Tayo HR Config

Tayo Rolls HR Configuration Manual Index Sub Modules Page No. 1. Organizational Management ___________________ 2 2. Personnel Administration ___________________23 3. Time Management ___________________67 4. Payroll ___________________117 5. Recruitment ___________________327 6. Training and Event Management ___________________340 7. Appraisal ___________________346 1



Transcript of Tayo HR Config

Page 1: Tayo HR Config

Tayo Rolls HR Configuration Manual

Index Sub Modules Page No.

1. Organizational Management ___________________ 2

2. Personnel Administration ___________________23

3. Time Management ___________________67

4. Payroll ___________________117

5. Recruitment ___________________327

6. Training and Event Management ___________________340

7. Appraisal ___________________346


Page 2: Tayo HR Config

1. Organizational Management


"Organizational Management" forms the base for the Personnel Planning and Development area (as well as Organizational Management, this includes the Personnel Development, Personnel Cost Planning and Training and Event Management components) and allows you to analyze and adjust your organizational plan as well as maintain structure data.In this step, you make the necessary system settings for the implementation of the "Organizational Management" component.The Implementation Guide for "Organizational Management" includes a description of the system settings necessary for "Personnel Cost Planning".

Plan Version

General Description

Plan versions allow you to create several organizational plans in the system at the same time. You can simulate and compare various scenarios using plan versions. A plan version also enables you to carry out various simulations and compare plans in the system in parallel. As a rule, only one plan version depicts your enterprise's current organizational plan


A plan version allows changing, modifying and comparing various organizational plans maintained as different plan versions. If an organization has two different organizational plans, one as per the FI hierarchy and one as per the sales hierarchy,


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both can be maintained as a different plan version. However, only one of them can be active. The SAP provided plan version suffices the need of TAYONAME.

Maintain Plan Versions for TAYO

Set Active Plan Version, In this step, you specify which plan version is to be the active plan version, that is, the plan version in which you maintain current valid information on your enterprise.The following Plan Version has been defined for Tayo Rolls Limited as per the configuration:

Configuration Details

Activity Maintain Plan Version

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Global Settings in Personnel Management Plan Version Maintenance Maintain Plan Versions

Transaction Code


Set Active Plan Version

General Description

Any number of plan versions can be maintained. But, only one plan version can be active at a given point of time.


Maintaining the active plan version allows the employee to be hired to the position, org units and jobs of that plan version. An employee cannot be hired to a position, belonging to an inactive plan version, using personnel administration.

Set Active Plan Version for TAYO


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At CLIENT NAME, the stand plan version ‘01’ (Current Plan) is set to active as per the standard SAP configurations. The following action is done for setting active plan version for TAYO as a company:

Configuration Details

Activity Set Active Plan Version

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Global Settings in Personnel Management Plan Version Maintenance Set Active Plan Version

Transaction Code


Maintain Object Types

General Description

An organizational plan can be made with many object types. At CLIENT NAME, the following object types will be maintained, currently:

Organizational units − (O)Jobs − (C)Positions − (S)


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Persons hold positions that are defined by jobs and assigned to organizational units and cost centers. The objects are held together by the relationship among each other. The relationships are discussed in detail in the next section of this document.

The final list of positions, jobs and organizational unit that has to be created in organizational management module is yet to be provided by CLIENT NAME. The data that is received will be uploaded into SAP. Microsoft Visio will be used in order to validate the data for upload


In this step, you make the settings necessary for changing standard object types and creating new object types.

You can make the following settings:

You can define the relationship that should be proposed in the course of the authorization check. For more information on this, please refer to the section "Structural authorization".

You can create or change external object types that are not administered in PD (e.g. object type "employee" from HR Master Data Management).

In this case, you must specify the interface program used to access these object types.

You can define an object type hierarchy for evaluations (reporting).

You can, if necessary, change the ID of a standard object type ("O" for organizational unit, "T" for task).

Maintain Object Types for TAYO

The following action is done for maintaining Object types for TAYOas a company:

Define the mandatory relationship, if required. Create external object types and specify the program that accesses these object

types. Define an object type hierarchy for the evaluation (reporting). Change the ID of a standard object type only if it is absolutely necessary,

observing the name ranges reserved for customer-specific entries. If you have created new object types, change the value of the semantic

abbreviation of each object type in the parameter group OTYPE, where necessary.

Similarly, if necessary, change the value of the semantic abbreviation for each object type-related transaction in the parameter group TCODE.

Note: You can create two-digit object types in the range "01" to "99".

Info-Types Mentioned in IN BBP


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INInfotypes -


1000 Organization Objects

1001 Object Relationships

1003 Department/Staff

1007 Vacancy Infotype

1008 Account Assignment Features

1013 Employee Group/Subgroup

Object Types in scope as mentioned in IN BBP

Object Type DescriptionsO Organization unitsS PositionsC JobsK Cost CentersP Person/Employee

Configuration Details

Activity Maintain Object Types

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Organizational Management Basic Settings Data Model Enhancement Maintain Object types

Transaction Code


Maintain Relationship

General Description

The various object types which forms a part of organizational plan are linked to each other using relationships. Relationships hence give meaning to the organizational plan. Standard SAP provides a large number of relationships which


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are sufficient for TAYOto maintain the organizational structure. However, there is a certain customization required regarding the time constraint on position to person.


In this step, you can change the attributes of an info type. An info type is a collection of logical or business-related characteristics of an object. You can make the following settings:

You can change the info type names.

You can assign infotypes to standard object types or to customer- specific object types.

You can define another time constraint for an info type.

In the case of infotypes with underlying subtypes, the time constraint is defined per subtype. If you wish to create your own subtypes, you have to carry out the step "Maintain subtypes" and define a time constraint per subtype.

(Attach Relationship Details for CLIENT NAME)

Maintain Relationships for TAYO

The following action is done for maintaining Relationships for TAYO as a company:

Change the name of the info type, if required. Check and, if necessary, change the time constraint of the info types or

subtypes. Assign the info types to object types.

Relationship Type



O - O A002 Reports toO - S A003 +

A012Belongs to

S - S A004 Reports -to- Dotted Line Manager

S - P A008 HolderS - K A011 Has cost centers

Configuration Details

Activity Maintain Relationships

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Organizational Management Basic Settings Data Model Enhancement Info type Maintenance Maintain Info type

Transaction Code OOIT


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Setting up Number Ranges for Objects

General Description

A number range is a set of numbers. When you create objects, the user assigns these numbers as an object ID, either internally by the system, or externally.


In this section you make settings for number ranges. A number range is a set of numbers. When you create objects, the user assigns these numbers as an object ID, either internally by the system, or externally. The number assignment to a specific object can be plan version-specific or plan version-independent, in other words, valid for all plan versions. This decision is important since it affects the kind of subgroups (number intervals) that may be used.

Setting up of Number Ranges for Objects for TAYO

The following action is done for setting up number ranges for objects for TAYO as a company:

Enter 'X' in the field Value abbr. to activate number assignment for all plan versions.

Leave the field Value abbr. blank to deactivate this function. Save your entries.


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Configuration Details

Activity Setting up of Number Ranges for Objects

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Organizational Management Basic Settings Maintain Number Ranges Set Up Number Assignment For All Plan Versions

Transaction Code


Maintain Number Ranges

General Description

Maintaining number ranges is the process by which numbers are allocated to business objects. There are two types of number assignment:

Internal number assignment occurs automatically in the R/3 System. External number assignment is performed either by the user or an external



To assign a unique number range to all the objects, we have to specify number ranges for the objects. Specifying separate number ranges for different objects helps us in better identification of various objects. In this step, you specify the number ranges for your PD objects and the type of number assignment. The actual number ranges to be used will be provided during the UAT phase for configuration on to Parallel testing TAYO and Production CLIENT NAME.

Maintaining Number Ranges for TAYO

The following action is done for maintaining number ranges for TAYO as a company:

Enter the subgroup for which you wish to set up number assignment. The following entries are allowed (when number assignment is not valid for all plan versions).


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o $$$$ (plan version and object type are generic)

o PV$$ (plan version, object type is generic)

o PVOT (plan version, object type)

The following entry is not allowed:o $$OT (plan version generic, object type)

The following entries are allowed (when number assignment is valid for all plan versions):o $$$$ (plan version and object type are generic)

o $$OT (plan version generic, object type)

The following entries are not allowed:o PVOT (plan version, object type)

o PV$$ (plan version, object type is generic) Save your entries. The system automatically creates an external number

range (EX) and an internal number range (IN). Specify the subgroup on the following screen and choose "Change intervals". A new data screen appears on which you can maintain number range

intervals. Choose "Create interval". Enter the code for the number assignment (IN or EX), the lower limit and the

upper limit of the interval in the dialog box which then appears. In the case of external number assignment, mark the field "ext" also. Choose "Insert" and save your entries.

Configuration Details

Activity Maintaining Number Ranges

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Organizational Management Basic Settings Maintain Number Ranges Maintain Number Ranges

Transaction Code



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Activate Inheritance of Account Assignment Features

General Description

Account assignment features (controlling area, company code, Personnel Area, Personnel Subarea, etc) of organizational units are to be inherited by subordinate positions.


In this step, you can determine that account assignment features (controlling area, company code and business area) of organizational units are to be inherited by subordinate positions thereby reducing the effort on maintenance.


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Activate Inheritance of Account Assignment features for TAYO

The following action is done for activating inheritance of account assignment features for TAYO as a company:

If you want to activate inheritance, enter an 'X'.

Configuration Details

Activity Activate Inheritance of Account Assignment features

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Organizational Management Basic Settings Activate Inheritance of Account Assignment Features

Transaction Code


Set up Integration with Personnel Administration

General Description

Organizational Management and Personnel Administration are two separate components in the HR module. The integration between the two components needs to be activated.


Activation allows integration of Organizational Management and HR Master Data in Personnel Administration. This guarantees data consistency between the two components.

Set up Integration with Personnel Administration for TAYO

The following action is done for integrating PA with OM for TAYO as a company:

To activate integration, you must check or make the following settings in addition to those you have already made in the step "Global Settings in Personnel Management":

1. Basic Settings


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Integration switch for organizational assignment (T77S0: PLOGI ORGA)

Default position (PLOGI PRELI)

Update file PAnnnn (PLOGI PRELU)

Department switch (PPABT PPABT)

Default value for personnel subarea (PPINT BTRTL)

Default value for personnel area (PPINT PERSA)

Transfer short or long texts from Organizational Management to

Personnel Administration (PLOGI TEXTC, PLOGI TEXTO, PLOGI TEXTS)

2. Participating in integration

The feature "PLOGI" contains criteria with which you can determine the persons in your enterprise or personnel structure for which integration should apply.

The criteria are:

Company code

Personnel subarea

Employee group

Employee subgroup

You can combine any of these criteria for integration. You can activate integration for all employed or just for certain company codes, personnel subareas, employee groups, and employee subgroups or for different combinations.

Make the following settings in the recommended order:

Using the entry "PLOGI ORGA", determine whether integration between Organizational Management and Personnel Administration is active. If you do not want integration to be active, enter ' ' (blank).

You should not change the entry "PLOGI PRELI". You can, however, change the name of a position with this number (see Value of semantic abbreviation for the entry "PLOGI PRELI") in Customizing for Personnel Administration.

In the entry "PLOGI PRELU", determine whether Master Data is to be updated online or by batch input.

In the entry "PPABT PPABT", determine whether only organizational units indicated as info type 1003 "Department" for a position are to be read.

Determine the default value for the personnel subarea in the entry "PPINT BTRTL".

Determine the default for the personnel area in the entry "PPINT PERSA".


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In the entry "PLOGI TEXTC", determine whether the short texts rather than the long text for jobs created in Organizational Management are to be transferred into Personnel Administration.

In the entry "PLOGI TEXTO", determine whether the short texts rather than the long texts for organizational units created in Organizational Management are to be transferred to Personnel Administration.

In the entry "PLOGI TEXTS", determine whether the short texts, rather than the long texts for positions created in Organizational Management are to be transferred into Personnel Administration.

In the feature "PLOGI", determine for which persons integration should be activated for based on the criteria company code, personnel subarea, employee group and employee subgroup.

Note: In the standard system, the switch &PLOGI is set to "X" (all).

If you set the switch PLOGI EVENB to 'X' set Zen, you can make organizational changes that include a change of company code.

According to the set up in your enterprise (see Activating integration), start one of the reports in the step "Tools for Integration".

Configuration Details

Activity Set up Integration with Personnel Administration

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Organizational Management Integration Integration with Personnel Administration Set up Integration with Personnel AdministrationParticipate in Integration

Transaction Code


Activity Set up Integration with Personnel Administration

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Organizational Management Integration Integration with Personnel Administration Set up Integration with Personnel AdministrationBasic Settings

Transaction Code



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Set up Integration for Cost Distribution

General Description

The PLOGI COSTD entry enables you to activate integration between Organizational Management and Personnel Administration for Cost Distribution


The cost distribution can be maintained at the position level. If the cost distribution info type for employee (Info type 0027) is not maintained, then cost distribution info type for the position (Info type 1018) will be used to distribute cost to various cost centers.

Activation of Integration

Activity Set up Integration for Cost Distribution

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Organizational Management Integration Set up Integration for cost Distribution

Transaction Code



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Activate / De-activate "Vacancy" Info type

General Description

The Switch PPVAC PPVAC is activated to specify whether a position is vacant by virtue of info type 1007 "Vacancy”. All unfilled positions are considered as Vacant.


Integration with Recruitment is activated; Vacancy info recorded in Info type 1007 will indicate the position ready to be re-occupied using the Recruitment module. This is also used to extract report based on Vacancy.

Activate / De-activate "Vacancy" Info type for TAYO

Specify whether the vacancy is to be maintained via info type 1007The following action is done for activating / de-activating Vacancy info type for TAYO as a company:

Configuration Details

Activity Activate / De-activate "Vacancy" Info type

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Organizational Management Info type Settings Activate/Deactivate “Vacancy” Info type

Transaction Code



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Define Organizational Units

General Description

An organizational object used to depict the basic structure of an organization. Organizational units are functional units of an enterprise. Depending on how tasks are distributed in an enterprise, an organizational unit can be a department, group, project team, or other unit.


Organizational units are different from other enterprise entities such as company codes, business areas, and personnel areas. Those enterprise entities are used to depict administrative or accounting structures in the corresponding components.

Define Organisational Units for CLIENT NAME

To carry out the activity for CLIENT NAME, choose the following navigation options:

Configuration Details

Activity Define Organizational Units

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Personnel Administration Organizational Data Organizational Assignment Organizational Plan Define organizational units.

Transaction Code



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(We can change after getting org unit information from TAYONAME)Define Jobs

General Description

A job describes a group of tasks, authorities and responsibilities and defines the level of education required to perform this work. It is assigned to different positions on the basis of the amount of work to be performed.

Jobs are areas of activity in a company, which are described by tasks.

Examples include "secretary", "clerk", or "financial accountant". Jobs can be created across organizational units.

PurposeIn this step, you define jobs i.e. the professional activities and the areas of responsibility within your company.

Define Jobs for TAYO

To carry out the activity for CLIENT NAME, choose the following navigation options and perform the following: Delete the entries that you do not need. Create your own job definitions.


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Configuration Details

Activity Define Jobs

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Personnel Administration Organizational Data Organizational Assignment Organizational Plan Define jobs Jobs

Transaction Code


Activity Define Jobs

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Personnel Administration Organizational Data Organizational Assignment Organizational Plan Define jobs Job Title

Transaction Code



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(We can change after getting job information from TAYONAME)Define Positions

General Description

An organizational object (object type key S) used to distribute tasks to posts in an organizational plan and to model the reporting structure between posts.

Positions are concrete posts in an enterprise, which can be occupied by holders (employees or R/3 users), for example purchasing administrator, European sales manager, or secretary in the marketing department. Positions are not the same as jobs. A job is not a concrete position in an enterprise. It is a construct that enables you to create a number of positions with similar tasks and features.


Object type “S” determines the positions for an organization, which is in-turn, occupied by persons based on the requirements raised in the recruitment module.

Define Positions for TAYO

Only position your cursor on the entries for object type S (position) in the Personnel Administration application.

Delete the entries that you do not need. Create your own positions and the corresponding data.


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The following action is done for activating / de-activating Vacancy info type for TAYO as a company:

Configuration Details

Activity Define Positions

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Personnel Administration Organizational Data Organizational Assignment Organizational Plan Define Positions

Transaction Code



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Define Cost Centers

General Description

An organizational unit within a controlling area that represents a defined location of cost incurrence.

The definition can be based on:

Functional requirements

Allocation criteria

Physical location

Responsibility for costs


By assigning cost centers to organizational objects, determine where costs are incurred by the object are to be charged. The inheritance principle applies: If an organizational object is not assigned a cost center, the cost center assigned to the superior object applies. An organizational object may also be assigned more than one cost center.

Create Cost Centres for TAYO

To carry out the activity for CLIENT NAME, choose the following navigation options:

In this activity you make settings for cost centers. These include:

Defining the standard hierarchy

Defining cost element types

Creating cost centers

Defining match codes for cost centers

Selecting time-dependent fields

Configuration Details


Activity Create Cost Centers

IMG Menu Path

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG) Controlling Cost Center Accounting Master Data Cost Centers Create Cost Centers

Transaction Code


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2. Personnel Administration


This document provides the specifications in detail to define and setup the Personnel Administration elements such as defining company code, Personnel Area, Personnel sub-area, employee group and sub-group.Enterprise Structure

General Description

Enterprise structure is used to portray the specific Organizational structure of the business in the R/3 System.

SAP assigns employees to a part of the Enterprise structure. This is performed through assignment to a company code, personnel area and personnel sub area. All these 3 elements are held in infotype 0001 Organisation Assignment.


The definition of Enterprise structure is the fundamental step in a project. It is a critical factor in how the project will be structured.

Define Company

General Description

The first level of the enterprise structure is the Company code. A company is an organizational unit in Accounting, which represents a business organization according to the requirements of commercial law in a particular country.

Company code is the top level of the SAP HR Enterprise structure. The company code in SAP represents an independent company or legal entity with a separate financial accounting.


The enterprise structure requires creation of company, which draws its own balance sheet.

Company for TAYO

The following Company has been defined for TAYO:


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Configuration Details

Activity Define Company

IMG Menu Path

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG) Enterprise Structure Definition Financial Accounting Define Company

Transaction Code



Define Company Code

General Description

The company code is an organizational unit used in accounting. It is used to structure the business organization from a financial accounting perspective.


The Enterprise Structure of TAYO requires a creation of Company Code, which will track the activities under that particular company through a 4 letter alphanumeric code.

Company Code for TAYO


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The following Company Code has been defined for TAYO:

Configuration Details

Activity Define Company Code

IMG Menu Path

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG) Enterprise Structure Definition Financial Accounting Edit, Copy, Delete, Check Company Code

Transaction Code


Assigning Company Code to Company

General Description

In this step you assign the company codes which you want to include in the group accounting o TAYO.

PurposeOnly when the company code assignment happens to a company, the activities can be tracked better.

Assignment of Company Code to company for TAYO

The following assignment has been done for TAYO as a company:

Configuration Details

Activity Define Company Code

IMG Menu Path

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG) Enterprise Structure Assignment Financial Accounting Assign Company Code to Company

Transaction Code


Define Personnel Areas

General Description

The personnel area is an organizational unit that represents a specific area of your organization and is organized according to aspects of personnel, time management and payroll. A personnel area is further divided into several personnel sub-areas.



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In this step, you define the Personnel Areas in your company, adapting the functional scope of a Personnel and Time Management to your organization.

Define Personnel area for TAYO

The following action is done for maintaining personnel areas for TAYO as a company:

a. To carry out the activity, choose the following navigation option.b. Choose New Entries, enter the values and SAVE the entries.

Configuration Details

Activity Maintain Personnel Areas

IMG Menu Path

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG) Enterprise Structure Definition Human Resources Personnel areas Personnel Areas

Transaction Code


Personal Area Description

CA09 Labatt Breweries INDIA

U108 TAYO International



Maintain Personnel Sub-Areas

General Description


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A personnel sub-area is an organizational unit that represents a specific area of the company organized according to certain aspects of personnel, time management and payroll.


Personnel sub-areas are a subdivision of the personnel area. The personnel sub-area is a unit within the enterprise structure that is only used in PA. Organizational control of the main HR sub-areas, namely the pay scale and wage type structures and work schedule planning, takes place at the personnel sub-area level.

In this step, you define the Personnel Sub Areas in your company, adapting the functional scope of a Personnel and Time Management to your organization for a Personnel Area.

Define Personnel Sub-Area for TAYO

Personnel sub-areas are identified by a four-character, alphanumeric code. They are used to store the respective country-specific control features

The following action is done for Personnel Sub Areas for TAYO as a company:

a. To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options:b. Choose appropriate Personnel Area, New Entries, enter the values and SAVE

the entries.

Configuration Details

Activity Maintain Personnel Sub-Areas

IMG Menu Path

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG) Enterprise Structure Definition Human Resource Management Personnel Sub Areas Create Personnel Sub Areas

Transaction Code



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Define Employee Group

General Description

The employee group divides employees into groups and defines their relationship to the enterprise.

The employee group allows you to divide your employees into groups and allows you to define their relationship to the enterprise. This will help you to distinguish your employees between persons actively employed and retirees.


Employee groups represent a subdivision of employees. Within PA, a distinction is made between employee groups for active employees, inactive employee, retirees, and early retirees. In Customizing, each employee group has a one-character code.

In this step, you define the Employee groups in your company.

Maintain Employee Group for TAYO

The following action is done for Employee Group for TAYO as a company:

a. To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options:b. Choose New Entries, enter the values and SAVE the entries.


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c. It is recommended to use the SAP standard entries

Configuration Details

Activity Maintain Employee Group

IMG Menu Path

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG) Enterprise Structure Definition Human Resource Management Employee groups

Transaction Code



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Maintain Employee Sub-Group

General Description

The employee subgroup represents a subdivision of the employee group. By defining employee’s subgroup, we essentially begin to set up personnel structure.


Employee subgroups subdivide employee groups according to the employee’s status. All of the control features for the personnel structure are defined at the employee subgroup level. The employee subgroup represents a subdivision of the employee group. When you define employee subgroups, you are essentially begun to set up your personnel structure. Features are allocated to this in later steps. Employee Grades can also be used as a criterion to determine Employee Subgroups.

Define Employee Sub-Group for TAYO

The following business subtasks are provided among other things:

Specification of processing in payroll accounting

Specification of validity of primary wage types

Specification of validity of work schedules

Specification of validity of pay scale groups

Specification of validity of time quota types

The following action is done for Employee Sub-Group for TAYO as a company:

To carry out the activity, choose the following navigation options:

Configuration Details


Activity Maintain Employee Sub-Group

IMG Menu Path

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG) Enterprise Structure Definition Human Resource Management Employee Sub groups Define Employee Sub groups

Transaction Code


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Assigning of Personnel area to Company Code

General Description

In this step, you allocate each of your personnel areas to your company code.


When a personnel number is created, the corresponding company code is allocated to it in the infotype Organizational Assignment (0001), depending on the enterprise structure in which the employee is situated.

Assignment of Personnel Area to Company Code for TAYO

a. Choose corresponding company for the personnel areas created and save the same.

b. To carry out the activity for TAYO, choose the following navigation options


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Configuration Details

Assigning of Employee sub group to Employee group

General Description

In this step, employee subgroups are assigned to their respective employee groups. In addition to this, we determine whether the employee group/employee subgroup combinations are allowed for the country groupings.


Employee subgroups must be assigned to their respective employee groups to distinguish the employee groupings.

Assignment of Employee Sub-Group to Employee Group for TAYO

To carry out the activity for TAYO, choose the following navigation options:

Configuration Details


Activity Assignment of Personnel Area to Company code.

IMG Menu Path

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG) Enterprise Structure Assignment Human Resource Management Assignment of Personnel Area to Company code

Transaction Code


Activity Assignment of employee subgroup to employee group.

IMG Menu Path

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG) Enterprise Structure Assignment Human Resource Management Assignment of Employee Subgroup to Employee group

Transaction Code


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Maintain Number Range Intervals for Personnel Numbers

General Description

In this step, you specify the number ranges for your Personnel Development objects and the type of number assignment. Here number range(s) are defined for personnel number assignment using the following two basic options:

Internal number assignment: In this case, the SAP System assigns the personnel numbers and the number ranges are indicated by the letters "IN".

External number assignment: In this case, the user assigns the personnel numbers and the number ranges are indicated by the letters "EX".


The Number range intervals can be defined as per requirements and the intervals enable assigning different number ranges to different employee groups. For TAYO, the following are the SAP standard number ranges, it is recommended to use the standard settings.

Maintain number Range Intervals for Personnel Numbers for TAYO

The number range intervals need to be provided for TAYO


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Configuration Details

Determine Defaults for Number Ranges

General Description

In this step feature NUMKR is used to determine whether to use internal or external number assignment when hiring new employees and if so, you can determine for which HR master records it is to be used.


To define the default rule number for Number Ranges while hiring new employees. The Feature NUMKR is used to default the number assignments.

Determine Defaults for Number Ranges for TAYOa. Select the Parameters and Save the details.b. To carry out the activity for TAYO, choose the following navigation options:

Configuration Details


Activity Maintaining Number range interval for Personnel Numbers.

IMG Menu Path

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG) Personnel Management Personnel Administration Basic Settings Maintain Number Range intervals for Personnel Numbers

Transaction Code


Activity Determine defaults for number Ranges.

IMG Menu Path

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG) Personnel Management Personnel Administration Basic Settings Determine defaults for number ranges

Transaction Code

PE03 (Feature - NUMKR)

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Org Assignment (0001)

Create Payroll Area

General Description

A payroll accounting area (which is often abbreviated to payroll area) is an organizational unit containing all of the employees for whom the payroll runs at the same time


The payroll usually runs for payroll accounting areas. Each payroll accounting area determines the specific dates for which the payroll runs, the earliest payroll period for which retroactive accounting is possible, retroactive accounting recognition, and the periods for which the payroll runs.


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It groups together personnel numbers that are to be processed on the same date.

It determines the exact payroll period

Create Payroll Area for TAYO

a. Choose New entries – Enter Payroll area, Title and the description.b. To carry out the activity for TAYO, choose the following navigation options:

Configuration Details

Pay Scale Type

Create Pay Scale Type

General Description

Pay Scale Type distinguishes between the different types of pay grade structures .It makes a distinction between different types of employees.



Activity Create Payroll Area.

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Personnel Administration Organisational Data Create Payroll Area

Transaction Code


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A pay scale type denotes the type of employees where pay scale structure is same.

Create Pay Scale Type for TAYO

Choose New entries – Enter Pay scale type Title and the description.To carry out the activity for TAYO, choose the following navigation

Configuration Details

Pay Scale Area

Create Pay Scale Area

General Description

Payscale areas have been created based on compensation, which depends on country category

Create Pay Scale Type for TAYO

Choose New entries – Enter Pay scale Area Title and the description.To carry out the activity for TAYO, choose the following navigation

Configuration Details


Activity Create Payroll Type

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Personnel Administration Payroll Data Basic Pay Create Pay Scale type

Transaction Code


Activity Create Payroll Area

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Personnel Administration Payroll Data Basic Pay Create Pay Scale Area

Transaction Code


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Pay Scale Group and Level

Create Pay Scale Area

General Description

Pay scale group is used to store various wage groups. A pay scale group is a criterion used for grading job evaluation.

Different Salary / job Grades, in TAYO are identified as Pay Scale Group.

Create Pay Scale Group and Level for TAYO

Choose New entries – Enter Pay scale Group - Title and the description. In the Pay Scale Group, enter the minimum, maximum, and reference salary ranges to be maintained. To carry out the activity for TAYO, choose the following navigation

Configuration Details


Activity Create Payroll Area

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Personnel Administration Payroll Data Basic Pay Check Total salary against Salary Range Define Pay Grade and Level.

Transaction Code


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Personnel Data (IT 0002)

Create forms of Address

General Description

In this step, you can set up forms of address for employees.

For each form of address, you must specify the form-of-address key, a short and long text and the gender.

There are three gender keys (1 = male; 2= female; ' ' = not specified). Do not change these keys.


To provide the forms of addresses for employees / applicants.

Create forms of Address for TAYO

c. Choose New entries – Enter Form of Address key, Title and the description, choose the appropriate gender and the save the details

d. To carry out the activity for TAYO, choose the following navigation options:

Configuration Details


Activity Create Address Types.

