing

    t he br ight ness and light int ensit y using t he

    t oolbar available I t he applicat ion. Under t he

    t ab 3-D I chose an embosse d image so t hat it

    would produce an image t hat would st and out oft he page, so t hat t he user would r ecognise it

    when I inse r t ed int o my home page.

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    The next t hing t hat I had t o do was cre at e t he moving image t hat would change

    when t he user perf ormed a cer t ain act ion. I used t he J avascr ipt t oolbar available

    and I cre at ed dif f er ent act ions by clicking on each and alt er ing t he image.

    As can be seen fr om t he scre enshot of

    t he t oolbar , to t he lef t , there were f our

    f unct ions t hat Adobe I mageSt yler 1.0

    pr ovided : noAct ion, onMouseOver ,

    onMouseDown, onMouseOut . The se

    f unct ions all re pres ent t hings t hat when

    t he user perf orms a cert ain act ivit y, will

    change t he image of t he but t on, in t his

    case . All t hat I had t o do was click on

    onMouse Over and t hen change t he image

    t o my liking. This is t he image t hat t heuser will see when he or s he moves t he

    mouse curs or over t he image of t he but t on. This is a for m of a J ava applet . Next I

    also changed t he image f or onMouse Down, for when t he use r clicks on t he image

    and onMouseout , which would look the same as t he f irst image. I t hought t hat t his

    would be int er est ing and would grasp t he user s at t ent ion. I n t he home page it self,

    it is r at her eye-cat ching.

    Once I had creat ed t his image I set out t o creat e various ot her images using t his

    applicat ion, as it cr eat ed s uch prof es sional looking images t hat it r eally did impre ss

    me. I would give it a 9 out of 10 as a gener al applicat ion! The ot her images t hat Icr eat ed as also visible in my web s it e on th e various web pages. I cr eat ed s o many

    images t hat I t hink it t o be more sensible t o creat e hardcopies of t he web pages

    t hemselves inst ead of giving an example of each.

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    Macint osh Comput er s:

    I have ment ioned t he word scr eenshot ver y of t en so far so I t hink it only

    appropriat e t o explain what t his is. A scr ee nshot is basically a met hod of d at a

    capt ure on a scre en i.e. producing an image of what is visible on t he s cr ee n. This is

    ver y use f ul f or document at ion as it makes e xplaining all of t he f unct ions of a

    program or web s ite a lot easier. On Apple Macint oshes you can creat e a s cre en

    shot by pre ssing t he f ollowing keys on th e keyboar d: Apple (t he apple sign key) +

    shift (it doesnt mat t er whet her it is lef t or r ight ) + 3. The arr ow cursor changes

    into a crosshair, which can t hen be used t o select a part of t he scre en to creat e a

    scr eenshot of. You simply have t o pre ss t he mouse but t on and drag it across t he

    scr een so t hat it cover s t he ar ea you need. Next you simply leave t he mouse but t on

    and a scr eensh ot is f ormed. All you have t o do now is use t he past e f unct ion in your

    word -proces sing applicat ion and voila, you have a scr ee nshot of what was on t he


    Per sonal Comput er s (PCs):

    For PCs t he scr eenshot syst em that is provided wit h t he Windows operat ing syst em

    is rat her diff er ent . Her e you have t o click on t he Print Scr een on t he keyboard .

    This aut omat ically creat es an image of t he ent ire scr een. Next you have t o past e it

    in an applicat ion t hat allows you t o manipulat e Bit map (mapping of an image b inar y

    digit by binary digit (1s or 0s )) images, such as Microsof t Paint . All t hat you have t o

    do is past e t he image and t hen select t he port ion that you want and t hen copy it

    using th e copy funct ion. Next you ent er t he wor d-processing applicat ion that you

    have and simply past e it in t he document .

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    Cr eat ing Frames

    What are Frames?

    I n my web sit e I decided t o cr eat e a f rame f or each web page that would cont ain a

    list of links t o the ot her web pages. I decided t o do t his t o make t he web sit e more

    user- f r iendly. Frames lit er ally mean a web page made up of f rames of oth er web

    pages. This in fact incorporat es t wo or more web pages in one window. The

    advantage of t his is t hat you can creat e columns down t he side of a web page t hat

    cont ains all of t he links in your web sit e, so t hat all of t he web pages can be

    acces se d f r om t hat one web page. Luckily, Claris Homepage 3.0 cover s t his ar ea of

    web aut horing and so it was act ually quit e s imple in creat ing f r ames .

