Teaching in the Digital Age: Smart Tools for Early Learners

Teaching in the Digital Age: Smart Tools for Early Learners Brian Puerling Catherine Cook School, Chicago Director of Technology Educa=on February 14, 2011


One of the most popular Hatch 'Super-Power' Webinars to date! Brian Puerling shares awesome ideas for using various technology in the early learning classroom. From publishing books, to classroom blogging, and plenty of other new ideas to take away to your education programs. http://www.hatchearlychildhood.com/webinars

Transcript of Teaching in the Digital Age: Smart Tools for Early Learners

  • 1. Teaching in the Digital Age: Smart Tools for Early Learners Brian Puerling Catherine Cook School, Chicago Director of Technology Educa=on February 14, 2011

2. Todays Speaker Brian Puerling Director of Technology EducaEon Catherine Cook School Early Learning Technology | www.HatchEarlyLearning.com #HatchExperts| Copyright 2011 Hatch Inc. All Rights Reserved. 3. Teaching in the Digital Age: Smart Tools for Early Learners!Brian Puerling, M.S.,NBCT February 14, 2012! 4. Overview NAEYC / Fred Rogers Center Position Statement on Technology! Current issues and concerns ! Classroom/center integration! Planning and Mapping! Brian Puerling, 2012 5. NAEYC/Fred Rogers CenterPosition Statement Document aimed to provide practitioners and administrators with:! Theory behind technology in early childhood classrooms! Overview of implementation guidelines and recommendations! Brian Puerling, 2012 6. Big Ideas Enhance learning, development, interactions, communication, and collaboration! Educators need to be knowledgeable on how to select, use, integrate, and evaluate technology! Selecting technology should be done similar to choosing any other material or equipment! Technology can be used to measure, assess, record, plan, and share! Brian Puerling, 2012 7. Big Ideas Access to technology should not diminish any other classroom classroom experiences! Provide an individualized experience! Lack of knowledge can lead to inappropriate use! Teachers need to observe how children engage and interact with technology! Brian Puerling, 2012 8. Big Ideas Book handling skills , similar to tech handling skills ! Another outlet to demonstrate creativity and learning! Prepare children for life-long technology use! Brian Puerling, 2012 9. Current Issues and Concerns What about screen time?! How many minutes?! Are they learning anything?! Brian Puerling, 2012 10. Inquiry Across Disciplines Math! Literacy! Science! Health! Social Studies! Physical Education! Art! Social Studies! Music! Brian Puerling, 2012 11. Going Public/Sharing Learning Providing opportunities to share knowledge and process! Understanding various audiences! Meaningful, purposeful, authentic experiences! Brian Puerling, 2012 12. Technologies to Employ audio recording devices! multi-touch mobile devices! document cameras! interactive whiteboards! digital cameras! desktop/laptop computers! Brian Puerling, 2012 13. Examples of Technology Integration Preschoolers Conducting Research! Introducing technology! Blogging in 3rd Grade! Book Publication! Tech Buddies! ebook Publication! Investigating Snow akes! Streaming a Publishing Party! Ethical Decisions! Video-conference with an Author! Observing Illustrations! Brian Puerling, 2012 14. Preface Strategies described are one among several in a learning sequence! Remember: technology is to be used as a tool among many others! Brian Puerling, 2012 15. Introducing technology Consider background of children and families! Consider age and development! Consider features of the device(s) being introduced! Consider the most basic navigation skills! Brian Puerling, 2012 16. Book Publicationpreschool Develop an awareness that we are different and the same! Develop identity as an author and an illustrator! Develop social skills! Move from to abstract! Brian Puerling, 2012 17. Book Publication preschool www.mixbook.com! Brian Puerling, 2012 18. ebook Publication 1st Grade Literature can be published in a variety of ways! Authors spend time making decisions about their writing and illustrations! Collaboration between authors and editors! Connecting with authors! Developing an individual style as an author! Authors celebrate and share their work when the publishing is