TBN UK Production Report UK - July...TBN UK Production Report July 2016 Total active contacts Social...

TBN UK Production Report July 2016 Total active contacts Social media passivecontacts 29,985 112,012 New Partners 137 Praise reports 104 Prayer requests 455

Transcript of TBN UK Production Report UK - July...TBN UK Production Report July 2016 Total active contacts Social...

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TBN UK Production ReportJuly 2016

Total active contactsSocial media passivecontacts


New Partners 137Praise reports 104Prayer requests 455

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Total Page Likes: 6,411 (number of uniquepeople who like our page)

People Reached: 92,712 ( number of unique people who have seen our page posts)

Post Engagement: 4,314 (number of unique people have clicked, Liked, commented on, or shared our posts)

Total Video Views: 8,890

1,826 Total Twitter Followers

19,300 tweet impressions (number of times our tweets

have been delivered to someone’s account)

1,433 Profile visits

68 New Followers

65 Mentions(number of times TBN

UK’s handle or hashtag has been mentioned) www.tbnuk.org

Website traffic: 21,950Hits from 145 countries

44% new and 56% returning visitorsFemale 60%

Age Demographics: 18-35 cover 27% 35-64 cover 60% 65+ cover 13%

Call Type Number of CallsTotal 649Prayer Request 284PraiseOther 256


Email Type Number of emails Total 910Prayer Request 156Testimony 3Praise 28Other 723

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Extracts from letters to TBN UK

Veronica: “Dear TBN, just wanted to say a big thank you for your lovely gift Freely Receive Your Healing from Pastor Joseph Prince. This has been a blessing to me, my soul is richly blessed. Please keep up the good work, God bless.”

Elizabeth: “Thank you for bringing so many exciting, encouraging, informative and inspiring programmes into our homes. You provide a communication channel through which God’s voice may be heard. I appreciate it very much, especiallywhilst at home feeling unwell as I go through chemotherapy. Years ago I had a picture come to mind of being in a ravine, the walls of which were green with slime so that I could not climb out. I think I need to read Beth Moore’s book Get out of That Pit. Please send me a copy and accept my gift. Every blessing to all at TBN. May God guide you, protect you and bring you joy in the Name of Jesus.”

Willie and Fiona: “We moved from our family home in January 2015 to a one bedroom flat. God gave us this perfect wee house which we love very much, we only moved 150 yards away. At the same time, we moved, a new Christian channelstarted. God gave us this too! What a glorious fantastic blessing TBN has been to us. We are unable to put into words how much we have been blessed. Today we listened to Nathan Morris and Pastor John Hagee. What a feast of encouragementfrom God for us. Thank you Lord for TBNUK. We love it. Yours in Christ.”

Gloria: “I was saddened to hear of the loss of Jan, a beautiful woman with the grace of God, a strong warrior for souls being won for Jesus, yet the boundless love of God shining through. Earth’s loss is Heaven’s gain.”

Philip: “Love TBN programmes!”

Sue: “God bless you all at TBN UK. Loved the Pentecost meetings. I felt that I was a part of it.”

Mr N: “Praise be to God. TBN UK has come to stay, Hallelujah!!’

Karene: “Dear TBN, it is great that we have the Word broadcast 24 hours a day. Of course the coverage of the great ministersfrom around the globe is excellent. I love Bill Johnson, T.D. Jakes, Beth Moore, and of course Joyce Meyer and the list could go on. It is a delight to hear our UK ministers, a different voice and delivery so refreshing. Bishop Malcolm is exciting to listen to, as is Ray Bevan. I tune in most days and it catches the ears of my family occasionally. Thank you for a great job. Thereis a powerful acceleration and awakening rippling throughout the church, the world and this nation, it would be good to hear the latest views or prophetic word during this as the politicians say seismic change. Bless you all at TBN.”

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Extracts from letters to TBN UK (continued)

Joan: “Thank you for the healing CDs. I have been listening to them over and over. The Lord is building bridges in the our family, praise His holy Name!”

