Teachers' Welcome Booklet

WELCOME BOOKLET 9th - 12th April


The Teachers' Welcome Booklet for the Münster Regional Selection Conference of the European Youth Parliament Germany

Transcript of Teachers' Welcome Booklet

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9th - 12th April

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Who is whoProgramme


Travel GuideRegistration & Legal

TopicsPacking List



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Makenot war.

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Dear participants,

I am incredibly happy to welcome you all to our organisation, the European Youth Parliament, and to the regional selection conference in Münster. You are in for a great experience!

Winston Churchill, a great orator, once said: “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and lis-ten”. At EYP, we will ask you to do both. If you have never thought of yourself as a very courageous person, do not worry. As a secondary-school pupil, I too came to Münster to take part in my first EYP event abroad: a football-themed inter-national forum during the World Cup in 2006. There were plenty of things to be nervous about: discussing serious topics in a foreign language with complete strangers, addressing a room full of people dressed in suits, or Holland losing a match. Rather than being afraid of blunder-ing, I looked around and saw that I was not the only one to make mistakes. The best thing to do was simply to listen carefully to others and to explain my own ideas as best I could.

What is the point of all these discussions, you might ask. Your ideas on EU peace policy will not suddenly bring about world peace; the resolutions you will write in Münster will not be turned into law. As an educational project, the impact EYP has on the real world is not through our resolutions, but through you. For our European democracies to work, we need you, young people, to start thinking about big political questions, learn to take an informed stance and compromise with others who have a different opinion. I hope that coming to-gether with peers from all over Germany and Europe at EYP will make you better at doing so, now and in the future.

I cannot wait to meet all of you in April. For now, I wish you good luck preparing for the session and a safe journey to Münster.

With great excitement,Harm

Harm van Leeuwen,President of the Session


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Dear participants,

Organising an EYP session sometimes tends to be rather abstract. That’s why being able to ad-dress you today with these few lines means a lot to me as the Head-Organiser of the Regional Se-lection Conference Münster 2015. It is one of the moments prior to the session when this feeling of abstractness is broken and the session itself appears as a silver lining on the horizon.

But still, writing this Welcome Words was kind a hard exercise for me. For most of you I do not even have a face to think about when reading the name. But that’s why my team and I are even more keen to welcome you here in April in order

to get faces, personalities, opinions and stories linked to this more than 150 names which are gathered in our excel lists awaiting to be read out

at our Welcome Desk.

Especially I am very anxious to hear from you what you think about the session’s overar-ching theme of peace within Europe and the European Politics. It is not only a very topical issue when having a look at the dozen of conflicts going onwards around the world. It is actually also a very personal topic to every one of us, questioning ourselves in what kind of world we want to live today and tomorrow.

Said this, I wish you a very challenging and interesting preparation for Münster 2015. Not only for days full of academic and ambitious debates, but also for days full of opportunities. To take these opportunities is now up to you.

Take care and see you soon!

Best wishes,Janis

Janis Fifka,Head-Organiser of the Session



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For most of you Münster 2015 is a very anticipat-ed and special event - it’s your entrance ticket for your EYP journey. Some of you may decide to exit at the very first stop. Some may take a look at a few more stations and gather various fascinating experiences EYP has to offer. And there will be a few who will end up shaping the future of the EYP. Whatever path you choose, there will always be a chance for you to look back and re-live the experiences you’ve made.

As editors we are extremely lucky to be accom-panied by an incredibly talented, dedicated and hardworking team and we will make sure that the memories of the session will remain everlasting. In order to satisfy your intellectual hunger, we will also provide you with thought-provoking food for thought related to the session topic and the EYP itself.

The session is approaching and we are as excited as you are for this thrilling journey promising a great deal of adventures to start!

Until then, Alyona and Flora

Alyona Vyshnevska,Editor of the Session

Flora Böwing,Editor of the Session


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The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will


— Mahatma Ghandi

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THEMEIn the year 1645 the contemporary Europe is in the midst of the negotiations about the ending of the Thirty-years-war. All eyes are on the cities of Osnabrück and Münster where the congress on the Westphalian peace took place. The signing and ratification of this document three years later meant a tremendous change in re-gards to the constitution of the world of states. Today this congress is considered as the birth of the modern national state and has brought a long and devastating war to an end.

