Taize´ Worship at St. Stephen’s 6:30pm 1st Wednesday of ... · St. Stephen’s

May 2016 Taiz e ´ Worship at St. Stephen’s 6:30pm 1st Wednesday of the month beginning May 4. Since the 1940’s, the village of Taize, France, has been home to a monas@c community devoted to prayer and reconcilia@on. This community, founded by Brother Roger Schutz, a Reformed Protestant, is made up of brothers from all the major Chris@an denomina@ons and from all the con@nents on Earth. They gather for prayer three @mes a day, seven days a week. Every year over 100,000 young people between the ages of seventeen and thirty make pilgrimages to Taize to learn about recon cilia@on through prayer, Bible study, sharing, and communal work. One does not, however, have to travel to Taize to experience some of its spiritual prac@ces. The Taize community has developed a dis@nc@ve medita@ve worship style intended to help us slow down in the midst of our fast paced lives, and allow our spirits to breathe. A key feature of Taize worship is repe@@ve prayer set to simple music lines. Par@cipants are invited to immerse themselves in the sim ple melodies and harmonies, leQng the sung prayers carry them closer to the heart of God. Sung prayers are interspersed with Scripture readings, and silence for reflec@on. OTen par@cipants are gathered around a prayer cross, an icon, or other candlelit focal point. Beginning in May we will be offering a Taizestyle worship service with Holy Communion on the first Wednesday of each month. Join us in knowing Christ more deeply through prayer, music, Scrip ture, and silent reflec@on on Wednesday, May 4 at 6:30pm. Blessings, Pastor Ritva P.S. On a personal note, John and I have sold our current residence on Pioneer Avenue SE in order to build a new home at Windham Woods Court. During the construction period we will be living in a rental house located at 707 32 nd Street SE. We covet your prayers for wisdom, good health, safety, and smooth sailing throughout the duration of this project.

Transcript of Taize´ Worship at St. Stephen’s 6:30pm 1st Wednesday of ... · St. Stephen’s

  • May  2016

    Taizé Worship at St. Stephen’s

    6:30pm1st Wednesday of the month

    beginning May 4.

    Since  the  1940’s,  the  village  of  Taize,  France,  has  been  home  to  a  monas@c  community  devoted  to  prayer  and  reconcilia@on.  This  community,  founded  by  Brother  Roger  Schutz,  a  Reformed  Protestant,  is  made  up  of  brothers  from  all  the  major  Chris@an  denomina@ons  and  from  all  the  con@nents  on  Earth.  They  gather  for  prayer  three  @mes  a  day,  seven  days  a  week.  Every  year  over  100,000  young  people  between  the  ages  of  seventeen  and  thirty  make  pilgrimages  to  Taize  to  learn  about  recon-‐cilia@on  through  prayer,  Bible  study,  sharing,  and  communal  work.  

    One  does  not,  however,  have  to  travel  to  Taize  to  experience  some  of  its  spiritual  prac@ces.  The  Taize  community  has  developed  a  dis@nc@ve  medita@ve  worship  style  intended  to  help  us  slow  down  in  the  midst  of  our  fast  paced  lives,  and  allow  our  spirits  to  breathe.  A  key  feature  of  Taize  worship  is  repe@@ve  prayer  set  to  simple  music  lines.  Par@cipants  are  invited  to  immerse  themselves  in  the  sim-‐ple  melodies  and  harmonies,  leQng  the  sung  prayers  carry  them  closer  to  the  heart  of  God.  Sung  prayers  are  interspersed  with  Scripture  readings,  and  silence  for  reflec@on.  OTen  par@cipants  are  gathered  around  a  prayer  cross,  an  icon,  or  other  candlelit  focal  point.

    Beginning  in  May  we  will  be  offering  a  Taize-‐style  worship  service  with  Holy  Communion  on  the  first  Wednesday  of  each  month.  Join  us  in  knowing  Christ  more  deeply  through  prayer,  music,  Scrip-‐ture,  and  silent  reflec@on  on  Wednesday,  May  4  at  6:30pm.  

    Blessings,  Pastor Ritva

    P.S. On a personal note, John and I have sold our current residence on Pioneer Avenue SE in order to build a new home at Windham Woods Court. During the construction period we will be living in a rental house located at 707 32nd Street SE. We covet your prayers for wisdom, good health, safety, and smooth sailing throughout the duration of this project.