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Personnel Administration Personal Data Personal Data Create forms of address

Transaction Code


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Create Name Affixes

General Description

In this step you create possible academic titles, aristocratic titles and marks of nobility for employees/applicants and family members.


Name affixes are created and maintained as follows:

'S' - academic title after name (INDIA only)

'T' - academic title before name (e.g. Dr)

'V' - Aristocratic prefixes between first and second name (e.g. von, van)

'Z' - Aristocratic titles between first and second name (e.g. Baron, Count)

Create Name Affixes for TAYO

a. Choose New entries – Select type of name affix, enter Name affix, Output text and save the details

b. To carry out the activity for TAYO, choose the following navigation options:

Configuration Details


Activity Create Name Affixes.

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Personnel Administration Personal Data Personal Data Create name affixes

Transaction Code


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AT Name affix Output textT ARQ. Arquitecto(a)T CONT. Contador(a)T DIPL.-ING. Dipl.-Ing.T DIPL.ING. Dipl.Ing.T DIPL.VW. Dipl.Vw.T DIRECTOR DirectorT DR. Dr.T DR.MATH. Dr.Math.T DR.MED. Dr.Med.T DR.RER.NAT. Dr.Rer.Nat.T DRA. DoctoraT DRS. Drs.T ING. Ing.T IR. Ir.T LIC. Lic.T MANAGER ManagerT MR. Mr.T PROF. Prof.T PROF. DR. Prof. Dr.T SUB-DIRECTOR Sub-director


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Maintain Titles

General Description

In this step you create possible academic titles or aristocratic titles you use for your employees.


Academic titles – Dr., Prof.

Aristocratic titles – Duke, Baron


This is to set up the academic/aristocratic titles for employees / applicants.

Maintain Titles for TAYO

a. Choose New Entries – enter the Name affix, Output text and save the details entered

b. To carry out the activity for TAYO, choose the following navigation options:

Configuration Details


AT Name affix Output textT ARQ. Arquitecto(a)T CONT. Contador(a)T DIPL.-ING. Dipl.-Ing.T DIPL.ING. Dipl.Ing.T DIPL.VW. Dipl.Vw.T DIRECTOR DirectorT DR. Dr.T DR.MATH. Dr.Math.T DR.MED. Dr.Med.T DR.RER.NAT. Dr.Rer.Nat.T DRA. DoctoraT DRS. Drs.T ING. Ing.T IR. Ir.


Activity Maintain Titles.

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Personnel Administration Personal Data Personal Data Maintain titles

Transaction Code


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T LIC. Lic.T MANAGER ManagerT MR. Mr.T PROF. Prof.T PROF. DR. Prof. Dr.T SUB-DIRECTOR Sub-director

Create Marital Status

General Description

In this step you create the possible marital status designations for employees. The standard SAP system contains the most common marital status designations. Create additional marital status designations to meet your requirements.


This step is to maintain the marital status of employees / applicants throughout the employee life cycle.


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Create Marital Status for TAYO

a. Choose New entries – Enter the desired Marital status id, description and save the details

b. To carry out the activity for TAYO, choose the following navigation options:

Configuration Details

Marital Status DesignationsMarSt MarSt

0 Single1 Marr.2 Wid.3 Div.4 NM5 Sep.6 Unknwn9 RegCou

Family (IT 0021)

General Description


Activity Create Marital Status.

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Personnel Administration Personal Data Personal Data Create marital status

Transaction Code


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An infotype is a collection of logical or business-related characteristics of an object. Data is not stored field by field on the human resources database, but is grouped together in logical groups. Examples: Family infotype, Organizational Assignment infotype, Basic Pay infotypeAdditional family member types can be created in this step. Every family member type represents a subtype of the infotype Family (0021).


An infotype can be subdivided into a subtype, for example:

Infotype 'Family' - Subtypes 'Spouse', 'Child'

Infotype 'Addresses' - Subtypes 'Home address', 'Holiday address'

Subtypes 'Permanent residence', 'Secondary residence'

Define Family Types for TAYO

To carry out the activity for TAYO, choose the following navigation options:

Configuration Details


Activity Define Family Types.

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Personnel Administration Personal Data Family Personnel Data Define family types

Transaction Code


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Address (IT 0006)

Create Address Types

General Description

In this step various address types can be created which can be subtypes of infotype 006, Addresses.

Example: Possible address types include the following:

Permanent residence, Secondary residence, Mailing address, Standard settings

The standard SAP system contains the most common address types, It is recommend adopting the standard settings.


To create and maintain address types for employees / applicants to track their location of stay while employed in the company.


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Create Address Types for TAYO

To carry out the activity for TAYO, choose the following navigation options:

Configuration Details

Communication (IT 0105)

Maintain Communication Types

General Description

In this step you define the valid communication types, which will be stored for addresses.



Activity Create Address Types.

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Personnel Administration Personal Data Addresses Create address types.

Transaction Code


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Employees may have a second telephone and fax machine at an address.


This infotype enables you to record an employee’s various forms of communication contacts such as a cell phone, email address, etc.

Maintain Communication Types for TAYO

a. Choose New entries – Enter the type, category, text and save the detailsb. To carry out the activity for TAYO, choose the following navigation options:

Configuration Details


Activity Maintain Communication Types.

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Personnel Administration Personal Data Addresses Enter communication types

Transaction Code


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Additional Personal Data (IT0077)

General Description

In this section, we define whether the employee is aboriginal, whether the employee is a member of a minority.


Employee Ethnic Origin details like White/ Not Hispanic Origin, Black/ Not Hispanic Origin, Hispanic, etc, have been defined here.

Configuration Details

Monitoring of Task (IT 0019)

General Description

Monitoring of tasks (0019) is provided so that certain dates can be monitored. In this infotype, dates that affect an employee and dates, which the personnel administrators should be reminded of by the system, can be stored.


To store task types and date against each task type.

Monitoring of Tasks for TAYO

The following Task types has been defined for TAYO

Configuration Details


Activity Define Additional Personal Data

IMG Menu Path

IMG Path: Personnel Management->Personnel Administration->Additional Personal Data->

Transaction Code


Activity Define Monitoring of Tasks

IMG Menu Path

IMG Path: Personnel Management -> Personnel Administration->Evaluation Basis-> Monitoring of Tasks-> Determine Task Type

Transaction Code


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Date Specifications (IT 0041)

General Description

In the section "date specifications", date types can be determined and can be define in a feature, which of these date types is to be proposed as a default when the infotype Date specifications (0041) is maintained.


To define different date types, feature DATAR needs to be maintained.

Date Types for TAYO The following Date Types has been defined for TAYO::

Configuration Details

Define Employee Attributes


Activity Define Date Specifications

IMG Menu Path

IMG Path: Personnel Management -> Personnel Administration->Evaluation Basis->Date Specifications->Define Day Type

Transaction Code


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General Description

In the "Enterprise structure", you defined employee groups and employee subgroups.

ExampleThese statuses are used for national and international reporting for selecting and/or grouping together of employee data or they are used to represent national plausibility’s.


In this step, you must assign one of the following statuses to those employee groups and employee subgroups:

Activity status (1 = Active employee, 2 = Retiree, 3 = Early retiree, 9 = Other, 4 = Par time work for retirees)

Employment status (1 = Industrial worker/hourly paid worker, 2 = Salaried employee, 3 = Civil servant, 9 = Other)

Education and training status (1 = Trainee/apprentice, 2 = Trained, 9 = Other)

Define Employee Attributes for TAYO

a. For the selected Country group enter appropriate Activity status, Employment status, and Training status for the Employee group and sub group and save the details.

b. To carry out the activity for TAYO, choose one of the following navigation options

Configuration Details

Infotype Menu

General Description

These menus can be defined so that they are dependent on the user group (user parameter UGR).If there are no entries for an infotype menu for the user's user group or if the user has not maintained his/her user group, then the infotype menu is determined using the reference user group.



Activity Define Employee Attributes.

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Personnel Administration Organizational Data Organizational Assignment Define employee attributes

Transaction Code


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You want to include an infotype in an infotype menu or define a new infotype menu for a user group.


In this step, you define the infotype menus for maintaining and displaying Human Resources master data.

Infotype Menu for TAYO

a. Choose menu category "I" and the infotype menu.b. Define whether the menu is to be dependent on the user group.c. If necessary, assign the system response for the case where the user has not

maintained the user group or where there are no entries in the menu.d. Assign a reference user group which can be used to set up the menu, if


Infotypes in the infotype menua. Choose menu category "I" and the infotype menu.b. Copy the infotypes into the menu for the user group.

e. Carry out the activity for TAYO, choose one of the following navigation options

Configuration Details


Activity Infotype Menu.

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Personnel Administration Customizing Procedures Infotype Menus Infotype MenuUser group dependency on menus and info groups

Transaction Code


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Activity Infotype Menu.

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Personnel Administration Customizing Procedures Infotype Menus Infotype MenuInfotype Menu

Transaction Code


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Determine Choice of Infotype Menu

General Description

This choice can be defined so that it is dependent on the user group (user parameter UGR).

If you have defined the set-/get-parameter PMN (infotype menu), the corresponding infotype menu appears when you call the initial HR Master Data display/maintenance screen for the first time. Otherwise the infotype menu "01" is used.If there are no entries in the table for the user's user group, or if the user has not maintained his/her user group, then the infotype menu choice is determined using the reference user group.

ExampleYou have defined a new infotype menu and want this to appear in the dialog box.


In this step, you define the infotype menu choice which appears in a dialog box when Human Resources master data is maintained and displayed, if the user chooses the pushbutton "Other menu" to change the current infotype menu.

Determine choice of Infotype Menu for TAYO

1. User group dependency of the choice of infotype menu2. Choose menu category "S" and menu "01" for the infotype menu choice.


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3. Determine whether the menu is to be dependent on the user group.4. If necessary, assign the system response for the case where the user has not

maintained his/her user group or where no entries exist.5. Assign a reference user group, which can be used to set up the menu if


Infotype menus in infotype menu choicea) Choose menu category "S" and menu "01" for the infotype menu choice.b) Include the infotype menus for the user group.

6. Carry out the activity for TAYO, choose the following navigation options:

Configuration Details


Activity Determine choice of Infotype Menu.

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Personnel Administration Customizing Procedures Infotype Menus Determine choice of infotype menus User group dependency on menus and info groups

Transaction Code


Activity Determine choice of Infotype Menu.

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Personnel Administration Customizing Procedures Infotype Menus Determine choice of infotype menus Inofotype Menus

Transaction Code


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Define Info groups

General Description

The info groups can be defined so that they are dependent on the user group (user parameter "UGR").If there are no entries for an info group for the user's user group or if the user has not maintained their user group, then the info group is determined using the reference user group.

In addition to this, the info group can be set up so that it is dependent on the employee's control data. You can do this by using feature Info group modifier (IGMOD).

ExampleWhen hiring an employee, the infotypes Personal data (0002), Organizational assignment(0001), Address (0006), Planned working time (0007) etc., are created one after the other.

The standard SAP System contains one info group for every action. The info groups are generally dependent on the user group. In this case, the country grouping is used as a value of the user group. The info groups are set up independent of the employee's control data, i.e. the feature IGMOD has "space" as its return code.


In this step, you define the info groups that are processed when actions are carried out. This must be carried out before you proceed to the next step where you must


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define the work list, i.e. the info group, for every personnel action that is to be carried out.

Define Info groups for TAYO

1. User group dependency of the info group.a. Choose menu category G and the info group.b. Determine whether the info group is to be dependent on the user

group.c. If necessary, assign the system response for the case, where the user

has not maintained the user group or where there are no entries in the info group.

2. Info group modifiera. Maintain the feature IGMOD.b. Always call up the info group as the first decision rule, otherwise you

will need to make entries for the respective return codes for each info group.

c. For additional decision rules, you can call up country grouping, company code, personnel area, personnel subarea, employee group, and employee subgroup.

3. Infotypes of the info groupa. Choose the info group.b. Assign the operations, infotypes and info subtypes for the user group

and the return value of the feature IGMOD.c. Read the field documentation for the allowed operations.

4. Carry out the activity for TAYO, choose the following navigation options:

Configuration Details


Activity Define Info groups.

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Personnel Administration Customizing Procedures Actions Define infogroupsUser group dependency on menus and info groups

Transaction Code


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Set up Personnel Actions

General Description

You can use personnel actions to carry out complex personnel administration procedures. A personnel action displays, in the correct sequence, the infotypes that have to be maintained for a specific action.


In this step you determine whether you want to use the Additional Actions infotype (0302). The Additional Actions infotype (0302) enables the automatic logging of all personnel actions types that you carry out for an employee on a key date.Note that in the Actions infoytype (0000), only one personnel action type is saved per day. In this infotype, you only store the personnel action types that change the status of the employee, such as the personnel action type Leaving.

You define the personnel action types that represent the personnel processes in your enterprise. This means that within the personnel action Hiring, all the infotypes that must be maintained when hiring a new employee are displayed automatically to the personnel administrator for processing.

Define a priority list for the personnel action types that do not change status, and must therefore not be stored in the Actions infotype (0000), but which should nonetheless be logged in this infotype.If the personnel administrator performs no personnel action types that change status, but instead several that do change status on one day, the priority list


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controls which of these personnel action types is to be stored in the Actions infotype (000).Note that personnel action types that are only used to process several infotypes in an infogroup should not be stored in the Actions infotype (0000). SAP recommends that you log personnel action types such as these automatically using the Additional Actions infotype (0302). You only have to carry out this activity if you want to use the Additional Actions infotype (0302), and have activated this infotype.

If you want to perform simplified employee organizational changes, you can also set up a 'Country reassignment' action type in this step, for which you set the Country reassignment indicator. For more information on country reassignments, refer to Personnel Administration documentation under Business Processes in Personnel Administration -> Country Reassignment.

Set up Personnel Actions for TAYO

1. If you want to use the Additional Actions infotype (0302), call up view Activate 'Additional Actions' for all existing personnel numbers.

2. Call up the view Personnel Action Types.3. Check the SAP sample entries.4. Delete the entries you do not require.5. If required, define several personnel action types.

a) Choose New entries.b) In the Action type field, enter a number, and in the Name of action type

field, enter a name for the personnel action type.c) In the FC field, enter the function character for the personnel action type.

You can distinguish the first entry actions from all the others. Choose the function character 1 for first entries, 7 for first entries with data transfer from recruitment and 0 for all other personnel action types.

d) If required, define the status indicator STAT1 (customer specific). This status indicator is not used in the standard system. You can use this indicator individually.

e) Define the status indicator STAT2 (recruitment) and STAT3 (Special payment).

f) Decide whether you require standard decision rules to define plausibility rules for the sequence of personnel action types (check feature). Note: Never change the standard decision rules.

g) Decide whether organizational assignment data may be changed whilst personnel actions are being carried out. When you set the indicator P, the position field in the Actions infotype (0000) is ready for entry. You can process the fields Personnel area, Employee group and Employee subgroup with the indicatorsPA, EG and ES.

h) Assign an infotype group number to the IG field in the personnel action type. You can then process the the individual infotypes from the selected group in the personnel action type in the appropriate sequence. You defined the infotype groups in the " Define Infogroups" step.

i) Specify whether the date entered on the initial screen of the Actions infotype (0000) is the start date for new infotype records or the end date for old infotype records. This is especially important in the case of leaving actions.

j) Use the indicator U0000 to determine whether your personnel action type should create a new record for the Actions infotype (0000).


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k) Use the Country change indicator to determine whether the personnel action type is a country change.

6. If you have activated the Additional Actions infotype (0302), determine whether your personnel action type should be logged in the Additional Actions infotype (0302) using the U0302 indicator. Call up the view Priority list for personnel action types.

7. Specify a priority list for the personnel actions which do not change the status, and for which you have set the indicator to U0000.

8. In the Priority field assign sequential numbers with a maximum of two digits to each of the personnel action types. The smaller the number, the higher the priority of the accompanying personnel action type.

Do not define any new personnel action types if only the infotype group should be different for the personnel administrator. To achieve this, you can define the infogroups as user group dependent.

The keys for personnel action types, which you carry out for an employee, for example, hiring, organizational change, leaving, are stored in the infotype Actions (0000).

The existence of a personnel number is ruled out by the existence of a record in this infotype. Only one record can exist for this infotype on the database at any one time.

When an employee has left, there is also a record in the system for the personnel action Leaving. The most important information in this infotype is the employee's employment status: active, leave of absence, retired, left.

Personnel actions that are only used to process several infotypes in an infogroup should not be saved in the infotype Actions (0000). SAP recommends that you log personnel actions of this kind automatically using the Additional actions infotype (0302).

Notes on the creation of batch-input sessions:

If you want to carry out a batch-input for a personnel action, do not call up transaction PA40 (Actions menu). Instead, call up transaction PA30 (infotype menu). In the actions menu place your cursor on the line containing the relevant action; this assumes you know the exact set-up of the menu.

Proceed as follows:

1. Call up transaction PA30.2. Choose the Actions infotype (0000).3. Enter the personnel action type in the Type field.4. When processing entry actions, enter the function code '=INS', for other actions, enter the function code '=COP'.

Steps to proceed :

Choose - Activation 'Additional Actions', Remove the tick mark from TEST and execute, the proceed with maintaining data in Personnel Action Types.


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Carry out the activity for TAYO, choose the following navigation options:

Configuration Details

Create reasons for Personnel Actions

General Description

In this step, you specify the number ranges for your Personnel Development objects and the type of number assignment.


In this action, the reasons are listed to identify one personnel action from another for respective employees.

Create reasons for Personnel Actions for TAYO


Activity Set up Personnel Actions.

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Personnel Administration Customizing Procedures Actions Set up personnel actions Personnel Action Types

Transaction Code


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a. Choose New entries – Select the Action type and – enter the reasons you would like to mention for the corresponding action and save the details.

b. To carry out the activity for TAYO, choose the following navigation options:

Configuration Details

Change action Menu – User Group dependency of the action Menu

General Description

The menu can be defined so that it is dependent on the user group (user parameter "UGR"). If there are no entries in the table for the user's user group, or if the user has not maintained their user group, then a so-called reference user group is determined, which is used to set up the menu.

ExampleYou want to include your own personnel action in the menu, or you want to set up a menu of certain personnel actions for a group of users.


Activity Create reasons for Personnel Actions.

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Personnel Administration Customizing Procedures Actions Create reasons for personnel actions

Transaction Code


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In this step, you define a menu of actions which appears if the user chooses the function "Personnel actions" in HR master data maintenance.

Change action Menu – User Group dependency of the action Menu for TAYO

1. User group dependency of the action menua) Choose menu category "M" and menu "01" for the personnel actions.b) Determine whether the menu is to be dependent on a user group.c) If necessary, assign the system response for the case where the user has

not maintained the user group or where there are no entries.d) Assign a reference user group which can be used to set up the menu, if

necessary.2. Actions in the action menu

a) Include the new entries for the user group.3. To carry out the activity for TAYO, choose the following navigation options:

Configuration Details


Activity Change action menu – User Group dependency of the action menu.

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Personnel Administration Customizing Procedures Actions Change action menu User group dependency on menus and info groups

Transaction Code


Activity Change action menu – User Group dependency of the action menu.

IMG Menu Path

IMG Personnel Management Personnel Administration Customizing Procedures Actions Change action menu Action Menu

Transaction Code


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Customizing User Interfaces

Change Screen Header

General Description

In this step, the infotype header can be changed, that is, the first three lines of the individual and list screens.


To change the infotype Header in the individual screens

The standard Screen Headers have been defined for TAYO:

Configuration Details


Activity Define Change Screen Header

IMG Menu Path

IMG Path: Personnel Management->Personnel Administration->Customizing User Interface ->Change Screen Header->Infotype header data selection control

Transaction Code


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Change Screen Modifications

General Description

Different entry screens are delivered for some infotypes. Depending on the transaction class ("A" for employee, "B" for applicant) or the country grouping, a different screen can be used.


To define the Mandatory/Optional fields

Configuration Details


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Activity Define Change Screen Header

IMG Menu Path

IMG Path: Personnel Management->Personnel Administration->Customizing User Interface ->Change Screen Modifications

Transaction Code


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4. Time management

The Time Management component offers support in performing all human resources processes involving the planning, recording, and valuation of employees’ work performed and absence times.

The scope of functions within Time Management encompasses:

Simple administration of leave. Attendance Recording

The existing work schedule at Corporate Office and Factory for all the shifts needs to be well defined. Time Recording will enable entering employee time data for Attendance, Absence, Leave, Off etc. This data shall be entered as clock times or in hours. The user will update the attendance record manually in SAP and the data is transferred for payroll. Swipe Card Time recording machine would be integrated with SAP system.

Time Management supports centralized data entry by time data administrators, decentralized data entry by production supervisors, for example, if an employee applies for leave, the supervisor if he is an authorized SAP user can fill up the required leave type infotype.

Time Management performs all human resources processes involving the planning, recording, and valuation of employees’ work performed and absence times This also takes care of special rules for personnel sub areas, employee subgroups, or even individual employees in the SAP System.

The business requirements shared are mentioned below:

Maintaining the public holiday calendar of respective personal sub areas.

Capturing the planned working time of individual employees. Capturing of individual attendance with time in and out. Capturing the absence/ leave details and maintaining leave quota

balance of all employees. Performing full and final settlement of employees through leave


The items specified in the following sections, will be configured in SAP to address the requirements of the processes.


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Tcode: SPRO

to create work schedule first create Holidays for the current year and assign public holidays to Holiday calendar and this holiday calendar is assigned to Work schedule.

The menu path below gives the way path from where holidays and calendar can be created.


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For Fixed Holidays like August 15th or 26th Jan use this option


For fixed holidays

Then click here

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Create as many holidays as possible for the following calendar year. Finally can view all this holiday in the below mentioned table.

For Floating public Holidays Like Bengali New year, Dulhendi, Dussera, Diwali which is not constant every year use this option


Here u can give conditions and dates for the holidays You can give exact day and date of the year

Here are the list of holidays for your Company

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Click this to include delete holidays from the calendar

To assign or add new holidays

Tick this to select the holiday

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Group Personnel Subareas for the Work Schedule

In this step, you group your personnel areas and personnel subareas for work schedules.


1. Assign grouping 40 for work schedules to your personnel areas or subareas.2. If necessary, you can assign your personnel areas and subareas different groupings for work schedules at a later stage.

Group Personnel Subareas for the Daily Work Schedule

In this step, you assign a personnel area grouping for daily work schedules to a personnel area grouping for work schedules.


1. Check SAP's reference entries and do not change them for the first step.


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2. You can specify new assignments later, if necessary.

Daily Work Schedules

The daily work schedule represents the actual working time for a particular employee on a given day. It can differ from the employee's agreed daily working time stipulated in the work contract or collective agreement.

In the following steps, you set up daily work schedules.

Define Break Schedules

In this step, you define work break schedules for your enterprise. You can specify exactly when breaks may be taken within the daily work schedule, and whether they are paid or unpaid.


1. Check the standard work break schedules.2. Create new work break schedules if necessary.

a) Assign your work break schedules to grouping 01 for daily work schedules.b) Enter the name of your work break schedule in the Work break schedule field.c) Assign as many planned working time breaks as you wish to your break schedule, and a maximum of four overtime breaks, and number them sequentially.d) Enter the start and end times of the break in the fields provided.e) Specify the break duration for each break type in the Unpaid break period or Paid break period fields (in industry minutes).


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f) Use the P field to indicate breaks after 12 midnight during night shifts.g) If the break does not have to be taken at a specific time but after x hours of work, enter the number of hours in After hrs. The Start and End fields remain empty in this case. In the standard system, the start of planned working time is taken as the starting point for calculating dynamic breaks. You can change this in time evaluation.h) If you only want selected breaks to be processed in time evaluation, enter an indicator of your choice in the Type 1 orType 2 field. Use operation TFLAG to specify which breaks shouldbe taken into account in time evaluation, according to the entriesin the Type 1 and Type 2 fields.i) Enter "0" in field Type 1 for breaks outside of planned working

Define Daily Work Schedules

In this step, you define daily work schedules for your enterprise. By entering the planned working time, the system calculates the planned hours for one day, taking the break schedule into consideration.You also define daily work schedules for availability in this step.


1. Copy a suitable daily work schedule from the SAP samples.2. Change the copied daily work schedule to reflect your desired daily working time.3. Enter a Personnel subarea grouping for daily work schedules.4. In the Daily work schedule field, enter the following data:

o ID for the daily work schedule

o Name of a variant if the daily work schedule is a variant of an existing one


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o Applicable name for the daily work schedule

5. In the Planned working hours field, enter the working time that an employee has to work each day.By entering the working time, the planned working hours are calculated by the system. Paid break times are added and unpaid breaks are deducted.6. Select the Planned working hours = 0 field if this daily work schedule reflects a non-working day.7. If you want to create a basic variant of a daily work schedule, you can enter a rule number or name for a daily work schedule selection rule in the Daily work schedule selection rule field, from which the daily work schedule variants are determined.8. Enter the desired working time using one of the following definitions of working time:

a) Fixed working timeb) Flextime

o Enter the times you want to use to calculate the planned working hours in the Normal working time field. No entries should be made here for other daily work schedules.

o Enter up to two core times in the Core time 1 and Core time 2 fields.

c) Breakso In the Work break schedule field, enter the break schedule containing

your desired break times.

d) Tolerance timeso In the Start of tolerance and End of tolerance fields, enter the

tolerance times if postings within a given tolerance timeframe should be adjusted to the start or end of planned working time in time evaluation.

9. Enter a valuation.You can use the Minimum working time, Maximum working time, Compensation time and Additional hours fields in the personnel calculation rules in time evaluation.10. Classify the daily work schedule for time wage type selection or time evaluation using a value from 0-9.Based on the work schedule class, you can then specify special regulations in time wage type selection or time evaluation.11. Select the Automatic overtime if you want working time that exceeds the specified planned working time to be valuated as overtime in time evaluation.The personnel calculation rule T015 calculates overtime in time evaluation.12. If you use the Overtime infotype (2005), you can use the Reaction to overtime and Reaction to overtime in core time fields to set reaction indicators for flextime daily work schedules.


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Period Work Schedules

A period work schedule is made up of a sequence of daily work schedules over a defined period.Period work schedules can extend over one week, several weeks, or a period that is not divisible by seven.

Work Schedule Rules and Work Schedules

A work schedule rule is a precise description of the work schedule that specifies the working times of a group of employees.A work schedule rule is assigned a period work schedule, which in turn is made up of daily work schedules. Rotating shifts are set up by assigning a period work schedule to several work schedule rules.Work schedules are not stored all at once, but stored for each month. The work schedule is created regardless of the length of the period work schedule and is not person-specific.


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Define Employee Subgroup Groupings

The employee subgroup grouping for work schedules allows you to group several employee subgroups and base their work schedules on the same rules.

RequirementsYou must first create employee groups in the Maintain employee group step.You must first create the employee subgroup grouping in the Define, copy, delete, check employee subgroup step.


1. Choose Define employee subgroup grouping. Check the existing groupings.2. Decide how you want to group your employee subgroups for work schedules.3. Choose Group employee subgroups for work schedules. Define the groupings.4. Enter the employee subgroup grouping for work schedules in the Employee subgroup grouping field.

Define Groupings for the Public Holiday Calendar

In this step, you define the personnel area and personnel subarea grouping for the public holiday calendar. This allows you to assign a unique public holiday calendar to a personnel area or personnel subarea.


Group your personnel areas and subareas for public holiday calendars.


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Set Work Schedule Rules and Work Schedules

In this step, you define the work schedule rules that are assigned to employees in the Planned Working Time infotype (0007). The employee subgroup and personnel subarea groupings for work schedules and the public holiday calendar are taken into account.


1. Check the sample entries in the standard system.2. If necessary, create new entries.

a) Call the detail screen to create new work schedule rules by choosing the New entries function.b) Make entries in the Employee subgroup grouping, Holiday calendar ID, and Personnel subarea grouping fields, and enter an appropriate validity period.c) Enter a name for the work schedule rule in the Work schedule rule field.d) Enter the agreed working time per day, week, month, and year in the "Working time" block. Under Working hours per day, you can enter a different number of planned working hours than is specified in the daily work schedule. Your entries can be accessed in the Planned Working Time infotype (0007), and can be queried in Time Evaluation and Payroll.e) Enter the appropriate rule in the Rule for day types field.f) Enter the period work schedule for the work schedule rule in the Period work schedule field.g) In the Reference date field, enter a date to indicate the start of your period work schedule.h) In the Starting point field, enter the number of the day in the period work schedule on which you want the reference date to fall. If you want


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it to be the fourth day of the third week in the period work schedule, enter 2*7+4=18.