Peter: “Greetings in Jesus. Your channel is great, helps fan the flame in my heart at a time of great revival in my life. I arrived in St Leonard’s/Hastings last year, though have visited before.... I know this is God bringing me here with my wife.We are slowly making friends and I am gathering church around me. I have a handful of believers there and a trickle of waterthat will grow until it becomes a gushing river and completes the blood washed Africa vision of CFAN. Thank you Jesus. So I am building the bridge by prayer and fasting, gathering friends around me and asking, knocking and looking. I hope in thecoming days to be able to send you more details. I am laughing now as I have hardly any money enough to live on –only God can supply, I believe he will – so far as I pray for you, please pray for me to. God bless you as he loves to do and be inspired, filled and loved.”

Anonymous: “Just to say that now is the time to come together as Christians to pray for this country. We need God to govern England. It has such a tremendous past. Sending missionaries all over the world to proclaim the gospel. Being Dutch I cameHere in 1959 and married an ophthalmic optician. He left and died so now I am living here alone. The Lord is very good to us.”

Jack and Beryl: “Thank you for answered prayers after my husband’s accident. He healed very quickly. Thank you too for the monthly gifts.”

Barbara: “I am 78 years old and have been reborn a Christian since the 1980’s. I got reborn at the Elimchurch Glasgow and was baptised there. I love my husband and friend Jesus Christ with all my heart, body, mind and soul and trust Him with all my life. I am a widow and suffer ill health. I am unable to get out of the house. A friend told me about TBN on Freeview this year. It’s been a life line to me, I am being taught such a lot. Pastor Joseph Prince has opened the scriptures. It’s life giving and a breath of fresh air. Also Joyce Meyer has helped such a lot. These are just two, there are many more that are a blessing to me. I am not wrong in saying that all the worship singers are wonderful. I only have TV and telephone, not all thenew gadgets, etc. I pay my way by cash or cheque. I hope I am doing the right thing in sending you a cheque for £100.00. Hoping this will help in some small way. TBN is now my new church. I class you as my new friends, brothers, and sisters inChrist. God bless you all on TBN, may your work go from strength to strength love you all.”

Mr and Mrs B: “I enclose a cheque towards the work of TBN and will send this amount each month. Thank you all for the many blessings and sound teaching. God bless you all and the work.”

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Extracts from letters to TBN UK (continued)

Poppy: “Please find enclosed a gift towards saving lost souls in Jesus’ precious Name. I am prompted by the Holy Spirit to take this step of faith. I am highly blessed in acknowledging and accomplishing his guidance towards me in doing this. Love in Jesus. Thank you TBN for enriching my life.”

Alexandria: “I just want to encourage and to thank you so much for all your great programmes and the obvious deep thought,time and energy spent in producing them. I enjoy especially the sense of God’s loving spirit which seems to come right out of my TV screen when Partner Time is broadcast! Thank you Richard and Leon and guests as you keep us up to date with what’s happening and what God is doing at TBN. By the way, It was by chance I discovered TBN UK. while channel flicking when unwell at home. And though not fully recovered, I appreciate how God has used programmes like Joyce Meyer and the 700 Club to encourage and lift up viewers, especially any feeling low or who are facing difficult circumstances. I enclose a gift towards this year’s project of enjoying Christ – the living Word of God to the nation. May God continue to guide and bless you all as you make decisions about these programmes. May you have a touch of his creativity in this. With all good wishes. May God bless you richly.”

Liz: “Please find enclosed a donation to keep you on Freeview. It is such a blessing for me to watch it. Thank you so much for all the gifts. They are much appreciated. Love in Christ.”

Georgina: “I have been in hospital for surgery on my fibroids and I wrote to you to ask for prayers for this. Thank God that I am home now, God has been good. He has touched me and even the doctors are telling me how strong I am, but I tell them it’s not me, but God. I had major surgery which revealed malignant fibroids. But I did not let it get to me for I know that Godstill heals today. He is bigger than any disease. He has healed me before of heart failure since 1999. I still have the healing scriptures that TBN sent to me and I know that God has not changed. His blessings be on you.”

Julie: “Fabulous teaching while working from home.”

Valerie: “The answer to good and evil is the Gospel. It’s the Bible both the Old Testament and the New Testament, the prophets and the apostles, the teachers, the pastors, and the Christian flock. The Trinity Broadcasting Network has been a blessing because it preaches the Church, the good news to all corners of the earth whether it be the Artic, Antarctica, Asia, North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, and the islands. Let every nation rejoice. Remember to praise the Lord. God bless TBN network. It's our prayer to build and encourage the Kingdom of God. We have a thank you messageand a praise the Lord testimonial – Healing of the mind. God bless his people.”