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    Growing Our Mission: Strategic Working Groups

    Youth  MinistryThe  Youth  Ministry  working  group  has  com-‐pleted  all  interviews  with  the  two  finalists  for  the  Youth  Director’s  posi@on.  We  are  pleased  to  an-‐nounce  Mark  Howland  has  accepted  the  posi-‐@on.  Please  turn  to  page  7  to  learn  more.  Members:  David  Hebrink,  DeeAnn  Hebrink,  John  Hebrink,  Emma  Israel  (Council),  Amy  Kuhn,  Karen  Vander  Sanden,  Olivia  Vander  Sanden  (Council  Youth  Rep).  

    Small  Group  MinistriesThis  group  is  brainstorming  ideas  for  the  inten-‐@onal  forma@on  of  small  groups,  and  especially  for  integrating  new  members  into  existing  groups.  Even  as  they  are  doing  their  work,  two  new  small  groups  have  formed.  Gail  Husmann  is  leading  the  Council  through  a  discussion  of  LasLng  Impact  –  7  Powerful  ConversaLons  That  Will  Help  Your  CongregaLon  Grow  by  Carey  Nieuwhof.  Kathy  Franzenburg,  Bill  Davis,  and  Carole  Butz  are  fa-‐cilita@ng  our  first  Renovare  group  for  faith  shar-‐ing  around  The  Good  and  BeauLful  God  by  James  Bryan  Smith.    Members:  Norm  Barnes,  Jonathan  Chambers,  Barbara  Kusler,  Terri  Petersen,  Tim  Sagers,  Jeanne  Towell  (Council)

    InviEng  Others  to  Join  Our  Story  This  working  group  has  iden@fied  a  team  capable  of  producing  a  series  of  videos  for  our  website  and  Facebook  page;  spoken  with  Karen  Johns  about  upda@ng  our  usher/gree@ng  training  in-‐struc@ons;  members  are  experimen@ng  with  twee@ng  and  Instagram  during  worship  and  events.  The  group  is  exploring  the  feasibility  of  adding  a  part-‐@me  communica@on  director  who  would  be  responsible  for  coordina@ng  all  our  print,  web,  social  media,  and  other  communica-‐

    @ons  with  the  public  –  possibly  staffing  the  posi-‐@on  with  a  student  intern  from  one  of  the  local  colleges.  Members:  Paul  Below  (Secretary),  Mark  Howland  (Chair),  Emily  Robins  (Council),  Jonathan  Chambers,  Bob  Streeper,  Terri  Petersen,  Kenn  Nye

    Neighborhood  MinistryMembers  of  this  group  have  reached  out  to  Waypoint,  Calvin  Sinclair  Presbyterian  Church,  and  All  Saints,  and  are  working  on  seQng  up  mee@ngs  to  assess  neighborhood  needs  and  ex-‐plore  possible  joint  ventures.  Members:  Jonathan  Chambers,  Bob  Streeper,  Melanie  Ostmo  (Council),  John  Williams,  Mark  Howland

    Space  StudyItems  that  this  group  is  exploring  include:  the  rela@ve  cost  of  expanding  the  building  versus  just  remodeling  the  bathrooms  and  kitchen;  the  possibility  of  making  the  main  floor  bathrooms  single  occupancy;  office  space  for  the  youth  di-‐rector;  installing  glass  doors  between  the  nar-‐thex  and  fellowship  hall;  a  more  formal  set  up  for  the  coffee  sta@on  in  the  narthex.  Access  to  the  restrooms  is  hampered  by  the  large  folding  doors  that  separate  the  narthex  from  the  fellow-‐ship  hall  and  the  current  layout  of  the  fellowship  hall.  One  step  toward  remedia@on  is  to  make  the  fellowship  hall  layout  more  fluid  by  having  the  60”  monitor  on  a  moveable  stand  rather  than  fixed  to  the  wall.  Vicki  Hyland  has  donated  a  large  TV  stand  for  this  purpose.  Members:  Vicki  Hyland,  Emma  Israel  (Secretary/Council),  Kathy  Nathan,  Ken  Nathan  (Council),  Ev  Petersen,  Vicar  Luci  Sesvold,  Aaron  Tank  (Council),  MaW  Weber.

    NEXT  MEETING:  TUESDAY,  MAY  10,  7:00PM

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    I’m  not  one  to  frequent  a  giT  shop.  Some@mes  I  will  peruse  them  as  a  way  to  pass  the  @me  or  because  someone  I  am  with  really  is  interested,  but  it’s  never  the  highlight  of  my  day.

