Taking IT for Granted

David De Roure Taking IT for granted: a long view from the future


Taking IT for granted: a long view into the future, closing talk at IT as a Utility Conference, 20 June, Chilworth, Southampton, UK

Transcript of Taking IT for Granted

  • 1. Taking IT for granted: a long viewfrom the futureDavid De Roure

2. 1990sThe co-creation ofthe largest scalemostprogrammable andmost useabledistributed system,ever 3. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/3357073.stm 4. Now is an opportune time totackle the engineering ofemergent order: to identify theengineering principles andlanguages that can be used toobserve, control, organize, andexploit the behavior ofprogrammable multitudes.http://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/projects/amorphous/Communications of the ACM, May 2000. 5. Social MachinesReal life is and must be full of all kinds of socialconstraint the very processes from which societyarises. Computers can help if we use them tocreate abstract social machines on the Web:processes in which the people do the creative workand the machine does the administration... Thestage is set for an evolutionary growth of newsocial engines. The ability to create new forms ofsocial process would be given to the world at large,and development would be rapid.Berners-Lee, Weaving the Web, 1999 (pp. 172175) 6. 2000sData data everywhereThe Grid versus Science 2.0 7. F i r s t 8. TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION IN PHYSICAL AND DIGITAL LIFEOctober 2000 - June 2007The central goal of the equator IRC is to investigate the integration of thephysical with the digital and the fundamental research needed to realisesystems that promote this.In particular, we are concerned with uncovering and supporting the variety ofpossible relationships between physical and digital worlds.Our objective in doing this is to improve the quality of everyday life bybuilding and adapting technologies for a range of user groups and applicationdomains. 9. A revolutionary ideaOpen Science!rstl.royalsocietypublishing.org 10. 2010sThe Rise of the SocialShifts in Scholarship 11. Christine Borgman 12. Pip Willcox@marstonbikepathDatasets or dataflows? 13. Interdisciplinary and in the wildIn it not on it Pull not Push 14. The Big PictureMore peopleMore machinesBig DataBig ComputeConventionalComputationBig SocialSocial Networkse-infrastructureonlineR&DSocialMachinesdeeplyaboutsociety 15. Nigel Shadbolt et al 16. SOCIAM: The Theory and Practice of Social Machines is funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) undergrant number EPJ017728/1 and comprises the Universities of Southampton, Oxford and Edinburgh. See sociam.org 17. www.zooniverse.org 18. TalkForumScientistsImageClassificationCitizen Scientistsdata reduction 19. Cat De RoureThe Befriending ofRaspberry Tree 20. RichardOBierne 21. 2020sLudere Humanum EstSocial Machines asdisruptive technologyPip Willlcox 22. Yet Wikipedia and its stated ambition to compile the sum of allhuman knowledge are in trouble. The volunteer workforce thatbuilt the projects flagship, the English-language Wikipediaandmust defend it against vandalism, hoaxes, and manipulationhas shrunk by more than a third since 2007 and is still shrinkingThe main source of those problems is not mysterious. The loosecollective running the site today, estimated to be 90 percentmale, operates a crushing bureaucracy with an often abrasiveatmosphere that deters newcomers who might increaseparticipation in Wikipedia and broaden its coveragehttp://www.technologyreview.com/featuredstory/520446/the-decline-of-wikipedia/ 23. Stories withinSocial MachinesSocialMachines forstoriesStories about Social MachinesSOCIAL MACHINES AS STORIES 24. awards me painof love's ritefair beseechers killthat thou nonesweet some vialstraight grow sadside against myselfsaw a goddesssad slave stayprofitless usurer whyphysic did exceptpart his functionpainted beauty tois youth someheart from servingfor beauty's patterneye i eyeddoth thy beautycompare thou thineby spirits taughtbids my heartbeauty still threebear all wrongbasest clouds totheir youthful sapPip Willlcox 25. There is no such thing as the Internet ofThingsThere is no such thing as a closedsystemHumans are creative and subversiveThe Rise of the Bots A Swarmof DronesAccidents happen (in the 26. The Big PictureSocialMachinesMore peopleMore machinesBig DataBig ComputeConventionalComputationBig SocialSocial NetworksdeeplyaboutsocietyAutomation 27. Big data elephant versus sense-making network?Iain BuchanThe challenge is to foster the co-constituted socio-technicalsystem on the right i.e. a computationally-enabled sense-makingnetwork of expertise, data, models, software, visualisations andnarratives 28. The R DimensionsResearch Objects facilitate research that isreproducible, repeatable, replicable, reusable,referenceable, retrievable, reviewable, replayable,re-interpretable, reprocessable, recomposable,reconstructable, repurposable, reliable,respectful, reputable, revealable, recoverable,restorable, reparable, refreshable?@dder 14 April 2014sci methodaccessunderstandnew usesocialcurationResearchObjectPrinciples 29. Edwards, P. N., et al. (2013) Knowledge Infrastructures: Intellectual Frameworks andResearch Challenges. Ann Arbor: Deep Blue. http://hdl.handle.net/2027.42/97552 30. FUSING AUDIOAND SEMANTICTECHNOLOGIES forINTELLIGENTMUSICPRODUCTION ANDCONSUMPTION 31. 2030Where am I? 32. [email protected]/people/dder@dderThanks to: Christine Borgman, Iain Buchan,Cat De Roure, Dave Robertson, NigelShadbolt, SgolneTarte and Pip Willcox.SOCIAM: The Theory and Practice of Social Machines is funded by the UK Engineeringand Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) under grant number EPJ017728/1 andcomprises the Universities of Southampton, Oxford and Edinburgh. See sociam.org 33. [email protected]@dder