Generate Work Schedules Manually

You generate work schedules in this step. You can also change or delete existing work schedules.ExampleYou want to generate the "ACB SUOF" work schedule for two years.

Requirements You have grouped your employee subgroups for work schedules

You have defined groupings for the public holiday calendar

You have grouped your personnel subareas for work schedules

You have created work schedule rules


1. Enter the employee subgroup grouping2. Enter the public holiday calendar ID3. Enter the personnel subarea grouping


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4. Enter the work schedule rule you want to generate5. In the Calendar month from - to fields, enter the time span for which you want to generate, change or delete the work schedule

Set Default Value for the Work Schedule

If you are assigning a planned working time to an employee for the first time, you can use a feature to generate a default work schedule according to the employee's organizational assignment.


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Absences Types creation

In this section, you store all information required for defining and recording absences.Absences are paid or unpaid planned working times during which the employee has not worked. They therefore represent an deviation to the employee's work schedule. See also the section on Work Schedule Rules and Work Schedules.

Group Personnel Subareas for Attendances and Absences

In this step, you group your personnel areas and subareas for attendance and absence types.


1. Decide whether one grouping is sufficient in your enterprise.2. Set up further groupings if required.


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Define Absence Types

In this step, you define absence types for your different personnel subarea groupings. You can also define the checks the system performs when you enter an absence.ExampleYou want to define the Educational leave absence type for a particular personnel subarea grouping. When this absence is recorded for an employee and the start or end date is a day off, the system should reject the entry.


1. Decide which absence types you want to define for your enterprise.2. Decide how the system should react in each of the following situations:

a) The first day of the absence is a day offb) The last day of the absence is a day offc) The entire period consists of days off

3. Enter the minimum duration of the absence in the Minimum number of days field.If you want to define an absence, which can last less than one day (e.g. leave), enter 000 in this field.4. In the Maximum number of days field, you can limit the duration of an absence (e.g. illness with continued pay).

o Default value 999 - unlimited absence

o Default value 000 - only absences of less than one day


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5. Activate the Second date obligatory field, if you must specify the end date as well as the start date when you are assigning the absence type.

Another Leave type other conditions stated below

Determine Entry Screens and Time Constraint Classes


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Use the data entry screen number for an absence to determine which screen (entry screen) is used to enter, display and maintain a record of this particular absence type.The time constraint class controls the system reaction if a new record in the Absences infotype (2001) overlaps with existing time infotype records.

Define Counting Classes for the Period Work Schedule

In this step, you define counting classes for your period work schedules, which are used to valuate attendances and absences. You can query the class in Define Rules for Absence Counting.Use different counting classes for period work schedules with very long daily work schedules (10 hours) and many days off. In this case, more than 1.00 leave days is calculated for each workday.


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Group Employee Subgroups for Time Quotas

In this step, you group your employee subgroups for time quota types.Employee subgroups for which the same attendance and absence quota types are defined are assigned to the same grouping for time quota types.ExampleYour employee group 1 with employee subgroup DA is to be assigned to grouping 1 for time quota types.


1. Decide whether one employee subgroup grouping for time quota types is adequate.2. Group your employee groups and subgroups for time quota types.


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Group Personnel Subareas for Time Quotas

In this step, you group your personnel subareas with regard to the permissibility of time quota types.Personnel subareas for which the same attendance and absence quota types are defined are assigned to the same grouping for time quota types.

Group Personnel Subareas for Time Quotas

In this step, you group your personnel subareas with regard to the permissibility of time quota types.Personnel subareas for which the same attendance and absence quota types are defined are assigned to the same grouping for time quota types.


1. Decide whether one personnel subarea grouping for time quota types is adequate. You can define additional groupings later, if necessary.2. Group your personnel areas and subareas for time quota types.

Define Absence Quota Types


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In this step, you define the valid absence quota types (entitlement to time off and leave types) for your employee subgroup and personnel subarea groupings for time quota types.


1. Decide which types of entitlement to time off your employees have.2. Define the absence quota types you want to use based on the groupings.Use the SAP standard entries as a guide. If necessary, define additional absence quota types.3. In the field Unit of Time/Measurement define whether you want the entitlement to time off to be maintained in hours or in days.4. Assign a time unit to the quota type.5. If you define an absence quota type with a time unit in hours, you can enter default values for the start and end times. These are proposed in the Absence Quotas infotype when you enter absence quotas.Example: In your enterprise, employees are only allowed to take time off for overtime in the afternoon. Enter 12:00 (noon) to 24:00 (midnight) as the default values for start and end times.6. Enter the time constraint class for the absence quota type. The step Specify System Reaction to Overlapping Time Infotypes contains information on the concept of defining time constraint classes.7. In the field Negative deduction to, specify whether and to what extent there can be negative deduction of entitlement to time off.

9. In the Rounding field, specify how absences of less than one workday should be deducted from a quota which is maintained in whole days.


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Quota Deduction Using Attendances/Absences

In the following steps, you specify rules for deducting quotas.

Define Deduction Rules for Absence and Attendance Quotas

In this step, you define the rules according to which attendances and absences are to be deducted from the attendance/absence quotas.Quota deduction does not depend on individual attendance/absence types, but is determined by the Counting rule for attendance/absences that is assigned to an attendance/absence type. There are two variants of these counting rules:

1. Deduction rules used for deducting quotas until existing entitlement is used up.2. Deduction rules used for deducting quotas over and above the existing entitlement when the quota named in bullet point #1) is used up.See also: Assigning deduction rules to counting rules


1. Enter the Employee subgroup grouping and the Personnel subarea grouping for time quota types for which you want the deduction rule to be valid.2. Enter the deduction rule. Use an easy to recognize name so that you can easily remember your rule.Make sure to specially Indicate deduction rules that can be used to enable deduction over and above entitlement. This will make it easier to assign deduction rules to the counting rules.3. Enter the unit for the attendance/absence quota types that are to be deducted using this rule.4. If required, enter the attendance/absence quota types that should be deduction using this rule.


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Assign Deduction Rules to Counting Rules

In this step, you assign quota deduction rules to counting rules. All absences and attendances with quota deduction that are counted using the selected counting rule are processed using these deduction rules.As well as a deduction rule for deducting the employee's quotas with an entitlement greater than 0, you can also specify a deduction rule for all quota types for which the corresponding infotype records can be deducted over and above the entitlement.


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To get a better overview, you can access a view cluster in this step. This allows you to check the entries you have made so far.

1. Call the Counting Rule view. To do this, choose Counting rule under Navigation.2. Choose the required counting rule.3. Under Quota deduction, enter the deduction rule that applies until the employee's quota entitlements have been used up.4. If required, enter the deduction rule for the absence and attendance quota types that can be deducted over and above the entitlement.The deduction rules in the Within entitlement and Over entitlement fields must deduct absence and attendance quotas using the same time unit. This applies to all sequential numbers of a counting rule.The deduction rules for absence and attendance quotas can deduct in different time units.


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Assign Counting Rules to Absence Types

In this step, you determine which rule for attendance or absence counting should be used for each attendance/absence type.

Note: Depending on the entries made here, the attendance or absence is either counted using the old rule (T554X) or the new rule (Set counting rules).


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Old counting ruleAssign the leave absence to a grouping of attendance/absence types for counting. You use this to group the absence types according to the requirements you have of counting.

New counting ruleEnter the counting rule you want to use to count the attendance/absence.


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Defining Generation Rules for Quota These are the Rules where we can define the quota generation automatically or accrual based. This is based on the requirement and the number to be generated with validity period conditions.

Set Base Entitlements

In this step, you set rules for determining the total entitlement (base entitlement) to an absence quota type. The base entitlement forms the basis for calculating the prorated leave or absence entitlement for each accrual period.If you determine the base entitlement according to the employee's age or seniority, you enter a constant expressed in days or hours.


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1. Under Define base entitlement; determine the employee groupings for which you want to specify a base entitlement.2. Define a rule for the base entitlement3. Enter a sequential number if you want to create a number of different rules for determining the base entitlement according to the age or seniority interval4. If applicable, enter the age or seniority intervals to which you want the base entitlement to apply; the intervals are inclusiveIf you do not make any entries here, the base entitlement is determined independently of the employee's age or seniority5. Enter a constant for the base entitlement, or if you use time evaluation, a day or period balance from which the system can read the base entitlement6. Enter the base period; this is the period for which the base entitlement is valid7. If you want the base entitlement to be calculated during time evaluation, create the prerequisites: Use the Refine calculation of base entitlement activity to create a personnel calculation rule in which you specify the entitlement according to further organizational assignments, for example. Use the Adapt schema activity to insert the personnel calculation rule in your time evaluation schema before functions CUMBT and QUOTA


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Quota type selection rule group

You can use the quota type selection rule group to control absence quota type selection based on the employee's organizational assignment.Using different quota type selection rule groups, you can set specific rules for quota generation.


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Maximum total entitlement


Specifies the maximum entitlement that the corresponding quota type may contain after the transfer of the accrued entitlement in the Absence Quotas (2006) infotype.


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Deduction interval

The deduction interval specifies the period in which an employee can deduct records in the Absence Quotas infotype (2006) that have been created during time evaluation (2006).


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Determine Validity and Deduction Periods

In this step, you decide which validity and deduction periods you want to be valid for an Absence Quotas infotype record (2006) created by the system. You do this for each absence quota type.The deduction from and deduction to dates define the period in which the absence quota can be reduced by an absence. It need not be identical to the validity period, and can exceed it.You only specify a validity period for absence quotas that are generated during time evaluation. Fields for entering the validity period are therefore only available for absence quotas for which you have selected replace or increase in the Generating quotas allowed in time evaluation step.The validity period represents the period for which the time off entitlements are filled in one infotype record. If no entitlement of this type has been generated or if the validity period has been exceeded, a new record is created.You have a certain amount of flexibility in defining validity periods. The validity period can be:

A fixed period such as a calendar year or the time evaluation period

Employee-dependent period, such as the payroll period or the date type

A period defined in the quota selection rule, such as the accrual period

A period you have defined in Customizing, such as the period parameter


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Validity interval

By entering the validity period, you specify the valid from and valid to date of the record from the Absence Quotas infotype (2006) that is created during time evaluation for the specified absence quota type.



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By selecting the relevant field, you can specify whether you want the absence quota type to be generated in time evaluation and how you want it to be generated.If you select the No gen. (no generation) field, the absence quota type is not generated in time evaluation. In this case, you maintain the absence quota values manually in the Absence Quotas infotype (2006).

QUOMO Determining Quota Type Selection Rule Group Object Feature Task The absence quota type selection based on the employee's organizational assignment is controlled separately using the quota type selection rule group. Specific rules for quota selection can be set up and stored using different quota type selection rule groups.


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Use Quota type selection takes place in the time evaluation schema using function QUOTA. Procedure The confirmation value of the feature is a two-digit numerical quota type selection rule group.


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Define Attendance Types

In this step, you define attendance types for a personnel subarea grouping for attendance/absence types. It also describes how to determine the system reaction to attendances recorded for a day or a period when the employee has time off.


1. Create a list of the attendance types required in your enterprise.2. Define the system reaction in the following situations.

a) The first day of the attendance is a day off.b) The last day of the attendance is a day off.c) The entire period consists of days off.

3. Specify the minimum attendance period in the In the Minimum number of days field.If you want to specify that the attendance may last lass than one day (off-site work, for example), enter 000 in the field.4. In the Maximum number of days field, you can enter the maximum permitted duration of an attendance (a seminar or training course, for example).Default value 999 - attendance time is not limitedDefault value 000 - only attendances of less than one day are permitted5. Activate the Second date obligatory field if you want to specify that the end of the attendance record should be entered in the Time data or Master data menu.

Determine Entry Screens and Time Constraint Classes

The Entry screen number for an attendance determines which screen is used to enter, display and maintain a record of a particular attendance type.The time constraint class controls the system reaction if a new record in the Attendances infotype (2002) overlaps with existing time infotype records in the system.



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1. Make sure that the correct screen numbers are assigned to all attendance types. This is especially important if you want to implement quota deduction.2. Correct the entries if necessary.3. Specify the time constraint class for the attendance type. The section Specify System Reaction to Overlapping Time Infotypes contains information on the concept of defining time constraint classes, using absences as an example.

Define Counting Rules

In this step, you define rules for counting attendances and absences. The rules are used to determine the payroll days and hours for an attendance or absence. The payroll days and hours that have been counted are used to control the deduction of quotas. They can be used in Payroll to valuate the absence.


1. Choose the Counting rule view.


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2. Specify the groupings for which the counting rule is valid.3. Define the counting rule. Use a name that makes it easy to identify the rule.4. If you want to specify several individual sub-rules for a rule, enter a sequential number.5. Enter the conditions for the current day if you want attendances and absences to be counted differently on certain days.


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Assign Counting Rules to Attendance Types

In this step, you determine which rule for attendance or absence counting should be used for each attendance/absence type.


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4. Payroll


AlGrp Allowance GroupingBBP Business BlueprintCI Configurable ItemCAP Collective Agreement ProvisionEE EmployeeEG Employee GroupER EmployerEDLI Employee Deposit Linked InsuranceESG Employee SubgroupHRA House Rent AllowanceIMG Implementation GuideINVAL Indirect ValuationLTA Leave Travel AllowanceLTC Leave Travel ConcessionPA Personnel AreaPSA Personnel SubareaPCR Personnel Calculation RulePF Provident FundRAPs Reimbursements, Allowances & PerksRPFC Regional Provident Fund CommissionerPTax Professional taxWT Wage Type


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General Information

This section describes the Configurable Item in brief:-

IMG Path Personnel Management Personnel Administration Payroll Data

Name of the BBP Process

Configurable Items – Earnings (9.4)

Basic Pay

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this section, input values for the Basic Pay infotype (0008) shall be created which will be used for Payscale classification and standard pay increase.


Monthly regular earnings of the employees are created in the Basic pay Infotype. Wage types will be defaulted based on the wage type models assigned to Employee Subgroups (Reference: LGMST – Feature) are created in this Infotype. Also wage types which will be defaulted based on the data maintained in Infotype: 581 (HRA/COA/CLA) and Infotype: 583 (Car & Conveyance) are incorporated in this basic pay infotype.


Go to Personnel Management Personnel Administration Payroll Data Basic pay

Infotypes Populated

0008 Basic Pay Infotype.

Tables storing relevant data

V_503 B (EE Subgroup Grouping for PCR & CAG Provisions)

V_T510A (Payscale Type)

V_T510G (Payscale Area)

Relationship with Other Nodes

Not Applicable


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Unlike other Infotypes (0014, 0015) Basic pay Infotype cannot be delimited.


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Define EE Subgroup Grouping for PCR and Coll.Agrmt.Prov.

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this step, groupings for the personnel calculation rules and collective agreement provisions for all employee groups and subgroups shall be defined.


Employee subgroups (ESG) are grouped for the purpose of Personal Calculation Rule (PCR) and for Collective Agreement Provision (CAP). ESG for CAP is a parameter among the Five used for determining the Payscale Grouping for Allowances of the employee.Since, only officers payroll is in the scope of SAP ‘3’: Salaried Employees’ is assigned to all Employee Groups and Employee Subgroups.


1. Click on IMG – Activity button to Define EE Subgroup Grouping for PCR and Collective Agreement Provisions.

2. Enter country grouping “40” in the sub screen determine work area and Click (Enter)

3. Enter ‘3’ each Columns ESG for PCR and ESG for CAP, against EE Group and EE subgroup.

4. Click on Save Button to save your entries.

5. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. 0008 Basic Pay Infotype.

Tables storing relevant data

1. Table: V_503_B

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable

Configuration Description about EE Subgroup grouping for PCR & CAP


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IMG Path to define PCR & CAP for ESG.

Configuration of ESG for PCR and CAP.


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The meanings of the grouping for the personnel calculation rule are fixed and must not be changed.

1.1 Payscale Type

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this step, Payscale Types for TAYO ROLLS LIMITED shall be defined. This key helps in determining Payscale structure of the employees.


Payscale types shall be decided based on the Collective Agreement Types. This can be decided based on the type of Payscale structure applicable to the Industry, Location and Employee group.

The Basic Pay in infotype 0008 is derived from the pay scale type.


Click on IMG – Activity button to Define Payscale Type

Enter Payscale Type and Payscale Type text in the appropriate columns in the screen Change View Payscale Type.

Click on Save Button to save your entries.

Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

0008 Basic Pay

Tables storing relevant data

Table: V_T510A

Relationship with Other Nodes

Not Applicable

Configuration Description of Payscale Type


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IMG path - Payscale Type

Configuration of Payscale Types


Delete any entries you do not require.Set up the pay scale types with the appropriate data according to your requirements

Payscale Area

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this section, Payscale areas for TAYO ROLLS LIMITED shall be determined. This will be based on the geographical applicability of wage types.


Payscale areas shall be decided based on the geographical location affects the compensation of the employee. This can be determined based on the Collective Agreement and location based requirements of TAYO.


1. Click on IMG – Activity button Check Payscale Area.

2. Enter Payscale Area and Payscale Area text in the appropriate columns in the screen Change View Payscale Area.

3. Click on Save button (Ctrl + S) to save entries made.


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4. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

0008 Basic Pay

Tables storing relevant data

Table: V_T510G

Relationship with Other Nodes

Not Applicable.

Configuration Description - Payscale Area

IMG Path for Payscale Area Configuration

Payscale Area configuration table.


Delete any entries you do not require.Set up the pay scale areas with the appropriate data according to your requirements

Check Assignment of Payscale Structure to Enterprise Structure.

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


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In this step, Payscale types and areas can be assigned to Personnel Areas and Personnel Subareas based on the applicability. This helps in defaulting Payscale Type and Payscale Area while performing Hiring and Transfer Actions.


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Payscale Types and Payscale areas shall be assigned to Personnel Areas and Personnel Sub areas based on the applicability. This is a link created between the Payscale structure and Enterprise Structure. The Payscale Area and the Payscale Type can be assigned to the personnel area and personnel sub area that have already been configured.

This node cannot be maintained where more than one combination of Payscale type and Payscale area are assigned to a combination of Personnel Area and Personnel Subareas. This assignment is possible at the IT8 level only.


1. Click on IMG – Activity button Check Assignment of Payscale Structure to Enterprise Structure.

2. Enter Payscale Area and Payscale Type (Codes) against each Personnel Area / Personnel Sub Area in the subsequent screen opened.

3. Click on Save button (Ctrl + S) to save entries made.

4. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. 0008 Basic Pay

Tables storing relevant data

1. Table: V_001P_C

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Check Pay Scale Type


2. Check Pay Scale Area


Configuration Description – Assignment of Payscale structure.


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IMG Path for assigning Payscale Structure.


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Assignment of Payscale Structure to Enterprise Structure configuration table.


This node shall be configured only in case of -One combination of Payscale Area and Payscale Type for a combination of Personnel Area and Personnel Subarea.One combination of Payscale Area and Payscale Type for multiple combinations of Personnel Area and Personnel Subarea.


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Determine default for Payscale Data (TARIF)

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this step, you define how default values are determined for collective agreement types and areas (pay scale types and areas for short).


Feature provides default values based on the decisive operations. TARIF Feature provides default Payscale Type and Payscale Area based on the decisive operations defined (Country Grouping, Company Code, Personnel Area, Personnel Sub Area, Employee Group and Employee Sub Group). This feature helps in defining more than one Payscale Type and Payscale area to Personnel Area / Personnel Area based on Employee Group / Employee Subgroup. Feature helps in reducing data entry.


1. Click on IMG-Activity Button Determine Default for Payscale Data to configure Feature TARIF.

2. Select TARIF in the decision tree displayed and Click on Create or Choose F5.

3. Choose field for decision operation in sub screen TARIF: Choose node type for new nodes and Click on (Enter).

4. Choose WERKS from the displayed list and press Enter button which will display in the tree structure. (Note: select decision criteria based on the suitability, from the subsequent Screen, Field selection for decision operation).

5. Select in the tree structure and Click on Create (F5) which will lead to list of Personnel Areas screen.

6. Choose Applicable Personnel Areas from the list of Personnel Areas in the subsequent screen and Click on (Enter). All the Selected Personnel Subareas will be displayed in the tree structure.

7. Select one of the Personnel Areas displayed in the tree structure and Click on Create (F5) which lead to sub screen TARIF: Choose node type for new nodes and click on



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8. Choose field for decision operation in sub screen opened and Click on (Enter).

9. Choose BTRTL from the decision criteria list and click on Create (F5) which displays list of Personnel Subareas related to that Personnel Areas.

10. Select required personnel Subareas displayed in the tree structure from the list and Click on (Enter) button to display in the tree structure.

11. Select one of the Personnel Subareas and Click on create (F5) which lead to sub screen: TARIF: Choose node type

for new nodes.

12. Choose field for decision operation in sub screen opened and Click on (Enter Button). Select PERSG from the decision criteria list displayed in the Filed selection for decision operation screen and Click on (Enter Button), which will display in the tree structure.

13. Select in the displayed tree structure and choose create (F5) which lead to sub screen Values for PERSG.

14. Enter required/applicable Employee Groups in the values Table and choose (Enter Button) to display in the tree structure.

15. Select one of the Employee Groups and choose create (F5) button, which will open Choose Node Type for New Nodes.

16. Choose Return Value in the sub screen and click on (Enter Button) which lead to sub screen: Return value for field value.

17. Enter default value in the combination of Payscale Type / Payscale Area in the Enter a Value Row and click on (Transfer) which will be reflected in the tree structure.

18. Repeat the same steps to create default values for all the Personnel Areas/Personnel Subareas/Employee Groups.

19. Choose ‘Otherwise Node’ (which was created by system automatically in the tree structure) and click on (F5) which lead to sub screen: Choose Node for New Nodes.

20. Choose Return Value in the sub screen opened and Click on (Enter) which lead to another sub screen: ‘Return value for Field Value otherwise’.


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21. Enter Payscale Type / Payscale Area which has to be defaulted or enter --/-- incase of no value to be defaulted.

22. Click on (Ctrl + F2) to check whether customized feature is correct or not. If the message shows ‘decision tree is error free’ choose (Ctrl +F3) to activate or save the feature.

23. If default value applicability is changed during the period,

select the value to be changed and Choose (Shift + F3), which lead to sub screen: Change return value for field value.

Infotypes Populated

1. 0008 Basic Pay

Tables storing relevant data

1. Table: V_001P_C

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Check Pay Scale Type

2. Check Pay Scale Area

Configuration Description about Feature: TARIF.

IMG path for customizing TARIF Feature.


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Tree structure of TARIF Feature.


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This is not a mandatory and this assignment can be at employee level.

Revise Payscale Groups & Levels

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this step, you represent the collective agreement governing payment of your employees in the SAP system. This grouping shall be based on the Payscale Area, Payscale Type, Payscale Group and ESG grouping determined earlier.


Payscale Groups & Levels shall be decided based on the Payscale Type and Payscale Areas and compensation structure applicable. Indirect Valuation of Wage Types in Basic Pay Infotype (INVAL A – Default Amount) shall be entered here. This Grouping can be done based on the Employee Subgroup grouping for Collective Agreement Provisions, Payscale Group, Payscale Level, Payscale Type and Payscale Areas.


1. Click on IMG Activity Button to enter Revise Payscale groups & levels.

2. Enter Payscale Area and Payscale Type in the appropriate fields of the subsequent screen Determine Work Area: Entry.

3. Click on Enter Button which will lead to Change-View Payscale Groups screen.

4. Click on and Enter ESG Grouping, Payscale Group, Payscale Level, Wage Type, Start date, End date and Default amount (where ever necessary).

5. Save data by clicking on or by pressing Ctrl + S.

6. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen.

Infotypes Populated

1. 0008 Basic Pay

Tables storing relevant data

1. Table: V_T510

Relationship with Other

1. Check Pay Scale Type

2. Check Pay Scale


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Nodes Area

3. Create Wage Types

Configuration Description about Revise Payscale groups & levels.


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To enter Payscale type and Payscale Area.

To enter Payscale type and Payscale Area.

Assignment of eligible wage types to Payscale structure.


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Before configuring this node, first Wage Types for Basic Pay Infotype (0008) Permissibility shall be created.

Create Wage Type Catalogue

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this step, Wage Types for infotype Basic Pay (0008) can be created by copying the model wage types in the standard system.


Wage types are nothing but salary/pay components of the employee remuneration. Only wage types, which are to be used in infotype Basic Pay (0008) shall be created here. There are two types of wage types are available in SAP: Technical Wage Types and Model Wages Types. Technical wage types starts with / and Model Wage Types starts with M. Always Wage Types shall be copied from Model Wage Types. For example, to create Basic Pay Wage Type choose ‘MB10’ Model wage Type.


1. Click on Create Wage Type Catalogue.

2. Select in the Wage Type Maintenance Screen.

3. Click on. to enter Copy Wage Type Screen.

4. Click on Radio Button to get list of Model Wage Types. Select appropriate Model Wage Type.

5. Enter Wage Type Number and Text and Short Text in the appropriate columns.

6. Remove Flag Mark from ‘Test Run Indicator’. before copying wage types.

7. Click on Copy Button .

8. Ensure Error Status is in Copy Wage types screen.

9. Click on to come out of the screen.

10. Select in the Wage Type Maintenance Screen. Enter Wage Types to be deleted in the Delete wage Type Column.

Remove Test Run Indicator before clicking on the to delete wage type.

Infotypes 1. 0008 Basic Pay


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Tables storing relevant data

1. Table: V_T511

2. Table: V_T512T

3. Table:V_512W_D

Relationship with Other Nodes

Not Applicable

Configuration Description about Creating wage type catalogue.


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IMG Path to create wage type catalogue

Copying of wage types


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Copying of wage types from Model wage types.

Copy wage types (showing errors status)


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Please note that Wage Types shall be copied from relevant Model Wage Types only, so that wage type characteristics shall be copied and updated in relevant tables automatically. If suitable wage types are not available in the system, choose most suitable/relevant model wage types and update the required characteristics in Table:V_512W_D.

Check Wage Type Group to Basic Pay

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this section, assign wage types crated in this node to wage type group 0008.


Model wage types are already assigned to wage type group in the standard system. While copying wage types some wage types shall be grouped in Basic Pay Infotype and some are in other Infotypes like 0014 & 0015. Wage types which are created for Basic Pay Infotype purpose shall be checked and assigned here, if not automatically updated.


Click on for wage type group Basic Pay Infotype Screen.Check all wage types under this group are reflecting are not.

If some wage types are not found, Click on , and enter the missing wage type code in the wage type Column.

Click on Save button (Ctrl + S) to save entries made.

Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen.

Infotypes Populated

0008 Basic Pay

Tables storing relevant data


Relationship with Other Nodes

Not Applicable

Configuration Description- Grouping of wage types in Infotype 0008.


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Path to check Basic Pay wage type group.


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List of wage types in 0008 wage type group.


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If wage types shall be moved from one wage type group to another wage type group this table shall be updated first.

Check Wage Type Text

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


This section allows for changing the text of the wage type.


Changing of Wage Types Text and Short Text can be changed here based on the requirements like change in Wage Type Name, Wrong Entry of Wage Type Text etc.


Click on for Check Wage Type Text screen.Check and Update required Wage Types Long Text and Short Text.

Click on to save the changes made.

Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen.

Infotypes Populated

0008 Basic Pay

Tables storing relevant data


Relationship with Other Nodes

Not Applicable

Configuration Description – Modification of wage type text.

Path to check wage type text.


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To check & modify wage type text.


Wage type short texts are used when printing out payroll accounts.

Check Entry Permissibility Per Infotype

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


This section allows you to define the date on which wage types may be entered.


Entry permissibility of the wage types for Basic Pay Infotype shall be entered here. Depending on the (time based) requirements permissibility of the wage type shall be updated by entering the desired date in Start Date field of the particular wage type.


1. Click on IMG Activity button to check entry permissibility of wage types in Basic Pay infotype 0008.

2. Check and Update required Wage Types and start date in the appropriate column.

3. Click on to save the changes made.

4. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen.

Infotypes Populated

1. 0008 Basic Pay

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T512Z

Relationship with Other

1. Not Applicable


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Configuration Description about permissible wage types in Infotype:8.

Path to check permissible wage types in Infotype: 0008.

To check and update permissible wage types in Infotype: 0008.


Enter default end date for each wage type as 31.12.999.

Check Wage Type Permissibility for each ESG & PSA

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this section, you can define which wage types may be entered for primary wage type groupings. Permissibility of wage types to Employee groups shall be assigned in this node based on the requirements.