nished! Brian Puerling, 2012 19. ebook Publication1st Grade! Writer s working at individual pace! Writer s working on individual skills and goals set with teacher! Developing technological competencies! Brian Puerling, 2012 20. Streaming a Publishing Party Writer s in kindergarten exploring the process of writing! Sharing their writing with the class and those in the community and around the globe! Brian Puerling, 2012 21. Video-conference with an author Author study event! Connect with an author! Become inspired by an author! Brian Puerling, 2012 22. Observing illustrations Each illustrator is different! Observe children s illustrations! Observe book illustrations! Discussing the work of an illustrator! Brian Puerling, 2012 23. Preschoolers Conducting Research Preschool unit of study: Farm Photographs of farm animals under document camera!animals! Photographs of farm animals on tables Non-ction texts! with magnifying glasses! Fiction texts! Making observational drawings on a mural! Photographs of farm animals on Acting out farm animals! iPads! iPad Applications with farm animal noises! Class created barn dramatic play Brian Puerling, 2012 24. Blogging in 3rd GradeGoals:! Introduction to social media! What is a blog?! Sharing and reecting on facts! Safe and respectful posts! Online conversations! Ways to share and reect oninformation! Practicing within a safe space! Brian Puerling, 2012 25. Tech Buddies Empowering older children to support and collaborate with young children! Employing technological competencies in a new way! Serving various audiences! Leadership role! Strengthening school culture and community! School age kids after school for child care centers! Brian Puerling, 2012 26. Investigating Snow akes Big snowfall, children asking questions about snow akes! Teacher knew of a video to show various types of snow akes! Children watched video with a focus, answering their individual questions! Share their learning after the video! Brian Puerling, 2012 27. Ethical Decisions Create a research powerpoint on an animal for younger children! Searching for photographs! Discussing appropriatesearch and use ofphotographs! Make the learningchoice. ! Brian Puerling, 2012 28. Planning and Implementing Brian Puerling, 2012 29. Considerations goal setting! professional development and support! common language! curriculum mapping! collaboration and reection! Brian Puerling, 2012 30. assess your skillswhat do I knowwhat do I want to know How will I learn how to do how to dothese new skills Brian Puerling, 2011 31. Curriculum Mapping Identifying essential questions and understandings! Identifying skills to learn now and in the future! Planning for now and the future! Building on prior knowledge, skills, and experiences! Connecting the disciplines! Threading units of study! Brian Puerling, 2012 32. Brian Puerling, 2011 33. Brian Puerling, 2012 34. Brian Puerling, 2012 35. http://iteachthererforeipod.blogspot.com/ 36. Team up! Create a Technology Team! Identify roles (the Librarian is not the technology director)! Find a buddy (teacher, friend, technology coordinator)! Ongoing reect on your use of technology! Brian Puerling, 2012 37. Research and Resources NAEYC Tech and Young Children Interest Forum! Children s Technology Review! TEC Center at the Erikson Institute! Sesame Workshop Research! Digital Decisions: Choosing the Right Technology Tools for Early Childhood Education (2012)! donorschoose.org (public)! iloveschools.com (any)! Brian Puerling, 2012 38. Upcoming book, May 2012 Discount code: TECH2! 20% off!! Brian Puerling, 2012 39. Interac=ve Technology & Learning Ac=vi=es Brought to you by The Early Learning Experts Early Learning Technology | www.HatchEarlyLearning.com #hatchinars | Copyright 2011 Hatch Inc. All Rights Reserved. 40. Touchscreen Solu=ons + Research-Based Ac=vi=es = Be4er Student Results RECENT STUDY of Hatch TeachSmart Learning System: 82% ready to read & 92% school ready in math Early Learning Technology | www.HatchEarlyLearning.com #HatchExperts| Copyright 2011 Hatch Inc. All Rights Reserved. 41. NEXT SESSION: March 15 @ 2PM EST Eec=ve Prac=ces in Early Childhood Educa=on Sue Bredekamp, Ph.D. Consultant and Author Early Learning Technology | www.HatchEarlyLearning.com #hatchinars | Copyright 2011 Hatch Inc. All Rights Reserved.