300 years later World-War II ended in 1945. Since then over seven decades have bygone, so that we tend to refer to this phase as the longest period of peace on this continent since the computation of time. But looking on the Balkans’ region or currently Ukraine, we still have military and civil conflicts here. And look-ing beyond the European borders, we can count about 250 wars and armed conflicts in the world that have taken place since 1945. This gives rise to many questions: In the world of the 21th century – full of conflicts around the globe, but also directly at the borders of Europe –, what needs to be done about preventing conflicts, securing peace and human rights on a global level? Which role should institutions as the Council of Europe and the European Union play in international conflicts? And what stance should the European Union in particular take in the concert of powers not only as an economic union but especially as a union of shared val-ues – bearing in miond the fact that the num-ber of key actors is rising constantly?

To somewhat coming closer to the answers of this very important questions, you, the young students from different European countries will gather in Münster for a new congress to discuss current issues in a historical ambience and making your voice heard.

Peace in Europe — Europe as a peacemaker?


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Organiser and Head-OrganiserThe Organisers (or Orgas) are the people who arrange everything related to the session. They are responsible for the accommodation, the food, the organisation and coordination of all events and for your personal support. Nev-er hesitate to ask them for anything, they are there to help you! The Organising-team is led by our head organiser Janis Fifka, he is the one who coordinates all the work and who is re-sponsible for the project management.

Chairpersons and PresidentThe Chairpersons (or Chairs) will be the Dele-gates’ guides throughout the session. They will support their committee during their discus-sions in Committee Work and help them unite their ideas in a resolution. The President is re-sponsible for the academic level of the session. He is head of the Chairs’ team and will guide through the General Assembly (GA). The Pres-ident of a session is a very experienced EYPer, at our session it is Harm van Leeuwen.

Journalists and EditorsThe Journalists (or Journos) are responsible for documenting the session through articles, pic-tures, videos or other media. So whenever you see a Journo around, show your nicest smile! But also do not forget to have a look at the ses-sion newspaper to be up-to-date about things going on at the session. The Editors of our ses-sion are Alyona Vyshnevska and Flora Böwing, they are the heads of the Jouralists’ team. They are editing the session paper and are respon-sible for the general framework of media work at the session.

Jury and Head of JuryThe Jury is responsible for selecting the Dele-gation sand Individuals who will receive an in-vitation to the National Selection Conference in Passau. Only the delegations’ work during Committee Work and the General Assembly will be evaluated. The Jury is led by the Head of Jury, at our session this will be Maximilian Gigl.


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PROGRAMMEThursday, 09/04/15


Arrival & Check-In (until 12.30)General Teambuilding & Teambuilding

Euro Eat‘n‘Beat & Welcome Party

Friday, 10/04/15Morning


Committee WorkCommittee Work

Münster Talks & Münster by Night

Saturday, 11/04/15Morning


Preparation for the General AssemblyOpening Ceremony & General Assembly

Committee Dinner & Farewell Party

Sunday, 12/04/15Morning


General AssemblyGeneral Assembly & Closing Ceremony

Departure (from 17:00)

Please note that teachers will get a different programme! This is the programme for your students.

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begins with asmile.

— Mother Theresa

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City Hall of Münster

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ELEMENTSTeambuilding9th/10th April

On the day of your arrival - after having checked in and being welcomed to the session - you will gather in your committees to kick off the ses-sion with its first element, Teambuilding. You’ll be instructed to participate in several different exercises, games and challenges in order to get to know your team members. Teambuilding will allow you and your committee to introduce yourselves to one another, get energised (so jeans and trainers will be appropriate) and be-come a committee. That way you will improve your communication and problem solving skills and maybe even learn things about yourself that you didn’t know you were capable of.