    The Process of Cre at ing Fra mes:

    Fir st ly what I had t o do was cr eat e a new web page t hat would cont ain t he links on

    t he column, t o th e ot her web pages. I used Adobe I mageSt yler 1.0 again to cr eat e

    t he but t ons t hat I would use as links. These but t ons can be seen on a print out of

    t he web page f or t he f rames, t hat I have included. I used t he same background as

    I had used f or all of t he ot her web pages and t his was se t under t he view t ab and

    under document opt ions in Claris Homepage 3 .0, as ex plained pr eviously. Once t his

    was d one I simply saved t he f ile and cr eat ed a new fr ame page b y clicking on File

    and New. Under t his I se lect ed Frame Page. Nex t a box showed up t hat asked me

    which f iles I would like t o be viewed in my f r ame page. This scr eensh ot shown


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    Now I simply clicked on Add File and br owsed t hr ough t he f iles t hat I want ed t o

    be viewed in my fr ame page. I se lect ed t he homepage and t he web page cont aining

    t he but t ons, which I had ear lier cr eat ed. I also select ed Document Or ient at ion as

    Ver t ical; as t his meant t hat t he t wo web pages would st and side by side in t he

    f r ame page. Once t his was d one and I had c licked on OK a web page wit h t wo

    columns appear ed. Each had be en linked t o t he web pages t hat I had pr eviously

    select ed. I n fact t he f rames wer e now act ually done. I viewed t he web page in

    Net scape Navigat or 4.0.1 and everyt hing seemed t o be f ine. All t hat I had t o do

    next was adj ust t he column widt h by clicking on t he divide and shift ing it t o th e

    lef t so t hat t he column on t he lef t was narr ower , wher e all t he links would be

    shown. On t he r ight now, I had my homepage. Once t his was done I re t urned t o

    Claris Homepage 3 .0 and opened t he c olumn web page. I also opened t he f r ame page.

    I n t he f r ame page I double-clicked on t he r ight -hand side f rame and a box


    Next I select ed t he f ile t hat t his f rame was assigned t o once again to make sure

    t hat it was f ully f unct ional. This s eemed t o be working f ine. Af t er t his under f r ame

    name I t yped in t he name r ight . This was es sent ial in cr eat ing a proper link for t he

    but t ons in t he column.

    Now I went t o the column web page and here I select ed f ir st ly the but t on sear ch

    engine. I opened link edit or and s et t he link by br owsing as se ar che ml,

    wher e my sear ch engine was locat ed. Once t his was done, on t he b ot t om of t he b ox

    under t ar get f r ame I t yped in r ight . Alt er nat ively I could have used t he opt ionprovided (_parent ) but I only realised t his lat er and it didnt make much of a

    diff er ence. On th e f ollowing page t her e is a scree nshot of t he link edit or box and

    t he informat ion t hat I t yped into it .

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    This now meant t hat if a use r clicked on t he sear ch engine but t on in t he column,

    t he s ear ch engine web page would appear in t he r ight -hand side f rame and not in an

    ent ir ely new web page. This saved t ime as it meant t hat I didnt have t o creat e a

    new1 f r ame page f or e ach of my web pages, as when t he web sit e was loaded and

    t he h omepage a ppear ed , so would t he c olumn. This column would r emain in t hat

    f r ame, what ever ot her web page was be ing browse d. This was quit e and

    achievement and t ook me quit e a while t o puzzle out as well. My f r ame page was now

    complet ely done.

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    Cr eat ing a Tab le

    One it em that I f re quent ly used in my web sit e is a t able. Tables are ver y usef ul as

    t hey allow you t o arr ange images and t ext around a web page. Wit hout t ables, t ext

    and images c ouldnt r unside by side. The major

    advant age of t his is

    t hat it saves space, but

    is also more at t ract ive

    f or t he user. Creat ing a

    t able in Claris

    Homepage 3 .0 is quit e

    eas ily done. Firs t ly you

    have t o click on t he

    I nsert t ab on t he menubar a t t he top of t he

    scr een. Fr om t he pop-

    down menu you have t o

    select t he but t on

    t able. A t ab le is

    creat ed and t he box on

    t he left shows up:

    Her e you can set how many columns and rows you want and also t he t ype of bor der ,0 if you dont want a bor der (t he larger t he number t he t icker t he bord er ). You can

    also cust omise t he widt h and height and even set a background colour or image f or

    t he table .

    These t ables t urned out ver y handy for me and I used t hem quit e of t en, even on my

    homepage, t o bring t ext and images t oget her and fill up t he page bot h height and

    widt h wise.

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    Cr eat ing a Form

    One of t he ot her it ems t hat I have included in my web page is a f orm. I used a f orm

    t o creat e my vot ing page. This vot ing page would allow t he use r s t o vot e f or t heir

    favourite Magic card and then submit this data to me, the author of this web site.There ar e several st eps t hat I had t o follow bef ore t he f orm was complet e.

    Fir st ly I had t o click on t he inser t t ab in Clar is Homepage 3.0. Of t he list of

    opt ions t hat wer e available t o me, f orm was one of t hem. Whe n I moved t he mouse

    cursor over f orm anot her list of opt ions popped up. The f ist opt ion t hat I select ed

    was f orm are a as t his would cre at e an ar ea in my web page t hat would be linked t o

    any but t ons cre at ed wit hin it and aut omat ically, t her ef ore, perf orm a cert ain

    f unct ion on th e given inf ormat ion. He t ab t hat appeare d is as f ollows:

    As you can see on t he image

    t o t he lef t , t here were

    se ver al opt ions available but

    f irs t ly I needed to create a

    f or m ar ea as a b asis.