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Permissibility of wage types to Employee Subgroups and Personnel Sub areas shall be configured here. Permissibility values shall be assigned based on the groupings of Employee Subgroups and Personnel Subareas to Primary wage type. There are 3 types indicators provided in the system. Wage type is totally permissible if indicator: 1 is put in the appropriate column, Wage Type is permissible with warning if Indicator is 2 and if Blank wage type is not permitted. Before configuring this node, configuration of Employee Subgroups for Primary wage types and Personnel Subareas for Primary wage types shall be configured.


1. Click on IMG Activity to check wage type permissibility for each PS & ESG in Infotype:0008.

2. Select wage type and click on to enter permissibility indicator.

3. Enter permissibility indicator in EE Subgroup Grouping and Personnel Subarea Groping as per the applicability.

4. Click on to save the changes made.

5. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen.

Infotypes Populated

1. 0008 Basic Pay

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_511_B

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Employee Subgroup grouping for Primary wage types

2. Personnel Subareas for Primary wage types.

Configuration Description: Wage type permissibility for each ESG & PSA.

To define wage type permissibility for each PS & ESG.


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Defining permissibility for Wage type: 1000 (Basic Salary)


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Defining wage type permissibility to ESG and PSA.


Employee Subgroups for primary wage types and Personnel Subareas for primary wage types nodes shall be configured first.

Assign appropriate indicators to wage types based on the requirement and applicability.

Check Wage Type Characteristics

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


Wage type characteristics for shall be configured in this node.


Wage Type Characteristics like Payment / Deduction wage type, Minimum and Maximum amount permissible, Indirect Valuation method of wage type, Rewritable Indicator and period of validity of wage type characteristics shall be configured here. Wage Type Characteristics has to be maintained individually for each wage type.


1. Click on IMG Activity to check / define wage type characteristics.

2. Select wage type and click on to enter characteristics for that wage type.


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3. Enter wage type characteristics based on the requirements.

4. Click on to save the changes made.

5. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen.

Infotypes Populated

1. 0008 Basic Pay

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T511


Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Create Wage Type Catalogue.

Configuration Description – to define wage type characteristics

Path for wage type characteristics

Selecting Basic salary wage type to define characteristics.


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Defining wage type characteristics to Basic salary wage type.


Wage Characteristics for each wage type shall be maintained individually for each wage type. If overwrite indicator is marked INVAL Wages, system shall allow to over write the defaulted amounts, otherwise changing of amounts is not possible.

Employee Subgroups for Primary wage Types

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


This section allows to combine different employee subgroups for primary wage types


In order to differentiate wage types applicability to Employee Groups and Employee Subgroups in the Company, Grouping for the primary wage types must be finalized. You can use these groupings to specify which wage types may be entered for which employee subgroups. These wage type grouping shall be used in configuring Define Wage Type Permissibility for PS & ESG.


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1. Click on IMG Activity Employee Subgroups for Primary wage types.

2. Enter Country Grouping ‘40’ and choose for Employee Subgroup grouping for Primary wage type screen.

3. Enter Grouping details against each Employee Group / Employee Sub Group.

4. Click on to save the changes made.

5. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen.

Infotypes Populated

1. 0008 Basic Pay

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_503_G

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Create Wage Type Catalogue.

2. Define Entry permissibility for each PS & ESG.

Configuration Description – ESG grouping for primary wage types.

Path for Grouping of Employee subgroups for wage types.

Sub screen (country grouping)


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Screen 1 : Define employee subgroup grouping for primary wage types.


Grouping shall be permitted between 0 to 9 only.

Groupings for this purpose shall be defined keeping in view of wage types in other infotypes also.


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Personnel Subareas for Primary wage Types

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


This section allows to combine primary wage types applicability for different personnel subareas.


In order to differentiate wage types applicability to Personnel Subareas (location based) in the Company, Personnel Subarea Grouping for primary wage types shall be defined. These groupings can be used to specify applicability wage types to employees of the personnel subarea by defining Wage Type Permissibility for PS & ESG.


1. Click on IMG Activity to group Personnel Subareas for Primary Wage Types.

2. Enter Grouping details in PS Grouping Column against each Personnel Area / Personnel Sub Area in the sub screen opened: Personnel Subarea Grouping for Primary Wage Type.

3. Click on (Ctrl + S) to save the changes made.

4. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen.

Infotypes Populated

1. 0008 Basic Pay

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_001P_K

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Create Wage Type Catalogue.

2. Define Entry permissibility for each PS & ESG.

Configuration Description about PSA grouping for primary wage types.

IMG path to define grouping for Personnel Subareas.


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Defining PSA grouping for primary wage types.


Grouping shall be permitted between 0 to 9 only.

This activity is not mandatory and should be carried out only if you want to limit the entry of wage types to certain personnel Subareas.

Groupings for this purpose shall be defined keeping in view of wage types in other infotypes also.

Enterprise Structure for Wage Type Model (LGMST)

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this section LGMST Feature (Planned Remuneration specification) shall be configured.


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Feature provides default values based on certain decisive operations. This LGMST Feature (Planned Remuneration specification) provides default wage types based on the decisive criteria like Personnel Area / Personnel Subarea / Employee Group and Employee Subgroup. Whenever an employee is hired / transferred to other personnel subarea, system will provide list of applicable wage types in Basic Pay Infotype (0008).


1. Click on IMG-Activity Button Determine Default Planned Payment Specification (Planned Remuneration) Feature LGMST.

2. Select LGMST in the decision

tree displayed and Click on Create or Choose F5.

3. Choose field for decision operation in sub screen LGMST: Choose

node type for new nodes and Click on (Enter).

4. Choose MOLGA (Country Grouping) in the list of decisive operations displayed in the sub screen: Field selection for

decision operation and Click on (Enter/Copy).

5. Choose MOLGA displayed in the LGMST: decision tree and Click

on Create (F5), which lead to sub screen Country grouping.

Choose Country Grouping (40) India and on (Enter/Copy), which shall copy to decision tree structure.

6. Select (40) India in the displayed tree structure and choose

Create (F5), which lead to sub screen: 40: Choose node type for new nodes.

7. Choose Filed for decisive operations in the sub screen and Click

on (Enter) which lead to another screen: Field selection decision operation.

8. Select BUKRS (Company Code) and Choose (Transfer) to display the same to LGMST: tree structure.

9. Select BUKRS (Company Code) in the tree structure and Choose

Create (F5) which lead to sub screen: Company code

10. Choose Company Code form the list displayed in the tree

structure and click on (Enter) to transfer Company code to LGMST tree structure.

11. Select Company Code & Company displayed in the tree structure

and Choose (F5) to reach sub screen: Choose Node type for New nodes.

12. Select field selection for decisive operation in the sub screen


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opened and click on (Enter) which lead to another sub screen Filed selection for decisive operation.

13. Choose BTRTL (Personnel Subarea) in the sub screen opened and

choose (Enter) to transfer the same to tree structure.

14. Select BTRTL in the tree structure and choose Choose (F5) which will lead to personnel subareas sub screen. Select applicable personnel subareas from the list displayed in the sub

screen opened and choose (Enter) to transfer the selected personnel subareas to the tree structure.

15. Select one of the personnel subareas and Choose (F5) which shall lead to sub screen: Choose Node type to New Nodes.

16. Choose Field for decision operation in the sub screen opened and

choose (Enter) which lead to another sub screen: Field selection for decision operation.

17. Select PERSG (Employee Group) in subsequent screen opened

and choose (Enter) transfer the same to tree structure.

18. Choose PERSG in the tree structure and Choose (F5) which lead to sub screen Values for PERSG. Enter applicable Employee Groups in the appropriate columns (PERSG Table) of the sub

screen opened and Choose (Enter) to transform the values to the tree structure.

19. Select on of the Employee Groups displayed in the tree structure

and choose (F5) which will lead to Sub screen Choose Node type for new nodes.

20. Select Field for Decision operation in the sub screen opened and

Choose (Enter) which will lead to another sub screen Field selection for decision operation.

21. Select PERSK in the sub screen opened and choose (Enter) to transform the value to LGMST: Tree Structure.

22. Select PERSK node in the tree structure and choose (F5) which will lead to Values for PERSK sub screen.

23. Enter list of applicable Employee Subgroups in the table

displayed in the sub screen and choose (Enter) to transform the value to LGMST: Tree Structure.

24. Select one of the Employee Subgroups and choose (F5) which leads to Sub screen Choose Node type for new nodes.

25. Select Return value in the sub screen opened and choose to enter to enter decision criteria (wage type model).

26. Enter applicable wage type model (20/----ILJ1) in the Enter a value filed of the sub screen: Return value for field value E3 and


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choose to transfer the wage type model to the Employee Subgroup in the LGMST sub screen.

27. Repeat the same steps to all the employee subgroups of all personnel subareas to assign applicable wage type models.

28. Click on (Ctrl + F2) to check whether customized feature is correct or not. If the message shows ‘decision tree is error free’

choose (Ctrl +F3) to activate or save the feature.

29. If default value applicability is changed during the period, select

the value to be changed and Choose (Shift + F3), which lead to sub screen: Change return value for field value.

Infotypes Populated

1. 0008 Basic Pay

Tables storing relevant data

1. T539A

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Revise default wage types.

Configuration Description about LGMST feature.


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Configuration Node for LGMST Feature.

Tree structure of LGMST Feature.


Not Applicable.

Revise Default Wage Types

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this step, default wage types for the Basic Pay infotype (0008) shall be configured. Wage types will be defaulted, based on the Wage type model


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determined for the Employee Subgroup/Location determined in the, at the time of hiring action.


Wage Type Models shall be created to default wage types for the Basic Pay Infotype (0008) based on the Company Structure. Personnel Areas / Personnel Sub Areas / Employee Groups / Employee Subgroups can de used as decision criteria while deciding Wage Type Models. Wage type model is nothing but list / group of wage types applicable to the employee groups. Mode Indicator ‘F’ shall be used to Wage Types which are mandatory for the Wage Type Model and Mode Indicator ‘O’ shall be use for the wage Types which are not mandatory and these wage types can be changed based on the requirement and applicability. By configuring LGMST Feature using these Wage Type Models, system displays list of applicable wage types in Basic Pay Infotype (0008) when ever the employee is hired, promoted and transferred to another department / personnel area / personnel sub area. This helps in reducing Administrative problems and reducing data entry work.


1. Click on IMG Activity which lead to Default wage Types for Basic Pay screen.

2. Choose New Entries to enter details.

3. Enter Wage Type Model, Sequence No., Start and End dates, Mode Indicator and List of Wage Types.

4. Click on to save the changes made.

5. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen.

Infotypes Populated

1. 0008 Basic Pay

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T539A

Relationship with Other Nodes

Create Wage Type Catalogue.

Enterprise Structure with Wage Type Model.

Configuration Description – defaulting wage types in Infotype:0008.


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Path for customisation to default wage types in Infotype:0008.

Defining default wage types for Basic pay infotype.

Define Valuation of base Wage Types

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this step, indirect valuation for wage types shall be defined based on the Module variant mentioned in the Wage Type Characteristics node (INVAL – B).


Indirect Evaluation is a method to calculate the eligible amounts (default) for some of the wage types. INVAL is the Indirect Evaluation Module used to meet the Indian specific business requirements. INVAL with Module variant A shall be used to default fixed amounts and Variant B shall be used to calculate amount on percentage basis on some other wage type.

Amounts for wage types calculated on percentage basis (INVAL – B) shall be configured here. INVAL and module variants shall be maintained for required wage types in Wage Type characteristics node.

Enter Indirect Valuation Module Name (PRZNT), Valuated Wage Type (Wage Type Code – for which amount is calculated by using INVAL - B), Enter serial no, if the amount is calculated on wage types, start date and end date for the, Base Wage Type (on which amount is calculated for valuated wage type) and percentage (to be calculated on base wage type).


1. Click on IMG Activity button Define valuation of Base Types to enter Base wage Type Valuation Screen.

2. Click to enter details regarding Wage Types with INVAL ‘B’.

3. Details of module name, valuated wage type, base wage type and percentage in the appropriate fields of the table as mentioned in the below mentioned screen.

4. Click on to save the changes made.


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5. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen.


Infotypes Populated

1. 0008 Basic Pay

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T539J


Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Wage Type Characteristics.

Configuration Description – Indirect valuation of wage types.

Screen shot

IMG path to configure INVAL ‘B” for wage types.

Defining INVAL- B (percentage evaluation) for wage types.


INVAL details shall be entered for required wage types in Wage Type Characteristics, specify Percent in Time / Measurement Unit and requirement of overwrite Indicator.


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Unlike the wage types that are evaluated through INVAL A, where a wage type can have different values for different groupings, here a wage type can have a single relationship for all Allowance groupings.

User Exit: PA/Recruitment : Default Values and Checks

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


This SAP Enhancement is developed to update default values / increment amount in case of promotion / transfer of employee in TAYO.


SAP Enhancement PBAS0001 (Function Module: EXIT_SAPFP50M_001) is developed in order to meet customer specific requirement of updating default values / increment amount incase of promotion/transfer in Infotype: 0008. This User Exit updates level wise prescribed amounts to Basic Salary Wage Type (1000) incase of promotion. It also compares the eligibility criteria as per the applicability of new grade and updates the basic pay infotype accordingly. Incases of transfer this User Exit updates the location based eligible allowances as per the applicability.

Logic used in developing this User Exit:

This user exit will activate only in cases of Transfer (Action Code: TD) and Promotion Actions (Code:TL).

Transfer Action: Incase of Transfer action, first it checks personnel subarea in Infotype: 0001 (Organizational Assignment). Locations based allowances, based on Personnel Sub areas are hard coded in the programme. Programme identifies which of the allowances employee is eligible based on the location (personnel subarea) to which he/she is transferred. If the employee is eligible for location based allowance, the new allowance will be updated automatically. If the employee is not eligible for location based allowance, currently existing, this will be removed from salary structure of the employee.

Promotion Action: Grade wise promotion benefit (increment) amount, which shall be added to basic salary (wag type: 1000) and other benefits (Conveyance Allowance, Transport Allowance and other Car related benefits) are hard coded in the programme. Incase of Promotion Action, first it checks to which grade to employee is promoted (Employee Subgroup in Infotype: 0001). Programme automatically updates the revised basic salary, which will be arrived after adding up the eligible increment amount to existing basic salary. Also it will compares the other benefits currently the employee is entitled and the benefits employee is eligible for due to promotion and will be updated accordingly.


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Trigger Point

This ‘USER EXIT’ will be triggered automatically only incases of Promotion and Transfer Actions executed in Personnel & Administration Module.


This ‘USER EXIT’ updates automatically the increment amount and other allowances (in Infotype: 0008) applicable based on the new grade. This also updates the locations based allowances based on the personnel subarea to which employee is transferred. This helps in reducing data entry and administrative convenience to Administrator.


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Recurring Payments & Deductions

General Information

This section describes the Configurable Item in brief:-

IMG Path Personnel Management Personnel Administration Payroll Data

Name of the BBP Process

Configurable Items – Earnings and Deductions (9.4)

IMG Reference – Recurring Payments & Deductions

Recurring Payments & Deductions

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


Payment and deduction wage types with periodic / regular in nature are configured in this section.


Recurring payments/deductions are wage elements which are paid or deducted in every payroll period. In contrast to additional payments, recurring payments/deductions are paid or deducted within a defined periodicity.


1. Click on to open the Recurring Payments & Deductions Node.

2. Create Wage Types and Configure Wage Type Characteristics and permissibility of wage types in the subsequent nodes.

Infotypes Populated

1. 0014 Recurring Payments & Deductions.

Tables storing relevant data

1. Not Applicable.

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable

Configuration Description about Recurring Payments & Deductions Infotype.


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IMG Path for Recurring payments and Deductions.

2.1 Create Wage Type Catalogue

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this step, Payment & Deduction Wage Types for infotype Recurring Payments & Deductions (0014) shall be created by copying the model wage types in the standard system.


Wage types which are to be used in infotype Recurring Payments and Deductions (0014) shall be created in this step, which shall be copied from Model Wage Types which starts with ‘M’. Choose Model wage Types with payment characteristics for Payment Wage Types and with deduction characteristics for Deduction wage types.


1. Click on Create Wage Type Catalogue.

2. Select in the Wage Type Maintenance Screen.

3. Click on. to enter Copy Wage Type Screen.

4. Click on Radio Button to get list of Model Wage Types. Select appropriate Model Wage Type.

5. Enter Wage Type Number and Text and Short Text in the appropriate columns.

6. Remove Flag Mark from ‘Test Run Indicator’ before copying wage types.

7. Click on Copy Button.

8. Ensure Error Status is in Copy Wage types screen.

9. Click on to come out of the screen.


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10. Select in the Wage Type Maintenance Screen. Enter Wage Types to be deleted in the Delete wage Type Column.

Remove Test Run Indicator before clicking on the to delete wage type.

Infotypes Populated

1. 0014 Recurring Payments & Deductions.

Tables storing relevant data

1. Table: V_T511

2. Table: V_T512T

3. Table:V_512W_D

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable

Configuration Description about creating wage types for Infotype:0014.

Screen 2 : To create wage type catalogue.

Copying of wage types


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Copying of wage types from Model wage types.

Showing Errors status after copying of wage types.


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Check Wage Type Group ‘Recurring Payments & Deductions’

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this section, assign wage types to a wage type group - 0014.


Model wage types are already assigned to wage type group in the standard system. While copying wage types based on the characteristics copied wage types shall be grouped in Infotypes: 0008, 0014 & 0015. Wage types which are created for Infotype Recurring Payments & Deductions shall be grouped here.


1. Click on IMG Activity for wage type group Recurring Payments & Deductions Screen.

2. Check all wage types under this group are reflecting are not.

3. If some wage types are not found, Click on , and enter the missing wage type code in the wage type Column.

4. Click on to save the changes made.

5. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen.

Infotypes Populated

1. 0014 Recurring Payments & Deductions.

Tables storing relevant data

1. VV_52D7_B_0014_AL0

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

Configuration Description – Grouping of wage types in Infotype:0014.


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IMG Path for grouping wage types in Infotype: 0014.

List and updating of wage types in Infotype: 0014.

Check Wage Type Text

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


This section allows changing the texts of the wage types.


Changing of Wage Types Text and Short Text can be changed here based on the requirements like change in Wage Type Name, Wrong Entry of Wage Type Text etc.


1. Click on to enter Wage Type Text Screen.

2. Check and Update required Wage Types Long Text and Short Text.

3. Click on to save the changes made.

4. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen.

Infotypes Populated

1. 0014 Recurring Payments & Deductions

Tables storing relevant

1. V_512W_T


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Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

Configuration Description – to check and update wage type text.

IMG Path to check wage type text.

To check and update wage type text.

Check Entry Permissibility Per Infotype

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


This section allows defining wage types, which are allowed for this infotype.


Entry permissibility of the wage types for Recurring Payments & Deductions Infotype shall be entered here. Depending on the (time based) requirements permissibility of the wage type shall be updated by entering the desired date in Start Date field of the particular wage type.


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1. Click on IMG Activity to Check Entry Permissibility per Infotype.

2. Check and Update wage types if by clicking on the New Entries in the Permitted Wage Types Screen opened.

3. Enter required Wage Types, period start date, end date and flag mark in the required fields of the Table: Allowed Wage Types for Recurring Payments & Deductions.

4. Click on (Ctrl + S) to save the changes made.

5. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen.

Infotypes Populated

1. 0014 Recurring Payments & Deductions.

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T512Z

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

Configuration Description – wage types permissibility for Infotype:0014.

Path to check wage type text.

To check and update wage types grouping for Infotype:0014..


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Check Wage Type Permissibility for each ES & PSG

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this section, permissibility of wage types shall be defined based on Employee Subgroup Grouping and Personnel Subarea grouping for primary wage types.


Permissibility of wage types to Employee Subgroups and Personnel Sub areas shall be configured here. Permissibility values shall be assigned based on the groupings of Employee Subgroups and Personnel Subareas to Primary wage type. There are 3 types indicators provided in the system. Wage type is totally permissible if indicator: 1 is put in the appropriate column, Wage Type is permissible with warning if Indicator is 2 and if Blank (no indicator) - wage type is not permitted. Before configuring this node, configuration of Employee Subgroups for Primary wage types and Personnel Subareas for Primary wage types shall be configured.


1. Click on for Wage Type permissibility Screen / Table.

2. Select wage type and click on to enter permissibility indicator.

3. Enter permissibility indicator in EE Subgroup Grouping and Personnel Subarea Groping as per the applicability.

4. Choose to save the entries.

Infotypes Populated

1. 0014 Recurring Payments & Deductions.

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_511_B

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Employee Subgroup grouping for Primary wage types

2. Personnel Subareas for Primary wage types.

Configuration Description – Wage type permissibility for Infotype:0014.


Page 176: Tayo HR Config

Path to define wage type permissibility for PSA and ESG.

Selecting wage type for PSA & ESG permissibility


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Defining wage types permissibility based on ESG & PSA.


Employee Subgroups for primary wage types and Personnel Subareas for primary wage types nodes shall be configured first.

Assign appropriate indicators to wage types based on the requirement and applicability.

Check Wage Type Characteristics

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


Wage type characteristics for shall be configured in this node.


Wage Type Characteristics like Payment / Deduction wage type, Minimum and Maximum amount permissible, Indirect Valuation method of wage type, Rewritable Indicator and period of validity of wage type characteristics shall be configured here. Wage Type Characteristics shall be maintained individually for each wage type.


1. Click on IMG Activity to check wage type characteristics.

2. Select wage type and click on to enter Wage type characteristics.

3. Enter wage type characteristics based on the requirements.

4. Click on (Ctrl + S) to save the changes made.

5. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen.

Infotypes Populated

1. 0014 Recurring Payments & Deductions.

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T511

Relationship with Other

1. Create Wage Type Catalogue.


Page 178: Tayo HR Config


Configuration Description – defining wage type characteristics in Infotype:0014.

Path to define wage type characteristics.

Selecting wage type to define characteristics


Page 179: Tayo HR Config

Defining characteristics for Wage types.


Wage Characteristics for each wage type shall be maintained individually for each wage type. If overwrite indicator is marked INVAL Wages, system shall allow to over write the defaulted amounts, otherwise changing of amounts shall not possible.

Personnel Subareas for Primary wage Types

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


This section allows you to combine primary wage types applicability for personnel subareas.


Page 180: Tayo HR Config


In order to differentiate/restrict wage types applicability to Personnel Subareas (location based) in the Company, Personnel Subarea Grouping for primary wage types shall be defined. You can use these groupings to specify applicability wage types to employees of the personnel subarea by defining Wage Type Permissibility for PS & ESG.


1. Click on to define Personnel subarea grouping for Primary wag Types.

2. Enter Grouping details in PS Grouping Column against each Personnel Area / Personnel Sub Area in the subsequent screen opened.

3. Click on (Ctrl + S) to save the changes made.

4. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen.

Infotypes Populated

1. 0014 Recurring Payments & Deduction.

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_001P_K

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Create Wage Type Catalogue.

2. Define Entry permissibility for each PS & ESG.

Configuration Description: PSA grouping for Primary Wage Types.

PSA grouping for Primary wage types.


Page 181: Tayo HR Config

Grouping of PSA for Primary wage types.


Grouping shall be permitted between 0 to 9 only.

This activity is not mandatory and should be carried out only if you want to limit the entry of wage types to certain personnel Subareas.

These Tables need not be updated every time, since groupings defined in the Basic Pay Infotype will be reflected automatically here also. Hence, grouping has to be defined keeping in view of wage types in all infotypes.

Customer Specific Tax Exemption Wage Types

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In TAYO, certain allowances payable to employees are considered for Tax exemption as per Income Tax Rules. Since no standard functionality available in SAP tax exemption are rules are customized in Schema.


Page 182: Tayo HR Config


Some of the allowances payable to employees are exempted from tax, partially or fully, as per Income Tax rules. Allowances which are commonly used in all Industry are exempted from tax as per the standard tax rules/codes available in SAP. Certain Customer Specific Allowances will also get Tax exemption as Income Tax Rules, which are not in use for all the industries. In order to full fill this requirement rules has been written for each allowance wage types and attach to the Schema ZN00 (The copy of standard schema IN00).


1. Enter Transaction Code PE02 in the command field of the SAP

Easy Access Screen and choose (Enter).

2. Enter the name of the Rule (ZXM1) and create.

3. Select ‘Source Text’ in the Sub objects block and choose

to change / modify the copied Personnel Calculation Rules as per requirement.

4. Then create two EE Subgroup Nodes ( * and 3).

5. Click on (Create + F3) to create node. Enter * in the Node

created and Choose (Enter).

6. Select * in the tree structure and choose (Create + F3) which will open insert object sub screen.

7. Choose Sublevel in order to incorporate new node under Node*

and enter **** and choose (Enter). **** indicates this rule is applicable to all wage types.

8. Repeat the same steps to create another sub node and enter ADDWT * which will not affect the amount of wage type.

9. Repeat the same steps to create for EE Subgroup Node 3.

10. Select 3 in the tree structure and choose (Create + F3) which will open insert object sub screen.

11. Enter **** and choose (Enter) which will open another sub node at the same level.

12.Enter code of the wage type which needs to be tax exempted.

13.Choose (Shift + F3) to remove another sub node opened.

14.Repeat the same steps in order to create sub node and enter ADDWT * which will not affect the amount of wage type.

15. Choose Wage Type Code Field and choose (Create + F3) which will open insert object sub screen.

16. To create operation for this rule, click on Sub level which will open another sub node.

17.Enter ELIMI* operation which will eliminates Period Indicators


Page 183: Tayo HR Config

(Split Indicators).

18. Enter to calculate Projection factor for the wage type.

19. Enter to add 1 to the Projection Factor and

choose (Enter).

20. Enter in the sub node opened and

(Enter) to Reset the time period indicator.

21. Enter to multiply rate of wage type

with number and (Enter) to enter another operation.

22. Enter to the sub node opened to get exemption under section 10 (/130: Exemption u/s10.)

23. Enter to the subsequent sub node opened to restore the actual amount to the wage type after calculating projection factor.

24. Click on Check (Shift 5) to ensure the correctness the personnel calculation rules created.

25. Click on Save to button (Ctrl + s) to save the Personnel calculation rules created.

26. Click on (F3) button to come out of the screen and to come out of the screen.

27.Enter PE01 in the command field and choose enter which will lead to another screen Personnel Calculation Schemas: Initial Screen.

28. Enter ZN00 Schema (Copied from IN00 Schema), choose source

text and click on which lead to Edit Schema screen.

29.Double click on ZNN1 to incorporate ZXM1 PCR for tax exemption calculating purpose during payroll run.

30.Insert ZXM1 PCR after IN76 rule in the Schema.

31. Click on (Check – F6) to check the correctness of the schema.

32.Choose F7 or Generate in the Schema (Tab) to generate and activate the schema.

33. Click on (F3) button to come out of the screen and to reach IMG configuration node.

Infotypes Populated

1. Recurring Payments & Deductions: Infotype:14

Tables 1. Not Applicable.


Page 184: Tayo HR Config

storing relevant data

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

Table 1 : Configuration Description: Tax exemption - Schéma changes.

Transaction Code (PE02) entry screen .


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Personnel Calculation Rules Initial Screen

ZNP1 pcr.htmPersonnel Calculation Rules


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Personnel Calculation Schema: Initial Screen

PCR incorporation in ZNN1 Schema.


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Additional Payments

General Information

This section describes the Configurable Item in brief:-

IMG Path Personnel Management Personnel Administration Payroll Data

Name of the BBP Process

Configurable Items – Earnings and Deductions (9.4)

IMG Reference – Additional Payments

Additional Payments

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this step, wage types which are not in regular and periodic nature are configured.


Wage types that are paid irregularly and therefore are only entered when needed, are stored in the Additional Payments infotype (0015). This Infotype used to enter one off, annual or irregular earnings or deductions from the employee such as Bonus, LTC, Medical etc.


1. Click on to open the Additional Payments.

2. Create Wage Types and Configure Wage Type Characteristics and permissibility of wage types in the subsequent nodes.

Infotypes Populated

1. 0015 Additional Payments.

Tables storing relevant data

1. Not Applicable

Relationship with Other Nodes

Not Applicable

Configuration Description about Additional Payments.


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IMG Path for Additional payments.

Create Wage Type Catalogue

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this step, Payment & Deduction Wage Types for infotype Additional Payments (0015) shall be created by copying the model wage types in the standard system.