Dress Code: sportswear, comfortable

Euro Eat’n’Beat9th April

In the evening of your first day at the EYP Euro Eat’n’Beat will be a little get-together that we’ll have, including a programme for the evening. “Euro Eat” stands for the fact that each delega-tion will bring food and beverages that are typi-cal for a certain European country. You will dis-play them on your delegation’s table and we’ll have a little buffet, where you can try different types of food from countries all over Europe. This event will replace dinner on Thursday night. Your delegate support will tell you, which country will be allocated to you.The “Euro Beat” that we’ll produce will be com-pletely up to you. During our walking dinner we will have some music, provided both by a band as well as you. Every kind of entertainment that you can think of will be appreciated and we will be happy for soloists, duets or your entire dele-gation to show us your performance!

Welcome & Farewell Party9th & 11th April

On the first night of the session we will have a Welcome Party, for which we ask you all to dress up according to the theme “Hippies”. It will be a magnificent event where you will have the chance to get to know your fellow Dele-gates and Officials.For Saturday evening programme we will go to a club for the farewell party, so you might want to bring fancy party clothes. Please keep in mind that we will go there directly after the Committee Dinners, so you will need to change either at the GA venue or the Committee Din-ner venue.

Dress Code: “Hippie”-clothes & party clothes

Committee Work10th April

After having gotten to know one another you will start committee work. As a group you will work on a current European topic that was al-located to you in advance. During Committee Work you will then discuss the topic, identify its key issues and develop new thoughts and in-novative ideas in order to suggest solutions to the issue. As a result your committee will come up with a resolution, containing all of your ide-as and suggestions. Discussing a political top-ic, however, does require some research and the knowledge of basic facts. That is why you will receive some instructions concerning ac-ademic preparation prior to the session. Be prepared to write a short topic overview and gather some information in advance.

Dress Code: smart casual

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MÜNSTER2015Münster Talks10th April

Once Committee Work has been concluded and all of the resolutions have been finished, you will have a chance to receive some global input regarding the entire session theme. This element of the session will be held in a com-pletely new and innovative format as it will be a cooperation between the EYP and locals from Münster, for us to fuse our ideas together. This evening will allow you to get to know both the session topics as well as Münster itself. Stay tuned!

Committee Dinner11th April

At Saturday evening the Delegates won’t have dinner all together. Instead, you will spend the evening together with your Committee mem-bers in a restaurant in Münster. This event will give you he opportunity to get to know every-one beside the academic part of the session. The Committee dinner will be on your own ex-pense. Therefore, please take enough cash or a debit card with you. Please also note that we will go there directly after the GA.

Dress Code: smart casual

General Assembly11th & 12th April

Once your resolutions have been finalised it will be time to present and defend them dur-ing the General Assembly, which will take place in the great City Hall of Münster. Right at this point it will be your turn to suit up and walk in the shoes of a politician for two days. During a bunch of speeches and many rounds of dis-cussions it will be your chance to present what you’ve come up with during Committee Work, expand your ideas, give feedback to other com-mittees or even give a speech yourself to show the plenary, why your solution to the topic is the best there could have been. In the end, all resolutions will be voted on by all delegates.

Dress Code: formal


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sleeping bags! Also, be aware that the showers at the school are group showers. Therefore, if you feel the need for it, you might want to bring a bathing costume.

City Hall of Münster

On the morning of the General Assembly there We are very happy that the City Hall of Münster will host the General Assembly of the Region-al Selection Conference. There will be all par-liamentarians officially welcomed by our hosts and guest speakers. Corresponding to the ses-sion theme of Münster 2015, this important part of the session will take place where histo-ry of peace has been made throughout history and the thought “Peace is the greatest good” is even carved in the room During this part of the session guests are most welcome to watch the delegates get involvedin the political debates, presenting the resolu-tions.

VENUESWelcome to Münster!

Münster is a city with great historical background and a place, where cultural heritage and modern education are to be found in the city’s everyday life. At the University of Münster there are about 42.000 students, who contribute to the charming and welcoming atmosphere of the city. Gladly, it is the City of Münster that will host our session for us to have an authentic experience, discuss-ing matters of peace.