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Extracts from letters to TBN UK (continued)

Mr. E: “TBN programmes are a real blessing. Prayerfully thanks.”

Anonymous: “I would like to send this small donation to say thank you for this absolutely amazing work that you are all doing. I am so blessed by this. Kindest regards.”

Anonymous: “To my dear Christian friends, thank you for your broadcasts. They regularly bless me. Thank you lord for them.”

Andrew: “I thank God for healing from progressive MS which I was suffering from for over 15 years. Now the Lord is making me stronger day by day. Also the Lord has healed me from pressure from behind the eyes which was causing eyesight problems, but following a recent hospital examination, all pressure has been removed. Praise God. TBN UK isa great source of encouragement.”

Penelope: “I’m housebound and don’t get to church anymore so I love seeing you on Freeview. A few of us even gather together to watch Hour of Power every week. Thank you – what did we do without you?

M.C.: “I’d like to say bless you all at TBNUK. I have to say that as I have just started watching your channel it has been a real inspiration to me at a difficult time in my life.”

Rose: “I just wanted to write to say thank you so much for your broadcasting network, as your programmes have saved me at a time when I needed healing and guidance in my life. It was around June last year that I came across your network by accident or now I find that God was trying to find me all along. It was through watching your programmes that I began to realisewhat I was missing. It was God’s grace and the wisdom of the Gospel. I knew who Jesus was but I didn’t understand back then how much God loves us all and wants the best for all of us. From learning about the scriptures in more detail from your programmes, I have been healed from torment I experienced last year. I feel stronger through the wisdom I have gained from learning about God’s Word. I had read the Bible before on my own but I realised from your programmes how much I had misinterpreted much of what I had read. Your pastors have clarified a lot of confusion I had. I enjoy all your programmes – there are too many to mention here, but I am glued to your TV channel and watch it everyday. I am recommending others towatch your programmes as I feel they bring wisdom, joy and healing.’

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Extracts from letters to TBN UK (continued)

Keith: “I would like to thank you all for your dedication and commitment in all your endeavours to bring Christianity back to this nation especially in these very unsettling and unstable times with uncertain future which are quite unpredictable.’

Anonymous: “I thoroughly enjoy TBN now I have found you. I really like Andrew Owen, Alan Scotland and Michael White. I recommend the station to everyone I know as it is a great encouragement and good company if you live alone as I do. Thankyou for all you do. God bless you.”

Janet: “Dear TBN friends, I am very grateful to you all for your very excellent network. I have watched for about a year and have learnt a great deal more about our wonderful, awesome Bible and Christian living than I knew before. The professionalism is impressive and I congratulate you on doing what can’t be an easy job in such an excellent way. I enclose a donation towards your valuable Kingdom building work. Thank you.’

Beverly: “I want to say thank you to the Crouch family. I first saw Jan and Paul Sr. in the 1990s on the God Channel. Blessthem. I know they have passed away now but one day over the TV, Jan said “If nobody has told you today that you are loved,I love you”. That was such a blessing to me. I am a partner with TBN UK and I pray lots of people get to know our Jesus through TBN.”

Extracts from phone calls to TBN UK

Michael: Michael called from Australia to say that God has healed him from bladder cancer and Hepatitis C. He had prayedabout whether to go onto a new drug trial, and felt God say yes even though the doctors were not positive because of his history of drug and alcoholic abuse and mental health issues. He has to finish the trial but when the doctor told him that he was cancer free he said that it was a miracle. Michael said that he sowed into TBN UK before he was healed, believing heshould give to God no matter your circumstances or the amount but in the belief that if he put God first, God meet Him. He said that even if he wasn’t healed he would have continued to sow because TBN UK has got him through some dark times. He has been watching throughout his treatment and will continue during his recovery. He thanks everyone at TBN UKfor giving their gifts and talents to the work of the kingdom.

Mary: “You are doing so well. Pastor Joseph Prince – the lesson he was teaching yesterday was so powerful. I need to get this tape. I have to thank him too. Thank you for all you are doing.”

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Extracts from phone calls to TBN UK

Geneat, June 22, 2016: Geneat discovered TBNUK two days ago whilst she was flicking through the channels trying to find something good to watch. She ended watching TBNUK for 12 hrs! She called to express her thanks to us and is thankful for the telephone number that she could call and pray and speak to someone about what she is facing.