Wage types which are to be used in infotype Additional Payments (0015) shall be created in this step, which shall be copied from Model Wage Types which starts with ‘M’. Choose Model wage Types with payment characteristics for Payment Wage Types and with deduction characteristics for Deduction wage types.


1. Click on Create Wage Type Catalogue.

2. Select in the Wage Type Maintenance Screen.

3. Click on. to enter Copy Wage Type Screen.

4. Click on Radio Button to get list of Model Wage Types. Select appropriate Model Wage Type.

5. Enter Wage Type Number and Text and Short Text in the appropriate columns.

6. Remove Flag Mark from ‘Test Run Indicator’ before copying wage types.


Page 190: Tayo HR Config

7. Click on Copy Button.

8. Ensure Error Status is in Copy Wage types screen.

9. Click on to come out of the screen.

10. Select in the Wage Type Maintenance Screen. Enter Wage Types to be deleted in the Delete wage Type Column.

Remove Test Run Indicator before clicking on the to delete wage type.

Infotypes Populated

1. 0015 Additional Payments.

Tables storing relevant data

1. Table: V_T511

2. Table: V_T512T

3. Table:V_512W_D

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable

Configuration Description – Create wage type catalogue.

Creating wage types for Additional Payments.

Copying of wage types


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Copying of Wage Types by using model wage types.

Copy wage types (Errors status)


Carry test run before actual copying of wage types to ensure error free copying.


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Check Wage Type Group ‘Additional Payments’

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this section, wage types related to wage type group – 0015 can be assigned.


Model wage types are already assigned to wage type group in the standard system. While copying wage types based on the characteristics copied wage types shall be grouped in Infotypes: 0008, 0014 & 0015. Wage types which are created for Infotype Additional Payments shall be grouped here.


1. Click on for wage type group Additional Payments Screen.

2. Check all wage types under this group are reflecting are not.

3. If any wage types are not reflecting, click on , and enter the missing wage type code in the wage type Column.

4. Click on (Ctrl + S) to save the changes made.

5. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. 0015 Additional Payments

Tables storing relevant data

1. VV_52D7_B_0015_AL0

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable

Configuration Description – Wage type group ‘Additional Payments’.


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Wage type group for ‘Additional Payments’.

List of wage types in Infotype:0015.


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Check Wage Type Text

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


This section allows changing the texts of the wage types.


Changing of Wage Types Text and Short Text can be changed here based on the requirements like change in Wage Type Name, Wrong Entry of Wage Type Text etc.


1. Click on to enter Wage Type Text Screen.

2. Check and Update required Wage Types Long Text and Short Text.

Infotypes Populated

1. 0015 Additional Payments.

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_512W_T

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable

Configuration Description to check wage type text.

IMG Path to check wage type text.


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Check / modify wage type text.

Check Entry Permissibility Per Infotype

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


This section permissibility of wage types shall be defined for this infotype.


Entry permissibility of the wage types for Additional Payments Infotype shall be entered here. Depending on the (time based) requirements permissibility of the wage type shall be updated by entering the desired date in Start Date field of the particular wage type.


1. Click on IMG Activity to ‘Check entry permissibility of wage types’ in Infotype:0015.

2. Check and Update if required, by clicking on ‘New Entries’ by adding Wage Types and start date in the appropriate column.

3. Click on (Ctrl + S) to save the changes made.

4. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. 0015 Additional Payments.

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T512Z

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable

Configuration Description – Entry permissibility of wage types in Infotype: 0015.


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Permissibility of wage types for Additional Payments.

Allowed wage types for Additional Payments.

Check Wage Type Permissibility for each ES & PSG

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this section, wage types that shall be permissible for Additional payments Infotype shall be configured.


Permissibility of wage types to Employee Subgroups and Personnel Sub areas shall be configured here. Permissibility values shall be assigned based on the groupings of Employee Subgroups and Personnel Subareas to Primary wage type. There are 3 types indicators provided in the system. Wage type is totally permissible if indicator: 1 is put in the appropriate column, Wage Type is permissible with warning if Indicator is 2 and if Blank wage type is not permitted. Before configuring this node, configuration of Employee Subgroups for Primary wage types and Personnel Subareas for Primary wage types shall be configured.


1. Click on for Wage Type permissibility Screen / Table.

2. Select wage type and click on to enter permissibility indicator.


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3. Enter permissibility indicator in EE Subgroup Grouping and Personnel Subarea Groping as per the applicability.

4. Click on (Ctrl + S) to save the changes made.

5. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. 0015 Additional Payments.

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_511_B

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Employee Subgroup grouping for Primary wage types

2. Personnel Subareas for Primary wage types.

Configuration Description – wage type permissibility for ESG & PSA.

Define permissibility of wag types for each PSA & ESG.

Choosing a wage type for permissibility for PSA & ESG.


Page 198: Tayo HR Config

Defining wage type permissibility for each PSA & ESG.


Employee Subgroups for primary wage types and Personnel Subareas for primary wage types nodes shall be configured first.

Assign appropriate indicators to wage types based on the requirement and applicability.

Check Wage Type Characteristics

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


Wage type characteristics for shall be configured in this node.


Wage Type Characteristics like Payment / Deduction wage type, Minimum and Maximum amount permissible, Indirect Valuation method of wage type, Rewritable Indicator and period of validity of wage type characteristics shall be configured here. Wage Type Characteristics shall be maintained individually for each wage type.


1. Click on IMG Activity to check / define wage type characteristics.

2. Select wage type and click on to enter Wage type characteristics.

3. Enter wage type characteristics based on the requirements.

4. Click on (Ctrl + S) to save the changes made.


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5. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. 0015 Additional Payments.

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T511

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Create Wage Type Catalogue.

Configuration Description – to check / define wage type characteristics.

Check / defining wage type characteristics.

Choosing a wage type to define characteristics.


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Defining wage type characteristics to a wage type.


Wage Characteristics for each wage type shall be maintained individually for each wage type. If overwrite indicator is marked INVAL Wages, system shall allow to over write the defaulted amounts, otherwise changing of amounts shall not possible.

Employee Subgroups for Primary wage Types

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


This section allows defining and assigning employee subgroups for primary wage types


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In order to differentiate wage types applicability to Employee Groups and Employee Subgroups in the Company, Grouping for the primary wage types must be defined first. Use these groupings to specify which wage types may be entered for which employee subgroups. These wage type grouping shall be used in configuring Define Wage Type Permissibility for PS & ESG.


1. Click on to define employee subgroup grouping for Primary wage Types.

2. Enter Country Grouping ‘40’ in the sub screen opened.

3. Choose , for Employee Subgroup grouping for Primary wage type screen.

4. Enter Grouping details against each Employee Group / Employee Sub Group.

5. Click on (Ctrl + S) to save the changes made.

6. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. 0015 Additional Payments.

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_503_G

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Create Wage Type Catalogue.

2. Define Entry permissibility for each PS & ESG.

Configuration Description to define ESG for Primary wage types.

Define ESG for primary wage types.


Page 202: Tayo HR Config

Sub screen to enter Country grouping.

ESG Grouping for Primary Wage Types.


Grouping shall be permitted between 0 to 9 only.

These Tables need not be updated every time, since groupings defined in the Basic Pay Infotype will be reflected automatically here also. Hence, grouping has to be defined keeping in view of wage types in all infotypes.


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Personnel Subareas for Primary wage Types

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


This section need to be configured to combine primary wage types applicability for personnel subareas.


In order to differentiate/restrict wage types applicability to Personnel Subareas (location based) in the Company, Personnel Subarea Grouping for primary wage types shall be defined. You can use these groupings to specify applicability wage types to employees of the personnel subarea by defining Wage Type Permissibility for PS & ESG.


1. Click on to define Personnel subarea grouping for Primary wag Types.

2. Enter Grouping details in PS Grouping Column against each Personnel Area / Personnel Sub Area.

3. Click on (Ctrl + S) to save the changes made.

4. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. 0015 Additional Payments.

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_001P_K

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Create Wage Type Catalogue.

2. Define Entry permissibility for each PS & ESG.

Configuration Description – PSA grouping for Primary wage types.


Page 204: Tayo HR Config

Defining PSA grouping for Primary wage types.

PSA grouping for Primary wage types.


Grouping shall be permitted between 0 to 9 only.

This activity is not mandatory and should be carried out only if you want to limit the entry of wage types to certain personnel Subareas.

These Tables need not be updated every time, since groupings defined in the Basic Pay Infotype will be reflected automatically here also. Hence, grouping has to be defined keeping in view of wage types in all infotypes.


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Payrol l - India (Basic Settings)

General Information

This section describes the Configurable Item in brief:-

IMG Path IMG Payroll Payroll India Basic Settings Payroll Organization.

Name of the BBP Process

Salary Processing (9.5)

Configuration Description IMG Reference: Payroll India.

Define Period Parameters

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this section, settings for the organizational environment for Payroll can be made. Frequency of TAYO ROLLS LIMITEDPayroll runs shall be defined in this node.


The period parameter determines how often payroll is run for a payroll accounting area. Each payroll accounting area is assigned one period parameter. Payroll periods are defined for each period parameter. In this section duration of each payroll period with start date and end date shall be defined.

A time unit defines the exact period of payroll period. Examples of standard time units are monthly, weekly and bi-weekly. Unlike the period parameter, the time unit is the same for all countries. Time unit can be assigned to different period parameters.

For India period parameter is 67 and time unit is ‘01’ (Monthly).


1. Click on Define Period Parameters for Change view “Period Parameters” overview.

2. Click on ‘New Entries’ to enter Period Parameter, Time Unit and Start Date in the appropriate fields.

3. Click on (Ctrl + S) to save the changes made.

4. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen

Infotypes 1. Not Applicable


Page 206: Tayo HR Config


Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T549R

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

Configuration Description about defining period parameters.

IMG path for Period Parameters

Entering Period parameters details


Create separate payroll periods for each period parameter configured.

Define Date Modifiers

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


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In this step ‘Date Modifiers’ can be defined for Payroll Areas.


Date Modifiers are mainly to determine payment dates for payroll areas. If the payment is same for all payroll areas, no need to make any settings in this step. Date modifiers are required to configure in case of different payment dates for various payroll areas with same period parameter. (Use ‘00’ Standard Modifier).


1. Click on Define Date Modifier, which will open Change View “Date Modifiers”: Overview.

2. Click on and enter Date Modifiers in the appropriate fields, if required

3. Click on (Ctrl + S) to save the changes made.

4. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable

Tables storing relevant data

1. Table: V_T549L

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

Configuration Description about date modifiers.

IMG Path for Date modifiers

List of Date modifiers.


Page 208: Tayo HR Config

Check Payroll Accounting Area (Create Payroll Areas)

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In TAYO ROLLS LIMITEDsalaries of employees are processed at different locations of the Company. Payroll Areas are defined based on the Payroll processing locations.


Payroll area groups together the personnel numbers that are to be processed on the same date and it determine the exact payroll periods. The payroll area to which employee belongs to depending on the organizational assignment of the employee. Employees who belong to different Company codes can be included in the same payroll area. Different payroll areas can be created in cases of Payroll Periodicity is different (Weekly, bi-weekly, Monthly), Payroll Period is varied (Salaried employees, workmen, pensioners etc), payment date is varied (Weekly – Fourth day of the following week, for salaried employees 1st day of the subsequent month, Retroactive limit is varied (Payroll should not be able to be run as far back for one group of employees as for another) and No Payroll Run for some employees.


1. Click on Check Payroll Accounting Area, which leads to sub screen: Choose Activity.

2. Select Check Payroll Areas in the displayed sub screen and click on Choose button .

3. Click on in the subsequent screen and enter Payroll Area, Payroll Area Text, Period parameter and Date Modifier. Blank space in the Date Modifier Column indicates Standard Date Modifier’00’.

4. Click on Save to save entries made.

5. Click on (F3) to come out of the screen.

Infotypes Populated

1. 0001 Organizational Assignment

2. 0008 Basic Pay

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T549A

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

Configuration Description about creating payroll areas.


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IMG Path for Payroll Areas

Creating payroll Areas

Payroll Areas – assigning with period parameters & date modifiers



Page 210: Tayo HR Config

SAP recommends use of few payroll areas as possible.

Payroll Areas and Control records can also be created in Personnel Management Module. (Personnel Management Personnel Administration Organizational Data Organizational Assignment Create Payroll Area, Check default Payroll Area (ABKRS Feature), Control Record).

Default Payroll Areas (Feature : ABKRS)

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this step ‘Default Payroll Areas – Feature ABKRS’ shall be configured in below mentioned node. In TAYO ROLLS LIMITED Personnel Subareas are considered as impact levels for defaulting payroll areas since the scope of Payroll in SAP is Officers only.

(Personnel Management Personnel Administration Organizational Data Organizational Assignment Check default Payroll Area (ABKRS Feature).


Feature provides default values based on the certain decisive operations. ABKRS Feature provides default Payroll Areas based on the decision criteria mentioned in the feature.


1. Click on IMG-Activity Button to determine ‘Check default payroll area’.

2. Select ABKRS in the decision

tree displayed and Click on Create or Choose F5.

3. Choose field for decision operation in the sub screen ABKRS:

Choose node type for new nodes and Click on (Enter), which lead to sub screen Field Selection for decision operation.

4. Select MOLGA (Country Grouping) and choose (Enter) to transfer decision criteria MOLGA to ABKRS decision tree.

5. Select MOLGA in the decision tree and Click on Create or Choose F5, which will list of And Country Groupings and Countries Names in the Country Grouping Sub screen.

6. Choose 40 (India) from the list of countries in the sub screen

opened and choose (Enter) to transfer the same to decision tree.

7. Select 40 India displayed in the decision tree and choose Create

or F5 which lead to sub screen: Choose Node for New Nodes.


Page 211: Tayo HR Config

8. Select ‘Filed for decision operation’ in the sub screen and Click

on (Enter) which lead to another sub screen: Field selection for decision operation.

9. Select BTRTL (Personnel Subarea) in the sub screen opened and

choose (Enter) to transfer the same to decision tree.

10. Select BTRTL (Personnel Subarea) in the ABKRS: Decision Tree

structure and choose Create (F5).

11. Choose applicable Personnel subareas displayed from the list of Personnel Subareas in the subsequent screen opened and

choose (Enter) to transfer all the required personnel subareas to decision tree.

12. Select one of the Personnel Subareas displayed in the tree

structure and Click on Create (F5) which lead to sub screen ABKRS: Choose node type for new nodes.

13. Select Return value in the sub screen opened and click on (Enter) which will lead to another sub screen Return Value for Field value.

14. Enter applicable Payroll Area in the ‘Enter a value’ column in the

Return value for field value screen and choose (Enter) to transfer the same to ABKRS: Decision Tree.

15.Repeat the same steps to create default values for all the Personnel Subareas.

16. Choose ‘Otherwise Node’ (which was created by system

automatically in the tree structure) and click on (F5) which lead to sub screen: Choose Node for New Nodes.

17. Choose Return Value in the sub screen opened and Click on (Enter) which lead to another sub screen: ‘Return value for Field Value otherwise’.

18.Enter Payroll Area which has to be defaulted for other personnel areas or enter -- incase of no value to be defaulted.

19. Click on (Ctrl + F2) to check whether customized feature is correct or not. If the message shows ‘decision tree is error free’

choose (Ctrl +F3) to activate or save the feature.

20. If default value applicability is changed during the period, select

the value to be changed and Choose (Shift + F3), which lead to sub screen: Change return value for field value.

Infotypes Populated

1. 0001 Organizational Assignment.

2. 0008 Basic Pay

Tables storing

1. Not Applicable.


Page 212: Tayo HR Config

relevant data

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Create Payroll Areas

Configuration Description about ABKRS Feature.

IMG path for Feature ABKRS.


SAP recommends use of few payroll areas as possible.

Check Payroll Accounting Area (Create Control Record)

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In TAYO, for each payroll area a Control record has been created.


Control Record shall be created for each payroll area. Control Record has the following Functions in the Payroll.It determines the current payroll period for exact date.It determines earliest retroactive accounting period.It locks the master data and time data being changed during payroll run.


Page 213: Tayo HR Config


1. Click on Check Payroll Accounting Area, which leads to sub screen: Choose Activity.

2. Select Create Control Record in the displayed sub screen and click on Choose button .

3. Enter Payroll area in the subsequent screen for which Control Record has to be created and choose which will leads to Payroll Control Record Screen.

4. In the Payroll Control record Screen, enter 12, 2004 in the Payroll Period and in the earliest retroactive accounting period 01, 2005 which shall be treated as First period of the financial year i.e. April,2005.

Infotypes Populated

1. 0001: Organizational Assignment

2. 0008: Basic Pay Infotype

Tables storing relevant data

1. Not Applicable

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Create Payroll Areas

Configuration Description about creating Control Record.

IMG Path for creating Control Record


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Creating Control Record

Control record for Payroll Area


Page 215: Tayo HR Config

Configuring Control Record


Payroll Areas and Control records can also be created in Personnel Management Module.(Personnel Management Personnel Administration Organizational Data Organizational Assignment Create Payroll Area, Control Record).

Generate Payroll Periods

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this section, payroll periods shall be generated for processing TAYO ROLLS LIMITED payroll.


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In this step, Date specifications shall be generated for a selected period for the payroll periods that are to be valid in the system. Specify the period start dates and end dates of the periods as well as the payment dates for each payroll period parameter assigned to a payroll accounting area. Flag mark the Carry out table changes field to save the generated payroll periods, otherwise it will become a simulation run.


1. Click on Generate Payroll Periods.

2. Select Generate Payroll Periods in the Subsequent Screen: Choose Activity.

3. Enter data in Period Parameter, Date Modifier, Start date, Final Year, Start date of fiscal year, Payday Rule, No of Days and Determine period number.

4. Flag mark the Carry out table change column to save the Payroll Periods generated.

5. Click on Execute button to generate payroll periods.

6. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable

Tables storing relevant data

1. Not Applicable

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

Configuration Description about generating payroll periods.

IMG path for generating payroll periods.


Page 217: Tayo HR Config

Selection screen to generate payroll periods

Generating payroll periods


Put Flag mark the Carry out table changes field to save the generated payroll periods, otherwise it will become a simulation run.

Generate Payroll Periods for several periods in advance.

Check data in date of pay day and check dates of periods tables, which were automatically updated while generating payroll periods.


Page 218: Tayo HR Config

Generate Calendar for Cumulations

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this section, Calendar for cumulations shall be generated


In this step, calendar for the cumulations of wage types shall be generated. Certain wage types are cumulated over several periods during payroll in order, for example, to form monthly, quarterly or annual totals. Before the wage types can be cumulated, you must determine the month, quarter, half-year or year to which the payroll period belongs.


1. Click on Generate Calendar for Cumulations, to open Generate Calendar for Cumulations and Deductions screen.

2. Enter data in Period Parameter, Date Modifier, Initial year, Final Year, Start date of fiscal year and Determine period number.

3. Flag the Carry out table change column to save the Cumulation Periods generated.

4. Click on Execute button to generate Cumulation periods.

5. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable.

Tables storing relevant data


Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable

Configuration Description about generating calendar for cumulation.


Page 219: Tayo HR Config

IMG Path for Cumulations calendar.

Generating calendar for cumulations.


Put Flag mark the Carry out table changes field to save the generated payroll periods; otherwise it will become a simulation run.

Generate the calendar for cumulations and deductions for the same period as generated for the payroll periods


Page 220: Tayo HR Config

Payscale Groupings

General Information

This section describes the Configurable Item in brief:-

IMG Path IMG Payroll Payroll India Basic Settings Payscale Groupings

Name of the BBP Process

Payscale Structure and Allowance Grouping

Configuration Description IMG Reference: Payroll India.


In this section, pay scale groupings for allowances shall be defined. These groupings are used to select employees based on their eligible compensation benefits.


Payscale Grouping for Allowances are defined to differentiate between sets of employees for the purpose of payroll. These groupings determine the eligibility of the employees for various allowances, reimbursements and perks

The Five important parameters in deciding Allowance Groupings are Payscale Type, Payscale Area, Payscale Group, Payscale Level and ESG for CAP.

IMG Path for Payscale groupings


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Define Pay Scale Groupings for Allowances

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In TAYO, different benefits and privileges are defined for different employee groups. In this activity, pay scale groupings for allowances are defined to differentiate between employee groups.


The Five important parameters in deciding Allowance Groupings are Payscale Type, Payscale Area, Payscale Group, Payscale Level and ESG for CAP. Allowance groupings are defined based on the privileges and benefits employees are entitled as per the Company Policy


1. Click on which will open Screen: Change View “Payscale Grouping for Allowances”; Over View.

2. Click on to enter Payscale grouping for Allowances determined.

3. Enter Payscale Grouping for Allowances (4 – Char Code) and Text in the appropriate columns.

4. Click on (Ctrl + S) to save the changes made.

5. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable.

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T7INA1

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable

Configuration Description about Payscale grouping for Allowances.


Page 222: Tayo HR Config

IMG Path for Payscale Groupings for Allowances.

Defining Payscale Groupings for Allowances


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Assign Pay Scale Groupings for Allowances

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this activity Payscale structure, defined in the previous nodes as per TAYO ROLLS LIMITED requirements, assigned 'Pay Scale groupings for Allowance' created in the previous step.


In this activity assign pay parameters to each 'Pay Scale groupings for Allowance' created in the previous step, based on parameters Payscale Type, Payscale Area, Payscale Group, Payscale Level and ESG for CAP.


1. Click on which will open “Associating Pay parameters to pay scale grouping” screen.

2. Click on to assign Payscale parameters with Allowance grouping.

3. Enter Pay parameters and applicable allowance grouping in the appropriate columns.

4. Click on (Ctrl + S) to save the changes made.

5. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. 8,14,15,45,581,583,590

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T7INA3

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable

Configuration Description to assign Payscale grouping for Allowances.


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Assign Payscale groupings for Allowances.


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Assigning AlGrp to Payscale grouping


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Assign Basic Wage Types to Grouping for Allowances

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this activity, you assign a basic wage type to each pay scale grouping for allowances created under Pay Scale Groupings


In this activity, you assign a basic wage type to each pay scale grouping for allowances created under Pay Scale Groupings -> Define Pay Scale Groupings for Allowances. These wage types are assigned to the pay scale groupings for the purpose of identifying a wage type and associating this for the purpose of payment of the base


1. Click on which will open “Change View – Basic Wages” screen.

2. Click on to assign Allowance Groupings, Basic salary Wage Type, Start date and End Date.

3. Click on (Ctrl + S) to save the changes made.

4. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T7INB1

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable

Configuration Description – to assign Basic wage to AlGrp.


Page 228: Tayo HR Config

IMG Path for Basic salary to Allowance Grouping.


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Assigning AlGrp to Basic wage type.


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Reimbursement, Al lowances &Perks

General Information (RAPs)

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


As per the TAYO ROLLS LIMITED Company Policy employees are eligible for Reimbursements, Allowances and perks based on their grade during their tenure of service. These benefits (RAPs) are captured in this section.


Reimbursements, Allowances and Perks (RAPS) provided to the employee during the tenure of service shall be configured in this section. Allowances are a part of the employee's total salary, which a normally paid through the pay slip and are paid on a regular basis. These could be monthly, like House Rent Allowance (HRA) or on an annual basis like Leave Travel Allowance (LTA). These are always cash components and not paid in kind. Reimbursements are those components that are paid against a claim or an expense incurred by an employee. Perks are that component of the total salary, which are generally availed by the employee in terms of kind on which the employer specifies a limit. In some cases, no amounts are specified and it is claimed against actual expenses incurred.

The eligibility and amounts for any of these components depend on the geographical location, department, grade and employee group and the years of experience in the organization.


1. Path: IMG-->PayrollPayroll India Reimbursements, Allowances and Perks.

2. Click on which will open a series of nodes required to configure.

Infotypes Populated

1. Basic pay:00082. Recurring Payments &

Deductions:00143. Additional Payments: 0015

Tables storing relevant data

1. Not Applicable

Relationship with Other

1. Not Applicable


Page 232: Tayo HR Config


Configuration Description about RAPs.

IMG Path for RAPs.

Assign Wage Type Model for Payscale Grouping for Allowances

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this activity, wage type model shall be assigned to each Payscale grouping for allowances. This will determine applicability of benefits to TAYO ROLLS LIMITED employees based on the eligibility criteria defined.


Assigning wage type model to Payscale grouping for allowances helps in determining the applicability of benefits to employees. Enter a four character alphanumeric value for pay scale grouping for allowances in the AlGrp field. Enter the wage type model to be assigned in the WT model field. The Wage Type Models must be prefixed with '20/' to indicate that, a maximum of 20 wage types can be stored in a particular Wage type model.


1. Click on Assign wage type model for pay scale grouping for allowances node to assign allowance grouping with wage type model.

2. Click on button in the screen: Change View wage type model for pay scale grouping for allowances.

3. Enter the corresponding Wage Type Model in the WT model


Page 233: Tayo HR Config

field, for each 'Pay Scale Grouping for Allowances'.

4. Click on (Ctrl + S) to save the changes made.

5. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable.

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T7INA5

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

Configuration Description – assign WT Model to AlGrp.

IMG path for Assigning WT Model to AlGrp.


Page 234: Tayo HR Config

Assignment of WT Model to AlGrp.


One Allowance grouping cannot assigned to more than one wage type model. One wage type model can be assigned to different allowance groupings.

Wage type model prefixed with 20/ indicates maximum 2o wage types are permissible for that wage type model.

Maintain Default wage types for basic pay

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this step default wage types shall be determined based on TAYO ROLLS LIMITED company structure for the Basic Pay infotype (0008).


Details configured in the previous node Default wage types for basic in Basic Pay node will be reflected automatically here. Details can be maintained in either of these nodes. Data will be stored in one table only.


1. Click on IMG Activity to check / maintain default wage types for basic pay.

2. Check details entered previously. No need to maintain this node if details are found correct.

3. Click on to update details if required.


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4. Click on (Ctrl + S) to save the changes made.

5. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T539A

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

Configuration Description to default wage types for Basic Pay.

IMG Path to maintain default wage type to basic pay.


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Maintaining default wage types to basic pay.

Maintain Wage Type Characteristics

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


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Wage type characteristics can also be configured and maintained in this section.


Wage Type Characteristics like Payment / Deduction wage type, Minimum and Maximum amount permissible, Indirect Valuation method of wage type, Rewritable Indicator and period of validity of wage type characteristics shall be configured here. Wage Type Characteristics has to be maintained individually for each wage type.

Wage Type characteristics maintained in the previous nodes are reflected here automatically. Maintenance of wage type characteristics shall be made in any of these nodes.


1. Click on Maintain wage Type Characteristics.

2. Check details entered previously. No need to maintain this node if details are found correct.

3. Click on to update details if required.

4. Click on (Ctrl + S) to save the changes made.

5. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Basic Pay: 00082. Recurring Payments & deductions:

00143. Additional Payments: 0015

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T511

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

Configuration Description to define wage type characteristics.

IMG path to maintain default wage types.


Page 238: Tayo HR Config

To maintain default wage types.

Maintain Payscale Groups and Levels

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


Wage types (Basic Pay) applicable to employee groups shall also be maintained from this node.


Payscale Groups & Levels shall be decided based on the Payscale Type and Payscale Areas and compensation structure applicable. Indirect Valuation of Wage Types in Basic Pay Infotype (INVAL A – Default Amount) shall be entered here. This Grouping can be done based on the Employee Subgroup grouping for Collective Agreement Provisions, Payscale Group, Payscale Level, Payscale Type and Payscale Areas.

Details maintained in the Section2.8 will be reflected here.


1. Click on Maintain Payscale groups and Levels.

2. Check details entered previously. No need to maintain this node if details are found correct.

3. Click on to update details if required.

4. Click on (Ctrl + S) to save the changes made.


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5. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. 0008 Basic Pay

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T510

Relationship with Other Nodes


Configuration Description – to define Payscale groups and levels.

IMG Path to maintain Payscale groups.

TO choose required Payscale Type and Area


Page 240: Tayo HR Config

To check and Maintain Payscale groups and levels.


Wage types that are evaluated indirectly through INVAL A – i.e. a fixed amount as defaulted in Infotype: 0008 can be entered here.

Define Valuation of base Wage Types

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this step, as per TAYO ROLLS LIMITED requirement, indirect valuation for wage types shall be defined based on the Module variant mentioned in the Wage Type Characteristics node (INVAL – B).


