Task I and task 2

Task I You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The chart below shows how people travelled to work in 1996 and 2001 . Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. Write at least 150 words. Word Count: Generally, a larger percentage of people drove a car or a truck to work, both in 2001 and 1996. Conversely, Riding a bicycle to work was much less popular. However it was more popular in 2001 compared with walking to work in 2001. Looking at just the data for the year 2001, a much larger proportion of people went to work than in 1996. This might be due to better industries creating more jobs for people, therefore a higher rate of employment. In comparison, the data for the year 1996 shows that more people walked, used public transport and/or used private vehicle to work. Finally, the data in the bar chart shows that more people worked at home in 2001 than in 1996. This shows that a higher number of 170

Transcript of Task I and task 2

Task I

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The chart below shows how people travelled to work in 1996 and 2001 .

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Write at least 150 words.

Word Count: Generally, a larger percentage of people drove a car or a truck to work, both in 2001 and 1996.

Conversely, Riding a bicycle to work was much less popular. However it was more popular in 2001 compared with walking to work in 2001.

Looking at just the data for the year 2001, a much larger proportion of people went to work than in 1996. This might be due to better industries creating more jobs for people, therefore a higher rate of employment. In comparison, the data for the year 1996 shows that more people walked, used public transport and/or used private vehicle to work.

Finally, the data in the bar chart shows that more people worked at home in 2001 than in 1996. This shows that a higher number of people were self employed as more jobs were created. Another observation is that more people used public transport in 1996. The main reason for this being, reducing their carbon footprint. This is a very environmentally friendly approach, specially in 1996.


Task II

You should spend 40 minutes on this topic.

In some countries, people who commit less serious crimes are made to undertake community service* instead of a prison sentence. Some people believe that all people who have committed a crime should be sent to prison.

Do you agree or disagree?

*compulsory work helping the community, such as decorating public facilities, which they must carry out in their spare time for a given period.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Word Count: I disagree because in my opinion, I think doing community service would not only benefit the community but the people doing it too. The main reason for this being that the time spent in

prison doing nothing could be used to improve the environment around those people and their social interaction skills. By helping improve the appearance of the community in their own time would help the perpetrator manage time and spend it in a way that is advantageous to others around them as well as themselves. For example, decorating or rebuilding a recreation facility would help some people improve and learn many new skills they had probably never touched

before. In comparison, if these felons were sent to prison instead, there wouldn't be much that the community or let alone the felons themselves would have achieved. I know for a fact that this can be merely called, 'a waste of time' if nothing else. Coming from my own experience in

community service for 3 months, I learnt what team work is all about and made many new friends who helped me become a better person. If I were to be locked up during that time, it

would only make me worse. So, the same goes for others who've committed crimes. The likelihood of learning a lesson from spending time in a cell is very low indeed. However it does allow people who've committed crimes, to think about what they've done. People would often

sit there in that little space, alone, thinking, 'would I like to come back here?' or 'should I promise myself not to do this again?'. These are the questions that will change a person's mind

no matter what kind of punishment they're given. But, like I said, community service would


affect the way the people think of their actions and at the same time help them improve their reputation after all that they've done.

Task I model answer

The chart shows the ways in which people traveled to work in 1996 and 2001 in Grahamston.

In 1996, over half traveled to work in their own vehicle and the second most common method was to be driven as a passenger. The least common form of transport for the first period given was traveling by bicycle. One tenth of people traveled by public transport; just under 10% used ‘other’ forms and around 6% walked to work. 5% required no form of transport to get to work as they worked from home.

There was an increase of just over 10% of those who drove themselves to work by 2001, while the percentage of passengers almost halved. There was a significant decrease in the percentage using public transport, whereas, those working from home almost doubled. The percentage of people who walked to work fell dramatically while those using bicycle or ‘other’ means of transport remained fairly stable.

In both periods given, driving independently to work was by far the most common method of transport.

(172 words)


Task II model answer

There are certain situations in which the law has been broken where it is more appropriate to sentence the guilty party to community service rather than time in jail as the following essay explains.

Firstly, the penal system in many countries is under pressure. In many cultures, crime rates are increasing, exacerbating this problem. Funding of correctional institutions is expensive and many believe that money spent would be better utilised in other areas, such as healthcare. It would be unacceptable for some criminals who pose a risk to society, such as murderers, to retain their freedom; however, demands on the prison system can be eased if minor criminals, shoplifters for example, are punished in a different fashion.

Community service is a viable alternative to a prison sentence, not only to

ease the financial burden of a country’s crime and punishment system, but also because while offenders are punished by having to sacrifice their free time, they also make a contribution to society. For example, if community service involved renovation of a youth centre in a deprived area, the local people could benefit enormously and costs of providing the facility would be decreased due to the free labour provided by those carrying out community service.

Admittedly, prison sentences for all crimes could reduce the incidence of crime over the long-term; however, many offenders may not be discouraged from breaking the law regardless of potential punishment as they may believe that they will never actually be caught.

To summarise, though prison sentences for all crimes could reduce the number of offences, there are stronger arguments for not imprisoning all offenders.

(268 words)