Generously, the Geschwister-Scholl-Gymnasium will be our hosting school, accommodating us for the entire duration of the session. Both Team-building and Committee Work will take place here.During the session there will be Easter holidays in North-Rhine-Westphalia, which is why it will be possible for all participants of the session to be accommodated in the school. Don’t forget your

Geschwister-Scholl-Gymnasium MünsterVon-Humboldt-Straße 14

48159 Münster

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TRAVEL GUIDEEven though flying has become a cheap alternative due to the expansion of low-cost airlines, flying causes a large amount of emissions and is therefore harmful to the environment. We advise you to choose alternative means of transport in order to keep this session as friendly to the environment as possible.

Traveling by trainThe German railway company, Deutsche Bahn, offers a lot of connections to Münster from all German and most European cities by both regional and long-distance trains. More information on booking and timetables can be found here. Münster’s main train station is “Münster (Westf) Hbf”.

Traveling by planeBeing close to the Rhine-Ruhr area Münster can be reached by a lot of airports. The close Münster Osnabrück Airport offers connections to some, mostly Southern, European cities. The Düsseldorf Airport as well as the Cologne Bonn Airport offer connections to most major European cities. If you plan to travel by plane you can find information about Münster Osnabrück Airport here, about Düsseldorf Airport here and about Cologne Bonn Airport here. If arriving at the Münster Osnabrück Airport you can take a bus to get to the inner city. From Düsseldorf and Cologne Bonn Airport it will be necessary to take a train to Münster’s main train station. Both airports have a train station, “Bahnhof Düsseldorf Flughafen” and “Bahnhof Köln/Bonn Flughafen” respectively, which is served by long-distance trains. Information about travelling by train can be found here.

Traveling by busChoosing the bus for transport is an environmentially friendly and, most likely, the cheapest option. Münster is served by several German and European bus lines. Information about bus connections within Germany can be found here and about connections across Europe here.

Traveling by carIf you choose to arrive by car, we suggest you to just look up the directions online. The address would be:

Geschwister-Scholl-GymnasiumVon-Humboldt-Straße 14, 48159 Münsterhttp://www.scholl-muenster.de/

If there are any problems on your way, don’t hesitate to contact the Organiser who is responsible for the Logistics:

Christian Ulmer +49 (0) 176 722 756 [email protected]

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Kinderhaus Schulzentrum A (Lines 16, 17)

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REGISTRATION & LEGAL ISSUESRegistrationPlease register for the session in Münster by vis-iting this link. We ask you to do so until March, 12!

Code of ConductYou can find EYP Germany’s Code of Conduct here. There is a Parental Consent form for all participants under the age of 18 and a consent form 18+ for all participants who are of age. One’s parents’ consent is mandatory for taking part in the session for all participants under age. Please have this form filled out and signed by your parents and bring it with you. If you are of age, please fill out the consent form 18+ yourself and bring it with you. You will find the Consent Form for under age of 18 here and the Consent Form for of age of 18+ here.

General Rules for the sessionIt is the responsibility of every participant of the session to observe and control his or her own behaviour. Alcohol - beer and wine respectively - will be available at some events. However, del-egations should remember their national legal requirements. We kindly ask you not to bring any kind of liquors to the session. As young am-bassadors of your country, you are expected to understand that we would not wish your stay in Münster to be ruined by your own misbehav-iour or the one of others.

EYP frowns upon overindulgence. You are here-by reminded that any overindulgence in alcohol will result in your immediate exclusion from the session; you will be sent home on your own ex-penses. The EYP operates a total zero tolerance policy with drugs.

As the European Youth Parliament in Germany

is held legally responsible for the participants of the session for the time of its duration, it is strictly forbidden to leave the session’s venues without explicit approval of the organisers. Hav-ing left the session once, a later return is not possible.

Should a participant have to leave a Selection Conference early for valid reasons, as judged by the the board of the EYP in Germany, the jury’s previous score will be counted for the following session elements. Should a participant leave a Selection Conference early without providing valid reasons or without notifying the organis-ers, he/she will be individually excluded from the selection.

