Task-Based Learning & Pedagogy

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  • 8/12/2019 Task-Based Learning & Pedagogy


    The task-based approach to language teaching hasevolved in response to a better understanding ofthe way languages are learnt. Traditionally,language learning has been regarded as aprocess of mastering a succession of steps, eachone building on the one before. Teachers presentthe target language in ready-to-assimilate pieces,starting with the easy parts and gradually movingtowards the harder parts. Learners must mastereach part and incorporate it into their knowledgeof the target language. The PPP model oflanguage teaching ( presentation, practice,perform ance ) is based on th e assumption that alanguage is best presen ted to learners as a syllabusof structures, and that through controlled practicea fluent and accurate performance of thestructu re of the day can be achieved. Error s areevidence of poor learning, requiring more PPPtreatment.In contrast, the contemporary view of languagelearning, based upon research findings in bothlinguistics and psychology, is that learners do notacquire the target language in the order it ispresented to them, no matter how carefullyteacher and textbooks organize it. Languagelearning is a developmental, organic process thatfollows its own internal agenda. Errors are notnecessarily the result of bad learning, but are partof the natural process of interlanguage formsgradually moving towards target forms (Ellis1994).Such a view of language learning has profoundimplications for language teaching, and has led tothe development of various task-basedapproaches (for example, Prabhu 1987, Longand Crookes 1991). These approaches aresomewhat disparate, but they share a commonidea: giving learners tasks to transact, rather thanitems to learn, provides an environment whichbest promotes the natural language learningprocess. By engaging in meaningful activities,such as problem-solving, discussions, ornarratives, the learn er s interlanguage system isstretched and encouraged to develop. Interactivetasks are sometimes considered particularlybeneficial, especially the information-gap type, inwhich learners have to transfer information to apartner who does not have it (Pica et al. 1993).These tasks rely on a successful transfer of

    meaning in order to be completed, and aresupposed to focus the learners attention moreclosely on the comprehensibility of the languagethey and their partners are using, thus increasingthe likelihood that interlanguage forms will bepushed towards target language norms.The danger in a task-based approach to teaching isthat learners might be encouraged to prioritize afocus on meaning over a focus on form, and thusbe led to use fluent but unchallenging orinaccurate language. Because language does nothave to be well-formed in order to be meaningful,it is easy to see how learners could successfullycomplete a task using ill-formed or undemandinglanguage, supplemented by gesture andintonation, rather than trying out their cuttingedge interlanguage.The challenge for a task-based pedagogy,therefore, is to choose, sequence, and implementtasks in ways that will combine a focus on meaningwith a focus on form. Skehan (1996) hasdeveloped a theoretical framework for task-based teaching that claims to balance thedevelopment of fluency with accuracy andinterlanguage restructuring. Willis (1996) hasproduced a detailed practical framework for thetask-based classroom in which learners are ledthrough cycles of task planning, performance,repetition, and, finally, comparison with native-speaker norms. There is already strong empiricalsupport for some of these ideas. Foster andSkehan (1996) have shown that giving learnerstime to plan before they begin a task significantlyincreases the complexity, accuracy, and fluency ofthe language they use, and that these effectsincrease in relation to the cognitive difficulty ofthe task.Continuing research into task design andimplementation should help task-based teachingdevelop in ways that have a sound and convincingpsycholinguistic basis. The final challenge willthen be to persuade teachers of the merit inadopting a task-based approach in theirclassrooms.PaulineFoster Thames Valley Universityeferen esEllis R. 1994. The Study of Second LanguageAcquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    ELTJournal Volume 53 1 January1999 OxfordUniversity Press 1999 69













  • 8/12/2019 Task-Based Learning & Pedagogy


    Foster P. and P. Skehan. 1996. The influence of Prabhu N. S. 1987. Second Language Pedagogy.planning and task type on second language Oxford: Oxford University Press,performance . Studies in Second Language Skehan P. 1996. A framework for the imple-Acquisition 9: 12-20. me ntation of task-based instruction . AppliedLong M. and G. Crookes. 1991. Three Linguistics17/1:38-62.app roac hes to task-based syllabus design . Willis J. 1996. A Framework for Task BasedTESOL Quarterly 26: 27-55 . Learning.Harlow: Longman.Pica T. R. Kanagy and J. Falodun. 1993.Cho osing and using comm unication tasks for he uthorsecond language research and instruction . In Pauline Foster taught EFL in the USA, Japan,S. M. G ass and G. Crookes (eds.). Task based and the UK before becoming a full-timelearning in a secondlanguage. Clevedon, Avon: researcher and PhD student at Thames ValleyMultilingual M atters. University.

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