Indirect Evaluation is a method to calculate the eligible amounts (default) for some of the wage types. INVAL is the Indirect Evaluation Module used to meet the Indian specific business requirements. INVAL with Module variant A shall be used to default fixed amounts and Variant B shall be used to calculate amount on percentage basis on some other wage type. Amounts for wage types calculated on percentage basis (INVAL – B) shall be configured here. INVAL and module variants shall be maintained for required wage types in Wage Type characteristics node. Enter Indirect Valuation Module Name (PRZNT), Valuated Wage Type (Wage Type Code – for which amount is calculated by using INVAL - B), Enter serial no, if the amount is calculated on wage types, start date and end date for the, Base Wage


Page 241: Tayo HR Config

Type (on which amount is calculated for valuated wage type) and percentage (to be calculated on base wage type).


1. Click on Maintain Valuation of Base wage Types.

2. Check details entered previously. No need to maintain this node if details are found correct.

3. Click on to update details if required.

4. Click on (Ctrl + S) to save the changes made.

5. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Basic Pay: 00082. Recurring Payments & deductions: 00143. Additional Payments: 0015

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T539J

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

Configuration Description – define valuation of base wage types.

IMG Path to maintain valuation of Base wage types.


Page 242: Tayo HR Config

Maintaining INVAL ‘B’ for required for wage types.


INVAL details shall be entered for required wage types in Wage Type Characteristics, specify Percent in Time / Measurement Unit and requirement of overwrite Indicator.

Unlike the wage types that are evaluated through INVAL A, where a wage type can have different values for different groupings, here a wage type can have a single relationship for all Allowance groupings.


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Calculate Eligibility for RAPs

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this activity, eligibility details to calculate any employee's Reimbursement, Allowance or Perk (RAP) shall be maintained.


In this activity, you set up the eligibility details to calculate any employee's Reimbursement, Allowance or Perk (RAP). Amount shall be entered against each wage type which indicates the eligibility or limit for that particular allowance group if they have.


1. Click on Calculate Eligibility for RAPs.

2. Enter Allowance Grouping in the subsequent screen or click on the Radio button to choose Allowance Grouping.

3. Click on to update details in the screen Change view Reimbursements, Allowances, Perks – Eligibility.

4. Enter all the Payment wage types along with eligible amounts applicable to that Allowance Grouping and select Rap Indicator of the wage type.

5. Click on (Ctrl + S) to save the changes made.

6. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Basic Pay: 00082. Recurring Payments & Deductions:00143. Additional Payments:0015

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T71NA9.

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

Configuration Description to define eligibility for RAPs.


Page 244: Tayo HR Config

IMG Path to Calculate eligibility for RAPs.

To choose AlGrp for maintaining RAPs

Maintaining RAPs for desired AlGrp.


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Leave Travel

General Information

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In TAYO, LTA benefit is provided to employees as an annual benefit. Leave rules related to LTA requirement shall be configured in this node.


LTA is an annual component of any employees' gross salary normally paid against a claim and is subject to a minimum period of leave taken by the employee. In this section of the IMG, LTA related leave rules shall be configured. LTA (travel) and tax exemption based on the expenses incurred by the employee shall be captured in Exemptions Infotype (0582) – sub type: LTA.


1. Path: IMGPayrollPayroll India Leave Travel

2. To maintain LTA leave eligibility rules, click on Leave Travel which lead to sub screen ‘Leave validation for LTA’.

3. Enter Allowance Groupings and applicable Absence type, no of days and Counting method in Leave validation for LTA.

4. Click on (Ctrl + S) to save the changes made.

5. Click on Back button (F3) to come out of the screen.

Infotypes Populated

1. 0582 – Exemptions (Sub Type : LTA)

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T7INL1

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable

Configuration Description about Leave travel details


Page 246: Tayo HR Config

IMG Path to maintain Leave Travel details

IMG Path to Leave eligibility details for LTA.


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Leave Travel Process

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


To meet TAYO ROLLS LIMITEDLTC Process requirements a Custom report has been developed. This report helps in processing annual / biannual LTC claims, LTC Advance Claims, Update LTC Claims, Cancellation of LTC Advance Claimed, Conversion of LTC advance to LTC claim.


In order to meet LTC requirements of TAYO ROLLS LIMITED a custom has been developed. This report is used in administering Annual/ biannual claims, LTC Advance claims, Update LTC Claims, Cancel LTC Claims and convert LTC Advances to LTC claimed records. The total LTC process is processed through ESS, Work Flow and Custom Report.


1. Maintaining LTC Block years (Sub Blocks): Enter sub blocks in the Table: T511K (Payroll Parameters : LTABG and LTAEN).

2. LTC Eligibility details shall be maintained in V_T7INT9 Table.

3. Employees leave details shall be captured through ESS, which shall be maintained by employee only.

4. Once the employee applies for LTC leave, work flow will be triggered in the background and details are passed to Payroll Administrator.

5. Based on the applicability Payroll administrator will process LTC claim and the feedback will be provided to employee through mail.

6. LTC claims details are captured in ‘YHRMT_LTC”

7. While processing LTC advance claims, system will check employee’s eligibility and applicability of LTC claims from “‘YHRMT_LTC”’ created.

8. Payroll Administrator shall update the LTC Claim based on the proof submitted by the employee. Details of the LTC claims will be updated in ‘YHRMT_LTC” and LTC payment wage type in Infotype 15 for further processing in payroll.

9. Employee can cancel the LTC advance by providing advance deposit receipt number, which will be provided by the Finance department after receiving the advance amount from the employee. These details will be updated automatically in the ‘‘YHRMT_LTC””.

10.Payroll Administrator can convert LTC Advance amount to LTC paid after the verification of proof of expenditure. System updates automatically LTC Advance Wage type with Negative


Page 248: Tayo HR Config

value and payment amount shall be uploaded to LTC payment wage type for further processing in Payroll and tax computation purpose.

11.Payroll Administrator shall update Infotype: 582 (LTC amount) for tax exemption computation purpose, otherwise total LTC paid amount will be treated as taxable component only.

Infotypes Populated

1. 0582 – Exemptions (Sub Type : LTA)

Tables storing relevant data


Relationship with Other Nodes

2. Not Applicable

Customisation description – LTC Report.

IMG Path to maintain Leave Travel details


Page 249: Tayo HR Config

IMG Path to Leave eligibility details for LTA


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General information

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this section of IMG, configuration related to Gratuity, retrial benefit for the TAYO ROLLS LIMITED employees, shall be configured.


In this section of the Implementation Guide (IMG), settings that define the employer's contributions towards funds that support the employee's retirement plan can be made. Gratuity component for Payroll India can be configured in this node.

Gratuity is a benefit provided to the employee on the cessation of his or her services. This is a statutory component, applicable to all employees of an organization. The employer contributes to a gratuity trust so as to provide for payment at the time of termination or retirement.

The system calculates gratuity as per the Gratuity Act. If the rate of gratuity provided by the company is higher, the system will instead, compute gratuity as per the company rules.


1. Path for Retirement Benefits: IMG Payroll Payroll India Retirement Benefits.

2. Click on IMG Activity Node Gratuity to get series of nodes to be configured for the purpose of Gratuity requirements of the Company.

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable

Tables storing relevant data

1. Not Applicable

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable

Configuration Description about Retrial benefit – Gratuity.


Page 251: Tayo HR Config

IMG Path for Gratuity Configuration.

Maintain Gratuity Trust ID

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In order to meet the administrative and other statutory requirements of Gratuity a separate gratuity Trust was established. Id of the trust shall be captured in this configuration node.


In this activity, Gratuity Trust Id maintained by the company shall be configured. This is a Four digit Alphanumeric code which shall be entered in the Gratuity ID Filed.


1. Click on IMG Activity Node to Maintain Gratuity Trust ID of the Gratuity Trust maintained by the Company.


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2. Click on in the subsequent screen - Gratuity Id Maintenance.

3. Enter Gratuity Trust ID in the GRA ID field and Name of Gratuity Trust in the Text field in the Gratuity ID maintenance table.

4. Click on save button or Ctrl +S to save the entries made.

5. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable

Tables storing relevant data

1. Not Applicable.

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

Configuration description - Gratuity Trust ID

IMG Path to Maintain Gratuity Trust ID.

Maintaining Gratuity ID details.

Maintain Gratuity Contrb. Freq. and related Wage Types

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


Page 253: Tayo HR Config


In this node, Gratuity contribution frequency rate and related wage types shall be defined.


In this activity Gratuity contribution frequency shall be defined, whether contribution to the gratuity trust is to be made annually or monthly, annual contribution is to be made at the end of financial year or calendar year. Also required to define whether the wage type for gratuity contributions made on a monthly basis or annual basis, the wage type used to calculate the provisional monthly gratuity contributions, in case the contribution to the trust is made annually. This wage type needs to be defined only if provisional wage types per month needs to be calculated and posted to a provisional account. Assign the Gratuity trust ID to technical wage types and frequency monthly contribution details in the table.


1. Click on IMG Activity Node Maintain Gratuity contr.Frequency and related wage types.

2. Click on in the subsequent screen - Gratuity Id and related wage types.

3. Enter Gratuity Trust ID, Frequency contribution, Monthly contribution, Monthly WT, Annual WT and Provisional WT in the required fields of Gratuity ID and related wage types table.

4. Click on save button or Ctrl +S to save the entries made.

5. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable

Tables storing relevant data

1. Not Applicable

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

Frequency of Gratuity Contribution - Configuration description


Page 254: Tayo HR Config

Maintain Gratuity contribution frequency.

Maintaining Gratuity contribution wage types.

Define contribution rates for Gratuity

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


As per the requirement of TAYO, Gratuity contribution rate (provision every month) shall be defined in this node.


Contribution rates used to calculate the gratuity contributions made by the employer shall be defined in this activity. These company-specific rules are linked to gratuity funds and enable the system to calculate and store gratuity amounts during the payroll run. Assign these contribution rates to Allowance Grouping and Gratuity Trust Ids as applicable.


1. Click on IMG Activity Node to Define contribution rates for Gratuity.

2. Click on in the subsequent ‘Gratuity Details Maintenance’ screen.

3. Enter Allowance Grouping, Gratuity Trust ID, Rate of contribution, start and end date in the respective fields of the Gratuity details maintenance table.

4. Click on save button or Ctrl +S to save the entries made.


Page 255: Tayo HR Config

5. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable


Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T7ING1

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable


Gratuity rate of Contribution - Configuration description

IMG Path to define contribution rates for gratuity.

Defining contribution rates to gratuity.


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Maintain Eligibility Years of Gratuity

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


Gratuity eligibility period for the employee shall be configured in this node of IMG.


In this step, the minimum number of years of service after which the employer begins to contribute towards gratuity is specified here. The Number of Gratuity years Constant (GRTYR) in the table view Payroll Constants, stores the value for the minimum number of years.


1. Click on IMG Activity Node Maintain the eligibility years for Gratuity.

2. Enter start date, end date and no of years (value) in the appropriate fields of Value of constants table.

3. Click on save button or Ctrl +S to save the entries made.

4. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T511K

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

Payroll Constants - Configuration description

IMG Path to define eligibility years for Gratuity.


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Screen 3 : Maintaining Gratuity eligibility years.


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General information

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


TAYO ROLLS LIMITED is providing Superannuation benefit to the employees as a retrial benefit for the welfare of the employees. Superannuation related requirements are captured in this part of IMG.


In this section of the Implementation Guide (IMG), settings that define the employer's contributions towards funds that support the employee's retirement plan can be made. Superannuation component for Payroll India can be configured in this node.

Superannuation is a non-statutory benefit provided to the employee on the cessation of his or her services. The employer contributes to a Superannuation trust so as to provide for payment at the time of retirement.

1. Path for Retirement Benefits: IMG Payroll Payroll India Retirement Benefits.


2. Click on IMG Activity Node Superannuation to get series of nodes to be configured for the purpose of Superannuation requirements of the Company.

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable

Tables storing relevant data

1. Not Applicable.

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

Configuration Description about Retrial benefit – Superannuation.


Page 259: Tayo HR Config

IMG path to maintain Superannuation details.

Maintain Superannuation Trust ID

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


ID of the Superannuation Trust of the Company shall be maintained in this activity.


Superannuation Trust Id maintained by the company shall be configured in this node. This is a four digit alphanumeric code which shall be entered in the SAN ID Filed.


1. Click on IMG Activity Node to Maintain Superannuation Trust ID of the Superannuation Trust maintained by the Company.

2. Click on in the subsequent screen - Superannuation Id.


Page 260: Tayo HR Config

3. Enter Superannuation Trust ID in the SAN ID Trust Filed and Name in the Text field of the Superannuation ID maintenance table.

4. Click on save button or Ctrl +S to save the entries made.

5. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable

Tables storing relevant data

1. Not Applicable.

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable

Superannuation Trust ID - Configuration description

IMG path to maintain Trust ID.

Superannuation ID maintenance details.

Maintain Superannuation Contrib. Freq. and related Wage Types

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


Page 261: Tayo HR Config


In this node, Superannuation contribution frequency rate and related wage types shall be defined.

13.3.1 Description

In this activity Superannuation contribution frequency shall be defined, whether contribution to the gratuity trust is to be made annually or monthly, annual contribution is to be made at the end of financial year or calendar year. Also required to define whether the wage type for gratuity contributions made on a monthly basis or annual basis, the wage type used to calculate the provisional monthly gratuity contributions, in case the contribution to the trust is made annually. This wage type needs to be defined only if provisional wage types per month need to be calculated and posted to a provisional account. Assign the Superannuation trust ID to technical wage types and frequency monthly contribution details in the table.


1. Click on IMG Activity Node Maintain Superannuation contr. Frequency and related wage types.

2. Click on in the subsequent screen - Superannuation Id and related wage types.

3. Enter Superannuation Trust ID, Frequency contribution, Monthly contribution, Monthly WT, Annual WT and Provisional WT in the required fields of Superannuation ID and related wage types table.

4. Click on save button or Ctrl +S to save the entries made.

5. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable

Tables storing relevant data

1. Not Applicable.

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

Frequency of Superannuation Fund Contribution - Configuration description


Page 262: Tayo HR Config

IMG Path Maintain Superannuation – related wage types

Defining Superannuation ID related wage types.

Define Contribution Rates for Superannuation

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


Superannuation contribution rate shall be defined in this node.


Ccontribution rates used to calculate the Superannuation contributions made by the employer shall be defined in this activity. These company-specific rules are linked to gratuity funds and enable the system to calculate and store gratuity amounts during the payroll run. Assign these contribution rates to Allowance Grouping and Superannuation Trust Ids as applicable.


1. Click on IMG Activity Node to Define contribution rates for Superannuation.

2. Click on in the subsequent ‘Superannuation Details Maintenance’ screen.

3. Enter Allowance Grouping, Superannuation Trust ID, Rate of contribution, start and end date in the respective fields of the Superannuation details maintenance table.

4. Click on save button or Ctrl +S to save the entries made.

5. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable.

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T7INS1


Page 263: Tayo HR Config

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.


Configuration description- Superannuation rate of Contribution

IMG Path to define contribution rates for Superannuation.

Superannuation rate of contribution.


Page 264: Tayo HR Config

Provident Fund

General information

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this section of the Implementation Guide (IMG), Employer and Employee contributions of TAYO ROLLS LIMITED towards Provident Fund shall be captured.


Provident Fund (PF) is a statutory contribution scheme applicable to all employees. Contributions are based on a percentage set by the Government. The contribution percentage may vary provided the amount of contribution is equal to or more than the statutory amount. Both the employee and the employer contribute to this fund. Pension is a benefit in which an employee receives regular payment from the employer after retirement or termination provided he or she meets the eligibility criteria. The contribution to pension is deducted from the employer's contribution to PF. In case of Coal Mines Provident Fund, both employer and employee contribute towards Pension Fund. No need to contribute towards PF Admin charges, EDLI & EDLI Admn. Charges.

There are three types of PF trusts: Excluded Trust, where no contributions are made towards EDLI, EDLI administration or Pension. The entire contribution is made to the trust in the form of Provident Fund. Exempted Trust, where EDLI, EDLI Admin and Pension (8.33%) are contributed to the Government. Provident fund is maintained by a trust other than Regional provident fund commissioner (RPFC). Regional Provident Fund Commissioner (RPFC) Trust, where all the contributions are made to the government. Based on the type of trust, contribution towards PF, Pension and EDLI may vary.

1. Path for Statutory Social Contribution: IMG Payroll Payroll India Statutory Social Contribution.


2. Click on IMG Activity Node Provident Fund to get series of nodes to be configured for the purpose of Provident Fund requirements of the Company.

Infotypes Populated

1. Provident Fund - 587

Tables storing relevant data

1. Not applicable.

Relationship with

1. Not Applicable.


Page 265: Tayo HR Config

Other Nodes

Configuration Description about Statutory Social Contribution – Provident Fund.

IMG path to configure Provident Fund Configuration.

Define Trust Details of Provident Fund

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


Provident Fund contributions of the employees & employer are deposited at the various Provident Fund Trusts at different locations. All the PF Trusts details are captured in this section of IMG.


In this activity, you define the different Provident Fund (PF) trusts that the employer and employee contribute to, and set the wage types used to calculate contributions made to the trusts and its associated handling charges. Separate Trusts are to be configured in case of Contribution rates and rules are different. Enter Trust details


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in the Trust ID, Trust details, and Wage types used to calculate contributions shall be entered in the appropriate fields.


1. Click on IMG Activity Node to Define Trust details of Provident Fund.

2. Click on in the subsequent screen – Trust Master.

3. Enter PF Trusts IDs, Trust Name, Trust Type and appropriate wage types in the contributions fields in the Trust Master table.

4. Click on save button or Ctrl +S to save the entries made.

5. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Provident Fund : 0587

Tables storing relevant data

1. Not Applicable.

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

Trust details of Provident Fund - Configuration description

IMG Path to define PF Trust Details.


Page 267: Tayo HR Config

Defining PF Trust Master.

Define Contribution Rates for Provident Fund

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


As per statutory requirement Employer also (TAYO) shall contribute towards Provident fund. TAYO ROLLS LIMITED contribution rate towards Employer provident fund shall be configured in this node.


Contribution rates used to calculate the Provident Fund contributions made by the employer shall be defined in this activity. This is a non-statutory rate and can be any amount that is equal to or greater than the statutory rate (prescribed by Government).


1. Click on IMG Activity Node to Define Company rates for Provident Fund.

2. Click on in the subsequent screen opened.

3. Enter Allowance Grouping, Employer Rate of contribution, start and end date in the respective fields of the Company rates for PF details maintenance table.

4. Click on save button or Ctrl +S to save the entries made.

5. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable.

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T7INF5


Page 268: Tayo HR Config

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

Company Rate of Provident Fund Contributions - Configuration description

IMG path to define Company rates of provident Fund.

Defining PF rate for Employer Contributions.

Define PF Trust Validity Period

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


TAYO ROLLS LIMITEDis depositing Employee and Employer PF contributions at various Trusts. Validity period of the shall be captured in this IMG node.


Provident Fund (PF) trusts and validity period of the trusts applicable to the company shall be defined in this node of IMG. The provident fund trusts defined in


Page 269: Tayo HR Config

this step are used as a basis for selection in the infotype (587) Provident Fund Contributions.


1. Click on IMG Activity Node to Define PF Trust Validity Period.

2. Click on in the subsequent screen opened.

3. Enter PF Trust ID, start date, end date, rate of interest paid by the trust and EDLI payee details in the appropriate columns of the Trust Details.

4. Click on save button or Ctrl +S to save the entries made.

5. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable.

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T7INF7

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. 0587 – Provident Fund Infotype.

PF Trust validity period - Configuration description

IMG path to define PF Trust Validity Period.

Employer PF rate of Contributions.


Page 270: Tayo HR Config

Maintain Contribution Details for Provident Fund (Feature : (40 EPF)

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this activity, contributions rates shall be attached to PF trusts where PF contributions of TAYO ROLLS LIMITED employees are deposited.


This feature is used to determine the type of the establishment and the Trust identification number. Type of the establishment gives information about the statutory percentages of contribution by employer and employee. In this configuration node, rates of contributions shall be assigned to PF trusts for the further processing in payroll and to meet statutory requirements. This feature is being called in Payroll function INEPF and uses the return values for PF processing and reporting. Structure for Decision tree for this feature consists of: Company code, Personal area, Personal Subarea, Employee group, Employee subgroup, Country Grouping and Provident fund Trust id.


1. Click on IMG Activity Node to Statutory Social Contribution for Provident fund related configuration nodes.

2. Click on IMG Activity Node to Maintain contribution details for Provident Fund, which will lead to Feature Initial Screen: 40 EPF.

3. Select Decision Tree in the list mentioned under sub objects heading in the subsequent screen opened and choose

to configure decision tree.

4. Select of the decision tree structure in the sub sequent

screen opened and choose (F5) which lead to sub screen 40 EPF: Choose Node type for New Nodes.

5. Select Field for Decision Operation in the sub screen opened and

choose (Enter) which lead to another sub screen: Field selection for decision operation.

6. Select ‘TSTID’ Provident Fund Trust and choose (Enter) to transfer the same to decision tree structure.

7. Select ‘TSTID’ in the decision tree structure and choose (F5) which lead to sub screen Values for TSTD.

8. Enter Trust Ids in the Values for TSTID in the sub screen opened.

Choose (New Line – F5) to enter more trust IDs and choose (Enter) to transfer the same to decision structure.

9. Select on of the Provident Fund Trust Ids which are transformed


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to decision tree structure and choose (F5) which lead to sub screen 40 EPF: Choose Node type for New Nodes.

10. Choose Return values in the sub screen opened and choose (Enter) which lead to another sub screen :Return Value for Field Value.

11. Enter contribution type applicable to the Provident Fund Trust in the appropriate field of the Return value (M/ER REF No. /ER PENSION REF. No.).

12.Repeat the same steps for the other provident fund trusts mentioned in the tree structure.

13. Click (Ctrl + F2) to check the correctness of the feature.

14. If message is ‘error free’ click on (Ctrl +F3) to activate the feature

15. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Provident Fund – 0587.

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T7INF3, V_T7INF7

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

Customisation of 40 EPF Feature.


Page 272: Tayo HR Config

IMG path to maintain contribution details for Provident Fund.

Initial configuration screen for 40 EPF Feature.


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40 EPF Feature configuration.

Define Contribution Type for Statutory Rates of Provident Fund.

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this activity the contribution rates have been assigned to types of pf trusts.


In this activity the contribution rates have been assigned to types of pf trusts. Also required to specify contribution rates for Employer PF & Pension Contribution, Employee PF Contribution, PF Admn. Charges and EDLI Admn. Charges.


1. Click on IMG Activity Node to define contribution type for statutory rates of Provident Fund.

2. Click on in the subsequent screen opened.

3. Enter contribution type, period start date, end date, and percentages of EE Contrib, Er Contrib, Er Pen Ctr, PF Adm Chr


Page 274: Tayo HR Config

and EDLI Admin in the statutory rates of Provident Fund.

4. Click on save button or Ctrl +S to save the entries made.

5. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable.

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T7INF3

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

PF Trust validity period - Configuration description

IMG Path to define rates of contribution to each type.

Defining Statutory rates for Provident Fund.

Tayo Pension:

This is the deduction, which is only applicable for both old and New pay type workers.

Description: As a part of Employee welfare deduction, Tayo pension is deducted every month from employee’s Earned Basic and DA contribution.


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This contribution is made to the Tayo pension trust.This contribution is 2% of earned Basic and DA.

To set this, a wage type is created called Tayo Pension with the code of 1102.

Menu path to maintain this is as followsSPRO Personnel administration basic pay and followed by the screen below

This is maintained through table shown in the screen below


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Once this is saved the deduction is maintained through IT 0014 with subtype as wage type 1102.


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Professional Tax

General information

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


Professional tax details of the applicable states shall be captured in this node of the IMG. Professional Tax shall be deducted from the employees of TAYO ROLLS LIMITED working at various states


Professional Tax is a tax on employment and it is deducted from the wages payable to all employees with the exception of certain categories such as disabled and so on but may vary in different States as per the laws that govern them.

It is a statutory deduction administered by the State. Deductions are based on the salary slabs for all the employees who are specified by the respective state governments or local bodies (authorities).


1. Path for Statutory Social Contribution: IMG Payroll Payroll India Profession tax.

2. Click on IMG Activity Node Profession Tax to get series of nodes to be configured for the purpose of Profession Tax requirements.

Infotypes Populated

1. Other Statutory deductions – 0588.

Tables storing relevant data

1. Not Applicable.

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable

Configuration Description about Profession Tax.


Page 278: Tayo HR Config

IMG Path to configure P Tax details.

Define Profession tax Grouping Details

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


Personnel area and Personnel Subareas shall be grouped for the purpose of Professional Tax requirements from the TAYO ROLLS LIMITED employees working at different locations.


In this activity, personnel area and subarea groupings for Professional Tax (PTax), which are used to group all personnel areas, and subareas that contribute to the same professional tax circle shall be defined.


1. Click on IMG – Activity to define Professional tax grouping details.

2. Check system provided details of the various states profession tax details, in the subsequent screen Professional Tax Groupings details.

3. Choose to enter Professional tax detail, if required.

4. Enter P tax Group, Region (click on to select desired state), Zone No, Division, Regn.Certificate No., Office Circle Name, P Tax Circle Name, Start date and End of the period in the appropriate columns of the Professional tax groupings details table.

5. Click on save button or Ctrl +S to save the entries made.

6. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen


Page 279: Tayo HR Config

Infotypes Populated

1. 0588 (other statutory deductions)

Tables storing relevant data

1. Not Applicable

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable

Configuration Description about Professional Tax details.

IMG path for P Tax Groupings.

Maintaining Professional Tax Grouping details

Assign Professional Tax Groupings for Personnel Areas and Subareas

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


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In this node, Professional Tax assignment with applicable Personnel Areas and Personnel Subareas shall be grouped.


Based on the professional tax details configured in the previous node, professional tax groupings shall be attached to applicable personnel areas and personnel areas for the further processing in the payroll.


1. Click on IMG Activity Node to assign Profession Tax groupings for personnel areas and subareas.

2. Enter Professional tax groupings details configured in the previous node in the ps grp ptx field against applicable personnel areas and subareas.

3. Do not group if Professional Tax is not applicable to the particular subareas.

4. Click on save button or Ctrl +S to save the entries made.

5. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen.

Infotypes Populated

1. 0588 (other statutory deductions).

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_7IN0P

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

Configuration Description about Professional Tax grouping details.

IMG Path to assign P Tax to PA & PSAs.


Page 281: Tayo HR Config

Assigning PSA Grouping for Profession Tax.

Assign amounts for Professional Tax Deductions

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


Professional tax slab / rates shall be configured details of the applicable states shall be captured in this node of the IMG.


In this activity, you assign a Professional Tax (Ptax) rate to a slab code, if existing P Tax slabs are changed or for new requirements. Slabs are salary brackets as specified for a State by the respective State Government or local authority. To assign rates to slab codes for a state, first define the slab code and then assign serial numbers, maximum limits and the rates.

1. Click on IMG Activity button to assign professional tax amounts for deductions.


2. Click on to enter required professional tax details in the subsequent screen Professional tax Slab Amount Screen.

3. Enter slab code, serial number, maximum limits and the rates in appropriate columns of the Professional tax slab amounts table.

4. Click on save button or Ctrl +S to save the entries made.

5. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable

Tables storing relevant

1. V_T7INP4


Page 282: Tayo HR Config


Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable

Configuration Description about Professional Tax Slab Details.

IMG Path to assign amounts for P Tax deduction.


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Maintaining P Tax deduction details.

Maintain Method and Form Layout for Ptax Grouping

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


Professional tax slab codes shall be linked with applicable states/regions & Form Layout shall be captured in this node of the IMG.


In this activity, you link a Professional Tax (Ptax) slab code to the region & Form Layout.

1. Click on IMG Activity button to maintain method and form layout for Ptax Grouping.


2. Click on to enter required professional tax details.

3. Enter slab code, serial number, maximum limits and the rates in appropriate columns of the Professional tax slab amounts table.

4. Click on save button or Ctrl +S to save the entries made.

5. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

2. Not Applicable

Tables storing relevant data

2. V_T7INP4

Relationship with Other Nodes

2. Not Applicable

Configuration Description about Professional Tax Slab Details.


Page 284: Tayo HR Config

IMG Path to maintain method & Form layout for Ptax grping.

Method & Form layout for state


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General information

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this section of the Implementation Guide (IMG), you make the settings that affect the calculation of tax during a payroll run.


