Task 2

Task 2 Savannah Hardwick 1

Transcript of Task 2

Page 1: Task 2


Task 2Savannah Hardwick

Page 2: Task 2

Out Of Focus The first experiment that I did was the ‘out of focus’ photography piece of work. For this task, I walked around college with the cameras, having the setting on manual focus and changing the apertures to have more of a blur. I also used the focus ring to change the level of focus on each image. I found that when I shot the photos in brighter, well lit areas, the shapes within the image would blend around the edges more than anywhere else, so you were able to see what the object originally was, but the effect was really good on the final image. You can see on the right hand side the difference between the lighter images and the slightly darker one. The first image is of a vending machine, which is in a well lit area, but the machine itself is very dark and has a lot of shadows, which helps to enhance the images other colours. I think that the image look very abstract because of the colours and the way that they blend with each other, the blues, reds and greens are the colours that stand out the most, which draw in the audience.The second image is of a bookcase, I decided to take the picture on an angle so that I could see the bookcase, but also the desks just behind it. I like this image because it makes the bookcase look as though its moving, which I think is a really great effect on the overall image. The third image on the right is of an area of chairs, I like this image because you can tell what it is of, but because the changed level of focus on the image, the blurriness looks really good. I think that this type of technique on photos can make them look very abstract and creative, and I also like that they don’t have to look ‘perfect’ because the more out of focus the image is, the better it looks.

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This is my final image for out of focus, I really like this image because of the way that the colours blur together, and how you cant be positive of what the image is. This technique worked well on this subject I think because of the bright colours and different shapes within the machine I pictured. I really like the brightness of the image, even though it was actually taken in darker area. I think that this image also captures the technique really well, I think that every aspect of the image is out of focus and you cant be very sure what the items are. Although I like this image I think that I could've taken the picture on a smaller scale, having it more zoomed In to the object, so that the colours would’ve really blended in to each other.

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MovementThis technique was about being able to capture peoples movements, I tired to focus primarily on legs, as I felt that when people were walking, this was the part of the body that you would be guaranteed to always be moving. In order to create this look, I had to have a long exposure to make sure that I would capture the movement. I used the TV (shutter priority) to help be control how long I wanted the shutter being open for. I then also started to experiment a little by moving my camera as the shot was taking. The first image on the right shows one person walking towards me , I made sure I had a very long shutter speed in order to capture it. I like the look of this image but my only issue is that I feel like it doesn't’t cover enough of the woman’s body, I also think that because the person is dressed in very dark clothing you cant see the movement in the image very clearly. The second image went much better, I decided to move the camera whist it was taking to see what the effect would be and I really like it. I think that it makes the image even more ’blurred’ which I think enhances the look of movement within the image. I also thought that even though the colours are very dark, you can clearly see each leg and how it is moving, unlike the first image. The third and final image is of another person walking away from me, the big difference I felt in this image is the colouring. This image features blue as its primary colour and I think that this shows the movement a lot better than the darker images. I've found that doing this technique was easy and I enjoyed being able to see the effect of moving the camera around as the same time as taking the picture.

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This is my final image showing movement, when taking these pictures I found it difficult to capture the technique properly because I felt that you wouldn’t be able to tell that the image was someone walking away from you. Although I don’t feel this image captures movement very well, I do really like the image because of the effect it does have. You can kind of see that the people are walking away from you, which I think is amplified by the blurred background of the image. I also think that the more colourful background Is a good contrast against the black figures in the image.

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PhotomontageThis technique was about being able to take a lot of smaller images of one large image, making sure to be methodical, ensuring that every part of the image has been captured. I then uploaded these images into Photoshop, by going ton file, the automate, then photo merge, then choosing the folder with images I wanted to merge together. I found that on some of the images Photoshop put them together to well, not making the collage looking image I wanted. I found that if I chose a different option (such as collage, taking off the blending option) then the overall look of the photo was much better and the technique worked. The first image I chose to take was an image on the wall, I took a lot of smaller images going from left to right, then uploaded them onto Photoshop. When the originally merged together, they fitted together to well, so I had to manually move the smaller images around so that they were mixed up more. I like the overall look of the image because of the colours within it, I think the reds and the dark greens in the corners make the image look very good when its broken up into more of a collage than what it was originally intended to be. The second image I took was of an A4 poster on the wall, I decided to do this as it was a smaller area to photograph and I wanted to see what the outcome would be. I think that It looks good but because of the lack of colour it can be hard to distinguish which part is which. Although this can be a negative of the image, I also think that it helps the image to look abstract.The third image I took was of a life size picture of a man, I chose to do thins one because it was such a big canvas size and I was interested to see the outcome when the smaller images were merged together. I found that the image looked really good when merged and I didn't’t have to alter any of the smaller images, as they were already done enough.

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This is my final image for the photomontage technique, I like this technique because I like the way that the image is supposed to look imperfect. I like this image because it doesn’t have a lot of bright colours that stand out, It is very muted, but because of the shapes in the image you can clearly see where the layering has happened to create the montage. I really like this image because you can clearly see what the image is off, but because it has the photomontage technique, it is disjointed. I also think that being able to see the shadows on the wall and the face are very effective because it helps you to be able to see where the outline of the subject is.

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ReflectionsThis technique is about getting a unique and interesting perspective on a subject. Reflection in an image can provide us with very cool looking images, transforming a seemingly ordinary image into something exciting. Having a reflection within the image can provide a frame for the photo. The way to do this is nothing special, you just find an interesting reflection in a subject and photograph it. The first image I used was in the toilets, as I wanted to start off with a mirror image. I chose to take the image on an angle so I could get more in the image. I like the way the image has 4 different mirror images within it. I think it’s a very good and unique way to capture the image and I think that it is interesting to look at, The second image that I chose to take was the reflection off of a silver gum holder, I though this was a really good picture because it is showing a normal object, but if you look closer you can see the reflection of the wall and a door within it. I like this image because it taken from an upward angle, and I think it shows a lot of colour and different shapes, making it unique.The third image I took was of a blue warning sign on the wall of college, I was walking past this and noticed the reflection of the windows and the sunset shining through it. I really like this image because I think that it is very pretty, unique and interesting to look at. I think that the orange of the sunset and the blue of the poster also mix very well together, creating a very aesthetically pleasing image. I liked working on this technique because it allowed me to be able to look further into subjects, looking to see if there was any interesting reflections within them.

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This is my final image showing reflections, I really like this image because I think that it is creative and unique. I love the contrasting colours within the image, the oranges and yellows in the reflection off of the blue poster really stand out and look very effective. I also like the angle that I chose to take the picture in, I think that because it is on a diagonal, you can clearly see the reflection, and I also think that the angle helps the reflection to stand out more. I also like the way that the writing on the sign is blurred, because I think that it help to showcase the reflection over the object that is at the forefront of the image, the sign.