    St.  Luke’s  has  a  giT  shop  and  I  pass  it  every  day  that  I  work…  some@mes  several  @mes  a  day,  and  rarely  do  I  think,  “Wow,  I  should  really  stop  in  and  check  it  out.”  However,  for  the  last  several  weeks,  as  I  pass  the  giT  shop,  a  cer-‐tain  wall  hanging  has  caught  my  alen@on.  I  have  looked  at  it  countless  @mes,  I  have  pondered  over  why  I  like  it,  I  have  talked  myself  out  of  get-‐

    @ng  it  many  @mes,  and  I  s@ll  can’t  get  it  out  of  my  head.

    It  is  fairly  simple,  just  a  rus@c  pain@ng  of  a  flower  and  a  phrase,  “love  grows  here.”  I  have  envi-‐sioned  what  it  would  look  like  in  my  future  of-‐fice;  hanging  it  on  the  wall  in  some  church  that  I  have  yet  to  learn  about,  and  sharing  stories  with  my  future  parishioners  about  my  @me  in  Cedar  Rapids.  Stories  about  this  congrega@on  and  the  people  at  St.  Luke’s.  Stories  about  how  love  grows  here.  Thank  you  for  showing  me  and  my  family  that  love.

    Vicar Luci Sesvold

    It  is  that  @me  of  the  year  when  pastoral  interns  –  vicars  –  who  are  currently  serving  are  beginning  to  think  about  final  evalua@ons  as  they  enter  the  

    last  quarter  of  their  internship.  This  is  also  the  @me  of  the  year  when  current  seminarians  (“middlers”)  receive  their  internship  assign-‐ments.  

    Two  weeks  ago  I  was  delighted  to  spend  two  days  at  Wartburg  Theological  Seminary  geQng  to  know  Kris@  Grieder  who  will  be  our  pastoral  intern  beginning  August  7,  2016.  

    Kris@  is  originally  from  North  Mankato,  Minne-‐sota.  She  is  a  2012  graduate  of  Luther  College  in  Decorah,  Iowa,  where  she  studied  religion,  soci-‐ology,  and  wri@ng.  During  her  college  years  she  was  engaged  in  small  group  ministry,  camping  ministry,  service  work  in  Nicaragua,  teaching  

    English  to  refugees  while  studying  abroad  in  Malta,  and  doing  environmental  stewardship  educa@on  in  local  parishes.  

    Kris@  and  her  husband,  Jonathan,  met  at  Luther  College.  They  married  in  2013,  and  have  lived  in  Omaha,  Nebraska,  and  Princeton,  New  Jersey.  Jonathan  is  a  social  studies  teacher  at  Waterloo  West  High  School,  and  is  working  on  his  Master’s  degree  in  poli@cal  science  online  from  the  Uni-‐versity  of  Nebraska-‐Omaha.  Kris@  and  Jonathan  will  be  living  in  our  “vicarage”  –  the  formerly  Red  House.  Jonathan  will  be  commu@ng  daily  to  Wa-‐terloo  but  an@cipates  being  around  the  church  a  good  deal.

    Kris@  will  con@nue  in  our  partnership  with  the  Spiritual  Care  Department  of  St.  Luke’s  Hospital,  serving  half-‐@me  there  and  half-‐@me  here  at  St.  Stephen’s.  Kris@  has  a  special  interest  in  teaching  adult  learners.  During  her  internship  she  will  be  par@cipa@ng  in  the  Hein-‐Fry  Endow-‐ment’s  “Book  of  Faith  Challenge”  exploring  crea-‐@ve  ways  to  teach  Scripture!

    Pastoral Internship 2016-2017

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     WORSHIP  Join  us  on  Pentecost  Sunday,  May  15  as  our  8th  grade  ConfirmaEon  students  give  their  witness  during  the  learning  hour  (9:15-‐10:15am)  and  make  their  Affirma@on  of  Faith  at  10:30am.  

    Sunday,  May  22  is  Graduate  RecogniEon  Sunday.  We  invite  all  who  are  gradua@ng  from  high  school  and  college  this  spring  to  submit  a  photo  along  with  informa@on  about  their  school,  diploma/degree,  and  future  plans.  These  will  be  displayed  in  the  narthex.  All  graduates  are  in-‐vited  to  alend  our  recep@on  at  9:15am  and  the  rite  of  recogni@on  at  10:30am.  

