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  • Tajikistan: Strengthening export

    competitiveness of SMEs in the textile and

    clothing sector and enhancing trade

    support institutional capacities

    Mission Report by

    Dr Rajesh Bheda, International Consultant of Productivity

    Improvement, Team Leader, ITC &

    CEO, Rajesh Bheda Consulting

  • Report by Rajesh Bheda Consulting


    Table of Contents

    1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 4

    1.1 Project objectives .......................................................................................................................... 4

    2. Approach used for Mission .................................................................................................................. 4

    2.1 Approach ....................................................................................................................................... 4

    2.2 Objectives and structure of Mission ............................................................................................... 4

    2.3 Purpose of the company level visits and details.............................................................................. 5

    3. Visit to Khujand University ................................................................................................................... 5

    3.1 Industry Interaction ....................................................................................................................... 5

    4. Factory visits in Dushanbe and Khatlon ................................................................................................ 6

    4.1 Fayzi Istiqlol ................................................................................................................................... 6

    4.2 Resandai Qurghonteppa ................................................................................................................ 8

    4.3 Haft Paykar .................................................................................................................................. 10

    5. Visit to University in Khujand ............................................................................................................. 11

    6. Factory visits in Sogd Region .............................................................................................................. 12

    6.1 Firuz............................................................................................................................................. 12

    6.2 Textile City ................................................................................................................................... 14

    6.3 Ortex ........................................................................................................................................... 15

    6.4 Leader ......................................................................................................................................... 16

    6.5 Rahimov ...................................................................................................................................... 17

    6.6 Nohid ........................................................................................................................................... 19

    7. Meeting with Director of the Tech. University of TAJ (TUT) ................................................................ 20

    8. Seminar at Khujand ........................................................................................................................... 21

    8.1 Example of 5 Why analysis performed during seminar ................................................................. 23

    8.2 Action plan Developed ................................................................................................................. 24

    8.3 Key learning points captured by the participants .......................................................................... 25

    8.4 List of participants the seminar ................................................................................................... 25

    8.5 Feedback Summary ...................................................................................................................... 26

    9. Seminar at Dushanbe ......................................................................................................................... 27

    9.1 Seminar details ............................................................................................................................ 27

    9.2 List of the participants for the seminar ......................................................................................... 28

    9.3 Feedback Summary ...................................................................................................................... 30

  • Report by Rajesh Bheda Consulting


    10 Sessions with National Consultants Ardasher and Rustam Shadibekov .............................................. 31

    10.1 Action plan matrix for follow up by National Consultant............................................................. 32

    11. Meeting with Indian Ambassador to Tajikistan ................................................................................. 33

    12. Feedback from SECO ........................................................................................................................ 33

    13. Press coverage of the mission .......................................................................................................... 33

  • Report by Rajesh Bheda Consulting

    4 1 Introduction

    1 Introduction

    1.1 Project objectives The aim of the project is to contribute to enhanced export competitiveness and export market

    diversification in Tajikistan by providing sector specific support to SMEs and relevant trade support

    institutions in the textile & clothing and capacity building of the local trade supporting institutions.

    The expected outcomes are as follows:

    Outcome 1: SMEs in the T&C sector, including textile and garment related handicraft enterprises, are

    more export competitive and have access to new markets

    Outcome 2: Institutional capacities are improved to provide higher quality and wider range of services to


    Outcome 3: Better cooperation between the universities and T & C companies

    Within the framework of the project, as part of Outcome 1, enterprises capacities will be enhanced in the areas of sourcing, product design, marketing, productivity and quality management. Exporters will then be connected to target markets in order to ensure that the improvements are linked to practical trade-based results.

    2. Approach used for Mission

    2.1 Approach The overall approach used was to gain pre mission information from the potential participant

    organizations, prepare National Consultants for support role, visit enterprises from Pilot companies and

    new participants to gain first hand exposure and expose them to the improvement potential available in

    their enterprises. This would prepare the ground for their participation in the project.

    2.2 Objectives and structure of Mission The objectives of this mission were to:

    Support universities to increase the cooperation with T & C industries of Tajikistan

    Support National Consultants to assess progress made by pilot companies that participated in

    ITCs Trade promotion Project in Kyrgyzstan and their capacity building for conducting baseline

    assessment and monitoring of the status of implementation of recommendations for the new

    group of export-ready enterprises;

    Conduct workshop for textile and clothing companies and faculties and student of university

    based on the needs in Dushanbe and Khujand

    Based these objectives the mission structure involved:

    Pre-mission preparations for development of checklists for assessment of progress and develop

    focus areas for training

  • Report by Rajesh Bheda Consulting

    5 3. Visit to Khujand University

    Interaction with ITC team and National consultants for discussing project approach and capacity

    building on fundamental concepts related to Productivity and Quality improvement

    Visits to pilot factories to understand the progress and goals that they would like to focus on in


    Interaction with university faculties and students to provide suggestion on better cooperation

    with industry

    Visits to textile and clothing companies to get first impression about their business and

    challenges faced by them

    Training workshops for the textile and clothing companies

    Training workshop in Dushanbe and Khujand for T & C Companies and faculties and students of


    Support T & C companies in development of goal based action plans for future.

    2.3 Purpose of the company level visits and details The purpose of the company level visit to pilot factories was to provide them an opportunity to interact

    with International Consultants and NCs on the progress made till now and bring out areas where they

    many need further support under the project. The visit was also used to understand the goals that

    companies have set are in the process of setting for themselves for nest three years. The visit was also

    used to provide need based training inputs to factories depending on the needs.

    3. Visit