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    Once t his was done, a box appear ed on t he scr een and on t he web page a box t hat

    looked like a t able appeare d t oo:

    Af t er t he box appeare d, I had t o fill in the det ails t o make t he f orm f unct ional.

    Fir st ly, under t he pop-up menu met hod: I made s ure t hat post was s elect ed,

    because I want ed t he r esult s t o be post ed t o me by e-mail. Next , in t he box

    act ion I t yped in mailt o:ishemail@knowar This, in ef f ect meant t hat all t he

    dat a would b e s ent t o t he e-mail addr es s ishemail@knowar The image t hat was

    sh own on t he web page is as f ollows:

    All t hat I had t o do now was inse r t all of t he infor mat ion concer ning t he vot ing page

    in t he f orm box sh own above. Once t his was d one I had almost achieved my vot ing

    page. The only t hings lef t t o do wer e t o cre at e a r es et and submit but t on, allowing

    t he user t o reset t he inf ormat ion if he or s he goes wrong, or send t he inf ormat ion

    t o me once t he f orm had been complet ely f illed in and t he t ext f ields and pop-up

    menus. The t ext f ields and pop-up menu were used t o creat e t he f orm so t hat t he

    user could ent er t he de t ails. I cre at ed a pop-up menu by select ing t he insert t ab

    again and moving t he cur sor over f or m:

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    As can be s een f orm t his image, I had various t ypes of

    f orm constit uents t hat I could make use of. To creat e a

    pop-up menu, I simply click on pop-up menu and a b ox

    appeared. Here I had t o define t he values t hat I want ed in

    my pop-up menu, i.e. in t his case t he e dit ions t hat t he

    br owser could select f r om. Once t his was done, I cre at ed

    several t ext f ields as t hese would be used b y t he user t o

    f ill in per sonal inf or mat ion, f or e xample, name, and of

    cours e t he name of t he card. For each of t he t ext f ields I

    set t he maximum lengt h t o 30 charact ers so that t he web

    page looked unif orm and prof es sional, and also so t hat t he

    inf ormat ion t hat I would r ece ive, was concise. Once t his

    was done I made use of a check box as well so t hat t he

    br owse r could se lect male or f emale. The last t wo it ems t hat I cr eat ed wer e t he

    submit but t on and re set but t on I simply insert ed t hese int o t he f orm are a, at t he

    bot t om and t he act ion was t her ef ore already def ined. The f orm was now complet eand all t hat I had t o do was dr ess up t he web page. The vot ing page was t hen f inally


    Here is an example of a re sult I obtained when I submit t ed t he f orm t o check t hat

    it was f unct ional:

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    Ver if icat ion and Web S it e S t at ist ics

    Once my web s it e was complet ed I checked how long it would t ake t o

    download my web sit e and whe t her all of t he links in my web sit e wer e f ully

    f unct ional. This was possible in Clar is Homepage 3.0. Fir st ly I had t o click ont he File t ab and t hen click on t he Open Folde r as S it e but t on. A box

    popped up and I br owsed t o the f older t hat contained all of t he f iles r elat ed

    t o my web s it e. The applicat ion t hen f abr icat ed a new f ile t hat would allow

    me t o view all of t he s t at ist ics r elat ed t o my web sit e. The f ollowing box

    appear ed on t he scr een:

    This box showed var ious ot her inf ormat ion, including size of t he f iles and

    t he dat es t hat t hey wer e last modif ied. The f ollowing t hing t o do, to check

    t he download rat e r equir ed f or web s it e, is t o click on the but t on on t he

    t oolbar at t he t op of t he box which is t hir d f r om lef t . I did t his whilst

    highlight ing t he ent ir e f older and t he b ox on t he f ollowing page appear ed:

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    As you can see f r om t his b ox

    on t he lef t , for my entire

    sit e, using an I S DN

    (Int egrat ed Syst em Digit al

    Ne t wor k) modem. This is one

    of t he f ast er modems. The

    ot her t imings ar e given f or

    ot her specif ic modems. A T1

    line is equivalent t o t wo

    I SDN lines and is in ef f ect a

    free phone line that is always

    available. Thr ough means of

    se lect ing each f ile and

    checking the st at ist ics under

    t he se lect ion t ab, I f oundout t hat t he average

    download r at e of my web

    pages is 2 0 se conds, which is

    quite r easonable.

    Nex t I ver ified my links by clicking on t he b ut t on on t he t oolbar called ver ify links.

    Anot her box popped up t elling which links wer e not f unct ional and all t hat I had t o

    do was f ix t hese links b y browsing t o t he appropriat e f iles.

    I had now se cure d all of t he links in my web sit e, t hus making it f ully f unct ional.

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