    A  new  summer  worship  schedule  for  Sunday  mornings  begins  on  May  29.  We  will  con@nue  to  offer  two  services,  8:00  and  10:00am.  Please  note  that  it  is  the  second  service  that  will  be  of-‐fered  half  an  hour  earlier.  The  hour  in  between  services  will  provide  opportuni@es  for  extended  fellowship  and  guided  conversa@on.  

    Wednesday  worship  during  the  summer  will  be  at  6:30pm  according  to  the  following  schedule:

    1st  Wednesday  .  .  .     Taize-‐style  Worship2nd  Wednesday  .  .  .   Interac@ve3rd  Wednesday  .  .  .   Healing  Service4th  Wednesday  .  .  .   Interac@ve

     PRAY  The  Prayer  Team  meets  every  Monday  at  12:30pm  to  pray  for  concerns  iden@fied  by  members,  and  for  the  life  of  this  congrega@on.

     GIVE  Spring  Stewardship  Drive  –  Give  DifferentlyDo  you  love  stewardship  drives?  Can’t  wait  an-‐other  six  months  for  the  next  stewardship  drive?  Good  news:  This  May  we’ll  be  having  a  Spring  Stewardship  Drive!  The  focus  of  this  mid-‐year  drive  will  be  different  than  those  in  years  past.  The  Stewardship  Commilee  will  be  asking  you  to  “Give  Differently”  with  a  focus  on  in-‐creased  enrollment  in  EFT  and  automa@c  online  giving.  Addi@onally,  we  will  be  polling  the  con-‐grega@on  about  interest  in  a  “Financial  Security  and  Goal  SeQng”  workshop  to  help  folks  with  their  personal  finances.  If  you  have  any  ques-‐@ons  in  advance  of  the  drive,  please  contact  Lee  Paulsen  [email protected]  or  Jackie  Lee  [email protected].

    Thank  you  to  everyone  who  parEcipated  in  our  Lenten  Fast  for  Waypoint.  We  raised  $938.60  toward  the  purchase  of  items  for  personal  hy-‐giene  kits,  as  well  as  many  giTs  in  kind.  Join  us  on  Sunday,  May  1  at  9:15am  in  the  Fellowship  Hall  as  we  assemble  the  kits.  No  one  is  too  young  or  old  to  par@cipate  in  this  event!

    Sanctuary  Lamp  Oil  Sponsor  Opportunity!  If  you  wish  to  sponsor  a  week  of  oil  for  our  Eternal  Lamp,  please  put  $10  in  the  offering.  Be  sure  to  designate  in  the  memo  line  or  on  your  envelope  that  this  is  your  intent.    

    Altar  Flowers  Sign  Up  Opportunity!  Select  a  date  and  indicate  if  it  is  a  special  commemora-‐@on.  Place  your  giT  of  $25  (marked  “FLOWERS)  in  the  offering  plate  or  pay  through  our  website’s  online  giving  link.  

    Practice Discipleship in Daily LifeJoin us as we explore the seven faith practices that are the foundation for

    following Jesus in daily life: Worship, Prayer, Encourage, Study, Give, Invite, Serve.

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    Our  QuilEng  Ministry  delivered  nine  quits  to  Lutheran  Services  in  Iowa  (LSI).  There  are  eight  more  in  the  works.  This  ministry  wel-‐comes  giTs  of  yarn,  thread  and  fabric.  The  group  meets  at  Bar-‐

    bara  Kusler's  home  (no  specific  day  or  @me),  3849  Souler  Ave.  St.  SE.  Give  her  a  call  at  319-‐826-‐3794  (home)  or  214-‐202-‐8646  (cell).  

    OperaEon  Backpack,  Wednes-‐day  May  4  &  18,  7:15pm,  Room  10  downstairs!Volunteers  assemble  food  pack-‐ages  for  students  at  Grant  Wood  

    Elementary  School  to  take  home  for  the  week-‐end.  The  packages  are    delivered  the  following  day.  If  you’d  like  to  assist,  please  contact  Melanie  Ostmo  ([email protected]  431-‐9731)  or  Jeanne  Towell  ([email protected]  368-‐6687).  Monetary  dona@ons  can  be  made  out  to  St.  Stephen’s  (memo  line:  BACKPACK)  and  put  in  the  collec@on  plate  or  you  can  pay  through  our  website’s  online  giving  op@on.  

    Lawn  Moving  OpportuniEes!  Each  year  volunteers  like  you  help  the  church  

    save  thousands  of  dollars  by  tak-‐ing  a  week  or  two  to  mow  and  trim  our  grounds.  We  thank  you!