Various PTL attendees, June 23, 2016: “The power of the Holy Spirit was so strong tonight at the program that I just broke down. I felt the anointing of God on worship.I didn’t know what to expect, but as soon as Life Worship started singing, I felt the power of the Holy Spirit. Jen Gilpinword was so powerful, and spurred me on to deal with my rejection issues.”

“When can we hear Dave Giplin speak? I loved what he said about ordinary people being seated at the right hand of God, because God uses ordinary people and gives us authority over what He has put in our lives. God is doing something powerful to TBN UK. My perception of Christian TV has been challenged and changed tonight. More people need to know about how God is using TBN UK in this country. Life Church Worship was incredible. Can’t wait to see more of them on TBNUK.”

“That was the best TBN I have been to. Everything, the speakers and the praise and worship – and for me, I really felt God’s presence… I really hope you guys get them back… It was the best… It’s amazing how the Holy Spirit speaks to us. I wasdiscussing earthly fathers and tonight Jenny who was talking about rejection and not having an earthly father – it took me a fewminutes but I knew God was speaking to me. I need to watch it again. God is amazing… it was awesome.”

Denise: “I am really enjoying channel 65. I am full of praise for all the people. I listen to Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer, Joseph Prince-he’s good too. Max Lucado when he’s on. Angus Buchan. I can’t say a wrong word about them. Who I listen,whether man or woman, I think they are excellent.”

Abigolie: She says she couldn’t live without TBN UK. She’s a Jewish believer and she has it on all the time and wanted to express her gratitude.

Ruth: “I am very committed to this [donating] because I am determined to see the UK come to the Lord. I see many bad things that have taken the people astray and that is why we are suffering for not knowing the Lord… I realise the Lord must intervene. I have turned it over in my mind. I am going to give £30 every month for the Lord to see my tears and save souls.”

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Extracts from phone calls to TBN UK (continued)

Poppy: She called for prayer on Friday over her shoulder and she was healed within half an hour after the phone called. She called today to report her healing.

Osaremse: She telephoned to say that we prayed for her regarding tithing and her finances and that God has honoured this. Someone whom she does not know has paid in £350 into her bank account. She avidly watches TBN UK and for the next month or so she will not be going to church because her daughter has a broken finger, so whilst that is being healed she will be watching TBN UK as her church. She praises God!

Yosi: She telephoned to say that she wanted to give a gift of thanksgiving since December 2015. She had injured her anklebut was still going to work. Now the ankle is improving. Now the doctors were doing tests because they have found a lump in her breast. Her testimony is that the tests have proved negative. She feels that the devil is playing tricks. She told the doctor that God is moving in her life. Her walk with God is improving.

Elizabeth: “Thank you for every blessing on TBN.”

Anonymous: “The spirit of God led me to pay tithe and offerings into TBN because we haven’t been going to church for a month. We are receiving our nourishment from home via TBNUK.”

Anonymous: “Love the programmes. Watch almost every night.”

Emma: She found Jesus through TBN UK. Delivered from addictions and demonic spiritual attacks.

Sarpomaa: “I prayed with TBN re: family and challenges and tribulations. There have been breakthroughs in relationshipsand conversations my family is having. Really want to say thank you for God and TBN for praying and believing with me.

Anonymous: We prayed for her friend Steph who had cancer. He went to the hospital for a check-up and they said thathe was all clear, so she is thankful because she knew that we had him covered in prayer. Thank You, Jesus.

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Major Production Synopsis

● Praise The Lord –Two major shows at either end of this month:– Show 1 featured Leon as host and LIFE Church leading worship. Guests were Ben Cooley, CEO of Hope for Justice, and Dave and Jen Gilpin, senior pastors of Hope City Church.– Show 2 featured Pastor Michael White as host and Samuel Lane leading worship. Guests were James, Ray, director of 4M UK; gospel singer and presenter Dr. Pauline Key; and teacher and evangelist,Dr Joshua Dara.

● TBN Meets –This month saw the following guests film an edition of our popular interview programme:– Rev. Les Isaacs, founder of Street Pastors and its umbrella organisation, the Ascension Trust.– Joshua Dara and James Ray, both previously Praise the Lord guests.– Steve and Elizabeth Halford, from the evangelistic ministry, Gospel Fire.– Tiffany Buhler and Rolf Sandor for the worship event David’s Tent.

