Team management - Leading virtual teams

Leading Virtual Teams Sapir + Lyronne Marciano + Royee Toledano + Raphael Chichepor IMAGE by Arvind Malhotra, Ann Majchrzak, and Benson Rosen

Transcript of Team management - Leading virtual teams

Leading Virtual Teams

Lika Sapir + Lyronne Marciano + Royee Toledano + Raphael Chicheportiche


by Arvind Malhotra, Ann Majchrzak, and Benson Rosen

How many of you did a project without actually meeting

Before we start

Leading Virtual Teams Academy of Management Perspectives

How many of you find it convenient doing assignments online?

Before we start

Leading Virtual Teams Academy of Management Perspectives

Leading Virtual Teams Academy of Management Perspectives

Before we start


Leading Virtual Teams

Virtual teams

Geographically dispersedWork on highly independent tasks

Unique leadership challenges

Communicating with minimal face to face interaction

Academy of Management Perspectives

Leadership Practices of Virtual Team Leaders

Leading Virtual Teams

Leaders of all teams have number of responsibilities, such as:

Academy of Management Perspectives

Leadership Practices of Virtual Team Leaders

Leading Virtual Teams

All leaders must carry these motivation tools:

Establish right norms of behaviors

Encourage social events

Building trustSetting goals

Preparing the team to anticipate and cope with novel situations

Fostering internal communicationsRecognizing contributions

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Leadership Practices of Virtual Team Leaders

Leading Virtual Teams

Virtual teams leaders

are different !

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Leadership Practices of Virtual Team Leaders

Leading Virtual Teams


Spend time mentoring the team members

Enforcing norms

Recognize and reward members and the team


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Leadership Practices of Virtual Team Leaders

Leading Virtual Teams

It’s harder hence they aren’t physically present

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Leadership Practices of Virtual Team Leaders

Leading Virtual Teams

Virtual team leaders must know:

#1: What does the virtual silence means

#2: Ensure that the knowledge is fully utilized

Academy of Management Perspectives


Leading Virtual Teams

There are 6 leadership practices of effective leaders of virtual teams:

1. Establish and maintain trust using communication technology

2. Ensure that distributed diversity is understood and appreciated

3. Manage virtual work life cycle (meetings)

4. Monitor team progress using technology

5. Enhance visibility of virtual members

6. Enable individual members of the virtual team to benefit from the team

Academy of Management Perspectives

Establish and Maintain Trust Through the Use of Communication Technology

Leading Virtual Teams

Establishing norms on how information is communicated (What, When, How to post)

Revisiting and adjusting the communication

norms as the team involves

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Establish and Maintain Trust Through the Use of Communication Technology

Leading Virtual Teams

“Seeing is believing”

Equally “suffering” in the geographically distributed world

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Ensure Diversity in the Team is Understood, Appreciated and Leveraged

Leading Virtual Teams

Prominent team expertise directory and skills matrix

Virtual sub-teaming to pair diverse members and rotate sub-team members

Allowing diverse opinions to be expressed through use of asynchronous electronic means

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Manage Virtual Work cycle and meetings

Leading Virtual Teams Academy of Management Perspectives

Pre meetings practices

Idea divergence between the meetings and Conflict resolution during the meeting

Start of meetings Practice


Sharing personal stories, recent hobbies, and major events of member’s life.

Ensure team members have clear agendas

Request members to post their progress

During meeting practices


• “Check in” methods• Instant Messaging

End of meeting practices

• Ending the session with a list of action items

• Ensure the minutes and summary of the session is posted in the repository

Manage Virtual Work cycle and meetings

Leading Virtual Teams Academy of Management Perspectives

Between meeting practices


Manage Virtual Work cycle and meetings

Leading Virtual Teams Academy of Management Perspectives


Electronic discussion

Instant messaging

Spontaneous announcements

Closely examine asynchronous and synchronous

communications patterns

Virtual meeting participation

Posts in the repository

Experimentation of technological means

Leaders monitor tools that work and allow flexibility as

technology evolves

“Let’s try and work virtually and find the tools we need to do our job”

Monitor Team Progress through the use of technology

Leading Virtual Teams Academy of Management Perspectives

Enhance External Visibility of the Team and its Members

Leading Virtual Teams

Frequent report-outs to a virtual steering committee

(comprised of local bosses of team members)

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Leading Virtual Teams

Ensure Individuals Benefit from Participating in Virtual Teams

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Ensure Individuals Benefit from Participating in Virtual Teams

Leading Virtual Teams

Virtual reward ceremonies

Making each team member’s “real location” boss aware of the member’s contribution

Individual recognition at the start of each virtual meeting

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Leading Virtual Teams

To Conclude …

Academy of Management Perspectives

Virtual team leaders must:

Overcome coordination barriers

Cross cultural and language barriers

Trust and team cohesion barriers

Leading Virtual Teams

To Conclude …

Academy of Management Perspectives

The additional challenges of fighting for each team member

Overcoming member feeling of isolation

Build team cohesion

Establish norms of collaboration and knowledge sharing

Motivating team members to make a major commitment to the teams mission

Virtual team leaders emphasize on:

Leading Virtual Teams

A tip for the future…

Academy of Management Perspectives

Given the challenges associated with leading a virtual

project team, the payoffs need to be substantial for an

organization to embrace this relatively new way of working.

Because virtual teams have access to specialized

expertise across geographical boundaries, they are

poised to develop better-informed and more

creative solutions to complex, often global

organizational problems.

Leading Virtual Teams Academy of Management Perspectives

Criticism about the text

Getting members involved:

Tracking team members work is not the best way to make sure people in the team are contributing to the job.  

Another frustrating part about virtual work is:  The constant rotation in the minute taking or in the equal suffering.

Virtual work can be very frustrating:

How many of you ever felt too much pressure because you are tracked from instant messaging?

Leading Virtual Teams Academy of Management Perspectives

Interesting points we took from the text

1. The repository brings out transparency and trust, everything is


and nothing is done secretly on the side.

2. The diversification of the subgroups is similar to what we

experience at IDC.

3. Virtual parties is an exaggerated way of rewarding people for their


Leading Virtual Teams Academy of Management Perspectives


Any Question…?

Leading Virtual Teams Academy of Management Perspectives

Virtual Conversation