    Dave  Coates  will  have  a  sign-‐up  sheet  with  this  year’s  dates.  Please  take  a  look  at  your  calendar  and  sign  up  quickly  to  secure  your  preferred  week.  If  you  have  any  ques@ons,  please  contact  Dave  at:  363-‐4164  (home),  360-‐5436  (cell),  [email protected].

    Rummage  Sale,  Saturday  May  21,  10:00am  –  An  Opportunity  to  Give,  Serve,  Invite  and  WelcomeWe  are  looking  for  dona@ons  of  items  to  sell,  and  willing  hands  to  set  up  and  staff  this  event  (and  clean  up  aTer-‐

    wards  too).  Invite  your  neighbors  and  friends  to  donate  items  and  @me,  and  especially  to  come  and  shop!

    Proceeds  from  the  sale  will  be  used  to  con@nue  making  upgrades  at  the  Vicarage,  formerly  known  as  "The  Red  House."  We  hope  to  get  a  newer  refrigerator  and  stove,  kitchen  counter  top,  and  maybe  cupboards.  Sign  up  today  or  con-‐tact  Molly  Chambers  at  [email protected]  or  call  319-‐775-‐2959.  

    Summer  Grill  Outs  begin  Wednesday,  May  25  at  5:45pm,  and  will  be  repeated  on  the  second  and  fourth  Wednesday  of  each  month  during  the  summer.  Invite  your  friends  and  neighbors  for  food,  

    fellowship,  worship  around  the  table,  and  end  the  evening  with  s'mores  around  the  campfire.  


    You’re invited to an Open House

    in celebration of Jane Severide’s

    95th Birthday!

    Sunday, May 29, 1-4 pm

    at the Cedar Village Senior Residences Community Room

    193 Jacolyn Drive NW

    Nancy Harrington [email protected]

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    Our  St.  Stephen’s  Germany  tour  is  ready  for  registra@ons!  Pastor  Ritva  and  I  will  be  lead-‐ing  a  group  to  explore  Luther’s  Germany  (and  much  more).  

    The  idea  for  this  tour  began  a  few  years  ago;  I  was  honored  to  be  a  part  of  a  delega@on  invited  to  Germany  for  a  Ref-‐orma@on  tour  in  an@cipa@on  of  the  500  year  anniversary  of  Reforma@on.

    It  is  an  understatement  to  say  the  experience  ‘leT  an  impact’  on  me  as  a  traveler,  as  a  Lutheran,  as  a  history  buff,  and  even  as  a  food  lover.  Words  are  insufficient  when  trying  to  de-‐scribe  how  your  mind  struggles  to  comprehend  the  impact  of  a  single  life  while  standing  in  the  room  where  Luther  translated  the  New  Testa-‐ment.  Hearing  the  songs  wrilen  by  Bach  to  spread  Luther’s  message  among  the  people  on  period  pieces  just  made  them  more  beau@ful.  Visi@ng  a  concentra@on  camp  just  made  the  knowledge  I  had  about  WWII  more  horrifying.  I  didn’t  really  understand  what  the  Soviet  occu-‐pa@on  did  to  common  people  of  East  Germany  un@l  I  heard  our  guide  describe  her  stolen  child-‐hood.  And  frankly,  German  brats,  beer,  wine  and  chocolate  just  taste  beler  in  Germany.

    Travel  makes  ideas  real.  Being  able  to  see,  touch,  taste,  smell  and  feel  the  places  we  have  heard  about  our  whole  lives  feels  fulfilling.  Like  so  many  things,  it  is  just  easier  to  understand  

    something  more  fully  once  you  have  experi-‐enced  it.  

    ~  As  Lutherans,  being  able  to  walk  where  Luther  did  is  inspiring.  

    ~  As  members  of  St.  Stephen’s  traveling  to  Ger-‐many  is  yet  another  way  we  can  grow  in  faith  together  and  really  know,  live  and  share  Christ.  

    Join  us.  

    Questions?  Contact  me  at  [email protected]  

    Want  to  register?  Do  it  now  because  space  is  limited!  Ask  Sarah  or  Pastor  Ritva  for  a  physical  copy  of  the  brochure  to  register  by  mail,  or  regis-‐ter  online  at  www.gtd.org  and  search  for  G#  “170509”  on  their  homepage,  or  follow  the  link  on  our  homepage!