Income tax is deducted from all employee's gross salary for as per the Income Tax Act of 1961.  This is deducted by the employer on a monthly basis and is transferred to a particular bank under a unique identification as specified. A summary of the tax return for all employees is submitted by the employer to the local tax authority at the end of each financial year. A summarized calculation of the tax returns is given to the employee at the end of the financial year or on termination of employment. The laws for the calculation of taxes are subject to change with changes in the Income tax act. In addition to overall taxation, statutory requirements enforce different kinds of tax exemption for different types of allowances. Some exemptions are based on limits with specified frequency (for example, monthly or annual) depending on the individuals specific data. Tax rates for calculation, personnel subarea grouping for tax, deductions under section 80 and section 88, exemption limits on the components mentioned in the RAPs Table shall be configured in this node.


1. Path for Tax: IMGPayrollPayroll IndiaTax.

2. Click on to list sub nodes to configure tax related details.

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable

Tables storing relevant data

1. Not Applicable.

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

Configuration Description about Tax Details.


Page 286: Tayo HR Config

IMG path to maintain Tax details.


Page 287: Tayo HR Config

Define Personnel Area and Personnel Sub Area Grouping for Tax

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this section of the Implementation Guide (IMG), settings that affect the calculation of tax during a payroll run shall be configured.


In this activity, employees at different locations shall be grouped together based on the personnel area and personnel subarea to whom the same tax office is applicable.

1. Path: IMGPayrollPayroll IndiaTaxBasic settings.


2. Click on IMG Activity - to assign Personnel Area and personnel Sub Area grouping for Tax.

3. Click on button to enter Tax Grouping related details in the subsequent screen Personnel Sub Area grouping for Tax.

4. Enter Tax Grouping, TDS Circle, Ward No and Payee key in the appropriate columns of the Personnel Subarea Grouping for Tax Table.

5. Click on save button or Ctrl +S to save the entries made.

6. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable.

Tables storing relevant data

1. Not Applicable.

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable

Configuration Description about Tax Grouping Details.


Page 288: Tayo HR Config

IMG Path to define PA & PSA Grouping for tax

Defining PSA Grouping for Tax.

Assign tax grouping details for Personnel Areas and Sub Areas

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-

16.3.1 Purpose

In this section of the Implementation Guide (IMG), settings that affect the calculation of tax of TAYO ROLLS LIMITED employees during a payroll run shall be configured.

16.3.2 Description

In this activity, assign tax-grouping details to personnel areas and personnel sub areas based on the requirements.


1. Click on IMG Activity - to assign Personnel Area and personnel Sub Area grouping for Income Tax.

2. Assign Tax grouping details to appropriate personnel areas and personnel subareas in the subsequent screen Personnel area and subarea grouping for Income tax.

3. Click on save button or Ctrl +S to save the entries made.

4. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_7IN0P_TAX

Relationship with

1. Not Applicable.


Page 289: Tayo HR Config

Other Nodes

Configuration Description about Tax Grouping Details.

Assign tax groupings for Personnel Subareas.

Personnel Area and Sub Area for Income Tax.

Configure Wage Types for Section.80 (Third party Deductions)

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this section of the Implementation Guide (IMG), Sec.80 deductions and Investments, made by TAYO ROLLS LIMITED employees, under section 88 made through payroll shall be captured for Income tax calculation purpose.

16.4.1 Description

The legal system provides for deductions from taxable income and rebates that are subtracted from the income tax otherwise payable by an employee.  Sometimes


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employer facilitates deductions from employee's salary once in a year or any other frequency suggested by employee to contribute to the relevant Funds/Trusts etc, so that employee can avail deductions under section 80 and / or rebate under section 88. In this section of the IMG, we can assign wage types to be deducted for various heads under section 80 and section 88. Contributions or investments made under Section 80 are considered as deductions from Gross Total Income (GTI) as per the limits specified by Central Government. By assigning a wage type, we ensure that the annual value of the wage type along with the entries made in Section 80 Deductions, Infotype (0585) becomes eligible for deduction from GTI for the specified sub-section / division combination.

Wage types configured in Infotype 57 (Membership Fees) which attracts tax exemptions under this section shall be configured here Income tax calculation purpose in Payroll processing.


1. Click on IMG Activity - to wage types for section 80 to calculate income tax exemptions.

2. Assign wage type code to the Tax Saving Type mentioned in the Table.

3. If more than one wage type has to be assigned to same Tax saving type, copy the appropriate deduction from list of Tax saving schemes mentioned in the table and enter sequence number in the Sequence filed.

4. Click on save button or Ctrl +S to save the entries made.

5. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen.

Infotypes Populated

1. Membership fees - 0057

Tables storing relevant data


Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable

Configuration Description – Third party (Section.80).


Page 291: Tayo HR Config

Configuration of Wage types under section.80

Assignment of wage types under section 80.


More than one wage type can be associated with same sub-section / division combination using the sequence field.


Page 292: Tayo HR Config

Configure Wage Types for Section.88 (Third party Deductions)

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-

16.5.1 Purpose

In this section of the Implementation Guide (IMG), Sec.80 deductions and Investments under section 88 made through payroll shall be captured for Income tax calculation purpose.

16.5.2 Description

The legal system provides for deductions from taxable income and rebates that are subtracted from the income tax otherwise payable by an employee.  Sometimes employer facilitates deductions from employee's salary once in a year or any other frequency suggested by employee to contribute to the relevant Funds/Trusts etc, so that employee can avail deductions under section 80 and / or rebate under section 88. In this section of the IMG, we can assign wage types to be deducted for various heads under section 80 and section 88. Contributions or investments made under Section 88 are considered as rebates from the total tax payable by the employee. By assigning a wage type, we ensure that the annual value of the wage type along with the entries made in Section 88 Deductions infotype (0586) becomes eligible for rebate from tax payable otherwise for the specified investment.

Wage types configured in Infotype 57 (Membership Fees), which attracts tax exemptions under this section, shall be configured here Income tax calculation purpose in Payroll processing.

1. Click on IMG Activity - to wage types for section 88 to calculate income tax exemptions.

2. Assign wage type code to the Tax Saving Type mentioned in the Table.


3. If more than one wage type has to be assigned to same Tax saving type, copy the appropriate deduction (investments) from list of Tax saving schemes mentioned in the table and enter sequence number in the Sequence filed.

4. Click on save button or Ctrl +S to save the entries made.

5. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable.

Tables storing relevant data



Page 293: Tayo HR Config

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.


Configuration Description – Third party (Section.88).

IMG Path to configuration Wage types for section.88

Assignment of wage types under section 88.


More than one wage type can be associated with same sub-section / division combination using the sequence field.

Assign tax code limits wage types (Tax liability on RAPs)

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


Page 294: Tayo HR Config


In this section of the Implementation Guide (IMG), we can make the settings that affect the calculation of tax on reimbursements, allowances and perks during a payroll run.


Tax code limits, wage types and other criteria shall be assigned to appropriate tax code mentioned in the system. This value is taken into account when calculating the employees tax liabilities on certain benefits. Settings that will affect the calculation of tax on reimbursements, allowances and perks during a payroll run shall be made in this section. These tax limits or rates and other details are used for verification during a payroll run.

1. Path: Payroll IndiaTax Tax Liability on RAPs.

2. Click on IMG Activity - to assign tax code limits to wage types.

3. Click on to enter required details in the Taxability of wage types screen.


4. Enter Wage type, tax type, frequency, exemption amount, tax code, period start date and end date in the appropriate fields of the taxability of wage types screen.

5. Click on save button or Ctrl +S to save the entries made.

6. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable.

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T7INT9

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

Configuration Description – Taxability of Wage Types.


Page 295: Tayo HR Config

IMG Path to Assign Tax code limits to wage types.

Configuration of taxability of wage types in RAPs Table.


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Off Cycle Payrol l

General information

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this section of the IMG Off cycle payroll related parameters shall be configured. TAYO ROLLS LIMITED requirements like Payment of Bonus, SAF Payment, and Annual Bonus etc will be paid to employees during the month (apart from payroll).


Payroll run that is carried out in addition to the regular payroll run for a specific day and for individual employees. This activity helps in issuing a check to replace payments that were originally made or employee lost or damaged the check, to make a bonus payment or to pay LTC or leave advances.


1. Path: IMG PayrollPayroll IndiaOff cycle Activities.

2. Click on Off cycle Activities which will list out sequence of sub nodes required to configure for Off-cycle Payroll purpose.

Infotypes Populated

1. Off cycle payments - Infotype:267

Tables storing relevant data

1. Not Applicable.

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

Configuration Description – Off cycle payroll activity.


Page 297: Tayo HR Config

IMG Path for Off cycle activities.

Check entry permissibility for Infotype- 0267

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this activity, you check those wage types you want to be paid through the One-Time Payments Off-Cycle Infotype (0267) for an Off cycle payroll run.


Wage types shall be configured in this node that is allowed for onetime Off cycle payroll. System shall permit these wage types only while performing Off cycle payroll activities.


1. Click on IMG Activity - to define entry permissibility for Infotype (0267)

2. Click on to configure permissible wage types for Off cycle activities.

3. Enter Wage type code, start date, end date and flag mark frequency column in the appropriate fields of Allowed wage types for Off cycle payments table.

4. Click on save button or Ctrl +S to save the entries made.

5. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T512Z

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable

Configuration Description – Entry permissibility per Infotype:0267.


Page 298: Tayo HR Config

Screen 4 : IMG Path to Check permissibility for Infotype:0267.

Configuration of wage types for Off-cycle payments

Specify default values for wage types

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-

17.3.1 Purpose

In this step, default wage types for certain payments shall be configured.

17.3.2 Description

Default wage types for certain payment methods like Bonus payment shall be configured in this IMG node. System defaults these wage types based on the off cycle reason selected by the Administrator.


1. Click on IMG Activity - to specify default values for wage types.


Page 299: Tayo HR Config

2. Click on to configure default wage types for bonus run.

3. Enter Off cycle reason, Wage type code, start date and end date shall be entered in the appropriate fields of default wage types for bonus run.

4. Click on save button or Ctrl +S to save the entries made.

5. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Not applicable.

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T52OCW

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

Configuration Description – specify default values for wage types.

Specify default values for wage types.

Off cycle reason and default wage types.

17.2 Specify default values for payment methods

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


Page 300: Tayo HR Config

17.4.1 Purpose

In this step, default values for payment methods shall be specified.

17.4.2 Description

For off-cycle payroll, a payment method is already specified in the group box Specify payment method, which the administrator can change at any time. In this step, you specify the default payment method for off-cycle payroll. You can specify payment method for each off-cycle reason.


1. Click on IMG Activity - to specify default values for payment methods.

2. Click on to configure default payment methods.

3. Off cycle reason, valid period start date, end date and flag mark default payment method IT009/Check/Man.check based on the applicability.

4. Click on save button or Ctrl +S to save the entries made.

5. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Not applicable

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T52OCB

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not applicable.

Configuration Description – Default value for payment method.

Specify default values for payment methods.


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Off cycle reason and default wage types.


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General information

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this section, determine how deductions with priorities and arrears are processed during TAYO ROLLS LIMITED payroll run for various locations.


Deduction priorities and arrears processing for calculating deductions shall be customized in this part of IMG. Based on the deduction priorities and arrears processing methods assigned to each deduction wage type system will prioritize which deduction shall be taken into consideration incase of insufficient salary during payroll processing. This will also helps in determining what happens to the deduction amount when the available net amount is not sufficient. The remaining amount can be transferred into the next period via the arrears table. The deduction is then reprocessed in this period.


1. Path: IMGPayrollPayroll IndiaDeductionsArrears and priorities.

2. Click on Activity Deductions Arrears and priorities which will list down a series of sub nodes required to configure for prioritizing of deductions.

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable.

Tables storing relevant data

1. Not Applicable.

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

Configuration Description – Prioritising deductions.


Page 303: Tayo HR Config

IMG Path for Arrears and priorities for deductions.


For maintaining priorities for deductions only this section has to be maintained otherwise no need to customize this section.

Check wage type group ‘Deductions for Arrears’

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this step, wage types shall be assigned to a wage type group ‘Deductions for arrears’.


All the deduction wages must be assigned to Wage Type Group 7001 – Deduction for Arrears for prioritising of deductions for arrears processing during payroll run. These priorities helps in determining which deduction has to be taken first and processing of amounts in case of insufficient salary of the employee. Based on the arrears characteristics assigned system will determine whether the deductions are to be ignored or to deduct available amount and processing of remaining amount.


1. Click on IMG Activity - to group wage types for Deductions for arrears.

2. Check all the wage types are reflecting in the Wage types Group (7001).

3. Click on if wage types to be included and wage type

code in the WT field and press Enter

4. Click on save button or Ctrl +S to save the entries made.

5. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable.

Tables storing relevant data

1. VV_52D7_B_7001_AL0


Page 304: Tayo HR Config

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

Configuration Description – Wage type Group deductions for arrears.

IMG path for Path for Wage type group (7001).

Wage type group deductions for arrears.


The standard system contains model wage types for arrears deductions that are already assigned to the wage type group.

Define priority for deductions

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this step, deduction wage type characteristics for priorities and arrears processing shall be determined.


Page 305: Tayo HR Config


Each deduction wage type shall be prioritized based on the requirements. During payroll run these deductions are sorted out based on the priorities assigned and processed in that order. If the net amount is insufficient for all deductions, then system will consider arrears characteristics assigned to each wage type and process accordingly. Following are the options for while processing deductions and arrears: 1 Deduct the whole amount: 2 deduct as much as possible 3 deduct as much as possible, remaining amount in arrears table 5 Deduct everything or nothing 6 Deduct everything or nothing, remaining amount in arrears table. Deduction Priority: A (highest) to Z (least) The deductions in the arrears table are transferred to the next payroll period; here the system tries once again to withhold the deduction from the net amount.


1. Click on IMG Activity - to define priority for deduction.

2. Enter start date, end date of the period, priorities for deductions and arrears in the respective fields of the table in the sub screen Characteristics of arrears; deductions, priority, character.

3. Click on save button or Ctrl +S to save the entries made.

4. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable.

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_51P6_B

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

Configuration Description – Define priorities for deductions.

Screen 5 : Define priority for deductions


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Characteristics of arrears for deductions.


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Maintain arrears deduction for retroactive accounting

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


Processing of deduction arrears during retro accounting shall be determined in this node.


In this step, how deduction arrears are processed in retroactive accounting shall be determined. During a retroactive run, the same amount is deducted as during the original run for the payroll period, regardless of whether or not the amount has changed retroactively. For this reason, it must be determined how any difference between the old and new deduction amounts is to be processed. It is possible to carry the difference through to the next payroll period, either in full, or only if the amount is positive or negative, or to ignore it completely. The arrears table is used to carry the differences forward to the next original period, in which they are then processed further. Assign a parameter to deduction wage type to determine how it has to be processed during payroll run.

Parameters for retro accounting: 1 Deduct old amount, difference to Arrears table, 2 Deduct old amount only positive difference to arrears 3 Deduct old amount, only negative amount to arrears 4 Deduct old amount, ignore difference.


1. Click on IMG Activity - to maintain arrears for Retroactive accounting.

2. Enter start date, end date of the period, Retro accounting arrears in the respective fields of the table in the sub screen Characteristics of arrears; deductions, retro-Accounting.

3. Click on save button or Ctrl +S to save the entries made.

4. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. V_51P6_C

Tables storing relevant data

1. Not Applicable.

Relationship with Other

1. Not Applicable.



Page 308: Tayo HR Config


Configuration Description – Define priorities for deductions.

IMG Path to Maintain Arrears Deductions

Maintain Arrears Parameters for Retro accounting.


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Company Loans

General Information

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


TAYO ROLLS LIMITED is providing various types loans to their employees with different loan conditions. This loan amount is deducted from the salary in regular installments during payroll processing. In this section, required settings shall be made to enter data and process Company loans.


This section of the IMG shall be configured to administer Company Loans in SAP. The amount of administration is kept low as the processing of formalities, payment of the loan, repayment and interest payment by the employee, can simply be processed using Payroll. Loan repayment and interest calculation are automatically processed in Payroll and, according to entries made, withheld from the employee’s salary. The loan accounting data is saved together with the payroll results. Loan types distinguish between loans using the purpose and the loan category. At least one loan condition is assigned to a loan type. The interest rate and repayment pattern for the loan are stored in this type of loan condition. Enter Loan data of the employee in Loans Infotype (0045).


1. Path: IMGPayrollPayroll India Company Loans.

2. Click on IMG Activity Company Loans which will display calculation and Master data maintenance for Company loans.

Infotypes Populated

1. Company Loans - 0045

Tables storing relevant data

1. Not Applicable.

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

Configuration Description – Company Loans.


Page 310: Tayo HR Config

IMG Path to maintain Company Loans.


For administering Company Loans in SAP only this section has to be maintained otherwise no need to customize this section.

Activate Calculation

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In TAYO ROLLS LIMITED different Loans are provided to employees for the benefit of the employees. Data related to Loans provided to employees shall be captured in infotype: 45. In this step, processing of Loans data stored in Loans Infotype shall be activated to calculate during payroll processing.


Loans provided to employees by the Companies in order to meet different requirements of the employees. These loans includes Initial settling loans, computer loans, vehicle loans, soft furnishing loans and non refundable pf loans, which shall be provided to employees based on their eligibility as per Company Policy. Loans provided to employees shall be captured in Loans Infotype: 0045. In order to process the loans (data stored in infotype) during payroll processing Personnel Calculation (Sub) Schema: INLN shall be activated in Payroll Schema: ZN00.


Page 311: Tayo HR Config


1. Click on IMG Activity - to ‘Activate Calculation’ of Loans data in Infotype: 0045 during payroll processing every month.

2. Enter ‘ZN00’ Customer specific payroll schema and choose

to activate the Loan Accounting Sub Schema.

3. Remove * from the Column’D’ marked against the Loan Accounting sub schema INLN to Activate Loans Calculation during Payroll Processing.

4. Click (Ctrl + F2) to check whether customized feature is correct or not.

5. If message is ‘error free’ click on (Ctrl +F3) to activate the feature.

6. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen.

Infotypes Populated

1. Company Loans -0045

Tables storing relevant data

1. Not Applicable.

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable

Configuration Description to activate Loan Accounting Subschema.

IMG Path to Activate Calculation of Loans data.


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Personnel Calculation Schemas: Initial Screen


Page 313: Tayo HR Config

Personnel Calculation Schemas: Initial Screen

Adjust Value Date

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In TAYO ROLLS LIMITED different types of loans are provided to employees based on the eligibility as per Company Policy. Loans provided to employees shall be deducted on installments basis, as per the data provided in the Infotype: 0045, from the employees’ salary during payroll processing. The repayment installment computation date, whether it is from start of the month or end of the month, shall be captured in this node.


Loans provided to the employees, as per Company Policy, shall be deducted from employees salary on installment basis every month. Details of the Loans provided to the employees like Loan amount, repayment installment, no of installments and other loan conditions are captured in the Infotype: 0045. The repayment installment, which shall be deducted from employee salary every month during payroll processing, shall reduce the interest yielding capital (interest calculation method) either from the start day of the month or last day of the month. This repayment installment method shall be configured in this IMG node as per Company Policy / requirement.


Page 314: Tayo HR Config


1. Click on IMG Activity - to ‘Adjust value date ’ for repayment installment of Company Loans provided to the employees.

2. Click on in the sub sequent screen ‘HR Loans: Define value date for each payroll area’ to enter Payroll Areas and to define value date for payroll area, as per the applicability.

3. Enter Payroll Areas, start date, end date and select value date as per the applicability in the appropriate fields of the Table: ‘HR Loans: Define value date for each payroll area’ table.

4. Click on Save to button (Ctrl + s) to save the entries.

5. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen.

Infotypes Populated

1. Company Loans -0045

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T506S

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable

Configuration Description to Adjust value date for Company Loans.

IMG Path to Adjust Value date.


Page 315: Tayo HR Config

HR Loans: Define Value date for each payroll area.

Specify Interest Calculation Method

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this step, interest calculation method shall be maintained and assigned.


Interest calculation shall be done in accordance with the specifications mentioned in this section. Standard interest calculation method assumes 30 days in a month and 360 days in a year. Interest calculation method shall be assigned to INTLO Feature, which will default calculation method to all Loan types, which will applicable to the whole system. If different calculation methods are required for different loan types, specify interest calculation method in maintain loan types node. This interest calculation method will ride the interest calculation method assigned in INTLO feature. Thus different loan conditions shall be assigned to different loan types based on the requirements.


1. Click on IMG Activity - Specify Interest Calculation method to maintain Loans Interest Calculation Method (Feature: INTLO).

2. Select INTLO and choose (F5) to customize feature, which will open sub screen INTLO: Choose nodes for new nodes.


Page 316: Tayo HR Config

3. Select Filed for Decision operation and choose enter in the sub

screen opened

4. Select MOLGA country grouping in the sub screen Field

Selection for decision operation to choose (transfer), which will display MOLGA in tree structure.

5. Select MOLGA in the tree structure and choose (F5) which lead to sub screen Value for MOLGA. Enter Country grouping for

India ‘40’ in the values table and choose (transfer) and the same shall be displayed in the tree structure.

6. Select 40 India and choose (F5) which lead to sub screen INTLO: Choose nodes for new nodes.

7. Select return value and choose (transfer) which will display list of interest calculation methods.

8. Select appropriate interest calculation method and choose Enter. Selected interest calculation method will be displayed in the tree structure.

9. To change the conditions in feature, select the decision criteria /

return value and choose (F6) which will display list of values.

10. Choose / enter vales in the displayed screen and choose (transfer), which will display the desired requirements in tree structure.

11. Click (Ctrl + F2) to check whether customized feature is correct or not.

12. If message is ‘error free’ click on (Ctrl +F3) to activate the feature.

13. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen.

Infotypes Populated

1. Company Loans -0045

Tables storing relevant data

1. Not Applicable.

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable

Configuration Description – Feature INTLO.


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IMG Path for defining Company Loans.

Feature INTLO.


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Maintain Loan types (Master Data)

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


Loan types that exist in the company shall be configured here.


All the loan types that exist in the Company with their characteristics shall be configured in this node. Different interests rate for a loan type shall be configured here by assigning number to loan conditions. In the country assignment, each loan type shall be assigned to Infotype: 0045, Country Grouping 40 and permissibility of loan types shall be maintained. In the technical attributes of loan types, Loan conditions for each loan type shall be maintained. Loan interest rate, ref Interest rate, Interest rate advantage shall be calculated for tax computation purpose, interest computation method, interest cycle, payment shall be assigned to each loan type for further processing in payroll.


1. Click on IMG Activity - to Maintain Loan types.

2. Select Loan types definition of dialog structure displayed in the subsequent screen ’Loan types definition’.

3. Choose to enter different Loan types of the Company.

4. Enter Loan Type code and text in the Subtype and Name fields of the sub type characteristics Table.

5. Click on Save to button (Ctrl + s) to save the entries.

6. Click on back (F3) button to reach Loan Types definition screen.

7. Click on Loan types definition which will show ‘Country Assignment’ screen.

8. Enter Infotype 0045 in I Type filed, Loan Type in Subtype, 40 in CG and put flag mark in the appropriate columns to define whether this Loan type is permissible, not permissible or permissible with warning.

9. Click on Save to button (Ctrl + s) to save the entries.

10.Repeat the same for all loan types and save the entries made.

11. Click on back (F3) button to reach Loan Types definition screen.

12. Click on technical attributes which will show conditions folder.


Page 319: Tayo HR Config

13.Select Loan type and double click on Conditions folder which will lead to, a Table for Loan type, in the conditions screen.

14.Enter condition number, description of term and period start date and end date in the appropriate fields.

15. Click on Save to button (Ctrl + s) to save the entries.

16. Repeat the above steps to define conditions for all loan types and save the entries.

17. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen and to reach IMG configuration node.

Infotypes Populated

1. Company Loans - 0045

Tables storing relevant data

1. Not Applicable.

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable

Configuration Description – Maintain Loan types.

IMG Path to maintain loan types.


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Defining Loan Types (subtypes)

Path to define Loan conditions


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Maintaining Loan conditions to each Loan type.

Control Allocation of Loans (Feature: ALOAN)

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this step, default values for Loans Infotype (0045) shall be defined.


Before configuring this feature, Loan groups shall be defined and assign loan types and conditions (maximum eligible amount) to those groups. These conditions shall be defaulted in the Loans infotype (0045) by configuring the Feature ALOAN. Assign the loan groups to employees groups in the feature to default values while configuring loans infotype for individual employees.


1. Click on IMG Activity - Control Allocation of Loans which will open choose activity sub screen.

2. Double click on the ‘Adapt feature’ for customizing ‘ALOAN’ feature.

3. Select the ‘ALOAN’ node in the screen Process feature ‘ALOAN’

decision tree and click on which lead to sub screen ALOAN: Choose nodes for new nodes.

4. Select filed for decision in the sub screen opened and choose

which lead to field selection for decision operation screen.

5. Select MOLGA country grouping in the sub screen Field

Selection for decision operation and choose (transfer), which will display MOLGA in tree structure.


Page 322: Tayo HR Config

6. Select MOLGA in the tree structure and choose (F5) which lead to sub screen Value for MOLGA. Select Country grouping

for India ‘40’ in the values table and choose (transfer) and the same shall be displayed in the tree structure.

7. Select 40 India and choose (F5) which lead to sub screen 40: Choose nodes for new nodes.

8. Choose PERSG (Employee group) in the sub screen for decision

operation and choose (transfer) and the same shall be displayed in the tree structure.

9. Select PERSG displayed in the tree structure and choose (F5) which lead to sub screen 40: Choose nodes for new nodes

choose (transfer).

10. Choose desired Employee Groups from the list in the sub

screen opened and choose (transfer) to transform the value to feature tree structure.

11. Select Employee Group ‘1’ and choose (F5) which lead to sub screen 40: Choose nodes for new nodes.

12. Choose PERSK (Employee Subgroup) in the sub screen for

decision operation and choose (transfer) and the same shall be displayed in the tree structure.

13. Select PERSK displayed in the tree structure and choose (F5) which lead to sub screen 40: Choose nodes for new nodes

choose (transfer).

14. Choose desired Employee Sub Groups from the list in the sub

screen opened and choose (transfer) to transform the value to feature tree structure.

15. Select each employee subgroup listed in the tree structure and

choose (F5) which lead to sub screen 40: Choose nodes for new nodes.

16. Choose ‘Return Values’ in the sub screen opened and press (transfer) to enter the applicable loan group to the employee subgroup.

17. Enter Loan Group in the appropriate column in the sub screen

‘Enter a Value’ and choose (transfer) to transform the value to feature tree structure.

18. Click (Ctrl + F2) to check whether customized feature is correct or not.

19. If message is ‘error free’ click on (Ctrl +F3) to activate the feature.


Page 323: Tayo HR Config

20. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen

Infotypes Populated

1. Company Loans – 0045.

Tables storing relevant data

1. Not Applicable

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

Configuration Description – Feature ALOAN.

IMG Path to configure ALOAN Feature.

ALOAN feature configuration node.


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Feature ALOAN.


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Maintain Loans Grouping (40 LGR Feature)

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this step, default values for Loans Infotype (0045) shall be defined. In TAYO ROLLS LIMITED certain Loan types applicable to some employee groups, as per Company Policy. These default loan types shall be configured in this feature.


Loan types shall be defaulted based on the applicability to the employees as determined in the Company Policy. In order to configure this feature Loan groups shall be determined based on the applicability criteria to the employees as per Company policy. System will default the values while maintaining Company Loans Infotype, based on this feature configuration. Feature helps in reducing the data entry and it will provide Administrative control.

1. Click on IMG Activity - Maintain Loan Grouping to customize 40 LGR feature.

2. Select the ’40 LGR’ (Feature to determine Loan grouping) node in

the Process Feature 40 LGR Decision Tree and choose (F5).

3. Select filed for decision in the sub screen opened and choose which leads to Field selection for decision operation screen.

4. Select MOLGA country grouping in the sub screen Field Selection

for decision operation and choose (transfer), which will display MOLGA in tree structure.

5. Select MOLGA in the tree structure and choose (F5) which lead to sub screen Value for MOLGA. Select Country grouping for

India ‘40’ in the values table and choose (transfer) and the same shall be displayed in the tree structure.

6. Select 40 India and choose (F5) which lead to sub screen 40: Choose nodes for new nodes.

7. Select filed for decision in the sub screen opened and choose which leads to Field selection for decision operation screen.

