#Teardown 7 the careers page of redmart.com

Managers: Learn from the career pages at fast growing companies to attract the people you want to hire Researched and compiled by 52metrics.com

Transcript of #Teardown 7 the careers page of redmart.com

Page 1: #Teardown 7  the careers page of redmart.com

Managers: Learn from the career pages at fast growing companies to attract the people you want to hire

Researched and compiled by 52metrics.com

Page 2: #Teardown 7  the careers page of redmart.com

Our goal #1 Find the best design practises that managers and companies can use on their job/career pages to attract the people they want to hire and work with?

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How are we doing it? We are looking at some of the well funded, fast growing startups and analyzing the best designed career pages.

These best practices can be used by managers of technology teams, hiring managers and people operations teams to attract the people they’d love to make team members.

Page 4: #Teardown 7  the careers page of redmart.com

This is teardown #7 of redmart.com

follow the trail of and spot what we loved!

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This is the main page of redmart.com. Let’s go over to the careers page now.

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Page 7: #Teardown 7  the careers page of redmart.com

A welcoming sight on the careers page! A group picture with the happy looking team just barely fitting in the frame. Future employees will be spotting their team mates here.

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Page 9: #Teardown 7  the careers page of redmart.com

The careers page for startups is actually the space for them to give ample reasons for people to join them. So many companies think that a mere invitation is enough, but that’s not how it works. That is why, this little heart goes out to RedMart to get it right. They are telling more about them on this page.

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Page 11: #Teardown 7  the careers page of redmart.com

A culture code is a behavior algorithm of the people in a company. It is also the hardest to set and maintain. RedMart in its 4 year existence has managed to get this set in stone and this is an excellent way to communicate it upfront to the applicants what values the team stands by. And as we said before, like begets like.

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Page 13: #Teardown 7  the careers page of redmart.com

Both the founders calling out aloud their ambitions and vision for the company. In a short two minute video, it is clear to me that both these gentlemen know where they are steering their company to. And if I was looking for a job, I would drop them a note.

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Page 15: #Teardown 7  the careers page of redmart.com

And what we love is that you are bringing more and more of who you are as a company to the forefront. The books you read, the articles you love and the music you admire, all of it makes you. So, why not take this opportunity to truly show who you are.

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More tips for RedMart.com

1. You have a great culture deck. Add it on this page. We know you just uploaded it two days ago. But this deck belongs on this page.

2. You are getting a lot of good press. Why not tell it to people who you’ll be working with?We saw your videos on covering family stories and lots of other great content because you are getting recognised for the awesome work that you are doing. Don’t let it go. Add it right here on this page.

3. You have multiple job listings. Add the option to choose the place of work right away. Since you have open jobs in both your offices, look at how Stackexchange.com gives the applicants the option to choose the place of work right away. It saves up time for the applicants and is less frustrating (imagine finding out that your dream job is not in your dream city)

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Hope you enjoyed the teardown!

You know why are we doing this?Because we want that every human should be matched with the work that their potential deservesand every company should have people they deserve.

Long story short, we help grow engaged teams so the managers can get engaged in growing the business.

Someone using us said this. “A TERRIFIC tool to take the pulse of the company. Easy and useful”