    – Sarah Nolte

    Join Us for our 2017 Luther’s Germany Tour

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    Life-Long Learning in MayMay  1     Personal  Hygiene  Kit  Packing  Event  –  all  are  invited  to  parEcipate!May  8   Meet  and  Greet  our  New  Youth  and  Young  Adult  MinisterMay  15   ConfirmaEon  Students’  WitnessMay  22   GraduaEon  RecogniEon  RecepEonMay  29   Worship  at  8  and  10am;  Fellowship  from  9-‐10am

    Mark  is  a  na@ve  Iowan  who  grew  up  in  a  small  community  located  in  northwest  Iowa.  ATer  gradua@ng  high  school,  he  at-‐tended  Briar  Cliff  College  for  one  year  before  transferring  to  Buena  Vista  University  where  he  received  his  BA  in  Social  Science.  

    Following  his  college  educa@on,  he  began  work-‐ing  in  management  for  Target  Stores.

    While  working  for  Target,  he  became  involved  in  youth  ministry.  Mark  spent  a  week  every  sum-‐mer  for  25  years  working  with  junior  high  and  high  school  students  at  a  church  camp  where  they  rehearsed  a  musical  in  one  week  and  then  performed  it  at  various  churches  throughout  the  weekend.  It  was  also  during  this  @me  that  he  became  one  of  the  junior  high  youth  group  sponsors  in  the  church  he  was  alending.

    ATer  leaving  Target,  he  worked  in  a  few  jobs  un-‐@l  he  became  the  Division  Director  for  the  March  of  Dimes  in  Lincoln,  Nebraska.  At  this  point  in  his  career,  while  spending  his  annual  week  at  church  camp,  he  sensed  a  call  to  ordained  ministry.  He  moved  with  his  family  to  Dubuque,  Iowa,  where  he  alended  the  University  of  Dubuque  Theo-‐logical  Seminary  and  received  his  Masters  of  Di-‐vinity  degree.  While  at  UDTS,  Mark  served  as  a  hall  director  for  the  coed  undergraduate  resi-‐

    dence  hall.  During  the  next  17  years  Mark  served  as  a  pastor  in  Presbyterian  churches.

    Last  fall  Mark  leT  his  pastorate  and  moved  to  Cedar  Rapids.  In  October  2015,  he  and  his  part-‐ner  Paul  Below  started  alending  St.  Stephen’s.  They  became  members  in  February  of  this  year  and  have  been  ac@ve  in  various  events  and  vol-‐unteer  opportuni@es  at  St.  Stephen’s.  Mark,  along  with  Paul,  serves  on  the  strategic  task  force  looking  at  ways  to  invite  others  into  the  story  of  St.  Stephen’s.

    Mark  has  two  adult  sons.  The  youngest  is  in  his  first  year  at  the  UNI  and  the  oldest  is  employed  at  Walt  Disney  World  in  Orlando,  Florida.  Throughout  his  sons’  high  school  years,  Mark  was  involved  at  the  high  school  as  an  officer  of  the  Band  Boosters  and  announcer  for  all  high  school  soccer  games.  He  chaperoned  many  high  school  trips.  He  was  also  on  the  crisis  response  team  for  the  en@re  school  system  for  the  last  14  years.

    Mark  looks  forward  to  the  opportunity  to  assist  the  youth  of  St.  Stephen’s  in  connec@ng  with  their  Lord  and  discovering  their  faith.  He  also  is  eager  to  connect  with  the  youth  of  our  neigh-‐borhood  and  throughout  Cedar  Rapids,  espe-‐cially  those  who  seem  excluded  from  any  faith  community.

    Meet Our New Youth & Young Adult MinisterMark Howland

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    Through the Week at St. Stephen’sWhat’s usually happening on a given day

