Talkin to Myself (poem)

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  • 8/12/2019 Talkin to Myself (poem)


    Talkin to myself

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    Talkin to myself

    I'm annoyed to have wrote something

    so self obsessed

    but some times you need

    to write and speak

    to communicate

    some times

    issues need addressed



    then put to rest

    so here we go

    I'll try ma best

    I used to be SHY

    used to be the loner type GUY

    who would hole up in his ROOM



    like it was my TOMB

    mistreatment made me hide

    from the world out there

    and turn inside

    wrote songs to relieve my pain

    bit ah cannae play an instrument or sing

    so ah turnt tae poetry to deal wi everything

    comfort eat

    tae offset a sense of defeat

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    aged 12

    abused and disillusioned

    ah turned misanthropic

    ah dinnae ken exactly what started it

    bit bi 14 ah hud managed tae stop it

    tae change the topic

    For the longest time

    being told I'm shit

    after long it becomes

    all too easy

    to believe it



    and insecure at school

    my teenage years of angst

    taught me people are cruel

    an its true they can be

    but that made me conditioned

    to expect it

    so when they werent that surprised me

    It would take many more years

    for that to be mind set I unlearnt

    that some were bastards

    but most weren't

    For a long time

    I've felt whatever I loved

    my family disapproved

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    when I had good luck

    I dismissed it s chance

    it's relation to my abilities

    far removed

    made to feel incapable

    my desire for approval

    became insatiable

    I wanted to be wanted

    a problem that always left

    me feelin haunted

    by fear of them leavin

    maybe a ghost of my dad dyin

    maybe I'm still grievin

    For years been questionin

    askin "what am I really good at

    overlookin the task at which I'm sat

    2008, I felt the worse kind of loneliness I'd ever known.

    running through my mobile looking for numbers of people I could phone

    Not getting a reply felt metaphorical of my alienation

    Didn't feel part of

    the world's population

    connections were like a shallow pond and I only skating around the ice covered surface

    I felt lost to anything without any drive or any sense of purpose

    I threw my weight behind empty distraction but it could never last for long.

    everything I did felt wrong

    I was lost under a rushing weight of boredom

    I scribbled hate and anger into a notepad,

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    cried about the unjust world which robbed me of my dad.

    I wallowed in a dank pit of self pity, desolate and despair.

    I screamed till my throat hurt and walked for more reason than to get fresh air.

    When your in that place you can't look outside

    you can't judge with time and distance the value of the ride.

    I felt like I was not worthwhile

    I was vile

    Human bile



    A stain on time.

    No job

    distant girlfriend

    family who pushed me away

    Wasn't wanted to stay.

    It felt to be building to a climax

    one way or another

    I had to leave the sparse tangled branches of this tree

    this life which was drowning me.

    Alcohol was no relief,

    I had a few and then sank in my chair in grief

    grieving for what was, wasn't and what could never be

    The Social atmosphere reminded me of my emotional distance

    from the rest of humanity.

    The crushing guilt of jobcentre stig-ma

    I can't remember whether I was pricked by sadness or piped with joy

    when I saw on that wall ,

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    noble poem Desi-de-rata.

    People tried to do all they could do

    but it wasn't getting through

    the signal was blocked,

    the doors were locked,

    curtains drawn,

    no one's home

    My first love girlfriend

    was pathological liar

    tried to help her

    god knows I'm a trier

    I was so nave

    she threw me away like you'd dump a body

    on the funeral pyre

    I think I nearly went Insane on Princes Street,

    the world felt unreal and I could barely look up from my feet.

    That was when I lost you, Miss Q

    I just didn't know what I would do.

    The idea of me finding love again seemed impossible

    so I'd walk the dog without a hope in hell I'd ever be happy again.

    my hair started to show signs of what was going on in my brain.

    I'm not even sure if you understand what you did wrong

    which one of us is the idiot though

    when I kept speaking to you

    nearly 4 years on

    I annoyed myself by repeating the same old phrases and patterns

    Still somehow I've forgotten them now.

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    things like

    I am worthless

    I will never amount to anything.

    I am unlovable.

    I am too flawed.

    Unwanted and undeserving of anything or anyone.

    I am zero.

    I am No one

    and Nothing

    A nihilistic joke, jobless and broke.

    Spent all my money on being social.

    Except made me realize all I didn't have

    And it just made me angry and sad.

    For all the travelling

    I never found myself around there.

    Just same old lack of care.

    I hung out with a girl who didn't seem to mind

    that we had only known each other a short space of time.

    It was NOTHING more than friends when we went to the cinema

    She invited me to her house

    Tore me apart on Msn when I could've used her the most.

    They fired me from wiping up shit

    because my " dress and appearance was inadequate"

    I didn't give a fuck

    I was already all out of luck

    My only awkwardness was saying bye,

    to a guy

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    I had worked with knowing I'd not see him again

    During that period I had more success finding jobs

    than I've ever had before , I was desperate then.

    a Indian girl I had just met that day, told me I had a kind heart

    and slowly, all the deep bullshit I was swimming in broke apart

    and I hammered those shattered fragments of self in a forge like Vulcan

    Walking in the summer sunlight, done with fucking bellyachin' and the sulkin

    Somehow I just dusted myself off over a very short time.

    brushed off whatever

    whatever all that was

    fixed in my mind.

    Opened the box and found a new optimism

    developed a worldview with more realism

    met a girl and hurried into the future

    The I-ching advised me on beauty and hope

    Tao Te Ching taught me everything I needed

    to work my way out the smoke

    My second girlfriend

    was so Selfish

    we had grown bored

    and I hud gote tired of her pish

    ah'm no saint

    ah kin definitely be a twat

    but I know the universe doesnae revolve aroond me

    ah think bigger thinn that

    She nearly cheated and we broke up

    I was hurt but soon thought

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    "thank fuck"

    began enjoying myself like I never did before

    Got into activism

    the world became my oyster

    and everywhere I saw an open door

    She taught me about masel

    So I don't brood on it or dwell

    "Everything changes,

    Everything is fleeting

    everything ends

    that's not pessimism

    that's just the harsh product of my experience"

    These insecurities

    I have

    are not inborn

    but things I have learnt to THINK

    the vicious cycle can only lead

    me to the water

    but bad habit cant make me DRINK

    I realized these were ways I'd been CONDITIONED

    negative perspectives in which I'd let myself be POSITIONED

    separated from the best in me

    in SOCIETY

    from these self imposed

    BERLIN Walls

    but like solidarity

    I need to hammer them

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    till each one falls

    Only within recent years

    have I learnt to believe in MYSELF

    Stop watchin life pass me by

    Sittin on the SHELF

    Took up mottos

    "Life as adventure"

    "Life as art"

    I must shape who I want to be

    best I can

    I must create my part