Teachers` network Teaching Science

Teachers' networks Teaching science in Latvia

Transcript of Teachers` network Teaching Science

Page 1: Teachers` network Teaching Science

Teachers' networks

Teaching science

in Latvia

Page 2: Teachers` network Teaching Science

Ilze Šmate – Sērmūkši primary school, Skujene, Amata region

Biology, chemistry, ICT (11-15 years old students)

eTwinning ambassador since 2010 (eTwinning since 2008)

Scientix ambassador since 2013 December

Comenius, Nordplus, Erasmus


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1-6th grade – science (nature science)

7th grade – biology (plants) 8th grade – biology (animals) 9th grade – biology (human) 8-9th grade – chemistry 8-9th grade – physics

10 - 12th grade – biology, chemistry, physics

Photo : Ilze Šmate

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The Center for Science and Mathematics Education in

Latvia (DZM)is working in 4 areas: Teachers' continuous

professional development and teachers' training. DZM supports STEM teachers and education managers / administrators in primary and secondary level.


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The Center for Science and Mathematics Education in

Latvia (DZM) Attracting young

people to science and mathematics: online competitions, summer schools and other science education events for students. http://www.dzm.lu.lv/

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The Center for Science and Mathematics Education in

Latvia (DZM) Research in Science

and Mathematics education: inquiry-based teaching, reflection skills, innovative teaching and learning.


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The Center for Science and Mathematics Education in

Latvia (DZM)

Science communication and outreach.



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Biology http://biologs.bf.lu.lv/Chemistry http://kimijas-sk.lv/ Physics http://www.ltn.lv/~lfsa/ Math http://www.ppmf.lu.lv/asociacijas/lmsa/ Latvian Geographical Society


Associations of Teachers

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Methodical Associations (MA) Seminars Discussions Lectures Courses Exhibitions Competitions Share experience Analysis of results Excursions etc.

Photo: Ilze Šmate

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Excursions Only around

Latvia Together with

math, chemistry, physics, biology, science teachers

We visit different places – environmental centres, nature parks, lakes ...

Photo: Ilze Šmate

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Photo: Ilze ŠmatePhoto: Ilze Šmate

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Photo: Ilze ŠmatePhoto: Ilze Šmate

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BYOD – Bring Your Own DeviceStudents use their own phones or

tablets, take pictures, videos, use Wi-Fi, BlueTooth, create presentation, stories, nature books etc.

Identification – bugs, birds, plants

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Teaching science

Photo: Ilze Šmate

Video: students

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Teaching science

Photo: Ilze ŠmatePhoto: Ilze Šmate

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Ice breaker activities

Photo: https://www.enasco.com

Photo: https://www.enasco.com

Photo: https://www.pinterest.com/briescarberry/turning-point-ice-breakers/

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Ideas: when teach about fruits, vegetables, animals ...

A my name ANITA, my brother/ sister's name is ANNA, we live in AUSTRIA and we bring back APPLES.

B my name is BRUNO, my brother/ sister's name is BAIBA, we live in BELGIUM and we bring back BANANAS.

C ...


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Science activities around school with

OR codes

QR code generator: http://www.qrstuff.com/

and QR reader: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=me.scan.android.client

Try to read with QR code reader!

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Animations with Stop Motion Maker -

KomaDori LAndroid: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.octoroid.komadori.lite

Video about Healthy Lifestyle: https://vimeo.com/135711647

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Pearltrees http://www.pearltrees.com/ilzuks

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Write «google» from the end:


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KAHOOTTo create quizes: www.getkahoot.com For students to play: www.kahoot.it Play:https://play.kahoot.it/#/k/b8722e0f-f471-40dc-985a-b517e913c346

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Twitter: @ilzuks13Facebook: Ilze [email protected]


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