    Sundays   8:00am   1st  Worship  Service     9:05am   Fellowship   9:15am   Sunday  School   9:15am   Cantor  &  Worship  Rehearsal  (5/1,15,22)     9:15am   Children’s  Music  Hour  (5/8)  9:15/10:30   Pentecost:  Confirma@on  (5/15)  8/10:30am   Graduate  Recogni@on  Sunday  (5/22)   10:00am   SUMMER  WORSHIP  HOURS  BEGIN  5/29       10:30am   2nd  Worship  Service  (5/1,  8,  15,  22)   11:45am   Choir  RehearsalMondays   9  to  1:00   Church  office  open  (closed  5/30  for     Memorial  Day)   8:00am   Men’s  Group  at  Mr.  Beans  in  Marion   12:00pm   eNews  deadline   12:30pm   Prayer  Team   6:30pm   Stephen  Ministry  (5/2,  16)   6:30pm   Men’s  Pul  Pul  Golf  at  Airport       Na@onal  Waterfall  Mini  Course  (5/9)   7:00pm   Boy  Scouts  (5/2,  9,  16)Tuesdays   9  to  1:00   Church  office  open   10:00am   Women’s  Bible  Study  (5/3,  10,  17,  24)   11:30am   Women  50+  Luncheon  (5/10)   5:30pm   Worship  &  Music  Team  Mtg  (5/10)   6:00pm   WomenWineWisdom  at  Pei’s  (5/3)   6:30pm   Ministry  Teams  Mee@ngs  (5/10)   7:00pm   Strategic  Working  Groups  (5/10)Wednesdays   9  to  1:00   Church  office  open   5:30pm   Renovare  Group  (5/4,  11,  18,  25)   6:30pm   Worship  (Taize  Worship  5/4)   7:15pm   Confirma@on  Class  (8th  grade  only)   7:15pm   Opera@on  BackPack  (5/4,  18)Thursdays   9  to  1:00   Church  office  openFridays     Pastor’s  Sabbath   8:00am   Synod  Assembly  in  Coralville  (5/6)

    Saturdays   8:00am   Synod  Assembly  in  Coralville  (5/7)   10:00am   St.  Stephen’s  Rummage  Sale  (5/21)

    We welcome:Dawson  Thomas  Haas!  David  and  Sarah’s  son,  and  Cadence’s  l’il  brother  was  born  on  Monday,  April  18,  weighing  8  lb.  9  oz.

    We pray for the families and friends of:Glenn  Steimer  (brother  of  Carole  Butz)  who  died  Saturday,  April  16.Gary  Coates  (brother  of  Dave  Coates)  who  died  Sunday,  April  10.Patricia  Chambers-‐Rice  (Jonathan  Chambers’  mother),  died  Monday,  March  28.  Dr.  Robert  Bremmer  (Sean  Howard’s  grand-‐father),  died  Friday,  March  25.Donald  Covell  (Lucy  Ortega’s  brother)  who  passed  Saturday,  March  19.

    On the Prayer List

    Please  contact  the  office  or  use  a  Prayer  Request  card  (in  your  pew  rack)  to  place  your  loved  one’s  name  on  this  list  for  two  weeks  and/or  request  prayer  of  the  Monday  Prayer  Team.  If    your  loved  one  desires  a  pastoral  visit,  please  contact  Pastor  Ritva.

    Serving  in  the  military  and/or  overseasKate  Munro  (Malawi)

    Nick  Wheeler,  Fort  Gordon,  GA  (grandson  of  Gail  &  Dan  Husmann)

    MembersSteve  ThomasMick  ButzLee  TramutoloPete  HansenKen  KaiserJoan  PetersenElaine  PetersToni  LeeJudy  NyeSuzanne  SchmidtAnn  KlemanArlene  OrtgiesKayla  MarnerReta  WestercampMelanie  Munro

    Sally  BeltzVicky  JohnsonJackson  SmithHarriet  Hemphill

    RelaLvesTerry  SwalveTrent  RosbergShirley  CoatesRev.  Richard  HermstadLaRue  Hagen

    FriendsMark  IveyAnn  Nordby

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    For  informa@on  on  Lutheran  Services  in  Iowa,  visit  www.LSIowa.org.  Join  us  on  Facebook  at  www.facebook.com/LSI.iowa.

    May’s  gradua@on  season  is  oTen  a  celebra@on  of  what  it  takes  to  accomplish  something.  We  cele-‐brate  dreams,  determina@on,  hard  work  and  support,  and  we  celebrate  the  pride  and  joy  of  parents,  grandparents,  friends  and  other  family  members  who  help  along  the  way.

    We  celebrate  “gradua@ons”  at  Lutheran  Services  in  Iowa  (LSI)  all  year  round.  We  celebrate  when  a  mom  or  dad  has  completed  a  paren@ng  pro-‐gram.  We  celebrate  when  a  child  has  completed  all  his  goals  in  a  skill-‐building  program.  We  cele-‐brate  when  an  elder  refugee  alends  a  ci@zen-‐ship  ceremony  to  take  the  oath  of  U.S.  ci@zen-‐ship  or  when  a  refugee  woman  completes  child  care  training.  We  celebrate  when  teenagers  graduate  from  LSI’s  Bremwood  Residen@al  Treatment  Center  and  begin  young  adulthood,  oTen  with  help  from  churches  who  have  do-‐nated  furniture  or  other  supplies  to  help  them  set  up  their  first  apartment.