● Kings & Priests – Bob Gass recorded some more discussions with prominent business leaders:– Michael Fitch, managing partner UHY Hacker Young Fitch.– Howard Measham, chairman of trustees at Operation WellFound.– Chris Hyman, former chief executive of Serco Group.– Andy Corley, managing director of QuadraleneLimited.

● TBN Presents – Regular programmers continued with their individual teaching series:– R.T. Kendall, Word & Spirit.– Andy Owen, Destiny.– Michael White, Momentum.– Caleb Alalade, The Father’s Heart.– Bishop Wayne Malcolm, The Call to Ministry.– David Ingall, St Sepulchre’s in the City.

● Partner Time –Weekly episodes with TBN UK’s directors, Richard and Leon. One week included an appearance by Danny Webster from the Evangelical Alliance.

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PTL: After a break filming at E21 and BCDO, we filmed two Praise the Lord shows in the last four weeks.

PTL: The first show was at the end of June and featured the popular band from LIFE Church leading a lively worship encounter.

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PTL: TBN UK’s channel director, Leon Schoeman, hosted the evening.

PTL: Ben Cooley, CEO of Hope For Justice, outlined his vision to end human traffickingand slavery.

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PTL: Dave and Jen Gilpin, senior pastors from Hope City Church, talked about the work going on in their network of churches throughout the UK and in Accra, Frankfurt, and Kuala Lumpur.

PTL: Pastor Jenny went on to give a very moving account of her own personal story and how it compelled her to pioneer the City Hearts restore programme.

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K&P: Michael Fitch was a guest with Bob Gasson Kings & Priests. A managing partner for chartered accountancy company UHY Hacker Young Fitch, Michael discussed financial concerns.

K&P: Howard Measham, founder of Operation WellFound–a Christian water and sanitation charity in west Africa –was speaking on the subject “Blessed to be a Blessing.”

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K&P: Chris Hyman is the former CEO of Serco – one of Britain’s largest companies. He came onto Kings & Priests to explore the topic of “Living out your faith in the Workplace.”

K&P: Andy Corley, managing director of award winning manufacturer Quadralene, spoke to Bob Gassabout “The importance of having core values.”

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Partner Time – Danny Webster, advocacy manager for the Evangelical Alliance, was a guest on an episode of Partner Time looking at how the Church should respond to the European referendum result.

TBN Meets – Rev Les Isaacs, founder of Ascension Trust, described how God had transformed his life and led him to establish Street Pastors.

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TBN Meets –Pastor Joshua Dara, founder of Joy Dara Ministries, visited TBN Meetsto explain how he has been blessed in his life and now uses his legal background to help the disadvantaged in his community.

TBN Meets –James Ray is the CEO of men’s ministry, 4M UK. It is based on the motto of the three musketeers i.e. everything we do is all for one God, and He is the one for all of us.

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TBN Meets – Steven and Elizabeth Halfordfrom Gospel Fire joined Leon and Zania to share about their experiences evangelising in Uganda.

TBN Meets – Tiffany Buhler and Rolf Sandor are both part of the team for David’s Tent –a worship movement that hosts an annual 72 hour non-stop worship event in the Sussex countryside.

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PTL– We held another Praise The Lord, this time at the beginning of July, and the host was Pastor Michael White from The Tabernacle Church in Lewisham.

PTL– James Ray revealed how his ministry 4M UK uses XCCs (extreme character challenges) to show how Christian life is relevant to men today.

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PTL– Dr. Pauline Key is a minister, entrepreneur and humanitarian who has a particular passion for empowering women.

PTL – Joshua Dara lets Pastor Michael into the secret of how his congregation in Zion Hill Church was able to grow into one of the largest in the state of Louisiana.

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PTL – Pastor Joshua encouraged us that in Jesus, we have something to shout about!

PTL – Close friend of Joshua Dara, Jeff Lindsay, was invited up onto the stage to give a prophetic blessing.

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PTL – Samuel Lane, pastor at St Albans Vineyard, led worship for the studio audience and those watching at home.

PTL – Sam Lane was joined by his band from Vineyard Worship for a really powerful night of prayer and praise.