8. Select ‘LTYPE’ Loan Type and choose (Enter) to transfer the same to decision tree.

9. Select ‘LTYPE’ Loan Type and choose (F5) which lead to Value For Loan Type Sub screen.

10. Enter the Loan Types determined in the subsequent screen in

the Values column and choose (Enter) and the same shall be


Page 326: Tayo HR Config

displayed in the tree structure.

11. Select Loan Type in the displayed tree structure and choose (F5) which will lead to Sub Screen: Values for LTYPE.

12. Enter Loan Types in the appropriate columns of the sub screen opened, which required to configure in this feature to default

values to applicable Allowance Groupings and choose (Enter) to transfer the values to the decision tree).

13. Choose one of the Loan Types displayed in the decision tree and

choose (F5) which will lead to Sub Screen: Choose Node for New Nodes.

14. Select Field for decision operation in the sub screen opened and

choose (Enter) to get the screen Field selection for decision operation.

15. Select ALGRP (Payscale grouping for Allowances) in the sub

screen opened and choose (Enter) to transfer the same to decision tree structure.

16. Select ALGRP in the displayed tree structure and choose (F5) which will lead to Sub Screen: Values for ALGRP.

17. Enter the required Payscale Grouping for Allowances in the

appropriate columns and choose (Enter) to transfer the same to decision tree structure.

18. Select one of the Allowance Groupings (ALGRP) displayed in the

tree structure and choose (F5) which will lead to sub screen: Choose Node for New Nodes.

19. Select Return Value in the decision tree and choose (Enter) which will lead to sub screen: Loan Grouping (India) determined in Feature 40 LGR.

20. Select applicable Loan Group in the sub screen opened and

choose (Enter) to transfer the same to decision tree structure.

21.Repeat the same steps to assign Loan grouping to other Allowance groupings in the tree structure.

22.Create a dummy group and assign the same to otherwise node to complete the feature.

23. Click (Ctrl + F2) to check whether customized feature is correct or not.

24. If message is ‘error free’ click on (Ctrl +F3) to activate the feature

25. Click on back (F3) button to come out of the screen.


Page 327: Tayo HR Config

Infotypes Populated

1. Company Loans – 0045.

Tables storing relevant data

1. Not Applicable

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable.

Configuration Description – Feature 40 LGR.

IMG Path to configure 40 LGR Feature.


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40 LGR feature configuration node.


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Maintain Deduction Details Under Section : 24

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this step, loans which attract exemptions under Section.24 shall be configured.


Housing Loans which will attract exemptions under section 24 of the Income Tax Act shall be configured in this node. Housing Loans processed in the Loans Infotype (0045) will get tax exemptions automatically in Payroll processing of that particular employee.

1. Click on IMG Activity - Maintain deduction details under Section-24 which will lead to sub screen : Section 24 deduction details maintenance screen.

2. Click on ‘New Entries’ button to enter loan types which will attract exemptions under Section.24.

3. Enter Housing related Loan types in the Loan type Column and mark the check box in the Column Section.24 of the table Section 24 deduction details maintenance.

4. Click on Save to button (Ctrl + s) to save the entries.

5. Click on (F3) button to come out of the screen and to reach IMG configuration node.

Infotypes Populated

1. 0045 (Loans)

2. 0584 (Income from other sources)

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T7INJ1

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable

Configuration description to maintain deduction details under section:24


Page 330: Tayo HR Config

IMG Path to maintain deduction details under Section.24.

Section.24 deduction details maintenance screen.


Loan types configured in this node shall also be updated in Infotype:584 (Income from other sources) to process exemptions in Payroll.


Page 331: Tayo HR Config

Posting Payrol l Results to Accounting

General Information

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-

IMG Path Personnel Management Personnel Administration Payroll India Report for Posting Payroll results to Accounting

Name of the BBP Process

Configurable Items – Posting Payroll Results

IMG reference – Posting Payroll Results to accounting


In this section posting of payroll results to Accounting system shall be configured. Payroll creates payroll components for each payroll period. Payroll results contain information that is relevant to accounting. These results shall be posted to Accounting system for various reasons like updating of accounts under different accounts (Expense accounts, Payables accounts, Sub ledger accounts, Vendor Accounts), MIS reports, Balance sheet preparation etc. Hence; this configuration can be considered as interface between FI and HR (Payroll) modules.


This section deals with the configuration related to posting of payroll results to accounting system.


1. Path: IMGPayroll Payroll India Reporting for Payroll Results to Accounting.

2. Click on IMG Activity Reporting for Payroll Results to Accounting which will display list of configuration nodes required to configure for posting of payroll results to Accounting system.

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable

Tables storing relevant data

1. Not Applicable

Relationship with Other Nodes

1. Not Applicable


Page 332: Tayo HR Config

Configuration Description – Reporting for Payroll Results to Accounting.


Page 333: Tayo HR Config

IMG Path to Reporting for posting payroll results for posting.


If Human resource and accounting system are implemented in separate system , Carryout the activities in HR system and other account system.

Define Symbolic Accounts

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this step, define the symbolic accounts Payroll object used when posting results to accounting.


The number of symbolic accounts and the respective characteristics represent the different expenses and payables that occur as personnel costs within payroll and must be posted to accounting. The symbolic accounts are assigned to financial accounts. This ensures that account determination takes place during posting to accounting.


1. Click on IMG activity button to Symbolic accounts

2. Click on enter the values

3. Maintain the account type and employee group dependent

4. Save the values

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable

Tables storing relevant data

1. V_T52EK

Relationship with Other

1. Not Applicable.


Page 334: Tayo HR Config


Configuration Define Symbolic accounts.

IMG Path to configure Symbolic Accounts.


Employee group indicator. If this indicator is set for an account, posting to this account also considers employee grouping for account determination.

Define Posting Characteristics of Wage types

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this step, maintain the Posting characteristic for wage type according to significance of wage type for posting to accounting.


We can use the processing type to assign the posting characteristic of wage for posting payroll results.


1. Click on IMG activity button to Define posting characteristic for wage type

2. Click on enter the values


Page 335: Tayo HR Config

3. Maintain the processing type, symbolic account and Ignore cost assignment

4. Save the values.

Infotypes Populated

2. Not Applicable

Tables storing relevant data

2. V_T52EL

Relationship with Other Nodes

2. Not Applicable.

Configuration Posting characteristic for wage type.

IMG Path to configure Wage type Characteristics.


The symbolic account must have account assignment type C. The wage type basic pay is entered in the payroll result with a '+' sign. The sign is not changed as positive amounts are posted to the debit side; you therefore enter a +. In this case, you do not have to set up special processing or additional account assignment.


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Assign Expense Accounts

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this step, assign expense accounts to the symbolic accounts used for posting.


Expense accounts are often used for employee groupings for account determination.


1. Click on IMG activity button assign expense accounts

2. Enter the chart of accounts (1000)

3. Click on new entries enter the values

4. Maintain the symbolic account, employee subgroup, G/L accounts

5. Save the values.

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable

Tables storing relevant data

1. Not Applicable

Relationship with Other Nodes

3. Not Applicable.

Configuration of Assign Expense accounts.


Page 337: Tayo HR Config

IMG Path to configure Symbolic Accounts.


Check the assignment between employee grouping for account determination, the symbolic account, G/L account.

Assign Balance Sheet Accounts

This section describes the Configurable Item in detail:-


In this step, assign Balance Sheet accounts to the symbolic accounts used for posting.


Balance sheet accounts are often used for employee groupings for account determination.


Page 338: Tayo HR Config


1. Click on IMG activity button assign Balance Sheet accounts

2. Enter the chart of accounts (1000)

3. Click on new entries enter the values

4. Maintain the symbolic account, employee subgroup, G/L accounts

5. Save the values.

Infotypes Populated

1. Not Applicable

Tables storing relevant data

1. Not Applicable

Relationship with Other Nodes

4. Not Applicable.

Configuration to Assign Balance Sheet accounts.

Configuration to assign balance Sheet accounts.



Page 339: Tayo HR Config

Check the assignment between employee grouping for account determination, the symbolic account, G/L account.

5. Recruitment


The ability to meet personnel requirements is key for enterprises. The success of an enterprise depends on such factors as the quality and availability of personnel. It is particularly important for the development and success of expanding enterprises that they have quick access to adequate personnel.

The Recruitment component can be used to recruit personnel based on the organization’s requirements. The applicants available to the organization may be included in the selection procedure for vacancies, by advertising for personnel (e.g. job advertisements) or by receiving unsolicited applications.

This component enables the definition of a recruitment procedure that suits the needs of the organization. Tasks and responsibilities can be distributed and to different people involved in the recruitment process. Recruitment enables dividing and assigning administrative and decision-making task areas.

The Recruitment component enables automation of many processes. This reduces the administrative tasks of the HR Department.

This component has all the functions for working through the entire recruitment procedure, from creating applicant data to filling vacant positions.

The Recruitment component contains an entire range of powerful, flexible functions that can be used to implement an effective – and largely automated – recruitment strategy.

This book explains how to make the necessary settings to configure your Recruitment systemMenu path: SPRO Personnel Management Recruitment


Page 340: Tayo HR Config

Basic settings in Recruitment

Integration with Personnel Administration is set up using the following features:

Feature PRELI (Integration for internal applicants)

Feature PRELI is used to specify whether data on internal applicants can be read from the employee database and whether applicant data can be transferred from Recruitment to the employee database.

Feature PRELR (Integration of employees/applicants)

Feature PRELR is used to specify whether employee master data on line managers can be read from the employee database.

Feature PAPLI (Integration between Personnel Administration and Recruitment)

Feature PAPLI is used to control whether applicant data is available within Personnel Administration.If you run Recruitment and Personnel Administration in separate systems, you must import the employee master data on line managers into Recruitment at the start of customizing to ensure access to this data.2. Integration between Recruitment with Organizational ManagementThis integration enables you to administer your Positions and vacancies using Organizational Management.Note that integration to Recruitment is switched on when the following entries exist in the T775S0 (V_T77S0) view of Organizational Management.


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The Settings in V_T77S0 table can be made this way.



value. abbr.


Integration between Recruitment and Personnel DevelopmentThis integration enables you to administer qualifications using Personnel Development. It also enables you to compare applicants' qualifications with freely definable requirement profiles for a position. You set up Personnel Development and its integration to Recruitment in the Implementation Guide (IMG) of Personnel Development under Integration to Personnel Administration/ Recruitment. Note that the integration to Personnel Administration is switched on when the following entry exists in the T775S0 (V_T775S0) view of Personnel



value abbr.


Activities1. Check the extent to which your company uses Personnel Administration, Organizational Management and Personnel Development. Discuss the subject so that these three modules of Human Resource Management can be integrated.2. Maintain feature PRELI, referring to the feature documentation.3. Maintain feature PRELR, referring to the feature documentation.4. Maintain feature PAPLI, referring to the feature documentation.5. Make the appropriate settings in the T775S0 view.

PRELI Integration of 'Internal' Applicants

This feature is used to determine whether data on 'internal applicants' is available on the employee master database.



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The feature is used in infotype 4005 or during initial entry of data on internal applicants to determine whether the field 'Applicant's pers.no.' is checked against the employee database. If the check is activated, the system imports data from the 'Addresses' and 'Personal Data' infotypes as defaults for initial data entry. When data is transferred by means of the recurring tasks function, this feature controls the type of transfer, which takes place. When using an integrated system the data transferred directly to the employee database; otherwise the data can be saved to a local file. Infotype 4005, Applicant's Pers. No.

PRELR Integration Applicant/Employee

Relationships are established between applicants and employees at different points within the Recruitment system. The following are examples of the relationships that can be established:

1. When you perform the Initial entry of basic data applicant action, you can specify a reference employee. The reference employee is already an employee in your enterprise, and represents the employee who recommends the applicant for your enterprise.

2. When you create the Applications infotype (4001) for an applicant, you can specify a contact employee. The contact employee is also an employee in your enterprise, and represents the employee who receives the application in your enterprise, who forwards the application, or to whom the application refers.

3. If you specify a line manager for particular vacancies, the system can check the existence of this employee.

You can use this feature to determine whether the system checks the personnel numbers of the above employees (reference employees, contact employees, and line managers) against the employee master data file at the time of entry, and to specify how the system should react.


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Create number ranges for applicant numbers

In this step you create the number range(s) for applicant number assignment with a corresponding number interval.Applicant number assignment can be carried out internally or externally:

Internal number assignment

This means that the system assigns applicant numbers automatically. External number assignment

Here the user assigns the numbers.

Choose number ranges

In this step you determine the number range(s) used to assign applicant numbers.


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Number ranges are set using feature NUMAP (applicant number ranges). The decision tree of this feature enables you to select one or more of the number ranges for assigning applicant numbers set up in the previous step.RequirementsYou must already have set up the necessary number range(s) in the step "Set up number ranges for applicant numbers".RecommendationWe recommend that you use one number range for all applicants.ActivitiesMaintain feature NUMAP. Please refer to the feature documentation when doing this.

Workforce Requirements and Advertising

In this section you make all the necessary system settings for the administration of workforce requirements and advertising.

A company's workforce requirements are reflected in Recruitment by means of vacancies. Vacancies are positions, which must be filled either partially or completely. They are created and maintained by the user as transaction data but a user can only create vacancies if the positions available within the company have already been set up. Vacancies are published injob advertisements. Advertisements are transaction data and are created and maintained by the user. Recruitment instruments and media are set up during customizing.


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Create positions

In this step you set up the positions available within your company.A company's workforce requirements are represented in the Recruitment system by means of vacancies created and maintained by the user. A user can only create a vacancy if the positions available within the company have already been set up.

Create media


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In this step you create the media used by your company.The medium serves two purposes in Recruitment:

It is used to classify all recruitment instruments.

For example, the recruitment instruments "Washington Post" and "New York Times" are classified under the medium "Press".

It is also used to indicate the medium through which an unsolicited applicant came into contact with the company.

The applicant class is an attribute of the medium and indicates whether a medium is used to attract internal or external applicants

Create recruitment instruments

In this step you create therecruitment instruments your company uses.Every job advertisement is published in a recruitment instrument. Recruitment instruments are classified according to the media used.You can store a contact name and address key for each recruitment instrument. The address key can be used to store the address (of a contact) for a recruitment instrument in step "Create addresses for recruitment instruments".

In the Below screen User can enter Instrument number and the medium from F4 selection and Address of the Recruitment Instrument.


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Applicant Selection

In this section you make all the settings necessary for the applicant selection procedure.

Application Status

Two types of selection procedure take place in the Recruitment system: a global selection procedure

a selection procedure for each vacancy

Every applicant entered in the system takes part in the global selection procedure for a company. This selection procedure determines whether or not an applicant is of interest to the company. If this proves to be the case, i.e. the applicant is not rejected, he/she can then be included in one or more selection procedures for a vacancy. For this purpose, the applicant must be assigned to the vacancies in question.You can make a decision at any point during either of these selection procedures as to whether the applicant continues to be of interest. Your decision is reflected in the applicant status, of which there are two types to correspond to the two types of selection procedure:

Overall status


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Indicates an applicant's current status (e.g. processing, on hold, to be interviewed) in the global selection procedure for the company.

Vacancy assignment status

Indicates an applicant's current status (e.g. processing, on hold, to be interviewed) in the selection procedure for a particular vacancy.

The overall status is assigned during initial entry of applicant data (applicant action Initial entry of basic data) and must be present for each applicant at all times. The overall status indicates whether an applicant is currently included in one or more selection procedures (e.g. overall status processing, on hold, to be interviewed), or whether all the selection procedures in which he/she was included have been completed (overall status rejected or hired).An applicant receives a vacancy assignment status when he/she is assigned to a vacancy. If an applicant has more than one vacancy assignment, each of these has a vacancy assignment status.A selection procedure is completed when all applicants involved have been assigned the status rejected or hired.

Create status reasons

In this step you create the required status reasons.You can specify one status reason for each overall status and vacancy assignment status for an applicant. The status reason indicates why an applicant has a particular overall status or vacancy assignment status.The status reason can be given purely for information but can also be used by the system when creating applicant activities automatically:The status reason specified for an overall status can be used to determine which standard text is assigned to the activity when the system creates it and thus which letter the applicant is to receive. You can determine which status reasons can be combined with an overall status along with the standard texts in the step "Change automatic creation of applicant activities".


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Set permissible status reasons for each applicant status

In this step you set the permissible status reasons for the individual applicant statuses.If it is not necessary to provide further information on a certain applicant status by specifying a status reason, you do not need to make any entries for this status.

You can create new Statuses by clicking on new entries and giving the statuses.

Applicant Actions

In this step you make the necessary system settings for the Applicant Actions transaction.The term "applicant action" is used in two senses in Recruitment. These are:

1. The Applicant Actions transaction


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The Applicant Actions transaction enables you to perform system-controlled operations (applicant action types), which change the applicant's overall status (e.g. hire applicant). Each operation can be assigned a sequence of infotypes, which are processed one after the other in the course of the action.2. Infotype 4000, Applicant ActionsWhen the Applicant Actions transaction is carried out, a new record for the applicant is usually added to infotype 4000, Applicant Actions. The key of the action carried out, as well as the status reason, if necessary, is recorded in the infotype. The applicant's overall status (e.g. processing, invite, to be hired) is also recorded here.

Change applicant actions

In this step, you customize the action coding. The action key and the corresponding text are transferred to infotype Applicant Actions (4000).If changes to the personnel area, the applicant group or applicant range are linked to an action, these fields must be set so that they are ready for input. To do this, mark the corresponding column with a cross.Assign the appropriate status to the action. If you want to process an info group using an action, assign the relevant info group key to the action. Please note that actions used for initial entry of applicant data must have the function "1".It is possible to use actions without having to create the Applicant Actions infotype.  Please refer to the documentation on the Update of infotype 4000 when carrying out an action field.


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Applicant Activities

Applicant activities document the administrative steps through which an applicant passes during the selection procedure. Activities are assigned to the candidate's job applications, regardless of whether these applications exist simultaneously or in a chronological sequence. An activity is assigned uniquely to one applicant and to one of his/her applications.Activities can be created manually or generated automatically using a feature. Activities that must be performed for all applicants, such as "Mail confirmation of receipt", are normally generated automatically by the system. The user determines all other activities. One processing step enables you to generate one or more activities automatically for the following purposes:

To record an applicant's position in the selection procedure

To provide an applicant with information on the status of his/her application

To generate and print letters to applicants

To carry out evaluations

Create applicant activity types

The activity type is used to identify the activity. In addition to the three-digit numeric key, the activity type is also described by a short and long text.Example

Mail confirmation of receipt

Transfer applicant file

Mail invitation to interview

Appointment for interview

Mail rejection letter

Mail contract


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6. Training and Event Management


The Training and Event Management component lets you plan and manage any kind of business event: training courses, conferences, lectures and so on. With Training and Event Management you can manage both internal and external events, and make bookings, pre bookings and cancellations.

Menu path : SPRO Training and Event Management.

Maintain Plan Versions


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In this step, you create the plan versions that you require in your enterprise.Plan versions enable you to carry out various simulations and compare plans in the system in parallel. As a rule, only one plan version depicts your enterprise's current organizational plan.Evaluations (reports) always concern only one plan version. Therefore, do not create a plan version for each component in Personnel Planning and Development (Organizational Management, Shift Planning, Personnel Development, Personnel Cost Planning and Training and Event Management). Only one plan version is ever active. This is the integration plan version, which will be considered if integration with Personnel Administration is active. See also the documentation for the step Set Active Plan Version.

Set Active Plan Version

In this step, you specify which plan version is to be the active plan version, that is, the plan version in which you maintain current valid information on your enterprise.

Integration Yes or No?

In this step, you activate integration between Training and Event Management (PE) and Time Management (PT) by setting the PLOGI TIME switch to 1.


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Specify Attendance Types

In this step, you define attendance types for instructors and attendees (object type "P") using the switches AINST and APART. These values are then written as subtypes of the Absences infotype (2002). You also set the switch TIMEP which defines the minimum percentage attendance at a business event that must be recorded to prevent cancellation of the booking.

Create Building Address

In this step, you maintain addresses for buildings.Building addresses provide information on the physical location of rooms.When you create the resource Room, you can maintain the Address infotype for it. You can reference a building address when you do so

Select new entries from the Tool tab or to copy any existing entries click on the building address type and copy it to make changes as per your requirement.


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Business Event Location Switch

In this step, you activate or deactivate the switch ORT depending on whether or not you want to use business event locations. The value 1 activates it and the value 0 deactivates it.

Create Location

In this step, you set up business event locations.


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You can assign locations to business events when you create the events. You can also relate a location with location-dependent resources such as rooms. You create these relationships in the steps Create Room and Create Other Resources.

Create Business Event Group

In this step, you create business event groups . You can use business event groups to create a hierarchical event offering or catalog.Business event types are assigned to business event groups. You maintain this relationship when you carry out the step Create Business Event Type.You record the following data for business event groups:

General description:

The text you store here is included in the business event brochure. Relationship - "Belongs to business event group"

Here you assign a business event group to an overlying business event group. The hierarchy is always created top down.

Create Business Event Type


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In this step, you create business event types. A business event type is a general description of a business event or event date. It serves as the blueprint or model from which individual event dates can be created. In contrast to a business event date, a business event type cannot be scheduled to take place at a particular time.Business event groups, types, and dates together make up the business event catalog.The data you store for the event type is proposed as default values when you create or plan event dates. You may overwrite these proposals.When you create a new business event type, you can use an existing one as a reference to copy from. Here, too, you may overwrite the default values that are proposed.

Activities1. On the initial screen, enter the following data:

o If you are using external number assignment, enter a number in the business event type field for the object you want to create. In the Validity field, enter the validity start date of the object.

o If you are using internal number assignment, just enter the validity start date of the object and choose Create.

2. Enter data for the business event type on the data screen as required.3. There are two possible ways to continue editing:

o If you do not want to use the "Fast data entry" function, save your entries now.

o If you want to use the "Fast data entry" function, choose Fast entry.

You remain on the data screen.4. Enter all further objects and data, saving you entries each time with Save.You remain in fast entry mode until you choose Back.

Further in front screen the user creates Business events, which are actual Training event to which Employee is assigned and which changes every year based on the Training requirements.


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7. Appraisal


This Implementation Guide contains all the necessary information for implementing the Personnel Development component.

The Personnel Development component enables you to maximize your employees' utility to your company. You can plan and implement personnel and training measures to promote your employees' professional development. By taking into account employees' preferences and suitability, you can increase their job satisfaction. Personnel development also sets out to ensure that all of the employees in all of the functional areas in your company are always qualified to the standards required. This is achieved by developing qualification potentials.


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Integration Control parameters for the integration of Personnel Planning and Development (PD) with other applications (such as Personnel Administration (PA) and Cost Accounting (CO), etc.) are specified in the "PLOGI" group.


This section contains the steps you will need to work through to set up integration between the Personnel Development component and the Personnel Administration and Recruitment components.

Integration with Personnel Administration and Recruitment

In this step, you activate integration between the Personnel Development component and the Personnel Administration and Recruitment components.

Transfer Qualifications from Personnel Administration

In this step, you import any infotype 0024 (Qualifications) records from the Personnel Administration component into the Personnel Development component.

Transfer Qualifications from Recruitment


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In this step, you import any infotype 0024 (Qualifications) records from the Recruitment component into the Personnel Development component.

Transfer Appraisals from Personnel Administration

In this step, you import any infotype 0025 (Appraisals) records from the Personnel Administration component into the Personnel Development component.

Edit Scales

In this step, you define and change the proficiency scales that are used in the Qualifications and Requirements and Appraisal Systems components.You define a scale by specifying a unique numeric identifier and a name for the scale. You will also have to define proficiencies for each scale.There are two basic types of scale:

You define a scale by specifying a unique numeric identifier and a name for the scale. You will also have to define proficiencies for each scale.


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There are two basic types of scale:

Quality scalesYou must define and name each individual proficiency for a quality scale. You can define up to 9999 proficiencies per scale, each with its own user-defined proficiency text, if you wish.You can enter a text to describe the individual elements in a quality scale. These so-called proficiency descriptions are then passed on as defaults for every element in the qualifications catalog and appraisals catalog that is assigned to the scale in question.

Quantity scalesWhen you define a quantity scale, you specify its highest and lowest proficiency, the interval range, and the unit used for rating the proficiencies. When you define quantity scales, you can define quantities with 12 digits before the decimal point, and 3 after. You can use the proficiency 0. Quantity scales can be used in the Appraisal Systems component ONLY.


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Edit Qualification Catalog


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1. Before you work through any of the following activities, specify a validity start date for the changes. Choose Settings -> Set period... in the Catalog: Change Qualifications screen. Specify a date in the Key date field.NoteThe end date of the validity period of the qualification catalog is always the highest possible system date (12/31/9999).The Catalog: Change Qualification(s) screen appears.

List of the activities you can perform:

Insert qualification group under the root node of a catalog

Create qualification group under a qualification group

Create qualification under qualification group

Create qualification under qualification

Change qualification or qualification group

Move qualification or qualification group

Translate entry


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Translate description

Create/change proficiency description for object

Translate proficiency description

Inserting a qualification group under the root node1. Position the cursor on the word Catalog.2. Choose Entry -> Create.The Create Qualification Group dialog box appears.3. Enter your data as required.NoteIf you want to create further qualification groups, choose Create next qualification (group).

6. Choose Continue.

Creating a qualification group under another qualification group1. Position the cursor on the qualification group under which you want to insert the new qualification group.2. Choose Entry -> Create.The Create dialog box appears.3. Position the cursor on the line Qualification group and choose Transfer.The Create Qualification Group screen appears.4. Enter your data as required.5. Save the qualification group.NoteIf you want to create further qualification groups, choose Create next qualification (group).

7. Choose Continue.


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Creating a qualification under a qualification group1. Position the cursor on the qualification group under which you want to insert the new qualification.2. Choose Entry -> Create.The Create dialog box appears.3. Position the cursor on the line Qualification and choose Transfer.The Create Qualification dialog box appears.4. Enter your data as required.Caution!Always assign qualifications to a qualification group for the entire validity period.5. Choose the Additional data tab page.6. If you want to specify a depreciation meter value or validity, toggle the icon Depreciation meter <-> Validity until the option you require appears.7. Enter your data as required.8. Save the qualification.9. If you want to create alternative qualifications, choose Create.The Select Qualification dialog box appears.10. Select the qualifications you want.11. Choose Transfer.NoteIf you want to create further qualifications, choose Create next qualification (group).

12.Choose Continue.


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Changing a qualification or qualification group1. Position the cursor on the qualification (group) you want to change.2. Choose Entry -> Change.The Change Qualification or Change Qualification Group dialog box appears.3. Make your changes.4. Choose Save.

6. Choose Continue.

Moving a qualification or qualification group1. Position the cursor on the qualification (group) you want to move.2. Choose Edit ->Select/deselect entry or Select/deselect sub catalog.NoteYou can select as many entries or substructures as you wish.3. Position the cursor on the entry under which you want to insert the entry.


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NoteYou can only insert a qualification or qualification group under a qualification group that has the same scale. ist.Caution!Always assign qualifications to a qualification group for the entirevalidity period.4. Choose Entry -> Move.

Creating Appraisal Template: Before creating the catalog get into table V_T77S0 and Assign value ‘A’ across HAP08 and REPLA. This will create a new Catalog entry for your enterprise.


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Menu path: SPRO Personnel Management Personnel Development Appraisal systems Edit Appraisals Catalog.


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Right click on root catalog and create an new Category. Select Objective setting and continue.

select tabs and give relevant entries by selecting Roles Columns that you want to display at appraisal. Also select the status.


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Selecting Scales from the list.


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Entry on Status flow entry

To create KRA’s Template right click on category and create new Template and follow the Wizard settings.

After creating the Template select the relevant setting from various tabs provided below in the screen and follow the screen settings.


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Also put a Note setting for each column where Appraise can write comments.


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Default the column and Planner and Reviewer column access to change always to enable the fields during Appraisal to allow to enter the values.

In Roles Tab check the Manager and Self button to enable the Rater and ratee during Appraisal process.


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In this screen user can set the check whether to allow the appraise to assess himself or to display the template name or other settings like allowing multiple appraisees.


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In this screen check the status in Planning, Review or Complete.

To create KRA, right click on template and create elements as directed in the screen.


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For KRA creations click on End node and continue.

New criterion can be named as per the Requirement. Also can mention the Description of the KRA in the space provided.


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If the KRA ‘s are fixed one need not to check the free input button, else if check the free input button. So, that this KRA ‘s are free to change as per the objective at the start of the year. And can be edited as per the requirement. Finally save the template and Release it for to carryout the Appraisal Program.