    Gradua@on  is  a  celebra@on  of  community.  We  don’t  get  where  we  are  in  life  on  our  own.  We  get  there  with  support.  With  encouragement.  With  a  mentor.  With  family.

    You’re  the  family  standing  alongside  so  many  people  served  through  LSI  as  they  achieve  life-‐changing  milestones.  Thank  you.

    LSI  is  proud  to  be  an  affiliated  social  ministry  or-‐ganizaLon  of  the  Evangelical  Lutheran  Church  in  America  (ELCA).  Learn  more  at  www.LSIowa.org  and  www.facebook.com/LSI.iowa.  

    Daring  to  DreamEvery  day  Taw  Kaw  Htoo  pursues  her  dreams  as  a  farmer,  a  child  care  provider  and  an  English  student.  ATer  fleeing  violence  and  persecu@on  in  her  na@ve  Burma,  Taw  Kaw  Htoo  lived  in  refu-‐gee  camps  in  Thailand  before  being  reselled  to  the  U.S.  She  may  have  lost  her  home,  but  not  her  hope.  With  LSI’s  support,  this  strong,  courageous  woman  is  daring  to  dream.

    Her  day  begins  at  dawn  at  LSI’s  Global  Greens  Farm  where  she  farms  a  small  plot,  growing  pro-‐duce  to  sell  to  her  community.  “I  like  farming  because  I  grew  vegetables  back  in  my  home  country,”  she  said.

    ATer  tending  her  crops,  she  moves  on  to  her  second  business  of  the  day:  caring  for  children.  LSI’s  child  care  business  development  program  helps  former  refugees  become  state-‐licensed  child  care  providers.  Along  with  providing  a  small  income,  the  program  increases  the  availability  of  culturally  appropriate  child  care  for  the  refugee  community,  enabling  more  to  enter  the  workforce.

    “I  didn’t  have  any  professional  training  on  how  to  install  a  car  seat  or  do  CPR,”  said  Taw  Kaw  Htoo.  “LSI  has  helped  with  that.  It’s  great  that  I  am  able  to  care  for  the  children  in  my  community.”

    Caring  for  children  helps  her  pursue  her  third  dream:  learning  English.  “My  language  is  really  important  to  me,”  she  said.  “I  try  to  teach  chil-‐dren  my  language  every  day,  and  they  help  me  learn  English.  I  really  want  to  speak  English.  That’s  my  biggest  dream.”

    In Celebration of Graduation


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    Easter Sunday, March 27

  • Page  11

    Our  Life-‐Long  Learning  guest  speaker  was    Imam  Hassan  Selim  of  the  Cedar  Rapids  Islamic  Center,  who  shared  with  us  teachings  of  Islam  and  experiences  of  Muslim  life  in  America.

    Sunday, April 3 & 10

    Saturday, April 23 – Spring Cleaning the Grounds

  • St.  Stephen’s  Lutheran  Church,  ELCA610  31st  St.  S.E.Cedar  Rapids,  IA    52403-‐3021


    Non-‐Profit  Org.US  POSTAGE

    PAIDCedar  Rapids,  IowaPermit  No.  140

    Staff  DirectoryPastor   Rev.  Dr.  Ritva  Williams   [email protected]  &  Young  Adult  Minister   Mark  Howland   [email protected]  Intern   Luci  Sesvold   [email protected]  Manager   Susan  Hallock   [email protected]  Director   David  Haas   [email protected]  Accompanist   Leslie  Hyland   [email protected]  Keeper   Debbie  Polk   (319)  329-‐7655Council  President   Jeanne  Towell   [email protected]  Editor   Marilyn  Loan   [email protected]

    Sunday  Morning  Schedule8:00am   Worship9:05am   Coffee  &  Fellowship9:15am   Sunday  School10:30am   WorshipSummer  Worship  Hours  Begin  May  29:  Second  Service  at  10am

    Please  join  us  Wednesdays:  6:30pm     Worship7:15pm   Confirma@on  Class

    St.  Stephen’s  Lutheran  Church  (ELCA)  is  a  Reconciling  in  Christ  congrega@on  that  welcomes  diver-‐sity,  which  enriches,  nurtures,  and  challenges  our  life  and  ministry.  

    Come  and  join  us  as  we  know,  live,  and  share  Christ  together  in  love.  

    St. Stephen’sLutheran Church, ELCATo Know, Live, and Share Christ.

    ssluth.com • 319-364-2637

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