Child Protection PolicyAs you are taking part in this session as a teach-er the rules of the Child Protection Policy (pages 4 - 6 of the Code of Conduct) apply additionally to you. The Child Protection Policy is also part of EYP Germany’s Code of Conduct and to take part in the session it is mandatory for every of-ficial to agree with it. Therefore we ask you to bring a signed copy of the Child Protection Poli-cy with you to Münster!

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I have a dream,

that one day

— Martin L. King

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TOPICSAs you have already learned from the informa-tion in the Welcome Letter and this Welcome Booklet the delegates will be working in so called committees at the session. Each commit-tee will consist of approximately 10 delegates and work on a specific topic. The committees and topics are listed below. The delegates now have to choose their top three committees they would enjoy working in the most and submit their answers until March, 12.

Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET)The newly elected Greek government distanced itself from a common European statement con-demning the rocket attacks on Maripol bringing up fears of Greece undermining the common European stance on Russia. How can the EU achieve a common stance on Russia’s interfer-ence in Ukraine while considering the diversity of opinions within its Member States?

Committee on Development (DEVE)The 11th European Development Fund for Afri-can, Caribbean and Pacific countries is current-ly in the planning phase. To what extent should the EU use political conditionality to promote peace, democracy, rule of law and good govern-ance?

Committee on Economic and Monetary Af-fairs (ECON)Recognising the impact of several international companies having monopolies on the Europe-an market: How can the EU ensure the com-petitiveness of European entrepreneurs and impose stricter rules on cartels?

Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM)Despite the 2013 European Commission com-munication on the elimination of Female Geni-tal Mutilation (FGM), the practice is still carried out both within the EU, but also abroad. Should Member States take action to restrict the mi-

gration of those who may be at risk of being tak-en abroad for FGM?

Committee on International Trade (INTA)In dealing with arms trade, how should the EU balance the economic interests of its Member States with the aims of its Common Security and Defence Policy, such as peace, security and respect for human rights?

Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE)With over a year having passed since the adop-tion of the Dublin III regulations, there is disa-greement over whether they ensure an effec-tive and humane asylum process. What more should the EU do to protect the rights of asylum seekers whilst ensuring that Member States can cope with the influx of refugees?

Committee on Security and Defense I(SEDE I)Given the rising threat of terrorist attacks such as the recent Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris, what action should the EU take to prevent EU citizens suspected of associating with terrorists abroad from perpetrating crimes upon their re-turn?

Committee on Security and Defense II (SEDE II)The recent conflicts in Eastern Europe and the Middle East have brought up the necessity of reconsidering the EU defence policies: How far should the defence integration within the EU go? Should the EU focus on further developing the EUROCORPS or should the it move towards a common permanent defence force?

Committee on Security and Defense III (SEDE III)With EU Common Security and Defence Policy missions often operating parallel to UN inter-ventions, how can the EU improve its co-oper-ation with the United Nations in the areas of peacekeeping and peacebuilding?

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This is the packing list the delegates recieved. Some things are very important so it would be nice if you could make sure your students have everything with them. Of course the list can also serve as guideline for yourself.

Essentials• valid identification documents• valid health insurance• travel tickets• visa (if required)• parental consent form (<18) or consent form (18>), filled out and signed!• code of conduct, signed!• money, debit card and/or credit card (for the evening programme)

AccommodationPlease note that during the session the dele-gates will be accomodated in classrooms!• sleeping bag• camping mat• pillow• towel

Committee Work• research documents• pencil case

General Assemblyformal clothes (skirts, dresses or suits for ladies, suits & tie for gentlemen)

Welcome PartyThe party’s motto will be “hippies”. So make sure you bring suitable clothes and accessories!

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Head-OrganiserJanis Fifka+49 (0) 157 364 401 [email protected]

Teachers’ SupportVanessa Marquardt+49 (0) 172 59 03 [email protected]

Office of EYP Germany+49 (0) 30 2 80 95 - [email protected] Sophienstraße 28-2910178 Berlin, Germany